#Progressive left
cayomuchacha · 1 month
sorry but the whole “push harris left when shes elected” thing is not. Working. especially because um. A democrat is the president. So what exactly do you want from us dissenting vote-witholders except complete obeisance to status quo continuation…. Like am i not allowed to ask for the overton window on polices to shift leftwards until AFTER you lock in my vote in november???? please don’t take me for a fool, i LITERALLY just did this with biden 4 years ago. And he remains ironclad supporting a genocidal terror regime, AND has UN ambassador vote NO on UN recognition of Palestinian statehood, AND has continually relisted Cuba on the terrorist list…while opening commerce with cuban entrepeneurs. Cognitive dissonance is a consistent messaging from democrats and that’s no good. Either stand up for the rights of all peoples, or stand up for your gross imperial legacy. Red white and blue with the blood of innumerable innocent lives. DO SOMETHING OR YOU WONT GET MY VOTE. ITS SIMPLE. IM NOT VOTING FOR HARRIS UNTIL DEMOCRATS FORCE THEIR LEADERS TO SUPPORT SUBSTANTIAL POLICY SHIFTS TO THE LEFT. i’ll vote blue down the line tho before you berate me. But i will not vote for a president who doesn’t signal and VERBALIZE intent for real policy changes. It’s simple. I’m begging you to do something to get democrats to earn our votes.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
by Seth Mandel
Those who boycotted missed a history lesson—Bibi chuckled at the thought that there were still educated folks who don’t know that the people of Israel are native to the land of Israel. And the members of Congress smiled back. That was the general tenor of the address and its reception; without the boycotters and their obnoxious “disrupters,” no one in the room felt pressured to pretend they were angrier or dumber than they were. It had the feel of a large family dinner from which a few teenagers rudely stomped off but everyone was happier with them gone anyway.
There was no news in the speech. There was gratitude for America and reasons given for that gratitude to be mutual—for example, the fact that Netanyahu said the Israeli soldiers in the gallery were the West’s boots on the ground in a common fight, obviating any need for Americans to send their own soldiers after the terrorists who stole their sons and daughters from them.
Nor was there anybody in the chamber who seemed particularly bothered by the talk of victory.
That seemed to be another lesson: The anger of the progressive left is contagious. Its rage plays satisfyingly to the inner totalitarian and the lazy academic alike. It is lowest-common-denominator politics. Take away the members of Congress whose every move and every word is geared toward their social-media “brand,” and you’re left with a recognizably normal and decent bunch of folks.
Amid all this, there was something genuinely pathetic about Tlaib and her very sad sign. Everyone was where they wanted to be today except her. The pro-Western lawmakers were in the chamber to receive the ecstatically pro-American prime minister of a crucial ally. The Squadniks and those who fear them were in their own comfort zone—far from the American flags and the “citadel of democracy,” as Bibi put it. The protesters were in their usual spot, soaking in the mists of misplaced rage. Only poor Rashida Tlaib sat there in abject misery listening to people say nice things about America.
No one who boycotted the speech had a good reason for doing so, but I suppose they would have looked even sillier booing hostages and pouting at moral clarity. And anyway, Rashida Tlaib can tell them what they missed.
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wwowowwowoww · 2 months
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“Peace Not Possible”
Josh Shapiro: “Palestinians […] are too battle-minded to establish a peaceful homeland[.] Israel must now act as peacemaker, babysitter, and police[.]”
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peachbeach69 · 2 months
I think democrats considering him at all shows a severe absence of respect or consideration for the democrats who are rightfully disgusted by israel. SHAME ON DEMS.
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ex-foster · 7 months
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politijohn · 4 months
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mindfulldsliving · 3 months
Defending Religious Freedom: The Battle Against Secular Agendas
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution stands as a guardian of our fundamental freedoms, particularly those related to religion and the press. Understanding how it protects these freedoms is essential, especially as they face new challenges
The Title of Liberty, originally penned by Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon, overlaid over an American Flag. by Brent Borup The Progressive Left’s Abolitionist Agenda: The Destruction of Religious Freedom Have you ever wondered why the Progressive Left can sometimes feel more like a modern abolitionist movement? While the original abolitionists fought against the monstrous institution of…
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The "progressive left" is the "woke far-left," not the "liberal values left."
Considering they think black people are too stupid and poor to get a photo ID - and therefore incapable of driving, buying alcohol, getting a fishing license, picking up a parcel from the post office, renting a car or getting on a plane - that gender non-conformity needs to be medicalized, that segregation is good actually, that elements required to make a baby exist on a "spectrum," and that crime-riddled neighborhoods need fewer police, it was a mistake for the rest of us to let an extreme minority of such idiotic, regressive, nihilistic morons pretend they were our moral betters, and particularly for us to fear their stupid opinion of us.
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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adaki · 2 months
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GIRLS NITE OUT >_< ((clockwork could not make it)) (wip)
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ionomycin · 1 year
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Swim free
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cayomuchacha · 1 month
really discouraging trying to engage with “moderate” (conservative) liberals.
Because if this is how they speak to me, idk if i could call it persuasion, i am saddened for the justified reactions of people far less nice than me when spoken at like i have been spoken at towards by these callous and seemingly uncaring liberals. it’s the berating chastisement. it’s just so unfriendly, unlikeable, and insufferable. i say, biden had the executive prerogative to mandate multiple stimulus checks. They say, he TRIED! I say he didn’t try hard enough for my liking. They say there’s WORSE.
😩 it’s the circlular conversation of torture liberal democrats led by biden clinton pelosi etc have kept minority dissenting voices on loop with their amorphous moral goalpoasts.
Democrats in government keep my island Cuba on the terrorist list for evil, imperialist reasons. He upholds through verbal inaction the illegal sanctions placed on Cuba by US law. He doesn’t even speak against it. Democrats in government keep Palestine from having state representation at the United Nations for evil, imperialist reasons. Democrats in government supply with IRONCLAD SUPPORT the WEAPONS USED BY A GENOCIDAL ROGUE STATE. I WON’T PUT DEMOCRATS IN OFFICE AGAIN UNTIL DEMOCRATS RESOLVE THE GLARING ISSUES BROUGHT FORTH TO THEM BY DISSENTING VOICES OF VULNERABLE MINORITY CONSTITUENTS OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY WHO THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT.
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eliosfixations · 1 year
My (Republican) Father called America the best country and I had to resist the urge to not laugh. But asked him “Ok, on what basis” and his first attempt was “Freedom” and I had to tell him that stat actually belongs to Sweden, we rank somewhere around 25. So he tried again , and said Military and I had to wage the question of “you mean the military that gets entirely too much budget, therefore inflating your taxes, and doesn’t actually effect your day to day life? Unlike the rascism you receive from members of your own party, which does?”
And he just resigned, and I watched him think it over, and all his reply was “ Well that’s just how it is.” And I sit here now thinking about how my Dad has simply lost hope, he doesn’t agree with a lot of what Republicans say, but he sees no way he can effect his government and let it work for him and not the other way around. He often talks about how simply talking about ithe changes you want isn’t enough to cause change, but I wage the question, what will not talking about the changes that need made at all do? How will not talking about political injustices that occur within our government allow others to know it is injust? Not talking about politics and not having these important conversations is how people become misinformed, out of the loop, and how things stay stagnant or sometimes allows terrible things to fly under the radar.
Our nation needs change, and sitting back and doing nothing won’t change anything, so to my fellow democratic aligned gen z who may find this, if you will be eligible to vote in 2024, please do. It’s of critical importance you learn the facts on the candidates and their viewpoints, register to vote, and just talk about it. Whether we like it or not Gen-Z has a responsibility to fix the world before it descends into further chaos, and to do that we need to unite and come together!
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gunstellations · 5 months
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its sonics turn! 👅
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todayontumblr · 7 months
Friday, February 16.
Some good news.
News of a good disposition seems more than a little sparse right now, so you really have to make the most of it, as and when.
There is some news, however, from Greece. And this news is pretty, pretty good. So we are going to break this particularly good news to you the only way we know how. Enjoy it y'all.
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theriverbeyond · 7 months
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you see this bitch running around your dream bubble wyd
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