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reallifeperfect · 3 years ago
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Why do you always take the #hardroad ? What makes you think I see more than 1 road? Healing gives you the ability to see another road, but it’s still your choice if you take it. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf35QcLu0g3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chyjphotos · 4 years ago
My Journey through School
Most people go to college right after high school, those who don't go into the workforce or the armed forces. Everyone does something different, growing up my parents always told me to do what I wanted. 
For the longest time I had a plan, I was going to go to the tech school for two years and get my general education done then transfer to the university for the last two years. For the first three months or so I wanted to be an architect, then remembered I'm bad at math. So I really didn't know what to do, but around October I took a few photos on my smart phone of my friend at her cross country meet. She loved them and still uses them as her profile picture to this day! That's when I came to realize I love taking photos, it didn't matter what or who it was, I loved it! 
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I began my research to see if there was a way to learn more about photography at the university I wanted to go to. I made a few phone calls and they told me they had a photojournalism class and nothing more. I went to show what portfolio I had and they looked at it and told me that I would never become any photographer and should look for another major. 
I went home that day heartbroken and feeling like I would never be a photographer. Something in me told me to search art schools that taught photography. I looked at a few schools but most of them were in California or Chicago. I looked a little closer to home and found AI (The Art Institute of Nashville). It was only about an hour drive away and I could easily make that! Then came the hard part, telling my parents I wanted to go to school in Nashville. 
Though worried, they supported me and agreed to help me in any way they could. So in July of 2017, I was enrolled into AI! 
A year later, going into my summer semester I received an email saying that AI was not accepting new students. I didn't pay much attention to it and was looking forward to the new semester. I remember walking into AI and seeing everyone in a panic, the directors I had pulled all of the photo/video students into the studio and told us that the school had declared bankruptcy and that we had three days to figure out what we wanted to do. They told us that if we couldn't graduate by December 2018 that we needed to leave. 
With the help of some of the teachers I had, I found Nōssi! Nōssi helped me get back on track for my Bachelors and this is where I spent the next four years. 
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I was in college for a total of six years, not because I failed or missed something, but I had a hard run. I came over all the hard times and overcame so much. I graduate this Saturday and I couldn't be happier! I did it, and so can you! Don't let anyone or anything hold you back! 
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Thanks for reading! :) 
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theboxghost · 5 years ago
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Beers at hard road. . . . . . . . . . . #beer #sourbeer #brewery #hardroad (at Hard Road Brewing) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-7HDkFUQ8/?igshid=gookbccwuaqi
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applekelly · 6 years ago
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And the sun dies until it’s reborn But there’s no road that ain’t a hard road to travel on. ✌🏼 • • • • #gotchaday #nineyearsgotcha #hardroad #samrobertsband #ontario #tilsonburg (at Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B08mNiBhFc-/?igshid=1le6k3h93kyrl
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motorcultofficial-blog · 6 years ago
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#OldSchool #Shovelhead #HardRoad #MotorCult #Getonandride www.motorcult.com https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLr31DAG3A/?igshid=4synw4vxgbzv
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elsiefire · 6 years ago
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#Yup #ImThatStupid #HardRoad #TheRoadLessTravelled https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxfi7JEANHi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15t0ouuakm07r
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theart2rock · 6 years ago
Rocknacht Tennwil mit den ersten Bands
Die Rocknacht in Tennwil, genau genommen sind es ja zwei Nächte, haben ihre ersten Bands bekanntgegeben. Darunter eine echte Meisterleistung der sozialen Medien und ein Leckerbissen wo man sich die Finger wundlecken darf. Aber einmal der Reihe nach.
Als erstes wurde die Schweizer Southern Blues Hard Rock Band Hardroad aus dem Kanton Bern verpflichtet. Ihr Südstaatenrock fand schon am Riverside Anklang und so wird auch an der Rocknacht in Tennwil nichts schief gehen können.
Einmal quer über den Hallwilersee könnten die aus Gontenschwil stammenden Bloddy Horse Face schwimmen. Sehr viel näher als sie kann man schon fast nicht mehr ans Festival haben. Bloody Horse Face spielen sich mittels Coversongs einmal quer durch die Dekaden der Rockgeschichte. Da sind Pflichtübungen vie AC/DC oder Metallica dabei aber auch eher selten gecovertes Material wie zum Beispiel von Amon Amarth dabei. Alles wird exklusiv mit vier Gastsänger auf er Bühne präsentiert.
Dann wurde, wie schon erwähnt, dank einer Glanzleistung des Internets und dem Ausschöpfen der Möglichkeiten der sozialen Medien, die indische Band Against Evil verpflichtet. Ich hätte mir nie träumen lassen, dass ich jemals eine indische Band auf einem Schweizer Festival ankündigen darf. Vor einem Jahr noch habe ich schmunzelnd Kenntnis von ihrem Video zu ihrem Hammersong Stand Up And Fight genommen. In der Zwischenzeit ist viel gegangen mit den Vierer aus Visakhapatnam. Doc Gator Records haben ebenfalls Kenntnis genommen und das Potential in der Band erkannt und dank Doc Gator Records ist auch das Debüt der Band hier als Vinyl oder CD erhältlich. Ihr Engagement ging noch weiter und man machte es, mit Hilfe der sozialen Medien in einer unglaublichen Aktion möglich, dass die Band nach Europa auf eine rund einmonatige Tour kommen kann. Fast alles wurde übers Internet und dem Beziehungsnetz organisiert, Auftritte und Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten inklusive. Tennwil wird vermutlich der Tourabschluss von Against Evil sein, also definitiv fett im Kalender anstreichen.
Auch schon wegen dem Headliner des Freitagabends. Als 1992 Hardline ihr Debüt Album Double Eclipse auf den Markt brachte stand meine Welt Kopf. Das Album zählte damals zu den Highlights des Jahres. Die Brüder Johnny und Joey Gioeli zusammen mit Ausnahmegitarrist Neil Schon. Neil nahm gleich noch Deen Castronovo mit. Mit dem damals bei Harlow (sträflich unterbewertete Band) spielenden Bassisten Todd Jensen war die Supergroup geboren. Dann kam der Grunge und keiner schien sich mehr für diese Art von Musik zu interessieren. So dauerte es 10 Jahre bis Hardline mit einem neuen Album nachdoppelte. Bis heute sind noch drei weitere Studioalben dazu gekommen und heuer soll mit dem Album Life noch das sechste Album erscheinen. Mittlerweile ist nur noch der Ausnahmesänger Johnny Gioeli von der Gründungszeit mit dabei. Die Songs jedoch besitzen immer noch die Klasse von damals und Johnny ist ein Frontmann wie man seinesgleichen suchen muss. Hardline muss man live gesehen haben, am besten am Wochenende vom 20. und 21. September 2019 an der Rocknacht in Tennwil
Mehr zum Festival auch auf meiner Festivalseite hier.
Rocknacht Tennwil mit den ersten Bands was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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mpmetal · 6 years ago
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Screw today... Starting over ... #hardroad #roadtomaster #dragonsbreathforge #turningtheworldtodust (at Dragon's Breath Forge) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bub1wvYltoP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pp8lbsfvbsqt
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blackpugrecords · 6 years ago
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Now playing a bit of Stevie, still one of my favourite Aussie albums. #steviewright #hardroad #blackpugrecords (at Black Pug Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrCXaryFWRq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1akbwyj8zpze0
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willuribephotographer · 7 years ago
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Después del largo camino de oscuridad, siempre llega la luz a confortar el alma. #hardroad #getinthere #pasaje #stairs #art #photography #light #darkness #lifeisajourney #likeforlikes #like4likes #likeforlikeback #instagood #instamoment #photography #picoftheday (en Lucca Ristorante Cuernavaca) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmml6ThAkaq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nbfqol8sftla
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chiokedmachi · 7 years ago
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#NathanielRateliff's Long, #HardRoad to Becoming a #RockSoul #Star - @RollingStone https://apple.news/AfA3D4bPYMiCf3bkqiwtyTg (at Los Angeles, California)
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basketballyeti-blog · 7 years ago
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@nuggets had a good game tonight winning against the @washwizards in their home court. But the #nuggets schedule is one tough road as they scramble to be in the 8 for playoffs. #nuggetswin #denver #nuggetsgame #denverwin #hardroad
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krimson-majesty · 7 years ago
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Not really one for prescribed cycles, but rather the ones that my mind, body, spirit, and nature create for me, day by day as I breathe in and breathe out...that being said, big things, big shifts, big changes are pregnant in these moments as I head into 2018...so here I am, honoring just that as fireworks burst in the distance...greeting a new day, a new moment, new fears, new aspirations #friendship #future #hardroad #truthandlight #abundance #courage #vitality #patience #allseeing #refinement #illusion #mastery #tarot #newyear #wildunknown @the_wild_unknown
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jmadog · 8 years ago
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Not every road is a #hardroad and not every state is #bigskycountry but this morning I found both in #Kansas @kansasmagazine @kansastourism @outlandmoto @harleydavidson #roadking
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akhilranglani-love-blog · 9 years ago
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#throwback. #monsoonfun .One of the best experiences i had in my lyf. Love to #travel this way.. got a mug of satisfaction to fill up my bucket of #natureslove. . . LessonLearned: u have to travel hard n tough roads to get to ur destination.. keep walKing...coz the feeling of achieving is really beautiful. . . #trekking #naturelover #travellinglove #hardroad #happyme 😊😊😊 (at Rithi, Madhya Pradesh, India)
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rogc26 · 9 years ago
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Lyrics from:Hard Road: Forget all your sorrows, don't live in the past, And look to the future, cause life goes to fast, you know... 👍👏 #blacksabbath, #hardroad, #ilovelyrics, #ozzy
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