#Poly shipping
captainzigo · 6 months
Does Fluttershy think gay people are real?
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tf you mean. she IS a gay people
do drugs responsibly
hooray for bearded women!!!
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erimy-gumy · 10 months
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Part 3 of my favorite ship dynamics !!!!
This time I think I'm done.
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bestqprshipbracket · 6 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Round 5
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polyamorousmood · 11 days
New way for your OT3 to mess with people: All three are in some bar or public party. A and B clearly hold hands, kiss, generally do couple stuff. B steps away, and "behind B's back," A and C start openly making out. B comes back, A and C act like nothing happened. Wait for someone to pull B aside to explain what happened. B fakes being mad, and brings the whole thing home by stomping over to C and kissing them. Queue all three losing their shit after at a con well done
I'm not a fic writer but I know the fic writer girlies are gonna go crazy contriving reasons for A, B, & C to do this to people.
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polyamships · 9 months
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Polyamships is hosting #MultiamoryMarch2024
[Image description in ALT. Prompts in plain text under the cut.]
Once again we gather to celebrate polyamory in all its forms: OT3s, OT4s, OT8s, V-relationships, QPRs, sedoretus, and any configuration you can think of. In the spirit of this month, we invite you to create works in any medium using the prompts above if you need a little inspiration. You can also create freely or even use one of our prompts from past years we’d still love to see fanworks for if they inspire you better. If you use a prompt, please make sure to let us know which prompt you’re creating for somewhere on your post.
At us @polyamships and use the tags #MultiamoryMarch and #MultiamoryMarch2024 in the first five tags so we can hopefully see it. If you don’t see us reblog your post within a few days feel free to send us an ask to let us know, or submit it via our googleform here, in case we’ve missed your post or the tags/notifications are being weird.
All ratings are welcome but anything nsfw/triggery should be warned for and behind a read more, as should very long tumblr fic.
We also have an AO3 collection for the event that can be found here and the collection name is ‘multiamory_march_works’.
We can’t wait to see what you create for the month, and please do spread the word about the event. ❤️♾️
Over the next month or two, we will also be doing a number of posts with expanded ideas for each prompt for anyone who needs a little more inspiration than just the one or two word style.
Under the cut you can find the prompts in written form:
March 1st - Kiss March 2nd - Hope March 3rd - Negotiations March 4th - Misunderstanding March 5th - Online March 6th - Gifs March 7th - Allies March 8th - Hurt March 9th - Acting March 10th - Neighbors March 11th - Double March 12th - Struggling March 13th - Fantasy March 14th - Mentor March 15th - Caring March 16th - Fiction March 17th - Comet March 18th - Team-up March 19th - Break March 20th - Journey March 21st - Wonder March 22nd - Pirate March 23rd - Begging March 24th - Night March 25th - Commitment March 26th - Matchmaker March 27th - Steal March 28th - Swap March 29th - Blade March 30th - Touch March 31st - Co-living
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the-bar-sinister · 5 months
"But why does it matter if they're attracted to more than one gender-- they're already partnered with (character)!"
Ya'll are so fuckin' monogamous.
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fourormore · 1 month
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[Image description: A polyam flag with the words “four or more fic-a-thon” on it. End description.]
It is here! The inaugural event for FOUR OR MORE is live. A ficathon designed to get more fic featuring relationships with four or more people out into the world! Inspired by the Rarest of Rairpairs ficathon, this first event will run from August 15th to October 20th.
- Any medium! Any rating! As long as your work focuses on a relationship with 4 or more people, it's allowed! - No minimum or maximum but fills must be complete. - You don’t have to fill something to leave a prompt. The more prompts, the merrier! - Prompts must be for relationships featuring 4 or more people. - You may link to the fill if it is posted elsewhere. Warnings are not mandatory, but you're free to include them if you wish to do so. - You may combine these with other events, as long as the other event allows it. - Small fandoms welcome! - Don't forget to comply with the community guidelines.
Prompts can be found in the comments of the official DW announcement.
Q: What kind of works am I allowed to submit? A: All type of fanworks are welcome! Fics, art, podfic, meta, you name it. As long as the main relationship features 4 or more people, it's allowed.
Q: I don't have a Dreamwidth account. Can I join? A: Of course! You don't even need an AO3 account if you wish to post only on tumblr.
Q: My work contains [INSERT WARNING HERE]. Can I still participate? A: Yes. This is a CNTW (Choose Not To Warn) space. Feel free to tag us in your posts #fourormore or @/fourormore and we will reblog your post.
Q: I don't want to see [X] content, can you please remove it? A: No. The only content that will be removed will be that that does not comply with the rules. You can ask us to tag a certain topic for blacklisting purposes and you are more than encouraged to do so, but remember that you can always unfollow if some content upsets you.
ALL works must feature a relationship with 4 or more people as its focus. All configurations are allowed.
The following posts/comments will be removed from the collection, as they're outside of its scope. - Monogamous relationships (I think this is obvious) - Works that focus on OT3s (may I suggest sharing it with @polyamships instead? - RPF featuring non-famous minors (I will not be checking this because I simply do not have the time, so it'll be on the honor system. Please don't abuse the honor system. I don't want to be removing works just because)
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lunaslogs · 4 months
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pandorem · 3 months
Love the fact that even though Fiyero dated both of them, my ‘poly could solve this love triangle’ brain is not going “Fiyero has two hands” but “Elphaba has two hands”
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celticcatgirl2 · 10 months
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Oh come on you didn’t have to turn down the friend with benefits offer something tells me Scott would be more than cool with it 😏
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manglednatalia · 11 months
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Thought tumblr will appreciate this more
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takerfoxx · 11 months
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I'm not traditionally a poly shipper (though I've been delving more into it as time goes by), but if there's one that I'm absolutely gaga about, as if in makes my personal top five ships and might even slot in right beneath KyoSaya and SuleMio, it's the one that almost certainly could not and should not happen in canon, but the thought of it still kinda makes me rabid with what could have been.
I am of course talking about AsuReiShin, AKA the Israfel Special.
Evangelion shipping is often a bizarre experience, especially amongst the core trio of pilots. There is just so much material among these incredibly fucked up characters, so many things that ought to be drawing them together, and yet they are all damaged in such specific ways that drive them to behave increasingly toxic, avoidant, or even abusive toward one another. They're all such hot messes of trauma and hangups that, hate to say it, the Rebuild ending of everyone essentially just making peace with one another and fucking off with Shinji hooking up with the controversial new girl that he at least doesn't have any baggage with was probably the healthiest choice, if not the most satisfying.
But even so, the reason I dig this triad specifically is because if you change even just a little bit about each character, you find the same traits that drove them apart suddenly drawing them together, and each individual pairing makes so much sense. Asuka and Shinji is the most obvious, with Asuka's aggressive bullying suddenly becoming proactive encouragement, and Shinji's meek avoidance now becoming the calm, stabilizing force that she needs. With Asuka and Rei it's similar, with Asuka's hatred of Rei's passivity now being being a drive to push Rei to experience and enjoy life and establish an identity, while Rei's gentle observation and lack of a filter would be give Asuka a much-needed source of self-reflection. And with Shinji and Rei, we've already seen how Shinji's kindness has encouraged Rei to step outside of her sheltered world and seek human connection, while also providing Shinji someone he felt was worth stepping up and fighting for.
Now, take all three of those dynamics and combine them together. You've basically got the perfect Id, Ego, and Superego situation. It's practically the adolescent Kirk, Spock, and McCoy dynamic!
Plus, there's also the other factors that would bring them together, even beyond the whole being hormonal teenagers in a stressful situation. Despite having wildly different personalities, they all had their lives destroyed by NERV, from Shinji losing his mother and being neglected by his father, to Asuka's mother losing her mind and taking her life thanks to the Evangelions, to Rei literally being created by Gendo to serve a terrible purpose and thus being robbed of ever having a life. That sort of "in the trenches" experience is exactly the sort of thing that would cause them to form bonds and seek comfort with one another, especially if they were all to learn of each other's past histories, and motivate them to stand up for one another against NERV's machinations, but ah, I'm delving into AU fanfic territory.
Point is, no, I don't think it would be wise for these three to seek out romance with one another, either as couples or all three of them together. But man, if they each just had just a little bit changed about them, can you imagine the pure emotional catharsis?
Note: I didn't really say anything about Kaworu because while I feel that he's probably the healthiest singular choice for Shinji, it's basically only with Shinji, making him his own separate deal entirely.
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ghostinthepepper · 3 months
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Last night I was trying to find out what the middle part was called because 'multipolyselfshipping' is impractical, but I couldn't find anything so this is what I settled on.
E: Simplified version:
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bestqprshipbracket · 6 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Round 5
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polyamorousmood · 5 months
"You can't ship these two characters because one is canonically in a relationship." Have you considered they're polyamorous?
Honestly at this point in my life, I assume every character is polyamorous, or at least in an open relationship 🤷‍♂️ 😂😂
Monog relationships are boring
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polyamships · 8 months
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[ID: “Polyam Shipping Day / 14th of every month”. Next to the text is a red infinity sign that finishes in a heart on top. Above the text are rows of stylized hearts in the colors of both versions of the polyam pride flag (black, red, bright blue, light green, dark green, light blue, navy). /end ID]
February 14th 2024 is our 36th Polyam Shipping Day.
The optional theme for it is: 🌦️ Weather 🌨️
This could be weather literally, such as: characters enjoying the sun, dealing with rainy days and having to cancel plans, gleeful dancing in the rain, being snowed in, snowballs fights, or more dangerous forms of weather like blizzards, hurricanes, tornados! What kind of weather do they prefer, and what do they like to wear or do to prepare for different types of weather? For whump, characters getting sopping wet, hypothermic, having sunburn or sunstroke, and so on. Do they weather something, either physically like skin weathered by being outside, or mentally with getting through a difficult time? Something else, like a monument, location or item, they frequent or care about could be worn by exposure outside. Perhaps a ship they are on weathering a storm or taking advantage of the weather to get ahead. AUs with a weather related career like meteorologist, or they could have abilities to predict/control the weather. There's also many phrases with it in, such as fair-weather friend, under the weather, or to make heavy weather of something.
We’ll be tracking #PolyamShippingDay, and keeping an eye out for any @polyamships mentions too. We will reblog any polyam-positive fanworks featuring polyamorous ships of any configuration/type from any fandom. All ratings are welcome but anything nsfw/triggery should be warned for and behind a read more, as should very long tumblr fic.
You can also submit works directly to the blog or send us asks to let us know to check your blog for a post. If you’re posting on AO3, our collection name is ‘PolyamShippingDay‘ and you can post to the collection here. Only fanworks submitted/@ us on tumblr or in the official AO3 collection, or fanworks posted to our Dreamwidth community, are guaranteed to be included in our roundup. Please also let us know what prompt you created for, if any - people are always welcome to create for past prompts instead.
We have a Discord - invite here - if you want a place to chat about your ships or what you’re creating for them.
We look forward to seeing what people create for it. If you’re enthused about the day, we’d be especially appreciative of any reblogs to help spread the word about the event.
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