#omega binghe
lomlompurim · 1 month
Something born from a convo on twt
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(Bingmei is still The Emperor and The HHP Palace Master but he spends more time with his family and house duties, and working hard into his dream of having a BIG family)
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The tweet that inspired this, which I very much agree, omega Binghe supremacy
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lryghe · 2 days
Thinking about omegaverse SVSSS au’s and I saw one that had luo binghe as an omega. And the thought stuck with me because if PIDW had been an omegaverse novel, it would have been so interesting if Luo Binghe was an omega. That would explain a lot of the initial interest people like Shen Yuan would have had in the novel. An omega who overcomes the prejudice against his secondary sex and wins against alpha after domineering alpha, all to become a stallion protagonist who defies traditional conventions? Incredible work Airplane! 
Unfortunately, he fumbles (as expected), and Luo Binghe gets absolutely no development as an omega. He never goes into heat, or maybe when he goes down into the Abyss, he comes back out as an alpha anyway. Wasted potential, and Shen Yuan dies of food poisoning because he was so busy ranting about how his precious Luo Binghe never got bred (and when he wakes up as the scum alpha SQQ, he very desperately wants out).
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10thmusemoon · 10 days
saw your omega yqy post and i must know, if yqy and sj had another baby after shen yuan (after they officially get together and openly COMMUNICATE about their feelings) how would that go? how would sj feel about it knowing that yqy loves him? how would yqy feel knowing (or at least suspecting) that sj is actually looking forward to their second child?
CW: omegaverse, jiuqi, 97
Despite a breeding kink definitely being present I don’t think SJ would want another kid! But that’s not how omegaverse goes so of course there would be another!
There was so much trepidation with the first child, so naturally he’s anxious at the beginning. Jealousy and hunger are such an integral part of who Shen Jiu that he is that he puts himself in a box of how he should feel, how he expects himself to act like he did the first time around. It was such a resentful and miserable time for him that he’s not looking forward to it at all.
SJ is so used to planning for the worst that the good always blindsides him.
A stable relationship means that this time around he doesn’t have to restrain himself at all. SJ can scent yqy as he wishes and bury his face in the sect leader’s neck for hours, getting drunk off the smell of a happy pregnant omega knowing “I did this, qi-ge is this happy because of Me.”
He can enjoy the changes this causes in yqy this time around instead of thinking it’s a parasite changing him into something unfamiliar.
There was a very real fear in yqy that SJ wouldn’t want anything to do with them after Shen yuan was born that just isn’t an issue this time around. Yqy would have been overly independent the first time around, partly because of not wanting to bother SJ but mostly because that’s who he is. When he tries to pull the same shit this time around SJ gets to gleefully bully yqy into resting and being spoiled. For once yqy can’t ignore him to stay up and finish more paperwork because SJ will immediately weaponize the baby’s health against him.
(SJ becomes a menace on Qian Cao peak and MQF morns the time when he knew less about his shixiongs sex life and they used to avoid medical care)
The pregnancy sex is filthy, but more body worship than degradation happening for once. (We’re not talking about the lactation kink but it’s real.) SJ looks at YQY flushed and full, pressed against a nest of the softest most expensive materials available and thinks, “I won. This is mine, mine, mine.”
Pride and smug satisfaction define the second pregnancy.
This is the life Shen Jiu was owed, all the years of hell were for this. Everyone that ever looked down on him was wrong, they would all eventually die with their aspirations on their tongues while Shen Jiu lives as a powerful immortal with a spoiled Qi-ge on his arms.
(The barefoot and pregnant omega fantasy is strong this time around and if only yqy could just stop giving a shit about the sect for two seconds to make it a reality!!)
YQY is over the moon with all this, similar to Shen Jiu there’s less restraint going on and he allows himself the full range of emotions. On more than one occasion he finds himself tearing up with a silent joy that sends SJ into panicked spirals that typically end with a flustered “we could have had this earlier if you weren’t an idiot about things!!”
Not only that but also with jealousy, he isn’t just a thing that belongs to SJ (though he is!) this time around but also someone that has just as much a claim to his beautiful husband. There is a certain smugness to his status a a powerful pregnant omega with an ethereal husband when they have meetings with outsiders. Also he fully milks (lol) his rights as an omega to have his alpha come everywhere (lol x2) with him “for his safety.”
(If YQY wasn’t the sect leader they surely would have been thrown out for public indecency.)
If with Shen Yuan SJ had been a reluctant father with his first pet, then with baby 2 he is suddenly the obnoxious show dog owner that thinks he’s better than you.
The difference is that Shen Yuan was Qi-ge’s baby, and the goodness of him was because of that association, it was the saving grace from the poison he would inherit from SJ.
Baby two is his, they’re all his, because it’s what Shen Jiu deserves. They are his victory and his pride and he radiates condescension for his superior family that he built.
(YQY is so into this baby 3 might be a given)
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 2 months
“It's your fault,” Shen Qingqiu hissed as he felt yet another pang in his stomach.
He was hungry, angry, missed his husband, away on a mission in the demon realm, and was eight months pregnant. 
He was too far along in his pregnancy to be able to work with the students, and he was stuck in his bamboo house with the most useless being in the world.
That rat bastard Shang Qinghua looked offended, “My fault? Your husband is responsible! I am innocent, totally!”
He wanted to take him by the throat and slowly choke him. He growled, “Who thought it was a good idea to write a straight novel about an omegaverse world?!”
Shang Qinghua raised his hands, “In my defense, omegaverse was the trend at the time.”
“You took away any possibility of your protagonist having a male omega wife. If I had, maybe I would have understood that he didn't want to kill me!
The other Peak Lord frowned, “I tried, but apparently the public didn't like male omegas, so I gave him lots of omega sisters and some alphas.”
“What's the point of writing an omegaverse if you have to make it straight anyway?!” Shen Qingqiu shouted at him, wishing he had his fan handy.
“Brother, I had to think about the bills!” Shang Qinghua whimpered. “Have some understanding. “
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asexual-angsty-writer · 9 months
Beta!Liu Qingge
Like, My brain just keeps replaying this idea:
Airplane added Omegaverse into his stallion novel because of an online friend he had, called 'Asexual-Menace' (Don't ask about the naming convention), who just kept brainrotting A/B/O.
But like, they had an extra focuse oj the socialization, how each dynamic would work, what are their differences and even fleshed out Betas as a subgender. Which, Airplane indulged in and eventually, asked to add their friends ideas into his stallion novel.
'Ace' would often beta read any of his begging drafts, encourage him and even help him with world building — which is why the Omegaverse became a part of PIDW
Though eventually, between Ace... no longer being around and Airplane needing to pay rent, a lot of things were left ambiguous, implied, personal information or small scenarios he wrote to get out of creative ruts at like 1 am.
What came as a consequence, is that all that background information becomes very tangible situations once he transmigrates as Shang Qinghua.
Luckily for him, SQH is a Beta, and thus, he doesn't need to deal with the A/O aspect.
Now he gets to deal with the Beta-aspects his friend had written, which are both good and horrible:
Pros: Great sense of smell, naturally boosted stamina, faint scents that don't stick easily/harder to track, No heats/ruts, rarely goes feral, levelheadedness is easier to maintain, pack-driven which means he can blend into crowds if need be.
Cons: Being the most responsible of subgenders, ferality is a dangerous thing for betas and usually leads to qi-diviations in Beta cultivators, need to run pack-mating cycles, needs to care for Alphas/Omegas/Pups equally, instinctual inclination to battle other betas to release stress
So, he's in a meh state, but overall — prefers to be a Beta.
Though, there was just one plot line he never thought he'd get to see through — but thanks to our resident Cucumber-bro, SY saved Liu Qingge's life and let's the plot line unfold.
You see, Liu Qingge became a peak lord without presenting — he's a late bloomer. His Qi-diviation was actually related to this fact, for obvious reasons; as not presenting makes it so bottlenecks are harder to break.
Though thanks to him being Alive, he eventually does present and as a Beta.
All of his readers assumed LQG is an Alpha and a lot of in-world characters did too — but that was never the case. LQG was meant to be a sort of mentorly-rival/Mid-Boss for LBG to learn/fight with. Him being a Beta was important to that.
Because Betas don't have strong scents, meaning not catching it in time or taking seconds too long to follow it, ends with it disappearing.
In Airplane's drafts, LBG would face off against a semi-recently presented LQG. A LQG who now has the natural boosts of being a Beta, alongside having had several major breakthroughs that were being held back due to him still being a 'pup' in that regard.
LBG would be arrogant, then be knocked down a peg by the War God himself — outlasting expectations and disappearing in tight spaces like corridors because his scent is so faint, LBG can't catch it for more than seconds — while LBG's scent is overwhelming, meaning LQG has the natural advantage. A play of nature/instincts + wisdown/strategy between the Alpha Demon lord and the Beta War God.
There's another layer to this, being a subversion of expectations — LQG had a presence; the way he stood, his tone and cadence, the way he carried himself in and out of battle. It makes sense, when you take stereotypes into consideration that he'd be an Alpha — but thats exactly why 'Ace' argued against it. Why they instead brought the idea of a Beta being the war god and how that would give a better showcase of how A/B/O and the subgenders can manifest the same instincts in different ways.
The readers, just like the characters in the drafts, are meant to be fooled by expectations then be blind sided.
Obviously, that was scrapped for the original novel but now, SQH gets to witness such a thing — though Obviously different to how he imagined it.
Since the Original SQH was the eldest beta amongst them, that means HE has to be the one to help LQG through those first stages of adapting to the changes in your body, to this new hypersensitivity, to the way your qi and meridians slowly change to adapt and the new instincts that come with being a Beta.
LQG has this earthy scent, like fresh soil, mixed in with some scent oil — something remenicent of the oil they use to clean/polish their swords.
Airplane would be so happy to see the plot line him and 'Ace' made come into fruition in some capacity.
Then it would spiral into something he didn't expect, because BingLiuShen + 'Compatible scents'
He was cursing at himself and the 'compatible scent' bs he had made for some of the wife-plots to work.
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svsss disciple au where normal human sy transmigrates into the hit omegaverse stallion novel PIDW, as…an omega disciple in the same year as binghe.
like there’s nothing wrong with being an omega. obviously. that’s sexist or something, right? being an omega is totally fine and normal, it’s just— why couldn’t he be a beta? like he knew there was no chance of him being an alpha, not when he’s basically a self-insert side character in binghe’s story. but he could’ve been normal at least.
instead, he’s got to deal with this weird obsession with the way people smell, and he feels itchy when he doesn’t have enough pillows to sleep with, and he’s eventually gonna go into heat, and it’s all a bit much, okay?!
plus… he lost some jewels in the transmigration. important ones between his legs… and it’s not like he was hung in his first life or anything, but his dick was definitely bigger at this age in his first life. this thing is like, tiny. and now he’s got this stupid hole that leaks WAY MORE than pidw ever said it would. airplane made it sound like it only did that right before binghe and some omega got down to papapa, but he keeps finding his inner clothes uncomfortably damp when it’s time to bathe.
…and sometimes around binghe, it just gets worse. binghe smells better than anything in the world—like milk bread and the first light of morning and the relief of finally finding something you’ve been missing for ages. nobody else smells like that. like coming back home from the road after months, years away. usually, that scent is a warm comfort like nothing else, but sometimes it turns hot, and sy feels his face go hot, and his breath goes a little shallow, and then the leaking between his legs gets so much worse.
isn’t all this a touch too much suffering for one poor transmigrator? it really isn’t fair at all, and sy curses airplane’s name into the dirt every time it happens.
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tireddemi · 11 months
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A Broken Heart Still Beats. - Prologue Part I (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1394567214-a-broken-heart-still-beats-prologue-part-i?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=TiredDemi&wp_originator=AhOEqP8YcWC3Es15JPF9%2FMqAU8RJX58WASBzCXSdtY99geOcZcH7BjE9Gs5H92ipjSZELBo2YYs8kdp5una81Vj%2FxBdGh33Jxszg518ExTlIjAyRs3i%2BVDB%2FmQFX2guo 
They say a broken heart is useless, but what if it is that broken heart that will be the most priceless? 
Born into the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way not once, but twice! Shen Yuan must figure out a way to make sure that the original fate of his first life in this fucked up world doesn't happen...again! 
All while having to avoid two people in particular! Liu Qingge and Luo Binghe! Determined to make sure that his brothers actually survive in this life and that he and his best friend: Shang Qinghua don't die for a third time, Shen Yuan is going to have to learn a few new things and reveal truths from two past lives! 
Also, why the hell does he have a system in this life too?! He wants a refund!
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marquisguyun · 1 year
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I drew omega!Luo Binghe for @bingqiuminibang! I’ll share my partner’s fic in a reblog.
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[a|b|o, Alpha to omega]
BingQiu | Scum Villain Self-Saving System Omegaverse, switching dynamic, plant body 22-03-2021
[#bingqiu a/b/o]
What if, when he first transmigrated, sqq was an alpha? He quickly got used to it and found it to be rather useful. alpha has more power and it also help to deal with lbh who is also an alpha ("obviously, how could he be anything else?" sqq had thought) but what if when he destroyed himself to save lbh from a qi deviation and get rebirth into the sun/moon flower body, he realises that this body is not an alpha, but an omega? making him change his opinion pretty quickly on the whole dynamic that comes with omegaverse "Sorry airplane bro, I should have believed you when you said it sucks to be an omega" he thought nearly immediately.
Still, he has to deal with it, learning as best as he can despite still having the attitude of an alpha because of his previous body. he tries to stay away from trouble, but of course, his story cannot stray from lbh, so he ends up forced to go at Huan Hua Palace. It's a totally different story now than to deal with lbh who has changed so much, but also could easily overpower him if he's not careful enough around him.
Yet he realises soon that despite how scary the demon king is now, something about him is just so calming and makes him want to be around more. He could pick up his scent from rooms away or when there are many other alphas. These things scare him rather quickly he /cannot/ be attracted to his disciple who's still obsessed with his older body.
Not when lbh hates how similar he looks to his original body and not when he's here simply to be drained from his spiritual energy. Yet when he ends up in his dream, he decides to enjoy that moment where he can be closer to him. Although it is a bit different since this α!sqq body cannot pick up his scent like Ω!sqq can, but he enjoys it the most he can, because it is better than outside the dreams.
Then his first heat come and he realise nothing scarier could have ever happened when he was still in HHP. He's absolutely terrified to be found out by lbh who would probably think he was trying to lure him away from his shizun with his similar face and now his scent and heat. So he tries hiding in his room in the palace, which is a bit isolated from the main hall, having never noticed what other omegas here were doing when they were in heat. 
He was pretty sure they were just going away from HHP for a while or would shut themselves in the farthest room. 
But he doesn't have that luxury, so he just hides in the corner of his room, trying to repress his scent and heat so he won't be noticed. Of course, luck is not on his side and this is when lbh decides to come to his room to talk to him about the spiritual energy, only to find a trembling sqq in the corner of the room, backing himself up even more in the corner of the room, looking at him terrified.
He first looks angry at this reaction, but surprisingly tries to calm himself. when he sees him approach sqq tries to beg him not to come closer and apologising for the situation, telling him he will not let such a thing happen again in the future. He closes his eyes when he gets too close, waiting for whatever lbh was going to do, only to jump when he feels a heavy outer robe being dropped on him.
the smell is more stronger than he ever managed to catch and he hugs it closer to him, feeling comfort in it. He looks up to see a lbh breathing heavily, pupil blown wide before he just turns around and leaves the room, slamming it shut and yelling some orders he cannot hear well. All he knows is that no one came to bother him and he managed to relax a bit, wrapping himself in the robe left behind by lbh.
When he's finally out of his heat, he doesn't miss the weird looks he gets, not realising he still had lbh scent on him. He awkwardly tries to discreetly give him back his robe, of course not without washing it as best as he could until his own scent was not on it anymore (it still was, what do you expect, he was in heat, but lbh doesn't say anything).
The rest of the story follows canon, only that sqq has to be more careful than before, not wanting to be randomly mated to anyone. lbh becomes instead even more obsessed with protecting him now that he's not an alpha, not wanting for anyone to take his shizun away from him.
Of course, this all has a happy ending, where sqq ends up accepting lbh as a mate and still rules over Qing Jing Peak, only now he has a demon lord ready to tear apart anyone who tries anything on him (and disciple ready to do the same).
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utatsonjen · 2 years
Q: Бинхэ, коллекционировал ли ты вещи учителя? Использовал ли их или нет-нет, ни в коем случае?
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Нарисовано для системного аска в вк.
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sekhmetpaws · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū Characters: Luò Bīnghé, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Character Study, Homophobia, But Shen Yuan is here what did you expect, Alpha Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Omega Luò Bīnghé, Dream Sex, Dreamscapes, Manipulation, but as in bingqiu's whole dynamics, Luo Binghe changes his presentantion, Gray Lotus Luò Bīnghé, a lot of head pets Summary:
Luo Binghe doesn't want to be a hero, he just wants to a wife.
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princessdave · 2 months
If Luo Binghe ever found out everything about PIDW and transmigration AND somehow found out about the Omegaverse he’d be furious at Shang Qinghua. He’d have Shang Qinghua at sword point writing “Luo Binghe is an omega” ten thousand times to try and change their universe.
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asexual-angsty-writer · 9 months
Beta!LQG taking care of OA couple Bingqiu during their heat/rut.
Like, he struggles for a solid 15 minutes trying to make something akin to a nest — running around trying to get stuff.
Hunts animals, brings them back and watches the Cooks closely to make sure they don't try nothing on the food.
Maybe hand feeding his shixiong and his shixiong's annoying (-ly handsome) demonic husband.
Sitting close by or guarding them to make sure they're okay.
Scented candles he pre-made by hand for their next heat/rut to help them through it.
LBH is just cronked out, while SQQ has some amount of lucidity — but that's mainly to demand attention and affection.
LQG may have coo'd and crooned while holding LBH once, because he was having some rut-enduced nightmare. (He swears that if SQH says anything about it, he'll make sure nobody finds him again)
Nobody is allowed to comment about the fact he smells so much like them once the joint heat/rut is about to end — mainly because he realized neither remembered the fact he was there and thus he shall keep it that way.
On hand suppressants/scented oils because too many plants enduce ruts/heats, and these two idiots keep falling into them-
(LQG's inner beta wants to stay so badly, but he pulls himself away. Which is why he usually ends up dealing with Moshang — Elder beta want to cuddle younger beta; Alpha dosen't know how to express friendship, so just does as his mate suggests in that situation.)
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nyoomerr · 3 months
(cw for omegaverse and Gender Stuff. sfw/mature at worst)
It’s been many, many years since Luo Binghe spent his rut outside of a nest. He may not have ever had a proper mate, but ever since his rise in power he’s had no shortage of rut partners, and the intensity of his ruts often throw his partners into heat. An omega facing discomfort will instinctively create a nest, and an omega in heat will not be too picky about who it is that comes inside that nest.
So: Luo Binghe is used to spending his ruts in an omega’s nest, even if the nest is different each time. 
He hadn’t realized how used to it he’d become until he was staring down the full force of his rut and realizing that no nest had been created for him; that no nest would be created for him.
Shen Yuan is not an omega, after all. 
Surely, though - surely he would be one, if he’d been born a part of Luo Binghe’s world rather than snatched out of that terrible scentless one? Luo Binghe has never been able to get it up for anyone not actively expelling an omega’s ‘come hither’ scent, but all Shen Yuan has to do is smile at him, or scold him, or pitch his voice up into that spoiled whining tone - 
Surely, Luo Binghe would not feel such fierce attraction to Shen Yuan if the man was meant to be a beta. If Shen Yuan had been born in Luo Binghe’s world, he’d no doubt have all the instincts of an omega, and so he’d surely have been pushed into pre-heat by Luo Binghe’s oncoming rut, and so he’d have built a nest.
Put like that, Luo Binghe has an obligation to help Shen Yuan out. Shen Yuan should be building a nest right now, but he doesn’t know that he should be, or even how to build one, and it’s Luo Binghe’s job as his mate to instruct him. Luo Binghe will show Shen Yuan how to do it just this once - he has watched many omegas build their nests over his lifetime, so he knows how it’s meant to be done - and then the next time Luo Binghe enters his rut cycle, Shen Yuan will know how to do it himself.
“Shen Yuan,” Luo Binghe calls, and then when Shen Yuan raises an expectant eyebrow, very quickly corrects himself: “Yuan-ge.”
“Is your rut in full swing, now?” Shen Yuan asks, and Luo Binghe swallows thickly as he catches the way Shen Yuan casts a nervous glance below Luo Binghe’s belt. 
Shen Yuan hasn’t been… hesitant, really, but he has been clearly nervous to spend Luo Binghe’s rut with him. Luo Binghe isn’t willing to look too closely at the feelings that inspires in him: both Shen Yuan’s nervousness, and the fact that Shen Yuan is still here in Luo Binghe’s rooms despite it.
“Not yet - I’ll still be fully conscious until tomorrow morning, most likely.” Luo Binghe answers, almost absentmindedly. He has to teach Shen Yuan how to build a nest, but now his mind is stuck here, on Shen Yuan’s nerves and how to soothe them. He has to soothe them, he has to make sure his mate is safe and happy, he has to remove the threat -
Luo Binghe forcefully shakes the thought away. His instincts have been prickling at him nonstop like this for the past several days; a side effect of knowing that his upcoming rut will be spent with a proper mate rather than a simple bed partner. 
Shen Yuan has already expressed his dissatisfaction about Luo Binghe’s foolish instinct-driven behaviors this morning when Luo Binghe had dragged him out of bed and into the kitchens so he could keep Shen Yuan in sight while still providing his mate with a good meal. If Luo Binghe’s instincts make him do something unnecessary that causes Shen Yuan to complain again, then Luo Binghe really won’t be able to take it. The panic that had flared through him at potentially offending Shen Yuan so close to a time when Luo Binghe needed him had been… distinctly unpleasant.
So: a nest. Shen Yuan’s nest, which will be built by Luo Binghe just this once, and which will both settle some of Luo Binghe’s uncertainty by giving him a point of familiarity and, hopefully, soothe some of Shen Yuan’s nerves. After all, even if Shen Yuan doesn’t possess omegan instincts, who isn’t soothed by a nice nest?
Luo Binghe clears his throat. “Before my rut begins, I wanted to show Yuan-ge how to build a nest.”
Shen Yuan raises his sleeves up to obscure half his expression, a habit he’d picked up after Luo Binghe had confiscated all the fans he’d been using to hide his face previously.
(Luo Binghe had not confiscated them because Shen Yuan had hidden behind them. Luo Binghe in fact finds Shen Yuan particularly easy to read when he’s trying to hide something, and especially cute when he thinks he’s getting away with it. 
Luo Binghe had taken all those dreadful fans away because Shen Yuan would not stop fanning himself with them, which - while indeed is the point of such an object - had been the cause of one of the bloodiest court sessions in the history of Luo Binghe’s reign, when Luo Binghe had caught the way some of his petitioners had been so clearly trying to get a whiff of the scent that Shen Yuan was blowing about with his fan.
It made no difference that Shen Yuan did not actually have a scent to blow around, outside of the smell of human sweat and the soft milky tones of the soaps Luo Binghe commissions for him. The insult of looking for Shen Yuan’s scent had been enough.
No more fans.)
“A nest as in… like, what an omega builds?” Shen Yuan asks cautiously. Luo Binghe nods, and Shen Yuan raises his sleeves higher. “And Binghe remembers that I’m not an omega, correct?”
Luo Binghe waves a hand dismissively. He does know this, even if he also believes that Shen Yuan should be an omega nonetheless.
“A nest helps to soothe nerves,” Luo Binghe says in place of his thoughts on what his attraction to Shen Yuan must surely indicate about Shen Yuan’s secondary gender. 
Shen Yuan watches him for a long moment, considering. “...Is Binghe nervous?” He eventually asks, and Luo Binghe is startled by the force of his defensiveness at being asked such a thing.
“No,” Luo Binghe says, voice carefully measured. He counts the spaces between his breaths - in for four, out for eight - and reminds himself that he isn’t nervous. He already knows Shen Yuan enjoys laying with him outside of ruts. Shen Yuan’s own nerves will be soothed by the nest, and then Shen Yuan will enjoy spending Luo Binghe’s rut with him, and Luo Binghe will be able to please his mate quite thoroughly.
“Hm,” Shen Yuan says. “Alright. What do you - er, what do I - need for a nest?”
Luo Binghe feels tension slip from his shoulders. Good, good; Shen Yuan will build a nest. 
“Yuan-ge should go grab his dirty robes, and one of mine if you want,” he instructs. “It will be most comforting if it’s mostly made up of your own scent, with only some of your mate’s, and it’s already going to have a lot of mine from the bed sheets themselves.”
It’s impossible to sleep on a bed without scenting it to some degree; the bed Luo Binghe shares with Shen Yuan will always smell more like Luo Binghe than anything else since Shen Yuan doesn’t have the scent glands to rub off on it to begin with.
“Alright,” Shen Yuan says, even though his nose wrinkles when Luo Binghe mentions the dirty laundry. “And while I do that, Binghe should start on the base of the nest, okay?”
Luo Binghe frowns. That doesn’t sound right. Shen Yuan is supposed to be the one learning how to make a nest, because it’s an omega thing to make a nest. If Shen Yuan isn’t present while Luo Binghe works on it, how can Shen Yuan learn?
Shen Yuan hums, reaching up to rest the palm of his hand on the nape of Luo Binghe’s neck. Instinctively, Luo Binghe shifts so that Shen Yuan’s wrist rests properly on the scent gland there; even without Shen Yuan having a proper scent of his own, it’s a pleasant sensation. 
“Good,” Shen Yuan praises him, voice soft. “Now I’ll go paw through our dirty laundry, and you’ll go work on the sheets.”
“Yes,” Luo Binghe agrees, and turns to go and do just that. 
Luo Binghe starting the nest by himself turns out to be a good thing, in the end - he’s never built one before, only ever watching his rut partners do it, so it takes some trial and error to figure out how to create the shapes he wants with the sheets. Shen Yuan wouldn’t learn anything watching Luo Binghe place and replace the sheets and pillows like this, struggling to figure out how to get things to lay just right. 
Luo Binghe has to teach Shen Yuan the right way to build a nest, after all. He knows that what makes for a good nest can be subjective to each omega, but Luo Binghe has always had his own opinions about the nests that his rut partners have made. Surely, as an alpha, the opinions that Luo Binghe has had are the result of finding an objective common denominator from all the various nests he’s slept in. And if Luo Binghe can recreate what feels good for an alpha, then that would give Shen Yuan a good base to customize the nest to his own liking without much trial and error of his own.
By the time Shen Yuan joins him at their bedside, Luo Binghe is quite pleased with himself. It isn’t a good nest yet - it needs their robes for that - but it’s -
“Very good, Binghe,” Shen Yuan praises. Luo Binghe all but preens; it’s a good nest, so it’s sure to ease Shen Yuan’s nerves once it’s done. “Now show me what you’re meant to do with the dirty robes, hm?”
Luo Binghe takes the robes from Shen Yuan - there’s more of Luo Binghe’s clothes than Shen Yuan’s, but Luo Binghe supposes that perhaps the scent distribution doesn’t matter too much for Shen Yuan’s beta nose - and begins working them into the nest.
“This is for - an air current,” Luo Binghe explains haltingly. He’s never had to put into words why certain things make a nest good, but he’s sure that he’s right about some things being an objective common denominator, and that means there’s an explanation for why. “We get air from the window on that side of the room, so the air needs to be directed through the nest like this.”
“To give us fresh air?”
“No,” Luo Binghe snarls, his claws tearing into the robe he’s holding as he goes tense. Then he realizes what he’s done and forces himself to drop the robe, counting his breaths again - in for four, out for eight, in for -
“Ah, Binghe… the rut is coming in sooner than you expected, isn’t it?” Shen Yuan murmurs, bending down to pick up the robe. Luo Binghe watches him warily; of course Shen Yuan can pick up the robe, because this is Shen Yuan’s nest.
He still feels relieved when Shen Yuan hands the robe back to him. He hasn’t finished teaching Shen Yuan how to make a nest yet, after all. 
“No fresh air,” Luo Binghe says, firmly but without the growl this time. 
He chooses to ignore Shen Yuan’s comment about the timing of his rut. It doesn’t actually feel like his rut is settling in upon him, but he feels so - untethered, and yet pulled taught at the same time - and he isn’t sure what else it would be. 
“Alright,” Shen Yuan agrees. “Air flow for what, then?”
“For -” Luo Binghe gestures with one hand jerkily, eyes firmly on where he’s still working the robe into their nest with the other. 
…Into Shen Yuan’s nest, he means.
“- for air flow in the opposite direction,” Luo Binghe eventually gets out. “The window will carry in foreign scents, no matter how tightly it’s closed. This is to keep that out.”
That much Luo Binghe does know for certain as an alpha; it isn’t uncommon for young alphas to start brawls with their neighbors just because their scent wafts in under a door frame. 
“Very smart,” Shen Yuan says, handing Luo Binghe another robe. 
Luo Binghe takes it, but the thought of adding it to the nest makes his teeth itch, and after a moment he hands it back. He doesn’t know if the nest is done, yet - he doesn't have the omega instincts to know - but he needs to come up with a reason to explain why and when the nest is done, because this is the nest that Shen Yuan is learning from.
Shen Yuan catches his arm, and Luo Binghe only barely doesn’t startle.
“Perhaps Binghe would know if his nest is done if he gets inside it?” Shen Yuan asks gently. 
Luo Binghe nods. Yes, yes - maybe his rut really is settling in early, if he can’t even think clearly enough to come up with the idea of getting inside the nest to check it on his own. 
He gets into the nest. He can’t - his memories of nests are usually when lying down, or when hovered over his rut partner, so he can’t compare this nest to the ones in his memories while sitting upright. 
He lays down. The nest is - 
“It’s done,” Luo Binghe says thickly. “It’s - I know Yuan-ge doesn’t like to hear about my past partners, but they’ve helped Yuan-ge today.”
The nest is better than any nest Luo Binghe has ever been in. He must have been right that observing so many omega’s nests would let Luo Binghe objectively build the best one, even as an alpha. 
“Can I come in?” Shen Yuan asks, peering down at Luo Binghe from the edge of the bed. He’s raised his hands to partially hide his face with his sleeves again, and for once Luo Binghe really has no idea what kind of face Shen Yuan is making. 
“Of course,” Luo Binghe says. “Didn’t this lord make the nest for you, so that you could learn how to for the future?”
“Mn,” Shen Yuan says, which is neither an agreement or a disagreement, but he does carefully join Luo Binghe in the nest. “Binghe was right; a nest does help with nerves, doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” Luo Binghe says, feeling relieved. The prickling in the back of his mind - the instinctual urge to figure out how to help his mate feel better about joining Luo Binghe through his rut - fades. 
Shen Yuan shifts, turning to face Luo Binghe in the nest. He watches Luo Binghe for a long moment, and Luo Binghe watches him back, his heart beating rabbit fast in his chest. Is something wrong with the nest? It’s - it’s perfect, but Luo Binghe isn’t an omega, so maybe Shen Yuan noticed something that Luo Binghe didn’t, or -
Shen Yuan brings his hand up to rest on the nape of Luo Binghe’s neck, a mirror of the way he’d soothed Luo Binghe earlier. He still isn’t resting his wrist in quite the right spot, but Luo Binghe can’t bring himself to be upset about it. The fact that Shen Yuan tries, despite lacking all the instincts that Luo Binghe himself has, is enough to soothe Luo Binghe in place of any calming omega scent.
Still, Luo Binghe begins to move so that Shen Yuan’s wrist is resting in the right spot. Before he can, though, Shen Yuan - still watching Luo Binghe so very, very carefully - shifts his grip on Luo Binghe’s neck and squeezes.
Luo Binghe goes still. That isn’t - it isn’t the way an omega would scent an alpha. It isn’t quite anything, really, since Shen Yuan is a beta without the instincts to guide this type of action or the scent to back it up, but -
But it’s very, very close to the way an alpha might scruff an omega to calm them down. 
Luo Binghe’s breath hitches. His hands curl into tight fists around the front of Shen Yuan’s robes - robes that Luo Binghe had commissioned personally, because he’s an alpha, and because it’s an alpha’s job to provide for their mate in those sorts of ways. 
He gets an immense amount of satisfaction from doing so, too, just the same way he feels nearly gorged on pride and pleasure from caring for Shen Yuan in all sorts of other alpha ways. Feeding him, protecting him, showing off his martial skill - Luo Binghe loves being a good alpha for Shen Yuan. 
He finds himself nearly distraught at how much he loves being scruffed like an omega, too. 
“Ah, Binghe…” Shen Yuan tuts, even as he squeezes his hand tight on the nape of Luo Binghe’s neck, grounding him. “What are those wet eyes for? Did your Yuan-gege not already tell you? I’m not from this world, so what the hell do I know about any of this secondary gender stuff?”
Luo Binghe looks at Shen Yuan helplessly. He knows for a fact that Shen Yuan understands scruffing to be a thing done exclusively to omegas; Shen Yuan had asked about it after catching the way that Luo Binghe had been watching a couple showing off their fresh bonds at a tea house they’d visited. 
Luo Binghe had only watched because he’d wished it to be the sort of thing he could do to Shen Yuan. He - he’d only -
Shen Yuan squeezes again. Luo Binghe goes limp. There’s a tightness in his throat, similar to the feeling right before Luo Binghe growls but far more gentle. 
“I don’t know jack shit about this secondary gender stuff,” Shen Yuan says again, “so I’m just doing whatever I feel like, okay? As - uh, as in, I’m just doing stuff from my world.”
“...Mn,” Luo Binghe says weakly. 
“It doesn’t have anything to do with Binghe being an alpha or anything else,” Shen Yuan reiterates. “So Binghe doesn’t have to think about it in those terms.”
“...Mn,” Luo Binghe says again, even more quietly. 
“...But if you want to think about it that way,” Shen Yuan says cautiously, “then because I’m not from this world, I wouldn’t know any better.”
Luo Binghe takes a deep, shuddering breath. He knew, distantly, that his rut was going to be… difficult, this time around. He knew that his instincts would be working overtime at the thought of having a real mate, and he knew it would be hard to reconcile his own intensity with the fact that Shen Yuan is barely even a beta by this world’s standards. 
He also knew that the shape of his relationship with Shen Yuan would make this rut especially difficult, not just the existence of it. Shen Yuan, his Yuan-ge, his would-have-been-Shizun in another lifetime…
No, even without the titles, Shen Yuan has power over Luo Binghe in a way that no one else ever has. It had been a difficult thing to come to terms with to begin with - and Luo Binghe still feels shame at the way he’d bitten and snapped at Shen Yuan in a panicked attempt to feel like he was still in charge of the relationship after realizing that Shen Yuan had managed to leash him so thoroughly - and that had been when Luo Binghe was in a normal state of mind. Of course that internal struggle would rear its ugly head again when Luo Binghe entered his rut, when his alpha instincts became so much more intense.
He hadn’t expected it to take this exact shape, though. He hadn’t expected to be the one to start it, by building a nest that neither he nor Shen Yuan should ever need. 
Shen Yuan is still watching him, he knows. The grip on the back of Luo Binghe’s neck has loosened, giving Luo Binghe room to think. 
He wants very much for the pressure to return and make it so he doesn’t have to think about anything anymore.
“Since Yuan-ge isn’t from this world,” Luo Binghe says slowly, “I should… inform you about what is expected from my rut.”
“You should,” Shen Yuan agrees with no small amount of grace, considering that he’d already spent the last two weeks anxiously pestering Luo Binghe to get all sorts of details about how alphas behave during rut. 
“During my rut, I won’t be in a clear state of mind,” Luo Binghe continues. “It’s important that an alpha not hurt their mate even in that state, so -”
Luo Binghe breaks off. His jaw clicks as he figures out how to say the next part; if he can say the next part. He is an alpha, even if the dynamics of his relationship with Shen Yuan don’t match those of any other relationship he’s held. 
Shen Yuan moves his thumb to gently slide up and down the column of Luo Binghe’s neck, drawing Luo Binghe’s attention back to the way Shen Yuan is still lightly scruffing him. Luo Binghe breathes out carefully through his nose.
“To not hurt their mate, an alpha might be better off on the receiving end,” Luo Binghe manages to get out. “Even if - even if I cry about wanting to knot you, Yuan-ge can just squeeze with his hands.”
It’s a lie. Shen Yuan knows it’s a lie. No alpha ever would allow their partner to be the one on top during their rut. 
“Good boy, Binghe,” Shen Yuan croons, squeezing Luo Binghe’s neck again. “You’re a very good alpha, thinking about how to keep me safe.”
Luo Binghe’s throat feels tight again. He realizes, so distantly it might have been the thought of another person, that he is trying to purr like an omega despite not physically being able to do so. 
“Is there anything else you should tell your Yuan-ge about your rut?” Shen Yuan asks, and Luo Binghe shakes his head wordlessly.
There’s more that he wants to say, but he doesn’t have the words for it. He might never have the words for it. Already, this feels like too much. 
“Alright,” Shen Yuan says. “That’s okay. You can tell me more next time, okay?”
Luo Binghe nods weakly, clutching tightly to the front of Shen Yuan’s robes. Next time, next time - 
Yes, Shen Yuan is Luo Binghe’s mate, no matter the world he came from or the way it prevents Shen Yuan from actually bearing a proper mating bite. There will be more ruts they spend together in the future. 
“Next time,” Luo Binghe agrees, and leans into Shen Yuan’s touch.
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tireddemi · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Mature 
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū & Yuè Qīngyuán, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū & Yuè Qīngyuán, Cāng Qióng Mountain Sect Peak Lords & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Mòběi-jūn/Shàng Qīnghuá, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū/Yuè Qīngyuán 
Characters: Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Yuè Qīngyuán, Liǔ Qīnggē, Qí Qīngqī, Mù Qīngfāng, Luò Bīnghé, Shàng Qīnghuá, Mòběi-jūn, Tiānláng-jūn, Previous Generation Cāng Qióng Mountain Sect Peak Lords
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Alpha Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Alpha Yuè Qīngyuán, Alpha Liǔ Qīnggē, Alpha Qí Qīngqī, Beta Mù Qīngfāng, Alpha Luò Bīnghé, Beta Shàng Qīnghuá, Alpha Mòběi-jūn, Alpha Tiānláng-jūn, Shàng Qīnghuá & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū Friendship, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū and Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū are Not the Same Person, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū are Siblings, Protective Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Good Sibling Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Jiǔ | Original Shěn Qīngqiū Lives, Blind Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, But like not completely, Oblivious Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Bǎi Zhàn Peak Disciple Luò Bīnghé, Shen Yuan is still his shizun tho, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū Needs a Break, Possessive Luò Bīnghé, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū is Bad at Feelings, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Mù Qīngfāng Is Such An MVP, Cāng Qióng Mountain Sect Peak Lords as Family, Shen Yuan should be getting paid for all the bullshit he puts up with, Chronically Ill in the Past Life Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū 
Summary: Shen Yuan, the biggest anti-fan of this year's most popular stallion novel, Proud Immortal Demon Way!
The novel that Shen Yuan would happily curse until his last breath for being cliche, having an ungodly amount of horny fan service that didn't pertain to any plot, not that there truly was a plot, to begin with in this trash novel! If the ridiculous amount of fan service wasn't enough, it had the legitimacy of a grade school essay! It was longer than the Yangtze River, it had so many plot holes, far too many unfinished backstories and a ridiculous amount of subplots that's only purpose was to serve as sixty chapters of papapa to an overpowered protagonist whose harem reached triple digits! And when he says that he would happily curse it until his last breath, he means it.
"A-Yuan, what are you doing sleeping right now?" Wait, where is he? "Why are you ignoring your Gege? Answer me!" Whose his Gege!?!
Shen Yuan realizes that the plot holes in PIDW really are going to be the actual death of him, but all he has to do is survive in this new world and keep his Gege and Qi-ge safe and happy with him!
But most importantly, stay as far away from the scum villain and Luo Binghe as possible! Which turns out to be his biggest struggles of all!
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scholomancefan · 9 days
Horrifying prompt/idea:
Omegaverse where Shen Yuan is Shen Jiu and Qiu Jianluo’s son.
For Context: I’ve been reading Sha Po Lang, and Chang Geng’s relationship with his (supposed) mother in his memories had me thinking of Shen Jiu (after escaping the Qiu household) raising Shen Yuan similarly, with alternating murder attempts, machinations, and pity.
Fun fact, in the first draft of Marrying the Scum Villainess's Daughter, Shen Yuan was going to be Qiu Jianluo's and Shen Jiu's! But that was too dark for what I wanted to be a lighthearted comedy, so I cut it 😅 Anyway, here's my first try writing omegaverse! Please be gentle ❤️
“All this time this man has deceived you!” Qiu Haitang cried out. “He’s no beta. He’s an omega, the wife of my brother, and the bearer of my nephew Qiu Yuan!”
Everyone turned to stare aghast at Shen Qingqiu, including Shen Yuan himself.
It couldn’t be true. Shen Qingqiu was a beta just like Shen Yuan. He’d gotten Shen Yuan on some brothel worker somewhere, something Shen Yuan’s bullies on Qing Jing had rubbed in Shen Yuan’s face over and over.
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes were like black marbles, and there was no life in them. Only purest loathing for the alpha Qiu Haitang as she made her accusations.
The Huan Hua Palace Master stroked his beard. “These are serious accusations,” he murmured in a carrying voice.
Because omegas were little better than property to be bought or sold through dowries–treasured in families, to be sure, but one could never hold a position of power. Whether they were even allowed to cultivate was generally the decision of their alpha after they had been mated; how could omegas be expected to control their base lusts without a firm and guiding hand?
“He murdered my brother, Qiu Jianluo, and stole their child,” Qiu Haitang wept. “Qiu Yuan, a precious omega of our house!”
And now it felt like all the air around him had vanished. Shen Yuan couldn’t breathe.
“Baba…” Shen Yuan whispered.
The teas. The damn teas that Shen Qingqiu insisted they drink together every day. Shen Qingqiu had never liked Shen Yuan; had encouraged the other disciples to bully him, had turned away from Shen Yuan’s tears. But he insisted every day at the same time that they take tea together. It was a far cry from family bonding. It was as much warmth as Shen Yuan ever had from him.
“The omega Qiu Yuan of course cannot remain in omega Shen Jiu’s care,” the Huan Hua Palace Master insisted.
This!!! Fucking!!! Setup!!! Everyone was just taking Qiu Haitang’s word for everything, even though Shen Yuan was certain he and Shen Qingqiu were still to all appearances betas. This could only mean one thing… or rather, that one person was behind this.
“We will arrange a marriage for him straight away to a trustworthy cultivator of great promise,” the Huan Hua Palace Master continued.
There it was.
Shen Yuan peered through the crowd and sure enough there was Luo Binghe, watching the proceedings with the smug look of someone for whom everything was going according to plan. For the protagonist everything always went according to plan.
And in this case apparently the plan was to collect Shen Yuan into Luo Binghe’s harem like a special edition Pokemon card!
Gongyi Xiao stepped forward and reached out to Shen Yuan. “It’s going to be all right,” he said softly, the trappings of kindness trying to hide the poison of the lie.
The snap of a paper fan unfurling. Blood spattered the cobbles at their feet. Gongyi Xiao clutched his bleeding wrist and cried out in pain.
And then it was Shen Qingqiu standing there, shielding Shen Yuan from the view of the crowd.
“If you try to take Shen Yuan, I will slaughter you all and dance in your bloody remains,” Shen Qingqiu snarled, and raised his fan, stained crimson at its qi-honed edge.
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