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soulthom · 6 months ago
Donnez-leur des cacahuètes ils vous crachent à la gueule
Film « Ça c’est de la musique »
Un tank fonce dans une salle de répétition
Chœur : « Il est guéri »
On se réveille et l’on croit que rien ne tient debout mais si, le monde redevient peu à peu invraisemblablement vraisemblable
Mais par quoi d’autre qu’un jeu d’apparence après tout ?
« Dieu » est pervers
Chœur : « On se fout de nous ! »
Quel « nous » ?
On se demande !
Il faut rester en relation avec ce qui nous entoure, on ne peut juste dire « c’est comme ça » et ne rien faire
Oui, il faut savoir se déchirer, se lacérer, se recouvrir
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darling-shrike · 2 months ago
So help me god if I ever seen anyone so much a breathe something about Gaiman’s supposed autism or good omen’s cancellation again I am turning off your internet. This shit i why the first victims who came out only felt like they could go on a fucking radfem TERF podcast of all places. You disgusting ghouls need to keep your whining to the group chats and shut the fuck up. Fandom is progressive this fandom is activism that and it’s about david tenant getting railed more than it is helping real flesh and blood victims of SA fuck all of you
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adropofhumanity · 1 year ago
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the-bonfires-ember · 2 months ago
fellow narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths,
we're going to hear those words being thrown around a lot over the next few years. more than we already do, which is not an insubstantial amount. i want you to remember that you are not monsters, or fascists, or scum.
as more and more people throw around diagnoses they do not care to understand and words that they do not see as harmful, i want you all to remember that you are not alone and that the entire world is not against you.
there are people out there who care and understand and are not afraid. you are not alone, and you are not unloved.
dont let them make you fearful of yourself, you deserve so much better than that.
stay safe
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lotus-pear · 6 months ago
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charm stat at debonair ‼️‼️
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immunobiz · 1 year ago
Pour comprendre les mondialistes, nous devons comprendre leur religion psychopathe
To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion
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nouverx · 1 year ago
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Obligatory Alastor and Niffty art because their little moment in the finale was everything to me I can't wait to see them interact more in the next seasons
Also bonus sketch bc I just know he kept the crown on the whole evening
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poltoreveur · 1 year ago
“He’s a villain! You only like him because he’s hot.”
Okay and?
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gizmobibi1972 · 22 days ago
Cannibal Comedian
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difunttichronicles · 1 year ago
Les Corps Cachés
You, tome 2, Caroline Kepnes tome 1 PrésentationJoe Goldberg, libraire indépendant et tueur en série malgré lui, est passé maître dans l’art de cacher les corps. Ces dernières années, il en a déjà dissimulé quatre : les dommages collatéraux de sa quête éperdue du grand amour.L’assassinat – involontaire bien sûr – de sa dernière petite amie l’obligeant à fuir New York, Joe s’installe à Los…
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notbrucewayne48 · 1 year ago
"aphobia doesn't exist"
bitch literally not that long ago an aroace youtuber animator was insulted by almost half of its community for being it
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maynardotheratman · 7 months ago
I love how Bedelia is like “If you release Hannibal he is going to kill me and a bunch of other people” and Will is like “Tehee I know” 🤭
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ravenkings · 18 days ago
i know this is hashtag cringelib shit (and i don't fucking care tbh) but believe me when i say that vladimir putin is probably the actual most evil person on the planet currently. you can hem and haw and try to be ~edgy~ and say that whichever us president is just as bad blah blah blah but the fact is that, even notwithstanding the horrors he is currently perpetrating in ukraine and has also perpetrated in places like syria, chechnya, multiple nations in africa, etc. vladimir putin actively orchestrated the complete suppression of his own country through turning it into a true mafia state and also has most likely been involved in (or even orchestrated) multiple examples of state terrorism IN RUSSIA ITSELF in order to start wars or to cause fear to consolidate his own power.
furthermore he's assassinated an ever-increasing list of people who stood against him and frequently IN OTHER COUNTRIES.
like there is ultimately no way to negotiate with that man, and not even just for moral reasons but because the first chance he gets HE WILL FUCK YOU OVER. anyone who is suggesting (ahem donald trump ahem) that he is a reasonable actor who you can ""do business with"" either thinks he's in cahoots with him, is subservient to him, or is just fucking stupid (and i'm sure the current us president falls into all three categories.)
i know this is obvious to many but i do still feel like there are some reasonable though uninformed people who think that if a ceasefire in ukraine is brokered now, even on russia's terms, that it would still be a preferable option for ukraine.
i'm telling you RIGHT FUCKING NOW (with almost 30 years of prior evidence to go on) the second he gets a chance to regroup, putin would break that fucking ceasefire and try to seize the entire country once again just like in 2022 and this time, does literally ANYONE see ukraine getting sufficient help to fend him off then?????
and trust me, being under russian occupation under putin would probably lead to EVEN MORE torture and rape and bloodshed and cruelty (as we have EXTREMELY ample evidence of) than continuing the war and giving ukraine a fighting chance would.
the only way to think of vladimir putin and the only way to treat him is like a mad dog who needs to be put down because, at the end of the day, that is all he is.
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lotus-pear · 1 year ago
characters that lose the most important person to them and are devastated by having to live in a world without them and get stuck in a futile time loop that turns them crueler and crueler and more and more fervently obsessed with the person they initially lost because they just want a world where that person is alive and are initially written off as heartless before the sickening realization that their devotion is so painfully human. you will always be dear to me.
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immunobiz · 1 year ago
🚨AVANT DE VOUS LAISSER AVOIR SUR UNE ÉVENTUELLE PROCHAINE PLANDEMIE🚨 Regardez qui est vraiment Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, l’homme à la tête de l’organisation de santé la plus puissante au monde et qui prend les décisions à nos places.👀 🚨 BEFORE YOU LET YOURSELF KNOW ABOUT A POSSIBLE NEXT PLANDEMIA🚨 Take a look at who Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus really is, the man at the head of the world's most powerful healthcare organization and who makes decisions for us.👀
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