#Prince of Black Death
bihastuff · 2 months
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What do you mean ??? My boy soma was going to die 😭
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praisethelorde · 6 months
I just remembered that Balekin was the one who told Madoc where Jude and Taryn's mom was after she ran away from Elfhame. So Balekin's the reason Madoc took Jude, Vivi and Taryn back to Elfhame with him which indirectly caused Jude to kill Balekin all those years later. He would've still been alive if he weren't such a snitch lmao what a loser.
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arianwen44 · 8 days
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Inlé-rah. 🌙💀
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lost-inthe-v0id · 5 months
Young Snape x Reader prompt/idea? Idk
I can’t really write so this is a scenario I made up that I just word vomited
I’ve always had a crush on snapes young actor since I was like 8 so this is js something I made up when I would daydream
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Student!Reader is a ravenclaw pure blood with no strong opinions on wizards/witches with no magic parents and a lot of ravenclaw and slytherin friends
Student!Reader and Student!Snape meet on the train and click right away but don’t hang out at school as much because Lily told Snape she didn’t like reader. They’re still acquaintances until that changes due to Lily getting closer to James and Severus getting a class with Reader. Little by little they slowly start getting closer together.
Reader would like to spend more time with him but he feels a responsibility to stay with Lily all the time since she was the only one who cared to stick around with him. Reader doesn’t like the way Lily treats him and the fact she’s all buddy buddy with his bullies
Finally it’s all solidified when Severus and Lily have an argument their 4th or 5th and he calls her a mudblood. Lily starts to ignore Severus not only everytime he goes to apologize but anytime he comes near her at all. She starts to stand by and just watch James and his gang bully Snape and sometimes laughs.
Reader finds Severus crying and comforts him. Gives him a pep talk about how wonderful he is and how people make mistakes and no one deserves to be treated like he is. Finally after that they start hanging out everyday. Severus becomes good friends with Readers friends but they still usually only hang out with each other.
Reader tells people in Ravenclaw and slytherine how Lily treated Severus and people stopped talking to her, gossiping about her even. Since Reader is a pure blood that’s part of an affluent family she grew up around other affluent family kids. Overall reader was not only friends with higher influence kids but also very respected among them due to her kind and understanding nature. So a lot of these people started to look down on Lily.
Finally it all comes together when Snape and Reader are near a tree talking one day when he starts telling Reader how much he doesn’t deserve her and kind of confessing and rambling when Reader kisses him. After that they start dating, the don’t try to hide it either. They hold hands ALL the time, sometimes you find the pair snogging, other times you find Reader laying her head on his shoulder.
Lily doesn’t like this, she liked the fact Severus liked her and the attention she would get from him on top of that people she use to talk to won’t even look at her now. She tries to talk to him saying she’s ready to hear him out but by then Severus couldn’t really give a shit.
Idrk about the rest
I know not a lot of people like Snape like that so I’m just posting this for myself not really expecting anyone to see this lol
If someone does end up making a full fledged fic plz credit me :<
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slyther-bi · 4 months
Chaotic D.E. Severus incorrect quotes
Severus: Here's two facts about me.
Severus: 1. I hate hot people.
Severus: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Severus: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.
Severus: I’m a multitasker!
Severus: I can disappoint fifteen people at once.
Severus: I’m really glad “fight me” has replaced “sue me” in the common vernacular because I don’t have money, but I do have fists and I am always angry.
Severus: If a demon possessed me, I’d just be like, “Okay, take it from here, good luck man.”
Lucius: I think Barty is in trouble.
Severus: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.
Lucius: Evan, gather the others. We need to have another Severus-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-hurts-someone convention.
Mulciber: Hey, Severus, where are you going?
Severus: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell.
Severus: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s.
Regulus: So I have made the decision to trust you.
Severus: A horrible decision, really.
Wilkes: How has life been treating you lately?
Severus: Horribly.
Lucius, texting Narcissa: I had to pick up Severus early.
Narcissa: That’s alright. Has he been sick?
Lucius: No, not sick, he's just very upset because he had a hard day.
Narcissa: Wait, why did he have a hard day?
Lucius: He took his two pet snails to school with him today, and he had the snails in his book bag. He let out the snails by the sink in the back of the potions classroom for some exercise, and Professor Slughorn thought they were snails that escaped the jars from his ingredient cupboard, so he used Severus’s snails in a potion for demonstration.
Narcissa: Oh my god.
Lucius: I know you are laughing, Cissa, but please act sad about it when we get home today.
Narcissa: I’ll try but that is hilarious.
Lucius: Yeah, I know. Stupid pet snails.
Lucius: I’m trying not to let Severus see me laugh.
Severus: Do you want this handful of moss?
Voldemort: Why would I want a handful of fucking moss?
Severus: Damn, you could’ve just said no.
Severus: Yeah I'm LGBT.
Severus: cuLt leader.
Severus: God hates me personally.
Severus: Bitchy.
Severus: *sniffles* Trying my best.
Voldemort: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this house.
Severus: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
Lucius: Hi, I'm Severus Snape's emergency contact.
Counter Woman: You're here to pick him up?
Lucius: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.
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viivdle · 6 months
I stand before Cardan, and he looks mortifying in his beauty. He carelessly slumps down on the sofa in his chambers, blissfully unaware of my anxiety. Or, worse, blissfully aware.
“I ought to be mad at you,” he says, and I almost flinch at the sound.
“As I said, I didn’t kill my husband, Your Majesty,” my voice shakes, and I hold onto the hope he will think I am holding back tears.
“Yes, that would be correct. Your husband is sitting in front of you, well and alive. Is he not?”
viivdle productive era??
my ~1900w jurdan fanfic heaven and hell were words to me is out now!!
i tried something different with this one, hopefully it was a good something different
this fic is for @annamatix who i have the pleasure to call my friend. i hope this is just the right amount of "romancy"
happy ramadan<33
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fuckyeahizzyhands · 7 months
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Izzyyyyy <3 :)
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treesofgreen · 11 months
Yes the clocks were super suspicious to us from the outset, and I was initially like come on! at Zheng and Auntie falling for it and not being even a little bit suspicious but they really did just underestimate Ricky. Sometimes your failure is just that simple. Zheng is exceptional and accomplished and so very sure of herself and Ricky is pathetic and mediocre and barely worth her consideration, but, well, that's how they get you.
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the-odd-laundromat · 3 months
headcanons about Elden Ring characters and Numen language
Because why not.
Marika: It's her native language, and she had to learn the Common Tongue of the Lands Between from scratch when she came there. She can still speak, read and write in it perfectly. Despite having been God-Queen for millennia, she hasn't picked up any kind of Common accent. Curses in it once in a while.
Godwyn: Marika taught him some basics when he was really little (vocab, basic alphabet, counting, etc.), but that's it. He recognizes spoken and written Numen easily, but can't understand a whole lot.
Miquella and Malenia: Miquella remembers some of what Godwyn told them about it, but other than that, neither know a lick.
Morgott and Mohg: Both picked up a bit as children, before being cast into the sewers. When alone, Morgott repeats words and phrases to himself, desperately trying to retain what little he knows. Mohg forgot pretty much everything.
Tiche and the Black Knives: Alecto made everyone speak it in the Assassins' barracks. As a result Tiche speaks it perfectly and can hold a conversation just fine. She can read a little, from reading reports between the Queen and the Assassins (written in Numen to save them the trouble of using a cypher). She learned to curse in it from the other, older Black Knives, but Greater Will help her if her mother catches her so much as using informal grammar.
Radagon: Never spoke it around other people, so as not to blow his cover. Once, Rennala caught him singing a Numen lullaby to a baby Ranni, and he had to ad-lib an explanation in a panic. She didn't totally believe him, but never questioned him further.
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jelloholic · 2 months
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Old Rhaenyra and Lucerys angst art from May.
If it looks familiar, it's bc I posted it on tik tok under the name @succmacucumber
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What is so devastating about Blood and Cheese is that poor little Jaehaerys is only four years old, just a little baby who didn't get the chance to grow up, there is nothing that any member of team black could say that justifies his horrific, cold-blooded murder. From what we have seen, he was just a regular kid; a little mischievious, a little playful, but also obedient. He had a daily routine of attending lessons. The twins were just children, loved by both their father and mother. Little prince Jaehaerys didn't deserve the fate that had befallen him.
So if I see one more joke, I swear to god, I will start blocking people.
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smvillainsweek · 17 days
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megumiifushiiguro · 1 year
"i am not an easy person to trust. and maybe i ought not to be trusted, but let me say this: i trust you." i died. I AM DEAD. GOODBYE.
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c3rnunnos · 1 year
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Doodle dump from class! Elden peeps and a bloodborne oc.
Sorry if the pics are poor quality.
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theaskywalker · 5 months
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Imagine being a young Death Eater and Bellatrix taking a liking to you
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xanahalfblood · 2 months
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