#Personalized Resume
jobsbuster · 5 months
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one of my favorite things about gideon is the characterization of "born 2 be jock 😎🔥💪 forced 2 be goth 😔☠️🦴" like quite literally one of the funniest character choices i've seen an author make and pull off
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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With the end of season two comes a second redraw!
[Nov 2022] [June 2023] [June 2024]
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ozzgin · 5 months
ozzie I'm 4 weeks pregnant and you're the father
Take responsibility please
Get in the car queenie, I’ll drive you for an ultrasound while we discuss the details. I’m taking the scenic route.
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
the modern age is very scary to me because of the internet. employers go through your personal accounts and form some of their opinions based on your outside of work life on whether or not you're a viable candidate. they look through your personal profiles unrelated to work and use it to determine part of your viability based on that. that is very scary to me, not because i've done anything bad, but because i keep work and play very separate and i think they should remain separate.
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ilikedetectives · 5 months
Have a job interview tomorrow for a fully remote dev position, pls send good vibes ty
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k-wame · 8 months
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JACOB ELORDI as bobby falls & ZACHARY QUINTO as jim goodwin He Went That Way (2023) dir. Jeffrey Darling
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hellsite-detective · 8 months
Hellsite Detective in…
The Miku Bind
sometimes, a detective has got to do some work for herself. and i decided it was time to go after one of my white whales…
it was a cool, rainy afternoon in Tumblr City, like always. i had just wrapped up doin’ some cases and i was broodin’ out the window. but one image kept flashin’ in my mind. a vocaloid lovin’ foundin’ father that i’ve sought for my whole career. the fabled Thomas Jefferson Miku Binder.
to start my journey, i went down to the Search Bar, a night club in the heart of the city. neon lights shined on the sign out front and music could be heard pourin’ out the front door. i stepped in, drippin’ wet from the rain outside. the place was lively as ever, groups minglin’ and dancin’ to the music. and there, in a corner booth away from everyone else, was Don Google. that big time mob boss that acts as my informant. they sat there playin’ poker with a couple of lackeys, no one of note from what i could tell. they saw me walkin’ up and immediately called out to the waiter for another drink.
“well well! if it ain’t my buddy, Miss Detective! whatcha here for?”
i’m here for personal business, actually. i’m lookin’ for this…
i slid a photograph across the table. the photo that was so well known, it made even the Don pull back. they knew this was serious business.
“you sure you want this one?”
i’m sure, Don. you got it or not?
“oh, i got it. but it’ll cost ya.”
i wasn’t about to have my victory snatched away by this selfish old fool. the Don lookin’ for a deal was never a good sign, but i was desperate.
what do you want?
“oh, nothin’ much, doll. just do me a favor sometime down the line. then we’ll call it even. capisce?”
bein’ in debt to the Don was not something i wanted. whatever they asked me to do, i knew it’d be bad. but either way i needed this post. i needed to solve the case. so i made what would possibly be the worst mistake of my life…
it’s a deal.
“glad we could reach an agreement, Miss. i believe this is what you’re lookin’ for?”
they pulled out their black leather briefcase, their name engraved on it in multicolored letters. it would seem tacky on anyone else. but the Don had a style to them that made it work. poppin’ it open, they handed me the file i was lookin’ for. just sittin’ there at the top, like they knew i was here for it. i grabbed it, thanked the Don, and got up to leave. that’s when they grabbed my sleeve.
“Miss Detective. don’t forget about our arrangement.”
i pulled away, scoffed, and went on my way. whatever they wanted me to do, i’m sure it wasn’t great. either way, the job was done. and i finally had what i wanted. i went back to my dingy office, alone, and filed the post away. the rain still poundin’ down against the window.
Post Case: Closed
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mossy-paws · 3 months
some doodles! (PHIGHTING!)
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A collection of recent subspace and Medkit doodles! The final thing is actually a remake of a really silly meme I made like. God how long back in August of 2023? Geez I’ve been in the fandom for awhile,,, it’s crazy how my art has evolved since then for real!
also… these, no, no I am not giving ANY sort of explanation for them
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rowanisawriter · 5 days
Personally i believe that a ceo should be struck in the kneecaps with a blunt metal object live on television every year for fun
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puhpandas · 3 months
every day I think about how the elevator situation was literally the trolley problem, a famous moral dilemma for being impossible to choose either option and people still see Gregory experience that in ruin and believe he should die
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imagine, if you will:
dick is standing behind the couch braiding stephanie's hair.
stephanie is sitting on the back of the couch braiding barbara's hair.
barbara is sitting on the couch braiding tim's hair.
tim is sitting cris-cross applesauce on the floor with cass's head on his feet braiding her hair.
(cass is eating a cookie.)
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kuromi-hoemie · 24 days
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interviewed a very beautiful Afghani trans woman just now and I'm gonna be thinking about it the rest of the day.
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mewvore · 8 months
I bonded with a coworker, and it came up that we were both still on tumblr. We exchanged usernames, I found out we followed several niche tumblrs in common, including mewvore, and I immediately felt like we shared something very rare and special. I immediately thought, "Oh, she is of my tribe. she is my people."
Im gonna put this on my resume.
"Communications expert: helped facilitate mutual communications between multiple parties through means of entertainment and communal discussion"
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yuri-puppies · 4 months
i am so fucking attuned to neurodivergent/neurodivergent king and kingmaker dynamics that for a brief, horrifying second i started shipping riz/kristen
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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How to Build Identity Capital
What is identity capital? Identity capital is essentially investments that we make in ourselves. Things that play a role in defining who you are, such as, your job, degree, the extra-curricular activities you participate in, where you’re from, how you look, speak etc.
Your identity capital is your autobiography.
Identity capital helps you move up in life, and can play a role in getting you to your goals faster too. It’s sort of like you’re very own personal brand that you’re curating.
A very important thing to note- personal growth, including identity capital, does not happen overnight. It will take time and consistent efforts. There is no get rich quick scheme here apart from discipline.
On a personal level it includes:
1. How we speak
2. How we look
3. How we solve problems
4. Our relationships
5. Our hobbies
On a work level it includes:
1. Resumes
2. Degrees
3. Associations
4. Organisations
5. Accomplishments
So how does one do this?
Get a piece of paper and start answering the questions I’ve noted down. You’ll see a summary of the questions as points below.
Hard skill questions:
1. If I had $3 million in bank account and I had to spend 10% of it on charity, which is the first cause that immediately comes to my mind?
2. Do I need money to give back to that cause or can I also give my time?
3. When was the last time I updated my resume? Can I ask someone for a second opinion on how it looks?
4. What is a skill that is important for my job/ potential or future job for at least the next 3 months?
5. Are there any topics or subjects that I’m naturally attracted to that has no direct relevance to my work? (For instance: I’m very interested in women in history)
6. What is one workshop I would love to attend, if everything was at my disposal? (Example: I’d love to go to a chocolate making workshop)
7. What is a hobby that my ideal self would have?
Soft skill questions:
1. When was the last time I spent time quality time with people that mattered to me?
2. Am I interested in learning a new language?
3. When was the last time I took a social media break?
4. What would my bucket list look like right now?
5. What are some short term goals I know I can achieve with effort by the next month?
6. When was the last time I went over my finances? Can I reach out to someone who can guide me better?
7. Is there anything I enjoy collecting?
8. What is a subject I wish I had in school or college?
Notes of hard skill steps:
1. Giving back to a cause that matters to you
2. Keeping your resume updated
3. Learn a new skill and practicing it for a few months
4. Watching one educational video on YouTube/ one podcast such as TED talks a day to improve your knowledge
5. Attending workshops
6. Keeping a gratitude journal
7. Engage in some sort of a creative project or hobby
Soft skill steps:
1. Spending time with people who matter
2. Learning a new language
3. Social media breaks
4. Making a bucket list
5. Making a list of short term goals (Achievable in the next month)
6. Evaluate your finances and set financial goals
7. Start a collection of something you enjoy
8. Take a class in a subject that interests you, even if it doesnt relate to your job or degree
(Source: The Defining Decade by Meg Jay)
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