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bestofava · 2 years ago
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sks8926 · 2 years ago
My blog about save the planet♥️
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Hi-Tech H2 Basic Hydrogen Inhalation Machine
The Hi-Tech H2 Basic Hydrogen Inhalation Machine by PEMF-devices.com provides 99.99% pure molecular hydrogen (H2) and also Oxyhydrogen (H2+O2 or HHO). It's an economical and high-quality choice for anyone interested in trying hydrogen inhalation and H2 water.
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tenth-sentence · 3 months ago
This concentration of 8.5mg/L or 8.5ppm at 25°C is characteristic of well-oxygenated water such as surface water in a clean lake or in a fast-flowing river.
"Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective", 4e - Gary W. VanLoon & Stephen J. Duffy
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months ago
Using the sulfur diagram, we can look at two examples of particular environmental situations.
For mine wastes, at a pH of 2.5 and exposed to the atmosphere, so that they are well aerated (pE ~ 15), corresponding to point X on Fig. 10.5, the most important sulfur species in solution would be sulfate. Where the originally mined material was sulfide ore, such as from the copper-nickel ores of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, sulfur might initially go into someone as sulfide but in oxygenated surface water would eventually (the kinetics are relatively fast) be oxidized to sulfate.
For a swamp or paddy (rice) field where soil containing a high content of organic matter (OM) is submerged, the OM acts as a reducing agent and creates a low pE condition. For example, a submerged soil might have a pH = 6 and pE = -3, corresponding to point Y in the figure. This is near several boundaries, but it would not be surprising to detect the presence of H2S in the interstitial water of the sediment.
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"Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective", 4e - Gary W. VanLoon & Stephen J. Duffy
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glowcowboy · 10 months ago
being traumatized is so embarrassing sometimes like oooogh my mom was mean to me when i was little so now i want to eviscerate myself anytime i think i’ve done something wrong. fuck you
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coldretard · 7 months ago
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cardiologistdrfarhanshikoh · 7 months ago
👨‍⚕️ आपके शरीर में हृदय की भूमिका
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हृदय केवल एक पंप नहीं है; यह एक महत्वपूर्ण अंग है जो आपके शरीर की समग्र भलाई सुनिश्चित करता है। यहाँ बताया गया है कि आपका हृदय आवश्यक कार्यों का समर्थन कैसे करता है:
रक्त परिसंचरण: हृदय आपके पूरे शरीर में रक्त पंप करता है, प्रत्येक कोशिका को ऑक्सीजन और पोषक तत्व पहुँचाता है। यह परिसंचरण जीवन और ऊर्जा को बनाए रखने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।
ऑक्सीजनीकरण: हृदय रक्त को ऑक्सीजन देने के लिए फेफड़ों के साथ मिलकर काम करता है। यह ऑक्सीजन प्राप्त करने के लिए फेफड़ों में ऑक्सीजन रहित रक्त पंप करता है और फिर पूरे शरीर में इस ऑक्सीजन युक्त रक्त को प्रसारित करता है।
पोषक तत्वों की डिलीवरी: ऑक्सीजन के साथ, आपका हृदय यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि महत्वपूर्ण पोषक तत्व आपके अंगों और ऊतकों तक पहुँचें, जिससे उन्हें ठीक से काम करने में मदद मिले।
रक्तचाप का विनियमन: हृदय अपने संकुचन के बल और दर को समायोजित करके, संतुलन बनाए रखते हुए और यह सुनिश्चित करके रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित करता है कि रक्त प्रभावी ��ूप से बहता है।
अपशिष्ट निष्कासन: हृदय शरीर से विषहरण और निष्कासन के लिए कोशिकाओं से अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को गुर्दे और यकृत तक पहुँचाने में मदद करता है।
होमियोस्टेसिस: लगातार रक्त प्रवाह को बनाए रखते हुए, हृदय होमियोस्टेसिस में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है, यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि बाहरी परिवर्तनों के बावजूद आपके शरीर का आंतरिक वातावरण स्थिर रहे।
हृदय स्वास्थ्य पर विशेषज्ञ परामर्श के लिए, आप सुकून हार्ट केयर, सैनिक मार्केट, मेन रोड, रांची, झारखंड: 834001 में Dr. Md. Farhan Shikoh, MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology) से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। 6200784486 पर कॉल करें या drfarhancardiologist.com पर जाएँ।
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glitterypin · 9 months ago
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The Doctor, in a nutshell.
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seafullmachinery · 1 year ago
Some Basic Structures of Fast Blue Impeller Paddle Wheel Aerator
Fast Blue Impeller Paddle Wheel Aerator utilizes a straightforward yet highly effective mechanism to enhance water quality and oxygen levels within aquaculture systems. The aerator is equipped with an impeller, driven by an electric motor, that rotates within the water. The impeller blades create a vigorous water movement, resulting in several critical effects: Oxygenation: The primary objective of the Fast Blue Impeller Paddle Wheel Aerator is to elevate the dissolved oxygen levels in the water. As the impeller blades agitate and disperse water, they facilitate increased oxygen exchange between the air and the aquatic organisms. Adequate oxygen levels are paramount for the respiration and overall health of fish and other aquatic species. Temperature Control: Continuous water circulation helps maintain a consistent temperature throughout the aquaculture environment, preventing the formation of harmful temperature gradients that could endanger aquatic life. Nutrient Dispersal: The aerator ensures that essential nutrients and feed are evenly distributed throughout the pond, promoting uniform growth and minimizing resource wastage.
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terrys-min-catl · 8 months ago
idk. fish
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gothmessi · 2 months ago
urgent help needed!
hi guys, me again, Xan a full time college student from México and also the main caretaker of my disabled grandparents, we just got scammed to the last of our money by a man who told my family they were going to send us medical equipment such as oxygen tanks, a medical beed, a wheelchair etc, all we had was $500 dollars and now we don't, please keep in mind we were desperate to get those things for my grandparents (evidence of their situation) they really needed it, I don't know what else to do and the bank is just telling me "we are sorry but we can't do anything", please donate anything, even one dollar goes a long way since we are from México, so embarrassed to do this but we are desperate and lonely, if you have any questions you can send me a message, forever grateful, p*ypal: gothmessi, also, heres my ko-fi: gothmessi, if you can't use/don't have p*ypal, thank u sm
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pangeen · 3 months ago
" Crisp Colors " // © John Derting
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metamatronic · 2 months ago
What’s the relationship between William and Phone dude?
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William Makes A New Friend
William actually got along really well with Phone Dude! Granted, after 30 years and no company, he didn’t have a lot of other options. But based on his best friend from before he died, he’s always been fond of chatterboxes on the other end of phone calls.
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allthepandasintheworld · 3 months ago
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last one before work,,, im so unhinged about the jackets i feel like it rewired my brain chemistry somehow
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