#thanks Jay for proofreading my longest interlude yet and it’s all about curtains
secondhanddevil · 6 months
Interlude with Yuza and Tamara, with absolutely no subtext whatsoever
“I didn’t know you had opinions on the decor.”, Yuza remarked as she examined the multicolored fabrics laid before her. Each one was a work of art, labored over for months by the many talented weaver guilds of Illium. Each guild clamoring to have the prestige, and subsequent notoriety, of having their works hang in The Voice of the Nontricates own home.
“You never said anything about the last hundred rounds of selection.”, Yuza said to the woman at her side. Knight-Comander Tamara was an imposing sight regardless of the situation. Even in her casual wear, people made comments when they thought she couldn't hear, likening her to a mountain glacier- cold, harsh, and completely merciless. Yuza disagreed, she knew her sister better. Tamara was closer to a deep ocean than a mountain. Just as intimidating but with so much more beneath the surface.
“I have options, I have just never felt the need to share them.”, Tamara said with a shrug while Yuza picked up one of the rolls of fabric, a deep roiling violet with gold geometric designs stitched into it.
“Oh? And what monumental event has caused you to share your previously secret opinions on curtains?”, Yuza asked her sister with a smile, an eyebrow raised.
“You’ve been rearranging a lot of furniture in the house.”, Tamara stated, her face as impassive as ever, “‘Replacing a lot of our old furniture with new fleeting trends”.
“I don’t think these are fleeting trends...” Yuza said exsmining the bolt of cloth in her hands, “Besides, it’s not like I’m getting rid of any of the old furniture, just moving it around”.
“For now, but you’ve already moved one dresser into storage, what’s next? A bed frame?” Tamara asked pointedly, her eyes boring into Yuza's.
“Hells,” Yuza thought in resignation, “So we’re having this conversation now.” Her tail twitched anxiously. She should have expected it. Tamara was not one to keep her options hidden from her, but danm, if Yuza hadn’t just fallen for one of Tamara's tricks. Just because Tamara often wasn't subtle doesn’t mean she was incapable of it.
“Well, I’ve had that dresser for what, 70 years now? I think it’s time for a change wouldn’t you agree?”, Yuza asked as she put down the curtain.
“That cabinet has been tried and tested, made from sturdy wood and hasn’t shown any signs of wear and tear.” Tamara replied, walking past her sister to examine a different roll of a fabric. “It has served you well for decades, there’s no need to replace it now.”, Tamara said, as she picked up the new roll. It was from one of the older weaving houses, one of Belegar’s people if Yuza remembered correctly. The fabric was a deep crimson and bronze, with clouds woven out of spun brass. It would be much heavier than the violet one, but would provide more protection from the elements.
“I like this one better.”, her sister stated.
Yuza furrowed her brow, “And what about this one calls to you?” She asked.
Tamara turned and looked down at her sister, “We’ve bought their curtains before, they are good quality, and we’ve never had any problems with them since we bought them.” “Perhaps I desire a change of pace, something new.” Yuza said, looking at the fabric and knowing exactly what Tamara was talking around. She had been trying to avoid talking about Jax since the breakfast but her sister was nothing if not dogged in her pursuit of letting her displeasure be known.
“It will not be as good as the ones we have.” Tamara replied, her teeth starting to grind against her tusks, a sure sign she was getting just as frustrated as Yuza at this line of questioning.
“How do you know?” Yuza responded, arms crossing in front of herself subconsciously.
Tamara gave a short, sharp exhale out her nose “Because, Yuza, it has not been tested as much as our existing curtains. It has not gone through the same rigors. We have had these type of curtains for several years now and they have served us well. I can see no reason to change them now all of a sudden.”
“Well maybe I want something new!” Yuza's voice rose sharply, her tail lashing behind her, “Maybe I am tired of having the same heavy curtains in my home, always blocking the light. Perhaps I wish to feel the rain on my skin when I look out on the balcony!”
Silence followed Yuza’s proclamation, Tamara looking down at her and Yuza breathing slightly heavy from the outburst. Her tail coiling itself around her legs defensively. Tamara said nothing as she walked towards her sister, leaned down and pressed her forehead to Yuza’s.
“Everything I do is to protect you, even if you don’t like it.” Tamara whispered.
Yuza nodded, reaching her hands up to grasp Tamaras’ face, “I know, but I cannot keep making the safe choice and expecting things to change. I need to make different ones, even if I might get hurt.” Yuza locked eyes with her sister, “Perhaps one new curtain, to try it out.”
Tamara sighed, “I do not like it but can accept it. What about the furniture?”
Yuza gave a wry chuckle “I will stop rearranging the furniture for now.”
“Good, Tamara said her face serious, “I hate getting new furniture.”
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