#Potentially perfectly peaceful afterlife
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fandomfaeofveryfewf4cks · 9 months ago
Fic idea? Headcanon? I don't know.
This thing! 👇
What if Edwin compares himself to David because Crystal let her whole life get swept into what David was doing and Charles let his whole afterlife get swept into what Edwin was doing?
David finds this girl who takes a liking to him and decides he wants them to be together forever.
Edwin finds this dying boy who takes a liking to him and ends up wanting THEM to be together forever.
Edwin's been to Hell, and you can't tell me he never, not even once thought he actually deserved it. Because with all that repression, there's gotta be some unaddressed self-hatred.
What everyone (but Edwin) knows is that while David only cared about what he wanted for himself, Edwin cares about Charles and his happiness more than anything.
Cue Charles making it clear that he made the choice to stay because he wanted to be with Edwin and that Edwin did not lure him into a trap.
And Edwin not believing him.
Also, depending on what makes demons in this universe, maybe Edwin considers himself a demon rather than a ghost?
...What if Edwin actually did become a demon when he went to Hell?
*furiously types*
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quiet-art-kid · 12 days ago
you can talk for hours about philosophy? try me.
@everydayarsonist Oh boy, can I talk on this, but please remember that these are just my personal opinions based on MY experiences. These topics are very subjective, and while I do have strong feelings about this, in the end I won’t hold it against anyone who disagrees with me. I haven’t lived your life.
 - Peace and love, Silver/Quiet-Art-Kid 
I find the concept of hell horrific because it feels excessive. Firstly, I think you have two types of “bad” people. Bad people who had a choice and those who didn’t (or at least less of a choice). This is a simplification for the sake of time, but if a god made a person with really-wants-to-murder-people disease and then they murder someone, I would argue that most of the blame, not all but most, falls on the god seeing as how the person was given an unfair hand from the start. However, then there are the average people who commit atrocities, but ordinary people with no mental health issues don’t commit atrocities for fun. They have reasons, selfish or noble. They aren’t doing horrible things because they like the feeling of being evil. There have been many accounts of horrible people turning their lives around, so why is there a hard line when you die? I also don’t like the concept of a "forever" hell. We will talk about the seeming social need to punish people later, but for now, let's say that people who have committed the most horrible crimes do need to be punished; forever still seems excessive. Morally I’d still be iffy on it, but I’d be more fine if it was a thousand years maybe even a million, but FOREVER is unfair no matter what the crime was, and that is a hill that I will die on. 
I said I'd be going back to punishment, and I am. I personally believe in reparations more than making the other person pay. I believe in the death penalty only in 2 circumstances. Firstly, this is for emergencies only if the nation quite literally cannot afford to keep a living prisoner. For first-world countries, this is not a problem. They can afford to keep people alive. Secondly, it is when they are a serious threat to everyone around and cannot be helped despite efforts. This one I'm still a bit iffy on, but I do understand it. 
Speaking of punishment I have a neat thought experiment. There is a person. They committed all of THE MOST HEINOUS, HORRIBLE acts a human possibly can MANY MANY times. You have the power to punish them however you please. HOWEVER, all the victims are perfectly okay now, like it never happened. The person in question will never do any of those things again; this is guaranteed, and whatever you choose to do to them doesn’t influence anyone else's life choices. What do you do? 
In my opinion, JUST MY OPINION, mercy is the right choice logically. No people are currently hurt; why increase that number? but it still feels wrong emotionally, and I’m guessing that is because of the society I was raised in and am inevitably a part of tends to view things from an eye for an eye perspective. 
I do want to clarify that I recognize that there is nuance in punishment, and, to an extent, it is useful and necessary.
Another neat hell concept to explore would be the potential of people working together. Even though, if it exists, hell houses the worst of the worst, people are still people. Humans are resilient as shit, and in hell you can’t die and you have nothing but time. Even the worst of the worst humans are still human. I can see some small communities forming in the worst place ever to work together to make it slightly less miserable.
I was also born with the unique gift of being able to have an existential crisis no matter what happens after death.
A: there is nothing forever. That is so terrifying to me to my core. I really don't get how people can just be ok with the concept of not being 
B: there is an infinite afterlife: eventually all stories will be told, all will be learned, and there will be nothing left to get excited about. Maybe it won't happen for a googloplex to the power of googloplex years but that is still not even a drop in FOREVER.
C: reincarnation: I personally don't like the idea of going through life start to finish again and again and again forever and never remembering.
D (honorable mention): When I was a little girl in Sunday school, we learned about heaven. I asked a question about what you can do in heaven. Can your spirit still lift objects? Can you still run, play, etc.? This question probably caught the teacher off guard, and she said, no you just kinda hand out in the glory of God floating. This made a little pit in my stomach, and I remembered being scared of dying and going to heaven for the first time. I was a very active child, dancing, crafting, writing, drawing. It felt like I would be trapped with just my thoughts and nothing to do. That felt closer to a hell than a heaven.
No matter what happens, one thing is for sure: I am terrified, and I will never not be
Something else I’ve noticed is a lot of people use if something is icky or not to determine their morality. For example when people say “Kill all pedophiles” what people mean is kill all child abusers. Pedophilia is a paraphilia; it is outside of people's control. Yes some pedophiles abuse children, and that is horrible, but people who don't meet the criteria of being a pedophile ALSO do that. This might just be me, but I don't believe in thought crime, even if the thoughts are abhorrent; once it turns into action, it becomes a crime, and only then.
People hate on so many things just because they are “gross”. And this might not be true everywhere, but what I've noticed from my world lens is that this applies to executions too. I believe that people see executions that involve less blood and gore as more humane, even if they are actually longer and more painful for the recipient.
Going off of that, and I'm probably going to have to phrase this carefully, I also feel like people sometimes get hung up on rules and not the reason those rules exist. Like I’ve seen a few times people will be calling people with partners that look young (but are adults) horrible things. Sure, it might be gross to you- it’s fine to feel your emotions-but that is still an adult human. The “badness” of child/adult relationships doesn't come from the fact that it “looks icky”. It comes from the fact that the child literally doesn't have the cognitive ability to consent. Similarly, Bdsm is not abuse even if it looks similar because there is that consent. People seem just think bad things are bad becasue thats what society tells them. They don't think about the logic any deeper behind WHY those things are bad and that erks me. 
I  know this isn’t an hour of talking, but it did take me more than an hour to type so…good enough. 
I ran this through a spell checker, but I'm confident there are still some errors, so sorry bout that. Thank you for listening to me preach on my soap box. And remember, these are all just opinions. <3
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pathfinderunlocked · 10 months ago
Lesser Hakkari Kami - CR11 Kami
There is a guardian spirit for all things. Even blood.
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Artwork by T SWCK on Artstation.
A weaker version of the CR 15 Hakkari Kami, a monster I previously posted. In an adventure that ends with the CR 15 version the Hakkari Adherents would be lower level minions that the PCs mow through six at a time, but in an adventure that ends with this CR 11 version, the Hakkari Adherents would be pretty powerful leiutenants.
This creature is based on Hakkar the Soulflayer, a loa demigod from from Warcraft. In the Warcraft setting, loa are divine beings connected to nature, usually taking the form of specific types of animals, which grant power to those who worship them. There are countless loa, many of which are worshiped by groups as small as a specific family, which might have very minimal power. Hakkar is a more powerful one; he’s known as the loa of blood, and takes the form of a wind serpent. I’ve adapted this idea into a kami for Hakkar’s Pathfinder conversion; there’s no type of outsider in Pathfinder that perfectly matches the loa, but kami are close enough to work.
In Pathfinder, kami are a lesser-known type of outsider which are usually neutral aligned and peaceful, watching over a specific type of creature, object or place that they consider their “ward.” There are a huge number of different types of kami which each watch over certain types of wards. A hakkari kami’s ward is spilled blood, and it’s not nearly as peaceful as most others.
Like other kami, hakkari kami find themselves stretched thin, with too many potential wards and not enough kami, and seek to create more of their kind in order to protect more wards. They do this by choosing dedicated mortal servants to ascend to kami when they die. In the case of the hakkari, these mortal servants tend to be those that offer countless blood sacrifices, especially sacrifices to the hakkari kami itself, and who may even take their own life in a ritual sacrifice in an attempt to gain the hakkari’s favor and ascend to a more powerful form. If cornered by powerful enemies, a hakkari’s weaker followers may choose to kill themselves instead of fight, hoping to ascend and become kami themselves instead of passing to the afterlife, and gain enough power to then fight their foes.
A lesser hakkari kami is likely to be one of these followers, newly ascended and not yet in full command of its powers.
I included a line of text stating that a kami can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it. This isn’t listed in the general rules for kamis’ wards, but I feel confident that it must be intended by the developers for there to be SOME way to obtain a new ward. Otherwise, kami that have short-lived creatures like insects as their wards would only have a ward for the first few years or months of their immortal lives, and then be left sickened and purposeless for all eternity. Since insects are even listed as one of their example wards, I assume that probably isn’t the intent of how this type of outsider is supposed to work; they should be able to take a new ward if their old one is killed or destroyed.
This creatures uses the overwhelmed condition, a custom condition I use in some of my creatures. In my own home games, I nearly always replace any paralyzed, stunned, or nauseated effects caused by monsters with the overwhelmed condition.
Lesser Hakkari - CR 11
Towering above you is a massive winged serpent with a fanged maw and scythe-like claws for arms. Its beautiful violet plumage contrasts against its blood-red scales.
XP 12,800 NE Huge outsider (kami, native) Init +8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch, true seeing; Perception +20
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural, -2 size); +2 vs. good hp 142 (15d10+60); fast healing 10 Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +13; +2 vs. good DR 10/cold iron Immune bleed, mind-affecting effects, petrification, polymorph Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Melee bite +19 (1d8+6), 2 claws +19 (3d6+6) Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks blood siphon, cleansing bloodrage, corrupted blood
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +21)     Constant—blood scent, deathwatch, protection from good, true seeing     At will—blood biography (DC 19)     3/day—confusion (DC 20), quickened blood armor     1/week—dominate monster (DC 25, creatures with blood only)
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 23 Base Atk +15; CMB +23; CMD 38 (40 vs. good) Feats Bloody Assault, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability (blood armor) Skills Acrobatics +13, Fly +20, Heal +20, Knowledge (local) +15, Linguistics +0, Perception +20, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Spellcraft +12 Languages Common, Kuru; telepathy 100 ft. SQ merge with ward, ward (spilled blood)
Blood Siphon (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4+1 rounds, a lesser hakkari can drain the blood from targets in a 40 ft. cone. Each target takes 6d8 damage and is overwhelmed for one round. A DC 21 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the overwhelming effect. Creatures that do not have blood are immune. The lesser hakkari is healed for an amount equal to half of the damage dealt. The save DC is Constitution-based.
If a lesser hakkari uses its blood siphon against a creature that is poisoned, or that has poisonous blood (such as from the poisonous blood universal monster ability, the toxic blood spell, or a vishkanya’s toxic racial ability), the lesser hakkari receives no healing from that creature and must save against the poison.
An overwhelmed creature is staggered and cannot concentrate. If an overwhelmed creature attacks or casts a spell, it falls prone and becomes helpless until the beginning of its next turn after doing so. Effects that would remove or prevent the paralyzed or nauseated conditions also remove or prevent the overwhelmed condition.
Cleansing Bloodrage (Ex) Once per day, while below 25% hit points (usually 39 hp), a lesser hakkari can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage, a lesser hakkari gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. This bonus to Constitution typically increases its current and maximum hit points by 30. In addition, it takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
This bloodrage lasts for 1 minute. When a lesser hakkari’s bloodrage ends, it is fatigued for 1 minute. It cannot enter a bloodrage while fatigued.
While bloodraging, a lesser hakkari can cast and concentrate on its spell-like abilities, but cannot perform any other action that requires concentration, and cannot use Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride).
When a lesser hakkari enters a bloodrage, it is affected as though by the cleanse spell, regaining 4d8+15 hit points and recovering from a variety of conditions and effects.
A lesser hakkari can enter a bloodrage even while under the effect of a condition that would normally prevent it from taking an action, as long as that condition is one that can be removed by the cleanse spell, but doing so uses a standard action instead of a free action.
Corrupted Blood (Su) As a move action, a lesser hakkari can corrupt the blood of a target within 60 ft. The target takes 2d6 negative energy damage, and must succeed on a DC 23 Fortitude save or be subjected to 1d10 bleed damage. Creatures that do not have blood are immune.
Whenever a creature takes bleed damage from this ability, all other creatures within 10 ft. of that creature must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save or begin bleeding as well for 1d10 bleed damage. The save DCs are Charisma-based, and the secondary save includes a -4 penalty.
Fast Healing (Ex) As long as a kami is within 120 feet of its ward, it gains fast healing 10.
Merge with Ward (Su) As a standard action, a kami can merge its body and mind with its ward (see the Ward ability below). When merged, the kami can observe the surrounding region with its senses as if it were using its own body, as well as via any senses its ward might have. It has no control over its ward, nor can it communicate or otherwise take any action other than to emerge from its ward as a standard action. A kami must be adjacent to its ward to merge with or emerge from it.
Ward (Su) A kami has a specific ward—in a lesser hakkari’s case, its ward is spilled blood, either from a specific creature or on a specific sacrificial altar. Several of a kami’s abilities function only when it is either merged with its ward or within 120 feet of it. If a kami’s ward is portable and travels with the kami to another plane, the kami does not gain the extraplanar subtype on that other plane as long as its ward remains within 120 feet. If a ward is destroyed while a kami is merged with it, the kami dies (no save). If a ward is destroyed while a kami is not merged with it, the kami loses its merge with ward ability and its fast healing, and becomes permanently sickened, until it chooses a new ward.
If a kami’s ward is killed or destroyed, it can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it.
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ep2nd · 1 year ago
I'm way to board-
Odyssey's Sequel AU
Part 4
The Adventures of Oli and Xornoth: Welcome to Pearl's and Perils!
Oli escapes the Afterlife, falling into Pearl's Paradise. With deep confusion, albeit determination, Oli ventures the cloud-like kingdom, meeting Pearl, the goddess of farming and strength.
He inquires about his good friend Sausage, an Angel who had risen to the Heavens they abode now. Pearl smiles sadly, yet her golden eyes fill with peaceful joy.
"He's sleeping. Finally resting. Earning the life he deserved."
Oli can't accept that, and he doesn't. He screams and wails dramatically, demanding Pearl wake Sausage up. He needs his best friend! Pearl tries to calm him down, yet her energy is turned worthless.
Oli dashes out, Pearl hot on his heels. Before she can tackle him and bring him back, because this is where he belongs, Oli jumps off the clouds and escapes Pearl's clutches, leaving a frustrated and fuming Pearl.
He'll die, she's sure of it. He barely survived Afterlife. She grumbles in frustration. If she hadn't already chosen a Chosen, she would happily Choose Oli, if to give Sausage any lasting comfort for his friend.
Then she remembers, remembers a Demon who died yet lived, balancing between life and death, only relinquished when the gods finally fulfilled their wishes and gave them godhood.
Pearl finds Xornoth, god of the Void and Corruption, sweet-talking them into Choosing Oli. Maybe she threw in a fib or two... whatever! Oli was going to die without help.
So, begrudgingly, Xornoth agrees, making Oli their Chosen, leaving the Heavens to help Oli.
Pearl stays behind, grinning from ear to ear. Her plan is going perfectly well.
She changes her fancy, skirts for a blue turtleneck and overalls, leaving through a special portal.
Hermitcraft will only wait for so long.
I bit of an explanation for how Xornoth ended up with Oli of all people. And hey, is that a potential Hermitcraft crossover in the future?!
Either I do Adventures of Oli and Xornoth part 2 or something with Pearl and False. We'll see!
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witches-and-weirdos · 1 year ago
Nillan Seil
“Ignorance and bigotry are the banes of peace.“
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[[This art was made by @equleart]]
Nillan Seil is a female human necromancer
She is a Death Shepherd, a wandering holy woman of the goddess of undeath. Her divine role is the creation, protection, nurturing and guidance of the undead, so that they may prosper.
Due to the widespread distrust and fear of necromancy and undeath, she typically passes between the common folk as an ordinary nobody, and is quite cautious about who to trust and to what extent with her true nature
Age: 28
Height: 173 cm (5′8)
Visual Identifiers (Nillan): Looks perfectly ordinary, pale greyish-blue eyes, short black hair, almost always appears very calm
Visual Identifiers (Shepherd): Skull-painted face, a bone chest-piece molded from a human ribcage, white cloak, partially painted hair
Main Goals/Motivations: - Help make unlife better - Minimize conflicts between normal people and the undead - Follow her goddess' guidance
16 personality types test: not done yet
Alignment: True Neutral
Shipping: Nillan is bisexual, she isn't currently looking for anyone, but she isn't outright rejecting the idea either
Nillan carries a shortsword "for self defense", though her magic is much more effective
She likes hiking, staying up way too long and just enjoying peace and silence.
Her skin is usually a bit cold to the touch, quite enough to notice and to maybe worry a bit, and it is fairly difficult to make her look anything but calm
Nillan's body is slowly transitioning from living to undead, though she is very much alive for now, the truly perceptive might notice that a few things are off about her.
Her goddess is Ginerva, The Grave Queen, in most places she is considered a Dark God, and thus knowledge about her is limited and her worship is forbidden
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[This was made by Stepan Alekseev]
Fantasy: This is probably already home territory for her. If necromancy is more accepted in the setting, she might be a bit more open about it.
Sci-fi: Probably no need to change anything here either, as long as the supernatural exists, though she probably also has a handgun here
League of Legends
Noxian, from the rural edge of the empire
Focuses mostly on neutral, "natural-born" undead, rather than the ones from the Shadow Isles or the Noxian revenant troops
Warhammer 40k
Ginerva is a Greater Demon of Nurgle here, joyously focused on creating various different types of undeath, rather than the more "common plagues"
As such, Nillan is a wandering Chaos Sorcerer with high psychic potential
Dead by Daylight (no recurrent memory erasure)
"This is not the afterlife I expected..."
Ingame Power: At Totems or anywhere after hooking a Survivor, she can raise Skeletons that harmlessly follow her. She can make Skeletons break breakable objects. or dangerously guard a small area. Skeletons can be destroyed with a holy Survivor item, but this notifies her, and they self destruct shortly if too far from her. Mostly a chase power to deny certain paths and loops from survivors, but also serves as a short term mid range info power.
Usual Playstyle: "Good guy killer", careful in chases, kills the guy pointing out your location, noobs get it a bit more easy
None yet
“Unlife is a difficult blessing. I am here to help you with the difficult part, and to see beyond it.“
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dumbblondesposts · 1 year ago
If you could have it your way how would the process be for klayley. What would you change and what would you keep from canon? If it had an extra season how would it progress?
I'd remove haylijah all together for the simple fact it offered nothing to the characters/plot and was funny enough used to make klayley look better for some reason? Like idk if it was intentional or not but the narrative was absolutely ruthless in the way it obliterated them in favor of klayley/Hayleyxjackson every time
This question is so tricky because honestly the show actually worked in their favor really, but if anything I'd definitely have them confront each other regarding their feelings by the end of season one/ season 2 at most
I'd pretty much keep their canon dynamic because it was absolutely perfect and the tragic aspect is what makes them great
I would however give at least one scene that would deal with the aftermath of them choosing each other above hope, for example I find it insane that the writers had Klaus chose to risk unborn hope's life to potentially save a dead Hayley in 1x20, or choosing to Grieve her death over saving hope's life once again In 1x22, because how are you going to tell us Klaus loved her more than anyone but not elaborate or show the impact of such decisions on Hayley who wanted nothing more than to matter to him??
And while I love them to death season 5 was my absolute favorite klayley season despite their deaths and I think was the perfect conclusion for them because it summed up their relationship perfectly, after all the progress they made in the last two seasons Klaus going back to pushing Hayley away to protect her from himself out of self hatred and stubbornness cause he never really change since any "development" he had relied on Hayley/Elijah being physically there for him while Hayley resorted back to putting everything aside to relentlessly try and tell him she loved him no matter what and how she simply wants to be there for him, writing countless letters he never read, defending his heinous acts and abandonment of her and hope for years was nothing but perfectly in character for her and them
If there's one thing Hayley will do it's fight for Klaus and stand by him no matter what and it's absolutely sad how it took Hayley dying for Klaus to finally see just how much she loves him and how he wasted years being miserable and insecure instead of letting her in the way he wished
Him coming back to the city in a heartbeat risking countless lives, a war and his fucking daughter's life ONCE AGAIN for Hayley and allowing Elijah to die for no reason after disowning and hating him after what he did to Her were all a perfect representation of the tragic dedication he and Hayley had for each other
One thing I would've changed is maybe show them reuniting in the afterlife with the promise of making up for all that's been lost, they finally have no circumstances pulling them away from each other and can finally be at peace knowing they've done everything they can for hope and for each other
There's really no need for another season but both szn 4 and 5 should've been longer to show how great they finally worked out with Klaus getting out of his own way but also the inevitable Fall out with Klaus descent into who he used to be in season 5 and how his abandonment affected Hayley since all she did up to that point was to prevent that
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demonjunction · 6 days ago
Afterlife Details
Though the afterlife is made by God, in this universe God is very hands off. He lets humans, angels, and even the afterlives themselves make their own judgmental calls. Though he set up the initial system, it is up to the individuals within that system to add their own nuance and potentially alter it as time goes on to best serve the world’s needs.
Every afterlife God creates has a sort of mind of its own. He created the rules for what gets someone into Heaven and Hell, but it is up to Heaven and Hell themselves to decide how that manifests, and even when to break the rules. Heaven keeps a lot of things in mind that the angels may overlook, including where a soul would be happiest, if the soul would be disruptive to the happiness of other souls, and the severity of a soul’s crimes. The same can be said about Hell. 
Heaven was the first afterlife that ever existed, and was meant to be an exaggeration of the garden the first humans resided in. Therefore, Heaven used to be a huge garden, containing  beautiful vibrant green forests, meadows, and so on, with lakes, rivers, and oceans that were/are always perfectly fresh and clean. Different areas were/are connected to different seasons. This scenery was and still is surrounded by clouds at its edges and filled to the brim with adorable critters, both real and mythical. 
Nowadays, Heaven is mostly made up of its seven pastel cities with plenty of natural areas in between or on their outskirts, though nature still remains a large influence in the cities as well. Aka, several gardens and parks throughout with plants growing on every building just to top it off. New saints typically appear in the main hub city, though ones who were redeemed from Hell can show up anywhere after their ascension and are not classified as “new” souls.
Human souls in Heaven are referred to as saints. Saints are placed in adorable houses either on the outskirts of or in one of the cities containing their most like minded individuals.
The city is divided into four sections based on the seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The spring section is reached through a beautiful meadow of flowers, and has many lakes and rivers scattered throughout. It is a peaceful and creative place with gentle rains and verdant scenery. The summer section  is reached through a forest famously known for its camping sites. It is connected to warm beaches, fun filled parks, and, with comfortable temperatures, is perfect for partying outside all day. The autumn section is reached through several parks and walkways that give one full view of the leaves. It is all about embracing change, encouraging self improvement, and reaching greater heights, even in death, being the most inventive of the bunch. The winter section is reached through a valley of snow, which a train runs through from the main hub city to the winter city. It is full of helpful neighbors, ice skating on frozen lakes, and playing in the snow all year round. 
The hub city is a mixture of all four cities, and experiences all four seasons throughout the year.
Color Scheme and Design Elements
With its natural focus, Heaven has more diluted colors, mainly many cool colors associated with nature such as greens, blues, grays, and cool brown hues. There’s also some natural pastel colors, such as flower colors (pink, yellow, gentle reds, creams, whites), and warmer browns as well. Just like in Hell, everyone has an animal that’s a part of their design, along with an object, representing the good they’ve put into the world.
The Leadership
Angels look after Heaven, and, over the centuries, many ranks of angels have been created to keep Heaven as safe and as peaceful as possible. Just like the original angels were created with similar motifs, they continue those motifs so that angels feel approachable to the human souls in Heaven. The angels most interested in connecting with humanity or with jobs directly involving these souls typically look more human. 
Hell was created after evil entered the world. Nature wise, Hell is barren, the land exposed on its outskirts being a mixture of dry ground and beaches with boiling waters. With Hell being surrounded by this boiling sea, there aren’t many places for those in Hell, known as sinners, to flee from its center. Though the sea itself is safe to get into (so long as one doesn’t mind it feeling like an intense hot tub), it is known for having no end. Most of Hell is filled with its sprawling and ever expanding city, which Hell itself seems to maintain, as if the buildings become naturally occurring structures after they’re built. The temperature is blistering hot during the warmer months, with boiling rains that can absolutely melt your entire being, forcing you to regenerate, and dangerously cold in the winter. During those months, Hell literally freezes over thanks to temperatures that could outright freeze you for the rest of the season, and features huge hail during hailstorms that will pierce you like a stake. These are just some of Hell’s extreme weather conditions. Hell's people play hard and Hell plays hard back, with it sometimes being seen as Hell simply dishing back the damages sinners do to the land, either emotionlessly or with a vengeance. 
These weather conditions, however, can not lead to deaths, and neither can any sinner on sinner violence in Hell. What’s more troublesome is Heaven’s involvement, insisting on stopping Hell’s population from growing too high through the eradication of souls. 
The city is divided into sections based on use, including the main plaza, which is considered unclaimed by any powerful sinners and therefore neutral ground. The commercial district is to the east, the entertainment district to the north, with the music district in between them to the northeast. The leisure district is to the south beside the housing district to the southwest, with the northwest being the more high end living area. The southeast is split between the expanding parts of the leisure and commercial district, with some housing available in both.
The city of Hell can’t really be attributed a specific shape, having several “squiggely” edges thanks to having so many beaches there or pieces of land connected to the sea. Some more superstitious types worry the edges of Hell are thinning each year, and that the sea will eventually swallow Hell whole as a sort of penance for humanity’s sins. However, there’s no evidence that the sea has come any closer to Hell or that the land has decreased in any way.
The entertainment district is operated by Cor, Queen, and Saccharin. Cor is represented by the color red and not only runs “the network”, but also has his claws in many business pies, ensuring the high end businesses under his control remain in the public’s favor. Not to mention being a commercial star, making his face a symbol of quality. Queen is represented by yellow, running Hell's only social media site and maintaining a monopoly on event coordination services. Saccharin is represented by the color orange with a focus on the adult film industry and beauty industry. They live together in a huge building at the center of the entertainment district known as “The Entertainment Center”. On the floors accessible to visitors, it features the front desk, a CORE electronic store, a cosmetic store where they can try out new products, a giant phone for them to play with, meeting rooms, lots of TVs with advertisements scattered around, and an aquarium.
The entertainment district and commercial district are separate, though have some overlap. The section between the entertainment district and commercial district is owned by Duet, often considered the music district due to it being a hot spot for live performance venues and music shops. If one thought the entertainment district was bright, the amount of billboards and names put up in lights here would make one beg to differ.
Dahlia, meanwhile, oversees most if not all of the leisure district, being attributed for making Death Row Park, one of the only parks available in Hell. Satan’s Demon Junction Apartments are located at the outskirts of this district. Dahlia also owns a sizable section of the commercial district with a large sway on the fashion market. The rest is owned by Blaze, the sinner in charge of magazines, newspapers, and the press, and the sinner who brought most modern electronics into Hell, though very little is known about them. They are, ironically, a very private individual. 
Color Scheme and Design Elements
With its unnatural focus, Hell has brighter colors than Heaven, hosting many warm colors associated with fire such as yellows, reds, oranges, and blacks. Following the trend, there’s also colors that bring forth mental images of neon lights or modern buildings (hyper greens, bold pinks, deep blues, steel grays), and so on. Just like in Heaven, everyone has an animal that’s a part of their design, along with an object. However, in Hell, this object is mostly connected to the individual's sin and sometimes their cause of death. 
The Leadership
The king of Hell, a fallen angel, and his daughter, who inherited most of his angelic traits, are the only non-human souls within Hell. The king believed it would be unnecessarily cruel to create other lifeforms like himself to suffer in Hell with him. So, outside of some of the creatures he created in his first bout of loneliness, or ones which Hell itself has produced (all immune to the efforts of sinners), it’s just them and the sinners.
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whitegownsandflowercrowns · 3 months ago
Ok, time to drop my theories.
I’m team “it’s ending with Alicent,” and I think there are a few ways that ending with Alicent could go down:
The Tudors ending. For those of you who don’t know, the TV show The Tudors (2007-2010) ends with Henry VIII’s death, but not before the ghosts of his first three wives show up to haunt him and guilt him. This could absolutely be Alicent’s ending. Her children, Rhaenyra, Otto, Viserys, Criston could all show up and she could have conversations with them as she dies, with her on a sliding scale of apologizing to finally lashing out - if she got to yell at Viserys here I’d forgive all the praise he got in season 2. You could also use this (especially Helaena) to reveal that Jaehaera will die young, Viserys II will return and Aegon the Younger will never fully recover from the Dance. I’ve seen it proposed that these ghosts could mimic the Seven, which I think would be beautiful and devastating. Pros would be that I think this would be stunning and a great way to make sure that all of the themes are out there. Cons would be that this could be interpreted as ripping off The Tudors.
The Godswood Hallucination. All of the final rites have been done, and Alicent lays dying. As she dies, she sees the Godswood scene from the pilot in her mind. Maybe it’s exactly the same, and she only expresses that she wishes they could have flown far away together; maybe it turns into something completely different. Maybe they become their older versions and hash it out one last time. Maybe their younger versions express all their regrets. Maybe their older versions watch their younger versions, wishing they could be those girls again. Slight possibility that this could be underwhelming but I think this has a lot of potential to end the series perfectly.
The Viserys parallel. We all remember Viserys’ death scene in 1x08 - he reaches out to Aemma, the screen cuts to black, we hear his voice say “no more,” and the credits roll. This is significant as it was his death that kicked off the Dance, and the “no more” could equally apply to no more peace as it does to no more suffering. Ryan Condal loves his parallels, and this could be a great one - Alicent reaches out to Rhaenyra, the screen cuts to black, she says “no more,” and the final credits roll. I think those would be great final words for the show (this time no more war) and it has the potential to be a very powerful ending. My one problem with this is that I don’t want Alicent’s final scene to be paralleled so directly to her abuser. We’d need some sort of subversion here to make it work.
The In Heaven, Everything Is Fine Ending. Alicent dies. She is then woken (either as her older or younger self) by Rhaenyra (either as her older or younger self) who leads her off into the afterlife. This one is very much a 50/50 split for me - depending on how it’s done, it would either severely undercut the tragedy of the Dance or it would make me ugly cry for the next three weeks.
I'm interested to see what viewers most expect and also if we can accurately predict the ending scenes due to media analysis.
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tobi-smp · 4 years ago
I was thinking on the fact that a good chunk of people insist that technoblade really Does still care about tommy, he just goes out of his way to avoid showing it. pushing his emotions down either through outright denial or just not wanting people to see them. which I think is a fair interpretation, but not one that we can say is canon, as technoblade hasn’t really had an opportunity to Express those potential emotions to the audience. so I got to thinking about an au where techno could put his money where his mouth is (or isn’t I suppose)
that scene in doomsday where tubbo jumps in front of tommy to a take a rocket from techno? he doesn’t make it in time, tommy takes the full brunt and he doesn’t come back. no one realizes at first but as the night goes on it sinks in that tommy isn’t coming back (not for everyone, not yet, but the people who are paying attention to tommy in the chaos. like tubbo, like techno, like dream).
ghostbur yells at phil about tommy, and it’s tommy that he wants to try to bring back (it’s almost tempting to try to switch places with deadbur in the afterlife to go to where tommy is, but he doesn’t really know what’d happen to him if wilbur really did come back). it’s quackity and tubbo that confront dream at the top of the obsidian. you did this, you did this to tommy.
jack keeps waiting for tommy to pull himself out of hell hand over fist just like he did, he’s another stubborn bastard just like he is. he keeps waiting, he won’t stop waiting. ranboo doesn’t take phil’s offer to stay with them. puffy laments the children punished for sins laid down by the adults around them.
technoblade tells himself that it was worth it. that it wouldn’t have happened if it tommy hadn’t betrayed him. he isn’t laughing anymore.
while eret is helping ghostbur, quackity, tubbo, and ranboo try to bring tommy back (with phil silently in the back, no one tells him to leave) dream says hello to the first and only occupant in his prison.
dream brings tommy back right in the cell that was designed for him. it goes as perfectly until he tells the warden. dream hires punz as his replacement and sam goes to quackity who goes to tubbo. soon it’s the entire butcher army back together, this time not to hurt but to save. phil learns the truth through ghostbur and he has to ask himself if it’s something he even Should tell technoblade, if it’s a conversation that he even wants to have. he has to choose to care about tommy. just like technoblade has a choice to make.
the themes of the disc war finale, about connections and caring for people, about the entire server coming together to save two scrappy kids because they Cared, are now repurposed into a prison break for a kid who cared so much about everyone and was torn apart by it.
the butcher army and the anarchists putting their feelings for each other aside for tommy, they know what their odds are trying to do it alone from sam.
it’s punz that opens tommy’s cell at the end of it, dream can pay for a lot of things but he can’t buy his decency. it’s technoblade that gives tommy the axe of peace that’d been left discarded in l’manbergs ashes when its owner never came back for it. and it’s tommy that takes all of dream’s lives.
I Just Think It Would Be Neat.
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thesvenqueen · 3 years ago
The Mummy
Rating: M (to be safe; gore, language) Main Pairing: Kristanna
Summary: Hamunaptra. A place filled with history, legends and mystery. A place Anna Arendelle had only dreamed of finding since she was a little girl. When it seems faith supplies her with the opportunity to find this hidden city, she jumps head first at the chance to find it. But a revengeful mummy, an apocalyptic curse, a deadly adventure (and possibly love) where not exactly on her list of things to discover.
Previous Chapters: [ P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8  9]
Chapter 10
“Oh, I have dreamt of this since I was a little girl!”
“..you dreamed of dead guys?”
Anna rolled her eyes, “I think you are beginning to pick up bad habits from my brother” , eyeing a grinning Kristoff.
“I wouldn’t say sarcasm is necessarily a bad habit.” Sven said, eyeing her across from the black sarcophagus propped up before them. “I’d say it’s a healthy hobby.”
“Yes,” Sven said, raising his head a bit higher, nose in the air, “A healthy dose of sarcasm keeps one humbled.”
“Are..are you saying I’m spoiled?”
Sven feigned being hurt, hand across his heart and an expression of hurt on his face. “Oh, I would never do such a thing.”
Kristoff chuckled, earning a glare from Anna. “You both are terrible.”
“As we have been told.” Sven said.
“More so you than me.” Kristoff said, leaning against the black stone. Sven glared and it made Anna giggle.
“Ok, let’s actually get to why we are here.”
Anna turned to look back down at the sarcophagus before her. She couldn’t help but nervously fidget with the item in her hand, the key she believed would reveal who exactly was lying within the dark stone. The believed key had fit perfectly within the star like indention or lock on the side of the sarcophagus.
Anna knew it fit, knew it had to be a key to this person's final resting place, but she was puzzled as to why. For the last day she had wondered, questioned why the people had decided to lock this person within their deathbed. She recalled what she had read, the history she knew so well. Most were buried to ensure a good afterlife, to be guided by Anubis to a peaceful place with their most treasured items, pets and family. There were methods to the burial to ensure safe passage to such, to ensure they would find the peace they deserved.
Looking down at the artifact in her hand once more, turning it in her palm, she wondered. The sarcophagus had been designed to keep the person within, to forbid them from ever leaving. The usual sacred spells to assist one in having a peaceful, happy afterlife had been chiseled off the top of the tomb, leaving behind dark indentations on the stone. Was it simply to keep them from entering the afterlife, condemning them not only in this life but the next, or something else? The idea of the curse entered her mind, something she had so easily pushed off as being nothing more than lore to keep others away; forbidding curious people from opening the condemned individual from ever leaving their dark fate. Sealing the person to their destined doom as they had deemed they would suffer through for eternities.
Then again, Anna couldn’t help but feel as though opening this tomb would lead to more than just a simple discovery of a mummy. That something else could potentially lie within this dark casket, something more vile. That the reason the men had been so desperate to get a hold of what seemed like a simple trinket was more than just for financial benefit.
As though everyone seemed desperate to prevent anyone from doing exactly what they were about to do.
Anna shook her head, ridding herself of the thought and looked back to the sarcophagus. For years she had spent wanting, hoping, craving for this moment before her. No fear of some potential curse or condemnation would keep her from that.
Her fingers found the small button along the artifact, opening the key and Anna moved to place it back on the lock. For a moment, she hesitated, taking a breath before turning the key.
A loud hiss echoed in the room as the top of the casket popped open ever slightly.
A feeling of relief washed over Anna as she stepped back to let the men remove the top. Sven and Kristoff groaned as they lifted, trying to move the slab that had sat concealing it’s guest for hundreds of years. A moment, Anna thought the slab was stuck, refusing to move and then with one large push from the men, the slab fell away.
Anna jumped, yelping in surprise as the mummy within fell slightly forward out of the sarcophagus.
“Gods, I hate it when they do that.” Sven said, clutching his chest and trying to catch his breath. Anna couldn’t agree more, moving forward as she worked to steady her heart beat. She looked to Kristoff to laugh at his own reaction but she saw not a look of surprise or shock, but one of confusion.
“Are they supposed to look like that?” Kristoff asked, never moving his eyes from the mummy.
Confused now, Anna looked back to the mummy before her.
She blinked.
“No,” Anna said, curiosity filling her, “No, I’ve never seen a mummy who looked like this.” In all her time with her parents on sites, even within the library, Anna had viewed her fair shares of mummies. From royals, priests, wives, children, even cats; she’d seen them all. All were carefully managed, taking nearly one hundred days to perfectly mummify them. Vital organs, including the brain, were removed to ensure nothing would rot within the now departed human. The key step within the process was the embalming. They would cover the entire body in salts, ensuring the body would be dried out completely of all moisture. Then, the body would be wrapped carefully for burial, some using hundreds of yards of fabric to do so to ensure every inch of the person was covered.
What they should have found was a completely dried, mummified corpse.
“He’s still…still..”
“Juicy.” Sven & Kristoff said together.
Anna nodded, puzzled at the nearly unwrapped, very moist corpse before her. “This doesn’t make sense.” She said, looking over the mummy. Or what was supposed to be. The being’s jaw hung open, as though caught in mid scream, their arms hanging beside them and not in the usual crossed pose. The bandages that were supposed to be tightly wrapped around them were torn, bits only managing to stay on them. “They must be more than 3,000 years old and, well, they look as though they are still…decomposing.”
This made absolutely no sense. How could that even be possible?
Buried beneath a statue of Anubis, this person had been put in a securely locked tomb, with a key that was disguised as even being such, with the blessings completely chiseled off of his tomb and no evidence this person even existed within this site or burial area.
Just who exactly had they uncovered?
“Anna,” Kristoff called from behind her. She turned, finding him looking over the top of the sarcophagus they had just removed. Anna came over, Kristoff pointing as she came beside him, “What do you make of these?”
Along the underside of the lid, there were lines scattered across. All were in sets of four or five, scratched deep within the stone. For a moment, Anna pondered what they could be and with a gasp, she realized.
“My god.” Anna said, “These marks were made with…” She reached out, running her own fingernails across the lines.
“Fingernails.” Kristoff said dismally.
“Wait,” Sven said as he came over, “They were buried alive?”
“Yes.” Anna said, looking over the lid. What could they have possibly done to deserve such a terrible ending to their life? Something caught her eye, something that was most definitely not fingernail marks. “Look…” She leaned forward, recognizing the marks, “I think he left a message.”
Anna ran her hands over the marks, understanding of what this condemned being had carved into the stone, reading it aloud: “Death is only the beginning.”
“Oi, Bjorgman.” Kristoff looked up, eyeing the Americans as they came up to their camp fire. “What do you think these babies will be worth back home?” The blonde, Isaac if Kristoff remembered right, waved what looked to be a canopic jar. As being a part of ancient Egyptian history, they were a bit valuable.
Thing was, having no name or more importantly title for the person whose organs were within the jar, there was a good chance the jar would get them a couple hundred if that. If it had been a pharaoh, it would easily have been thousands, if not more. With no title or significance found for the mummy feet below them, it wasn’t as pretty a penny as they thought.
Then again, if they had all the jars, which as he saw Dan and Burns holding the other jars, they were in for a good reward.
“We hear you boys found yourself a nice juicy Mummy.” Burns said with a laugh.
Kristoff said nothing, looking back to the flames. Though they may not have found anything as valuable as the Americans had, the day had been one of the better ones Kristoff had had in a long while.
Seeing the smile & excitement on Anna’s face as she had been able to use the tool kit in the mummification room they’d discovered the day before had made it worth it. After the awkward events of the night before, he was unsure how she would be. The near kiss, the close moment they had nearly shared that Kristoff had absolutely ruined had eaten Kristoff alive all night. It was a relief Anna seemed perfectly cheerful the next morning as though nothing happened. However, there was a slight ping of disappointment that Kristoff wasn’t able to place.
After opening the tomb of the mummy, they had moved back to the preparation room. Sven & Kristoff had assisted where they could but it was all Anna who worked around he room, using every item in the tool kit she had. There was not a glimmer of sunlight in the room but Kristoff swore Anna’s eyes had sparkled when she had looked at him in pure utter glee.
Her smile was worth more than some organ jars.
“We did.” Sven said from his spot next to Kristoff, “Was quite interesting actually.”
“Oh, well congratulations.” Dan said with a grin, “I’m sure if you dried the sucker out, you might be able to sell him for some good firewood!”
The three of them cackled with laughter, but still Kristoff stayed quiet. This was why Kristoff hated excavations more than anything; the greedy bastards who were in it for only the potential gain. Nothing more. Weasel, who sat beside the cackling crew, was laughing right along with them. It came as no surprise Weasel would fall in with such a lot.
“Look!” Kristoff whipped around, seeing Anna walking to them quickly with something in her hands. She looked absolutely ecstatic over whatever it was she had. There was that smile again, the bright, beaming one that made Kristoff’s heart flutter. Without a thought, he moved to give space between himself and Sven to give her a seat.
He didn’t miss the small grin from Sven as he did so.
“I found something.” Anna said as she sat between them, oblivious to the slightly blushing man beside her.
Kristoff tore his gaze from Sven and looked down to what Anna was holding. Black shells of what looked to be some kind of bug, some larger than others but none bigger than a small shallot. Kristoff grabbed one, eyeing it over as he tried to ignore the brief contact his hand made with hers. Instead, he looked up as Anna continued to speak.
“Scarab skeletons.” She said, “Flesh eaters.”
“Where were they?” Sven questioned.
“Inside our friend’s coffin. They can stay alive for years, feasting on the flesh of a corpse.”
Kristoff grimaced, “That explains why he looked how he did. But that means--”
“He was very much alive when the bugs began to eat him.”
Placing the skeleton back in Anna’s palm, he frowned as he spoke, “So, someone threw these in with our mummy, and then they…slowly ate him alive?”
“Yes,” Anna murmured, “Very slowly.”
It was suddenly very still at Anna’s words, even the Americans had quieted down at the realization. Kristoff looked at her, a bit of excitement still on her face but also of great concern as he was sure she was wondering the same as he was.
“Wasn’t a very popular fellow.” Sven joked, breaking the silence.
“That’s an understatement.” Dan said.
“Well, according to my readings,” Anna said, looking at Kristoff, “it seems our friend suffered the Hom-Dai, the worst of all ancient curses, one reserved only for the most evil of blasphemers. Thing is…” Anna paused, “I never found record of the curse ever actually being performed anywhere.”
“Is it that bad?” Weasel asked in a small voice from across the way.
Anna shrugged, “They never used it because they feared it so. It’s written that, if a victim of the Hom-Dai was to ever arise, they would…bring with them the 10 plagues of Egypt.”
“Bullshit.” Isaac called. “Just some more stuff to scare us away from the treasure.”
Anna glared at the man, “The Egyptians were very sacred people, to call their ways bullshit--”
“Why else create these big stories?” Isaac continued, “I mean, there is no curse. They just don’t want us to find their stuff.”
Anna’s hand had balled into a tight fist, her jaw set tensely as she watched Isaac continue to blabber on about the Egyptian ways. Without thinking, Kristoff placed his hand on hers, causing Anna to look at him.
“It’s not worth it.” He whispered.
“Trust me.” Kristoff said, shaking his head, “A lot like that are in it for one thing and one thing only: money. Arguing with them about this would be like arguing with a wall. Save your energy in case the plagues come.”
That earned him another smile to save to memory.
She shouldn’t be doing this, knew all too well what she was doing was wrong but Anna didn’t care.
The moment she had spied the book, she had known, knew what it was.
Holding it now in her hands, the weight of what she had was slowly beginning to hit her.
She walked quickly through the sand, careful to not make too much noise as she passed by the other tents. The night was early still, only a whisper of a breeze to disturb the peace surrounding her.
Everyone had fallen asleep a while ago, but Anna had evaded sleep. More so, her mind wouldn’t let her sleep. It kept thinking, pondering, wondering if the stone book she had seen the man trying desperately to pry open earlier that evening was what she had been longing to find.
She had seen it after she had found the scarabs. Having been looking them over in her hands, she had nearly missed it if not for the sound of the man groaning. Anna had looked up to see one of the members of the American party trying desperately to pry a black stoned book open. Anna had stood agape for a moment, shocked and slightly amazed at what she was seeing.
The man had looked up then, and Anna had looked away quickly. She smiled to herself, realizing the man’s attempts to open the book were futile as the same lock that was on their mummy’s tomb was splayed across the front of the book.
It would never budge without the key.
The key Anna just so happened to have.
Getting the book had been simple enough, the man had been fast asleep and completely unaware of her pulling the book from his grasp as he snored.
Her heart pounded as she saw their campsite, Kristoff and Sven lying fast asleep around the still burning fire. She quietly approached, gently placing the book on the log near the fire. Sighing as the weight left her arms, she moved to find the key.
“That’s called stealing, you know.”
Anna jumped slightly at Kristoff’s voice, though she continued to dig for the key in Sven’s bag. “According to you and my brother,” Anna said, pulling the key from the knapsack, “it’s called borrowing.”
Moving back to where she laid the book, she felt and heard Kristoff come and kneel beside her as she did so with his rifle in hand.
She saw Kristoff’s head tilt as he eyed over the book, “I thought the Book of Amun-Ra was made out of gold.”
Anna nodded as she held the key up, searching for the button along the side. “It is made of gold, but this isn’t the Book of Amun-Ra. This is something else.”
“I think this may be the Book of the Dead.”
“The Book of the Dead?”
There was a click as the key opened and Anna wasted no time in placing the key on top of the lock. “The Book of Amun-Ra is filled with incantations on how to take life, while the Book of the Dead,” another click was heard as the book was unlocked, “brings back life.”
“...Are you sure you want to play with something like this?”
Anna looked up at Kristoff. He was looking at the book, his brows furrowed in concern. “It’s just a book, Kristoff.” His gaze moved to hers, “No harm has come from reading a book.”
He sighed, and Anna turned back to the book. Holding her breath, Anna placed her hands on either side of the so-called cover of the book and turned the page.
As the page fell, the soft breeze suddenly turned into a sharp wind. The sand blew up, the flame before them dwindling. It was brief, only lasting for a moment as it returned to the soft breeze once more but it was enough to give Anna pause. A chill ran down her spine as the flame in their fire recovered from the sharp change in the air.
Suddenly, a hand rested on her shoulder. Looking over, Kristoff was looking at her. The uneasy feeling within her left the moment her eyes met his. It was a comfort, him there with her, and his face seemed to say keep going.
So she did.
The book itself was beautiful. Hand carved hieroglyphics spanned the page, done so with great care. The binding of the book was made from what looked to be pure gold, an intricate spine that held the heavy pages perfectly together. There were images included with the writing, what looked to be Anubis standing over a body.
Quietly she began to read over the page, the realization hitting her that she, Anna Arendelle was reading from the Book of the Dead. A once myth she had only heard from legend, now completely proven to be true.
Anna could cry.
“What does it say?”
Anna cleared her throat, hoping Kristoff could not see the tears filling her eyes. “Amun Ra. Amun Dei.” Anna read aloud, “It speaks of the night and of the day.”
She continued, slowly reading off the first page. She spoke slowly, wanting to ensure she spoke each word as clearly as she could. The ones who had created this book, who believed the power it held, deserved to have it read aloud with near perfection. As she neared the end of the page, she realized what it was she was saying: the one who had fallen to rise, to return to this world once more.
“NO!” a cry echoed across the camp. Anna looked up to see the man whom she had taken the book from running towards them. He looked at her with absolute horror, “You must not read from the book!”
The change came immediately.
The wind picked up once more, slowly growing and whipping the sand around them as it did so. This time, it did not seem to settle back down. Tents and coverings rustled in the wind, fires dwindling as the wind struck it intensely. The camels nearby became restless, grunting and tugging frantically against their bindings as though they desperately wanted to leave. It wasn't the wind that had spooked them.
It was then that she heard it.
A soft, barely there buzzing caught Anna’s ear. It seemed far off in the distance, but it was unmistakably there. She stood, Kristoff following her as she eyed the vast desert before them. Anna moved forward, squinting to understand what she was seeing.
In the distance, a sudden black cloud had begun to grow over the desert, hovering just above the sand.
As it grew, Anna realized that it wasn’t just growing but moving. Moving towards them.
Others around them in the camp began to awake as the buzzing grew louder, the wind whipping faster. Sven himself had now come to stand behind them now. “What is that?”
As the vast form of darkness neared, Anna noticed how the cloud seemed to separate. It was not one large cloud but it seemed to be several small things hovering together; moving as one massive vessel. It rose up into the moonlight, and briefly the light caught one of them just well enough for it to be revealed.
By the time Anna realized what it was, it was far too late.
Hundreds of thousands of them were flying right at them in the largest swarm she had ever seen. There seemed to be no end in site to just how many of these creatures were heading straight for them. They moved quickly, coming up and over the camp and descended upon them.
As the locusts rained down upon them, Anna felt a hand grab hers, pulling her away and Kristoff yelling desperately,
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randomfandomisuppose · 26 days ago
I feel like Alfred became a ghost but couldn’t move on yet because he had the unfinished business of looking after his family.
He knows that as much as he loves them they occasionally need someone to remind them to eat every once in a while and to knock some sense into them whenever they think of doing something particularly reckless. As smart and overcompetent as they are, and as much as Alfred believes they are perfectly capable of looking after themselves when it matters, they just seemingly sometimes lack common sense.
He makes it his life’s (death’s?) mission to train a new butler who could take care of his family so he could enjoy the afterlife in peace.
Danny? Perfect candidate.
He’s respectful but doesn’t take anything lying down.
He’s fairly laid back and has a good sense of humour but is responsible when it matters.
He’s got a stubborn streak about a mile wide and is as blunt as a foot to the face. He’ll need to be to keep the bats from patrolling injured.
He has a history of vigilantism and can very much look after himself in the case of any rogue attacks. As well as potentially the other members of the family in the case of emergency.
Despite his history as a vigilante all he’s really interested in is a stable, somewhat interesting job
I think it could be fun if Danny was also just kinda unsettling (whether intentionally or unintentionally) and very capable of striking the fear of god into someone when they do something stupid. Especially if the entirety of the batfam thought so.
Like, in their hearts no one could ever replace Alfred, but they’re just as happy as they are suspicious that this 20 something is scaring the shit out of them in the middle of the night in their own home, because they’re afraid that the alternative would be him scaring the shit out of them as a rogue while they’re on patrol or something. At least like this they can keep an eye on him.
He does that thing cats do where he’s just staring blankly into an empty corner. He’s like Alfred in the sense that he knows about things he shouldn’t plausibly be able to know. It’s like he has two sets of eyes. He appears out of nowhere (to the horror of the bats cause they aren’t used to someone sneaking up on them) The room gets colder when he enters it. You see him out of the corner of your eye but when you turn around there’s no one there. His mere presence messes with electronics. He just moves too quietly for it to be normal. That sort of thing.
Someone tries to sneak ice cream after patrol and they’re like 1000% sure they’re alone in the kitchen but then they scream because they closed the freezer door and Danny somehow managed to appear right behind it without them noticing.
The sudden knock shouldn't be there. The manor is gated. But, he supposes, monitoring ground access had been one of the many tasks Alfred handled. And with him gone...
The knock sounds again. Harder. Sharper.
Bruce wants to ignore it, but can't after the third knock. He opens the door to a skinny man, black hair and blue eyes, making faces at the air next to him. He quickly composes himself.
"Hi! I'm here to apply for the butler position."
Bruce grips the door jab. "Who told you I was hiring?"
"Man called Alfred Pennyworth."
Bruce stares. Alfred is three weeks dead.
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 year ago
Hakkari Kami - CR15 Kami
There is a guardian spirit for all things. Even blood.
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Artwork by T SWCK on Artstation.
This creature is based on Hakkar the Soulflayer, a loa demigod from from Warcraft. In the Warcraft setting, loa are divine beings connected to nature, usually taking the form of specific types of animals, which grant power to those who worship them. There are countless loa, many of which are worshiped by groups as small as a specific family, which might have very minimal power. Hakkar is a more powerful one; he's known as the loa of blood, and takes the form of a wind serpent. I've adapted this idea into a kami for Hakkar's Pathfinder conversion; there's no type of outsider in Pathfinder that perfectly matches the loa, but kami are close enough to work.
In Pathfinder, kami are a lesser-known type of outsider which are usually neutral aligned and peaceful, watching over a specific type of creature, object or place that they consider their "ward." There are a huge number of different types of kami which each watch over certain types of wards. A hakkari kami's ward is spilled blood, and it's not nearly as peaceful as most others.
Like other kami, hakkari kami find themselves stretched thin, with too many potential wards and not enough kami, and seek to create more of their kind in order to protect more wards. They do this by choosing dedicated mortal servants to ascend to kami when they die. In the case of the hakkari, these mortal servants tend to be those that offer countless blood sacrifices, especially sacrifices to the hakkari kami itself, and who may even take their own life in a ritual sacrifice in an attempt to gain the hakkari's favor and ascend to a more powerful form. If cornered by powerful enemies, a hakkari's weaker followers may choose to kill themselves instead of fight, hoping to ascend and become kami themselves instead of passing to the afterlife, and gain enough power to then fight their foes.
I included a line of text stating that a kami can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it. This isn't listed in the general rules for kamis' wards, but I feel confident that it must be intended by the developers for there to be SOME way to obtain a new ward. Otherwise, kami that have short-lived creatures like insects as their wards would only have a ward for the first few years or months of their immortal lives, and then be left sickened and purposeless for all eternity. Since insects are even listed as one of their example wards, I assume that probably isn't the intent of how this type of outsider is supposed to work; they should be able to take a new ward if their old one is killed or destroyed.
This creatures uses the overwhelmed condition, a custom condition I use in some of my creatures. In my own home games, I nearly always replace any paralyzed, stunned, or nauseated effects caused by monsters with the overwhelmed condition.
Hakkari - CR 15
Towering above you is a massive winged serpent with a fanged maw and scythe-like claws for arms. Its beautiful violet plumage contrasts against its blood-red scales.
XP 51,200 NE Huge outsider (kami, native) Init +10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch, true seeing; Perception +25
AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +12 natural, -2 size); +2 vs. good hp 210 (20d10+100); fast healing 10 Fort +13, Ref +18, Will +16; +2 vs. good DR 10/cold iron Immune bleed, mind-affecting effects, petrification, polymorph Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Melee bite +25 (1d8+7), 2 claws +26 (3d6+7), 2 wings +20 (1d8+3) Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks blood siphon, cleansing bloodrage, corrupted blood
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +27)     Constant—blood scent, deathwatch, protection from good, true seeing     At will—blood biography (DC 20)     3/day—confusion (DC 21), quickened blood armor     1/day—dominate monster (DC 26, creatures with blood only)
Str 25, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 25 Base Atk +20; CMB +29; CMD 46 (48 vs. good) Feats Bloody Assault, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability (blood armor), Weapon Focus (claws) Skills Acrobatics +13, Fly +20, Heal +25, Knowledge (local) +22, Linguistics +0, Perception +25, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Spellcraft +12 Languages Common, Kuru; telepathy 100 ft. SQ merge with ward, ward (spilled blood)
Blood Siphon (Su) As a standard action once every 1d3+1 rounds, a hakkari can drain the blood from targets in a 60 ft. cone. Each target takes 8d8 damage and is overwhelmed for one round. A DC 25 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the overwhelming effect. Creatures that do not have blood are immune. The hakkari is healed for an amount equal to half of the damage dealt. The save DC is Constitution-based.
If a hakkari uses its blood siphon against a creature that is poisoned, or that has poisonous blood (such as from the poisonous blood universal monster ability, the toxic blood spell, or a vishkanya's toxic racial ability), the hakkari receives no healing from that creature and must save against the poison.
An overwhelmed creature is staggered and cannot concentrate. If an overwhelmed creature attacks or casts a spell, it falls prone and becomes helpless until the beginning of its next turn after doing so. Effects that would remove or prevent the paralyzed or nauseated conditions also remove or prevent the overwhelmed condition.
Cleansing Bloodrage (Ex) Once per day, while below 25% hit points (usually 52 hp), a hakkari can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage, a hakkari gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. This bonus to Constitution typically increases its current and maximum hit points by 40. In addition, it takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
This bloodrage lasts for 1 minute. When a hakkari's bloodrage ends, it is fatigued for 1 minute. It cannot enter a bloodrage while fatigued.
While bloodraging, a hakkari can cast and concentrate on its spell-like abilities, but cannot perform any other action that requires concentration, and cannot use Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride).
When a hakkari enters a bloodrage, it is affected as though by the cleanse spell, regaining 4d8+20 hit points and recovering from a variety of conditions and effects.
A hakkari can enter a bloodrage even while under the effect of a condition that would normally prevent it from taking an action, as long as that condition is one that can be removed by the cleanse spell, but doing so uses a standard action instead of a free action.
Corrupted Blood (Su) As a move action, a hakkari can corrupt the blood of a target within 60 ft. The target takes 2d8 negative energy damage, and must succeed on a DC 27 Fortitude save or be subjected to 2d8 bleed damage. Creatures that do not have blood are immune.
Whenever a creature takes bleed damage from this ability, all other creatures within 10 ft. of that creature must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude save or begin bleeding as well for 2d8 bleed damage. The save DCs are Charisma-based, and the secondary save includes a -2 penalty.
Fast Healing (Ex) As long as a kami is within 120 feet of its ward, it gains fast healing 10.
Merge with Ward (Su) As a standard action, a kami can merge its body and mind with its ward (see the Ward ability below). When merged, the kami can observe the surrounding region with its senses as if it were using its own body, as well as via any senses its ward might have. It has no control over its ward, nor can it communicate or otherwise take any action other than to emerge from its ward as a standard action. A kami must be adjacent to its ward to merge with or emerge from it.
Ward (Su) A kami has a specific ward—in a hakkari's case, its ward is spilled blood, either from a specific creature or on a specific sacrificial altar. Several of a kami’s abilities function only when it is either merged with its ward or within 120 feet of it. If a kami’s ward is portable and travels with the kami to another plane, the kami does not gain the extraplanar subtype on that other plane as long as its ward remains within 120 feet. If a ward is destroyed while a kami is merged with it, the kami dies (no save). If a ward is destroyed while a kami is not merged with it, the kami loses its merge with ward ability and its fast healing, and becomes permanently sickened, until it chooses a new ward.
If a kami's ward is killed or destroyed, it can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it.
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memryse · 3 years ago
What do you think about renchanting duo
I'm Fucked Up In The Head Over 3rd Life SMP Part 2: Monarchy Boogaloo
ahhhhhh renchanting duo... i love them sooooo much. their story is so tragic it hurts it physically hurts (dear god i love them so much). again no read more you're all going to read my several paragraphs of incoherency whether you like it or not
renchanting duo is also bolstered by the fact that ren and martyn had never met prior to this smp. it makes the development of their characters' friendship that much better.
i always like to think of them as the literal antithesis to the desert duo, beyond just being enemies, maybe i'll elaborate on that in a separate post though because i ofc want to focus on renchanting duo exclusively here.
the two of them start off as a capitalist duo, with martyn being a marketing manager and nothing more. but by moving into renchanting, martyn quickly gains ren's trust - which, to be fair, is pretty easy. ren's weakness at the start of 3rd life was always his kindness: telling people cleo's secret, letting everyone walk all over him and renchanting in the hopes of forming alliances. he gave out his trust too easily. martyn, meanwhile, was bored and chaotic - the server's wild card, the one predicted to cause the most problems at first, running around performing magic tricks and causing raids.
they grow closer again when scar turns red. martyn is immediately concerned for ren's life, and that concern only grows as martyn realises his own life is also under threat. the next episode, ren dons his kingly crown, and martyn steps up from marketing manager to hand of the king. it's a significant responsibility increase, but martyn is loyal to ren - ren took him in, gave him a purpose. and ren is equally grateful to martyn.
from that point onwards, their trust in one another only grows stronger. martyn steps up perfectly as hand of the king: first, when running around trying to solve all the various problems dogwarts is facing in session 4, when grian plants the enchanting table trap. like, you can feel the adrenaline in that scene. it's insane. ren, meanwhile, has finally put his foot down and is standing up to scar. it doesn't work, unfortunately, and martyn is unable to protect ren. (but he did do his best, it was unfortunate timing more than anything)
next, the test. ren's naïveté is gone. replacing it is a simple desire to protect his kingdom, through any means necessary. he gives martyn the chance to murder him, publicly branding him as a killer (and technically a rule breaker, might i add - martyn was strict about following the main server rules until the end, it's very telling that he broke them for ren). ren turns red, and gives martyn a perfectly fair opportunity to eliminate him. but martyn doesn't take it. he can't. not ren. the two of them are too loyal to each other. whilst dogwarts are often painted as the objective villains of the series, it's really... not like that. scar antagonised them. ren's descent into the red king was a tragedy, caused by paranoia and threats on his life. at first ren was kind, and forgiving, and far too easily trusting, and really just wanted to start a little shopping district starting with a funky enchanting emporium.
the red army forms, and martyn remains unquestionably loyal. martyn fights alongside his king - ren stays on the front lines, determined to protect his people with his own hands. which, looking at his kill count, i would say he achieved. i think it's a bit inaccurate to frame renchanting duo as the exact same dynamic as desert duo - while they're similar, their main difference is that ren was a genuinely capable threat the entire time. he's strong. and scary.
martyn makes his peace with devoting his life to defending his king. he'll lose all his lives if it means protecting ren - he'll take anyone else's life if it means protecting ren. he's okay with that. because martyn's loyal, and for the person who gave him a purpose in life he would go to the ends of the earth and back.
finally, he loses his first life, and we see the hints at a potential betrayal plot forming with the voice. this tension builds throughout the remaining episodes, including our favourite iconic line "after every winter, comes a spring". while this plot never technically came to fruition because of time and the flow of the sessions, the fact that martyn even heard this voice trying to tempt him to betray ren only further cements how loyal he was. literally nothing would stray him from that path. and ren? ren never even questions his hand's loyalty. he has no reason to. it's the two of them to the end.
ren dies.
and martyn follows his king to the grave.
i like to think that they found their "spring" in the afterlife.
bonus fun fact: they'd always said that if they made it to the final two, they planned to have a fair fight, fists only with no armour. at least those wishes came true for somebody else.
bonus fun fact 2: martyn's hand of the king coat actually has a yellow life variant too, but it was never used in 3rd life. you can see it on namemc though!
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l4mplight · 7 months ago
So, keeping in mind that this is Vibes Based Storytelling and that most of this is implied rather than outright stated, these are my thoughts.
I think it comes from how many times we see it repeated throughout the game that the soul can live on after the death of the body. Ranni, Sellen, Melina, Latenna, and now Radahn, show us that the death of the body can be overcome, because the soul is the place where identity, consciousness and will reside. For everyone except Godwyn, death leaves the soul in perfectly good condition to become a spirit, move on to the afterlife/be reborn via the Erdtree, or whatever it may be.
With Godwyn, it’s the opposite. No one else is ever “killed in soul,” and the implication seems to be that it is a decidedly unnatural thing that has left his body in this endless “Life in Death” state. There’s no soul to be resurrected or reborn, because it is dead. No one else’s soul has ever died before, what Ranni did to him is entirely unique in that regard. His body is “alive,” sort of, but The Prince of Death is basically a new force of nature now.
I think some of the disappointment around Godwyn not showing up in anything other than Corpse Surrogate form in the Shadowlands comes from a few places. First, he’s a cool concept and fans wanted more of him. Second, there were two years of time for headcannons and theories to form since the basegame came out, and it’s always disappointing when the story goes in a direction you don’t expect. And finally, many fans think Souls lore/narrative is pointless if the character in question isn’t an epic boss fight.
Personally, I think Godwyn has quite enough going on with Fia and his ending, and that bringing him back in some form could potentially undermine that as well as the impact he has on the characters of Marika (shattering the ring out of grief and despair that her removal of the tune of death was pointless) and Miquella (whose failures to cure Malenia and give Godwyn peace are key to his desperation in the Shadowlands).
It would also undermine the horror and symbolism of his fate, I think. The point of Godwyn is that he is quite literally the embodiment of the Rotten Roots of the Erdtree society, with Golden Order zealots being obsessed with the need to suppress and condemn Those Who Live in Death as they are the ultimate symbol that the Order is flawed. His initial life as the Golden Child is too good to be true, and his fate mirrors the fall of Marika’s empire from the Age of Plenty to the corrupt and stagnant thing it now is. The need to control undeath is the need to keep the fact that Marika’s age is failing from coming to light, and preserving Godwyn’s image as the shining Golden Prince instead of the horrific Prince of Death is a part of that too.
shadow of the erdtree final boss spoilers under the cut. not anything insightful dont worry.
what did i miss. why in the world is everyone suddenly ranting on about how godwyn is the most dead of the demigods when like 70% of what we know about him is that he explicitly died a half death. at least two characters mourn the fact that he died a half death and want him to finally Actually Die. and no i dont necessarily think he should have been magically brought back into replacing the final boss. i am not yet truly invested in the whole ordeal of what should have been and im still digesting everything about twodahn. the point of this is why are we just saying things!! the way deathblight even came to be is that godwyns body is alive but his soul is not!! do we respect the dire plot. do we remember that theres a whole questline with an ending that tells us about how godwyn is dead in soul only. please what is happening.
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years ago
Monster Spotlight: Living Effigy
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CR 8
Neutral Huge Construct
Adventure Path: Giantslayer: Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen, pg. 88~89
Construction Requirements: Craft Construct; Limited Wish, Nightmare, Trap The Soul. The creator must have a caster level of 15, and must make a Craft (Stonemasonry) check with a DC of 20.
A Living Effigy must be constructed from a 40 ton block of the appropriate material, typically stone but marble or bronze are also common. The quality, thankfully, does not appear to matter, but the carved face must also possess two matching gemstone eyes each worth at least 500 gp. While the statue is technically complete once the carving process is finished, the Living Effigy will not animate until the soul of the creature it was created for is implanted inside it, a process which occurs automatically so long as the creature perishes while within 1 mile of the statue if the gemstone eyes are intact.
Cost to Build: The laborious effort of carefully preparing the special gemstone eyes is almost as difficult as performing the exact carving necessary to perfectly capture the recipient’s likeness and instill it with enough latent spiritual energy that the soul can comfortably flee into it when its previous life ends. A single mistake in the carving process requires the entire block to be tossed aside and a new one used. This means, on average, a Living Effigy costs 35,000gp to create.
When a great chieftain, spiritual leader, or shaman is close to their final hour, they may worry about the safety of their tribe once they’re gone. For some, this worry becomes so extreme that they willingly bar themselves from the afterlife to watch over them forever, commissioning the construction of a stone housing for their soul. The life of a Living Effigy is not one that’s typically safe for a mortal mind, their immortal existence consisting of simply sitting completely still and silent for hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, and longer. Some tribes may simply forget the Effigy is anything more than a quiet stone, paying heed to their past leaders through it but not knowing that the leader is still with them.
Effigies typically retain their sanity via entertaining themselves with their at-will Detect Thoughts, or the use of their 3/day Witness spell, sharing the senses of their people for hours at a time and quietly assuring that their lives are peaceful and plentiful. When guidance is needed, an Effigy’s Preserved Mind allows them access to the Knowledge they had in life with an additional +4 to two chosen skills, which they can share via the use of their 1/week Dream... provided no one’s done something to truly anger it, in which case its Shape Self allows it to alter its features into a more furious expression before unleashing its 1/week Nightmare upon those who’re leading the tribe to ruin. While useful for maintaining their knowledge as the ages march on, their Preserved Mind leaves them Vulnerable to Mind-Affecting Effects, as many ensouled Constructs are... if someone attacking the Effigy even knows it’s something more than a simple Statue, its true power nearly impossible to discern until it actually uses it.
While the purpose of a Living Effigy is mainly to maintain the soul of a wise and/or powerful figure, the mystic binding process has the fun little side-effect of instilling quite a bit of magic power into the Construct. They are 70%% support casters, able to use Calm Emotions, Crushing Despair, and Good Hope 3/day each, and the incredibly potent Arcane Concordance 1/day to bolster the casters of the tribe. They can also unleash Obscuring Mist at will to shield their helpless citizens from line of sight or confound encroaching enemies, but when push comes to shove, you can’t really shove harder than 40 tons of solid rock.
Ironically, the true shoving power of the Effigy does not lay in its slam attack, which deals a comparatively minor 2d8+7 damage, but in its voice. An Effigy can speak, but traditionally does not for fear of spooking its people and because it is simply insanely loud. The speaking voice of an Effigy is so loud it can use Sound Burst at will, damaging and potentially stunning entire crowds of foes at once, with a 3/day Empowered Sound Burst waiting in the wings for especially stubborn foes. Those who can’t be stunned may simply be flattened by a powerful, earth-shaking shout in the form of Thundering Drums, knocking them right off their feet or potentially killing them outright with 5d8 damage.
Tribes with one of these ancient guardians in their midst enjoy the protection of their most treasured ancestor in a way that’s both direct and indirect (Living Effigies normally only communicate with their most trusted allies, as citizens casually sharing the existence of the Construct can invite unwanted attention), and adventuring parties heading into negotiations with isolated and seemingly nonmagical tribes would do well to keep on the lookout for the gem-studded eyes of these massive stone sages.
You can read more about them here.
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katsidhe · 4 years ago
15.20 Final Thoughts
Supernatural is over, and somehow, despite itself, it did the very best it could to please me. That was always going to be an impossible task. But truly, sincerely, that finale was as close to my desires as the show could ever bring itself to come, and so, so much closer than I ever dreamed it would dare.
I am so, so glad that no other regular characters were involved (Bobby aside, but he was brief). How better to encapsulate their own emptiness? How fundamentally fitting, than in the epilogue to their final battle, wherein the entire world beyond them was erased, the wider universe is merely set dressing for them to move through. And it was so quiet this way. This finale wasn’t overcrowded or rushed. It kept its own peace. And it preserved the tangible claustrophobia that 15.19 invoked: that tangled, lovely, solipsistic, toxic conviction that these are the only two people on earth that matter.
It’s unclear exactly how much time passed between 15.19 and 15.20. I like to think it’s been at least a year, given that they’ve settled into routine and that their grief seems less fresh. (Although yes, the concept of Dean dying on his very first hunt without a resurrection available is hilarious, I must confess.) Their calm domesticity, their peace, was lovely to watch (Sam kicking the laundry machine! Sam with wet hair! Sam running! Sam cooking, Sam looking a little less bulky than usual, and happy!) But man, it really is Dean’s world, isn’t it? Even the DOG, which really, really, really could reasonably have been primarily Sam’s, was Dean’s dog first and foremost. Then on Dean’s say-so, they get in Dean’s car to drive to a pie festival for Dean. Sam is perfectly content to go along with all of it.
As if we hadn’t gotten enough delightful fanservice, we also got one last scene of Sam threatening to torture someone to death. :) what a king.
I love that Dean died to an OSHA violation while fighting a random loose end from season 1 (which, by the way, I CALLED IT, I am so proud of myself). It’s perfectly mundane. I truly and deeply do not understand anyone complaining that Dean should have gone out in a way that’s more epic. He’s been there, done that, guys, and remember how miserable it was? Now there’s no cosmic safety net. Dean died in a broken down old barn, saving some kids. Moments like these are when Dean is at his best, at his most fundamentally sympathetic: when he’s not trying to control the shape of the universe or dictate righteousness or let his anger drive himself down into a destructive spiral. He’s just putting his money where his mouth is. He’s not making a broad moral statement. He’s simply putting his life on the line to defend someone who needs defending. It is not an unworthy end. It’s so much better than going out to, god forbid, God.
Did Dean earn a lifetime of peace? The concept of just desserts is fraught. But I also don’t think it’s something Dean wanted. He wanted to keep killing things in tetanus-infested barns until he died. He got what he wanted. And while the arc of his wants has adapted over the years, MOTW hunting is fulfilling for him.
Dean’s deathbed speech was, oh man. It got me good. Like many of the things I loved in this episode, it was quiet. No desperation, no revising history (or not too much, anyway). Just, “stay with me, please. I love you. Tell me it’s okay.”
The quiet of Sam’s grief, alone in the bunker. How still his face is, until for a little bit it crumples again, and then it comes back and goes still. He’s not trying to control his reactions or press back against his sorrow. There is no work to do, nothing to avenge, no one to find, nothing to defeat. He is alone, and the washes of visible grief simply come and go in waves that he doesn’t try to fight or force.
I need the gif of him flinching at the toaster. His startle reactions are my favorite thing. He’s alone underground, there is not a living soul for miles and miles, he’s just buried his brother, not for the first time, but this time, he knows, for the last. And the goddamn toaster goes off and he cannot control the way his heart leaps up into his throat and the way every one of his muscles tightens.
Sam grows old. Sam. Grows old. Sam grows old! SAM GROWS OLD.
Ohhh my God, Sam grows old. Without Dean! Without hunting! Without Cas! With people outside that claustrophobic world, beyond the four tight walls of SPN, beyond the people approved by Dean and by Fandom, who give him peace and love and fulfillment! SAM GOT OUT. Even with the truly terrible wig the image brings me to actual tears. I cannot believe SPN would allow him to have this. I cannot believe that the show let him be happy without Dean. I want to read the set of novelizations about Sam’s recovery.
Of course this was the only way for Sam to get unwound, and of course it had to happen offscreen in flashes. Thank god for the ambiguity. There’s so much potential there, years and years, we were simply told: and at some point Sam’s life gets better, at some point his mental health improves and he feels safe enough to start a family, with someone, and at some point he has a child, and he dies peacefully, he dies loved and with people who love him, and dammit I’m getting weepy again.
Sam quit hunting. Not in a sudden jolt. We see him leaving the bunker on another job. But when he leaves the bunker, he leaves for good. He has so much knowledge, but he does not preserve the Men of Letters. He does not honor their legacy of extermination and experimentation. Maybe he gives someone else the keys, for the books. Or maybe he’s digitized it all, and maybe it’s done.
Maybe his wife is Eileen, or maybe it’s Amelia, or maybe it’s Piper or Cara or maybe it’s someone new. Maybe it’s not even a woman. And maybe she’s a hunter, but I hope she isn’t, and when Sam tells her, haltingly, in fits and starts, the bare outline of the truth, she looks at him and she believes him. And she understands the shape of the trauma he carries, even if Sam can’t quite speak the details, and maybe Sam goes to therapy. Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he wakes in pain and fear for many years, but over time, it dulls.
Sam’s son is still a young man when Sam is on his deathbed, probably in at least his eighties. Think about the mountain Sam had to climb to reach that point. How many years and years of work did it take before Sam felt safe enough to want a child? How long for him to gently conquer his terror at the legacy his blood might carry: Lucifer and Azazel are dead, he knows this, but how long before he lets himself believe it enough to permit the risk? And then he raises his child, not in fear and loneliness, but with love and support and care. And he makes sure his son is protected, that he knows to salt his thresholds and ward against demons, but his son will not suffer the way he suffered.
Maybe he untangles his thoughts about Dean, maybe he learns that to feel angry with his brother is not to betray him or to dishonor his memory, maybe he comes to a more complex understanding of their relationship. Maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he simply enshrines Dean, and Dean’s memory becomes ever more golden and untarnished, and the Impala becomes truly an altar. The details of how Sam carries Dean with him—the watch, the car, the absurdly large photos, his son’s name—perhaps these are played straight, and perhaps Sam never finds a more nuanced love. In the meta sense I think we are certainly meant to think this. We are meant to see Dean deified here, canonized into a saint. We are meant to view Sam’s fifty more years of life as worship, as a dedication and an offering.
This is the long shadow of the finale. These are the things untouched by necessity and by design: this is Dean’s apology in 15.18, this is Sam not wanting an apology, and not wanting to hear Dean offer one. This difficult work was always and inevitably going to be elided. But there is so much time, decades and decades, offscreen, for Sam to come to a quieter peace.
I think he can do it.
I think Sam can do anything.
I’m crying again.
I really didn’t think I would cry much about the finale. I thought I would cry at the concept of the show ending, but not at what the ending was. I didn’t think any details would actually affect me. But then Sam got old. I am truly and genuinely hung up on the canonical image of Sam finding peace. Good god. He had GLASSES. Help.
My chief complaint (aside from that absolutely awful Carry On cover, why oh why, they should have just played the original again), if I felt at all like complaining at the moment, would be how happy this ending is. But I can’t begrudge Sam that. I can’t even get too mad at the scene that I was SO SURE I would despise: that of Sam and Dean content in a Heaven that is now apparently Great, Actually (even though a prison dimension with an open floor plan is still a prison dimension, but hey, I guess we humans can’t leave earth either). Supernatural clearly wanted Sam and Dean to not be facing down an abyssally bleak afterlife, and I think I’d be complaining about the lack of bleakness a whole lot more if it didn’t have the (perhaps unintended??) side effect of giving Sam even more freedom from Dean than SPN already deigned to give him. Sam isn’t in a shared cell with Dean. He can be with his friends and his wife and his son.
One of the fundamental questions of SPN is, would Dean ever let Sam go? And it’s a question that the bulk of s13-15 has rendered moot with Sam’s growing passivity, and one that 15.20 neatly dodged. And I’m glad it did, because I wouldn’t have liked whatever 15.20 had to say on the matter. This deflection feels true to the spirit of what the show has become.
It was impossible for Sam to find peace while Dean was still alive. And on its own that kind of says everything, doesn’t it? And Sam is still forever denied the peace he truly longed for. Sam didn’t want death to force Dean’s hand. Sam wanted Dean to want to let him go. But the only way Sam and Dean could heal is apart. The potential of their relationship on earth becoming untangled is forever precluded, explictly. And yet Sam’s freedom is validated, Sam is allowed what he sought in season 1 and season 8, Sam is something beyond a hunter and Dean’s brother, and the show let him be, the show let him grow.
Supernatural said Sam Rights, and the world shook.
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