#Prestige Art Trends
joeruggieroblog · 1 year
Welcome To High Point Furniture Market!
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manuart79 · 6 months
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06/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Nathan Foad; Anapela Polataiva; TellTaleAwards Round 2; AdoptOurCrew; June 3rd An Excellent Day: Trends; WeAreAllTaikaNow; RoboJenks; Other Fandoms; Menacing Memes; Articles about #DontStreamOnMax; NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week; FanSpotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Throwback picture from The Cryptid Factor with Rhys and Buttons!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Quick crumbs of Taika on Rita's Instagram from her latest show!
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Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's rom-com Advanced Chemistry is premiering on June 26, 2024, 9:15 PM at TLC Chinese 6 Theatres Los Angelos CA! Get tickets here.
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Anapela Polataivao ==
Our fabulous Auntie has been appointed Officer of the NZ Order of Merit (ONZM) in this years King's Birthday Honours List! This is a prestigous position awarded for contributions to the Pacific performing arts! Congrats Anapela!
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Source: The Coconet TV Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
Nathan is feeling pretty saucy about another Billionaire planning to visit the Titanic Wreckage.
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Round 2 of TellTale Awards ==
TellTaleTv Awards Round 2!
The awards are open from June 3 - June 9! OurFlagMeansDeath, Rhys and Ruibo both made the next round! So did Deadloch and Deadboy Detectives, please be sure to get your votes in each day!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew want to hold WBD Accountable! Check out their statement below!
Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
== June 3: An Excellent Day ==
Where the hell do I even start? Wow crew! Today was impressive! #DontStreamOnMax was trending on twitter, so was #SaveOFMD, there was so much polite menacing and massive aggression going around, it was wonderful to see.
= Trends =
The absolute darling @ twindy5 was kind enough to send me some trends just before posting this so we could see some of the latest numbers.
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Source: twindy5 Twitter
Our crewmates over at NeverLeftPodcast caught #FireDavidZaslav as well!
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Source: NeverLeftPodcast's Twitter
= We Are All Taika Now =
So one thing you don't want to miss is that apparently certain folks on twitter think that everyone fighting for Our Flag Means Death on Twitter is a Taika bot. So rejoice! If you wanted to be Taika Waititi, now you can be!
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Source: @ pirateidiot's twitter And everyone rolled with it!
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Source: DagaNaranjade's Twitter
= Long Post Is Long - See More Below The Cut =
= RoboJenks =
Okay so there was some speculation because an account named "David Jenkins" started getting into the fun with everyone today (but not Chaos Dad's account). Many folks thought it was a bot that maybe somehow got attached to our trends, but I read back to when the account was created back in January and they've been around a bit. They've hopped on the bandwagon against WB for quite some time (for CoyoteVsAcme, etc) so it's still possible they're a bot, but hard to tell for sure. What did cause some excitement was Chaos Dad then blocked them.
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Source: @meowzawowza_ on Twitter
= Other Fandoms =
One of the other exciting things that happened today was just how many other fandoms outside of OFMD Twitter decided to jump on the bandwagon for #DontStreamOnMax. Even the SnyderVerse folks got into it!
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Source: @ BatFleckMovie's Twitter / @ seven_sugars on Twitter
= Menacing Memes =
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Sources: @xxprincess1x's Twitter / @ love4ofmd's twitter
= Articles Covering the Polite Menacing! =
Q+Magazine Article
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Source: Q+Magazine Twitter
Daily Caller Article
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Digg.com Article
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
NerdStash Article
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Source: Nerdstash.com
‘Don’t Stream On Max’ explained: Why people are boycotting the streaming platform
Is Warner Bros. Discovery Inc (WBD) worth investing in despite its overvalued state?
== NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week ==
The lovely folks over at @neurofmdivergentprideweek were kind enough to allow me to share some info for the upcoming Week!
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"What is NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week?
NeurOFMDivergent Pride Week is a week-long Our Flag Means Death fan event for creating & sharing fanworks focused on neurodivergent experiences. There are prompts for each day, but any content relating to OFMD and neurodivergence is welcome."
Wanna learn more? Please visit them here on tumblr!
Source: NeuroOFMDivergent Pride Week's Pinned Post
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's Cast Cards are Lily Riley, "head guard" of The Red Flag, she had the distinct honour of being knocked out with chamomile! and also one of our lovely writers-- Natalie Torres!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter!
= Pride Month =
Gonna try to keep up some spotlights from the fans with Pride month! Tonight's spotlight is the absolutely stellar @blackbeardskneebrace with some adorable Peanuts style of our favourite pirates! Peanuts T4T Ed/Stede / Peanuts Polycule
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. Today we are all Taika. You're Taika-- I'm Taika, all of us are Taika! And you know what Taika does? He gets some sleep, and he eats good food and drinks plenty of water!
You know what else he does? Laugh, and cry, and joke, and enjoy life! And even further-- he is kind and he is thoughtful, and he is proud of the work he does, and so you should be too! Goodnight Taikas, I hope you sleep well and wake up refreshed tomorrow. So proud of you <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs courtesy of the always lovely @darkinerry and @thunderwingdoomslayer
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natalyarose · 25 days
𝓈𝒶𝒷𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒶 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇 (𝓋𝑒𝒹𝒾𝒸 𝒶𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑜) ♡
My little sister introduced me to Sabrina Carpenter and I gotta say I loove her!! Not necessarily my type of music, but the older I get, the more I realise how every genre has something so beautiful to offer and it just makes me so happy to see ART and joy in this world of any kind :')
My first thought is she's gottaaa be Sun influenced- the pastel, literally sunny visuals, the bubbly smile & attitude, the 'lightness'. I find Solar women possibly the easiest to spot- even Sun women I've met who have 'darker' personalities & aesthetics still offer this light energy. I checked, and she is Krittika Sun! (I know she's getting very popular now so this is all probably old news to a lot of people lol but just thought I'd share).
ALSO, I've noticed people remarking on how she is bringing the element of dance and full 'performance style' back into music. Krittika is intimately connected to the art of dance.
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Then she has Moon conjunct ascendant in Purvabhadrapada, in the 1st house! Classic Jupiterian sass & vocals (Jupiterians often have gorgeous and or very powerful voices since Jupiter traditionally rules the throat) + Purvabhadrapadas position as the archetypal 'femme fatale' is referenced in her song 'Feather'. Religious imagery is common to see with Purvabhadrapda natives too given the bhadrapada Nakshatras relation to sacrifice.
Since she has Purvabhadrapada Moon; this makes her yoni animal the lion- glamorous, proud, strong.
I noticed someone comparing her energy/demeanour/look in her music video for her song 'Espresso' to Sharpay in Highschool Musical, who is played by Krittika Ascendant, Ashley Tidsdale. Definitely a nice depiction of Krittika energy- being in Taurus, we see Venus (beauty, pleasure, luxury, art) combined with Sun (joy, warmth, self love, authority). Edit - y'all I think I got confused between different birth time sources, but Ashley is in fact mostly Bharani ascendant HOWEVER, with Venus in Krittika ruling her chart.
As well as Sun & Jupiter Nakshatras' abundant qualities, I think Sabrina having Moon in the 1st definitely helps to garner likability & widespread appeal. Moon reflects whatever is around it, so she's going to be somebody who as an artist, is naturally attuned to public opinion. Moon in the 1st can have a knack for identifying what is popular, and reflecting it back through their persona or art in their own way.
With Sabrina's Sun, Moon & Asc consisting entirely of Purvabhadrapada & Krittika, this makes the energies of the 'brahmin caste' extremely relevant to her. Brahmin Nakshatras tend to be associated with spirituality, knowledge, education, prestige or a 'priestly' quality. Of course, not always especially since the ways in which each Nakshatra works is very unique; but heavily Brahmin influenced people tend to find themselves in very privileged positions in life- even if they're in a rough spot, they carry themselves with an aura of importance and therefore tend to easily attract what they desire.
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As I talked about in my Vishakha women post, especially Vishakha but honestly strong Jupiter influence in general is often somewhere in the charts of those who have the type of fame where they are ever expanding & deeply influencing the masses.
Anyway, I'm eating up her music videos lol, the solar energy is so uplifting- sorta makes me nostalgic for the 2010s, when mainstream music & trends was a lot more solar inclined in that way. Some may have considered it shallow (my edgy 12 year old self sure did lmao) but honestly I think there can be something very spiritual about artists making music that's just fun, joyful and silly.
Thankyou for reading & I definitely want to do more small observational/analysis posts like this! ♡
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kinky-pen · 18 days
Got any general Ouran headcanons?
More disorganised, general thoughts!
When Tamaki found out about renfairs, the whole host club wasn't just dragged to one (I don't believe they're a thing in Japan, but I may be wrong), Tamaki made them help him organise one. Yes, Kyoya had thought he'd escaped budgeting for Tamaki's whims in adulthood, and yes he felt stupid for thinking that.
Paints his nails frequently. It's an activity he finds fun, but he also repaints them constantly because he changes his mind about the colour constantly! He also wants them to match his outfit, and god forbid he plan ahead.
Was raised Catholic in France, but finds much more love for the aesthetics and community than the religion himself.
Haruhi was always androgenous, but she embraces her gender nonconformity and identity even more as they become and understands themselves. Lots of lovely suits, both masc and fem. (They do use all pronouns, also, but use she/they the most)
Keeps the short hair!! I know she grows it out in the manga, but the short hair is nicer, more in character, and Haruhi said on multiple occasions that they prefer it.
When she's a lawyer (not if, let's be real), she's actually scary good at employment law and making sure companies compensate and treat their worker's fairly (comrade Haruhi, everyone)
Keeps a sketchpad handy a good portion of the time. He found art really relaxed him, and he's pretty talented at it, but he'll keep it to himself as it's something he actually considers for him, not profit or prestige.
Has had a crush on every member of the host club, at some point, except Hanni for obvious reasons (boo, you whore)
Has diagnosed depression, and is half convinced he has a personality disorder of some flavour. He can be a bit of a hypochondriac, however, and his doctors haven't confirmed anything as of yet. Who knows.
Dyes his hair constantly, all sort of colours. Like Tamaki and his nails, Hikaru recolours his hair very often - as soon as he gets bored of it. It got to the point where he dyed it four times in a month, fried it all off, and had to get a buzz cut. He eased up a little after that.
Loves getting tattoos. He's one of those people that really love the sensation of it, and he also gets a cool piece of art on his body forever! Yes there's something wrong with him, he's seeing a therapist!
Loves spending time in his office, tinkering about with new things - whether it be finding new ways to put together certain pieces of hardware, or coding new software. He can disappear in there for days straight, sometimes (he has a mini fridge stocked with drinks and snacks, don't worry)
Goes through phases of growing out his hair, then cutting it all off again. Changes hairstyles frequently. When you're head of a designer brand, you do have to balance keeping up with the latest trends with setting them, and I think Kaoru does well with both sides of that.
Loves flower arranging (which is semi-canon), but it's something he keeps up his whole life.
Kaoru actually does have some """mild""" HPD (that's the phrasing he uses, but he generally means he's high functioning) he's just like me frfr
This man matures like a fine wine. Will always be attractive, honestly. He went from hunk to DILF to GILF effortlessly.
Still wins Judo competitions and such well into his early fifties, but decided to retire from competing at 53 due to some joint issues. Still keeps it up for fun and health, though.
Had a bit of a revelation about putting his foot down and protecting his boundaries during university. It actually helped him a lot with the self destructive tendencies he has in canon.
Living his best life with his goth wife! He just adores that girl so much and she'll kill for him! (Ask her to kill for you, Hunni, she really wants to)
Takes up baking his own cakes, which does actually save money in the long run - not that they need to worry about that.
Had a similar revelation to Mori in university, caused by Mori standing up for himself more. He realised that he can still be true to himself and what he wants, without running roughshod over those who care about him. He can still be a little selfish, but better than what we see in canon.
Also, as this is a kink blog and I don't really want to encourage engagement from people not into NSFW/are minors - please only 'like' this post if you're the aforementioned :)
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7grandmel · 8 days
Rip of the week: 24/06/2024
YO-Kai Direction
Season 7 Featured on: Now That's What I Call Quality! 3
Ripped by DonnieTheGuy
Y'know, funny story: a part of me genuinely thought I'd made this post already, and I had to double-check my posting archive three times over just to make sure. Because for as much Season 7 glazing as I've done on here, YO-Kai Direction is the kind of rip that absolutely deserves that love, as such a perfect rip from one of SiIva's most surprise breakout events in recent memory. Hell, last time I was covering the event in question, this rip only barely lost out from being covered instead of Beautiful Dreamer - but, in earnest, I believe two legends should indeed be able to coexist.
I've learned a lot from running this blog, but one of the biggest breakout surprises to me was learning just how incredible of a ripper DonnieTheGuy truly is. He joined the team around when I was paying less attention to the channel in general, and didn't exactly have a loud internet personality for me to learn of otherwise - yet rip by rip, from the blog's very first in Running Through Cookie Country to later-covered examples like Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier and Remember when this song was the one related to toilets?, I began realizing just how powerful the guy is. A master chef that works in the background, even working to provide tons of assets to help people get into ripping themselves, sharing samples, samples and much more. But even if I wasn't aware of all that, even if I wasn't aware of just how much of a menace he is even off of SiIva when it comes to Twitter shitposts (the Digital Circuit edit trend where he made like 20+ edits on his own for instance), YO-Kai Direction would've likely convinced me on its own of DonnieTheGuy's prestige.
I recall saying to myself back when I wrote Beautiful Dreamer that one of the reasons that I picked it over YO-Kai Direction was just due to how much I'd already featured YO-KAI Disco, and Yousuke Yasui's music in general, on here. 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT) was effectively the rip that made me INVESTED invested in the art of high quality ripping, WA-HOO DISCO shows just how much Super Mario 64's sound can and has been pushed by the SiIva team, Siiva Lining just outright slaps - you get it. But we're now in the golden age of ripping quality, where it feels as if every rip made is touched by some benevolent gods ensuring that it does WAY more than it necessarily needs to in order for its proposed joke to work. Because like, YO-Kai Direction is an incredibly simple premise on the surface, mashing up the all-too-known YO-KAI Disco with What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction as part of the One Direction event. Back in, say, Season 1, that would've been the end of it, but there's so many small touches added by DonnieTheGuy that shows just how invested he was in utilizing One Direction's sound to the fullest.
And honestly, when the One Direction event began, I was initially a bit disappointed, as it took the place of the channel's annual "9/11 event", which had previously given us incredibly bait-and-switch events like what brought us SUNGORE in 2020. Initially I figured that I had no stake or familiarity with One Direction and so the event was completely out of my wheelhouse...but not only was I SURPRISINGLY familiar with What Makes You Beautiful in particular, I also had no clue that the team was so excited and ready to start using it. It gave me flashbacks to Season 6's Big Time Rush event which brought us Famous Surprise, only with even more people firing on all cylinders for it. Because again - in many other eras, YO-Kai Direction would've just been a mere mashup, but DonnieTheGuy goes the extra length to pitch-shift it all to something absolutely heavenly.
Without ever leaving that original pitch for the rip, YO-Kai Direction masters the art of escalation in a way that's so well done, it's hard to even notice with how well it fits in. It begins as a seemingly normal mashup with a slightly increased BPM speed of YO-KAI Disco being used as to match the One Direction song, but then at the second go around at the verse's melody it becomes more YTPMV-esque, editing soundbytes from What Makes You Beautiful into the melody of the source track, as if to communicate the two tracks merging - "You're insecure, but you walk-walk through the do-o-or!" is pulled off with just a slight stutter and pitch-shifting that's immediately noticeable if you're paying attention to it, yet fits so well as to initially sound just like an extension of the initial mashup. This then carries on into the bridge, before finally exploding in the chorus - wherein every part of One Direction's vocals are pitch-shifted to amazing effect. It's hard to put into word without repeating myself just how well done this build-up is, but the end result is obvious - a genuinely amazing listen.
All the while, slight elements of What Makes You Beautiful's instrumentation seem to be sprinkled into the rip, sounding almost as if they had just been dug out of the mix of the original YO-KAI Disco. That's the theme of the whole rip, and to be clear - ABSOLUTELY not meant as a negative. The way in which DonnieTheGuy managed to make YO-Kai Direction sound almost as if it was a natural collaboration between One Direction and Yousuke Yasui is actually insane, yet it still subtly honors the traditions of what makes the greatest SiIvaGunner rips as good as they are. I won't sugarcoat it - on many days, humming YO-KAI Disco in public, THIS is the version I'm humming.
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andreablog2 · 6 months
A Utopia productions film is always going to be some confused pastiche of various aesthetic and thematic trends with nothing tying them together. It’s very like ….if a college town zine from exactly 3 years prior to its production became a film made by 36 year olds. The quality of most prestige work today really speaks to how the insularity of this privileged sheltered art community literally makes everyone act as if they have brain damage from actually incest. They should honestly keep the company going just to see how nonsensical and uninspired everything is. It’s good fuel for younger artists to make better art out of spite imo
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pierre-priestly · 20 days
The Tiresome Truth About Trends
By Pierre Priestly
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Another season, another barrage of supposedly "must-have" looks and accessories bombarding us from all angles. The relentless cycle of fashion trends and consumer culture has me utterly fatigued. When did it become acceptable - enviable, even - to mindlessly chase after each new fad like lemmings obediently gulping down the latest "It" product?
This disturbing lack of individuality and inability to think for oneself makes me want to cancel my subscriptions and burn every magazine that hits my desk. How many faux pas-filled celebrity looks and cringeworthy street style galleries can we possibly consume before recognizing the vapid excess for what it is?
The fashion world used to be a brilliant bastion of exclusivity and taste-making prestige. Visionaries like the iconoclastic Elsa Schiaparelli rejected boring conformity in favor of avant-garde sophistication and magnificent whimsy. Her iconic Surrealist collaborations with artists like Dali and ingenious abstruse designs - like the beautiful Lobster dress and Skeleton sweater - redefined modern chic as something wildly imaginative yet supremely cultivated.
That singularity of creative brilliance has tragically become all too rare. We've become a culture enslaved by newness for newness' sake - addicted to the adrenaline hit of fevered hype and perpetual want for more, more, more. And for what? A fleeting high that dissipates into self-disgust and emptiness as soon as the next big trend hits the scene? I think not.
While the breathless herd chases after each passing novelty, the true fashion greats understood something more profound: The art of cultivating a signature aesthetic that transcends temporal vagaries. Like when Hubert de Givenchy brought rarefied elegance and modern glamour to his sculpted, minimalist creations for muse Audrey Hepburn. Their discreet sophistication has far outlasted the momentary blips on fashion's radar.
Even the house of Prada - built on the avant-garde conceptualism and progressive feminist spirit of Miuccia's anti-status nylon handbag - has managed to retain uncommon dignity and intelligence amid industry hoopla season after season. While others flit about chasing ephemera, Prada has stood for something greater.
My dears, isn't it time we awoke from this materialistic trance and reclaimed our discerning taste and sense of self-respect? When you find yourself coveting an "It" item or look solely because the echo chamber of social media and fast fashion has manufactured a frenzy around it, pause. Ask yourself: Does this piece inspire true sartorial artistry the way an iconic Schiaparelli design or Armani masterwork does? Or am I simply chasing windswept vagaries and momentum for momentum's sake?
It's a question to which the answers may prove quite unflattering at times. The truth often is. But I have far more respect for those brave enough to think for themselves - to forge an identity of substance over hollow want-mongering and wanton consumerism.
The path of individuality and self-actualization is arduous and unending, but taking the road more discernible is a matter of self-respect. It starts by canceling the noise and rediscovering what you truly hold dear.
So I'll leave you with this: What trite trends and ill-advised impulse buys are no longer serving you? Let today mark a renaissance of reverence for true style over senseless materialism. Discern what is built to endure and inspire like the creations of Schiaparelli, Prada and Armani. Only then can you ascend from the incessant thirst trap of consumerist trends. Who's with me?
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secondhanddevil · 6 months
Interlude with Yuza and Tamara, with absolutely no subtext whatsoever
“I didn’t know you had opinions on the decor.”, Yuza remarked as she examined the multicolored fabrics laid before her. Each one was a work of art, labored over for months by the many talented weaver guilds of Illium. Each guild clamoring to have the prestige, and subsequent notoriety, of having their works hang in The Voice of the Nontricates own home.
“You never said anything about the last hundred rounds of selection.”, Yuza said to the woman at her side. Knight-Comander Tamara was an imposing sight regardless of the situation. Even in her casual wear, people made comments when they thought she couldn't hear, likening her to a mountain glacier- cold, harsh, and completely merciless. Yuza disagreed, she knew her sister better. Tamara was closer to a deep ocean than a mountain. Just as intimidating but with so much more beneath the surface.
“I have options, I have just never felt the need to share them.”, Tamara said with a shrug while Yuza picked up one of the rolls of fabric, a deep roiling violet with gold geometric designs stitched into it.
“Oh? And what monumental event has caused you to share your previously secret opinions on curtains?”, Yuza asked her sister with a smile, an eyebrow raised.
“You’ve been rearranging a lot of furniture in the house.”, Tamara stated, her face as impassive as ever, “‘Replacing a lot of our old furniture with new fleeting trends”.
“I don’t think these are fleeting trends...” Yuza said exsmining the bolt of cloth in her hands, “Besides, it’s not like I’m getting rid of any of the old furniture, just moving it around”.
“For now, but you’ve already moved one dresser into storage, what’s next? A bed frame?” Tamara asked pointedly, her eyes boring into Yuza's.
“Hells,” Yuza thought in resignation, “So we’re having this conversation now.” Her tail twitched anxiously. She should have expected it. Tamara was not one to keep her options hidden from her, but danm, if Yuza hadn’t just fallen for one of Tamara's tricks. Just because Tamara often wasn't subtle doesn’t mean she was incapable of it.
“Well, I’ve had that dresser for what, 70 years now? I think it’s time for a change wouldn’t you agree?”, Yuza asked as she put down the curtain.
“That cabinet has been tried and tested, made from sturdy wood and hasn’t shown any signs of wear and tear.” Tamara replied, walking past her sister to examine a different roll of a fabric. “It has served you well for decades, there’s no need to replace it now.”, Tamara said, as she picked up the new roll. It was from one of the older weaving houses, one of Belegar’s people if Yuza remembered correctly. The fabric was a deep crimson and bronze, with clouds woven out of spun brass. It would be much heavier than the violet one, but would provide more protection from the elements.
“I like this one better.”, her sister stated.
Yuza furrowed her brow, “And what about this one calls to you?” She asked.
Tamara turned and looked down at her sister, “We’ve bought their curtains before, they are good quality, and we’ve never had any problems with them since we bought them.” “Perhaps I desire a change of pace, something new.” Yuza said, looking at the fabric and knowing exactly what Tamara was talking around. She had been trying to avoid talking about Jax since the breakfast but her sister was nothing if not dogged in her pursuit of letting her displeasure be known.
“It will not be as good as the ones we have.” Tamara replied, her teeth starting to grind against her tusks, a sure sign she was getting just as frustrated as Yuza at this line of questioning.
“How do you know?” Yuza responded, arms crossing in front of herself subconsciously.
Tamara gave a short, sharp exhale out her nose “Because, Yuza, it has not been tested as much as our existing curtains. It has not gone through the same rigors. We have had these type of curtains for several years now and they have served us well. I can see no reason to change them now all of a sudden.”
“Well maybe I want something new!” Yuza's voice rose sharply, her tail lashing behind her, “Maybe I am tired of having the same heavy curtains in my home, always blocking the light. Perhaps I wish to feel the rain on my skin when I look out on the balcony!”
Silence followed Yuza’s proclamation, Tamara looking down at her and Yuza breathing slightly heavy from the outburst. Her tail coiling itself around her legs defensively. Tamara said nothing as she walked towards her sister, leaned down and pressed her forehead to Yuza’s.
“Everything I do is to protect you, even if you don’t like it.” Tamara whispered.
Yuza nodded, reaching her hands up to grasp Tamaras’ face, “I know, but I cannot keep making the safe choice and expecting things to change. I need to make different ones, even if I might get hurt.” Yuza locked eyes with her sister, “Perhaps one new curtain, to try it out.”
Tamara sighed, “I do not like it but can accept it. What about the furniture?”
Yuza gave a wry chuckle “I will stop rearranging the furniture for now.”
“Good, Tamara said her face serious, “I hate getting new furniture.”
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joeruggieroblog · 1 year
Fashion Plate!
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
"why do people like [character] more than [other character]? why is there so much content about them?"
well, you see, when people draw/write about/make meta about [character] they get a lot of positive and friendly comments. and when they try that with [other character] they get a bunch of people angrily decrying everything they got wrong and telling them they're a terrible person who should stop creating art.
"why do people like [ship] more than [other ship]?"
when people interact with [ship] they get a lot of positive comments. and when they interact with [other ship] they get people complaining that they're doing it wrong and being inappropriate and the way they like the ship isn't sufficiently worshipful.
"why do people like [prestige category] more than [minority]?"
when talking about the prestige category, people get a lot of praise for interpretation, and positive interaction of people adding on to their ideas and running with them. when they talk about minority characters/relationships/media they get crickets. or they get called a bigot. or they get bigots advising them to create more bigoted interpretations of things.
"why do people want to ship things instead of creating elaborate breakdowns of media?"
shipping gets a lot of positive feedback. literary analysis gets people ignored. or gets angry people saying dumb bullshit. (it also attracts fascists pretty much no matter what.) or an elaborate, often hostile, disagreement, because it's much harder to see things the same way the more depth they have. it's also a lot of work for way less engagement. if it's thorough, there's not a lot for anyone to add on, so no one continues the conversation. if it's not thorough, then the author gets called an idiot for missing obvious things. even if someone likes it, they add in a bunch of things complaining about other things in fandom that OP often finds fun.
...like, I get it, there are trends you don't like in fandom, but I only ever see complaints about those trends. I don't see the same people, say, promoting the content they do like. and I see so many complaints, without any corresponding rec list. create things about the unpopular character/ship/media - more importantly, find the ones other people have already created. promote the things about or by minorities. find the viewpoint or lens you like - there is so much meta out there, and so little of it gets interacted with.
and for fuck's sake, stop blaming everything you don't like on other marginalized groups just because you don't get the same thing out of something that they do. and stop randomly bringing asians into it when they have nothing to do with anything.
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imasloid · 4 months
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This is PART THREE of the L'Antica fashion analysis thread (had to separate because of picture limit)! Click these links for part one and part two.
Encadrement Coupé (アンカードルモンクーペ) continued
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Key points of “Encadrement Coupé” mainly include strong Medieval knight theming with Victorian and Romanticist influence. This does not only include the clothing, but also the colors used (black and gold) have strong symbolism and meaning in tincture used in heraldry.
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Heraldry refers to the design and display of armonial bearings, while tincture refers to the the use and symbology of colours and patterns used in heraldry. The main colors in “Encadrement Coupé” are gold/or (faith and obedience) and black/sable (constancy and grief).
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The songs that are associated with this costume give more insight into why or and sable were chosen as colors. In their song, “A Certain Story of Heroes” (とある英雄たちの物語), five knights (L’antica) of different orders get into a bloody duel and fight against each other to the death.
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This story continues with the song “Unsung Heroes” where it’s revealed that fighting occurred between the five orders to see who could best serve their lord, & the five knight leaders had a final battle to see which order remained, thus fitting the themes of grief and obedience.
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The “Encadrement” part of the costume’s name is very important as well, as one of the main points of the costume are the frames that surround the members with their swords. Victorian (and especially Pre-Raphaelite) painters had a fixation on frames and how they complimented art.
Knights were often painted not as they were but how they would want to be remembered. As such, they are in a battle-ready, dynamic pose (unusual as subjects of paintings would have to sit still for a long time) with an embellished gilded frame around them.
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Different frames were used depending on the size or medium of the art piece, but also based on the content of the piece. Gilding, or application of gold leaf on a wood frame, was a common practice and often represented royalty, beauty, or prestige (Lord Leighton Frederic's Crenaia, the Nymph of the Dargle).
If you want to know more about Victorian and Pre-Raphaelite frames and framing techniques, this blog post is really interesting and informative!
Haute Couture ArtePiece (オートクチュールアルテピエス)
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“Haute Couture ArtePiece” is L’Antica’s eighth costume, featuring the members as socialites visiting an amusement park with animate stuffed animals. In the first time in a while, this costume marks a return to the heavy steampunk theming that L’antica is known for.
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Haute couture refers to custom-fitted high end fashion design, reserved for the runway or upper-class socialites and celebrities. It was coined as a term during the Victorian Era by Charles Frederick Worth to delineate “houses” or “salons” that were of quality and prestige.
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The biggest style inspiration for “Haute Couture ArtePiece” is that its heavily based off of late-Victorian haute couture and upper-class fashion. The silhouettes and fabrics/features are shared between the two, but L’Antica’s costume has a more modern twist.
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Key points of “Haute Couture ArtePiece” include a marriage between the haute couture trends of the Victorian era with the trends of today. While there is a common silhouette and general style reminiscent of an earlier period, little details elevate it uniquely to the current day.
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Another key point I’d like to expand on is the makeup of this costume. Compared to old costumes where the makeup was not noticeable or used for “horror” purposes, this costume has a full, polished look including eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick.
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Though the costumes themselves are moreso Victorian, the setting is very reminiscent of a steampunk universe. The amusement park, covered in gears and mechanical joints, is all powered by steam power.
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Even the stuffed animals have gears for eyes, metal appendages, and appear to be mechanical as well!
Watching the animation, it’s a fun contrast to see the members in very upper-class high fashion but also having fun in an amusement park: Kogane in a parade, Mamimi on a teacup ride, Sakuya on a carousel, Mitsumine on a swing ride, and Kiriko on a ferris wheel.
This is it for L'Antica! This section will be updated with new unit costumes when come out.
If you liked this thread, check out my Twitter and give me a tip on Ko-Fi so I can do more things like this with other idol series! Thanks for reading <3
Next section: Kogane Tsukioka
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littleporksausage · 1 year
Yet another skin release, yet another disappointing prestige skin, this time for Katarina.
My main gripe with prestige skins when it comes to design is that they're just... boring? And I don't mean that they lack detail or skill, absolutely not, the in-game effects are stunning. But the design details are just stripped away
Let's look at the latest prestige skin, Faerie Court Katarina. First, the base one
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I won't get into splashart structure too much, since that is a different topic entirely, but I will mention the colour palette is vastly different from other skins in this line, already distinguishing Katarina as someone in a different position, an outsider even.
Now, for design details. I'll list the ones that stick out to me the most
The blades are very thin, resembling insect wings or some type of mandibles. Insect
In the wing patterns there are eyes, reminiscent of some species of moths, and the wing shape is sharper, again leaning more towards moths instead of the butterflies of other skins
While it is a very fantasy design, the outfit clearly has armored pieces in it, immediately establishing her as a warrior of some sort, albeit distinct from Kalista. Her outfit is light, but protective, maybe less a brawler but more a, you know. Assassin (this is all ignoring the boob window. We all know the deal with boob windows, in a design analysis it may as well not be here)
The shoulder pads have scales and fur. The scales fit in with the general bug theme, while the fur further alludes to moths
A splashart specific design detail - in the art Katarina looks like she's emerging from a cocoon. The butterfly and moth theming is very strong
Now, let's compare that to the prestige version of the skin
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Here the colour palette is, of course, changed to fit the prestige style, which is completely fine. The composition is more reminiscent of other prestige skins aswell, which means that Katarina's pose and surroundings don't reflect the theme as well as the base splashart.
And for the details I mentioned above
The blades are now shaped exactly like Katarina's base swords, with the added wing shapes at the handles
The wings are more rounded, and in the spots that had the eyes, there are now holes (which. Why. Cmon)
The armor pieces are all gone, including the shoulder pads with the fur and scales
The outfit has more fragments reminiscent of butterfly wings and flower petals
These changes are not inherently bad. They make for an attractive design. My issue is that the design is boring. Clearly a lot of thought went into the base design, adding many subtle but recognizable visual allusions to moths and insects in general. The prestige skin has nothing of the sort, only having some flaps of fabric that look vaguely wing-like
I think the design philosophy of prestige skins is immensely disappointing. I noticed that trend first with Star Guardian Syndra and Space Groove Nami, who both had those same issues, taking away the pieces of original design that made those designs unique and representative of their skin line
When Riot announced they would be changing the way they treat prestige skins, I was excited to see what they come up with, but honestly? All these prestige skins do is make me appreciate the base ones more
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
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Cleopatra Sara Rai Hexley
Cleo Hexley transferred to Hogwarts School from Ilvermorny for her NEWTs, with dreams of becoming a magical art historian and anthropologist. It soon transpired, however, that the majority of Cleo’s peers were more interested in her face than her mind. After she grew tired of being the face of the Egwu fashion house, Cleo embarked on a career as a tour guide for Globus Mundi Wizarding Travel Agents, where she was able to use her looks, charms, and knowledge, all at once.
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Born: 24th May 2000 (Gemini)
Hometown: New York, New York, USA/Camden Town, London, England
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mixed White British/British Indian, born and raised between America and the U.K.
Blood status: Half-Blood
Gender identity: witch (she/her)
Sexuality: bicurious.
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFP (Campaigner)
Strengths: clever, charming, curious, quick-witted, creative, hard-working.
Weaknesses: nosy, stubborn, defeatist, hates to be wrong, vain/proud, insecure.
Interests/hobbies: history, art history, psychology, anthropology, fashion, writing, reading, painting.
Height: as an adult, 5’9”
Weight: as an adult, 58kg
Hair: dark brown, almost black, thick, wavy-curly.
Eyes: brown with a ring of green around pupil.
Skin: brown.
Defects: none.
Style: Varies - Cleo receives many gifts of clothing from wizarding fashion outlets, which means that she is easily able to keep up with the latest trends. At home, she will wear whatever she feels most comfortable in, which is usually either lounge/sportswear or loose-fitting clothes made from light, floaty materials.
Faceclaim: Simone Ashley
Wand: Cherry and Wampus Cat Hair
This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core.
Animagus form: none.
Patronus: bat.
Boggart: the floor beneath her turns into a view from a great height.
Riddikulus: none - Cleo has found that the best way to get rid of her Boggart is to jump/step on it.
Amortentia (what does she smell?): Cleo has never smelt amortentia before.
Amortentia (what does she smell like?): amber, ink, wisteria, speculoos.
Magical abilities: Occlumency.
At Ilvermorny
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Best subjects: Magical Theory, History of Magic, Ancient Studies
Worst Subjects: Flying (Cleo has an extreme fear of heights!)
At Hogwarts
Hogwarts House: none, temporary student.
Best subject(s): History of Magic, Muggle Studies
Worst subject(s): none - Cleo arrived in the N.E.W.T. year and only chose subjects that she enjoyed/was good at.
N.E.W.T. Subjects: History of Magic, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, Astronomy, Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Quidditch position: none.
After Hogwarts
July 2018-February 2019: Apprentice at the Department of Magical Artefacts, British Ministry of Magic
December 2018-January 2021: Model and muse for the Egwu fashion house.
March 2021-present: tour organiser, Globus Mundi travel agency.
Jacob Hexley (father) and Angelica Cole (mother) - Cleo’s parents separated when she was very young, but maintain a somewhat cordial relationship, if only for her sake. Cleo spent her childhood between her parents’ homes and is close with both of them, but sometimes feels as if they have too high expectations for her - she is not as academic as her father, nor is she as brave as her troll-trainer and former Quidditch champion mother, neither of whom were particularly happy with her decision to leave her career in magical artefact restoration barely after it had begun.
Sara Kowalski-Hexley (grandmother) - Cleo’s grandmother Sally is always hard to read. Though somewhat distant, she is generally affectionate to Cleo, even if she occasionally seems to put up walls around herself.
Artemis Hexley (aunt) - Cleo has only met her aunt a handful of times, but she has heard plenty of stories about her from her father.
Quentin Kowalski (second cousin) - cousin Quentin is a Quidditch prodigy, the youngest ever Chaser to make the US National team. He has tried to encourage Cleo onto a broom many times, never with much success.
Rylie Hopper-Lee - Rylie was tasked with looking after Cleo when she first arrived at Hogwarts, and the two bonded over their love of art, history, ancient runes, and ice cream @thatravenpuffwitch
Danielle Parkin - Dana was the first person to make a point of introducing herself to Cleo, and after discovering a mutual love of trashy romance novels, became book sharing buddies @lifeofkaze
Zadie Taylor-Allen and Victoire Weasley - Cleo and Victoire vaguely knew each other through their families, and both she and Zadie were always pleasant to Cleo during her time at Hogwarts, unlike one of their friends…
Andre Egwu - Cleo was ‘discovered’ by the head designer of the Egwu fashion house at sixteen, and after agreeing to the occasional fashion shoot to get a bit of extra pocket money, eventually signed up to work for him as a full-time model, having grown tired of no one taking her seriously in the field she was working in. Though he is somewhat judgemental, Cleo appreciates Andre’s ability to see and say things as they are, and he quickly became a sort of surrogate uncle figure to her.
Love interests: None, yet.
Pets: Cleo’s father owns a few owls, but she has no pets herself.
Rory McTavish - Rory is just the worst, honestly. Cleo doesn’t understand what Rylie sees in him.
Reva Amari - Reva and Cleo have absolutely nothing in common, and so a close friendship was never on the cards. Unfortunately, Reva seemed to take Cleo’s disinterest personally. @lifeofkaze
Duncan Ludwig - Duncan and Cleo immediately got off on the wrong foot after Duncan decided to prank her shortly after arriving at Hogwarts. He was nothing but friendly to her after that, but Cleo hasn’t been able to trust him since. @usernoneexistent
Ancestry: as the daughter of Jacob Hexley, Cleo is the descendent of Jim and Héloïse Hexley, Ophelia Burke, and Jacob and Queenie Kowalski. Via her French lineage, she is a direct descendant of Morgan Le Fay.
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panvani · 1 year
Also everything The Menu had to say about art was shit like literally just inventing problems to appeal to the "let people enjoy things" crowd. "Not everything has to be analyzed or deconstructed or an intellectual exercise" is not a real problem in any industry and using the restaurant industry's current treatment of haute couture/fine dining as an attempt at metaphor is so fucking stupid and shallow because 1. trends in fine dining are not actually analogous to media criticism at all and 2. you cannot be a part time small town homegrown prestige TV director
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cashthecomposer · 11 months
i agree with you that sunday is a better musical but do you think it’s possible you’re getting a little heated over a silly internet poll? like this isn’t an award show, there’s no prestige here it doesn’t matter who wins. treating it like a high stakes issue when it’s literally just a poll on a tumblr blog is a little much right? if the “wrong” show wins its not like the world will go “okay fuck sondheim take away his accolades the people of tumblr decided it.” especially since you seem to be aware you’re talking to kids, calling them idiots for enjoying a different show more feels really unnecessary
I'm a teacher, specifically a music teacher. Sometimes kids need to be told they're idiots. It's not an insult- idiocy isn't something to be protected and harbored, it's merely ignorance, and ignorance is something easily amended. If you're nice about it, most of the time, the student doesn't understand the gravity of their ignorance- if you're blunt, and honest, and use words like 'idiot', then the reality kicks in.
If you think I'm being mean to my students (and by using the same language here, to my followers), think again. I'm critical, because I respect my audience, in both. If I treated my students with kid gloves, couching everything in soft words, that would not be respectful, that would be diminutive and derogatory. I don't coddle, and I don't condone coddling. Grow the fuck up and get off anon, say the criticisms you want to say without hiding. I do. I'm an adult, and don't mask that fact on this site; I will speak freely on here, especially in regards to topics about which I harbor strong passions.
I don't care if it's not an important award, instead just a silly internet poll, it's still hundreds of people voicing an opinion about what the "best musical" is based on 1) a lack of adequate information about both competitors, and 2) a fierce loyalty to fandom for the sake of fandom. And that's an insult to a great man, and to add insult to injury, it further diminishes the incredibly important nature and message of the show itself.
There are plenty of shows that could win against Sunday, and I'd understand and accept that. Phantom, Les Miserables, Hamilton, Rent, to name a few; hugely impactful musicals that have strong scores, stories, characters, and have stayed the course strongly, more successfully than Sunday. There are even some shows that don't necessarily fit all of these arbitrary qualifications that I would understand- for example, The Drowsy Chaperone if pitted against Sunday would be an interesting match that Sunday might lose, given that they're both introspective odes to art, and Drowsy in particular is specifically about the theatre, thereby more relatable for audiences. Or Sweeney Todd, which pushes more boundaries than any other show in existence in literally every facet. Heck, even Dear Evan Hansen, which I hate, might stand solely on its strong message of the difficulties surrounding mental health.
But an Internet musical that's merely slightly clever in its meta nature, following the trends established by the hyper meta media people seem to love lately, is not a contender. Voting for that because you don't know the other option is disingenuous, and voting if you know both is ignorant.
If it were high stakes, I wouldn't be talking about it on Tumblr, ffs. This is the low stakes site for low stakes things. There's a reason I'm sitting front and center at the first public performance of his last show, and there is a reason my own musical, a piece a decade in the making, is looking to make its own local premiere in my hometown next season. It's because of Sondheim, and his magic, and how strongly he inspired me. And I'm going to defend that tooth and nail until I die.
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