#Pol Pot
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beardedmrbean · 11 months ago
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Oh no I burned the soufflé again
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news4dzhozhar · 1 year ago
He certainly proved the adage "only the good die young" living to 100.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 years ago
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Cambodia, between 1975 and 1979, in just 4 years it is estimated that 1.7 million were killed by dictator Pol Pot (1925-1998)
*  Skulls of Khmer Rouge victims
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swdefcult · 9 months ago
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gregor-samsung · 7 months ago
" I guerriglieri in Cambogia li avevo fino ad allora visti solo come cadaveri, abbandonati sul bordo di una strada o di una risaia dopo una battaglia. Quelli, invece, erano i primi che vedevo vivi: giovani, appena usciti dalla giungla, con la pelle secca, grigia, come polverosa, con gli occhi arrossati dalla malaria, gli sguardi durissimi. «CIA… American», continuavano a urlare, indietreggiando un po' come non volessero essere troppo vicini all'effetto che avrebbero avuto i loro colpi. Ero sicuro che mi avrebbero sparato, e di quella morte, che pensai sarebbe stata svelta e indolore, mi preoccupò solo il modo in cui sarebbe arrivata a casa la notizia, il fatto che avrebbe fatto soffrire i miei. Così, con un gesto istintivo, tirai fuori dal taschino della camicia il passaporto, a quel tempo verde, e sorridendo garbatamente, e parlando, chi sa perché, in cinese, dissi: «Sono italiano… italiano… non americano: italiano». Dal capannello di gente che stava a guardare, un uomo dalla pelle chiara, quasi bianca - certo un commerciante cinese locale - tradusse in khmer quel che dicevo: «Sono un giornalista, non ammazzatemi… aspettate che venga un quadro politico, lasciate che sia lui a decidere… sono italiano». E continuavo a sorridere, sorridere, sventolando il passaporto. I Khmer Rossi abbassarono i loro mitra, mi misero da una parte e mi affidarono a un giovanissimo guerrigliero che per ore mi tenne a bada, passandomi ogni tanto, con grande curiosità, lentissimamente attorno alla faccia, sul naso, sugli occhi, la bocca della sua grossa pistola cinese. Verso sera arrivò un guerrigliero più anziano, che pareva il capo. Senza neppure guardarmi si rivolse ai suoi uomini, confabulò con loro per lunghissimi minuti, poi si voltò verso di me e in perfetto francese disse che ero benvenuto nella Cambogia liberata, che quelli erano giorni storici, la guerra era finita e che io ero libero di andarmene. La notte tardi ero di nuovo nelle belle, fresche lenzuola di lino dell'Oriental Hotel a Bangkok. «Se qualcuno ti punta un'arma addosso, sorridi», avevo da allora detto ai miei figli e quella mi pareva una delle poche lezioni di vita che ero capace di dar loro. "
Tiziano Terzani, Un indovino mi disse; prima edizione Longanesi, 1995.
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potterofanlol · 4 months ago
fake drgs fake blod fake pol pot fake au nuh uh
remember kids drgs won't make your life better, and a lamme hallucination is an example of that
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alanshemper · 1 year ago
How many people from the USA know that the big liberal foreign policy issue of 1978 through the early 80s was the unjust invasion of Cambodia by Vietnam to topple the champion of the people, Pol Pot?
After two and a half years in power, the Khmer Rouge was overthrown by the Vietnamese on Christmas Day, 1978. In the months and years that followed, the US and China and their allies, notably the Thatcher government, backed Pol Pot in exile in Thailand. He was the enemy of their enemy: Vietnam, whose liberation of Cambodia could never be recognised because it had come from the wrong side of the cold war. For the Americans, now backing Beijing against Moscow, there was also a score to be settled for their humiliation on the rooftops of Saigon.
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luna-drinker · 6 months ago
I watched a documentary about Cambodia and it reignited my hatred for communism
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ivovynckier · 1 year ago
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"Wise man" Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon illegally expanded the Vietnam War to Cambodia.
The end result of this special military operation? Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge murders 1.5-2 million Cambodians, 25% of the population.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months ago
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say-gex · 4 months ago
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blackcat-brazil · 1 year ago
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velimirphoenix · 1 year ago
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Polshley Grapots
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ayanos-pl · 2 years ago
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ヴィトルト・シャブウォフスキ、拙訳『独裁者の料理人』(白水社)https://hakusuisha.co.jp/book/b621497.html レシピ第3弾、ポル・ポトの料理人ヨン・ムーンの甘酸っぱいスープを作ってみたレポ by 編集担当・金子さん。味の想像がつかないため、完全に手探りでしたが、思いがけないおいしさに驚いたとのことです。
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「甘酸っぱいスープ」(ソムロームチュー) 材料:鶏の手羽元8~10本、インゲン豆10本、サツマイモ1本、カボチャ1/4個、ズッキーニ1本、冬瓜1本、パイナップル1/2個、ニンニク、塩、Knorrのタマリンドスープミックス 元レシピの「ササゲ」はインゲンで代用、「メロン」は冬瓜で代用しました。
1 サツマイモ、カボチャ、ズッキーニ、冬瓜(皮をむく)、パイナップルは一口大に、ニンニクは薄切り、インゲン豆は筋を取って半分に切る。
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2 鍋に鶏肉と水1リットルを入れ、煮立ったら食べやすく切った野菜とニンニクを加える。
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3 塩小さじ1を加え、野菜に火が通るまで30分ほど煮込む。
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4 パイナップルとタマリンドスープミックス(小さじ1/2~1程度、お好みで加減してください)を加え、味をととのえて完成。
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falseandrealultravival · 1 year ago
An army that bullies its people is weak: Myanmar, Cambodia, and China (Essay)
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Pol Pot
The rogue Myanmar military, which carries out airstrikes on its people, is in turmoil. Three ethnic minorities on the border with China and Myanmar's pro-democracy forces are uprising, and the military is at a standstill. Although it is their fault, I believe a military that exerts power over its people is fragile.
The same can be said about Cambodia, a fellow Southeast Asian country that suffered turmoil in the 1970s. The Communist Party of Cambodia (Khmer Rouge), headed by Pol Pot, forced the Cambodian people into forced labor and committed genocide: small China, small Mao Zedong. The Khmer Rouge fought against Vietnam (Cambodia-Vietnam War: 1978-1989), but it lost momentum against its people and fled into the jungle. It is vulnerable to external forces.
The model for the armed forces of Myanmar and Cambodia was the Chinese military, which bullies the weak Tibetans and Uyghurs. China is strong enough to defeat external powers. Sino-Indian War (1962), they defeated India. However, India lost because its military equipment and systems had not been modernized. At the end of the Korean War (1950-1953), China sent as many as 1 million volunteer soldiers to try to force a draw. they haven't lost. I haven't heard of any other stories about the Chinese army winning.
If you compare Pol Pot and Mao Zedong, they are very similar. They are incompetent as policy managers and less than mediocre as military commanders. China will probably lose if it fights an external force on par with itself. Therefore, China today wants to be looked at as "strong" in many ways externally, but isn't this because they want to avoid going to war? They are weak.
Rei Morishita
ミャンマーやカンボジアの軍隊のモデルになったのが、弱いチベットやウイグルをいじめる中国軍である。中国は、外部勢力に勝つほどには強い。インドとの戦争(Sino-Indian War:
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chilimissy · 2 years ago
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A very solemn experience to visit Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum S21
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