#yousuke yasui
arcadebroke · 1 month
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7grandmel · 11 days
Rip of the week: 24/06/2024
YO-Kai Direction
Season 7 Featured on: Now That's What I Call Quality! 3
Ripped by DonnieTheGuy
Y'know, funny story: a part of me genuinely thought I'd made this post already, and I had to double-check my posting archive three times over just to make sure. Because for as much Season 7 glazing as I've done on here, YO-Kai Direction is the kind of rip that absolutely deserves that love, as such a perfect rip from one of SiIva's most surprise breakout events in recent memory. Hell, last time I was covering the event in question, this rip only barely lost out from being covered instead of Beautiful Dreamer - but, in earnest, I believe two legends should indeed be able to coexist.
I've learned a lot from running this blog, but one of the biggest breakout surprises to me was learning just how incredible of a ripper DonnieTheGuy truly is. He joined the team around when I was paying less attention to the channel in general, and didn't exactly have a loud internet personality for me to learn of otherwise - yet rip by rip, from the blog's very first in Running Through Cookie Country to later-covered examples like Epic Rap Battles of History: Funny vs. Funnier and Remember when this song was the one related to toilets?, I began realizing just how powerful the guy is. A master chef that works in the background, even working to provide tons of assets to help people get into ripping themselves, sharing samples, samples and much more. But even if I wasn't aware of all that, even if I wasn't aware of just how much of a menace he is even off of SiIva when it comes to Twitter shitposts (the Digital Circuit edit trend where he made like 20+ edits on his own for instance), YO-Kai Direction would've likely convinced me on its own of DonnieTheGuy's prestige.
I recall saying to myself back when I wrote Beautiful Dreamer that one of the reasons that I picked it over YO-Kai Direction was just due to how much I'd already featured YO-KAI Disco, and Yousuke Yasui's music in general, on here. 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT) was effectively the rip that made me INVESTED invested in the art of high quality ripping, WA-HOO DISCO shows just how much Super Mario 64's sound can and has been pushed by the SiIva team, Siiva Lining just outright slaps - you get it. But we're now in the golden age of ripping quality, where it feels as if every rip made is touched by some benevolent gods ensuring that it does WAY more than it necessarily needs to in order for its proposed joke to work. Because like, YO-Kai Direction is an incredibly simple premise on the surface, mashing up the all-too-known YO-KAI Disco with What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction as part of the One Direction event. Back in, say, Season 1, that would've been the end of it, but there's so many small touches added by DonnieTheGuy that shows just how invested he was in utilizing One Direction's sound to the fullest.
And honestly, when the One Direction event began, I was initially a bit disappointed, as it took the place of the channel's annual "9/11 event", which had previously given us incredibly bait-and-switch events like what brought us SUNGORE in 2020. Initially I figured that I had no stake or familiarity with One Direction and so the event was completely out of my wheelhouse...but not only was I SURPRISINGLY familiar with What Makes You Beautiful in particular, I also had no clue that the team was so excited and ready to start using it. It gave me flashbacks to Season 6's Big Time Rush event which brought us Famous Surprise, only with even more people firing on all cylinders for it. Because again - in many other eras, YO-Kai Direction would've just been a mere mashup, but DonnieTheGuy goes the extra length to pitch-shift it all to something absolutely heavenly.
Without ever leaving that original pitch for the rip, YO-Kai Direction masters the art of escalation in a way that's so well done, it's hard to even notice with how well it fits in. It begins as a seemingly normal mashup with a slightly increased BPM speed of YO-KAI Disco being used as to match the One Direction song, but then at the second go around at the verse's melody it becomes more YTPMV-esque, editing soundbytes from What Makes You Beautiful into the melody of the source track, as if to communicate the two tracks merging - "You're insecure, but you walk-walk through the do-o-or!" is pulled off with just a slight stutter and pitch-shifting that's immediately noticeable if you're paying attention to it, yet fits so well as to initially sound just like an extension of the initial mashup. This then carries on into the bridge, before finally exploding in the chorus - wherein every part of One Direction's vocals are pitch-shifted to amazing effect. It's hard to put into word without repeating myself just how well done this build-up is, but the end result is obvious - a genuinely amazing listen.
All the while, slight elements of What Makes You Beautiful's instrumentation seem to be sprinkled into the rip, sounding almost as if they had just been dug out of the mix of the original YO-KAI Disco. That's the theme of the whole rip, and to be clear - ABSOLUTELY not meant as a negative. The way in which DonnieTheGuy managed to make YO-Kai Direction sound almost as if it was a natural collaboration between One Direction and Yousuke Yasui is actually insane, yet it still subtly honors the traditions of what makes the greatest SiIvaGunner rips as good as they are. I won't sugarcoat it - on many days, humming YO-KAI Disco in public, THIS is the version I'm humming.
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mecheye · 2 months
A silly YTPMV using vocal snippets and sounds from Rebellion to make a tune.
Not only is the arrangement of the music and video really well done, they picked a fantastic tune to "cover". This slaps!
Major props to +TEK for creating this!
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shadoninja · 9 months
Naruto: Clash of Ninja - Credits (For Ocarina) [12 Hole C Ocarina] Composed by Shinji Hosoe, Ayako Sasou, & Yousuke Yasui Arranged by Shadoninja Eighting, Tomy © 2003 Aka Legally Distinct™ Wind from Naruto Get the sheet music for this song and more: http://shadoninja.tumblr.com/sheetmusic
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sylvyspritii · 1 year
Nothing makes a composer feel more powerful than having unlimited access to the lead instrument from Silver Lining from Eschatos by Yousuke Yasui
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posthumanwanderings · 2 years
Everblue 2 (PS2) - Espada
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cinna-bunnie · 10 months
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johntayjinf · 1 year
Life Will Go On (YM2151 + YMZ280B)
For Sonic & Knuckles Alternate, this is the credits theme. This makes it the second time I've broken the hardware limitations of the Mega Drive for a stylistic choice.
This time I tackle the instrumentation/ musical style of the X68000 baseball game, Namachuukei 68 (生中継68).
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Composed and arranged by Yuji Takenouchi, this OST is just, *chef's kiss* immaculate. I sing high praises of FM chiptune instrumentation and Namachuukei 68 is not an exception. Heavy use of detuning and instrument stacking proved to give very close sounds to actual FM synth keyboards.
The idea came to me months ago when I was working on the OST, thinking I could close out the entire game (and consecutively the S3K Alternate OSTs) in a fancily-tied knot. I intend for this to be a "true ending" theme; your typical Classic Sonic medley would be for a normal playthrough, though I'm not up for making that.
The intro was directly inspired by an incomplete project my friend shown off to me when they invited me to their band's Discord server, and I originally thought I could continue that composition for them. I eventually put this to the back of my mind but I was inspired, still.
Even then, I wasn't entirely sure in what style to tackle this in up until recently after finding out about Namachuukei 68. It was what I was comfortable with; writing slow cheesy themes like they're from the 80s-90s. The e-piano in particular did I take interest in.
The chorus melody in particular do I want to talk about, because I bet people who didn't check my Tumblr blog (that I admittedly don't usually promote or visit) wouldn't know this, but the melody was based off the title theme, which was also directly inspired by Garret Williamson's Break Out, the recent Scott the Woz outro theme, along with some Yousuke Yasui into the mix as well.
As a bonus (don't tell your mommy), I added Masato Nakamura/ Dreams Come True's Sweet Sweet Sweet for the sendoff. I thought it'd be a great reward to listen to at the end of the game.
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sharkbattery64 · 9 months
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A piece of technictix fanart I did a while back
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satoshi-mochida · 3 months
Mamorukun Curse! coming to PS5, Xbox, Switch, and PC in 2025
From Gematsu
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City Connection and G.rev will release Mamorukun Curse! for PlayStation 5, Xbox, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, the companies announced.
The game is based on the Mamorukun Curse! originally released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
New features include:
Costume downloadable content included.
Fururu’s Challenges / Nowa’s Challenges additional stage downloadable content included.
New music (Boosted)—handled by Yousuke Yasui.
Major improvements to Story Mode—widened to a 16:9 aspect ratio, just like Meikai Katsugeki Mode.
Further details were not announced.
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toskarin · 2 years
Nagata Daisuke & Yasui Yousuke - you can't fxxk me -rush act-
from Karous, published by MileStone Inc.
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 04/07/2023
Siiva Lining
Season 2 Featured on: The Voice's Highest Quality Video Game Rips
Ripped by Half Pixel
In my experience, the average no-nonsense mashup can always have two different kinds of listening experiences. The first, what I'll presume is the most common one, is what I've loosely described before as the "puzzle piece" feeling: taking two things you're inseperably familiar with, and providing a beyond satisfying experience when they're combined. The other, however, is even more interesting, and one I've found to be quite common on SiIva: taking something you're very familiar with and adding a backing track you've never heard of that just makes the source track shine.
What's particularly funny about Siiva Lining is that it's a mashup of two sources I had very little attachment to before becoming engrossed in the channel: Maroon 5 and the VGM by Yousuke Yasui. The former, I of course got tons of exposure to throughout Season 1 of the channel, and I can now fully consider myself a fan of the band. The latter, though? Just like with 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT), Yasui's music constantly blows me away by how insanely good it is despite having never heard it before. The end result in this rip gives a whole new kind of life to Adam Levine's vocals, a feeling of absolutely unrivalled, hype. And for as much fun it is to listen to SiIva through the YouTube channel, having this big box of chocolates to pick from with regular new uploads...games with smaller fanbases like this one often go ignored by people like myself on it. Rips like these catch me by so much surprise by reminding me of just how much quality content there is on the channel that I've never even heard, and I'm extremely thankful for the albums for giving me that experience so often.
True to his name, my experience with Half Pixel's rips show him as capable of maintaining this perfect half-and-half balance between creative sources whilst still producing unironic bangers. Very few of his rips have ever felt low effort or like shitposts: even simple mashups, like the one highlighted today, feel picked out and crafted with extreme deliberacy.
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ext · 1 year
Yousuke Yasui - YO-KAI Disco (YM2151+SegaPCM)
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freshlybakedfeline · 1 year
hi mallow :03 what's some music you think everyone should have on their playlists. individual tracks or albums or whatever really
also i hope ur doing good on this Thursday Morning ok
I'm doing great on this friday morning thank you June :3 <3
Since I'm the VGM Kitty, I'll bring up my favorite Album--Eschatos' OST. Genuinely some of the finest shmup sounds of all time, with Point of No Return, Stellar Light and Silver Lining being our favs.
Anything by Yousuke Yasui is a certified hit, so if you like the sound of this, give his other soundtracks a listen! Ginga Force, Mamorukun Curse, Mega Man Network Transmission--they're all stellar.
We also Need to bring up Melty Blood's Soundtracks, as we've done a few times here before already--one of the most varied soundtracks in a fighting game I've ever seen and it thrives because of that. The song that got me interested into the series was Sakura-Koi-Uta, but if this song ALSO interests you I BEG you to listen to the rest of the soundtrack, it has a crazy variety of songs and at least one other will click with you hard.
And just for some spice
because who doesn't love Katamari.
I could list a BUNCH more songs, but for now here's some that've been rotting away in my brain Recently!
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milk5 · 2 years
Yousuke yasui song with race car 👍
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puyopuyo · 4 years
SUPER-REFLEX Artist: Yousuke Yasui Album: Megalomachia2
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