Yah's Heart Cry!
120 posts
A vlog/blog that will let His kids know how their Daddy King is feeling and thinking! His heart cry!
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yahsheartcry · 3 months ago
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yahsheartcry · 3 months ago
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Today was something a little different than what even I was used to, but it was a blessing anyways. We simply waited on Yah and allowed Him to speak. He did! Hallelujah! Praise Yah! I can't wait to hear all the testimonies of Yah's goodness and faithfulness.
Keep me in prayer as the Enemy loves to keep me on my toes. I know I am victorious in Christ and that Yah has the victory!
I love you all!
~Hadassah Grace
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Be His brand reps! Stand for Truth! Stop living your lives in sin and wickedness and evil, and start living your life for the One True King! He is the ONLY way! No other ways to life!
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Yah is the most amazing artist ever! He definitely knows how to paint a sunset. Great job, Yah! I loved it!
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
As Believers it is so important to reflect Yeshua in everything we do, say, think, and feel. We may literally be the ONLY one who is a Believer to them to show them the way. Next time you want to cuss, or watch porn, or even have sex before marriage, remember...not only can Christ see you sinning, but you're literally no different than the world if you do.
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
As a Believer in the faith it's important to know that we are His Kingdom Ambassadors, His brand reps to the world. What we do matters. What we say matters. That is why we should care about our stories and how they reflect Him.
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
As a Believer in the faith it's important to know that we are His Kingdom Ambassadors, His brand reps to the world. What we do matters. What we say matters. That is why we should care about our stories and how they reflect Him.
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Are you serving 2 masters? As a Believer in the Faith, we are only supposed to serve and worship and praise Yah. He is the One True King. Over time, we have turned to the world and chose the world over Him. He's not okay with that. That is called idol worship. There aren't supposed to be any other god in your life, BUT Him! He is the ONLY Yah, and no one else!
Everything else leads to death! He is life, and everything that He is leads to life. (Proverbs 7)
When we choose to make things, people, ideas, concepts, places more important than Yah...you are putting up altars in your heart that are not Godly altars but Satanic altars. As Believers in the Faith, that is a no-no! We need to tear down every idol, repent, turn away from the sin and sinful lifestyle and turn back to Yah! He loves you! He misses you and wants you to come back to Him.
I love you! So does Yah!
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Yah loves you! Do you really love Him back? In Scripture in Mark 7:21-22, it lists things that we are NOT supposed to do as Believers in the faith. Yah is NOT pleased with His Body as a result. We are supposed to be different, set apart. We are NOT supposed to be like the world at all! Because we are constantly bombarded with worldly things and ideas and concepts, we have started living like the world AND NOT like Yah intended.
In fact, anything that is evil in Yah's sight, we are supposed to hate too. That is scripture. As a child of the Most High G-d, we literally have become so lenient and accepting of what the world has to offer, that we put Yah last, and not first. We have become like "Babylon" and worshipped all these other things and made them more important than Yah. He is NOT pleased!
We need to repent, to turn away from our sins and sinful lifestyle, and desire Yah and His ways instead. It's not too late! He loves you and He wants you to come home!
~Hadassah Grace
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Having faith isn't easy, but it is possible. With Yah, anything is possible. Even on the hard, trying days, He is still good. Keep going! It's going to be okay!
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Why do we need faith as Believers? The Bible states that "without faith, it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6). Faith is what helps us walk out our relationship with Christ, to be obedient to our King. To love Him. To serve Him. To be His Kingdom Ambassador. To bring people to Him to love. It's all faith!
If your faith is still as small as a mustard seed, ask God what you need to do to grow it so that eventually, it'll be a huge tree, with its roots firmly planted in Him.
I love you all!
Have a great weekend!
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
It's almost Shabbat!!!! I love Shabbat! Time to rest! Time to fellowship! Time to spend with Yah! I love it!
It's also a time of baking for me. I am making 2 layered Bundt cakes for fellowship tomorrow, and they should be really good!
Finally, our testimonies are proof enough of Yah's goodness and faithfulness to us. We may not necessarily be able to quote Scripture, but we each have a testimony. That is enough to share Him with others!
I love you all!
Have a great weekend!
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Faith is believing for the impossible that only Yah can do! He wants us to do even Greater Works than Yeshua did on Earth, so we need to be so firmly planted in our relationship with Him that we know where He is leading us.
He is definitely the Yah of the impossible! He's unstoppable! He's unshakable! He loves to do the crazy!
Join Him in doing the impossible, crazy things for the Kingdom! Trust Him! Be confident in Him! Watch Him work!
Love you all!
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yahsheartcry · 6 months ago
Faith is more than just believing for something...it's believing in His ...
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