#Pomfrey is Andy
angstitty · 5 months
Guys there’s actually no way that Hanya Yanagihara isn’t in the Marauders fandom??? Or am I so absolutely delusional that I search Wolfstar everywhere?
A Little Life SPOILERS
BUT LIKE A little Life is so ATYD coded? 4 guys becoming best friends in school with one of them suffering from injuries and mysterious scars. His best friend slowly discovering his dark past and getting closer to him until they fall in love. The miserable but somehow kind of happy main character end up losing his best friend, the love and purpose of his life in a tragic way. He then will die a few years after, finally attaining peace.
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spikybanana · 2 years
aotc 3 - masterpost
“You seem on edge.” Remus said to him, as they walked apace towards the wide balcony they used as a sparring ground.
“I haven’t seen them in ten years, master.” Sirius replied quietly. 
His mind was in full riot. The knowledge that in just a few short hours he’d be seeing James and Lily again was— overwhelming. Two old friends he’d last seen, quite literally, half a lifetime ago; but to Sirius they were so, so much more. How could he even begin to explain what they meant to him? 
At the juncture where his life had changed forever, they appeared like messengers from the stars, portending his future. They were the tender thread at the joint where his life had ripped into two, but were part of neither. They’ve got nothing to do with either the slave owners of the desert, or the Jedi Order of the city. If Sirius was a story told by two opposing cliffs, with Andy, Regulus and Watto’s junkyard on one side, Remus and the Jedi on the other, then James and Lily were the sun-bathed, blooming valley that lay under the bridge in between. They came to him in a flash, a momentary vision of kindness and goodness, before disappearing again. And because of that, they were untouchable, untainted by any discontent and disappointment live had to offer.
Remus thought it was a childhood crush of sorts, which perhaps it was. But somewhere along the way, in Sirius' head they almost became symbol for goodness itself. Their indignation at the ineffectual Senate a template for his own acts of righteousness, how they'd once fought to free their planet a profound myth about freedom itself. He'd idolized them, wore it like a tenet around his heart. And when Sirius thought about it, it was downright embarrassing but he couldn't help clinging onto the anchor of their memory. 
Which was why the thought of seeing them again– in the flesh, as real people rather than a teenager's fervent mental image – was as frightening as exhilarating. 
What would they think of him? Of the Jedi he was on the way to becoming. Would they be impressed? Disappointed? Confused? Surprised? James had always thought the Jedi were a queer bunch, hadn't he? And he knew, he knew he ought not to live by anyone's expectations. But would they be glad to see him? Would they have forgotten about him? 
Sensing his unease, Remus gently probed him through the bond, which only made Sirius jump and throw up all his mental shields against him.
And after all these years, Remus was not even surprised at his defensiveness. He only acquiesced and withdrew, as carefully as he laid a comforting hand on Sirius' shoulder. Remus had commented once that even as a child his shields were incredibly strong. Well, whatever that said about him. 
“This ought to take your mind off things, then.” Remus said, reminding him of why they were there. “Relax. All that tension will not help you fight.” 
Sirius shook his head. “I can’t help it.” He rolled his shoulders, tried to quiet his nerves. 
Remus was right, out of everything, it was the sessions of sword fighting that calmed him the most. He wondered if this was why they were doing this now.
Remus gave a hum. “In that case, perhaps this time I’ll stand more of a chance this time.” 
He unclasped his lightsaber from his belt. 
“You’re alright to go ahead? Even though you were sick just last night?"
“I’ll be fine, Sirius." Remus said with a smile, that small, rare smile he'd seen just that morning outside the council room. "Nothing I haven’t done before.”
“Does it not affect you otherwise?" Sirius mused, picking up his own saber. "No one would even notice anything. Does this mean you could basically lead a normal rest of your life?”
“Pomfrey did say it would quite dramatically accelerate aging, once I’m at a certain point in my life.” Remus said breezily, before turning back to him. “You’re distracting me, Sirius.” 
“How do you know it’s not tactical?” Sirius lazily swung his lightsaber between his fingers, before he readied his stance, clasped the metal hilt firmly in both hands, and clicked it alive. “If you’re ready, Master.” He felt his mouth pull into a smirk, and gave Remus a small nod. 
“Well then.” Remus’ saber buzzed in answer.  “Let’s begin.”
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buttermilkpastry · 2 years
Giving Harry Potter Nicknames
So lets pretend I'm Tony Stark and I just met a few of the Harry Potter. This is what I would nickname them.
Harry: Haroldouni
Ron: Ronaldo
Hermione: Herman
Neville: Plantsexual
Luna: Nargle(In a loving way)
Draco: Gay Bleach Blonde Elsa
Andromeda(Tonks' Mum): Andy Black(I used her maiden name deal with it)
Bellatrix: Bellastrange
Lucius: Barbie/Off Brand Elsa/Barbie/Luscious Malfoy
Bill: Fangwill
Charlie: Dragonsexual/Charlotte's Web
Fred: Georginia
George: Winifred
Narcissa: Cissanar
Remus: Remmy
Sirius: Why you got to be so sirius? Onion Black
James: Deer
McGongall: Minnie Cat
Dumbledore: Dumblesbee
Pomfrey: Popcorn
Filch: Filcat
Cedric: Seadric/Deadric Deadgory
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espressopatronum454 · 2 years
work of art character sexualities, pronouns, and familial relations
euphemia: mtf, pansexual, she/her. parent of sirius and regulus
fleamont: ftm, gay, he/him. parent of james and remus
lyall: gay, he/him. parent of james and remus
hope: aroace, she/her. possible surrogate mother of james and remus
walburga: lesbian, she/her. parent of sirius and regulus
orion: omnisexual, he/him.
quinn harper: gay, nonbinary, he/him/they. oc.
sam wood: bisexual, he/him. grandparent of oliver wood. love interest of andy grace.
devi singh: ace, lesbian, she/her, mtf. oc.
katherine macdonald: queer/questioning, she/her. parent of mary macdonald.
marisse mckinnon: queer/questioning, she/they. parent of marlene.
mal jordan: bicurious, he/him. grandparent of lee jordan.
arabella prewett: aroace, she/they. aunt of fabian and gideon.
percy prewett: straight, he/him. parent of fabian and gideon.
harley knight: demiromantic, he/him. love interest of archie anderson.
saturn rowan ram: pansexual, nonbinary, they/them (‘he’ is accepted, but not preferred.) love interest of jude rosier (parent of evan rosier)
lee potter: demiromantic, she/they. parent of fleamont, adopted parent of euphemia.
henry potter: straight, he/him. parent of fleamont, adopted parent of euphemia.
minnie mcgonagall: pansexual, polyamorous, she/her. child of isobel.
poppy pomfrey: demiromantic, demisexual, polyamorous, she/her
pomona sprout: lesbian, polyamorous, she/they
i just came up with most of these, so if it isn’t consistent with the first few chapters, that’s why. but i am going to try and integrate it to the best of my ability.
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loislame84 · 3 years
Working on the next chapter of Every Little Thing. Finally found inspiration. 😂😂 the Shades of Grey series may actually be the death of me when I finally finish all four parts. Enjoy this sneak preview:
Bella paced back and forth in front of the fireplace as Hermione prepared to leave for the day. “I just don’t see why she’s going.”
“Aviya is going because she’s been an integral part of the hospital collaboration so far,” Hermione rolled her eyes. “If we are going to get through to Madam Pomfrey, we need all the help we can get.”
“Well, you have my sisters and Dr. Hoffman is going with you and you know Minnie will be on your side. She loves you,” she smiled at the blush that crept up her fiancé’s cheeks. “Plus, I told you I would go and threaten Poppy. Just say the word and it’ll be over in a minute,” Bella tutted in response.
“Yes. Because threatening a long standing Hogwarts staff member will go over really well with supporting the silly notion of you becoming the new Dark Lord.”
“What Skeeter doesn’t know, won’t hurt us, pet.”
“My heart,” Hermione came over and cupped Bella’s cheek, “I think we’ve learned that Skeeter is in fact everywhere, especially when we least expect her. She’s probably buzzing around Hogwarts waiting for us to arrive. I might just let Andy loose next time I see her.”
“It wouldn’t hurt. She might seem all soft and squishy but she can fuck someone’s day up if she gets angry enough,” Bella chuckled, pulling Hermione in by wrapping her arms around her waist. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” She kissed her cheek. “I can be very persuasive, Hermione,” she whispered in the last part into her fiancé’s ear, eliciting a small groan from the younger witch.
“I’m not giving in,” Hermione laughed, snuggling into Bella, resting her head on her shoulder. “No sex until the wedding means just that.”
“Semantics,” Bella sighed. “I still don’t see why the girlfriend needs to go,” she said in a mocking way.
“I’ve told you she’s a very nice girl,” Hermione playfully nudged Bella as the old witch pulled back to look at her. “You’ll come around eventually.”
“Doubtful,” Bella stuck her nose up in the air.
“Is this because she’s sleeping with your baby sister?” When Bella made an angry face, Hermione continued to wind her up, “you know Cissy wasn’t a virgin when she met Aviya.”
Bella untangled herself from her fiancé, “okay. Leave.”
“Bella,” Hermione tried to reach back out to her but Bella snatched her hand away, “I’m only teasing you.” Bella turned her head when Hermione tried to lean in for a kiss. “Love, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” She saw Bella stick her bottom lip out into a pout, “let me make it up to you.” Bella’s pout turned into a devilish grin, “no sex,” the pout came back, “okay maybe you can feel me up over the shirt when I get home.”
“Now we are talking,” Bella slapped Hermione on the ass, “have fun, Pet. Say hi to Minnie for me.”
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stonedregulus · 3 years
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It Doesn't Change Anything
Chapter 27: Year 2 - Control
TW: angst angst angst (but not like you know ouch ouch just like a little ouch?), some blood/gore, anxiety/panic attack, foul language, mentions of: self-harm/self-hatred, anxiety, depression, unmedicated ADHD symptoms, breakups, stalking/hunting
“Hey, Moons.” Sirius said quietly as Remus blinked up blearily from his hospital wing bed.
“Ugh.” Was all he could manage. He closed his eyes again and rubbed his hands over his face furiously.
“Bad moon?” James whispered.
“Bad life. Fuck.” Remus winced as he tried to sit up.
“Lay down. No sitting right now.” Madam Pomfrey rushed through the empty hospital wing to him.
“What happened, Poppy?” He grimaced as he laid back into his pillows. She pursed her lips at the use of her first name but otherwise ignored it.
“Seems like you had a bit of a repeat incident like in the Spring when your stomach was upset, poor thing.” She said as she fiddled with some potion flasks on his bedside table. “I’m starting to think that maybe we should give you a Stomach Calming potion for a few days leading up to the moon just to prevent something like this from happening.” She tisked and handed him a flask. He chugged it immediately and she replaced it with another full one, which he quickly tossed back as well.
“I’ll give you your sleeping daught once you’ve eaten something, what do you want? I’ll have it brought up.”
“Red meat. Always red meat.” He snorted and then scowled, holding his stomach in pain. She smiled sadly and patted him on the head before returning to her office.
“Fuck.” He said again, squeezing his eyes together, trying, and failing, to hold back tears.
“Moony, hey, it’s alright. You’re okay. That pain potion will start working soon.” Sirius said. Remus felt a warm hand rub his arm consolingly.
“Why does this keep happening? It never happens at home. I mean thankfully because I’d probably just bleed out, but fuck.” He heard them suck in a collective breath in shock.
Shit, now I’ve upset them. It’s not like an obscure idea. One day the wolf could easily kill me, they should just know that.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to upset you guys, I’m just being realistic.” He mumbled as he brushed tear tracks off his cheeks with the back of his hand.
“Is there something that has happened both times your stomach has been upset? Are you eating something funny?” Peter asked from the end of the bed.
“No…” Remus shook his head.
“Maybe it’s stress related? Or anxiety?” Sirius said quietly.
“You think the wolf is anxious?” Remus half laughed and then winced in pain again.
“No… Well, I guess he could be… No, I mean you.” Sirius said earnestly. “Being anxious can make you nauseous and then the wolf is just reacting to your stomach not feeling well. And yesterday morning with the whole Andy thing was stressful…” They all sat in silence waiting for Remus to process the new information.
“Anxiety? Because I don’t have enough fucking shit to deal with? And of course something that isn’t even magical is going to make my life a living hell. Fuck!”
“Boys, can you please, gently, help him sit up?” Madam Pomfrey asked as she floated a tray of food in front of him. “Right, well you can stay while he eats and then you need to leave, it’s almost curfew and he needs more rest.” Madam Pomfrey said quietly before returning to her office again.
“I slept the whole day? Ugh.” Remus whined as he picked up his fork and stabbed at an almost raw steak.
“You didn’t miss anything interesting in class. In Transfiguration we just continued beetles to buttons. Marlene kept flinging beetles across the room at that Hufflepuff bloke Amos, and he got pissed off and sent a stinging jinx at her. McGonagall set them both detention. James couldn’t stop laughing.” Sirius giggled.
“Well it was funny! Then in Defense, Weber was still talking about banshees. It’s so boring, I want to learn actual defensive magic!” James whinged, crossing his arms and pouting.
“In Potions, Slughorn just droned on and on about flobberworm mucus for an hour. Most boring lecture of my life.” Peter added on, “And in Astronomy we’re just charting orbits in our solar system for the next month. Riveting stuff. We came here as soon as Astronomy was over.”
“I’ve got notes for you in every class except Potions because Evans insisted on taking those notes for you, and I just let her because why not?” Sirius said, pulling out a small stack of parchment.
“You guys really are the best.” Remus said, pushing some of the steak he cut around the plate absentmindedly.
“Are you still not feeling well? You really should eat.” Sirius frowned at him.
“I’m fine. I was just thinking. Sorry.” He said shoving another bite in his mouth and chewing dramatically.
“Alright, if you three don’t leave soon you won’t make it back to Gryffindor Tower by curfew and I am not writing a note for you, so shoo.” Madam Pomfrey said as she stuck her head out of her office door. Peter and James stood quickly, said their goodbyes and walked to the door.
“We can come visit in the morning.” Sirius said quietly.
“Only if you want.” Remus shrugged sadly.
“Of course I do. Get some sleep.” Sirius pat his shoulder softly, and stood to follow the other two out.
“I’d like to leave.”
“Remus…” Madam Pomfrey sighed exasperatedly.
“I slept all day and night the last two days. You healed me. I don’t want to miss anymore class. Please.” He begged.
“You need more rest.” She said, shoving a vial of potion in his hand.
“I need to not miss any more class.” He rolled his eyes and drained the vial in one swallow, pulling a disgusted face as it went down. “What was that one?”
“A new potion that speeds up healing. Also, I wanted to talk to you about something.” She sat down gently on the edge of his bed, “I overheard Sirius talking to you the other night, I’m sorry dear I do my best to give you all privacy but I was on my way out with your dinner when he brought up your anxiety. I have a friend who I trained with when becoming a healer, Dottie Davies. She’s a mind healer now, well, I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything but, talking to her about some of your struggles may help. And if you don’t want to, that’s fine too. She’s come up with some revolutionary potions to help with depression, anxiety, and stress and many of my students have benefited from them. It’s just an offer dear, something to think about, okay?” He stared at the bed, ears red, and nodded silently. She handed him a bar of chocolate.
“What’s this?” He asked quietly.
“Chocolate makes everything better, right? Take this pain potion and then you can go to class, but I want you back here at lunch and dinner so I can check on your healing and give you potions.”
“Thank you ma’am.” He smiled and drank the potion before standing to get dressed.
“Moony! We were just about to bring you breakfast!” Sirius smiled as Remus sat down next to him at the table.
“She let me go, I just have to go see her at every meal for pain potion.” He said, pulling the kettle towards him after picking out a bag of earl grey.
“I think we’re moving on from beetle buttons in Transfig today. After the incident with Marlene, I think Minnie is over it.” James laughed, looking down the table as Marlene and Dorcas entered the hall.
“Feeling better, Remus? Missed you on our run yesterday. I had to run all by myself since these short people can’t keep up with me.” Dorcas winked, elbowing Marlene in the ribs.
“Ouch, Cas. So rude. It’s not my fault you’re both so lanky.” Marlene whined as she piled eggs onto her plate.
“We’ll maybe you all just haven’t had enough sun and water to grow.” Remus chirped back, spreading lemon curd onto a piece of toast.
“Rude.” Sirius said and snatched the toast from Remus’ hand.
“Why do you always take my toast? Just make your own.” Remus wined, pulling it out of Sirius’ teeth and shoving it into his own mouth.
“‘Ey! I wuh’ eat’n dat!” Sirius whined through his mouth full of toast.
“Remus! Oh, I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I have notes from the last two days of potions for you!” Lily chimed as she sat down on the other side of him.
“Thanks, Lily, you’re the best.” Remus kissed her cheek as he took the stack of parchment from her.
“Hey! I don't get kisses for taking notes for the rest of your classes, what the fuck?” Sirius said dramatically.
“Oh, I’m so sorry Sirius.” Remus rolled his eyes and kissed Sirius’ temple before busying himself with spreading more curd on another piece of toast. “Happy now?” He laughed lightly at Sirius mumbling something about ‘the disrespect’ completely unaware that both of them had turned bright red on either side of him.
“Today’s lesson will be a lecture, please get out your parchment and quills. Or yes you can use those muggle pens if you like, that’s fine.” Professor McGonagall said waving off a few of the hands that had gone in the air. Many of the students had taken to using pens and pencils, and some had even started using muggle notebooks instead of parchment, but not all the teachers had allowed it.
“It’s a tradition to use quills!” Slughorn had said at the beginning of the term after shaking his head no to the many students who had taken out pens instead of quills.
“Lil, have you got a spare pen? I must’ve left mine in the dorm.” Mary mumbled, digging through her bag.
“You’d leave your head there if it wasn’t attached.” Lily sighed, handing over a blue bic.
“You know me, I can’t remember shit.” Mary shook her head and thanked her as she dated the top of her spiral A4 notebook. “Two hours of lecture. I can’t focus that long, I hope she gives us some demonstrations.” She mumbled under her breath.
“Today, we’re going to be learning about Animagi.” Professor McGonagall began as the class settled in to take notes, “Who can tell me what an animagus is? Yes, Mr. Potter?”
“Well, an animagus is a witch or wizard that can turn into an animal at will.”
“Correct. Does anyone have anything else to add to that explanation? Yes, Miss Evans?”
“Uh,” Lily cleared her throat, “The witch or wizard doesn’t get to choose their animal form.”
“That’s true, if you choose to become an animagus, you won’t know your animal form until the process is complete. Does anyone know the difference between an animagus and a metamorphmagus? Mr. Lupin?”
“Well becoming an animagus is a learned skill, where being a metamorphmagus is something you’re born. Animagi can only turn into their specific animal form where metamorphmagi can change anything about their appearance.”
“Yes, correct. Does anyone know how one becomes an animagus?”
“It takes a long time.” A blonde Hufflepuff in the front row piped up.
“Correct, Mx. Roux. There are many components to becoming an animagus. One of those involves holding a mandrake leaf in the mouth for an entire month. If it is swallowed or spit out, the entire process has to be restarted. Some people choose not to speak for the entire month to be safe, although it isn’t necessary, as long as the leaf can be tucked in a cheek or under the tongue, one can continue to live a normal life.” She paused and looked around the room seriously, “The process of becoming an animagus is dangerous and if done incorrectly without proper supervision, can end disastrously in permanent half-human, half-animal mutations. I don’t think I should need to tell you this, but do not let me catch you trying to become an animagus without proper supervision.” She glared directly at James as she finished her sentence who grinned back at her mischievously.
“Now then, I would like you to open your books to page eighty six and copy down the steps of becoming an animagus in your notes. You have fifteen minutes before I continue the lecture.” She said briskly, and jumped, transforming into a cat mid air to land on the desk. She turned to stare at them all as they looked at her, mouths gaping before scrambling to open their books.
“Well, as wicked as that is, I don’t think I would want to spend all that time just to potentially become something like a fish that couldn’t survive without water. How worthless would that be?” Mary whispered across the table as Lily opened her book.
“That’s not really how it works. At least from what I’ve read, you only become a species that is local to your region, and from studies that have been done, your magic picks up on what you need most and transforms you into that animal… So whatever your magic seems to think you need, you become! Isn’t that so cool?” Lily responded, leaning over her book to find the section they were supposed to be copying down.
“You’re such a nerd, Lily.” Mary said, rolling her eyes before copying the text to her notebook.
“Is that true, Professor? What Evans said about your magic knowing what you need and then becoming that?” James asked from behind them.
“Actually, yes, most magic seems to work that way. There is a theory that whatever animal you need your animagus form to take is what you become. There is also a theory that we already have individual characteristics that make us similar to the animals that we become, should we choose to follow through with becoming an animagus. Some people believe that once completing training, animagi become even more like their animal counterpart even when they’re in their human form.” She said thoughtfully, leaning against her desk. “Have you all finished copying down what I asked? Alright, let’s move on.”
“I have to go to the bathroom.” Sirius said, staring at James intently as they walked out of the Transfiguration classroom.
“Yeah, me too. We’ll meet you at lunch.” James smiled at Remus and Peter before turning to follow Sirius down the hall.
“Okay…” Remus said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” James asked as he pulled Sirius into a secret passageway.
“Animagi are fully animals when they take their form, so a werewolf shouldn’t pose a danger to them.” Sirius nodded as he leaned against the stone wall of the dim passageway, “This could be the only way to help him, and he’s so against anyone being there for him it’s ridiculous. We’ll have to convince him somehow. I don’t think he’ll agree to it.”
“Or we can just do it and then once it’s done say, we did this for you, get over it.”
“Maybe not quite like that, but yeah. I can’t stand watching him rip himself apart every month. It’s killing me, James. I mean I can’t even concentrate on lessons all I keep thinking about is him bleeding out in the fucking shack all alone. And it’s not normal! I’ve read as much about werewolves as I could find in the library. They’re not self destructive, they don’t hurt themselves like he does! It’s because he doesn’t have a pack and he’s pent up in that house or in his parent’s cellar. I feel like I’m going mad, Jamie. I can’t handle it. He needs our help.” He said, wiping his wet eyes with the back of his sleeve impatiently.
“We’ll figure it out. Hey,” James whispered, pulling Sirius into a soft hug. “It’s alright. You know Madam Pomfrey would never let that happen.” He cooed as Sirius sobbed into his shoulder.
“Sorry. I’m just dealing with a lot right now.” Sirius said thickly into James’ robes.
“You don’t need to be sorry. Everything with Andy and Remus is stressful.” He murmured back.
“And, not that it matters, but Gideon broke up with me. Well… I guess not really, we weren’t exclusive or even actually dating. I was just a convenient snog and he was seeing other people anyway but…” Sirius’ sobs cut himself off.
“It does matter. He’s a jerk, you deserve so much more than a bloke who just wants to snog you and then go off with other people. When did this happen?”
“Y-yesterday.” Sirius hiccuped, “It’s really f-fine, I’m not t-that upset about him, it’s just everything all t-together… I just feel like I’m not in c-control of anything r-right now.” He pushed away from James and slid down the stone wall, wiping at his eyes furiously.
“It’s going to be alright. I promise. I know this is overwhelming right now…”
“How can you know that? That it’s going to be alright? My family is psychotic, my favorite cousin is being hunted, our best friend is a confused, self-loathing werewolf, and I’m sitting here crying over a stupid boy. I just. I don’t know, Jamie. I need some air.” He stood up quickly and shoved his way out of the passageway.
“Wait! Sirius!” James called, sprinting after him, but he was lost in the crowd of students headed to lunch.
“Vous ne devriez pas être ici. You shouldn’t be here.” Regulus said coolly. “You two go on, I’ll see you later.” He added to Noah and Hugo, who smiled at Sirius before heading down to lunch.
“J'ai besoin de ton aide. I need your help.”
“Ce que vous voulez faire n'est pas une bonne idée. What you want to do is not a good idea.” Regulus hissed looking at the students who pushed their way around them. “Let’s go in here.” He nodded to an empty classroom.
“Did you see something?” Sirius asked, closing the door behind him.
“It doesn’t work like that. Sometimes I see something happening, sometimes it’s just a bad feeling.”
“So you just have a bad feeling? That could be about anything.” Sirius crossed his arms and glared, piercing grey eyes met each other across the room.
“I saw your face. I saw dad’s study. I got a bad feeling. Why do you want back in that house?” Regulus growled.
“I want to find Andy, or keep them from finding her. I need to do something.”
“You can’t do anything for her. She and Ted decided to do this. They knew what would happen. They’re making it work. There’s nothing we can do. We’re just kids.”
“I have to do something! She’s my… I just have to help. They’re starving. Did you not see them? They were skin and bones! We have to set a false trail or send a message! She said once they know she’s married or with Ted on her own accord that they’ll leave her alone. We could write a note, say it’s from her, say she’s marrying a muggle born and to stop looking for her.”
“You are absolutely mental. You won’t be able to get in and out of that house unseen. You think they won’t find you and question what you know? You don’t think mother won’t root around in your brain until you can’t shake her off? What happened to you? Why are you acting like this?” Regulus took a few steps toward him like he was going to grab him, but stopped, thinking better of it.
“Nothing happened to me! I just need to do something! I can’t just sit here!” Sirius screamed at him. “I’m going! They’re at work now, they won’t be there. The only floo open is to dad’s study, and if there’s any information it’ll be there.”
“You can’t do this.”
“You can’t stop me.” Sirius sneered across the room. They were quiet for a few moments as they stared at each other intently.
“Fine. But you’re not going alone.” Regulus huffed, pushing past Sirius into the hall.
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hexhealed · 3 years
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          ˗ ˏ ˋ ( kristine froseth, twenty-one, cis woman, she / her ) — is that ANDROMEDA BLACK just saw in the courtyard? i hear they’re a SLYTHERIN, returning for their SIXTH school year, but something more juicy is them being ENTERPRISING & THOUGHTFUL as well as DETACHED & CONFLICTED. if you want some more details on them, i guess i could tell you that they’re PUREBLOOD, and from the rumors i heard, they’re currently allying with THE NEUTRALS. personally, i think they remind of: solemn family portraits lining a darkened hall, puppet pulling at her strings, archaic tomes precariously stacked, aristocratic nose to the grindstone, the sweet sting of venom, honey, & healing. but that might be just me. — ( kit, she / they, 23 ) ˎˊ ˗  
TW — unhealthy family dynamics, emotional abuse / neglect, v. vague allusions to mental health issues. 
basics ,
full name.  andromeda cygnella black. known as.  andromeda, andie. age / date of birth.  twenty-one / april 2nd, 1960. year.  sixth year. blood status.  pureblood. house.  slytherin. alliance.  neutral. gender / pronouns.  cis woman, she / her. orientation.  bisexual, biromantic, grey-ace. extracurriculars.  chaser for the slytherin quidditch team; member of the herbology, potions, slug, and occamy dueling clubs; hospital wing volunteer. additional stats.  click here.
early life , 
andromeda is born a mere few months after bellatrix, and is instantly her mother’s darling. for a long time, she doesn’t question — doesn’t even truly comprehend — the way her mother favors her, desperate as she is for her parents’ approval. they are exacting, demanding, withholding; they praise one daughter or another, it seems, only to shame the other two in their failures. 
andie takes what she can get, where she can get it, for as long as she can, letting her parents pit her against her sisters in a constant battle for attention, affection, and approval. but it’s a battle she starts to lose, middle child that she is. despite all andromeda’s efforts, it seems being perfect comes as naturally as breathing to little narcissa, and druella redirects her favoritism towards her youngest daughter. and while bella is at a disadvantage, she makes up for it in sheer willpower; she turns herself into their father’s perfect slytherin heir, what andie was supposed to be. ( note, of course, that this is how andie experiences this; the truth is that each sister was of course neglected and traumatized in their own way ! )
for most of her early childhood, andie doesn’t really question the world she lives in; doesn’t think too hard about the wealth, the blood purity, the high society circles in which her family moves. it is as natural as the air around her. yet she manages nonetheless to ruffle feathers, draw suspicion. at age six she questions innocently why uncle marius has been cursed from the family tree; the answer horrifies her, though she tries to hide it, saying nothing and staying up late at night wondering if her parents would ever disown her for something like that. 
( ..... will probably add some more once i’ve sorted some more black sisters plots ? )
she really enjoys quidditch and plays whenever she can find an opponent ( bella doesn’t care for the sport, and lets her know as much. ) it’s not a ladylike pursuit, her mother reminds her, but at least her father approves. at first, it’s only the children of her parents’ friends, all pureblood, all high-society, but as one by one they start going off to hogwarts, andie needs to find herself new friends. this is how she takes her first steps out of her ignorance, more interested in finding playmates than purebloods; but the common little muggleborn derisions that are the black family bread and butter do not do well among her new friends, and she starts realizing for the first time the unkindness of her family’s beliefs.
this is where the split starts, between andie and andromeda black, because whatever she is, she must be hidden; she leaves the façade of andromeda standing as she carefully slips out from behind it, and no one is much the wiser. 
hogwarts ,
to finally go to hogwarts is a relief for andie. it offers an escape out of the stifling environment and the constant disapproval of her parents; at the same time, though, it gives her every opportunity to impress them. and she still wants to, especially following in bella’s footsteps; she’s always admired her older sister, always wanted to be just as clever, just as talented, just as capable. it’s this burning desire to be valued that has the sorting hat deciding, after just a few moments, to place her in slytherin.
and so without realizing she slips back, subsumed once more into pureblood ideology, so much stronger when impressed by her peers; it’s much easier to dismiss her parents as outdated, and keep her mouth shut, than it is to disagree with the cool upper years, especially when they are conspicuously nice to her.
as time passes, though, she slowly becomes something else other than bella’s little sister, expanding her horizons at last somewhat. she excels academically, as is expected of her — cygnus and druella would not suffer their children to enter school unprepared — and joins the potions and herbology clubs, spending less and less time in the slytherin common room. hoping to play quidditch, she tries out her first year but fails; in her second year, she secures a spot as a chaser.
her year three electives become something of a bone of contention over the preceding summer; alongside arithmancy, andie signs up for muggle studies. her family disapproves. she has to assure them it’s a purely academic pursuit, that she’s only curious but never sympathetic — and she doubts whether they’re convinced. 
she’s still trying to be and seem apolitical, trying to toe the line, but with each passing year she finds it less and less sustainable. once, she might have been ignorant, simply might not have known better; now, she knows better, and she’s just a coward. at this point she can see straight through her family’s pureblood supremacy. but then, as much as it turns her stomach, they are her family. she loves them. and more than that, she fears them.
so to assuage her guilt andie simply overworks herself. ( can’t feel guilty if you’re too tired ! ) between club meetings, quidditch practices, and homework, she’s overworked as it is, but when her potions professor approaches and suggests, given her skill, she may be helpful to madam pomfrey in the hospital wing, she cannot refuse. it’s simple work, preparing ingredients, cleaning, changing sheets, but she finds it oddly rewarding. 
in her o.w.l. consultations, andromeda decides to pursue healing; she’s fascinated by magical medicine, and fantasizes about doing research and experimental magic, about pushing boundaries. but her parents would be happier if she simply said she wanted to be a st. mungo’s healer, so that’s what she says. the christmas holidays in her fifth year are the first holidays she chooses to stay at hogwarts; she tells her parents she simply must, that between her clubs, quidditch, and o.w.l.s she’s much too busy for a holiday. truth is, she simply dreads spending two weeks alone with her family.
she excels at her o.w.l.s, but it doesn’t leave her feeling proud, just relieved that she won’t have to face her parents empty-handed. the idea of spending all summer back in her family home is torturous, but thankfully she doesn’t have to; her parents pull some strings, talk to some old family friends and secure her an internship at st. mungo’s over the summer. she expresses her gratitude politely to them, and her relief to her friends in cautious letters, and stays in a room in the city for nearly the whole summer. 
personality , hcs , etc. ,
got the nickname andie at hogwarts; her family has always called her by her full name. her parents seemed unreasonably upset with her about it — something about throwing away family tradition, not honoring their wishes for her, and other nonsense.
loves to throw herself into her responsibilities, hobbies, and interests as a way of avoiding inner turmoil; has a strong problem-solving impulse that gets way worse whenever she has bigger, unsolvable problems.
speaking of, she loves herbology, catch her in the greenhouses most days of the week. she loves the smell, the warmth, the dirt beneath her nails, the way the rest of the school grounds outside feel so distant behind the glass. the greenhouses are her church and sanctuary.
monstrously overworked and definitely verging on a burnout; between school, quidditch, career thoughts, the impending war, volunteer work, and sorting through some deep-seated personal issues.
might be the nicest black sister, but that’s not really a high bar to clear. though she carries a lot of guilt and tries to resolve that by doing good work, keeping her head down and not being explicitly hateful, she’s not exactly kind. she’s a bit of a know-it-all and loves to argue with people, can be really condescending, lashes out when she’s feeling insecure, and can hold a grudge like nobody’s business.
very much enjoys muggle music, after it was shared with her by friends. she named her owl ziggy after ziggy stardust, knowing full well that her parents wouldn’t have the faintest clue what it meant. 
plots , 
just wanted to say first of all that i love plotting, hc’ing, brainstorming, etc. so please hit me up ! if nothing here works i’m super happy to think of something else. also, every single one of these is open to all genders unless specified ! i also especially love plotting based on other connections ( i.e. muse a and muse b are friends, muse b and muse c are exes, therefore muse a and muse c do not get along, or smth ) idk i just have a lot of ideas !
friends.   this could go a lot of ways ! very importantly, andie doesn’t pick her friends for their politics; they could be death eaters, order members, or neutral. more important is their ability to put up with andie’s nonsense. that being said alliances would definitely play a part in how they interact, etc. ofc.
unofficial engagement.  a betrothal is a bit archaic, andie’s made clear in so many words. her parents and this muse’s parents, rather than putting their foot down and making demands, are quite cunning in their attempt to play matchmaker. they invite each other and their family to dinners, ask after them in every letter, and never pass up an opportunity to throw the pair of them together. would definitely be a pureblood, ‘respectable’ and probably but not necessarily a slytherin ! how the two of them feel about it is also very open-ended — enemies, slow-burn, fake dating, friendship, i’m happy with anything !
exes.  give me a bunch of these ! there’s so many options for this. their first little ‘relationship’ that maybe lasted only a few months, going on their first lil hogmeade dates together ? first loves making plans to visit each other over summers ? some hookup that one of them thought was much more serious than the other ? something a lil star-crossed & pushed apart by families ? an ex andie unceremoniously dumped last year to focus on her studies ? exes who are good friends, exes who hate each other, exes who are so embarrassed to have dated each other they pretend nothing ever happened, just. any of them. pls.
crushes / flirtationships.  all the crushes ! an youthful crush that she swears she’s gotten over but she still gets flustered whenever they talk to her; someone who’s interested in her, but whom she has less than zero interest in ( or, alternatively, is pretending to have no interest in ); mutual crushes but they’re both convinced the other person hates them or is out of their league; mutual crushes but they’re also constantly bickering and everyone thinks they’ve already been married forty years; bad crushes that she feels bad about for whatever reason ( they are death eaters, or seeing someone else, or a rival in some way, idk ), etc. etc.
childhood friends.  lots of options here too; high society pureblood kids her parents approved of, but also any halfbloods in and around london who are into quidditch, and would play with andie ?
study buddy.  andie’s a big nerd. give her some friends to study with ? someone who won’t give her a weird look when she threatens to hex chatty first years in the library. they can ask each other questions and help with charms practice and share their hopes, dreams, and aspirations ! definitely made a pact last year to get x amount of o.w.l.s. should be in sixth year, but doesn’t necessarily need to be an overachieving nerd like andie.
potions partner.  fairly self-explanatory; they’re adjacent to a study buddy but work together pretty much exclusively in potions class. this would ideally be one of two types: either they’re also very, very good at potions and they’ve partnered together to make sure they both get top marks each class, or alternatively, this is someone who struggles with potions and who was partnered with andie, either against her will ( thanks slughorn ) or out of the ( unlikely ) kindness of her heart, and she helps them get up to speed.
academic rival.  the opposite of a study buddy. study enemy ? should also be a sixth year so that they share classes with andromeda. they’re both overachieving students and will stare daggers at each other in class whenever the other person raises their hand. andie feels very threatened and definitely lets her insecurity get the best of her in this dynamic.
quidditch rival.  is there anything better than a sports rivalry ? no ! this could be anywhere from a friendly bantering rivalry to a full on, hate-your-guts, will hex you on the pitch if i can rivalry ? could be simply because of their teams, because they have issues off the field, or because they accidentally ran head-on into each other in their first match and now can’t let it go ? just think this could be fun !
frienemies.  okay, hear me out. gimme a buddy for andie where their entire friendship essentially revolves around gently verbally abusing each other — or at least, that’s andie’s side because she’s a great big bully ! but if they’re ever in trouble or getting shit from anyone she will drop anything and go fight. someone she probably really adores but will only begrudgingly admit to. mostly she calls ‘em names.
petty enemies.  so, i know it’s stupid to hold onto old grudges when there’s a literal war on the horizon, but andie ? andie does not. she’s really pettier than that. would love for this to be someone who she just really butted heads with in her earlier hogwarts years and they’ve both just never gotten over it. they’re very petty and don’t even really remember why they don’t like each other but are they gonna get over it now ? heck no.
true enemies.  not petty, not somewhat friendly, not a rivalry but a true and burning hatred. just. give it to meeeeeee. this could be a muse with strong political opinions who really hates where andie stands & isn’t afraid to say so, but could also just be more personal; maybe andie did something ? i’m very okay with her being the bad guy here too.
confidant.  andie has a lot going on that she doesn’t/can’t really talk to other people about; maybe this muse is just a very good listener, or maybe they have their own deep dark secrets ? either way, they can tell each other things very few others are privy to.
patients.  might be a bit of a stretch of the definition since right now andie’s not a medical professional any more than a candy striper might be, but has your muse been injured at any point in the past year/year and a half or so ? it’s possible that you might be entitled to some compensation for them having to put up with andie being annoying as hell during their hospital wing stay.
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nah-she-didnt · 4 years
Hiya!! Thanks for the ask :)
🧒 - I feel like this changes daily, but probably Lily. Although I’ve really loved writing Andromeda since starting my other fic!
🎁 - Alright alright twist my arm. It's more than a quote, but I'm feeling generous!
Ted’s stomach jolted. Andromeda peered cautiously around the curtain before entering. She wore her dark hair back in two braids and had a white apron smoothed over her school uniform.
“Hello, Edward.” She smiled slightly but kept her professional demeanor.
“Alright, Andy? I didn’t know you were working here.”
Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Andromeda. And yeah, I just started. Looks good on job applications, you know.”
“Right.” It only just occurred to him how stupid he must look, with no eyebrows or eyelashes. He gestured to his face. “Sorry if I’m putting you off, that idiot out there made a potion that blew up my face.”
“Hey!” called Frank’s indignant voice from beyond the curtain.
Andromeda laughed. “You’re alright, I’ve seen worse.”
Ted raised what would have been his eyebrows. “Yeah? Who was the worst?”
“Sorry, doctor-patient confidentiality,” she said slyly. Then, she pulled the curtains apart just enough to check that Pomfrey was safely in her office, before whispering, “but if you must know, one time a boy came in here after a 'spell gone wrong' with his friend’s wand stuck up his… well, you get the idea.”
Ted’s jaw dropped. “No way. Why couldn’t they just...you know, pull it out?”
Andromeda giggled, pulling the curtain back once more to check for Pomfrey. “Let’s just say it was a unique shape.”
Ted laughed heartily. “Blimey, I can’t imagine Ollivander would be too happy to hear that story.”
Andromeda grinned again. “It’s true, but don’t go telling anyone. She’ll sack me if she knows I told that story.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” Ted crossed his finger in an X over his heart, “at least tell me it’s a git who deserved it.”
“You’d think so, I’m sure,” she shrugged.
“Ah, so he was a Slytherin.” Ted had meant this as a joke, but he saw the smile fade from Andromeda’s face.
“Yeah, he was.” She said coldly, then checked her watch. “I’m going to see what’s keeping Pomfrey.”
“Alright,” Ted sighed as she left his bedside.
“Good one, mate,” Frank called again from the other side of the curtain.
“Shut up,” he grumbled miserably.
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harmonyandco · 4 years
Harry and Hermione were brainwashed with spells and potions to see each other as siblings and get together with the youngest Weasleys. Andy Tonks learns this while helping Poppy Pomfrey treat them after the final battle; worried that Dumbledore may have abused her Healer’s Oath, Poppy helps Andy investigate further. However, Trelawney shocks them all with a new prophecy: the Half-Blood Prince lives and, as the power behind Riddle, has been the true Dark Lord all along. The nightmare is not over.
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wandlores · 4 years
Fateful Lies
Pairing: Hermione Granger x James Potter Words: 2,402 Chapter 1/? - You can also read this on AO3. This is a multi-chapter time-turner fic that starts at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts and is told during the Marauders Era! I really hope you enjoy it, andI hope to update regularly, though there are no promises with how I am with WIPs. 
All Hermione could hear now was her heart beating and her blood rushing through her veins. It was a peculiar sound; the kind of sound you only heard right before you died. The screams of terror from those around her had now ceased to exist, and Hermione tore her eyes away from her best friend's mangled body. She didn't know where Ron was or if he was even still alive; they had been separated hours ago in the chaos.
But Harry was dead; she knew that for sure. The war was over as quickly as it had begun. They had lost, and Hermione's last breath was starting to escape from her body. She glanced up one last time to glare into Bellatrix's eyes, and she grasped the time-turner around her neck in her hand with all the strength she could muster. The determination flowing through her veins made her realize why she had kept her time-turner a secret; it was for this moment, it was for the end.
"You have lost, Mudblood!" Bellatrix screamed for all to hear, "The Dark Lord has won! Meet your best friend's fate!"
It was nonsensical, but Hermione smiled as her eyes shut for good. All she saw behind her lids was hazel eyes she had never seen before; she only knew they made her feel safe. Maybe she smiled from exasperation, maybe it was from exhaustion, but it didn't matter as Bellatrix's curse hit her square in the chest.
It was over.
Hermione was surprised when she opened her eyes again and saw Professor Dumbledore sitting next to her. His face was calm, like he was completely unaware of all that had just happened. It all came rushing back to Hermione as she tried to stand up, but Dumbledore led her body back to the ground next to his.
"I know," Dumbledore reassured her, "Harry Potter is dead, as are you. The horcrux in him no longer lives on, but what if I told you we could change it all?"
"I don't understand, how-"
"Voldemort's power was too strong, Ms. Granger. I was afraid this would happen and we would have to take this route. This means that we must take fate into our own hands. I see you are still wearing the time-turner I gifted you as my last dying wish."
Hermione nodded. It had been her only secret; Hermione received a note days after his passing with the time-turner wrapped around it. All the note said was to use it well, much like Harry's invisibility cloak all those years before. She knew it had to be from Dumbledore, but she had not used it. She had learned so many years before not to meddle with time, and it felt wrong to mention the gift to anyone, even to Harry.
"Professor, you told me so many years before we should never meddle with time-"
"-unless absolutely necessary," he finished for her, "And this is absolutely necessary, for the fate of the wizarding world now rests solely in your hands."
Hermione looked down to see that even in death, she was still grasping onto the time-turner around her neck. She finally released it and saw that it left an indentation in her hand; it was now a part of her as much as this war.
"But if I go back then-"
"You will save many lives, but your life will not be what it was before, if it even exists at all. That must be a risk you are willing to take."
"Why me?" She asked him, "Why am I the one to decide this?"
"Because you, Ms. Granger, will always make the right choice, no matter what it means for your own fate."
Hermione wanted to ask more questions, but he stood up to leave. As he took his final steps, he looked back at her and said, "Five turns should do it. The wizarding world thanks you for your sacrifice, Ms. Granger. Just remember, I will always remember you, and I'm sure others will too, just not those you would expect."��
Hermione parted her lips to respond, but Professor Dumbledore was already gone.
Five turns should do it, he told her. The afterlife around her started to disappear, rushing her to her decision. The walls were crumbling and her vision was fading. Professor Dumbledore was right about her, of course, she would always do what was right. She closed her eyes as she felt herself turn the time-turner. On the fifth turn, she felt the wind knocked out of her and everything went white.
Hermione's head was pounding, and she tried to sit up before opening her eyes. Two gentle hands pushed her back and a familiar voice said, "Not yes, Ms. Granger, you must rest. You had quite the fall in the Great Hall."
Madam Pomfrey, Hermione thought, maybe it had all just been a dream.
But when she opened her eyes, the furnishings were different than she had remembered in the hospital wing. They were older, and much, much brighter. It reminded her of the photographs in her mother's old childhood home. Confused, Hermione squinted her eyes, this caused Madam Pomfrey to lean forward and put her palm on her forehead.
"You are no longer burning up, that is reassuring," she told her, "Professor Dumbledore told me that he had seen your condition before and not to fret, but he would not give me details. That man, it was rather maddening-"
"Sorry to interrupt, Madam Pomfrey," Hermione said, "But-wha-what happened?"
"Oh deary, you had quite the spell in the Great Hall this morning, I'm afraid. It must be a mix of nerves and this.. condition Dumbledore will not tell me about.. but the first steps you took into the Great Hall after your transfer from Beauxbatons made you fall and hit your head. Luckily, James Potter was there to bring you to me. The scar on your chest, it is unlike anything I have ever seen. But Professor Dumbledore reassured me that it was actually a birthmark, so I apologize for being insensitive-"
Madam Pomfrey was rambling, and that's when Hermione saw how much younger she was. There was not a wrinkle on her face, and her eyes were brighter with youth. 
The time turner had worked, she had gone back into time, and Harry's father had helped her.
"May I-May I have a moment, Madam Pomfrey?" 
"Oh dear! Of course, I'm so sorry to bombard you just as you have gotten up, I have no idea what has gotten into me. I will be in my office if you need me. Please just give me a shout and do not even attempt to over-exert yourself!"
She nodded as Madam Pomfrey gently patted the top of her head and walked away to leave her alone.
Hermione realized she was the only student occupying the hospital wing, and she took that as her opportunity to collect her thoughts and explore her new surroundings.
A mirror was on her bedside table, so she picked it up to examine herself. The cuts on her face from the battle were now gone without a trace, but it was then she remembered Madam Pomfrey's mention of a scar on her chest. That was new, for Hermione had never had a scar or birthmark of any kind.
As she let the mirror's gaze trail down from her face to her neck, she started to notice discoloration.
It was bright red in color and looked inflamed, though it was not hot to the touch. As she touched it, she realized it was the shape of a lightning bolt, much like Harry's old scar on his forehead. This was different though, and she realized it was the mark of her death. Bellatrix had not created a horcrux, or otherwise she would be alive in her own time, but this must be the official mark of the Avada Kedavra curse. The thought made her shudder, and she abruptly put the mirror down on her lap. It was all too much to process. She closed her eyes.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice. Something about it was familiar, but overall, it was one she had never heard before.
"How are you holding up?"
It was a boy's voice, and she turned her head to see who he was. Hermione saw the resemblance immediately; it was Harry's father, James. The only difference between them was their eyes. James's eyes were hazel, unlike Harry's. They were also larger and brighter, and they were easier to see behind his glasses frames. They were also the eyes that Hermione had seen as she took her last breath.
Flustered, Hermione flattened her hair. It was something she always did when she was overwhelmed or nervous.
"I-I'm fine. Thank you for helping me?" She said it more like a question, though she knew it was the truth. She had heard about James Potter's reputation from Harry. The cocky type with a heart of gold. 
James smiled; it was natural for him to smile, she realized. It was not like Harry's. Harry had to work to smile, for he always had serious creases lined on his cheeks. It had to be from his trauma, she thought, and that thought made her want to cry. Her best friend was dead.
James must have seen the tears forming in her eyes, and his brow wrinkled in concern.
"I can imagine transferring from another school during your sixth year at Hogwarts can be overwhelming," he sympathized, "I can leave you alone if you would like-"
"No," Hermione interrupted him with force, "I-I would actually like to hear more about what happened to me. I am afraid I have no memory of it."
James sat down in the chair next to her bed in the hospital wing. Hermione glanced to her right to see Madam Pomfrey peering out at them from her office attempting to know everything while giving them privacy.
"You were walking into the Great Hall with your trunk; you had just arrived from Beauxbatons to start your first day here at Hogwarts. As soon as you stepped inside and looked over at me, you fainted and hit your head. It was quite the entrance."
He was teasing her, she realized, and she rolled her eyes, "Please don't flatter yourself." But her voice shook, she blamed it on her recent losses and her new reality, but she knew it was because of James Potter. His charm was unlike anything she had ever seen. She understood immediately why Lily Evans fell in love with him. 
James now rubbed the back of his neck nervously; a habit Harry had seemed to get from his father. The resemblance in that moment made her freeze, but she didn't have time to think about it as James started to speak again.
"I-I felt like I did something. I feel responsible. I'm just happy to know you're okay-"
I'm not okay, Hermione thought, but she didn't say anything, she just nodded, "Thank you for helping me."
James looked into her eyes then and Hermione couldn't look away, not until she was forced to as he stood up. She felt her cheeks flush and looked back down at the mirror in her lap.
"Dumbledore wanted me to tell you all your things have been moved into the Ravenclaw Common Room, since you were sorted before you arrived, he said, and he would like to see you when you are feeling up to it." 
Ravenclaw, interesting choice, Hermione thought, though she wasn't all too surprised. Dumbledore had been expecting her; he had always known this was her fate. She felt bile rise up her throat as she thought about what their next conversation would be. 
Her lack of response made James continue to walk away, but he glanced back at her once last time and said, "I'll see you around, Hermione Granger." 
All she could do was simply watch him go. 
Hours later, she was officially released by Madam Pomfrey to meet with Dumbledore. Madam Pomfrey was fretting, as usual, some things never changed, but Hermione convinced her she could handle the trip to his office.
Hermione uttered the password given to her by Madam Pomfrey to enter Dumbledore's office, and as she climbed the steps, she wondered if she made a mistake coming back in time.
How could her presence here at Hogwarts with Harry's father make a difference in the wizarding world? Would she ever see her best friend again? What about Ron, the boy she loved? 
It was all too much, but she packed up the courage and let herself into Dumbledore's office. 
He was sitting at his desk; he looked remarkably younger than she had ever known him as. She was wondering if it really was him at first, but then she noticed his eyes. They were all too familiar. 
"Ms. Granger, I see you have made it."
"Yes-" Hermione started, but Dumbledore interrupted her.
"This has always been your destiny, Hermione. Ravenclaw will be a suitable place here for you in this lifetime as you expand your knowledge in order to help James Potter and the rest of the Marauders."
"I-I don't understand.. how?"
"You must gain more knowledge on Tom Riddle's past in this generation and warn James and Lily about it. You must keep tabs on upcoming Death Eaters. You must prepare the Potters for their potential death without giving away any information of your old life in order to save Harry. You must make it so the Potters never die. You will find unexpected allies in Ravenclaw to help you on your journey." 
"But the Potters are Gryffindors... and I-I thought magic couldn't prevent death.." 
He ignored the first part of her statement, "You won't be preventing death with magic, technically," he explained, "You will just be changing the course of events with knowledge and persuasion. You used magic to get here and you will use magic to leave, that is all."
"And where will I go after? This will change the entire course of Harry's life, along with the wizarding world. What does that mean for mine?"
Dumbledore contemplated her words for a few moments and stood up from his desk. He didn't face her as he answered her, and this is how she knew he was lying, "I do not know, Ms. Granger. I do not know." 
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clair-void-ance · 4 years
Startup and Guidelines
Here’s a list of the type of content that I’m allowing to be requested for time being (until my no thoughts head empty lookin brain gets its crap together lmao). I’ve listed a few fandoms and the characters in them that I’ll be willing to write for at the moment. I’ll be adding more soon, so keep an eye out for when I do! Even request a few and I’ll say if I can do them or not! (It’ll be based on if I’ve seen or read any of the media suggested, but if i haven’t seen or read it yet I’ll add it to the list!)
Types of Content:
Full fics
Playlists Maybe?
Drabbles (If I can handle writing so little)
Fandoms: (bolded means I write best for those***)
(Will do almost any character and any type of reader! Just give me ideas and a detailed description of what you’d like and I’ll try to get to it :) I may have to do research if I don’t understand a topic, but I’ll try to do my best!)
Buzfeed Unsolved: Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara
Conan O’Brien [cause honestly, why not?]
Ghost [the band]: Cardinal Copia, Papa Nihil, Papa Emeritus II, and Tobias Forge
Good Omens [book and movie]: Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Anathema Device, Newton Pulsifer, Hastur, War, Death, Famine, Pollution, and Beelzebub
Harry Potter [books and movie]: Severus Snape, Cho Chang, Barty Crouch Sr. and Jr., Cedric Diggory, Amos Diggory, Albus Dumbledore, Argus Filch, Hermione Granger, Rubeus Hagrid, Viktor Krum, Tom Riddle, Silvanus Kettleburn, Neville Longbottom, Golderoy Lockhart, Luna Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Garrick Ollivander, Poppy Pomfrey, Harry Potter, Quirinus Quirrell, Newt Scamander, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Aurora Sinistra, Sybil Trelawney, Blaise Zabini, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, and Ginny Weasley
Joker: Arthur Fleck and Sophie Dumond
Law and Order SVU: John Much, Olivia Benson, George Huang, Odafin Tutuola, Melinda Warner, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Ed Tucker, William Dodds, Mike Dodds, Carl Rudnick, and Greg Yates.
Network: Max Schumacher, Howard Beale, Diana Christensen, and anyone else you want
Sherlock Holmes [books, movie, or tv show versions! I love them all!]: Sherlock Holmes, Moriarty, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Philip Anderson, Molly Hooper, Irene Adler, and Charles Magnussen
Sofia the First [kinda cringe, but let ya boi live man]: Cedric, Greylock, Baileywick, and maybe Roland
Stephen Colbert [Because, again, why not?]
Supernatural [sort of? I haven’t seen it fully yet, but I got a feel for the characters!]: will list later (way too many characters; gotta love them tho)
The Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit [book or movies. I write pretty decently for all of these and maybe a few more]: Boromir, Pippin, Gil-Galad, Bilbo, Gandalf, Aragorn, Arwen, Elrond, Lindir, Galadriel, Eowyn, Faramir, Grima Wormtongue, Haldir, Saruman, Denethor, Thranduil, Radagast, Ori, Bofur, Thorin, Nori, Tauriel, Beorn, etc.
The Matrix [currently watching, so hopefully I’ll get a good grasp of the characters: Agent Smith, Morpheus, Neo, and anyone else I suppose
The Office [U.S. version, although I may do the U.K. one if I watch enough of it]: Toby Flenderson, Dwight Schrute, Andy Bernard, Darryl Philbin, Gabe Lewis, and Michael Scott
The Thick of It: Glenn Cullen, Hugh Abbot, Malcolm Tucker, Peter Mannion, Phil Smith, Emma Messinger, Jamie, Cliff Lawton, and anyone else I suppose
Top Gear [UK]: James May, Jeremy Clarkson, and Richard Hammond
Twin Peaks: Dale Cooper, Audrey Horne, Jocelyn Packard, Andy Brennan, Lucy Moran, Laura Palmer, Leland Palmer, Tommy “Hawk” Hill, Lawrence Jacoby, Albert Rosenfield, and Gordon Cole
Watchmen [movie and comic for now until I finish the new series!: Walter Kovacs, Jonathan Osterman, Daniel Dreiberg, Nelson Gardner, Byron Lewis, Hollis Mason, Ursula Zandt, Adrian Veidt, and Moloch
To Be Continued....
Will do:
The best that I can with what is asked! I’ll even write for super old or niche media as well if I know it; asking would probably be the best option though :)
Will not do:
To sum up: anything offensive or that is morally wrong. If you aren’t sure about something, just ask! I’m down to answer questions! :)
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prewettmom · 5 years
"Gideon Alastair Prewett!” It was the first thing the left her lips as she approached his bed. She was holding a new glass of water but she kept it to herself. “I swear, if you sneak out of your bed one more time, I will have to personally petrify you until you’re healed.” Of course, she’d heard he was always leaving his bed every single night. The nurses told her, and Andy, and Madam Pomfrey, everyone told her, really. And she didn’t like it at all. Not when she was told he’d usually end up in Rosier’s bed. 
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( @thebestprewett​ )
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opiaismarchive · 5 years
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dear diary … from andy about remus ;  @meinherrs​
                                                                                                November 25th, 1976 I spent last night with no other than Mr. Lupin. I honestly never thought he would be such a delight, or that I’d have such joy spending the day in the snow, listening to him playing his precious harmonica. This is truly a breath of fresh air in this awfully messy year so far. It’s so easy to talk to him! His mind is a wonder, although I do wish he believed all the many compliments I gave him. I wonder why he’s so shy and reserved. Not that I don’t understand where it comes from, the hesitation -- I barely shared anything about my life. But there’s always been this aura of mystery around him, the quiet boy loyal to a very reckless lot. After tonight, I must say I ended up with far more questions about him than when we danced weeks ago. And naturally, I will get my answers.  
                                                                                                                       January 27th, 1977 Lestrange must be going mad. Why does he bloody care there are rumors about me and Lupin? Circe, not even Sirius has reacted that way, or Bella for that matter. There are rumors about me and some poor boy every other week -- and regardless, it’s none of his business. It’s not like we -- whatever. I had a great time with Remus and I won’t let it be sullied. So what if people talk because the boy actually manages to be entertaining? Each time we talk I’m more curious about him. The way he speaks about life has a certain... je ne sais quoi. He’s so unlike anyone I know, and at the same time, he makes me feel so comfortable around him. Almost as if there is no expectations he has of me, almost as if I don’t have to be so reserved and careful around him. Why should I stay away from someone who makes me feel like that? No wonder Sirius likes him so much, I can see the allure now. 
                                                                                                                       March 3rd, 1977 I feel so fucking useless. The only time I managed to stop crying was when my father came to visit, all full of authority he doesn’t deserve. But that’s not the point, because I know he’s right. I feel like I can’t breathe, I can’t stop shaking and I can’t sleep even though I try -- maybe in the land between sleep and awake, I will manage to reach out to Cissy and make sure she’s okay and drag her out of wherever she may be, bring her back to us. Madam Pomfrey has yelled at me multiple times now, how sick I’m getting for nothing, but it’s not for nothing. I don’t want her to be alone, wherever she may be. The only person who seems to get that is Remus. I honestly think he’s the only reason I haven’t set the bloody castle on fire, however much they all deserve it. I don’t understand how he does it -- no one in the entire fucking place dares look me in the eye, but he’s still here, making sure I eat something, ensuring I am still moving. He doesn’t seem scared of how cold I am. Not even my sister -- I can’t think about her without feeling full of rage. I did sleep for a moment, last night, and it was because he stayed by my side a little longer. He distracts me long enough to clear my mind and try to figure out what fucking happened nights ago. Circe, I can’t thank him enough for it, for his compassion. I don’t think he’ll ever fully understand what it means to me that he is nearby, that someone cares enough to be near me in these moments. I need to be strong for Cissy, and his warmth is the only source of strength I’ve found in this awful place. 
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sunflowerpostsposts · 6 years
happy valentines!
Surprise! I’m your valentine @lovinmullen! Happy Valentines Day and I hope you enjoy these little headcanons!💖
thank you so much to @swingsetboys for organizing this and generally being amazing!
-After Andi got grounded for the high school party her phone was taken away for a bit. Amber freaked out at first thinking that Andi was mad till Cyrus (lord bless his peace making soul) filled her in on the situation. A letter arrived two days later in Andi’s mailbox, guess who it was from? Amber. It was an explanation to her parents and a was signed with “Sorry if I got you in trouble! Heres my address and keep exploring the world Bambi! There are many more things like that pool in Italy” (Andi has that note in a scrapbook)Thus begins a pen pal relationship, full of not so unrequited crushes, scribbled hearts, holding of hands and eventually after stealing a flannel from each other...a kiss. 
•Cyrus saw it coming from a mile away. No one just decides to go to the Spoon on every single day Amber is working and sit there with hearts popping from her eyes. 
 Andi will call Buffy or Cyrus and gush about a moment that happened. Little does she know that theres group call happening between the Kippen siblings, Marty and TJ are about to knock Amber out “Oh my god Amber if we hear about Andi’s eyes one more time!”. It becomes a cycle of calling. They even drew a diagram of how it would go. 
Andi calls Buffy calls Cyrus in groupcall, then afterwards Cyrus calls TJ who calls Marty who calls Amber to confirm that feelings are present who calls Andi to talk about her annoying brothers. Then everything repeats.
This can repeat for hours but hey it works.
-Ambi becomes official and everyone e x p l o d e s. It was expected but WOAH IT FINALLY HAPPENED? The pining is finally over thank schnitzel
-To celebrate one month Andi made a bracelet for Amber, she was hesitant at first and said “Are you okay with a girlfriendy thing?”. Amber acts chill about it but internally is screaming.
-(They worked out Amber somehow getting Jonahs bracelet a while ago). Andi gets her phone back soon and they are the couple who uses 22 emojis per text but its adorable! 
-In the end when they do the lanterns again Amber doesn’t put anything in hers. When Walker asks why she glances at Andi and shrugs “I already have everything I could wish for”
Bonus: Their first kiss was in a canoe! It flipped over causing them both to get soaking wet. On shore Amber lifted up their towel to block anyone watching right as Andi leaned forward to kiss her her again.
-Marty learned that Buffy moved away and that was the first time he messaged her since their fight, he apologized and said he hoped that she would have a good life in Arizona. 
-She kept him waiting for a few days because she’s still trying to figure out her feelings, friendship or crush?
- “Marty, thanks for apologizing. Can we talk when I visit?” He immediately says yes! 
-Once she comes back they talk. Its has a few embarrassing moments, some sad as well but in the end they both leave, hearts pounding and thoughts occupied with how even if they were friends how it could be different someday. 
Bonus: Marty comes out to Buffy as trans and Buffy comes out to him as bi. They go to parades together and will wear their respective flags with pride! Marty is the one to paint the flags on their cheeks. 
Bonus bonus: Its been almost 5 months since they talked about the crush situation and the FaceTime calls keep getting longer 
Bonus Basketball: Buffy and him play during the off season of basketball, soon Marty joins the guys basketball team. They still play against each other every Saturday morning.
Heres some Hogwarts shenanigans! 
Gryffindor: TJ, Buffy and Leo the Locker Boy
Slytherin: Amber, Reed and Natalie
Hufflepuff: Cyrus, Marty and Iris
Ravenclaw: Jonah and Andi!
The GHC became friends in 1st year, interhouse friendships for the win!
Marty joins the group 3rd year after the Yule Ball, he and Buffy dance so the group adopts him 
Buffy and TJ’s rivalry starts in 2nd year after a fight with who got the Quidditch field, then he insulted her and her skills. Not even a rap apology was going to be enough for him to be admitted into the group. He is Quidditch-Player-Who-Must-Not-Be-Name
TJ lashed out at her because he wanted to be Quidditch Captain but she was the one who got the position
They make up after Cyrus has a Charms class with TJ, the reason? Both agree that Cyrus is a very soft kid and we will protect him at all costs. 
(Buffy suspects more but doesn’t push at the reason why TJ does that little smile when Cyrus figures out a spell)
He writes an apology, near the end of the letter it says “You were right. You are the best Quidditch captain Hogwarts has seen” After this their rivalry is more of a friendship.
Andi finds the Room of Requirement and decides its going to be a LGBT+ club (she gets permission), the next time she walks in a pan flag appears above her head.
Cyrus helps her set up a network of kids who might want to attend 
Amber, Iris and TJ are more of the popular group so when Amber and Iris walk into the Room on a meeting day you can imagine the surprise. 
“Are you sure that this is the meeting Iris? They won’t stop staring” 
Andi is shooketh because holy heck my crush is coming to the meeting be chill Andi, b r e a t h
She greets them and after some snacks from the house elves everyone feels comfortable talking to each other and introducing themselves
Amber and Iris say they’ll be regulars.
Andi had to lie down after that meeting. 
Cyrus has Potions with TJ during 4th year. Mrs. Deborah, the teacher, sat them by each other to make a potion and it exploded first try. TJ got frustrated because he mixed up some numbers but Cyrus just laughs “Its okay! We can try again” 
Thus begins Smitten Kippen 
Don’t get him started on when they made Amortenia, they were supposed to share with the class and Cyrus declined. 
TJ in that moment: Oh my god what did he smell
Cyrus to Buffy and Andi later: I don’t see what the big deal about Amortenia is? It just smelled the same as when TJ sits by me like he does in Poti-wait                                                                                            Buffy and Andi: Are you okay??
TJ and Cyrus are the disaster gays of Hogwarts. 
They’ve tried to ask each other out almost 30 times now. But it always gets interrupted by something, a troll, a werewolf turning etc. 
Cyrus has almost given up until 5th year where at a Quidditch game he gets TJ’s scarf.
It was like the meme where someone says their cold and the other person piles warm clothing on them. 
He only needed the scarf because the blush was real in that moment, nothing could cool him down. He hugged TJ said a very rushed thank you then ran to the stands. 
After that game he gave TJ a sign that said “I’m not Kippen when I say I like you” 
It becomes almost a game to see who can out flirt who
Special blueberry macadamia muffin was delivered to the Gryffindor common room. Book about lizards sent to Hufflepuff with a note in the cover. Plenty of notes sent to each other during classes.
The one who makes a move is Cyrus, TJ writes him a small poem and he marches up to TJ after dinner to say “TJ Kippen will you go out with me?”
Nothing interrupted him and TJ said yes so fast it was like something possessed him
They have a cute Hogsmeade date <3
Buffy and Marty are the most competive friends anyone has seen. Mention Quidditch? They jump for the chance to see who gets the Snitch. Spells? Get under cover this is going to be a BATTLE
Due to these competitions they get sent to the hospital wing many, many times. 
They ate too many Weasley sweets and didn’t realize they both ate a vomiting one. 
Madam Pomfrey banned Weasley treats after that, said that students were too irresponsible (a healthy black market trade arose)
Once they got out and realized they both had actual physical harm happen because of a competition Marty proposed something
Marty: Look Buffy I love our competitions...but could we stick to banter for now?                                                                                                    Buffy: You know what would be convenient? Lets go on dates, easier way to banter with each other                                                                        Marty: *screams* 
He agrees after falling down a staircase they were walking down. 
(back to the hospital wing Marty) 
By the next day it was back to regular banter! With the occasional hand holding and kiss if one of them said something a little too silly
This is the one year Jonah and Walker are beaten in the Best Couple Competition. 
Speaking of Best Couple Competitions...the year Cyrus and TJ become public is the year they almost beat Wonah (the nickname for the pairing) 
Cyrus kisses him on the cheek, his hand and on tiptoes he’ll kiss his nose but never the lips. 
TJ is totally okay with this but wonders about it sometimes. 
Skip ahead to the final Quidditch match, they’ve been dating a few months. 
TJ (about to get on this broom): Hey how about a kiss for good luck? Its the last game it might work                                                                  Cyrus (rolling his eyes): Okay you dork
Cyrus pulled him down by his collar and gave him a brief kiss
TJS FACE WAS BRIGHT RED and Slytherin was crushed by Gryffindor in a record amount of points.
Amber and Andi are a background couple most of the time, content with sitting in the library by a window. You can find them if you know where to look, the tree by the lake or near the kitchens where they sneak into for a snack. Amber is always wearing a headband from Andi and Andi will be wearing a charmed ring from Amber.
Bonus: After they both graduate, TJ is hired on a Defense of the Dark Arts teacher and Cyrus is the Arithmancy teacher. TJ goes on to be the headmaster! He makes new policies that allow students to be more comfortable with their sexuality and genders/
Bonus Bonus\: TJ and Cyrus go to Andi’s GSA weekly meeting and thats how they come out to each other. They walked in and both went “Shit”. That was the quietest they have ever been together. They walk out together and separate after throwing each other a quick smile.
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writingwitchly · 7 years
Hey! ;-) I have a request. could you write a oneshot with young sirius black where his gf like gets poisoned and then faints and sirius catches her but then her life is in danger and she might not survive and sirius worries like crazy. thanks!xx ~ an Anon who gave me some quite hard work
Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader Word count: 2,2k  Warning: FREAKIN BLACK FAMILY / poisoning / bullying / dark thoughts / sadness / a much needed hApPiE eNdInG A/N: Ok, let’s be honest. At first, I didn’t know how to write this, I didn’t get ideas for the request, but then it just clicked in my mind and it’s such a relief to share with you the extremely odious and shallow creatures that the Blacks are in my head (Andy, Reg, and Pads deserved so much better, imma cry). Also shiiite, but this got me exhausted, wrote the final part listening to Halo, by Queen B, and it definitely gave me the feelzzz. ’m also kinda proud of how it turned out? Thanks for the request, Anon, feel free to send more in. Enjoy.
“I am sorry I brought you here.”
Yeah. He can be.
The cold air seeps through your pores, and tears have formed two little streams on your cheeks. You wipe them with one of the sleeves of your cardigan, the one you had bought especially for today.
Sirius grabs your elbow and forces you to a halt. His eyes are so full of regret that you almost feel ashamed for crying. Almost.
“I-” But the words die in his mouth.
They are replaced by anger, an ugly anger that hardens your boyfriend’s facial traits. What you just suffered in the house of Orion and Walburga Back bears no name, and deserves no justification.
Two weeks ago, when they heard about their elder son’s girlfriend, Sirius’ parents immediately wrote him a letter. Your boyfriend was quite happy: his family was showing a hint of interest in him for the first time in long years. He was diffident, of course, but even if they are the most horrible people on Earth, they still remain his family. He is proud of you, and thought they would be too.
Like the naive girl that you are, you let Sirius convince you. Maybe it would somehow calm Walburga to meet her future daughter-in-law, you thought. As if this woman was capable of motherly love, or feminine complicity.
When you arrived at the Black manor earlier this evening, a strange weight appeared in your belly at the sight of the abandoned garden and dusty entrance. You told yourself it would disappear soon, believing it was just hunger, but the sensation became heavier when an unhealthy-looking house-elf opened the door, bowing his sad, grayish head until it touched the floor.
Inside, the whole Black clan was waiting for you, superiority and derision already displayed on their faces. The women were sitting in their extravagant dresses, listening to the political discussion that the men were emphasizing by moving their richly jeweled hands in the air. The atmosphere, already full of untold reproaches and hypocrisy, was worsened by the undulating column of smoke that the expensive cigars released in the room.
Sirius was standing next to you as you observed his family members. Even if he looked disgusted by their behavior, you had to admit that, with his immaculate clothes, his perfect hair, and sophisticated features, he fitted well in the picture. A very unpleasant picture of extreme wealth. One to which you do not belong.
As soon as you stepped in, the humiliation started. ‘Her skin looks like a troll’s,’ ‘The load of rags she wears doesn’t even deserve to be called a dress,’ ‘What do you reckon happened to her hair?’ are some of the whispers that filled the place. Almost every present host criticized you blatantly, ignoring the fact that you were standing right in the middle of them all. You felt your boyfriend boiling with rage next to you, but calmed him down with looks of patience and resignation.
Everybody got more bearable when the news that you are pureblood sank in. ‘At least she’s not total garbage,’ laughed Walburga. She even offered you a drink.
Wanting to make a good impression, you lowered your guard, throwing shy smiles here and there, and placing some words in the conversations. You really wanted to help Sirius. You thought things could get better, but their masquerade didn’t last long.
The word ‘mother’ slipped from your tongue, addressing Walburga.
An icy veil fell on the house. All eyes were on you. Sirius’ mother raised from her armchair, and told you to leave. As you didn’t react, she screamed at you. She claimed that she would never allow somebody like you to call her ‘mother’.
Like an automate, you stood up, and your legs carried you toward the door. Behind you, screams and laughter echoed in the living room. You heard Sirius yell something, gasps, the muffled sound of a fist on a jaw, several more hits, and the door closed behind you.
Seconds later, the door slammed again, this time with such an intensity that it could have brought the whole house down. Sirius’ steps joined yours, and you exited the neglected garden in a mutual hurt silence, his nose dripping blood and the sinking feeling in your stomach a million times worse.
“Let’s- Let’s just move over this, okay?”
Your whisper costs you a big effort, because your tongue feels incredibly dry, but it softens the young man’s expression.
“It’s not your fault,” you try to comfort him, hating the thought that he is feeling guilty about the whole story. “It didn’t go that bad.”
Your eyes have a hard time focusing on him. The stress must have gotten to your nerves.
“Of course it didn’t.” His voice is as tense as a violin’s strings. “My whole family just showed how odious they are by being total jerks to the woman I love, my mother threw you out of the house, and I punched and got punched by my father. Funny, isn’t it?”
He furiously wipes his mouth, wet with blood.
With a flick of your wand, you attempt to fix his injury. Your mind is racing to find something to say, because Sirius just entered a vicious cycle of blaming himself for having the worst family ever.
“What I’m saying, love, is that it could have been worse,” you try to sound peaceful, but the pounding veins in your skull only allow you to frown. With a lame smile, you try to joke, “I mean, at least your mother didn’t poison me when she gave me that dri-”
A sharp pain in the ribs makes you buckle, but Sirius retains you before you can fall.
“Y/N? Are you okay? Y/N!”
He holds you to his chest, cupping your lolling head with one hand.
“Y/N! What’s happening?”
Suddenly, comprehension washes over his face.
“Y/N! What did she put in the drink? What color was it?”
Your legs are noodles. The world is spinning. Your mouth involuntarily forms a rictus.
“Y/N! For Merlin’s sake, answer!”
Why does he sound so desperate?
Don’t worry, Sirius, I’m fine here. Stop yelling. The world feels… cold… and empty. But… There are people. They say they are friends. Why can’t I see their faces? Oh, they are shadows.
Spare bits of sentences reach your brain in your semi unconsciousness.
“The drink-”
What drink?
They tell me to take their hands.
Oh yeah, that drink. I didn’t like it. It tasted sour.
But my friends, the shadows, they say I’ll be fine with them.
Why is it so important? If it makes him happy, I can remember. It was… Like his hair. Like his family.
“B- black.”
As soon as the word leaves your mouth, the world becomes darkness.
Frantic pounding resonates in the hallway.
The very last thing that Filch expects to find as he opens the school’s doors on a calm Saturday night is one of his worst nightmares, covered in blood and bruises, holding in his arms an ill-looking body.
“You!” he shouts. “What are yo-”
But Sirius pushes him aside and hurriedly steps in, his face lightening as he recognizes the silhouette standing in a velvet red night robe behind the caretaker.
“Black,” the woman exclaims in return. “I’d rather have you to call me-”
Her eyes widen in shock as she notices you.
“For Godric’s sword, what happened to her?”
Without waiting for an answer, she levitates you from your boyfriend’s arms and they both stride toward the Hospital Wing.
“Black,” she shouts, not caring to wake up half the castle, “How did L/N-”
“Poisoned,” he bitterly admits.
No more words are said until they burst into the Hospital Wing.
“Poppy!” calls Professor McGonagall.
The next moments are of agitation and worry. Madam Pomfrey and her assistant examine thoroughly your skin, eyes, and mouth, while the Head of Gryffindor walks past the exit and runs toward the Headmaster’s office. Sirius is unable to do anything but staring at your inanimate face and biting his nails. With his free hand, he desperately grasps your hand as to keep you in this world.
“When did she take the poison?”
The healer’s voice is so high-pitched that she has to repeat her question before the young man can get the sense of it. As he answers, her expression becomes unreadable.
“Mr. Black, I must ask you to leave this room.” Her cold voice makes Sirius’ hair stand on end.
“What does it mean?” He presses her.
“It means that you need to leave, please. Now,” she answers.
But the boy doesn’t like the idea of it. He doesn’t like the fear in her eyes.
“I won’t! I’m staying with her!”
His voice is hurtful, but the nurse doesn’t change her mind.
Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore, who just arrived in the room, have to force him outside.
As the massive wooden doors lock in front of him, Sirius lets out a cry of pain and frustration and kneels on the floor. It’s all his fault.
If anything happens to you, he will never forgive himself.
Hey, Sirius, look! It’s the same shadows! But they don’t sound as friendly anymore. Why are they laughing?
Oh… It’s not them. It’s your family. It’s the Blacks.
They’re laughing at me. And at you. And at Andy. And at Reg.
Why? What did you do to deserve this?
I thought they would accept me. I thought that in their heart there was a place for you. I thought that they didn’t mind Andy’s silence and different interests. I thought that they loved Regulus, because he does what they want.
But they’ll never accept me. There was a place for you in their heart, except it’s buried under bigotry and pride obsession. They don’t like Andy because she’s not as loud and hypocrite as them. They mock Regulus because he believes in making things better.
They are not laughing anymore, Sirius. They are grabbing my arms. And yours. They want to tear us apart.
Their fingers are icy.
Why can’t I see anymore? I want to open my eyes! I want to scream! I don’t want to leave you!
Where are you?
I need you.
Please stay with me.
I love you.
“I love you…”
Sirius’ words are barely audible, but it’s not like there is anyone to hear them. You can’t hear them.
Madam Pomfrey finally let him in, and he took a seat by your side.
His eyes travel from your strangely colored skin to your grayish hair. The healer said that you’re out of danger and will recover soon, but there still is a ball of concern blocking his throat.
A ray of light caresses his cheek. It’s sunrise, the time of the day you prefer. You always say that it is the best moment to start over. If only you were awake to witness it, to see the glint of light on the glass panels, to observe the clouds’ movement in the sky, to hear your voice saying his na-
His head jerks to face you.
“Y/N?” he whispers, afraid that louder sounds would break you into a million pieces.
He sighs. Was it his imagination?
No, it was not! Your lips moved! It feels so good! He grabs your hand and presses it to his lips.
As you feel his touch, warmness travels through your body, and you force yourself to open your eyes, just a little bit. Through the thin crack, his perfect smudged face and perfect tangled hair come into focus. Also his smile. His perfect bright smile. The one that got you. That made you fall in love.
“Sirius,” you breathe again.
His smile widens.
Yes, this is how he looks better. You want to see him smiling for the rest of your life. You want to make him smile for the rest of your life.
“I love you, Sirius.”
Your mouth feels dry, but it costs you nothing to say it. It’s so natural.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he fondly answers. “But now you should rest.”
The sunlight comes from behind him, and it shines like an aura around his body. Is it sunrise? It’s the time you prefer, the best moment to start over.
“What are we going to do, Sirius?”
You let your words sink in.
Now that you understood that you can easily lose each other, what are you going to do?
He is aware of your anxiety, because he shares it.
“We are going to love each other forever, Y/N. We’ll buy ourselves a house wherever you want, grow our children there, and live the happiest life ever. I’ll keep you away from the bad things, I’ll never let anything happen to you. Never ever again. I love you too much.”
He tenderly squeezes your hand, making a mental note to kiss you as if his life depended on it as soon as you’d get better.
Your fingers intertwined, a smile on your lips, and your heart in peace, you allow the sleep to take over you.
Yes, it’s definitely sunrise.
Permanent tag list: @daytodayfun @miss-nerd0905 @funnymrspotter
Sirius tag list: @glitteryfreakslimeegg
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stonedregulus · 3 years
New chapter for It Doesn’t Change Anything is posted!
Chapter 7: Year 1 - Scars
“James.” It was barely a whisper.
“Sirius?” He whispered back. Suddenly the boy was pushing through the curtains. He sat cross legged in front of him.
“What are you doing?” He whispered.
“Hold on.” Sirius said, then he mumbled something under his breath. James raised his eyebrows at the other boy, although he wasn’t sure if he could see that in the dark.
“What was that?”
“Silencing charm. Andy taught me to use it during our absurd family gatherings.”
“Okay… why are you in my bed?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“But you don’t want the others to hear?”
“Not particularly.”
“Alright…” James waited for him to start speaking but Sirius was strangely silent. “Is this about Remus’ hip?”
“Oh good, you noticed too.”
“Sirius, I think you’re becoming a bit obsessed.”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed all the strange things.”
“I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He felt Sirius shift. He could imagine his arms crossed, pouting.
“He was able to see Mrs. Norris in complete darkness. He gets super moody before he has to leave, he comes back injured or looking like he hasn’t slept or eaten the entire time he’s been gone. He’s got a ton of scars. And when you guys brought me into the hospital wing after hitting my head Madam Pomfrey said she ‘wasn’t expecting him’ that day.”
James narrowed his eyes, looking into the darkness at his best friend.
“Sirius, what are you getting at? He has good eyesight? His mum is sick so, no, he probably isn’t sleeping or eating while he’s with her because he’s worried, and because he’s not sleeping then he’s a klutz and hurt himself?”
Sirius let out an exasperated sigh.
“I’m serious, what are you getting at, mate?” He repeated himself.
Read the rest on AO3! ❤️
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