dvstgatherer · 4 months
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cemetery walk / antique edition of a plato in the original greek i was mesmerised by in my favorite place in the city a few months ago
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crazyonce · 1 month
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books i want to finish reading / rereading before december
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friend-of-wisdom · 21 days
93/100 days of productivity
Wednesday, September 4th 2024
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Although I did not sleep much during the night, I managed to wake up at 6:30am to go to class. I explained to my professor that I've been dealing with health issues etc and he was very understanding, thankfully! Since his classes are so early, it is even harder to have strengh to go than other classes. But I'm enjoying the class a bit, it's okay. We're diving a bit into phenomenology, so it's worth it, even though the religion part does not interest me. Anyways, here's my day:
went to Philosophy of Religion class
studied phenomenology from the beginning cus I want to understand it very well
re-read a few pages of the book on Philosophy of Religion and annotated it
went grocery shopping
Now I'm watching The Umbrella Academy newest episodes and I might continue studying later, or maybe I'll continue reading Rousseau's On The Social Contract.
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czortofbaldmountain · 11 months
Nietzsche: The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself.
Plato: I thought I was your worst enemy.
Nietzsche: I have a life outside of you, Plato.
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technoregression · 2 months
we need to have software updates but for like people and education.
like I remember being taught that the tongue has 5, or whatever, distinct taste zones. like the tip of your tongue is for detecting saltiness, the back sides are for sourness, and some other shit which didn't make sense at the time but we were just forced to ROTE learn it anyway. Just be a parrot.
Anyway it was only yeeeeeears later that I, by sheer luck, came across a video on the internet that said that "oh yea that's been debunked". it was probably Michael, Vsauce here.
and I just wonder how many other things have been 'updated' since we learnt about it in school? Like are prokaryotes still the oldest cell type? is there a woke version (affectionate) of BEDMAS/BODMAS/PEMDAS/POMDAS/whatever you call it? have they solved climate change?
I can't be walking around through life operating on the 2nd edition of Textbook when the new generation are learning from the 12th edition it's not fair (but also I don't have time to constantly relearn every god damn text book).
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captainsvscaptains · 1 year
Battle of the Ships
Round 2 Part 4 Poll 2
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Ship of Theseus :
The ship Theseus used to travel back from Crete after slaying the minotaur. Is commemorated and repaired for centuries after.
It's the original ship of Theseus! ...or is it, anymore? If it is, what makes it so? And if it isn't, when did it stop being that?
Temeraire :
"He's a uuhhhhhhh dragon. Almost guaranteed to not be qualified, but I figured I'd take a shot for him; forgive me for the time-wasting.
While he's more of a 'plane' technically I guess, his captain is a navy captain, he's named after the original ship 'Temeraire', and something like 75% at least of the books takes place on/around navy ships... Plus he likes swimming so I guess in a way he's a sea-faring vessel??
As far as looks go; big-ass black dragon."
This ship has Opinions and hates racists and Napoleon Bonaparte.
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thehumanfront · 2 years
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The Unbearable Lightness of Being is a novel written by Milan Kundera. The bowler hat is one of its motifs. (rolffimages via Adobe Stock)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
If someone offered you a life that repeated itself infinitely, would you take it? Life as we know it is deprived of weight; for every event occurs only once. Thin and fleeting, the present is inscrutable. The future is shrouded by uncertainty. Friedrich Nietzsche, for one, favoured repetition: the beauty of necessity. A life of eternal recurrence? Divine!
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kunderais a story about the heavy and the light. The heavy signifies fate: the force of being ‘nailed to eternity’, of carrying the ultimate responsibility of our actions by seeing them repeat, their necessity, their reality, and their truth.
The light signifies the present: its weightlessness, ethereality, and the absence of burden.
Which is the correct approach to life: heavy or light? Nietzsche and Parmenides disagree on which is the positive pole.
According to Nietzsche’s eternal return, fate is to be loved. In it we face what is necessary and thereby see beauty. Amor fati!
Parmenides, by contrast, saw splendidness in constancy. He forbade change, let alone a perpetuity of things coming in and out of existence. Reality is unchanging; being cannot be dispelled, regathered, or repeated. Lightness is cherished.
The answer remains ambiguous to us all. Indeed, Kundera’s characters slew between both sides of the dilemma. Though one senses Kundera himself is drawn to the heavy.
Our experience of love (amongst many other things) exemplifies the opposition of heavy and light.
In love you attach yourself to The One: the person with whom you could spend eternity, over and over. Love is therefore heavy: undying and unable to be thinned by repetition. ‘En muss sein!’ Kundera cites Beethoven: ‘It must be so!’ Love is a necessary connection.
Yet, in imagining just one small change to the past, we meet an unbearable lightness. ‘Es könnte auch anders sein,’ writes Kundera: ‘It could just as well be otherwise’.
Life is full of such mysterious oppositions and ambiguities.
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studentbyday · 9 months
going through my ReadEra and came across deep work which i hardly ever read. decided to skip to parts that seemed relevant to me instead of reading front to back. and. i love this quote: "I felt that I still existed despite not having shared documentary evidence of said existence on the Internet."
it would be nice to achieve that.
ironic that i say that as i type up a tumblr post.
what makes a person feel like they exist?
often, when i'm drowning in schoolwork, i eventually stop feeling like a human. do you know what i'm talking about?
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Obligatory post to raise awareness of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, which has many articles of relevance for mathematicians, computing scientists, and philosophers.
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princepearl · 2 years
˖ ࣪ . 🦢 ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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Hello! My name is Swann and I am a writer who enjoys philosophy, history, fashion, literature, and obscure little tidbits of knowledge. Essentially the personification of the light academia aesthetic and its ideals.
I'm not particularly fandom-oriented any more and am planning to mainly post/interact with writing, knowledge, and art that appeals to me, but I still am fairly invested in Flight Rising, ASOIAF, Clear and Muddy Loss of Love, and the Elder Scrolls, and would be happy to make new mutuals who are also into any of those.
Overall I'm mainly here to share snippets of my own writing, art (will make an art sideblog soon) and ideals, or those from other people I admire, but I'd love to make new friends along the way. Feel free to shoot me asks and spread love about your day.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 extended about ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。
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jaeactualizing · 2 years
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Week Sept 26,2022
Sunday: I got to see howls landing in theater. The artistry was phenomenal. The storyline though…… absolute trash lol none of it made sense. But at least it was cute 🥰
Monday: Was easy day thankfully. I had a philosophy club meeting. I think the students liked it but I’m honestly not sure 🤔
Tuesday: Thankfully because of the storm a lot of things were closing. I was able to finish my essay and catch up on 📝
Wednesday: The storm was on land at this point. I enjoyed the rainy study weather. It was so calming 📖
Thursday: Started preparing for my birthday coming soon. I made some final touches on my paper. 📚
Friday: Thankfully I only had to go to work. The shift was quick although I’m always on guard in that place. 👀
Saturday:I was required to attend a leadership conference at my school. It was mostly guest speakers so that was disappointing. 😒
This week was better than last week in terms of studying. I got so much more work done. I’ve been working on finding the balance between hustle culture and genuine rest. Allowing my self to put in a good effort but also not going into over drive. My study routine can fall victim to chaos lol
🎵 Asake - Terminator
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dvstgatherer · 11 months
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onewakingworld · 2 years
I've finally snapped and am writing a screed against the Bayesian hegemony that reigns in my department for one of my final papers and let me tell you I am having a fucking blast
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friend-of-wisdom · 22 days
92/100 days of productivity
Monday, September 2nd 2024
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So, I have been struggling hard for the past week because of health issues. I have been sleeping much more than normal, around 9 hours during the night and then another 2 or 3 hours during the day, I have very little strengh to do anything... But I started a paliative treatment on Saturday and tomorrow I'm starting my real treatment!! So I'll be feeling better soon hopefully. That's why I haven't been productive last week (I did clean the house on Friday, tho). Today, however, I'm feeling a bit better already. I didn't go to class, cus I really needed to sleep more but here's what I did:
finished reading Asimov's The Naked Sun
took care of medical and health insurance stuff
studied the content of Intro to Philosophy class and did this week's assignement
did the dishes
did the homework for german class
read the introduction to Rousseau's On the Social Contract
I then made my bf watch Oldboy (2003) and he really liked it!!
Also, not related to productivity, but I want to say I hate health insurrance companies. They're just evil, that's the word. Capitalism is disgusting, those companies are disgusting, they do not want people to be well, happy and free. They do not care about that. They only want money. It truly disgusts me.
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crazyonce · 1 month
new acquisitions after library + bubble tea date
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technoregression · 18 days
we're all just on a massive big journey of self-discovery and growth right, except we can't see where we are on that journey but sometimes we can kind sort of kinda place other people on where they're at on the journey
we can MAYBE determine where we are (on the journey) at the very moment we die. but why? why that? why at death? because death is the unknown. so we, right, all of us, generally take all of this data and learn about ourselves and the world throughout life and whatever, but then everything we don't understand, what do we do? we just throw that shit into the unknown bucket "it'll make sense when you die", you know, or "it doesn't need to make sense because god", et cetera.
is that anything have I rediscovered a part of philosophy?
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