theway-her-hairfalls · 17 hours
could you please point me to your post about how americans misuse greek mythology (if it isn't too much trouble, of course)? while i'm not american i would be interested in reading about it since i think it is always a relevant topic
Ah, sure, no trouble! The thing is, I have several posts on this matter. Time to make a masterpost. Some disclaimers first:
1) The blogs I reblog from, I don’t agree in everything with them. I also can’t look up every blog I’ve ever reblogged from. 2) Greeks are not mad at Americans for not knowing. (You can’t expect someone to automatically know things for other countries so far away from them). The problem is most Americans don’t research or even realize that they have to research, since they are absorbed in their own country’s affairs only. Probably because of their country’s power and self-reliance, some Americans have a hard time comprehending in depth how other cultures differ from theirs. 3) This also goes for countries who have been and are big powers. It’s mostly the UK, Germany, Austria, France, Australia and Canada (perhaps). There is a certain amount of privilege these countries have and they can more easily forget to check if the information they are served from the media or their friends about Greek mythology is correct.
On this attitude there is a small commentary in this Post
The recent Nike stupidity: Post (I forgot to reblog the addition so I’m sending you to another blog)
"If you see “Greek mythology” and your mind goes to North Americans and Northwestern Europeans, you haven’t decolonized your mind yet." Post
How Americans (among other foreigners) miss the mark with Hades and Persephone myth. Post
False stereotypes for Greeks and Greece most Americans have: Post
Dispelling the myth that ancient Greek folklore is a patriarchal creation. (Greece was and is patriarchal, but the creation of folklore doesn’t fall onto men only. Dismissing the whole ancient and modern folklore as “fanfiction written by dudes” is quite dismissive and condescending) Post
Foreigners not knowing we had a word for blue! Post
Some (mostly Anglophone) Hellenic pagans use "Hellen"/"Hellene" as their identity name, while that name denotes a nationality. Also, some Hellenic Pagans identify as "Hellenic" which sounds as if they identify as Greek people. (It is like me saying “I am British”. It's a linguistic matter. The problem is that they don't know it and that this knowledge isn't available to them). They also falsely use the word "Hellenismos" as a name for their religion. Meanwhile, "Hellenismos" always meant "Greek people and culture". (Another linguistic knowledge not available. And nobody cares to ask Greeks about it) Post
Sarah J. Maas passing existing names and cultures as her own Post (In her more recent books she has more Greek words but she says they are part of an “ancient forgotten language”)
In the book Receiver of Many (from a US American author) there were many weird things, including Persephone not knowing what her name meant. (reminder: she speaks the language her name is from :p) There were so many inaccuracies I had made a whole post about it but I got tired and deleted it, together with my memories of it :p
In the book Circe the hero Odysseus and his crew become rapists to further develop Circe’s story. This invalidates both Circe and the beloved hero of the Greeks for millennia. (Odysseus wasn’t a saint but making him a rapist is not respectful either). The author, Madeline Miller also said in an article that she continues (!!!) the Greek mythology and the article compared her to Homer. Madeline Miller is a US American with a BA and MA in Latin and Ancient Greek, and has been teaching both for almost a decade. If a person with such knowledge is doing this, it makes me feel that we really have no hope with the rest. 
Rick Riordan being culturally inclusive but surprisingly NOT inclusive to Greeks, in a series talking about Greek mythology. I don’t recall dances, food, customs and relatable things in the Percy Jackson series. What is more, some portrayals of the gods are questionable. And Apollo’s surname is Christian Orthodox and means “Priest’s Child”. Which is weird and shows that the amount of research on his surname lasted less than ten seconds. This Post shows how it would be to have some Hellenismos (Greekness) in the Percy Jackson series.
Lore Olympus, holy f*ck, where do I begin.... (The author is from New Zealand where you can find Greek people and communities, and is also very active on social media where she could have found Greeks and ask them)
A British author misusing Greek language and mythology in To Kill a Kingdom: Post
Americans drawing Greek deities without any Greek elements on them: Post (OP’s blog has changed, so the post remains just as an example) Another Post comments on this trend.
And last but not least, all the hate Zeus (the literal father of gods!!) gets on this most US American site shows zero seconds of research on Greek mythology.
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theway-her-hairfalls · 17 hours
A Hymn to Apollo
O radiant Apollo, light of the skies,
With golden lyre and truth in your eyes,
Bearer of wisdom, healer of souls,
In your bright presence, the darkness rolls.
Lord of the sun, with your chariot ablaze,
You guide the day in its golden rays,
Your warmth and grace, the earth you imbue,
With life and hope, and visions anew.
In Delphi’s halls, where oracles speak,
Your voice reveals what seekers seek,
In melodies pure and prophecies wise,
You grant us insight beneath the skies.
O master of harmony, art, and song,
To your sacred tunes, our hearts belong,
We honor your name with voices clear,
Apollo, our guide, forever near.
As night descends and shadows grow long,
Your light remains in our hearts so strong,
With every dawn, your brilliance we see,
In your light, our spirits renew.
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theway-her-hairfalls · 18 hours
Sometimes spending time with Lady Aphrodite looks like an elaborate ritual with candles, incense, a libation, and fancy prayers and hymns
And sometimes it looks like asking Her to hang out with me while I watch my favorite show and recover from being sick.
Both are awesome, both are valid, both are equal
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“Don’t fear the Gods. Don’t worry about death. What’s good is easy to get. What’s bad is easy to endure.” - Epicurus a Greek Philosopher
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Digital Altar to Demeter
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Requests are open <3
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E-offering to lord apollon I hope and pray he appreciates it, I apologize for not being very active in my practice
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Me: I don’t need to prioritize taking care of myself- other people need my help and I can’t let them down
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(Totally didn’t make this post just so I could use the Aphrodite facepalm image… totally)
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Online Offering to Dionysus
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🐆Io Euoi!🍷🎭
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i posted my prayer to Lady Hestia and now there's things all about Her over my dash..
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for lady hestia
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an offering for lady hestia, as i want to learn more about how she was worshiped historically and about sermons
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I love having a casual relationship with my deities because even though it doesn’t look like it on the surface, each word I speak is full of utter devotion.
Like yes I talk to you like you are my best friend. Yes I worship you wholly and completely.
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for lady hestia, a little different take on my usual collage offering
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Digital offering for Lord Apollon and Lord Dionysos, my beloved patrons<3
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Aphrodite moodboard 🕊
All pictures from Pinterest !!
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Thought I'd make a nice little informative post on the difference between UPG, SPG, and VPG and what each term actually means!
UPG stands for Unverified Personal Gnosis. Occasionally, it is referred to as Subjective Personal Experience. This refers to an experience, belief, or association with a deity that isn't backed up historically. UPGs are personal, and others may or may not agree with or share them.
Examples of UPGs (some of my personal UPGs)
Aphrodite is a trans woman
Aphrodite loves rock music
Apollo has a high singing voice
Apollo enjoys when I paint my nails
Dionysus uses any pronouns
SPG stands for Shared Personal Gnosis, also known as PVPG (Peer Verified Personal Gnosis). SPGs are experiences, beliefs, or associations shared by many worshippers of certain deities. Though they don't hold as much weight as beliefs backed up historically, they tend to hold more weight than UPGs.
VPG stands for Verified Personal Gnosis. This means that an experience, belief, or association someone has is backed up by historical sources.
Examples of VPG
Zeus is associated with lightning
Apollo and Artemis are associated with archery
Aphrodite is associated with the sea
Persephone is associated with pomegranates
Hephaestus is associated with fire
and so much more!
I hope this guide helped somebody!
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Love Deities all around the World
There are so, so many different Love Deities, so I thought I’d make a post listing as many as I know from as many pantheons I know about! Gods/Goddesses of Marriage and/or fertility are included. Deities from different pantheons are separated by a space.
❤️ Aphrodite
❤️ Eros
❤️ Hedone
❤️ Anteros
❤️ Hedylogos
❤️ Himeros
❤️ Hymenaios
❤️ Pothus
❤️ Phthonus
❤️ Hera
❤️ Venus
❤️ Cupid
❤️ Voluptas
❤️ Freyja
❤️ Frigg
❤️ Söfjn
❤️ Lofn
❤️ Prende
❤️ Milda
❤️ Dogoda
❤️ Dzydzilelya
❤️ Siebog
❤️ Jarilo
❤️ Áine
❤️ Branwen
❤️ Cliodhna
❤️ Asmodeus
❤️ Babalon
❤️ Albina
❤️ Turan
❤️ Astghik
❤️ Kamadeva
❤️ Rati
❤️ Anahita
❤️ Aisyt
❤️ Oshun
❤️ Astarte
❤️ Bastet
❤️ Bes
❤️ Hathor
❤️ Min
❤️ Inanna
❤️ Ishtar
❤️ Nanaya
❤️ Aisha Qandicha
❤️ Bangan
❤️ Obban
❤️ Amas
❤️ Dian Masalanta
❤️ Mangagayuma
❤️ Agkui
❤️ Tagbayaw
❤️ Jiutian Xuannü
❤️ Yue-Lao
❤️ Tu Er Shen
❤️ White Peony
❤️ Wutong Shen
❤️BaiMei Shen
❤️ Quian Keng
❤️ Chuangmu
❤️ Aizen Myō-ō or Rāgarāja
❤️ Kuni
❤️ Kurukulla
❤️ Ixcuiname
❤️ Teicu
❤️ Tiacapan
❤️ Tlaco
❤️ Tlazolteotl
❤️ Xocotzin
❤️ Xochiquetzal
❤️ Xochipilli
❤️ Santa Muerte
❤️ Kurupi
❤️ Ruda
By the way, I don’t know much about most of these deities, and I encourage you to do your own research if you choose. If I missed any, let me know. Much love!
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Praying to Aphrodite for seeing the beauty in the world despite my sadness, as well as loving myself, even when others judge me
Praying to Ares for the strength to keep going, and as the loving hand of a father that I never had
Praying to Hestia in hope that I'll feel at home for the first time in forever, that I'll be comforted with thoughts of my favorite bread in the warm oven
Praying to Demeter in hope that my hunger will be sated while there's no food for me to eat, and again for the caring embrace from a mother when mine turns her back
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