#Professional Growth Goals
esthermurray · 12 days
Innovative Skill Development Model for Lifelong Learning
If you are looking to develop your skills, Esther Murray Coaching INC's best Skill Development Model promotes lifelong learning by equipping individuals with adaptable skills for the evolving job market. Personalized coaching, real-world projects and ongoing mentorship empower learners to advance in their careers, embrace change and achieve professional growth in an ever-changing global landscape.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: 15 Essential Business Skills Everyone Should Master
Articulate, confident communication
Crafting effective, compelling pitches
Operating and communicating through a solution-oriented framework
Research of all types (Google, market research, studies, polls, interpersonal conversations, etc.)
Learning how to streamline, edit, and organize information in a clear and logical way
Accumulating high-level working knowledge/proficiency in all tools and programs directly related to your type of work/industry
Budgeting and financial optimization (investment, tax benefits, etc.)
Reading and interpreting legal contracts/documents
Setting rates, boundaries, and learning when/how to delegate
Good posture, direct eye contact, and a firm handshake
Building streamlined systems for onboarding, different repeat project scopes/workflows, and KPI measuring
The art of following up, listening to (potential) clients' needs, asking thoughtful questions, and benefit-oriented salesmanship
Consistently reading, learning, and studying current events/cultural platforms/industry and field-related knowledge
How to spot customer/client/business partner red flags
Self-management, task/project prioritization, and optimization of your personal energy clock + levels
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I'm officially recognized as a writer by Google, that's kinda cool
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Sense Of Self Life Coaching
Studio 1- 5/40 Green St, Windsor, VICTORIA 3181 Australia
Phone Number:
+61 413888240
Business Email
Owner Full Name
Christina Carnie
Business Description
Welcome to Sense of Self, a safe space where personal growth is redefined. As a dedicated Certified Life Coach and Practitioner of Emotional Intelligence, my focus is to help clients re-evaluate and re-formulate a more meaningful and valuable life. In a world where challenges like depression, stress and burnout are prevalent, self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-worth are key. Are you ready and willing to dive deep into your own sense of self? To be open to implementing new behavioural changes, coping strategies and ideations? I am here to help answer the question 'What does a valuable life look like for you? and how best can this be achieved'?
 Life coaching is a transformative partnership between you and me, focused on facilitating personal and professional development. Through proven methodologies and tailored strategies, I provide guidance, support, and accountability to help you navigate challenges, clarify objectives, and unleash your innate capabilities.
 My holistic approach to well-being addresses multiple dimensions, including emotional, psychological, and social factors. I explore various areas of life, including personal and interpersonal, career, relationships, family, health and spiritual fulfillment. Whether you're seeking clarity in your career path, balance in your relationships, or a renewed sense of purpose, I'm equipped with the expertise to guide you towards sustainable success and fulfillment.
I prioritise individualised attention and customised solutions. Through in-depth assessments and collaborative goal-setting, I ensure that our coaching sessions are aligned with your unique aspirations and circumstances. By fostering self-awareness, resilience, and actionable strategies, I empower you to overcome obstacles, cultivate confidence, and create meaningful change in your life.
Business Hours
Monday – Thursday 9am – 8pm
Friday – 10am – 4pm
Saturday – Sunday 10am – 3pm
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gentlemanclub1 · 8 months
How to Become a Better Person and Improve Your Mental and Physical Well-being
Striving for a fulfilling life involves gratitude, kindness, self-care, personal growth, mindfulness, positive relationships, realistic goals, self-reflection, contributing to others, and seeking professional support for improved well-being.
Becoming a better person and leading a fulfilling life involves focusing on both your mental and physical well-being. Here are some tips to help you achieve this: 1. Practice Gratitude Taking time each day to appreciate the positive aspects of your life can significantly improve your mental well-being. Write down things you are grateful for, and reflect on them regularly. 2. Cultivate…
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giorgio52fan · 1 year
Helping Teens Reduce Self-Imposed Pressure: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, teenagers often find themselves under immense pressure to excel academically, socially, and in various other aspects of their lives. This self-imposed pressure can lead to stress, anxiety, and even burnout. As parents, educators, and mentors, it’s crucial to provide guidance and support to help teens navigate these challenges and learn to put less…
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fastlivenostress · 1 year
How to Harness the Power of OpenAI for Success: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for personal and professional success. Technology has become a driving force behind innovation and growth, with artificial intelligence (AI) at the forefront. OpenAI, a leading AI research organization, offers powerful tools and resources that can significantly contribute to your journey…
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gabaviggiano · 1 year
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Do you want to take control of your life, achieve your goals, make your dreams to come true, but you do not know where to start? Well this book is your first step!
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arksale1 · 1 day
4 ONE-MINUTE Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours a Week: Time Management For Busy People
In our busy lives, a few hours a week means time for a date or a few hours of self-love pruning in the bath, so imagine what you could do with 10, 20 or even more extra time each week. 🤯 Well, from reading some of the best time management books out there, these are my top 4 quick habits to efficiently manage your time, which save me hours each week 🙌 They are simple but hugely effective…
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raffaellopalandri · 2 days
The Fulfillment of Hard Work
Daily writing promptIn what ways does hard work make you feel fulfilled?View all responses Hard work, a concept often lauded but way less frequently practised, is an essential cornerstone of personal growth and fulfilment. As a martial arts practitioner and instructor, I have witnessed the transformative power of dedicated effort firsthand. While demanding, it is a journey that yields immense…
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esthermurray · 28 days
What Is Employee Skill Development? Examples and Benefits
In today’s rapidly changing world, businesses need a diverse labor force and invest in Employee Skill Development programs to remain relevant and thrive. Prioritizing learning and development can attract, advance, and retain talented employees, preventing labor shortages and resulting in cost savings. For more details, visit us: https://medium.com/@esthermurrayusa/what-is-employee-skill-development-examples-and-benefits-4a1ccae33d1c
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Hi, I’m trying to change industries to my dream industry. I’m on my 30s but I couldn’t do it before because of personal reasons and taking care of family members and mental health.
My friends, some of them, think I’m wasting my time and they don’t support me and my mum is trying to let me know in a not subtle way that she’s expecting me to grow up of this idea. But I really want to go for it!
However, because all of this, I’m getting anxious that maybe it’s late, that I should have done it before, that because I don’t have experience in this industry I won’t get hired and because it’s a new industry and my city is small (not small us but small village in a country in Europe) I can’t do networking but in LinkedIn and it’s hard because I don’t know someone. And im starting to second guess myself and thinking I’m eating my time but I really hate the industry I’m working now, so I feel really stuck and I can’t move forward with the industry change because all of this. Do you have any advice? Do you think it’s late? Thank you so much <3
Hi love! I believe there are two important points to be made here.
The best time to start is years ago. The second best time to start is now. Time will continue to pass for several more decades, so consider whether you want to "what if" yourself about pursuing your dreams 20 years from now. In my opinion, it's better to go after what you want and fail fast. Living with regrets, at least for me, feels worse than pursuing something I wanted and it not unfolding as my expectations lead me to believe.
While going after what you want is important, especially with your career, you need to be practical and a little more methodical (even a bit conservative) in your approach to ensure you don't run into financial trouble. No dream is worth struggling with life-hindering debt – at least in my opinion.
With these two considerations in mind, I would consider beginning to pursue this career path as a hobby in the meantime while maintaining whatever stable employment you have at the moment. Prioritize your time engaging in this "hobby" like it's a mandatory appointment with yourself.
Consume articles, books, and podcasts. Take courses/build skills in your dream industry/role. Create a portfolio of your own spec work to demonstrate your commitment and talent within this field. Use LinkedIn/virtual conferences to network strategically. Follow people in your dream industry and key leaders. Comment/engage with their material. Send them personalized messages with praise/feedback on posts or insights they shared.
Message people attending the same conferences to connect. Set up informational interviews/coffee chats if possible (offer to pay for a virtual coffee, etc.). If there are any gig/job opportunities, share this spec work to demonstrate your skills and frame your background as a series of transferable skills.
Also, never underestimate the power of your second-degree network on LinkedIn, but mainly IRL. Let your trusted, supportive friends and acquaintances know you're interested in the field. You never know who knows someone.
Hope this helps! Best of luck xx
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ujusttry · 27 days
How to Improve Your Skills Every Day: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Improve Your Skills Every Day: Improving your skills every day is essential for personal growth and career success. This guide will show you practical ways to develop your abilities and achieve your goals consistently. Understanding the Importance of Skill ImprovementWhy Skills Matter in Today’s WorldPersonal vs. Professional Skill DevelopmentIdentifying Skills to ImproveAssessing Your…
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careeraspirationhub · 30 days
How to Stay Motivated in Pursuing Career Aspirations
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Staying motivated in pursuing career aspirations can be challenging, especially when faced with setbacks or obstacles. However, it is essential to stay motivated to achieve your career goals. Here are some tips on how to stay motivated in pursuing your career aspirations:
1. Set Clear and Achievable Goals
One of the best ways to stay motivated is to set clear and achievable goals. When you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, it is easier to stay focused and motivated. Break down your long-term goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This will help you track your progress and stay motivated.
2. Find a Mentor or Role Model
Having a mentor or role model can provide you with guidance, support, and inspiration. Look for someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and ask them for advice. They can help you stay motivated and on track.
3. Network with Like-Minded People
Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can help you stay motivated and inspired. Join professional organizations or networking groups related to your career field. This will give you the opportunity to connect with people who share your passion and goals.
4. Take Breaks and Recharge
It is important to take breaks and recharge, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Taking time for yourself will help you stay refreshed and motivated. Make sure to schedule time for activities that you enjoy, such as spending time with friends and family, exercising, or pursuing hobbies.
5. Celebrate Your Achievements
It is important to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward. Take time to acknowledge your progress and reward yourself for your hard work.
6. Don't Give Up
Everyone experiences setbacks and obstacles on their career journey. It is important to remember that setbacks are temporary. Don't give up on your dreams, and keep pushing forward.
7. Seek Professional Help
If you are struggling to stay motivated, seeking professional help can be beneficial. A career counselor can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop a plan to achieve your career aspirations.
Our career counseling services can help you stay motivated in pursuing your career aspirations. Our counselors can provide you with guidance, support, and advice on how to achieve your goals. We offer a variety of services, including career assessments, resume writing, and interview preparation.
Staying motivated in pursuing career aspirations is essential for achieving your goals. By following these tips, you can stay motivated and inspired on your career journey. Remember to set clear goals, find a mentor or role model, network with like-minded people, take breaks and recharge, celebrate your achievements, don't give up, and seek professional help if needed.
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monsterkong · 1 month
The Role of Gender in Strategic Thinking and Planning
Exploring How Men and Women Approach Long-Term Planning Differently
Hello, insightful readers! 🌼 Today, we're tackling an intriguing aspect of strategic thinking—how it differs between genders and what we can learn from these differences to foster better planning in all areas of life.
It's fascinating to note that men and women often approach planning and strategic thinking with distinct styles. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that women might be naturally inclined to think more long-term and are possibly better at detailed, strategic planning compared to their male counterparts. This isn't to say one gender is better than the other, but rather that each brings a unique perspective to the table that can be incredibly beneficial in various contexts, from corporate strategies to family planning.
The conversation highlighted that these differences might stem from evolutionary traits or societal expectations. Women are often seen managing not just careers but also familial responsibilities, which may require them to juggle multiple long-term considerations simultaneously.
Furthermore, the discussion shed light on how these gendered approaches to thinking can be cultivated from a young age. Parents and educators play a crucial role in this by encouraging strategic thinking through games like chess, which requires foresight and planning, or through discussions about future goals and how to achieve them.
In conclusion, understanding and embracing the different strategic strengths that men and women bring to the table can lead to more comprehensive and successful planning in both professional and personal realms.
Let’s continue to learn from each other and leverage our unique strengths! How do you see these dynamics playing out in your own life or work? Join the discussion below! 💬💪
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thedailydare · 1 month
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{ The Daily Dare } Align Actions with Goals: Dare to ensure your daily actions align with your long-term goals.
Aligning your daily actions with your long-term goals can be surprisingly simple when you approach it mindfully. Here’s how you can do it:
Clarify Your Goals: Start by clearly defining your long-term goals. Whether they’re related to career, health, relationships, or personal growth, knowing exactly what you’re aiming for is the first step.
Break Goals into Small Steps: Divide your big goals into smaller, actionable steps. This makes them more manageable and allows you to see progress regularly.
Plan Your Day with Intention: Each morning (or the night before), take a few minutes to plan your day. Choose tasks that directly contribute to your long-term goals. Even small actions can add up over time.
Prioritize Wisely: Focus on the most important tasks that move you closer to your goals. Use tools like to-do lists or planners to keep track of these priorities.
Eliminate Distractions: Identify and minimize activities that don’t align with your goals. This could mean cutting down on time-wasting habits or saying no to things that don’t serve your purpose.
Stay Flexible: Life happens, and sometimes plans need to change. Being flexible allows you to adapt without losing sight of your long-term objectives.
Review and Reflect: At the end of each day or week, take a moment to reflect on your actions. Did they align with your goals? What can you adjust moving forward?
Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate the small wins along the way. Recognizing your progress keeps you motivated and reinforces positive habits.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. By regularly aligning your actions with your goals, you create a habit that propels you toward success.
When you make these small adjustments to your daily routine, aligning your actions with your goals becomes a natural part of your life. It’s about making intentional choices that bring you closer to what you truly want, step by step.
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