#Postoperative Pain treatment
peachcarechiropractic · 3 months
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Physiotherapy is a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to healing, rehabilitation, and overall well-being. At PeachCare Family Chiropractic, we provide expert physiotherapy services to help you recover, improve your mobility, and enhance your quality of life Physiotherapy in Augusta GA
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nursing-and-wellness23 · 10 months
Unlocking the Healing Powers: Exploring the Benefits of Ozone Therapy  
Ozone therapy is a medical treatment that involves the therapeutic use of ozone, a gas composed of three oxygen molecules. Widely recognized for its disinfectant properties, ozone therapy has expanded to various medical applications. Studies explore its effects, safety, and potential toxicity, with emerging evidence highlighting its role in wound healing, immune modulation, and treatment for conditions like wounds, pain, postoperative issues, and infectious diseases.
Ozone therapy, a natural treatment for medical conditions, involves the administration of ozone gas to stimulate the immune system and promote healing. This therapy improves oxygen delivery throughout the body, increasing blood circulation and enhancing the body's ability to heal itself. It activates antioxidant enzymes, reducing inflammation and supporting tissue regeneration. Ozone therapy has shown promise in treating chronic pain, arthritis, infections, and cancer, improving energy levels and boosting the immune system. It is non-invasive and has minimal side effects when administered correctly. Patients often report feeling rejuvenated and increased vitality after treatment. However, it is essential to consult a qualified healthcare professional for proper evaluation and individualized treatment plans to maximize the benefits of ozone therapy.
Here are some additional resources  Scientific article that you might find helpful
Journal of Ozone Therapy (uv.es)
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fatliberation · 10 months
I totally understand and can empathize with fat activists when it comes to medical fatphobia. But I do think its important to provide nuance to this topic.
A lot of doctors mention weight loss, particularly for elective surgeries, because it makes the recovery process easier (Particularly with keeping sutures in place) and anesthetic safer.
I feel like its still important to mention those things when advocating for fat folks. Safety is important.
What you're talking about is actually a different topic altogether - the previous ask was not about preparing for surgery, it was about dieting being the only treatment option for anon's chronic pain, which was exacerbating their ed symptoms. Diets have been proven over and over again to be unsustainable (and are the leading predictor of eating disorders). So yeah, I felt that it was an inappropriate prescription informed more by bias than actual data.
(And side note: This study on chronic pain and obesity concluded that weight change was not associated with changes of pain intensity.)
If you want to discuss the risk factor for surgery, sure, I think that's an important thing to know - however, most fat people already know this and are informed by their doctors and surgeons of what the risks are beforehand, so I'm not really concerned about people being uninformed about it.
I'm a fat liberation activist, and what I'm concerned about is bias. I'm concerned that there are so many BMI cutoffs in essential surgeries for fat patients, when weight loss is hardly feasible, that creates a barrier to care that disproportionately affects marginalized people with intersecting identities.
It's also important to know that we have very little data around the outcomes of surgery for fat folks that isn't bariatric weight loss surgery.
A new systematic review by researchers in Sydney, Australia, published in the journal Clinical Obesity, suggests that weight loss diets before elective surgery are ineffective in reducing postoperative complications.
CADTH Health Technology Review Body Mass Index as a Measure of Obesity and Cut-Off for Surgical Eligibility made a similar conclusion:
Most studies either found discrepancies between BMI and other measurements or concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support BMI cut-offs for surgical eligibility. The sources explicitly reporting ethical issues related to the use of BMI as a measure of obesity or cut-off for surgical eligibility described concerns around stigma, bias (particularly for racialized peoples), and the potential to create or exacerbate disparities in health care access.
Nicholas Giori MD, PhD Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Stanford University, a respected leader in TKA and THA shared his thoughts in Elective Surgery in Adult Patients with Excess Weight: Can Preoperative Dietary Interventions Improve Surgical Outcomes? A Systematic Review:
“Obesity is not reversible for most patients. Outpatient weight reduction programs average only 8% body weight loss [1, 10, 29]. Eight percent of patients denied surgery for high BMI eventually reach the BMI cutoff and have total joint arthroplasty [28]. Without a reliable pathway for weight loss, we shouldn’t categorically withhold an operation that improves pain and function for patients in all BMI classes [3, 14, 16] to avoid a risk that is comparable to other risks we routinely accept.
It is not clear that weight reduction prior to surgery reduces risk. Most studies on this topic involve dramatic weight loss from bariatric surgery and have had mixed results [13, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27]. Moderate non-surgical weight loss has thus-far not been shown to affect risk [12]. Though hard BMI cutoffs are well-intended, currently-used BMI cutoffs nearly have the effect of arbitrarily rationing care without medical justification. This is because BMI does not strongly predict complications. It is troubling that the effects are actually not arbitrary, but disproportionately affect minorities, women and patients in low socioeconomic classes. I believe that the decision to proceed with surgery should be based on traditional shared-decision making between the patient and surgeon. Different patients and different surgeons have different tolerances to risk and reward. Giving patients and surgeons freedom to determine the balance that is right for them is, in my opinion, the right way to proceed.”
I agree with Dr. Giori on this. And I absolutely do not judge anyone who chooses to lose weight prior to a surgery. It's upsetting that it is the only option right now for things like safe anesthesia. Unfortunately, patients with a history of disordered eating (which is a significant percentage of fat people!) are left out of the conversation. There is certainly risk involved in either option and it sucks. I am always open to nuanced discussion, and the one thing I remain firm in is that weight loss is not the answer long-term. We should be looking for other solutions in treating fat patients and studying how to make surgery safer. A lot of this could be solved with more comprehensive training and new medical developments instead of continuously trying to make fat people less fat.
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blorbortion · 1 month
In a result that will ring familiar for many women, new research has revealed a massive disparity in how pain is treated.
Women being discharged from emergency departments in Israel and the US are far less likely to be given a prescription for pain medication than men, even when being treated for the exact same ailments or when their reported pain scores were exactly the same.
Out of 17,576 patients in one dataset, some 47 percent of men were dispatched with a prescription for an analgesic medicine, compared to just 38 percent of women.
This, according to a team led by psychologists Mika Guzikevits of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tom Gordon-Hecker of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, was consistent across all ages and ailments, and the prescribing doctors' genders, revealing an alarming sex bias in how seriously women's complaints are taken.
"We argue that female patients receive less pain treatment than they should, which may adversely impact their health," the researchers write in their paper.
"The findings underscore the critical need to address psychological biases in healthcare settings to ensure fair and efficient treatment for all."
Research in recent years has revealed an alarming bias in the way the world perceives women's pain. Laypeople are more likely to think that women are exaggerating their pain than men, and perceive that grimacing women are experiencing less pain than men with similar facial expressions.
Many studies have shown that women reporting pain are perceived as hysterical, emotional, imagining things, or even lying. And this has the potential to be a big problem when transmuted to a medical setting.
Research has found that women reporting chronic pain are more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition. Women wait longer for treatment in emergency rooms. Women are less likely to be prescribed postoperative pain management medication. And multiple studies have found that medical practitioners perceive women to be less, and men more, trustworthy when reporting pain, often based on surveys and virtual patients.
Guzikevits, Gordon-Hecker, and their colleagues wanted to examine real outcomes in clinical settings, so they made a study of anonymized patient data from hospitals in the US and Israel. They looked at factors such as the age and sex of the patient, the level of pain reported and the diagnosed ailment, how often the patient visited the emergency department, and what the patient was prescribed.
Their data included a total of 21,851 patients presenting at the hospital for pain, and the results were striking.
"Across these datasets, a consistent sex disparity emerges," the researchers write.
"Female patients are less likely to be prescribed pain-relief medications compared to males, and this disparity persists even after adjusting for patients' reported pain scores and numerous patient, physician, and emergency department variables."
This disparity in treatment could not be linked to any other variable than the sex of the patient, the researchers found. Given the wealth of studies showing a huge disparity in the way the pain of women and men are perceived, the researchers could only conclude that the reason for this disparity is bias.
In a further test, the team presented 109 healthcare providers with a scenario describing a patient with severe back pain, rated 9 out of 10 by the patient. Only the patient's sex differed, with all other scenario details identical. When the patient was female, participants rated the pain intensity lower on average (72 out of 100) than when the patient was male (80 out of 100).
The researchers also noted that there have been some studies that didn't find a bias. These studies were conducted on patients with a tangible, physical source of pain, such as a broken bone or an infection. For those studies in which a bias is found, the source of the reported pain is less tangible – abdominal pain, or a headache.
The researchers suggest that computerized decision-reporting tools that help prescribe pain relief, and educating health practitioners about gender bias, could help resolve this ongoing issue and ensure better health outcomes for all patients.
"Inadequate pain management is known to lead to unnecessary suffering and deleterious health effects, and also carries preventable costs for public health," the researchers write in their paper.
"The present research provides robust evidence for healthcare providers' sex bias against female patients in pain management. We identify the stereotypical perception of females' pain as one of the potential mechanisms underlying the bias.
"The findings join mounting evidence of discrimination against females in the medical system and in other areas. Undertreatment of females' pain bears immediate implications for the healthcare system and broad implications for society's attitude toward female pain."
The research has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
(emphasis mine, article NOT paywalled, more links in the linked article)
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cerislabnotes · 6 months
TheraSMD 335 Providers Informational Report (Draft)
Overview: The Genetic Nuclear Development Corp introduced the TheraSMD 335 process in 2032 as a way for Therians to transition to their mentally accepted species.
The TheraSMSD 335 is a particle accelerator used to rapidly split apart DNA. Partnered with the SMD (Small Molecular Delivery device), it delivers the edited DNA to the split sections of the patient.
Configuring the subject's DNA to the selected species can take up to 9 years of treatment. The patient has to supplement the direct treatments with multiple medications and sometimes even injections or implants.
Early adopters of the treatment say it has helped them feel better physically, even if the end result is not as they intended. Current patients have mostly enjoyed results closer to their intended body physiology.
Effects of Treatment: Treatment will completely transform the patient into an anthropomorphic version of their accepted species. The number of anthropomorphic features and levels that each patient experiences differs from case to case and requires more R&D to narrow. Example of effects of a patient using Dragon HRT (Humanity Replacement Therapy): (Insert the entirety of Sabines' Dragon HRT work here) The treatment does affect mental state by putting the subject in the species' mental state. However, the patient will never have a total replacement of mentality, nor will the treatment affect memory. Most patients report body image issues even long after the body form is completely changed. This phenomenon has been widely recorded for hormone replacement patients as well.
Provider Concerns: Some professionals accepting of the point of treatment are still wary about the procedure, and a substantial number of providers make the patient wait up to 3 years, expecting the patient to attempt living as their desired species. The patients are especially expected to come out to other people in their space so that the changes do not glare as if the treatment is taken. Those doctors who do not require this tend to be research doctors. Most prescribers are still trying to learn the best ways to conduct treatment.
Patients willing to take the treatment tend to already be their species in their minds, which reaffirms that through their bodies. Surprisingly, a large number of patients are prescribed Dragon HRT. Being the most drastic change and painful, the patients are unusually well prepared. Limitations of the treatment are the anthropomorphic look of any species from a complete treatment. This must be stressed more, as those looking for a total change are few due to treatment issues in the feral state. Similarly, halting treatment creates form issues as the body is lost between the two species. Dangerous loss of body chemistry is the most common symptom. Rare cases show the subject completely losing their mind, usually triggered by outside factors from the treatment. Additional stress outside of the treatment is a major contributing factor.
Detailed Example Patient Treatment Session: Treatments are conducted the same way every visit. The subject must confirm pre-treatments of SMD are in their system (usually injections by the patient at home, followed up by bloodwork before visits) The subject enters one of the treatment rooms, is restrained, and the technician exits the room to a radiation-safe room. The subject has to remain awake for the entire treatment. The beam is placed before the top of the subject's head and then travels the length of the body, doing a diagnosis pass. After target centers are found, the beam traverses the body again, firing out segments of DNA for up to an hour. SMD, already in the body in mass, fills in these breaks relatively instantaneously. Once the technician determines the procedure, the subject is released from restraint and taken to postop holding. Another hour of post-treatment study is mainly used to verify that the body has accepted the changes. If issues are found, subsequent treatments may be required in the same session. Most patients complain of a stinging, burning sensation across their body up to two hours post-treatment. Some even mention a sometimes even "metallic burning" smell. This is attributed to the particle beam trimming and has been determined to be inconsequential.
Provider Insurance Notes: Some physicians who perform the procedure have to list treatment as a type of cancer needing radiation and gene therapy. Most insurance does not cover treatment outright; in some states, the treatment is outright banned. Some patients have been known to damage their cells through /redacted/ to justify full treatment immediately. Advise patients not to take these steps as it can drastically affect treatment outcomes.
Informal Summary (the part Dr. Dipshit ignored): As one of the team of researchers who founded this procedure, I cannot stress enough how important this work is to hundreds of thousands of people. Streamlining treatment and hastening treatment acceptance must be paramount, as some patients have no time to wait. We must be thankful that science has given us this through years of work and the support of those who need it most. As a soon-to-be patient, I implore those delivering this care to remember their goal as healthcare providers and their oath in our field. It may be messy, and you may get thrown across the room by a frustrated patient, but don't hold it against them. Know that because of you, they are still there, able to be frustrated because of your dedication to their care.
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satyadevhospital · 15 days
Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital: The Best Hospital in Patna for Urological Care
When it comes to urological health, Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital stands as the Best Hospital in Patna, providing exceptional medical care under the leadership of Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, a renowned General Surgeon and urologist. The hospital is equipped with advanced technology and offers comprehensive services to diagnose and treat various urological conditions. With a team of highly skilled medical professionals, Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital ensures that patients receive top-quality care for a wide range of conditions, including Kidney Stones, Ureteric Stones, Bladder Stone, Prostate (BPH), and more.
Services They Offer
1. Kidney Stone Treatment
Kidney stones are a common issue that affects many individuals, causing severe pain and discomfort. At Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital, specialized treatment options are available to provide relief from this condition. The hospital utilizes advanced diagnostic techniques and minimally invasive procedures to manage kidney stones effectively. Whether it's through extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) or endoscopic surgery, patients can trust that they are in the hands of the Best Hospital in Patna for kidney stone treatment. Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, the best urologist in Patna, ensures a swift diagnosis and effective treatment plan for every patient.
2. Ureteric Stone Removal
Ureteric stones, which form in the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, can cause excruciating pain and urinary complications. Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital offers advanced procedures like ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy to remove ureteric stones safely and efficiently. With a high success rate and a patient-centered approach, the hospital guarantees fast recovery times and minimal discomfort. This commitment to patient care makes it a leading choice for those searching for the Best Hospital in Patna.
3. Bladder Stone Treatment
Bladder stones often develop due to a variety of underlying conditions, including urinary tract infections and an enlarged prostate. Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital offers state-of-the-art treatment for bladder stones which is a procedure that breaks down stones and removes them via the bladder. With the expertise of Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, the best urologist in Patna, patients can rest assured that they will receive top-tier care. The hospital's emphasis on accurate diagnosis and minimally invasive treatments reinforces its status as the Best Hospital in Patna for urological care.
4. Prostate (BPH) Management
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition among older men that causes the prostate gland to enlarge, leading to urinary difficulties. Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital offers cutting-edge treatments, including medication, minimally invasive therapies, and surgical interventions like transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, a leading urologist in Patna City, ensures that patients receive personalized care tailored to their specific needs. The hospital's comprehensive approach to BPH management has made it the Best Hospital in Patna for treating this condition.
5. Laparoscopy
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique that offers numerous advantages over traditional open surgery, including reduced recovery times and less postoperative pain. Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital excels in laparoscopic procedures for various urological conditions, allowing patients to experience faster healing and shorter hospital stays. Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, a skilled urologist doctor in Patna, utilizes the latest laparoscopic techniques to ensure precise and effective treatment. This commitment to excellence has solidified the hospital's reputation as the Best Hospital in Patna for laparoscopic surgery.
6. Urology
As a dedicated urology center, Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital offers a wide range of services to address male and female urological issues. From urinary tract infections to incontinence, the hospital is equipped to handle both common and complex cases. Under the guidance of Dr Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, the best urologist in Patna, patients receive customized treatment plans that focus on long-term health and well-being. The hospital’s commitment to high-quality urological care makes it a standout choice for those seeking the Best Hospital in Patna.
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7. Andrology
Andrology, the branch of medicine concerned with male reproductive health, is another area of expertise at Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital. Whether it’s erectile dysfunction, infertility, or hormonal imbalances, the hospital provides comprehensive care tailored to male patients' needs. Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, a leading urologist in Patna City, ensures that patients receive sensitive, personalized care for their andrological concerns. With a focus on privacy and compassion, the hospital has established itself as the Best Hospital in Patna for men’s health.
8. Urological Oncology
Urological cancers, including those affecting the bladder, prostate, and kidneys, require specialized care and early detection for optimal outcomes. Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital is a leader in the diagnosis and treatment of urological cancers. Using advanced imaging techniques and surgical options, the hospital ensures that patients receive the best possible care. Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, a highly experienced urologist doctor in Patna, works closely with oncology specialists to provide a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care. This comprehensive care model positions the hospital as the Best Hospital in Patna for urological oncology.
Why Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital is the Best Hospital in Patna
At Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital, the focus is always on patient care. With cutting-edge technology, a compassionate team of experts, and the leadership of Dr. Kumar Rajesh Ranjan, the best urologist in Patna, the hospital ensures that patients receive the highest level of medical care. Whether you are dealing with kidney stones, bladder issues, or prostate conditions, you can trust Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital to provide world-class treatment.
With its wide range of services, from general urology to specialized cancer care, Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital has earned its reputation as the Best Hospital in Patna. The hospital's dedication to innovation, patient comfort, and successful outcomes make it the top choice for those seeking a urologist in Patna City or a urologist doctor in Patna.
Whether you are facing a simple urological issue or a complex condition, Satyadev Superspeciality Hospital offers the best medical solutions, making it the undisputed Best Hospital in Patna for urological and general health care.
For More Info: https://www.satyadevurology.com/
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shifahospitaltvl · 1 month
Acute Pancreatitis in Tirunelveli
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Gallstones related acute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas which is involved in digestion and regulation of blood glucose levels and it occurs suddenly. This condition presents with acute severe pain in the abdomen, and therefore, needs proper medical intervention.
Etiologies and manifestations of AP
Causes: Gallstones and alcohol are widely recognized as causes of acute pancreatitis in up to 80% of cases. Others are some medicines, high levels of triglyceride and injury in the belly.
Symptoms: Acute pancreatitis has a typical complaint of severe constant upper abdominal pain which may be referred to the back. Some of such signs are vomiting, nausea, fever, rapid pulse, and so on. This is a low back pain that is usually made worse when the patient is engaged in a meal.
Treatment Process
Initial Diagnosis: However, upon admission to the hospital, the physician will examine the patient physically and perform some investigations which may include blood tests, sonography, computed tomography among others to establish the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis and the severity.
Hospitalization and Supportive Care: The majority of the cases entail admission. The initial management involves allow the pancreas to rest where the patient is required to refrain from eating in order to allow the pancreas to rest, administration of fluids through an intravenous drip in an effort to avoid dehydration, as well as medication to control pain which the patient is likely to be experiencing.
Addressing Underlying Causes: If gallstones are the reason, laparoscopic operations that remove them, like endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), might be done. In regard to alcohol, patients can be given psychosocial interventions that is they can be advised on how to minimize alcohol intake.
Monitoring and Recovery: There are always various issues during the surgery that may include postoperative infection or formation of fluid collections around the pancreas, hence, patients are closely observed in hospital. A program of feeding is then started after inflammation has subsided; the patient being fed initially on fluids only and then progressing to solids.
Long-Term Management
In order to avoid recurrent hospitalization, modification of certain risk factors is needed; cessation of alcohol consumption, weight loss to achieve a healthy BMI, and surveillance of gallstones if they were implicated.
Attending Shifa Hospital can avail first-class treatment for acute pancreatitis if you are in Tirunelveli. Dr. Kanthasami, a former consultant gastroenterologist at the University of Malaya Medical Centre and Dr. Shafique have successfully localized their care plans for patients suffering from gastroenterology problems at Shifa Hospital.
Based on the professional background of the doctors and other employees of Shifa International Hospitals, together with upgrades of devices and tools in the facility, the hospital provides optimal care to patients with acute pancreatitis and facilitates their recovery.
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She had to pay thousands upfront for a procedure — or risk losing her twins : Shots - Health News : NPR
It was Labor Day weekend 2021 when Sara Walsh, who was 24 weeks pregnant with twins, began to experience severe lower back pain.
On Wednesday, a few days later, a maternal-fetal specialist near her home in Winter Haven, Florida, diagnosed Walsh with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a rare complication that occurs when multiple fetuses share blood unevenly through the same placenta. The doctor told her that the fetuses were experiencing cardiac issues and that she should prepare for treatment the following day, Walsh said.
Her OB-GYN told her that, without immediate surgery, her twins had a high chance of perinatal death and she could also die.
Both doctors referred Walsh to a fetal surgeon about four hours away, describing him as an expert on the condition.
As Walsh prepared to leave, she received a call from the surgeon's practice, the Fetal Institute. Walsh said a billing representative told her that before Dr. Ruben Quintero would see her, she needed to pay in full for the consultation, surgery, and postoperative care — a total estimate of $15,000.
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lifewithchronicpain · 2 years
Most of the antidepressant drugs that are prescribed for chronic pain are either ineffective or the evidence supporting their use as pain relievers is weak, according to a new analysis published in The British Medical Journal (BMJ).
The use of antidepressants such as duloxetine (Cymbalta) and fluoxetine (Prozac) has doubled in recent years, with much of the increase due to their off-label prescribing to treat conditions such as fibromyalgia, neuropathy and back pain.
But in a review of 26 studies on the analgesic effects of antidepressants, Australian researchers found little evidence to support their use in pain management. The data on side effects was also weak, meaning the safety of antidepressants was also uncertain. Nearly half of the studies had ties or funding from the pharmaceutical industry.
“Recommending a list of antidepressants without careful consideration of the evidence for each of those antidepressants for different pain conditions may mislead clinicians and patients into thinking that all antidepressants have the same effectiveness for pain conditions. We showed that is not the case,” said lead author Giovanni Ferreira, PhD, from The Institute for Musculoskeletal Health at the University of Sydney.
“Some antidepressants were efficacious for some pain conditions; however, efficacy appears to depend on the condition and class of antidepressant. The findings suggest that a more nuanced approach is needed when prescribing antidepressants for pain.”
Ferreira and his colleagues say no study provided high quality evidence on the effectiveness of antidepressants for any pain condition.
But they did find moderate quality evidence supporting the use of serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) for back pain, postoperative pain, fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain. Low-quality evidence suggested that SNRIs could be used for pain linked to breast cancer treatment, depression, knee osteoarthritis, and pain related to other underlying conditions.
The researchers say only low-quality evidence supports the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for depression and pain related to other conditions; and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, neuropathic pain, and chronic tension-type headaches. (Read more at link)
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drforambhuta · 1 year
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The following approaches can help reduce the risks associated with pre-existing medical diseases on heart bypass surgery:
Collaborative Healthcare Approach: Addressing pre-existing medical conditions post bypass surgery demands teamwork among different medical specialties. Cardiologists, anesthesiologists, pulmonologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, and geriatric experts collaborate to enhance patients' overall well-being and minimize surgical risks.
Thorough Preoperative Evaluation: A comprehensive preoperative assessment involves reviewing a patient's medical history, conducting thorough physical examinations, and performing relevant diagnostic tests. This evaluation guides surgical planning and helps anticipate potential difficulties.
Personalized Risk Assessment: Segmenting patients based on their individual risk profiles enables tailored treatment strategies. High-risk patients might benefit from alternative grafting methods, minimally invasive procedures, and focused attention on intraoperative hemodynamics.
Medication Considerations: Deliberate management of medications is crucial. Drugs affecting blood pressure, blood sugar, and electrolyte balance need careful oversight to ensure stable perioperative conditions.
Real-time Intraoperative Observation: Advanced monitoring techniques, like transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), allow continuous assessment of heart function and graft viability during surgery. Continuous monitoring of blood pressure, oxygen levels, and other vital parameters guarantees prompt action if complications arise.
Careful Postoperative Management: The immediate postoperative phase requires vigilant care, including precise monitoring of vital signs, fluid equilibrium, and organ functionality. Prompt mobilization, effective pain control, and rehabilitation significantly contribute to a smooth recovery process.
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions and are recommended a heart bypass surgery, it is best to undergo the procedure under an experienced healthcare team in a well-equipped hospital to reduce your chances of developing complications after the bypass surgery. Apollo Hospitals Greams Road Chennai is one such hospital where you can find the best healthcare facilities to increase your chances of a successful surgery and reduce your risk of developing complications.
The cost of heart bypass surgery in Chennai will generally be more in cases of patients having pre-existing medical conditions.
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drammralhoussan · 2 years
What Exactly Is a Surgeon?
A general surgeon is a medical practitioner who conducts surgery on patients. Colorectal, cardiovascular, and general surgeons are among the several categories.
General surgeons use various surgical equipment to remove and treat damage during surgery. Surgeons often consult with patients to assist them in choosing the appropriate surgical technique. They also make certain that their technologies are implemented securely and properly.
Surgical procedures are continually being refined and improved. Surgical research aids medical practitioners in understanding illness genesis and developing better treatment strategies. The advantages of surgical research include the following:
Reduced pain.
Improved patient quality of life.
A better knowledge of disease processes.
General surgeons are a vital category of healthcare specialists. There is a great need for general surgeons. General surgeons are trained in a variety of medical fields in addition to surgery. General surgeons are educated to operate on various body areas, such as the belly, neck, breasts, and peripheral vascular. They are also educated in pre-and postoperative care.
The typical general surgeon receives five years of training. Medical school, residency, and fellowship are all part of the training. A general surgeon may work for the government or private medical practice.
A job as a cardiothoracic surgeon entails assisting patients with a wide variety of diseases. Cardiothoracic surgery is a fast-expanding field of medicine. It is used to treat disorders of the heart, lungs, chest cavity, esophagus, and other thoracic organs.
Cardiothoracic surgeons may also participate in research. Cardiothoracic surgeons are often part of multidisciplinary teams performing difficult surgical operations. Although they may perform many functions daily, they must attend outpatient clinics and team meetings. They must also be willing to work irregular hours and may be forced to work shifts.
Cardiothoracic surgeons must also be capable of dealing with stress. They are often analytical persons with diverse sets of talents. They may also lead and explain methods to others. They must have a good awareness of detail and a calm demeanor. Cardiothoracic surgeons are most often found at university teaching facilities. They also do research and educate medical students. They may also be called in during an emergency.
Vascular surgeons serve a wide range of patients during their careers. Many problems may be managed with medicine, while others need surgical surgery. Vascular surgery is a wide field that encompasses all elements of blood vessels in the body. Surgical techniques enhance blood flow, cure illness, and remove obstructions. Open or less invasive systems are available.
Vascular surgeons are human physiology specialists who may treat major medical issues. Patients with arterial or venous disease, aortic and iliac artery disease, or congenital vascular abnormalities may be treated by them. Minimally invasive surgery is a specialty of certain vascular surgeons.
The vascular surgeon will examine the patient, enquire about medicines, and do diagnostic tests during the appointment. They may then advise surgery or medication. If surgery is required, the vascular surgeon may undertake open surgery, such as a bypass treatment, to restore blood flow to the patient's foot. Patients with peripheral arterial disease often have leg discomfort. Vascular surgeons may conduct surgery to correct abdominal obstructions or an AV shunt to treat dialysis patients.
Colorectal surgeons are trained to identify and treat a wide range of illnesses. Every year, they do hundreds of procedures. They are members of a multidisciplinary cancer treatment team. They assist patients in their recovery following surgery. They are also taught to do minimally invasive surgical procedures, reducing postoperative discomfort and hospital stay.
Some colorectal surgeons specialize in treating individuals with IBD (IBD). IBD may lead to significant complications such as persistent pain, constipation, and abdominal discomfort. Surgical therapy may help relieve discomfort, enhance the likelihood of a cure, and lower the risk of complications.  Colorectal surgery involves the treatment of pelvic floor diseases such as incontinence. Pelvic floor issues may interfere with bowel evacuation and cause embarrassment.
Some colorectal surgeons use minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic surgery, to reduce hospital stays and suffering after surgery. A camera and a long, thin, illuminated tube are used to guide the procedure. A colorectal surgeon may also do a flexible sigmoidoscopy, which employs a light source to aid surgical guidance. They also provide robotic surgery, which gives them control over their motions.
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drcarloschacon · 1 year
The role of a medical surgery consultant
A medical surgery consultant is a physician who specializes in providing expert advice and guidance to patients who are considering or undergoing surgery. They work closely with surgical teams, including surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses, to ensure that patients receive the best possible care before, during, and after their surgical procedures.
The role of a medical surgery consultant can be divided into three main areas: preoperative assessment, intraoperative management, and postoperative care. In the preoperative phase, the consultant works with patients and their primary care physicians to evaluate their medical history, medications, allergies, and other factors that may affect their ability to undergo surgery.
They may also order additional tests, such as blood work, imaging studies, or electrocardiograms, to ensure that the patient is in good health and able to tolerate the procedure. Based on this assessment, the consultant will make recommendations to the surgical team regarding the best approach to the procedure and the type of anesthesia that should be used.
After the surgery, the consultant continues to work with the patient and the healthcare team to ensure a smooth recovery. They may provide recommendations for pain management, physical therapy, or other treatments to help the patient recover as quickly and safely as possible. They may also monitor the patient's progress and make adjustments to their care plan as needed.
During the surgery, the consultant plays a critical role in ensuring the patient's safety and well-being. They monitor the patient's vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation, and make adjustments to anesthesia and other medications as needed. They also provide guidance to the surgical team regarding any unexpected issues that may arise during the procedure, such as bleeding or difficulty accessing a particular area of the body.
To become a medical surgery consultant, one must have extensive training and experience in both medicine and surgery. Typically, a medical surgery consultant is a licensed physician who has completed a residency in surgery or a related field, such as internal medicine or anesthesiology. They may also have additional certifications or training in areas such as critical care, trauma surgery, or pain management.
In addition to their medical training, successful surgery consultants possess a range of other skills and qualities that are essential to their role. They must have excellent communication skills, as they work closely with patients, families, and healthcare teams to ensure that everyone is informed and involved in the patient's care.
They must also be detail-oriented and able to think critically, as they often need to make quick decisions in high-pressure situations. Finally, they must be compassionate and empathetic, as they work with patients who are often facing significant medical challenges and may be feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
The benefits of working with a medical surgery consultant are many. For patients, having a consultant on their surgical team can provide peace of mind and ensure that they receive the highest quality of care. The consultant can answer their questions, explain their options, and provide guidance throughout the entire surgical process.
For healthcare teams, the consultant can provide expert advice and support, helping to ensure that surgeries are performed safely and efficiently. They can also help to reduce the risk of complications or adverse events, which can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
In summary, a medical surgery consultant plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of patients undergoing surgery. They work closely with surgical teams, providing expert advice and guidance before, during, and after the procedure. To become a successful consultant, one must have extensive training and experience in medicine and surgery, as well as excellent communication, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.
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yourdrbhavesh · 2 years
What is Laparoscopic Nephrectomy?
A nephrectomy is the surgical removal of one or both kidneys. As a result, laparoscopic nephrectomy is a minimally invasive and successful approach for removing a damaged or malignant kidney. The kidney is removed during the procedure via three tiny incisions in the belly. Aside from that, small kidney tumors are removed with laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. This procedure is less painful and produces the same effects as surgical treatment.
The following are some of the benefits of this surgical procedure:
Avoiding probable intestinal issues after surgery.
shortened hospital stay
Postoperative discomfort is reduced.
Smaller incisions
Laparoscopic nephrectomy is appropriate for individuals with benign disorders that develop in end-stage kidney disease, often known as kidney failure, and whose symptoms include infection, kidney stones, blockage, dysplasia, etc.
For further assistance, consult Dr. Bhavesh Doshi one of the best Pediatric Surgeon in Mumbai
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gungieblog · 2 years
Cannabis Use Increases Pain After Surgery
·October 23, 2022
Summary: Cannabis users experienced 14% more pain in the first 24 hours following surgery than non-cannabis users. Additionally, cannabis users consumed 7% more opioids post-surgery.
Source: American Society of Anesthesiologists
Adults who use cannabis have more pain after surgery than those who don’t use cannabis, according to a study presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY 2022 annual meeting.
“Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States and increasingly used as an alternative treatment for chronic pain, but there is limited data that shows how it affects patient outcomes after surgery,” said Elyad Ekrami, M.D., lead author of the study and clinical research fellow of the Outcomes Research Department at Cleveland Clinic’s Anesthesiology Institute.
“Our study shows that adults who use cannabis are having more — not less — postoperative pain. Consequently, they have higher opioid consumption after surgery.”
Researchers analyzed the records of 34,521 adult patients — 1,681 of them cannabis users — who had elective surgeries at Cleveland Clinic from January 2010 to December 2020. The cannabis users had used the drug within 30 days before surgery, while the other patients had never used cannabis.
The patients who used cannabis experienced 14% more pain during the first 24 hours after surgery compared to the patients who never used cannabis.
Additionally, patients who used cannabis consumed 7% more opioids after surgery, which the authors note was not statistically significant, but is likely clinically relevant. 
“The association between cannabis use, pain scores and opioid consumption has been reported before in smaller studies, but they’ve had conflicting results,” Dr. Ekrami added.
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hardgoateepost · 8 hours
Endoscopic Spine Surgery in Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur
Endoscopic spine surgery is an innovative and minimally invasive technique that offers patients in Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, a modern solution for various spinal conditions. This advanced approach utilizes a small camera and specialized instruments, allowing surgeons to operate through tiny incisions rather than traditional large openings. The result is reduced pain, faster recovery, and minimal scarring, making it an increasingly popular choice for patients seeking relief from spinal issues.
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Advantages of Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Minimally Invasive: One of the most significant benefits of endoscopic spine surgery is its minimally invasive nature. The procedure typically involves only small incisions, leading to less tissue damage compared to open surgery. This results in reduced postoperative pain and quicker recovery times.
Quick Recovery: Patients undergoing endoscopic procedures often experience shorter hospital stays and can return to normal activities within days, rather than weeks. This is particularly appealing for those who wish to minimize time away from work or daily responsibilities.
Reduced Risk of Complications: With less tissue trauma, there is a lower risk of complications such as infections, blood loss, and prolonged healing times. The precise nature of endoscopic techniques allows for more accurate targeting of the problem areas, further enhancing safety.
Enhanced Visualization: The use of an endoscope provides surgeons with magnified, high-definition views of the spine, allowing for precise interventions. This increased visibility helps in achieving better outcomes and can improve the accuracy of the surgery.
Lower Healthcare Costs: Although the upfront costs may vary, the overall expenses associated with shorter hospital stays and faster recoveries can result in lower healthcare costs for patients.
Conditions Treated with Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Endoscopic spine surgery can effectively treat various conditions, including:
Herniated Discs: The procedure can remove herniated disc material that compresses nerves, alleviating pain and restoring function.
Spinal Stenosis: This condition, characterized by narrowed spinal canals, can be addressed through endoscopic techniques that decompress the affected areas.
Spondylolisthesis: For patients with slippage of one vertebra over another, endoscopic surgery can help stabilize the spine.
Chronic Back Pain: Various causes of chronic back pain can be evaluated and treated using endoscopic methods.
Choosing the Right Surgeon
In Vaishali Nagar, selecting an experienced and skilled surgeon is crucial for successful outcomes in endoscopic spine surgery. Prospective patients should seek board-certified spine surgeons who specialize in minimally invasive techniques. It’s advisable to review their credentials, experience, and patient testimonials. Many clinics also offer consultations to discuss the specific condition, potential risks, and expected results.
Endoscopic spine surgery is revolutionizing spinal treatment options for residents of Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur. With its numerous advantages, including minimized invasiveness, quicker recovery, and effective management of various spinal disorders, it represents a significant advancement in healthcare. As awareness of this technique grows, more patients are likely to seek these modern solutions for their spinal issues, paving the way for improved quality of life and enhanced mobility. If you are struggling with spine-related problems, consider discussing endoscopic options with a qualified specialist in your area.
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Global Spine Biologics Market Growth Drivers and Challenges, Competitive Landscape and Recent Trends and Developments
The global spine biologics market is projected to experience steady growth over the next decade, with its valuation increasing from USD 3.02 billion in 2023 to USD 4.73 billion by 2032. This growth represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.13% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2032, driven by the rising prevalence of spinal disorders, advancements in biologic treatments, and a growing elderly population.
Spine biologics are products used to treat spinal conditions by promoting natural healing and regeneration of the spine's tissues. These biologics include materials such as bone grafts, synthetic substitutes, and stem cells, which are utilized in surgical procedures to improve patient outcomes. The market's expansion is underpinned by the increasing demand for minimally invasive surgeries and biologic solutions that enhance spinal fusion and reduce recovery time.
Key Drivers of Market Growth
Rising Prevalence of Spinal Disorders: The growing incidence of spinal disorders such as degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, and spinal stenosis is a significant factor driving the demand for spine biologics. As people age, the likelihood of developing these conditions increases, leading to a higher demand for effective and less invasive treatment options. The aging global population, particularly in developed countries, is thus a key driver of the spine biologics market.
Advancements in Biologic Technologies: Technological advancements in biologic materials and surgical techniques are fueling the growth of the spine biologics market. Innovations such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), synthetic bone graft substitutes, and stem cell-based therapies are increasingly being used to enhance spinal fusion and promote faster healing. These developments allow for more effective spinal surgeries with improved long-term outcomes, driving adoption in the medical community.
Increasing Demand for Minimally Invasive Procedures: Patients and healthcare providers are increasingly opting for minimally invasive spinal procedures, which offer reduced recovery times, less postoperative pain, and lower risks of complications compared to traditional open surgeries. Spine biologics play a crucial role in these procedures by enhancing the natural healing process and reducing the need for more invasive interventions. The growing preference for minimally invasive spine surgeries is thus contributing to the rising demand for biologics.
Growing Geriatric Population: With the global population aging, the number of individuals suffering from age-related spinal conditions is on the rise. Elderly patients are more prone to spinal degeneration and injuries, leading to an increased need for effective treatments. Spine biologics, which offer improved healing and reduced recovery times, are particularly well-suited for this patient demographic, further driving market growth.
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Challenges and Opportunities
While the spine biologics market is poised for growth, it faces several challenges. The high cost of biologic treatments and the stringent regulatory requirements for new products can hinder market expansion. Additionally, some biologic products have been associated with complications, which could slow their adoption in certain regions.
However, ongoing research and development in regenerative medicine and biologics present significant opportunities for the market. The development of next-generation biologics, including gene therapy and advanced stem cell treatments, holds the potential to revolutionize spinal surgery by offering even more effective and targeted solutions. Additionally, partnerships between biotechnology companies and healthcare providers are likely to accelerate the adoption of innovative biologic products in spinal care.
Regional Insights
North America currently leads the spine biologics market, with a well-established healthcare infrastructure, high prevalence of spinal disorders, and early adoption of advanced medical technologies. The U.S. in particular is a key player due to its robust medical device industry and significant investments in research and development.
Europe is another important market, driven by increasing awareness of minimally invasive surgical options and the growing adoption of biologics in spinal treatments. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period, thanks to an expanding elderly population, rising healthcare expenditure, and growing awareness of advanced treatment options in countries such as China, India, and Japan.
Future Outlook
As the demand for biologic solutions in spinal surgeries continues to grow, the spine biologics market is set for a steady expansion over the next decade. The increasing prevalence of spinal disorders, advancements in biologic technologies, and a shift towards minimally invasive procedures will be key factors driving this growth.
From an estimated USD 3.02 billion in 2023, the global spine biologics market is expected to reach USD 4.73 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5.13%. With ongoing innovations in biologics and regenerative medicine, the market is poised to offer new and more effective treatment options, improving outcomes for patients with spinal conditions worldwide.
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