#Prayer time
vulpine111 · 3 months
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Holy Mary,
help those in need,
give strength to the weak,
comfort the sorrowful,
pray for God’s people,
assist the clergy,
intercede for religious.
Mary all who seek your help
experience your unfailing protection.
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thomastanker02 · 5 months
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Taken from Grace For The Moment by Max Lucado. God bless, Jesus loves you ✝️❤️
@cosmicfunnies @babyimlosingit @cottonpuffmouse
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intothestacks · 2 years
Adventures in Librarian-ing
About a month ago I had a substitute come into the library during volunteer time to ask if I had some space she could use for prayer time.
I said yes and corralled my volunteers into the fiction area of the library, telling the sub that she could close the door to the nonfiction section to have more privacy if she liked, which she did.
My little volunteers were super curious about what was happening, so I explained to them that Muslims need to pray at certain times of the day and it was time for the sub to pray.
"Ooooh!" they said, nodding in understanding.
"I only pray at bedtime, but I'm Christian, not Muslim," one kid piped up.
"I pray at bedtime and before meals (though not at school, 'cause that would be awkward)," another added.
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polyphanes · 7 months
Prayer Times and Planetary Hours
So, for The Adocentyn Temple Almanac (TATA) (about which you can learn more here and request your own customized almanac here), one of the big things I wanted to do was incorporate a daily set of planetary hours for every day for a given location.  For those who don’t know, the system of planetary hours is a useful system that’s damn near ubiquitous throughout Western magical literature and…
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kazifatagar · 1 month
Netizens Now Upset at Indonesians Using Prayer Time as Slur 
A beauty influencer on TikTok named @nyadollie recently received negative comments from Indonesian users in lieu of her skin tone. They started calling her “tahajud,” a prayer that is usually done at night. Netizens found comments like that to be inappropriate.   Netizens upset at Indonesians making prayer times as a slur  Mereka itu sengaja kak, nnti pas dinasehatin mereka bakal “loh magrib…
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bernardo1969 · 4 months
The Psalm 21 is fundamentally a continuation of Psalm 20 and both were likely composed to remember King Hezekiah's victory over the tyrant Sennacherib, ruler of the Assyrian empire, during the siege of the city of Jerusalem. King Hezekiah was in every sense the greatest emulator of David of his entire dynasty because just as David defeated Goliath by putting his trust in God, in the same way, Hezekiah obtained his victory over Assyria. The Psalm is a thanksgiving prayer and was written with the intention to teach that only those who fear God with their hearts are heard by the Lord and blessed in their plans. The spiritual gift of fear of God (constancy, firmness, devotion, equanimity, and stability) is the filial bond with God that characterizes people with common sense. With these words the Psalm begins, recognizing the love and mercy (compassion, kindness) of God towards those who are his children in spirit: "The king rejoices in your strength, LORD. How great is his joy in the victories you give! You have granted him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips" Psalm 21:1-2. And then the Psalm remembers that God is the origin of all the blessings for man, and particularly of health and longevity. God prolonged Hezekiah's life for fifteen more years when he was sick through the words of the prophet Isaiah: "He asked you for life, and you gave it to him— length of days, for ever and ever" Psalm 21:4. The Psalm ends by declaring that those who have the love of God do not find stumbling rocks in life, or rather, destructive unforeseen events, thus receiving the secure life: "For the king trusts in the LORD; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken" Psalm 21:7.
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gracieelinn · 5 months
Something I want to share! <3
I know it can be difficult to make time for God's word every day. That's something I've had a lot of trouble being consistent with once I made a commitment to do so. As Christians, it is VITALLY important that we are cultivating a strong and rich relationship with God. So how can we take time to hear His still, small voice, in the middle of the noise of our busy lives? I know I've made excuses before, sighing, "I'll read my Bible later," or, "I'll add that to my prayer list and pray about it another time," when I knew I really wouldn't. I'd pick up my phone or I'd get sidetracked with chores or a project, and the whole day would go by without me spending time with Jesus. I'm not just making an excuse to myself - I'm making excuses to Him! Look for times in between your schedule, if it's hard for you to make a specific time. In between loads of laundry? Read your Bible. Your lunch break/other break times at work? Read your Bible. Waiting for an appointment? Spend some time in prayer. Every day, we have moments of stillness built into the chaos. I've noticed this more and more in my own life. I've started to look for those times and take advantage of them. I encourage you all - look for those times, too. <3
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yahsheartcry · 7 months
What I would love for you all to get from my short testimony...
When people first look at me, they have no idea that I have been through so much, or that I am as old as I am. I am 41, but look like I am in my mid-20's. I never smoked anything growing up. Never had a desire to do anything like that. I had drank in college, but now, it hurts my stomach to do that. I've been through numerous things--physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, sexual trauma as a child and as an adult, domestic violence, narcissism, miscarriage, and houselessness. I lived in my car for almost 9 months. Through all of this, I can still say that Yah is still good, and is still good to me. He never left my side. He protected me. He provided for me. He loved and adored me, even when I left Him for awhile. He still wanted and desired me. He was jealous for me. It was when He called me back to Him, that I decided to go all in, and live my life for Him no matter what.
Some may say, "Well, what did you have to do to get to this point?" My answer...A LOT! I really did. I had to do a lot of work.
I scheduled a routine where I would pray in the morning and in the evening outside. I worshipped Him during this time too.
I would read my Bible every day.
I would keep a prayer journal.
I would keep a gratefulness journal.
I would keep a positive affirmations journal about who Yah says I am.
I went to therapy to heal myself from all the past hurt and traumas.
I was even on medications for a little while to get my body back on track.
I changed how I ate, and ate more healthy and how the Holy Spirit wanted me to eat.
I changed what I wore, and wore things that were not form fitting and low-cut, or too short. I wore modest clothing.
I attended church every week.
I started speaking more positively over myself.
I watched what I would watch on TV and at the movies.
I was careful what I listened to on the radio, on TV, or online.
I had to let some friendships go that weren't the ones that Yah wanted for me.
I had to learn how to communicate.
I had to learn how to forgive. No matter what.
I had to learn to see people the way that Yah sees them.
I had to learn to minimalize and get rid of things that were taking up too much space in my head, heart, house, and life.
I had to learn that my money really wasn't my money, and everything belongs to Yah. I can at least tithe.
I had to learn to love myself. Then other people.
You see...I had to do quite a bit to heal. I am not even done yet. I have been delivered from spirits and habits and all the things that I had no idea I was having issues with at all. I had to learn spiritual warfare, to fight the Enemy. I had to learn to be a Kingdom Woman, and always do everything with Excellence. Most importantly, and this is where I am right now, is learning to love people...even when they betray you and hurt you. This lesson has just started, but already, I can tell a difference. When you learn to love people, you learn to love Yah even more. He created all of us. We are all created in His image. Today, just today, I have felt the Holy Spirit so thick. It was amazing!
If I could help anyone today by giving them one tip, it would be this...No matter how far you may think you have fallen, or how amazing you may think you are, that hole that you are trying to fill with drinking, with sex, with shopping, with porn, with everything under the sun...means NOTHING!!!! None of these things can fill that space in your life. It may seem like it, for a little while, but they can't do it. Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is literally the ONLY ONE who can! You won't be fully happy until you let Him into your heart and your life!
Here is a prayer to help you do that:
Dear Heavenly Father in Yeshua's name,
Here I am. I come before you right now, with a repentant heart. I know that I have sinned. I know that I made mistakes and Yeshua didn't have to die for my sins on that cross, but He did. He took my punishment, because that should have been me. I believe that Yeshua is the Son of G-d, and I accept Him into my heart, my mind, my soul, my spirit, and my body right now. Take over. Renew me. Restore me. Transform me. Use me as your vessel. I love you, Yeshua. I thank you at the chance to have a transformed life with You. Thank you for making me more like You more and more each and everyday. Take my heart. Take my life.
In Yeshua's name I pray,
***If you said this prayer, and meant every word, send me a message. I would love to welcome you into Yah's family, and guide you on what to do next. ***
I love you all!
Until Friday!
~Hadassah Grace
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prayer-in-time · 7 months
prayer time in Ciro
Cairo, as the capital of Egypt, follows the Islamic tradition of observing five daily prayer times. The prayer times in Cairo are determined based on the position of the sun and follow the schedule outlined in Islamic teachings. The five daily prayers—Fajr (pre-dawn), Dhuhr (midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (just after sunset), and Isha (night)—serve as important moments for spiritual reflection, connection with the divine, and communal worship. Cairo's vibrant and diverse population actively participates in these prayer times, contributing to the city's rich Islamic heritage and cultural identity. The call to prayer, or Adhan, resonates across Cairo's mosques, marking the rhythm of daily life for its residents.
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vickihinze · 8 months
Staying Focused by Tara Randel
As we begin this new year, I find that taking stock of what I’m looking forward to keeps me focused, not only in my career, but in my spiritual life. Yes, I’m writing, but I’m also waiting to hear from my publisher about what lies ahead. Instead of coming up with what if scenarios, I plan on focusing on what I can do now, at this moment. The same goes for my spiritual life. In this moment, what…
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vulpine111 · 3 months
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O glorious prince St. Michael, 
chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, 
guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, 
servant in the house of the Divine King
and our admirable conductor, 
you who shine with excellence
and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil,
who turn to you with confidence
and enable us by your gracious protection
to serve God more and more faithfully every day.
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lomlompurim · 1 month
Something born from a convo on twt
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(Bingmei is still The Emperor and The HHP Palace Master but he spends more time with his family and house duties, and working hard into his dream of having a BIG family)
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The tweet that inspired this, which I very much agree, omega Binghe supremacy
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revjss · 11 months
Evening Prayer - 6 Nov 2023
I do sometimes get wrapped up in what I’m doing, God. Be it something for work or something personal, I can get lost in what I’m doing and forget that there are other things to do—like go to bed. So, I’m getting to this time of prayer with you a little later than I typically want to. Still, I do want to. I want to sit with you and review my day. Thank you for the the wrestling with scripture and the planning of worship I got to do today. Thank you for the work of volunteers I got to witness today. Thank you for this moment with you. Amen.
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vladhungrygen · 1 year
How to Take Your Prayer to The Next Level
As you desire to deepen your relationship with God, it’s crucial to remember that prayer is much more than a spiritual discipline. It’s a conversation with our Creator. Here are a few tips that I know will help you to establish a deeper and more meaningful connection with God. 1. Prioritize Sleep If you’re having trouble with morning devotions, it might be because you’re staying up too late…
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