#Political Importance
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ventsesh24 Ā· 28 days ago
Please take a moment to read this. A Canadian company (Highland Copper Company) wants to build a sulfide copper mine near Lake Superior (Copperwood Project), which holds 10% of the worldā€™s freshwater. The mine would produce 98.5% toxic waste, stored in a dam just two miles from the lake. The dam can only withstand a 1-in-100-year storm, but the area has had two 1-in-1,000-year storms in the past decade. If it breaks, toxic water could contaminates Lake Superior & nearby freshwater sources, which could lead to acid mine drainage, where sulfide minerals react with water and air to produce sulfuric acid. This acid can leach heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury into the water, severely harming aquatic ecosystems and making the water unsafe for human consumption. Similar contamination events have led to long-term environmental damage and water quality degradation at other sulfide mines in the U.S., where nearly all have failed to prevent pollution. Additionally, this could negatively impact local communities by reducing property values, limiting long-term employment opportunities due to the finite nature of mining operations, and creating economic instability linked to environmental degradation. The company wants $50 million in taxpayer funding to move forward. The Michigan Senate is about to vote, if they donā€™t get the funding they canā€™t build it.
Sign the petition if you want to prevent this disaster by clicking the link below or searching ā€œProtect the Porkies, Protect Lake Superiorā€” Stop the Copperwood Mine!ā€ at change.org.
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moonlayl Ā· 8 months ago
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mugiwara-lucy Ā· 5 months ago
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With Kamala/Walz going up DAILY, I've seen more people talking about voting third party/Jill Stein (EW) and I believe the above screencaps from @three--rings can explain WHY Third Party votes NEVER work NOR is this the election to screw around in.
Everyone....like she says above.....PLEASE LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
(Because if Trump gets in, he's NEVER LEAVING).
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troythecatfish Ā· 6 months ago
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This measure, if passed in Senate, would make it illegal for the US State Department to cite genocide statistics.
In other words, illegal to do its job.
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politijohn Ā· 9 months ago
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rvllybllply2014 Ā· 2 months ago
First time election voters psa
You are not allowed to wear your candidates gear not even a hat pin, you will be turned away and have to change outfits
Make sure you have a valid id at least in Missouri look up your states requirements
Phones might be allowed in booths but once again check with you state, most say that you canā€™t take a picture of your ballot
Candidate canvassers are not allowed within several feet of the polling station entrance varies by state so be sure to look it up for your state if they are breaking the law report them to polling station workers
It is public information that you voted but itā€™s private about how you voted, ie nobody will know unless you tell them
If you mess up on a paper ballot youā€™re allowed to request a new one
If using a machine and it malfunctions alert the poll workers
Polls close at 7:00pm but as long as you are in line before then, stay you have the right to vote
If any issues arises during voting contact your stateā€™s election board to file a comlaint
Most importantly happy Election Day and vote like your life depends on it because it does
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sniperct Ā· 6 months ago
NOAA ā€œshould be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories,ā€Ā Project 2025Ā reads. The proposals roughly amount to two main avenues of attack. First, it suggests that the NWS should eliminate its public-facing forecasts, focus on data gathering, and otherwise ā€œfully commercialize its forecasting operations,ā€ which the authors of the plan imply will improve, not limit, forecasts for all Americans. Then, NOAAā€™s scientific-research arm, which studies things such as Arctic-ice dynamics and how greenhouse gases behave (and which the document calls ā€œthe source of much of NOAAā€™s climate alarmismā€), should be aggressively shrunk. ā€œThe preponderance of its climate-change research should be disbanded,ā€ the document says. It further notes that scientific agencies such as NOAA are ā€œvulnerable to obstructionism of an Administrationā€™s aims,ā€ so appointees should be screened to ensure that their views are ā€œwholly in syncā€ with the presidentā€™s.
Climate change is the single most important issue in the entirety of human history. One party wants to fight it. The other party wants to let the earth burn; in fact, they want to accelerate the fire.
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tired-and-swaggy Ā· 2 months ago
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swordandstars Ā· 1 month ago
Are you feeling hopeless in the face of the oncoming MAGA-pocalypse? Want to do something fast, easy, and free that will make a difference?
If you're in Michigan, keep reading! If you're not, signal boost this to your Mitten State Mutuals!
Michiganders, it's time to contact your state reps and tell them to vote YES on HB 6034 and HB 6035. Together, these two bills comprise the Freedom to Read Act and they severely limit the ability of assholes to ban books in the state of Michigan.
Want to read the bills for yourself? Click here:
Tl;dr? Here's an article and video summarizing the Act from CBS News:
Not sure how to contact your Michigan state representatives? Text RESIST to 50409 and Resistbot will walk you through it.
It's easy, it takes about 5 minutes, and you can do it from your couch/bed/puddle of despair.
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Tips for contacting elected officials:
1) If you're asking them to vote YES or NO on something, say that in the first line. Bonus points if you can tag the actual bill (HB/House Bill) number.
2) Only include ONE issue per communication.
3) 1&2 are because these are being skimmed by interns who keep a running tally of what each communication is about. One communication = one point.
3a) Don't be a dick to the interns. Their lives are hard enough.
4) Keep it short. One sentence very clearly stating what you want. One or two sentences about why they should care about what you want ("As a resident of your district, I know you agree that SOMETHING SOMETHING FREEDOM, SOMETHING SOMETHING LIBERTY, SOMETHING SOMETHING THINK OF THE CHILDREN.") Appeal to the person they claim to be in their campaign ads. Get it, give them clear instructions, get out.
5) No profanity.
6) No threats.
7) No memes/ slang/ sarcasm/ lols. You are cosplaying as someone who thinks salt is too spicy and whose greatest joy in life is sorting their collection of plain white socks.
8) 5, 6, & 7 are because anything you communicate to an elected official will become a matter of public record. It goes into a file. And if anyone ever pulls that file, you want to be on record as the most boring, conscientious, polite, non-threatening motherfucker who ever lived.
Now go forth and make your voice heard!
(Hey @unpretty and @official-michigan-posts, can you help get the word out?)
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strawberryraviegutz Ā· 2 months ago
Here are some hotlines to call
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Here are some ppl pointing out about how something not feeling right about this election
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And hereā€™s a link you can use to contact Biden about doing a recount and or revote. Spread the word on every social media platform, friends and family members.
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qqueenofhades Ā· 7 months ago
After all the fascist and proto-fascist assaults on American democracy over the last few years, I feel obliged to remind y'all (especially the constant Debbie Downers who have been telling us This Doesn't Mean Anything and predicted Trump would get away with everything) that a jury of 12 ordinary citizens having the power to criminally convict a former (and aspiring future) head of state is still a fucking big deal.
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moonlayl Ā· 7 months ago
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prolibytherium Ā· 1 year ago
I will say I get the vibe that a lot of peoples interest and support for strikers is a bit too much for a vicarious ā€˜burn it downā€™ thrill, rather than for the actual goals of a strike.
Like UPS has agreed to come back to the table and it is very possible they will concede to Union demands and avert a strike. And if that happens (so long as the union does not make concessions on its key demands) itā€™s a good thing. Itā€™s a victory for the laborers. It is the same ultimate conclusion that a strike would intend to produce except without the workers having to go on (not so great) strike pay for a week or two.
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troythecatfish Ā· 8 months ago
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politijohn Ā· 1 year ago
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backofthebookshelf Ā· 1 year ago
I know I'm a week late but I do think people are misunderstanding the point of the Anthony Bourdain quote about Kissinger
The point was never "Anthony Bourdain has good politics and is an unproblematic fave," the point is that even someone with mainstream liberalish politics who goes to Cambodia for a food tour - a, let's be honest, very bougie type of trip to be part of your job - and has a basic understanding of history and a bare minimum of human decency can come away from that bougie food tour wanting to murder Henry Kissinger with their bare hands. The point is that Henry Kissinger fucked up this country so bad the only reason he wasn't lynched decades ago is because it's on the opposite side of the world and the people who were in proximity to him never really saw what it was. The point is that if we could see firsthand what our First World politics do to the Third World we would understand that monsters walk among us and it's a cultural failing that we let them die at home at 100 years old surrounded by their friends and family.
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