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contusmpublications · 9 months ago
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Patient with Pyoderma Gangrenosum: A CaseBased Literature Review
Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG) is a rare skin disorder that includes blisters, bullae, and ulcers, which can rapidly grow. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in association with PG is rarely reported, and the occurrence of PG earlier is relatively uncommon. A 33-year-old female patient known to have pyoderma gangrenosum presented with a 3-year history of polyarthralgia and morning stiffness involving both the hand and knee. She also complained of mouth ulcers, photophobia, fatigue, and sweating. Laboratory results disclosed anemia, leukopenia, and neutropenia. The autoimmune screen showed a positive ANA. Based on the clinical findings and positive immunologic studies, she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Initially, her general condition improved with an immunosuppressant, but the patient stopped her medication after three months of treatment. Although SLE is uncommon to develop after PG,
our case report shows that clinicians should consider it in any patient with a known history of PG who presents with obvious symptoms of an autoimmune disease.
Keywords: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE);
Pyoderma Gangrenosum (PG); Case Report
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superdave40 · 7 years ago
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As the 10 year Wedding Anniversary to my wife approaches next month, I thought I would share how my health needs are in a constant state of "reality checks" and how these have played into our marriage over the last decade decade. The link is below as well as in my Bio. https://livingyourlifethroughtime.wordpress.com/2018/04/13/reality-check/ . * * * * * #ileostomy #ostomy #ostomyawareness #ms #multiplesclerosis #pyodermagangrenosum #partnership #marriage #life #perspective #adaptability #realitycheck #truelove (at Rocky Ridge, Calgary)
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stellecraft · 7 years ago
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A week and a half into my new medication regeime and my tailbone ulcer is almost healed, my skin is clearing up for the first time in months, and my roescea is down to managable levels so I no longer look like a lobster 90% of the time. #autoimmunelife #pyodermagangrenosum
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goutfreelife · 7 years ago
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This is me everyday #goutpain #pyodermagangrenosum #congestiveheartfailuresucks … http://ift.tt/2mIfjlp
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superdave40 · 7 years ago
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This week I wrote of my experiences being a father with chronic illnesses. Having two small children has changed the way in which I manage my disease as well as my outlook for the future. You can find the link in my Bio as well as below. https://livingyourlifethroughtime.wordpress.com/2017/11/09/my-fatherhood-experience-so-far/ . * * * * * #perspective #fatherhood #parenting #trials #life #multiplesclerosis #ms #ulceritivecolitis #uc #ileostomy #ileostomybag #ostomate #ostomy #pyoderma #pyodermagangrenosum #seizures #perserverance #neverquit #adaptability (at Northwest Calgary, Calgary, Alberta)
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superdave40 · 8 years ago
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Powerful lyrics 2 my most supportive song * * * * * * * * #hardroad Sam Roberts Band #samroberts #powerfulwords #authentic #lifestrials #ulceritivecolitis #ileostomy #ms #pg #pyodermagangrenosum
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superdave40 · 8 years ago
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In this weeks article I write about the method of Self Grieving and the impact it has had on my life. The link is in my Bio! * * * * * * * #selfgrieving #selflove #acceptance #perspective #life #live #liveyourlife #ulceritivecolitis #ileostomy #ms #multiplesclerosis #pyodermagangrenosum #perserverance #passion #mindset #positivity #negativeselftalk #process #deepthoughts #worthit #selfinvestment #nevergiveup #nottolate #continuousgrowth #moveon #movefoward #youreworthit
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superdave40 · 8 years ago
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The endorsements / votes are still open!! If you would like to endorse me for the WEGO Health Award “Rookie of the Year” recognizing my Blog efforts, simply follow the link below!! I appreciate all the kind private messages sent by many people. It is truly empowering to know by sharing what I have experienced, with my wife @geena_h beside me, really have helped many understand they are not alone in their personal circumstances. https://awards.wegohealth.com/nominees/13255 . • • • • • • #wegohealth #wegohealthawards #wegohealthawards2017 #rookieoftheyear #blogger #nominee #honoured #speachless #ms #multiplesclerosis #daveagainstms #ulcerativecolitis #Ulceritive Colitis #ileostomy #ostomy #ostomate #seizures #granmalseizure #pml #pyodermagangrenosum #pyoderma #pyodermagangrenosumawareness #pg #lifelessons #lifegoeson #journey #journeyoflife #selfduty #trialsoflife #notalone
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superdave40 · 8 years ago
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This week I explain the reason for my lack of writing these past few weeks. Sometimes you have to concede to certain circumstances in the short term to benefit your long term. The link to my article for this week is in my bio as well as below; It’s okay to be in moments of vulnerability, it’s simply part of our shared life experience. https://livingyourlifethroughtime.wordpress.com/2017/06/22/305/ * * * * * * * #life #lifeexperience #mindsetiseverything #positivity #positivevibes #personaldevelopment #ileostomy #ostomy #ostomate #ms #mslife #multiplesclerosis #pyodermagangrenosumawareness #pyodermagangrenosum #adaptability #change #changes #vulnerability #negativeselftalk #selftalk #perseverance #personalhappiness #personalhappiness #ttsp #notalone #believeinyourself #yougotthis #reasonforbeing #reasonforeverything #mindset #mindfulness #takecareofyourself #family #familyovereverything #modernworld #sharedexperiences #personalstory #reality #future #growth #determination #neverquit #nevergiveup
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superdave40 · 7 years ago
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Here is my latest article, this week I chose to speak of the somewhat minor changes I have made in my life due to the various circumstances I have faced, from my Ileostomy, Multiple Sclerosis and Pyoderma Gangrenosum. The link is below as well as in my Bio. https://livingyourlifethroughtime.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/change-2/ . * * * * * * #ileostomy #ulcerativecolitis #ostomy #ostomybag #ostomylife #ms #multiplesclerosis #seizures #pml #pyoderma #pyodermagangrenosum #pg #change #changing #adapt #adaptability #lifechanging #overcome #lifegoeson #disability #ignorance #honesty #truth #dailydaveism #blogger #blogpost #yyc #yycblog #yychealth #yycdads (at Northwest Calgary, Calgary, Alberta)
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