#Personal motivation
irieman · 4 months
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exkaliburn · 6 days
What lays within the Sad Poet.
My friends say I'm a poet,
But they don't know it's to my own demons that I owe it,
The ones in my thoughts and mind,
the ones that are in my heart keeping it in a bind,
Making life feel drawn out all the time,
For all my words happy or otherwise,
It all lies behind a sad guy,
Searching for the brightest lights,
In the darkest places,
He wants to bring people in and make em resonate,
from the words for people,
who may be as sad as him,
A selfish man with selfish thoughts,
Wants to be good,
but feels he cannot,
He wants to lift others with his darkness,
Meanwhile he will drown within,
It's a life that may be short lived,
But the man isn't going anywhere,
He still feels he has things to do,
A smile to put on a few faces,
before he feels like fading into the background,
Even if nothing changes,
So in the end is it all useless?,
No, because the sad man eventually fulfilled his purpose...
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csakcsiga · 2 years
Tegnapi “hurráoptimista” hozzáállásomat ma estére az aggodalom eléggé ledarálta!
Ha szeretnék jobban, jól és egyáltalán lenni, elég szűk hónapok következnek elég komoly lemondásokkal meg nadrágszíj meghúzásokkal.
El is kezdtem hétvégi melókat nézni*
Számításaim szerint kb 6-8 hónap alatt helyre tudom majd pakolni a jelenlegi helyzetem és elkezdhetek kicsit a fejlődés irányába fordulni.
Nem gondoltam volna, hogy 30 évesen itt fogok tartani de ez van. Élt benne egy olyan tévképzet, hogy egy kicsit “sikeresebb ember” leszek majd ennyi idősen. Ez nem jött be.
*ugyanitt hétvégi munkát keresek szombat, vasárnapokra nem értek semmihez de van 2 kezem meg lábam jeligére.
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abhorrenttester · 2 years
I wanna talk about one of my favorite personal motivation. Wander from Shadow of the Colossus. I LOVE how when he gets knocked over, thrown around, falls from an extreme height, or any other thing that pushes him to the ground, he always gets back up as long as he has health left over. But not immediately.
He'll sit there and wait to get up when he can. Sometimesit only takes a few seconds, sometimes it takes longer, but he always gets up eventually. It helped me realize that you can't just walk off any pain you get. But if you give yourself enough time to recover, then it's easier to get up and keep fighting.
I used to push myself way too hard, but after I made this connection, I've genuinely gotten a lot better and feel better about stopping when I get hurt until I've got the strength to start moving again.
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carpeossa · 2 years
Changing careers isn’t easy y’all, but it’s worth it.
Whether you’re doing it for your mental health, increase in pay, for more time with family; whatever it is - it’s worth it.
Don’t give up, you can do this.
If no one else believes in you, if you don’t believe in you, I believe in you.
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kepler-ki · 2 years
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reikacchan · 2 years
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don't give up
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fandom-gremlin-1987 · 2 months
Two weeks time ago, I was struggling with seeing the point of life, everything I'm doing and shit. It was raining heavily outside so I stepped onto my small balcony to get a breath of fresh air after getting dressed (this was around 1AM where I was trying to sleep). After I calmed down I sat down and wrote some small goals I wanted to complete. Such as: Watching all of One piece, crochet a summer blanket, draw everyday for a year.
Small victories. This has helped me a lot recently with seeing the good points and appreciating the goals I complete throughout the day.
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sugarsprinklesoul · 7 months
Small ways to activate your "happiness" chemicals
DOPAMINE: the reward chemical
• Complete a task
• Doing self care activites
• Eating some food
• Celebrating your little wins.
OXYTOCIN: the love hormones
• Playing with a dog
• Playing with a baby
• Holding hands
• Hugging someone
• Giving someone else a compliment
SEROTONIN: the mood stabiliser
• Meditating
• Running
• Be in the sun
• Walk in nature
• Swimming
ENDORPHIN: the pain relief
• Laughing exercises
• Essential oils
• Eating dark chocolate
• Running
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irieman · 2 months
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exkaliburn · 1 month
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"I'm getting older, a shocker, mayhaps? No, we all get older as time goes on. But I think it hits harder now than ever, maybe it should have been clearer earlier on.. but mayhaps I'm just ignorant of the obvious. Though no longer can I blind myself and hide away behind my age. I'm almost 18 now, and at the end of this year, I shall be 18.
I will have many things to face, completing my education, getting a job, being a bigger and more mature person than I am now. It scares me, knowing I'll be on my own soon enough. But I also find myself anxiously happy, I'll get to do more things, save money, plan out my life, for whatever job I choose either good or bad, I'll have to do it with the eagerness of knowing I work for my future and the happiness of myself and those around me. I guess in many ways I also have to watch out for this world, as beautiful as it is, it can be rotten, so I now have to face the world and make sure I don't get eaten alive by it's greedy nature. Maybe what I'm saying doesn't make sense, but that's fine. I hope to find myself to be a good man in the coming years, not just good but kind.
To all those growing up or facing the world, I urge you to face it with a smile. Cliché? Mayhaps, but it will do all the better for yourself and those around you. Be strong, be kind, and persist through hardship."
"May kindness and good will find its way in your heart for others. but be cautious as you are kind,a heart of good is easily preyed upon by those with wicked intentions."
Well, that is all for my little rant, I'm not sure what ya'll think about what I say or think. But I'm curious what do you all think about when you had to face becoming older?
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beigefitness · 7 months
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Chest & Shoulders really starting to fill out 🤞🏽
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csakcsiga · 1 year
Utolsó hét
Ez az utolsó hetem maxolás elött a programomból. Az idegrendszeri fáradság már szépen felhalmozódott, de az erő még csak csak megvan. A csípömmel és a fogammal való baszakodás után ez az első ciklusom amit be tudnék fejezni. Kicsit idegeskedek is emiatt. Edzőm a héten szabin van ezért a chilibe kell menni, ami nyilván nem annyira komfortos de visz a lendület.
Nagyon szeretném ha ezt most be tudnám fejezni. Érdemi fejlődésre ugyan nem számítok, de ezután a majd  9 hónap szar után ami mögöttem van jól esne egy kis siker. 
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carpeossa · 9 months
Next year probably won’t be my year, but it will be the year I focus on personal happiness that includes drawing more and making a horror video game.
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lowcalwillow · 4 months
it's already too late for me to have a hot girl summer, but i will have a hot girl fall. i will have a flat stomach for halloween, even if it's the last thing i do.
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zukkacore · 3 months
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Second Place episode of Gamechanger feat the Aguefort staff aka Aguefort heaven is Porter hell. It’s a very efficient system
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