deadghosy · 7 months
Hello there fellow author!
It seems like your chibi!Reader and penguin!Reader has gotten mother figure:D
With honor please have v!Reader giving them both some flowers(plotanically ofc)
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(I'm gonna write a tiny fic about these three hehe: 3)
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V! Reader pops out a of golden portal, they were going to fall on her face only to put her arms forward and do a front flip to avoid her face being injured. As v!reader dust themselves off they notice the two cute other readers she has been dying to meet. Penguin and chibi who are playing uno. Penguin quacks shocked seeing another reader they have never met before.
Chibi squeaks with a gremlin smile and hops in their ✨HOT PINK GLAMOR CAR✨ and circles around the older woman as v!reader chuckles. Penguin waddles cutely to the taller reader as they smile. V!reader picks up penguin and kisses their head giving them a flower. That made penguin reader smile with a soft blue blush as they quack happily feeling a mother vibe from the v! Reader.
Chibi reader climbs onto v!reader’s shoulder as the reader gives the smaller one a flower. Chibi reader squeaks happily with a pure smile as stars seem to sparkle around the chibi. The golden portal opens up for v!reader to go back, but chibi and penguin squeak for the older reader to now go. So v!reader pulls out a flip phone so they can call her whenever. With that v! Reader backflips into the portal with a smile saying goodbye to the cute small readers.
A black teen with glasses showed up behind chibi and penguin. “Well..that was amusing.” The author shocked chibi and penguin to the point they jolted not knowing the presence of the teen author.
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damselettism · 11 months
You have wings!
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Characters :
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I honestly love this idea, many cookies are amazed by your beautiful wings. Some cookies specifically the children want to ride on your wings !!
Let's picture this, you help the birds deliver packages in the wishing tree. What would their response be to you delivering the package?
Latte Cookie :
Latte smiled as you dropped her delivery, two coffee's and a tempered pickaxe. Sheesh I wonder what she's gonna do with that, "Thank you dear, hey are you free for a while? I could brew you a Latte!" Your choice if you wanna accept.
Custard Cooke III :
"Oh, why thank you my fellow servant for giving the future king his package for your hard work I reward you with coins! And for me can I ride with you for a while? Hehe..." An excited champ, would probably ask Chili Pepper cookie for coins so he could give you something whenever you give him his package!
Espresso Cookie :
" Ah, thank you would've preferred this to be delivered more early." He just takes it and leaves, it's not like he doesn't care he's just really busy. Good service!
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Despite the tags, this is obviously plotanic since the anon didn't say anything romantic.
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Maya and the three (Chimi x Painter Reader)
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(Plotanic or Romantic)
Looking down at your map you let out another groan. “Where is it?” you whisper to yourself. Rolling the map back up you place it in your bag before setting it on the ground. Sliding down the side of a tree you close your eyes to rest under it’s shade.
The sound of a twig snapping and awoke you up in time as it hits your head. Looking up you catch a glimpse of a human leg. “Oh, hey!” you call out standing up to try and find the human. “Can you help me?” you ask grabbing your map. “I'm looking for the Jungle Lands,” you explain. After a while of standing there looking like an idiot you turn getting ready to head on your way.
Turning around you were meet face to face with a girl who had pale skin and red eyes. Taking a step back she takes one forward and sniffs you. “Hello,” you say sticking your hand out. Sniffing your hand the girl leaves and crawls towards your bag seeing all of the sealed pots and what little food you had left.
“Hey that's my stuff!” you exclaim rushing over and gabbing your bag careful to not break anything in it. “Why do you have so many pots?” the girl asks reaching towards one. “It's paint,” you answer short to the point. “What's with so much paint?” “What's with all the questions?” you retort. Now holding eye contact neither of you back down. “I'm (Reader) by the way,” you introduce yourself.
Looking you up and down the girl stands to her full height. “ I’m (insert animal noise),” she answers, but after seeing your confused look she quickly says her name is Chimi blushing a bit. “What a nice name,” you say. “And such beautiful skin,” you comment walking around her.
“What?” she asked irritated. “Sorry it's not like I'm going to steal your skin or anything!” you explain waving your hands before going to your back and grabbing a pot. “It's just such a pretty pale color, and I've worked on a lot of skin before with different colors and textures. All beautiful in their own way, but yours is unique,” you ramble. “May I paint on it?” you ask now turned towards her.
You could see a faint blush on her cheeks as she looked at you with wide eyes. “Oh I'm sorry I was rambling I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!” you quickly explain placing the pot back down. “You like my skin?” Chimi ask. “Yes, who wouldn't,” “My village they think of a monster, El Monster Blanco, to be exact,” she explained. “Where are you from?” you asked worried of the answer.
“The Jungle Lands,” Chimi replies. A silence falls over you two as you both stand under the tree. “My offer still stands,” you say. Looking at you carefully Chimi moves to sit on a nearby stone. “Okay,” she answers. “Really?” you ask as you grab different pots from your bag and set them next to you. “Yes,” she answers watching you as you move around grabbing brushes.
“Yeah is there anything you want in particular?” you ask holding a brush. “Lady Micte,” Chimi say closing her eyes waiting for you to start. “It might be a bit cold,” you warn dabbing your brush in black paint. Chills were sent up Chimi spine as your brush touches her face. “I warned you,” you laugh a bit trying to keep a steady hand causing her to laugh quietly too.
“If you don't mind. May I ask why you want to look like Lady Micte?” you ask. “When I was born my mother died and I wish to see her again, the only way for that is through Lady Micte,” Chimi explains. “Wow, but who do you live with now,” you say dipping your figures in different colors before poking Chimi in the face causing her to bat at your hand. “The forest animals,” she says. Looking around you take notice of different animals hiding in the bushes watching you. After a while of just being in a comfortable silence you pull back looking at your work.
“Done!” you explain proud of your work. Rushing you your bag while almost tripping on a pot of teal paint you grab a mini mirror you have. “How do you like it?” you ask holding the mirror out for Chimi to take and see her new face paint. “Wow,” she whispers imprisoned by how the flower petals look so real and the gold detail. “It's amazing,” she answers look I at the bones in her arms and legs.
“Wonderful I'm sure the Jungle Land Queen with be proud of my work then,” you say putting the pots and brushes back in your bag. “Do you just travel and paint faces?” Chimi ask. “Pretty much I started out small, but after my sibling pushed me to show off my work I've started traveling and painting, not just faces but portraits, for people. In return they give me food and sometimes a place to sleep,” you explain throwing your bag back on your shoulders.
“Now I must be on my way, but it was nice knowing you Chimi and truly I do find your complexion to be one of the prettiest I've ever seen,” you say bowing down. “I-i can take you to the jungle lands,” Chimi says. “Really?” you ask standing back up. “Just wait here,” she orders jumping into the tree grabbing a bow and some arrows.
The two of you now stand on the outskirts of the village hidden in the shadows. “Thank you Chimi,” you say turning towards the girl. “No problem,” she answers turning to leave. “Wait!” you call out rushing to her sides. “Here,” you say handing her a pot of purple and another gold. “As a thank you gift. It's not much, but to a painter, these are some of the hardest colors to get,” you say.
“Don't you need them?” Chimi asks looking down at the pots. “Nah I have spare and the recipe on how to make more,” you explain waving your hand dismissively. “Thank you,” She says holding the paints closer. “Of course, and hey I promise to visit when I get the chance,” you say turning to leave. “See yay!” you call out as you leave heading into the village. “Bye,” Chimi quietly says waving her hand as Monkey slides down next to her. “Maybe not all humans are bad,” Chimi says turning to leave before anyone sees her.
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months
En la República Democrática del Congo continúa llevándose a cabo un gen0cidio silencioso. Ya hay más 7 millones de desp lazados internos viviendo en condiciones in humanas, la mitad son niños. Silencio sepu lcral con todo lo que pasa en África, fuente inagotable de recursos... Que ex plotan otros.
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thoughtportal · 2 years
Limbo (2020 film)
Limbo is a 2020 British comedy-drama film, directed by Ben Sharrock.[3] The film centres on four asylum seekers who are staying on a remote island in Scotland, and taking cultural awareness classes, while awaiting the processing of their refugee claims.
The film was named as an Official Selection of the 2020 Cannes Film Festival, but was not screened due to the cancellation of the physical festival in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.[4] The film has gained positive reviews and has won several awards and nominations. Limbo garnered four nominations at the 2020 British Independent Film Awards (BIFAs) including Amir El-Masry Best Actor, Irune Gurtubai Breakthrough Producer, and Nick Cooke Best Cinematography, for which it won Breakthrough Producer.[5] It has also been nominated for two British Academy Film Awards, including Outstanding British Film.
An offbeat observation of the refugee experience. On a fictional remote Scottish island, a group of new arrivals await the results of their asylum claims. Among them is Omar, a young Syrian musician burdened by the weight of his grandfather's oud, which he has carried all the way from his homeland.[6]
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minzxv · 10 months
Hey there! Can you do platonic Liko with an older sibling please? Bonus of they're part of the Rising Volt Tacklers (or Explorers to add drama ehehehe >:)) have a good day!
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I love Liko, also this request is the FIRST Liko request and the FIRST plotanic request huhuhuhu : Click here
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michu-writes · 2 years
Why | Mari x reader angst
TW // death, depression, grief, nightmare, angst and no fluff, can be both plotanic or romantic, it’s your choice
It's been a while ever since the passing of your dear friend.
You can't remember how long it's been.
Maybe even a year?
You stopped keeping track of time after getting lost in your thoughts all alone in your room. All you could think of is why? Why did she leave us? Why did she leave you? You wish you could be a better friend and see the amount of struggle she was going through. You were too naive. Too oblivious. Too dumb to understand.
You wanted to understand.
-or you think you did.
Was everything you did not good enough for her? Was everything Hero did not good enough to her? You wondered, feeling a shiver down your spine, indicating your body is all ready to cry for what feels to be the 8th time today.
You did everything you could to make her happy and pay for her generosity even though she kept denying them.
If only you could've asked her what she really wanted.
Or what she needed.
Tears slid down your face, soaking the pillow beneath you. Each little teardrop turned into a stream, you felt your nose getting runny but you didn't care. You coudn't stop, until you ran out of tears. Even without the salty liquid, you still couldn't stop sobbing.
You felt weak.
You felt bertrayed.
You felt guilty.
You wanted to escape.
You wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
Your eyes began to feel heavy from exhaustion. This is your time, finally drifting into a deep black void and closing off from reality.
Nothing but a great abyss.
But then suddenly you heard a voice.
A familiar voice you havent heard in so long.
A voice of whom you've been longing to hear.
A girl with long, black, silky hair almost enough to blend in with the void around them, appeared out of thin air. She seemed to be pale. Almost white to match her pretty long dress. Her eyes seemed hallow, as if she's a ghost. But she is, isn't she? She is
The girl didn't respond, but only approached you slowly. Too slow for your liking. You wanted to run to her, but you could only stand in shock and watch her coming closer, and closer, and closer, and closer, and closer, and closer until you were only a few centimeters apart.
You both looked at each other without a word, you were waiting for something to happen. Her fine straight lips curled into the same comforting smile. The smile meant "I'll always be here with you." You felt as if you wanted to cry again, but as mentioned before, there were no tears left.
"Why?" You managed to squeak out. Mari tilted her head in confusion. "Why did you do it?" You almost whispered, too scared to talk loud for an unknown reason. Mari sighed and stepped closer, placing her hand on your cheek, making you tense up. Her hand wasn't as warm and soft as it was last time you were with her. It was cold and slightly rough, but you didn't bother to care.
"It's not your fault." She exclaimed as she wiped the tear stains from your cheeks.
You wanted to say something. but you couldn't. You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. Mari blinked before removing her hand from your face and leave you. You wanted to follow her, but you couldn't. She walked away to the abyss, before turning around and smile warmly at you.
"I love you."
Was the last thing you heard before waking up in your bed with sweat and tears rolling down your face and sat up. Your breath seems teanse, but you immediately steadied yourself.
You sighed as you calmed down, falling down on your back once again onto the wet covers.
"I love you too."
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asrisgratitudejournal · 11 months
Ngelab hari ini
Ku lagi ngedit video buat story terus kadang mikir (nggak kadang sih, ku selalu mikir ALL THE TIME makanya konselorku bilang painting dan fangirling sangat bagus buat diriku ini karena membuatku bisa berhenti mikir… well, masih mikir juga sih tapi in a different light) bahwa buat sampe titik ini di eksperimen aja tuh udah jauh banget. Kayak… so many failures could have happened in the earlier stage (saking panjangnya workflownya), but just the fact that it failed HERE, is already a blessing. Dari tahapan acid-wash tubes, sampe kemarin sealing juga sebetulnya bisa aja failed nggak ke-sealed, tapi Alhamdulillah enam-enamnya ke-sealed semua. Dan sebetulnya hari ini ga yang failed-failed amat juga sih, I still could fix it akhirnya tube yang gagal si No1 kujadiin cold open, terus ku berhasil buka tube No2 setelah gaining more composure and confident. Masih sangat relieved IT WORKED HUHU. Dan dari kejadian tadi juga ku juga jadi bisa mikir: “oh kalau opening ini gagal gapapa panasin lagi aja for an hour terus try lagi next hour, toh geser kecil banget juga nanti di plot-plotan, 1 hour/840 hours, seberapa ketara sih gesernya. Of course it won’t be perfect jadinya duplikasinya nanti di method, tapi yaudahlah WE DO WHAT WE CAN DO?? Lagian di belahan dunia manasi ada orang yang bisa do everything perfectly?? (Di belahan dunia Kpop ada sih…. Tapi yaudalahya ini kan ku lagi ngerjain science bukan performing for anyone and no one paid me??!!!)
Dah gitu aja misuh-misuh mencoba mengeluarkan unek-uneknya. Ku mau bikin pos rekapan seminggu kemarin sih karena udah lama belum update juga, tapi nanti deh ya, ini mau ngerjain rundown ISME dulu. Byea.
30.18 15:41 16/11/2023
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purple1234aaababa · 2 years
Hey guys its been a while so i have a another au its a crossover its twited wonderland x cardfight vangarud and another one a twisted wonderland x hetaoni and i have updates on the red string au it can plotanic or romantic i dont know the ships so you can chose
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DreamSMP Masterlist
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Welcome to my DreamSMP Masterlist! 
Please read this before Requesting anything!
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° = F luff
* = Angst
^ = Smut
~ = Crack Fic
> = Headcanons
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Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
🎸Wilbur Soot🎸
- A Father's Promise * (Y/n) was found as a baby and was raised by Wilbur and his family. or (Y/n) has daddy issues.
- Don't Snap At Me, I'm Sensitive. * Quackity gets frustrated because of his stream and snapped at you or Quackity has little dick energy for 3 minutes - Cries and Cuddles ° You come back to your boyfriend after he snaps at you or Part 2 to DSAMIS
🌀Karl Jacobs🌀
Nothing yet…
🐷C! Technoblade🐷
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
🍻C! Schlatt🍻
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
Nothing yet…
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- Sapnap, Fundy, and Quackity with a Bunny S/O ° > The boys with a bunny significant other <;33
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noramsblog · 2 years
They have one (1) braincell between them and it's Damian's
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michuyox · 3 years
Guys guys guys guys guys
sunny x kel x basil x Aubrey poly QPR just saying
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Happy (plotanic) Valentine's Day
Cthulhu: Sunflower (admiration & loyalty)
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Nessie: Chrysanthemum (purple is get well wishes and white is loyalty and honestly)
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Bigfoot: Yellow Rose (friendship)
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hailz-bellz · 2 years
Hey Mrs. Imogen " I'm not mad anymore just jealous that you're happy with someone else" temult
Why you buying an expensive ring after a person you just met,( who is that someone you're jealous of ), questions your totally plotanic relationship with your best friend.
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michu-chaotic · 2 years
Hii, I was wondering if you could do headcanons of a Witch!Reader who is best friends with Technoblade? (she/her pronouns :D)
A/N: Sorry for the wait! My motivation has been down and I'm also going on vacation D: ! But I hope u enjoy <333
You're a witch? That's so cool!! Technoblade definitely had a hard time trusting you at first because the other witches would always attack him- but he knew you were friendly!
He met you as he was searching for materials, and stumbled upon your house deep in the forest which he has never seen before. He thought it was kinda weird and decided to knock on your door to check if anyone was inside, but no one came. He knocked again but louder just to make sure. Again, nothing. Without thinking, he walked in and only saw a bunch of potions and witchcraft, immediately realizing he entered a witches house. He wanted to look around a bit more, but figured it was too dangerous and he couldn't risk getting hurt at the moment. Just as he was about to leave, you were standing right behind him, already bringing out your potion in defense until he pleaded. "No wait! I'm not here to fight, I promise." He held out his hands as no signs of hurting you, surrendering himself. Still skeptical, you lowered your hand that was holding the potion, but you didn't put it back yet just incase it was a trick. "Tell me the reason of your presence." You demanded. Technoblade felt quite intimidated for the first time in a while, but it's mostly because he didn't prepare any armor or a proper weapon.
After Techno explained himself, you felt quite bad. You offered him for any materials or potions since you had plenty, he gladly accepted it as long as it was totally fine for you. You insisted and gave him three different potions of his choice.
After that you guys just kinda kept in touch. Techno would visit you from time to time if he just wanted to relax or needed something from you. He'd return the favor by also bringing you any ingredients and materials for potions and witchcraft!! You'd also teach him how to make potions himself as well so he appreciates it a lot :D!
One day he went to visit you bringed Philza with him to introduce you to him. Soon you three just kinda became best friends lmao. You and Philza would go out and fly around above the forest with your broom in the night (away from the SMP because yk).
I also feel like you and Techno would be partners in crime (in a plotanic way). You the two of you look rlly intimidating together and ppl wouldn't lay a finger on you.
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michu-writes · 2 years
Oof, may i request sunny with an artist s/o? Could be plantonic, or romantic, your choice!
You could just call me 🌹 or shard anon! Have a good day/night!
A/N: Made this plotanic, thank you for requesting 🌹 anon <3.
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Sunny adores your art!!! He thinks it's nice to have another artist in the friendgroup. He's usually very protective over his sketchbook, but he feels fully comfortable to show it to you!!! You both definitely bond over the arts and would give each other tips if wanted. Whenever you show him your art, he just looks at it with stars in his eyes. He doesn't realize it until later that you're actually a big inspiration for him <3. You both motivate each other as well to keep the arts going!!
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