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allgoodquotesblog · 8 months ago
The most selfish one-letter word- “I”
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In the wide world of language, with its complex network of words, there is one letter that stands out – "I". It's amazing how just one letter can represent selfishness, yet it holds great importance in our everyday existence.
Unraveling the Selfish Essence of "I"
The concept of "I" highlights uniqueness, self-care, and personal goals. It's the core of our thoughts, wants, and behaviors. When we talk, "I" tends to be the main focus, putting personal viewpoints, feelings, and desires first.
The most selfish one-letter word… “I”
Avoid it Avoid it
Expectations. We all revolve around them. High expectations. Yet, they fail to bring us true happiness and contentment. The word "I" holds many desires within it.
For instance,
- I deserve to be treated a certain way,
- I crave love in a specific manner,
- I yearn for more and more money,
- I demand respect,
- I long for an impeccable reputation, and so on…
But the truth is, a life centered around "I" cannot lead to genuine happiness.
To truly live a fulfilling life, we must learn to control our expectations. By doing so, we can find satisfaction and joy, free from the constraints of selfish desires.
Let us strive to avoid the most self-centered letter, "I," and embrace a life of contentment and genuine happiness.
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“image: Freepik.com”. This cover has been designed using assets from Freepik.com
The Impact of "I" on Communication
Excessive use of "I" in self-expression can overshadow the importance of collaboration and empathy in communication. Overusing "I" can create barriers in conversations, making it difficult to exchange ideas and understand each other.
Developing Empathy Beyond the Self
In order to form genuine connections with others, we need to move past focusing solely on ourselves and instead practice empathy. Empathy helps build strong relationships by recognizing viewpoints other than our own. It encourages us to actively listen, deeply comprehend, and show compassion in our responses.
Finding Balance in Communication
Using "I" is crucial for expressing oneself, but it's vital to mix it with inclusive language that recognizes others. By finding a balance between the two, we can foster a more respectful and harmonious communication atmosphere. This involves listening to others, seeking their opinions, and valuing their perspectives.
Living solely for expectations can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. The emphasis on "I" often results in a never-ending cycle of desires - for love, respect, money, reputation, and more. By seeking to control our expectations and reducing the focus on ourselves, we can strive for a life filled with contentment and joy. Let go of the selfish "I" and embrace a more fulfilling existence.
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“image: unsplash.com”. This cover has been designed using assets from unsplash.com
To sum up, the word "I" may seem insignificant, but it plays a significant role in our communication. By being aware of how we use "I" and showing empathy in our conversations, we can establish deeper connections and promote harmony and comprehension in our relationships. Therefore, let's make an effort to use "I" thoughtfully and appreciate the power of language in connecting us with others.
Note: This inspired by Gaur Gopal Das.
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autism-unfiltered · 2 years ago
Embracing Neurodiversity: A Personal Perspective 🧠
As someone who is part of the autism community, I believe that neurodiversity is not just a concept, but a way of life. It's about recognizing and celebrating the diverse ways our brains function, and understanding that these differences are not defects, but simply different ways of being.
In a world that often values conformity, being neurodiverse can sometimes feel like swimming against the current. But it's these differences that make us unique, that allow us to see the world from a different perspective, and that can drive innovation and creativity.
Let's continue to advocate for acceptance, understanding, and support for all neurodiverse individuals. Because our world is richer for having all kinds of minds.
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wheresthemapinfo · 5 months ago
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atikameilani · 5 years ago
Membanding-bandingkan diri sendiri dengan orang lain itu mungkin adalah hal yang tak terhindarkan bagi seorang manusia. Sebab, pada dasarnya, manusia memiliki tendensi untuk melihat hal yang lebih baik daripada dirinya sendiri.
Bukan karena dia tidak paham. Tidak.
Bahkan seringnya, dia sudah memahami bahwa membanding-bandingkan dirinya dengan orang lain itu adalah hal yang semestinya tidak dia lakukan, terlebih jika hal tersebut rentan membuat dia menjadi merasa kecil dan putus asa.
"Jangan bandingkan dirimu dengan orang lain, tapi bandingkan dirimu sekarang dengan dirimu yang sebelumnya," katanya.
Dia tahu. Tapi, tidak menafikkan bahwa setiap manusia memang memiliki sederetan idealisme yang ingin dicapainya.
Hingga jika dia menilai bahwa dirinya belum berhasil mencapai idealisme tersebut, dia memandang bahwa dirinya amat kecil karena belum berhasil mencapai hal-hal yang dia cita-citakan ada di dalam dirinya.
Mungkin manusia memang memiliki tendensi seperti ini. Mungkin, kita semua memang memiliki potensi untuk merasa minder karena orang lain. Mungkin ini memang hal yang tidak terhindarkan. Dan mungkin, ini adalah bagian dari sisi kemanusiaan seorang manusia.
Dan itu bisa membuat kita sangat lelah karena kita terus menerus menuntut diri sendiri untuk mampu memenuhi idealisme yang kita buat—untuk menjadi sama dengan orang lain; untuk menjadi sebaik orang lain; dan untuk se-berhasil orang lain.
Kita terus saja menuntut dan memaksa diri kita karena kita tidak ingin tertinggal oleh orang lain. Hingga pencapaian yang didapat orang lain bisa membuat kita minder, merasa gagal, sampai putus asa, hanya karena kita merasa kita tidak se-berhasil orang lain.
Hanya jika kita memahami bahwa Allaah telah menggariskan takdir masing-masing bagi setiap hamba-Nya..
Hanya jika kita memahami bahwa Allaah telah menciptakan seorang hamba dalam kondisi yang sebaik-baiknya tanpa kekurangan sesuatu apapun..
Hanya jika kita memahami bahwa pada prinsipnya, seorang muslim yang bijak adalah muslim yang produktif. Dia memiliki target dalam hidupnya, dengan tidak mengagungkan dunianya, namun juga tidak mengesampingkan akhiratnya.
Dia bijak karena dia punya tujuan. Dia berusaha. Dia berdoa. Dan dia mempercayakan pada Allaah, untuk apapun hasil akhirnya, dia yakin bahwa rencana Allaah adalah yang terbaik bagi dirinya.
Dia paham, bahwa takdir Allaah selalu baik. Tidak pernah buruk. Bahwa takdir setiap orang tidak selalu harus sama. Bahwa jalan setiap orang mungkin berbeda. Bahwa kemampuan setiap orang juga berbeda-beda. Tidak ada yang bisa dipaksakan, jika itu adalah hal-hal di luar kuasa manusia.
Dia hanya mengerti, yang bisa dia lakukan adalah berdoa dan berusaha. Dan percaya, sebagaimana pun manusia memiliki rencana, pada akhirnya rencana Allaah adalah yang terbaik.
Ah.. Hanya jika kita memahami itu semua, mungkin kita akan tetap bisa menjadi seorang manusia dengan segala sisi kemanusiaan yang kita punya. Kita tidak menafikkan sisi kemanusiaan kita. Kita sadar bahwa kita bisa merasa kecil, minder, gagal ketika kita menilai diri kita tidak sebaik orang lain.
Tapi dengan memahami takdir, kita tahu bahwa terlepas dari segala rencana, takdir Allaah selalu baik. Hingga semestinya kita tidak perlu berputus asa atas hal-hal yang ada di luar kuasa kita untuk mengaturnya.
Hingga seharusnya, pencapaian yang didapat oleh orang lain tidak membuat kita menjadi putus asa, karena kita tahu bahwa setiap hamba memiliki takdir yang tidak selalu sama. Tapi, baik takdir kita maupun takdir mereka; merupakan takdir yang telah ditetapkan oleh Dzat Yang Maha Adil.
Hingga semestinya tidak ada keraguan apapun atas takdir-Nya. Hingga seharusnya tidak ada kekhawatiran apapun jika kita berada dalam koridor-Nya.
Iya.. Mungkin kita bisa bersedih, tapi tidak seharusnya kita untuk berputus asa.
Malang, 3 November 2019.
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rishabhkalakaar · 2 years ago
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Everything we see is a Perspective, not the truth.🤫 Featuring: Myself👅 . . . . . . . . . #theportraitsofindia #personalperspective #rishabhjain #citystyle #intotheunknowns #indiaphotoconcept #indiansociety #perspectivegame #notruth #noface #canonselfphoto #mirrorsandme #blackandwhiteart #nocolors #colorlesslife #rishabhkalakaar #mirrorlookselfie #dslrselfie #canon50mm #canonindia #canonandme #thethirdeyeview #delhighaziabad #vaishali #weirdphotographer #fdciwallofframes (at Vaishali, Ghaziabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfFpd4Bwmd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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timeisfluid · 6 years ago
A Mouthful Of Forevers - Rewrite.
I am not the first person you have loved, nor will I be the last.
You are not the first person I have promised forever.
We have both known loss like the blade of a knife, and we have both lived with our pain visible on our skin.
Our love came unannounced and in the middle of the darkness.
Our love came when we’d given up on asking love to come.
I think that has to be the best thing about it.
This was how we healed.
I kissed you like forgiveness, you held me like hope.
Our arms like bandages and our promises pressed between us like flowers in a book.
I wrote prose and sonnets in the cracks of our love. And I wrote novels in your insecurities.
I wrote a dictionary using only the words I could find to describe how it felt to be caught by you, when I thought I’d never get up again.
And I was not afraid of all of your scars.
I know sometimes it’s still hard to let me see you
in all your cracked perfection,
But please know:
Whether it was the days you burned more brilliant than the sun,
or the nights you collapsed into my lap,
your body broken into a thousand pieces,
you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
I loved you when you were a still day,
peaceful as a summer breeze.
And I loved you when you were a hurricane,
painful and destructive.
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the-surrealist-mazoey · 7 years ago
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Go where your energy is reciprocated, natured, celebrated and appreciated 🌸 ⠀⠀ Check out my latest post : In Light Of Life ⠀⠀ • Link On Bio • #newpost#blogpost#personalperspective#laugh#love#live#friendship#happiness#inlightoflife#personalblog#goodvibes
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alsasandro-blog · 7 years ago
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#photography #picoftheday #ilike #iBerlin #bestpicture #personalperspective #pointofview #myeyes #weirdview #loco #theworldaround #thatshit #pupilsphere #tobeseen #lookingaround #vision #inspire#winteriscoming
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faizmaik-blog · 7 years ago
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EyeEmNewHere, Close-up, Outdoors, Personal Perspective, Domestic Cat, Cloud - Sky, Soccer Field, Scenics, Beauty In Nature, Leisure Activity, Tranquility, Medium Group Of People, Animal Themes, Be. Ready., Coffee - Drink, Day, High Angle View, No People, Sport, Two People, Real People, Lifestyles, Domestic Animals, Perspectives On Nature, Rethink Things at World of Titan by Faiz Maik on EyeEm
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rebell-at-heart · 7 years ago
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Low Section, Shoe, Human Leg, Jeans, Personal Perspective, Standing, Real People, Human Body Part, Casual Clothing, High Angle View, Human Foot, Lifestyles, Men, Blue, Day, Outdoors, Women, Pair, Grass, Nature by Stefi Djelebova on EyeEm
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ladyblonde97 · 7 years ago
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Silhouette, Tree, Sky, Sunset, Nature, Beauty In Nature, Scenics, Outdoors, Tranquility, No People, Blue, Star - Space, Night, Water, Galaxy, Astronomy, Lifestyles, Freshness, Beauty In Nature, Personal Perspective by Iylia on EyeEm
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michiko141 · 7 years ago
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One Animal, Dog, Pets, Mammal, Domestic Animals, One Person, Human Leg, Real People, Day, Low Section, Human Body Part, Personal Perspective, High Angle View, Outdoors, Men, Leisure Activity, Women, Nature, People by alexandre on EyeEm
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innerhong · 8 years ago
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Out Of The Box, Beach, Standing, Human Foot, Sand, Personal Perspective, Outdoors, Lifestyles, Rawai, Rawai Beach, On The Beach, Phuket, Thailand, Freedom, Relaxing, Moment, Couple, Black Shoes, Stones, Sand & Sea, Sand And Stone by Phatphicha on EyeEm
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alsasandro-blog · 7 years ago
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#photography #picoftheday #ilike #iBerlin #bestpicture #personalperspective #pointofview #myeyes #weirdview #loco #theworldaround #thatshit #pupilsphere #tobeseen #lookingaround #vision #inspire#winteriscoming
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alyhughesx · 8 years ago
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Day, Outdoors, Nature, Animal, Animal Themes, Animals In The Wild, Bird, Birds Of EyeEm , Personal Perspective, Perspective Photography, Eyeemphotography, Beauty In Nature, EyeEm Best Shots, Getty Images, EyeEm Nature Lover, Capture The Moment, EyeEm Team, The Great Outdoors - 2017 EyeEm Awards, The Street Photographer - 2017 EyeEm Awards, Eyeem Market, EyeEmNewHere, Animal Wildlife, One Animal, Bird Photography, Backgrounds by Aline Hughes on EyeEm
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anniesakkab · 4 years ago
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A reflection of how i felt in mandatory quarantine since I got back from Jordan. A nostalgia to the past is hard to process now that my life decisions have changed as a result of being locked down in Jordan for 11 months; the longest in the past 12 years. Posting photos I did as part of @WomenPhotograph and @thejournal_collective a collaborative project that brings together 350+ womxn photographers to document their personal spaces and connect with each other #womenphotograph #wpthejournal #thejournal #covid19 #coronavirus #personalperspectives #collective #photography #intimacy #visualdiary https://www.instagram.com/p/CItTfkYAFBB/?igshid=1ettoy61a0juc
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