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#word of honor#woh#shan he ling#shl#das känguru#känguru#die känguru chroniken#helian yi#jin wang#prince jin#山河令#proletarier#goldkettchen
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Der Tag in Südtirol 081123 – Arbeiternachrichten
Die französischen Faschisten und Völkermörder behindern die Teilnahme der Russen bei einer Unesco-Konferenz Zakharova erinnerte daran, dass das Abkommen zwischen Frankreich und der UNESCO eine unverzügliche Einreise in die Republik und ohne Erhebung einer Visumgebühr für Vertreter der Mitgliedsstaaten der Organisation vorsieht. AM 17. NOVEMBER WERDEN WIR ZU EINER NEUEN ÖFFENTLICHEN SCHULUNG AUF…
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Ombre nel Paradiso, Aki Kaurismäki (1986)
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" «Tu, vieni con me!», intimò una guardia di sicurezza in borghese a mia madre. «Perché?». «Lo sai benissimo perché!». La trascinò per il braccio facendola sfilare lungo la coda infinita delle casse, i pantaloni di tre taglie più grandi, su cui inciampava a ripetizione per tenere il passo dell'uomo. Ci spintonò dentro a quello che sembrava più uno sgabuzzino che un ufficio. Il capo della sicurezza era già lì a darci il benvenuto, le sue lenti da vista appoggiate pigramente sulla testa grassa e pelata. «Mia mamma non ha fatto nulla. Perché ci avete portato qui?». La guardia che ci aveva trascinato nel cubicolo strappò la borsa dalle mani di mia madre. Lei oppose resistenza, ma lui la lanciò immediatamente al capo. Senza mai toglierci lo sguardo di dosso, il ciccione ne estrasse un tubetto di fondotinta già parzialmente rimosso dalla confezione di plastica. Ce lo sventolò sotto gli occhi con fare derisorio e schioccò la lingua per esprimere disapprovazione. La donna che mi aveva predicato l’onestà fino a vomitare, a quanto pare era una ladra. Peggio, aveva scelto di rubare il fondotinta più economico del negozio, neanche lontanamente vicino al suo colore, perché in Italia cosmetici per neri non esistevano. Ma i veri ladri erano loro.
Il nuovo centro commerciale aveva già risucchiato la vita delle maggiori attività indipendenti della valle. Ci erano riusciti esibendo la crème de la crème della cucina italiana: risotti scotti e patate troppo unte, verdure bagnate di sale e spruzzate di pesticidi insieme a banane più verdi delle lattughe. La rete di consegna del pane caldo fatto a mano collassò quasi subito. Per risparmiare pochi spiccioli, papà fu uno dei primi traditori a surgelare lotti di pane dal centro commerciale, per poi scongelarli giorno per giorno. Prima ci avventuravamo fino a Celadina per comprare la carne direttamente dal macellaio di fiducia, col grembiule sempre macchiato di sangue. Adesso caricavamo nel carrello polpette ibride e bistecche impanate precotte. Fu poi il turno della pizza. Quella calda e filante sfornata dal forno a legna del nostro pizzaiolo fu sostituita da quella congelata e smunta di una nota marca. E quel poco che avevamo risparmiato nell'affare del diabolico centro commerciale, lo perdevamo ogni volta che c’impilavamo mozzarella e prosciutto, nel tentativo di imbellire la pizza precotta e di renderla mangiabile. Il colosso aziendale aveva fatto piazza pulita, distruggendo quei piccoli riti quotidiani che tessevano la rete di un’intera comunità. Famiglie che facevano giornalmente avanti e indietro dalla lattaia, dal panettiere, in merceria, dal sarto, dal ciabattino. Scambiando due chiacchiere con Giulio, mentre suo figlio ci metteva una vita a tagliarti una fetta di salame. O facendo gossip con Marino, il sarto che non osava sollevare un ago prima di metterti un bel bricco di caffè sul fornello. Adesso se n’erano andati tutti, un’intera generazione di disoccupati. Le strade del centro divennero un deserto. Al loro posto, estranei monitoravano il nuovo centro commerciale attraverso telecamere di sicurezza. "
Marilena Umuhoza Delli, Negretta. Baci razzisti, Red Star Press (collana Tutte le strade), 2020. [ Libro elettronico ]
#Negretta. Baci razzisti#letture#immigrati#umiltà#razzismo#Marilena Umuhoza Delli#letteratura italiana contemporanea#discriminazione#Lombardia#narrativa#Bergamo#Italia#maleducazione#disprezzo#bambini#educazione#stranieri#citazioni letterarie#traumi#stigma#proletariato#ricordi d'infanzia#proletari#Rwanda#centro commerciale#intolleranza#anni '80#piccolo commercio#vita di provincia#madre e figlia
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Despite Altamont and the drug busts, Mick Jagger was untouched, unscathed, unrepentant. He remained the epitome of the rock hero who produced this universally embraced music that sprang from the proletariat, as he himself did.
A. E. Hotchner, Blown Away: The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties.
#mick jagger#the rolling stones#classic rock#old rockstar#quotes#book quotes#A. E. Hotchner#Blown Away: The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties#rocknroll#rock n roll#rock#punk rock#hard rock#sixties#60s rock#60s music#60s#1960s#altamont#proletariant#music
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I don't care if he's a joke, Proletari-ant is my favorite Soviet superhero. It is the perfect name. A million superheroes could think of a million names each day for a million days, and never come up with a name as perfect as Proletari-ant.
I also love how he just keeps trying, despite being pretty much entirely ineffectual. I want a spinoff, DC!
But seriously, organize. It's the only way we win.
(Art sampled from "Alan Scott: The Green Lantern" Vol. 1 #6 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Tarragona, Matt Herms, Lucas Gattoni, Marquis Draper, Andrew Marino, and Katie Kubert)
#Captions Added#No Edit#Proletari-ant#The Spectre#USSR#Soviet Union#Leftism#Socialism#Communism#DC Comics#Comics#New Comic Book Day#New Comic Day#StalinsLittlestHero
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Un Classico: anzichè togliere le erbacce, bruciamo pure tutto il raccolto.
Chiaramente usano una motivazione vagamente condivisibile, di gente che si fa dare la NASPI e poi magari lavora in nero, per approvare una norma che non solo non limita il fenomeno di chi usa la NASPI come un extra reddito ma che peggiora le condizioni di tutti quelli che lavorano onestamente in condizioni già di merda.
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Marijo Ribas, Bricks and cucumbers; Lichtenberg Studios exchange 2024
The second part of the exchange with the Lichtenberg Studios, was Marijo Ribas residence in Berlin. This residency has implemented a residency program that relates art to the reality of that neighborhood.
"I am interested in the spaces and how they carry ideology and symbolism. Memorials, public architecture and rural areas are linked to production and migration situations. My research in Lichtenberg began with the sculpture designed by Mies Van der Rohe, built in 1926 and demolished in 1935 by the Nazis. I was interested in the idea of how a memorial that no longer existed, still has a place in the memory. And since that I thought about the function of a memorial, does a memorial repair any damage?
Lichtenbeg has a rural and proletarian past, the most important migrant population during the 60-70, the “gastarbeiters” came from Vietnam. After the fall of the Berlin Wall there was no plan for many of the Vietnamese population living in Lichtenberg, who worked in semi-slavery conditions, subject to time, cohabitation and birth control. With the change in the economic model and the closure of many factories, some Vietnamese returned to their homeland and some decided to stay in Berlin, there is still a significant community, some important meeting points are the Pagoda temple and the Dong Xuan Center.
Food culture is also an identitarian subject, the ritual of harvest, share, sell and eat together. It is not a memorial, it’s ephemeral, but can be toxic or memorable. I used a vegetable, a cucumber, to construct my personal narrative around significant ideas, facts and spaces I found during my residency in Lichtenberg. The result of the research is linked to a series of studio and street photography crossing that ideas."
Marijo Ribas
La segona part de l'intercanvi amb Lichtenberg Studios, va ser la residència que va realitzar l'artista visual Marijo Ribas a Berlín. Aquesta residència implementa un programa de residències que posa en relació l'art amb la realitat d'aquesta barriada, oferint allotjament i mitjans per a explorar la zona.
"M'interessen els espais i com porten ideologia i simbolisme. Els monuments, l'arquitectura pública i les zones rurals que estan vinculades a situacions de producció i migració. La meva recerca a Lichtenberg va començar amb l'escultura dissenyada per Mies Van der Rohe, construïda el 1926 i enderrocada el 1935 pels nazis. Em va interessar la idea de com un memorial que ja no existia, encara té un lloc en la memòria. I ja que vaig pensar en la funció d'un memorial, reparava algun dany?
Lichtenbeg té un passat rural i proletari, la població migratòria més important durant els anys 60-70, els "gastarbeiters" provenien del Vietnam. Després de la caiguda del Mur de Berlín no hi havia cap pla per a molts vietnamites que vivien a Lichtenberg, que treballaven en condicions semiesclavistes, subjectes al temps, la convivència i el control de la natalitat. Amb el canvi en el model econòmic i el tancament de moltes fàbriques, alguns vietnamites van tornar a la seva pàtria i alguns van decidir quedar-se a Berlín, encara hi ha una comunitat significativa, alguns punts de trobada importants són el temple de Pagoda i el centre Dong Xuan.
La cultura alimentària és també un tema identitari, el ritual de la collita, compartir, vendre i menjar junts. No és un memorial, és efímer, però pot ser tòxic o memorable. Vaig utilitzar una verdura, un cogombre, per construir la meva narrativa personal al voltant d'idees, fets i espais significatius que vaig trobar durant la meva residència a Lichtenberg. El resultat de la recerca està vinculat a unes sèries d'estudi i fotografia de carrer, encreuament d'aquestes idees."
Marijo Ribas
Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona (2006), Erasmus at HfG, Frankfurt (2005), Postgraduate in Design, Art and Society, Elisava Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (2008), Master in Artistic Productions and Research, University of Barcelona (2010) and first doctoral courses in Art History, University of Barcelona (2013).
Since 2003 I have participated in collective exhibitions and projects in public and private spaces such as Frac Corse, Ruse Gallery, Spazju Kreattiv Malta, MUU Kaapeli Helsinki, Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid, Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, LABoral Centro de Arte, Es Baluard Museu, etc. I have done numerous residencies in production and research centers such as: Las Cigarreras Alicante, MediaLAB Prado Madrid, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop or Belgrade A.I.R, among others.
Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Barcelona (2006), erasmus en HfG, Frankfurt (2005), Postgrado en Diseño, Arte y Sociedad, Elisava Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (2008), Máster en Producciones Artísticas e Investigación, Universidad de Barcelona (2010) y primeros cursos de doctorado en Historia del Arte, Universidad de Barcelona (2013).
Desde 2003 he participado en exposiciones y proyectos colectivos en espacios públicos y privados como Frac Corse, Ruse Gallery, Spazju Kreattiv Malta, MUU Kaapeli Helsinki, Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid, Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, LABoral Centro de Arte, Es Baluard Museu, etc. He realizado numerosas residencias en centros de producción e investigación como: Las Cigarreras Alicante, MediaLAB Prado Madrid, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop o Belgrade A.I.R, entre otras.
#art#contemporaryart#espaisantmarc#santmarcair#sant marc air#espai sant marc#berlin#lichtenberg#lichtenbergstudios#artist in residence#residence#air#marijoribas#exchange
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Finalmente!! Dopo qualche anno di abbandono, il Comune di Roma ha riaperto la spiaggia libera di CastelPorziano, la spiaggia dei romani, 6km di sabbia e dune selvagge. Quanti ricordi adolescenziali!! Odori, colori.. baci rubati e amori sperati. A ripensarci, fa tenerezza ricordare quelle masse proletarie caciarone, sguaiate ma anche piene di cuore, sempre pronte a condividere sia l'ombra che il sale e quegli ombrelloni messi alla rinfusa, quasi tutti con la loro radio o il loro mangiadischi. Bello quel cielo pieno di aquiloni e quelle spiagge piene di note.. @ilpianistasultetto
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There's a new translation of Capital (just the first volume so far) that I'd really like to read, because maybe 2025 will be my year of finally reading all of Capital, BUT I was at a book talk about it with one of the editors recently, and at one point he said, with an air of great satisfaction, "I suppose we're all the global proletariat now," and man, I simply can't overstate how much a tenured Yale professor with an endowed chair position could not be less a member of the global proletariate if he fucking tried
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Una storia che non conoscevo. Di fronte alle più alte cariche dello Stato cubano, oggi sono state tumulate presso l’altare dei rivoluzionari di L’Avana, le ceneri di Gino Donè, "El Italiano", come lo chiamavano i suoi compagni. Donè era nato in provincia di Treviso e aveva combattuto come partigiano nella Brigata Piave, ricevendo anche un encomio dal Gen. Alexander per aver salvato un gruppo di ufficiali inglesi nella laguna veneziana. Dopo la guerra cercò fortuna in Francia, Belgio, Germania, fino all'arrivo a Cuba. "Facevo il carpentiere - raccontò nel 2006 - ma avevo il sangue che mi bolliva, dentro ero ancora un maledetto partigiano.” In quel periodo, Fidel Castro era esiliato in Messico e stava arruolando giovani per liberare Cuba dalla dittatura di Batista. Venne a sapere di un italiano che aveva combattuto i fascisti e lo volle con sé come tenente del 3° plotone. Fu Gino a insegnare le tecniche della guerriglia a Che Guevara e assieme a lui, Fidel e Raul Castro, era tra gli 82 che, a bordo dell’imbarcazione Granma, sbarcarono ai piedi della Sierra Maestra. Con Aleida March, futura moglie del Che, organizzò, senza metterlo in atto, un piano per assaltare la sede del comando militare di Santa Clara. Ricercato dalla polizia, i compagni lo convinsero a rifugiarsi negli USA, dove si guadagnò da vivere come marinaio per 3 anni, prima di tornare in Italia. Al suo funerale parteciparono centinaia di persone, tra le quali i funzionari dell’ambasciata cubana con 4 corone di rose inviate in Italia da Fidel. "Mi hanno chiesto se fossi anarchico, comunista, rivoluzionario - raccontò l''unico europeo ad aver partecipato alla rivoluzione cubana - io sono soltanto un maledetto selvaggio. Però osservo il mondo e vedo che c'è sempre qualcuno più povero di me. E oggi, chi dà una mano ai proletari? Forse ci vorrebbero ancora uomini che decidono di essere fratelli."
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i wish i could explain how much grease: rise of the pink ladies means to me especially the song merely players itself. i always seen sapphic people have that comfort show that was unfortunately cancelled which they would fight with their life for and i never had one. sadly rotpl was canceled but i found my show i fight with my life for.
merely players itself shows cynthia and lydia's feelings towards the kiss they had in the rehearsal and how, from that moment on, their feelings towards each other would change, and especially, how cynthia would never be the same because she would finally find herself.
"the love, the fear, the anger":
cynthia describes the feelings she had past the kiss and after. she was falling in love with lydia, her romeo. she had fear, before and after, of what could and could not happen, especially with she got out of that "merely player" alter ego. the anger. cyn would make lydia mad all the time, they would "hate" each other but still, who has never seen a good enemies to lovers?
"but play is real when you commit to danger"
when you finally step up and show the world who you are, things would get completely real. that's the price you pay for being a lesbian in a lesbophobic and sexist society. that's for the brave. you have to commit to it. this lyric specifically changed my life for real.
another fun fact is how back in the old days, shakesperian plays would be done with people of the same gender. so, now we think, how many merely players we might have had back in the time?
i could spend a whole day on this blog just rambling about rotpl and this song but unfortunately i'm a proletary and i need to work, but since august is over and lesbian visibility month is over, i needed to talk about this piece that i watched right in the time and i started to find myself out. who i am, how i like to present myself and who i like. cynthia quite literally changed my life and i couldn't thank ari and niahm more for their effort on their characters. and obviously the people who made it real, all the writers, directors, literally everyone. I LOVE YOU GUYS! @saveourpinks
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Der Tag 110923-1 Einreise, EU, Syrien, Niger
Diebstahl per Dekret Man lernt nie aus. DDRBürger kennen das. Die Besatzerfaschisten haben ihnen sämtliche persönliche Papiere gestohlen. Inklusive Ausweise und Nachweise. Die Regierung von Venezuela bezeichnete den US-Präsidenten Bush offiziell als einen genoziden Nazi, der den 11. September inszeniert hat, um Terrorattacken und Agressionen gegen andere Nationen zu rechtfertigen. Über Chile…
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proletariat and bourgeoisie have entered the chat in ben shapiros comments.
its also describes what's happening in his comments in regards to ben's audience and ben shapiro lmao.
obviously the left has entered the discussion.
right wingers : this isn't left versus right, it's up verse down.
(and not like "authoritarianism ans liberalism" on the political compass)
leftist: yea it is! the "culture war" they're pushing is a distraction from the class war. the we are the proletariate and the rich the bourgeoisie.
crazy work.
especially for people who voted in a supposed billionaire ceo who filled his cabinet with billionaires ceos.
democrats are not off the hook bc they tore apart medicare for all and all made room for private insurance companies. i shut that down too. this is not about joining the dems.
this is about class war.
i hope people are still hungry for corporations and the rich in 2025.
they are so close. so close. to getting it.
please get it. please. and do not for get its all of them. Trump including.
culture war (which is a vastly right wing thing) is distracting you from class war. anti-trans legislation does NOTHING to change your material conditions. humanize your fellow prole.
its a big ask. but i'm even gonna pray for it. just that some have a true wakeup moment. democrat, republican, and anyone else in america that needs it.
#class war#united healthcare#like please#increased class conciousness on my 2025 bingo card (extremely optimistic considering)#us pol#us politics
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Indragop mostrava qualcosa che sembrava, anzi era, ammirazione. Lo scienziato non si raccapezzava e cominciava a sentirsi agitato; si è imposto di star calmo e ha sollevato un dilemma concreto: come si fa se, dopo tanti anni di lavoro, lei ha bisogno di una casa un po’ migliore, o di una stanza da solo? Ne parla al suo principale, vi mettete d’accordo? Indragop ha assunto un’espressione di allarme, e adesso cercava gli occhi dello scienziato nello specchietto anziché badare alla strada dove procedevano a centoquaranta all'ora. Mai! ha dichiarato: non l’avrebbe mai fatto, si poteva credergli. Lui non era un troublemaker, cosí ha detto, non era un creatore di guai. Lui faceva il suo mestiere: ottobre, novembre (e ha continuato con gli altri otto mesi) e poi tornava a casa a vedere la famiglia, agosto e settembre, ed era contento cosí; e valeva anche per suo fratello, suo cugino, e un altro fratello che lavorava a Dubai. Lo scienziato non doveva preoccuparsi, lui non era quel tipo di persona. "
Guido Barbujani, Soggetti smarriti. Storie di incontri e spaesamenti, Einaudi (collana Super ET Opera Viva), febbraio 2022¹; pp. 48-49.
#Guido Barbujani#leggere#letture#Soggetti smarriti#incontri#letteratura contemporanea#libri#raccolta di racconti#proletari#discriminazione#proletariato#narrativa#terzo mondo#immigrazione#immigrati#EAU#Emirati Arabi Uniti#lotta di classe#schiavitù#spaesamento#identità#esseri umani#umanità#sfruttamento#Dubai#condizione umana#egalitarismo#povertà#miseria#uguaglianza
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“Nietzsche attacked idealist morality. He ridiculed kindness and pity, revealed the pretense and unmanliness hidden in humanitarian sentimentalty. Like Proudhon and Marx he insisted on the beneficial side of war. Quite distant from the political parties of his time, he happened to set forth principles for an aristocracy of "masters of the world." He praised beauty and physical force, had a distinct preference for life's risky, turbulent aspects. These straightforward value judgments, distinct from liberal idealism, made the Fascists claim him as one of theirs, led certain anti-Fascists to see him as a Hitler predecessor.
As Nietzsche realized, the near future would see the exceeding of conventional limits opposed to violence and the clashing of real forces in conflicts of outsize proportions, clashes that would violently and materially bring all existing values into question. He pictured the woes of a wartime period that would be of unprecedented harshness, and he didn't believe we should avoid such miseries regardless of cost or that those trials would surpass human strength. To him even catastrophes like this seemed preferable to stagnation, to the lies of bourgeois life, to the banal happiness preached by a herd of professors of morality. In principle, he posed the question of whether authentic value exists for humankind, whether prescriptions of conventional morality and traditional idealism obstruct the coming of that value, and whether life will overturn conventional morality. The Marxists similarly understand moral prejudices—understanding them as opposed to revolutionary violence and yielding to some sort of preeminent value (the emancipation of the proletariate). Though different from Marxism's value, the value proclaimed by Nietzsche isn't less universal—since the emancipation he wanted wasn't that of a single class relative to others but the freeing of human life under the example of its best representatives—compared to the moral slavery of the past. Nietzsche dreamed of a humanness that, far from fleeing its tragic fate, would love and embrace this fate to the fullest, a humanness that would no longer lie to itself and would raise itself above the social slavishness.
This sort of humankind differs from the present-day kind, which is normally confused with a function that's only part of human possibility. Putting it succinctly, this new humanness would be integrally human and freed from the slavery that limits us. Nietzsche had no desire to define such a free and sovereign humankind, halfway between modern humanity and a super-humanity, that is, superman. Appropriately, he thought when something is free, you can't define it. Could anything be more vain than designating or limiting a thing that doesn't yet exist? It's up to us to will it! To will the future is to recognize the known as to be surpassed. With this principle—a primacy of the future over the past to which he remained loyal—Nietzsche becomes as disconnected as possible from what is despised by life under the name of death, or by dreams under the name of reaction. Between the ideas of Fascist reactionaries and Nietzsche's notions there is more than simple difference—there's radical incompatibility. While declining to limit the future, which has all rights according to him, Nietzsche all the same suggested it through vague and contradictory suggestions. Which led to confusions and misunderstandings. It's wrongheaded to attribute definite intentions to him regarding electoral politics, arguing that he talked of "masters of the world." What he intended was a risked evocation of possibility. As for the sovereign humanity whose brilliance he wanted to shine forth: in contradictory ways he saw the new humankind sometimes as wealthy, sometimes as poorer than the workers, sometimes as powerful, sometimes as tracked down by enemies. He required of the new humankind that it possess a capacity to withstand adversity—while recognizing its right to trample on norms. Still, he distinguished this humanity on principle from men in possession of power. He recognized no limits, and confined himself to describing as freely as he could the field of a possible.
This said, if "Nietzscheanism" has to be defined, there isn't much reason to dwell on the part of this doctrine that assigns all rights to life as opposed to idealism. A rejection of classical morality is common to Marxism, Nietzscheanism, and National Socialism. The only essential is the value in whose name life asserts these higher rights. Once this principle of judgment is established, Nietzschean values are seen as opposing racist values within a context of the whole.
—Nietzsche's initial stance develops out of admiration for the Greeks, the most intellectually developed people of all time. In Nietzsche's mind everything is subordinated to culture. While in the Third Reich, a reduced culture has only military might as its end.
—One of the most significant traits of Nietzsche's work is its glorification of Dionysian values, that is, infinite intoxication and enthusiasm. It's no coincidence that Rosenburg's Myth in the Twentieth Century denounces the cult of Dionysus as non-Aryan! . . . Despite hastily repressed inclinations, racism admits only military values. "Youth needs stadiums, not sacred groves," asserts Hitler.
—I already talked about the opposition of the past to the future. Strangely enough, Nietzsche designates himself as a child of the future. He himself linked the phrase with the fact of his not having a native land. And actually, our native country is what belongs to the past in us. It's on this and this alone that Hitlerism erects its rigid value system, adding no new value. Nothing could be more alien to Nietzsche, who—against the world—asserts the total vulgarity of the Germans.
—Two official precursors of National Socialism prior to Chamberlain were Nietzsche's contemporaries, Wagner and Lagarde. Nietzsche is appreciated and has been pushed to the forefront in the propaganda effort, but the Third Reich doesn't consider him one of its teachers in the same way it eventually does the other two. Nietzsche was a friend to Richard Wagner but broke off, disgusted by his Francophobic and anti-Semitic chauvinism. As for the pan-Germanist Paul de Lagarde, a single text removes any doubts on that score. "If you only knew," Nietzsche wrote Theodor Fritsch, "how I laughed last spring reading works by a self-important, stubborn sentimentalist by the name of Paul de Lagarde . . .”
—Today of course we're aware how anti-Semitic stupidity functions in Hitlerite racism. There's nothing more essential to Hitlerism than hating Jews. Opposing this is the following rule of conduct of Nietzsche's: "No friendship with anyone implicated in this barefaced hoax of races." Nietzsche asserted nothing more wholeheartedly than his loathing of anti-Semites.
I have to insist on this last point. Nietzsche's fate was to be tarred with the Nazi brush. Certain hypocricies have to be dealt with for that reason. One was perpetrated by the philosopher's own sister who survived him and lived on till very recently (she died in 1935). When November 2, 1933, arrived, Mrs. Elizabeth Foerster, born Nietzsche, could still recall the difficulties that arose between her and her brother—difficulties stemming from her 1885 marriage to the anti-Semite Bernard Foerster.
A letter in which Nietzsche reminds her of his disgust (he refers to it as being as pronounced as possible) for the man whom she chose to be her husband (he calls him by name) was published through her efforts. November 2, 1933, in the house where Nietzsche died, Mrs. Elizabeth Judas-Foerster received Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the Third Reich. On that solemn occasion she attested to the family's anti-Semitism by reading a text by . . . Bernard Foerster!
"Before leaving Weimar to go to Essen," reported the Times on November 4, 1933, "Chancellor Hitler paid a visit to Mrs. Elizabeth Foerster-Nietzsche, the sister of the celebrated philosopher. The elderly lady made him a gift of a walking stick once belonging to her brother. She invited him to visit the Nietzsche Archives.
"Mr. Hitler listened to her read from a memorandum addressed to Bismarck in 1879 by Dr. Foerster, the anti-Semitic agitator who protested against the incursions of the Jewish spirit in Germany. Taking Nietzsche's walking stick in hand, Mr. Hitler strode through the crowd to great huzzahs."
In 1887, addressing a contemptuous letter to anti-Semite Theodor Fritsch, Nietzsche ended this way, "So then really, what do you think I feel when the name of Zarathustra issues forth from the mouths of anti-Semites?"“ - Georges Bataille, ‘On Nietzsche’ (1945) [p. 169 - 173]
#bataille#georges bataille#nietzsche#friedrich nietzsche#anti semitism#antisemitism#racism#hitler#naziism#fascism#zarathustra
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