#Persephone prayer
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e offering to lady persephone and lord hades

i call to you, life giving persephone, i say this prayer to give my appreciation. thank you for watching over us when it’s time for the passage to the next life. please lead me to where i need to be in this life then guide me to the next when my time comes.
hades of the underworld and god of the dead, i call out to thank you for watching our deceased. i ask you to continue to do so until they begin the journey to their next life.
it will be as you both allow it

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Prière à Perséphone
///// English Below \\\\\
Ô, Phersephassa, Persephoneïa, Perséphonê !
Ton nom a la senteur sèche et chaude des blés mûris au soleil, et ton souffle, la douceur des jeunes pousses verdissantes.
Tes pieds délicats aux chevilles agiles et habituées à la danse exhalent la même fraîcheur que la rosée du l’aurore.
Ta peau rappelle les corolles des iris et des jacinthes.
Tes cheveux sinuent et crépitent d’obscur comme le Styx ou les chevaux noirs du char de l’Illustre Hadès.
Tes lèvres scintillent de la rougeur translucide des grains de grenades.
Tes paupières papillonnent pareilles aux feuilles des peupliers que vient le vent agiter.
Tes prunelles miroitent des lueurs cuivrées du safran.
Bien qu’arrachée aux prairies baignées de fleurs et de verdures aux reflets solaires, tu ne fais qu’une avec la Terre, au-dessus et en-dessous.
Ô déesse, tu réconcilies les contraires, toi qui es vie et mort, été et hiver, lumière et obscurité, fécondité et stérilité, jeunesse et maturité, souveraineté et impuissance, pouvoir et compromis, apogée et déclin, éclosion et putréfaction, nourrir et mourir, tu nous apprends que tout est cyclicité, impermanence, changement et renouveau, en mouvement perpétuel.
Ô déesse, tu nous apprends que rien dans l'univers n’existe jamais seul, mais toujours en relation, comme tu l’es avec Déméter, ton illustre mère, et Hadès, ton illustre époux. Le pouvoir se tisse et se déploie en lien avec les choses et les êtres.
Perséphonê, que grâce et hommage te soit rendus, ô juste et sage, douce et terrifiante Perséphonê, pour tes bénédictions et tes bienfaits !
O, Phersephassa, Persephoneïa, Perséphonê!
Your name has the dry, warm scent of sun-ripened wheat, and your breath the sweetness of young, green shoots.
Your delicate feet, with nimble ankles accustomed to the dance, exude the same freshness as the dew of dawn.
Your skin recalls the corollas of irises and hyacinths.
Your hair sinuates and crackles with darkness like the Styx or the black horses of the Illustrious Haïdès' chariot.
Your lips sparkle with the translucent redness of pomegranate seeds.
Your eyelids flutter like poplar leaves stirred by the wind.
Your eyes shimmer with the coppery gleam of saffron.
Though torn from the meadows bathed in flowers and greens with solar reflections, you are one with the Earth, above and below.
O thea, you reconcile opposites, you who are life and death, summer and winter, light and darkness, fertility and sterility, youth and maturity, sovereignty and powerlessness, power and compromise, peak and decline, blossom and putrefaction, nurture and die, you teach us that all is cyclicity, impermanence, change and renewal, in perpetual motion.
O thea, you teach us that nothing in the universe exists alone, but always in relationship, as you are with Demeter, your illustrious mother, and Haides, your illustrious husband. Power weaves and unfolds in connection with things and beings.
Perséphonê, thanks and homage be to you, O just and wise, sweet and terrifying Perséphonê, for your blessings and your benefits!
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Anthesphoria 2024.
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Goddess Demeter Strong and resilient I grieve with you, Loving mother For the life wrenched from your arms Sent down below. As the leaves rip off the trees And the gentle flowers wither May your rage sweep the lands May your daughter return swiftly
happy autumn equinox. never forget that the story of persephone and demeter is of heart wrenching grief.
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To the Gods Below/Aos Deuses Abaixo
O King of nightly domain, mighty Power over Erebos Bone-crowned, golden-clad God of all dead, Along with the Dread Queen of spring you reside. Sat in your halls of basalt with a heavy heart, The destination of shadows and souls you decide. Mighty and fair, Gods below, caretakers of our souls I bid you honour on this night most black, Dreaded powers, benevolent ones, Accept this prayer out of respect For when Hekate's time come, I shant turn my back.
Ó Rei de domínio umbral, grande Poder sobre o Érebo Coroado com ossos, Deus áureo de todos os mortos, Junto à Temível Rainha da primavera tu resides. Sentado em teus salões de basalto com denso coração, O destino das sombras e almas tu decides. Poderosos e justos, Deuses abaixo, zeladores dos espíritos, Dedico-lhes honra nesta noite mais negra, Poderes temíveis, benevolentes, Aceitem esta oração respeitosa, Pois quando chega a hora de Hécate, não virarei minhas costas.
#hecate#hecate deity#hekate#hekate deity#hades#hades deity#persephone#persephone deity#prayer#devotional text#hellenic polytheism#helpol
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Personal prayers based on epithets 🩷
Persephone 🥀 🔥 🌾
Praise to life-giving Persephone. First-born daughter of Demeter. Maiden of the Earth. Great goddess by the way-sides and the crossroads. Exalter of justice. Bringer of fruit.
She who exacts retribution. She who roams by night. Holy one. Savior. Trustworthy queen of all. Mistress of the seasons. The fire which transforms the soul. Bright and happy.
She of the blossoms. She of the flowers. She who knows. Torch and fruit-bearer. Holy and revered. Almighty deliverer. Praise to blessed Persephone, noble and strong.
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I pray for Apollo and Aries to give me strength and guidance to go back to college after so long, let me feel knowledgeable in my skills to achieve the best version of myself, to grant me creativity in my work and be proud of it. I pray for Aphrodite to give me confidence in myself to step out of my shell and accept love and compliments from the people around me, to let myself be more open with my sexuality and less afraid. I pray for Artemis to always keep me wild and free, to not let myself root in a deserted place again, to be proud and loud and unapologetically myself. I pray for Persephone to give me power to stand my ground in the things I want and believe in, mostly in myself, to not settle for less than what I deserve (and I deserve so much). I pray for Hermes to guide me towards better work opportunities, to not let be stagnant and to find fun in every mundane thing.
#just a little general prayer#I’m feeling very grateful today#hellenic worship#hellenic prayer#hellenic deities#hellenism#helpol#hellenic polytheism#hellenic pagan#apollo deity#apollo devotee#ares deity#Aphrodite deity#artemis deity#persephone deity#hermes deity
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I make devotional prayer beads for pagan gods and goddesses. If you don't like the design of one Deity consider a Custom Deity set where we'll work with each other to create the pagan prayer set you want.
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Hymns/prayers for the Dead
I’ve never really considered reading/ writing hymns for the dead because I guess I never “needed” them, but with the tragic events going on the world right now, multiple gen-c-des and atrocities, I’ve felt moved to write these. Like I said in my last prayer post, keep speaking up, b0yc0tting, and keep praying! You can technically apply these prayers with any dead, but I had the m@rtyrs of Su-dan, Con- go, Ethiopia, and Pale - stine (breaking them up on purpose) in mind, as well as anyone else who have lost their lives due to the terrible events going on in this world and from their oppression. Also, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.
We call to Hermes Kαταιβάτης (he who leads souls down to the underworld), guider of souls. Immortal guide, lover of humankind, you take special care of us when we leave this earth, and your involvement shows the Gods’ love of humankind, as there is a God with us every step of the way, even after our deaths. Gracious God, during these times we ask for your grace, and for you to take extra care of the souls that find their way past the river Styx. Everyday now, thousands of people die from acts of cruelty from oppressors emboldened by hubris. We ask you to treat these souls with added care, especially those of children, taken from life too early, while you escort them to the dread queen's home or wherever their final resting place may lie. Charm them with your wand and bless their heavy eyelids, bringing them a peaceful end for their final rest. Oh Lord, guider of mortals, grant a sacred end to those who lived the best they could.
(Greek pronunciation: Kah-teh-vah-tiis(ees))
To the Savior of the dead and the noble queen herself, we call to you! Dread Persephone and shadowy Hades, though you may not take every soul into your wide walls, you watch over the dead nonetheless, those who wander your fields of flowers. We thank you for your mercy towards our souls, notably of the most restless ones. We ask that they can find joy in the afterlife, especially those who were robbed of it. Not only do you take in these souls, Lovely Persephone, you exact justice on their behalf, with your kindly attendants, or daughters in some ways, the Erinyes, especially during these harrowing times. All we ask is for justice and a peaceful afterlife for the many martyred people of all the atrocities going on. We thank you, Hades and fair-tressed Persephone!
“Fear the prayers of the oppressed.” I heard that today and I thought it fit. The Gods are with us and the oppressed during these times 🤲 They hear every prayer and they are outraged as we are. Keep up every action and don’t forget about our fellow humans suffering and don’t stop fighting!! No act of oppression goes past them and they hear everything. It’s been almost a year for Su-Dan, almost 6 months, 160+ days for Pale - stine, and years for Con-go. The Gods count each day and count each person who say and do nothing. I just want add some of my favorite excerpts that get me through these hard times and reminds me that the Gods care (which we already knew, but yknow).
“The gods are not blind to men with blood upon their hands. In the end the black (kelainai) Erinyes bring to obscurity that one who has prospered in unrighteousness and wear down his fortunes by reverse.” - Aeschylus, “Agamemnon”
“Hear, Tisiphone, Allekte, noble Megaira, revered goddesses whose Bacchic cries resound. Nocturnal and clandestine, you live deep down in the dank cave by the sacred water of the Styx. Men's unholy designs do incur your anger; rabid and arrogant, you howl over Necessity's dictates, clothed in animal skins, you cause the deep pains of retribution.” - (First part of) Orphic hymn 69
“Hear me and be gracious, 0 renowned Eumenides, O pure daughters of the great Chthonic Zeus and of lovely Persephone, fair-tressed maiden. Over the lives of impious mortals you keep a careful eye, in charge of Necessity, you punish the unjust.”
(First part of) Orphic hymn 70
“For whoever knows the right and is ready to speak it, far-seeing Zeus gives him prosperity…” - Hesiod “Work and days”
“You princes, mark well this punishment you also; for the deathless gods are near among men and mark all those who oppress their fellows with crooked judgements, and reck not the anger of the gods. For upon the bounteous earth Zeus has thrice ten thousand spirits, watchers of mortal men, and these keep watch on judgements and deeds of wrong as they roam, clothed in mist, all over the earth. And there is virgin Justice, the daughter of Zeus, who is honoured and reverenced among the gods who dwell on Olympus, and whenever anyone hurts her with lying slander, she sits beside her father, Zeus the son of Cronos, and tells him of men's wicked heart, until the people pay for the mad folly of their princes who, evilly minded, pervert judgement and give sentence crookedly.” - Hesiod “Works and Days”
#palestine#free palestine#gaza#Sudan#dont forget about sudan#eyes on sudan#pray for palestine#pray for sudan#free congo#eyes on congo#pray for congo#ethiopia#eyes on ethiopia#hellenic polytheist#hellenic paganism#hellenism#current events#deity worship#erinyes#Hellenic hymns#Hellenic prayers#deity hymns#deity prayers#Persephone deity#hades deity#hermes deity#hellenic pagan#hellenic polytheism#free gaza
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Thanatos, rock the boat
Charon, keep us afloat
Hermes, lead the way
Hades, have final say
Persephone, welcome back
Melione, walk in the black
Hecate, guards the night
Makaria, guards what’s right
Oh, lead us not astray
We’ve paid the coin and walked the way
For our Gods are deathless, old
And we do as we are told
#mine#persephone#hades#hermes#melione#charon#hecate#makaria#hellenic polytheism#cthonic worship#I’ve wanted a longer prayer/mantra/thing for funerals#and I decided I’m happy with this
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obsessed with how i ended my prayer to hades tonight
"- and send my best to lady persephone, cause with the cold that is here, there is no way she has traveled up yet"
#hellenic polytheism#hellenism#from the river to the sea palestine will be free#greek mythology#hades#hades worship#hades prayer#hades devotee#persephone#lady persephone#its so cold here please go back up persephone#norway will be the death of me
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bought my dream piece of devotional jewellery today. Silver necklace with a circular pendant, with A P H engraved on it. I fucking love it so much I don't think I'll ever take it off (except to sit on my altar when I sleep)
#never prays#never rambles#prayer#theoi worship#hellenic polytheism#aphrodite worship#aphrodite#pagan#hades worship#persephone worship#aphrodite devotee#helpol#hellenism#greek gods#theoi
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hi!! im ethel ,, it/he pronouns mostly (she/hym as well!!) ,, im a minor, and new to hellenic polytheism.. i made this blog to collect resources and things relating to the gods and goddesses i have interest in starting to worship. there are a lot, but currently im going to start slow and precisely with only one or a few
i might be new, but i genuinely love and adore these deities so much; theyve brought me so much joy in the short time ive learned about them and began implementing worship of them into my daily life
my main is @/whenyoureoutonyourown
#this intro post will get better later i just want it up for now!!#♡ demeter#♡ hades#♡ persephone#♡ hera#♡ aphrodite#♡ hestia#♡ ares#♡ dionysus#♡ apollo#♡ hypnos#♡ prayers#♡ offerings#♡ saved#♡ yapping
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Khaire, Korê! Spring maiden We welcome your full return Helios shines brightly down Artemis's forest animals chitter All delighted by your return You have rested through the months of spring And now arrive again as the loving daughter of the trees and flowers
happy summer solstice! this is a prayer ive written based on my beliefs in honor of kore/persephone.
eirene (bless)!
#my posts#text#prayers#kore/persephone 🥀#my writing#my offerings#kore goddess#kore#kore deity#persephone#persephone goddess#persephone deity#persephone worship#summer solstice#hellenic polytheist
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Springtime, springtime, how the memory fades… At the riverbanks of Lethe, I forget your face. A man dressed in shadow and gold in the bone throne And a dreaded queen who knew the sunflower of yonder. The wails of the dead, like hisses born of dust, compare it not to the sad cold winds above!
O Demeter, your cries by the Earth are heard! She reverberates and denies fruit much labored! But remember, says the Nine-Mother, of times before… For Persephone shall come home, guided by light of torch.
So hope. Hope. Bring hope once more.
For Persephone shall come home, as sure as Night will fall.
Primavera, primavera, como se desfaz a memória... Nos ancos do Lete, esqueço-me de tua face notória. Um homem vestido em ouro e sombra no trono de ossos E uma rainha temida que conheceu o girassol de além. Os lamentos dos finados, como o sibilo nascido da poeira, não compares com os tristonhos e gélidos ventos acima! Ó Démeter, teus choros pela Terra são ouvidos! Ela reverbera-os e nega o fruto mui trabalhado! Mas lembrai, diz a Mãe de Nove, de tempos idos... Pois Perséfone chegará em casa, pela luz de tocha guiada! Tem esperança. Espere. Esperançai uma vez mais. Pois Perséfone chegará em casa, decerto como a Noite cai.
#persephone#demeter#persephone deity#demeter deity#hades deity#hades#hellenic polytheism#prayer#hymn#devotional text
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Day 10: Hekate Chthonia
From your cave, where you reside, With none but your torch to light the surroundings, You heard Demeter cry most sorrowfully. It was compassion that pulled you from Your under worldly dwellings, Hekate Chthonia, And rush to mournful Demeter To attempt to ease Her suffering Through kindly word and the comfort of a friend. You told Her you had heard Her beloved daughter, Sweet and innocent Kore, Cry out in fear just before She was proclaimed missing. You took broken-hearted Demeter under arm, And, With your torch a guiding light, Led Her though the night, Searching every crevasse of darkness, high and low, For that beautiful and ever-smiling Kore. And when it was discovered the terrible God, Hades, Had swallowed Her up into His depths, And made that darling girl into His fearsome Queen, Persephone, It was you that traveled into the perilous Underworld With guiding torch in hand, to retrieve Her, And take her back into the soft-beaming light And into her loving mother's arms once more. Every spring and every autumn, You traverse the treacherous path through the dark, An undaunted Persephone close behind, As you lead her to and from the two realms in which she is tied, Your ever-lit and ever-bright torch in hand. Hekate Chthonia, it is you who places your hand In the ever turning of the seasons, And softens the transition. It is you who consoles woe-begotten Demeter each year, And strong but grieving Persephone. Your kindness, your gentleness, it does not go unnoticed. Hekate Chthonia, Mild and good-natured Goddess, I praise and honor your name!
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