#Paul clone 2
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r1ch1e-l1psh1tz · 2 months ago
Pls 2 headcannons :D
He likes to have everything in place. He has specific places for certain items. He lets his family use the items, they just have to ask before hand, otherwise, he'll go crazy looking for it-
If he goes to the mall and they stop by the pet store to get some food or treats, he'll always look at the birds, snakes and some of the other animals as well, they seem to like him.
Any time he has horrible anxiety, he doodles in his notebook. So between pages of...the horrors, there'll be random doodles.
He likes puzzles. He finds them very entertaining and will work on them for hours on end.
Anytime someone has a cup on the edge of the table/counter, he'll politely. If they don't/they do it again, he just grabs it and moves it. After that, he doesn't care-
He has a lot of sticky notes.
That's all I have! Sorry if these aren't the best and I'm very sorry for the late answer. Have a good day!! :3
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 5 months ago
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artyfartyliz · 2 months ago
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based on this onion article
bonus half drawn richie because i realised "wait they're cats and not wearing anything" lmao
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 7 months ago
miss pauling medic would be interesting
Herr Paule!
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He is part of the Medic Clones AU. He works as secretary. For who?
You won't believe it but...!
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kingoftheu · 1 year ago
Saw Gerrera really missed his calling as a Fremen committing unspeakable acts in the name of Muad'dib.
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medic-clones · 5 months ago
Lore?(Part 3)
Miss Pauling: (Goes to check the Medic Clones and knocks on Hippie Medic house door)
Hippie Medic: (Opens door and puff of weed smoke comes out the door. You can't even see Hippie Medic) Hello Miss Pauling~ Hehehehe.
Miss Pauling: (covers her nose) Hi.
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jeandejard3n · 11 months ago
Star Wars: Night with the Jawas
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year ago
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Legacy of Superman (1993) #1
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sewersewersewercouch · 1 year ago
"it's been 3 years since nightmare time 1 came out and I've watched it, like, at LEAST biannually since then so it won't fuck me up" <--me being completely full of shit, a lier if you will
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yum-grass · 2 years ago
The bitch ever
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I hate him /pos
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motherofdogs1010 · 2 months ago
A Jedi in Arrakis VII (Paul Atreides x Reader)
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Summary: While on the run from Empire troops, Jedi padawan Y/N comes to find out that hyper-driving in a compromised craft can have some major setbacks when she discovers not only is on a new planet but a whole new galaxy as well...
Warnings: 18+ only, jedi!reader, pinv!sex, fingering, angst, fluff, mentions of death, somewhat-canon Dune PT. 1 & 2, Paul is somewhat canon, talks of questioning the Force and teachings, spoilers for Dune Part I and II, eventual marriage
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
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The journey to Sietch Tabr met them with danger as they eventually stumbled across Harkonnen soldiers descending from a ship. The body of Jamis having been left as a decoy as the Fremen told them to hide amongst the rock so that they may be able to handle the Harkonenn soldiers that she soon caught on were following them.
It was the sound of a thumper that eventually drew them away from where they hide, she watched as the soldiers floated up towards the top of the rock structure where they hide, not wanting to face a worm while the sun soon began to become eclipsed.
It wasn't until Harkonnen soldiers began to fall from the rock above them as they moved along the bottom that it began obvious the Fremen had been awaiting the soldiers.
Swiftly and efficiently killing them.
It seemed that was what being on Arrakis had come to.
Killing to survive as her, Paul and Lady Jessica killed the stragglers that had managed to escape the surprise attack. BB had some action too with zapping one of them in order to Paul to kill one.
Lady Jessica had assured them that her and Paul's unborn sister were well before they bore witness to the Fremen lining up the soldiers to extract water from their bodies.
It was fascinating to watch as they utilized water from the body, seeing the mechinism suck out the water until their skin was so tight against the bone they were mummified.
"Do you drink the water?" she asked, Stilgar chuckled.
"Not this one. Too dirty from all the chemicals, but good enough for cooling systems."
Unfortunately, the sight was too much for Lady Jessica as she soon vomitted, Stilgar having told her not to let it out but unable to stop it.
"Are you alright?" she asked, Paul parroting her question.
She nodded and dry heaved.
Eventually, the water was all collected, the bodies piled up and a thumper left for a sand worm to come and devour the bodies as they continued their journey deeper into the dunes.
"You fight well", Chani said.
"Thank you", she replied.
"Was it only you under your Master's training?"
"No, I had another companion, her name was Ashoka." A small smile came onto her face at the memory.
Longing fell upon her at the mention of Ahsoka because it brought up memories of home, of everyone. She wondered if she'd ever actually see them again, but the longer and deeper she went into Arrakis, the further that flew away.
"We were like sisters, her and I", Y/N sighed, a sadness seeping in her chest.
She knew she was going to have to accept she'd never see them again. Her life was here now, not back on Naboo or training under Anakin.
She just hoped everything was okay back home with the Clone Wars.
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Sietch Tabr was amazing.
Tall slabs of rocks with writing carved into to, perfectly placed holes where light seeped into and the sound of indistinctive chattering echoing in the halls as Stilgar led them further in.
She glanced at Paul as he nodded, assuringly but soon they were met with hundreds of Fremen shouting angrily at them and screaming Jamis' name over and over again. Paul grasped her hand as BB beeped in fear before she heard countless words echoed over and over again.
Stilgar had them taken to what she guessed was like a communal area for the community as there were countless little groups spread about, taking. They had removed the stilsuits in favor of the muslin cloth clothes provided and sat in their own little area, BB decided to hibernate for a bit.
"They're calling you The One Who Brings Light", Paul whispered to her.
"And you the Messiah", she replied back. "You must teach me the language. But tell me, who is this person they call me?"
"The belief that the Messiah will come with their lover, the One Who Brings Light to free Arrakis from its chains. They will come with a Blade of Light and wield it in battle against the enemy, helping free the Fremen and bring peace."
"And how do you feel about their thoughts of you as their Messiah?"
Paul was silent.
"You can tell me, Paul", she said, "I will not judge."
"Conflicted", he answered, "a part of me hates it but the other part wants to sway the non-believers to my benefit of getting to the Emperor. So that I may avenge my father and my House."
"Your father did not believe in revenge", Lady Jessica spoke.
"I do", Paul retorted.
Soon enough, they were served a meal. It had a similar consistency to porridge and the flavor was like blue milk with the added spice that gave it any edge. It was nothing she hadn't handled heat wise, her tongue favored heat.
"There is spice in the food", Paul said, blinking.
Stilgar called for Lady Jessica and they watched as he led her away.
"I wonder what they want with her", she pondered.
"Who knows."
Once they finished eating, she rested her head on Paul's shoulder and he sighed. He intertwined their hands as they sat in silence before Paul whispered, "I've missed you."
She looked at him, "I've been here beside you."
"No, I've missed you, darling."
Her eyes widened slightly before she shyly whispered, "Paul."
He leaned his forehead against her, "I am but a man. A man with a beautiful woman that loves him. Is it so shameful that I've missed said woman? A woman that I've only had the pleasure of only sharing a single night with."
She sheepishly looked away, heat reaching her ears and cheeks as Paul chuckled.
It turned out that the Reverend Mother was dying, no other Bene Gesserit woman present being suitable and Lady Jessica accepting the role.
"You should be honored to accept it", Paul said.
"Is it the highest title?" Y/N asked, Lady Jessica nodded.
"Is it different here?"
"Each culture does it differently", Lady Jessica explained. "So I have no idea what will occur."
Y/N saw it in her eyes: she was afraid and Paul voiced it to her.
"Reverend Mothers are tasked with holding the memories of all those that came before so I'll be given centuries of pain and sorrow", Lady Jessica said, her eyes tired and heavy.
"Is it lethal?" Paul asked.
"For men."
"But you will be alright?" she asked, concerned.
"Yes", Lady Jessica reassured. "I am not a man."
They followed the others outside to where Lady Jessica entered a cave opening with the other Bene Gesserit sisters as her and Paul stood outside it, other groups of Fremen sat under tarps to protect them from the harsh sun as they waited.
BB let out a series of beeps and Paul chuckled.
"I'm beginning to understand you", he mused, BB waited for a moment before popping open a compartment and giving Paul a thumbs up.
"Now he and I won't be able to gossip about you", she teased, Paul scowled playfully.
"I have amazing qualities, no need to hide between your hands to gossip."
She smiled at Paul as he grasped her hand, intertwining their fingers and she felt a sense a peace.
The sun felt hot against her back as she looked around to find Chani sitting under a pitched tent that was low to the sand with what she assumed were her friends as they laughed and spoke.
"Do you think they believe?" she softly whispered.
"No", Paul answered. "But it doesn't hurt for us to mingle with the locals."
Moving towards Chani's group, BB easily rolled over the smooth sand as Chani looked up at them as they approached.
"Hello", she said, Chani and her friends nodded in acknowledgement.
"Hello", Chani echoed.
Her friends eyed BB, who rolled cautiously closer to her and Paul as Paul spoke, "you don't believe in all this, do you?"
"No, we don't", Chani replied.
"These are old Southern beliefs", another answered. "Southern tribes believe a messiah and his lover will come to deliver us from evil."
"So, you don't believe in the Lisan al-Gaib and The One Who Brings Light?"
"We believe in Fremen." The way the woman spoke, she could tell that here in the Northern tribes, this belief went deep. "You want to control people, you tell them a messiah will come. Then they'll wait for centuries."
It was then that they heard Stilgar speak in Chakbosa as he emerged from the mouth of the cave before saying, "now, we must pray."
He moved towards a separate group where there were older Fremen, watching them get down to their knees and begin to pray as they laid their heads on the sand.
"And him?" Y/N asked.
"Stilgar?" Chani questioned, Y/N nodded. "He's from the South. You didn't hear his accent?"
Chani and her group laughed at her and Y/N felt a bit of embarrassment.
"You have an odd accent", a male in the group said. "All formal and diplomatic."
"With odd hair. Two lumps on either side of your head."
"She's not from here", Paul defended, "she comes from another galaxy. She crashed landed here on Arrakis with her Droid trying to get to her Resistance Base."
BB let out a series of beeps.
"It's alright, BB", she said, patting his head. "They're curious."
Silence befell the group for a moment or two before Paul asked, "what will happen to my mother?"
The question drove the group to speak in Chakbosa, which left her and Paul looking at one another.
"She will be alright, Paul", she reassured. "Your mother is strong."
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Paul's mother was a Reverend Mother now, but that alone had brought discourse in the tribe.
The process had drained her of her energy and the Sisters were encasing the woman ins a type of shroud to allow her to be carried back.
"I think they are arguing over you", she said, moving a piece of hair from Lady Jessica's face. "What will you do?"
"I will try to resolve this."
She listened as Paul agreed with Chani and her group, claiming he was not the messiah and that his mother's survival was due to her training as a Bene Gesserit.
"And what of The One Who Carries Light? She has come!"
"I come from a place where many yield such blades", she said, "I am not a liberator. I am still a student in my craft."
"All I ask is that you allow us to learn your ways and let us fight beside you", Paul announced. "That is all we ask."
It was near dusk when Lady Jessica emerged from her slumber with bright blue eyes and a new aura to her as Paul sat in her new room that had been occupied by the previous Reverend Mother.
"Are you two alright?" he asked, Lady Jessica nodded.
"Yes, she was frightened for a moment, but she's okay."
Paul relaxed at the statement before his mother continued, "she speaks to me."
Confusion filled him, his unborn sister... is speaking to her from the womb?
"She believes in you... in both of you."
Lady Jessica grasped his wrists with wild eyes, "she says only one step remains and Paul, you will become the Kwisatz Haderach and Y/N will rule by your side. Only one step, Paul! You must do what I did!"
Paul felt a fear like never before enwrap him but he couldn't move away
"You must drink the Water of Life! It will free you! You will see!"
Paul could not get the conversation out of his mind for the remainder of the day.
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As part of their immersion into becoming one with the Fremen was learning how to cross the sand and survive properly. A tent and food was given to them as BB was to say with Lady Jessica as soon the suns fell into darkness as they continued their crossing.
Stilgar had warned them against the possible dangers of being deep into the sands, even saying demonic lizards lived in the sands that would try to trick your minds.
"You two sandwalk like a drunk lizard", a voice echoed. "You aren't even in worm territory yet."
She looked to see Chani sitting on a dune watching them.
"I thought we were doing well", Paul panted.
Chani stood as she sandwalked slowly to them, "you must break up your rhythm."
She came to them, showing them, "but you must make your steps wider."
Chani came to her and forced one of her legs to slider farther, "you bear more weight so your steps must be longer."
She wobbled a little as she forced on not falling over at the new stance.
"Now, that's interesting because in the film books I've studies--"
"Paul, are you about to question a Fremen on how to properly do this?" she asked with a raised brow.
Chani blinked at Paul, "come, both of you. Follow my steps."
With Chani's demonstration and help, sandwalking became much easier.
Soon, Chani had proved to become a friend to her and it made her miss Ashoka more than ever. She was the only one to believe in her and Paul's training, helping show them the ropes of learning and Y/N found Chani to be a kind person underneath the stern exterior she displayed.
She demonstrated how the windtraps worked, how to properly string tents and the beginnings of understanding Chakbosa.
Sitting in the tent, she ran a brush through her hair as the flap opened and looking over her shoulder, she saw Paul walking in his loose tunic clothing.
Standing up from the large cot, she walked over to his as he grasped her hips and pulled his close to her.
Being here among the dunes had proved to be a different type of difficult under the hot suns and unforgiving environment, but had somehow brought her and Paul into a new level of intimacy.
She stared into his eyes as she caressed his cheek before Paul leaned down, meeting her lips in a tongue filled kiss that left her thighs clenching as she fisted his shirt. Their lips clashing, tongues gliding over one another before Paul began to trail his lips down to her neck and finding the one spot he knew made her shudder, abusing the spot as he brought a hand up to her breast.
"Paul", she gasped as she felt her cunt clench and clit throb.
"I know, darling. Let me finally show you how I've missed you."
He pulled away and helped her take off her muslin nightgown, revealing her bare body underneath.
Her thighs felt sticky from the wetness coming from her. It had been so long since she had first been with Paul and it felt as if her body was shaking with need, her cunt feeling so slick and wet for him.
Walking backwards, she sat on the cot as Paul moved to take off his shirt, exposing to her his lean frame that she so loved. She brought a hand to his abdomen, trailing it down to palm at his obvious erection that Paul had as she helped him remove his pants.
His heavy cock leaked pre-cum and looked angry with need as she went to grasp it, but Paul shook his head.
"Please, don't tease me, darling. I need to be inside you."
Laying back down on the cot, she felt Paul tug back down as she yelped a little in surprise to find his kneeling at the foot of the cot.
"I just need a taste, my love."
She parted her legs, shyly as Paul brought his thumbs to her lips and spread her. His mere touch making her moan and whine as he cooed, "oh, love, you've missed me as I have you, haven't you?"
"Yes", she whined, "oh, Paul, how I've missed you."
She could only imagine how she looked to Paul as he cooed further, "your clit is so swollen, love. And I bet I can-"
She cried out as he slid two fingers in, her slickness allowing such a action to occur as he begun to slowly thrusting his fingers into her. She shivered as his fingers met that one spot in her that made her arch her back as Paul's hot mouth encased her clit, sucking on it as slowly as his fingers moved.
"Paul, please. I need more", she whined, "please."
He released her clit in a grin, "more, love? Do you not want to be made love to?"
She felt his fingers move in sped, her eyes rolling back as they begun to move in a deeper and rougher sped that had her moaning like those whores she had heard of on Azar.
"Or is it you want me to fuck you like a whore?"
"Yes", she began to sob as Paul's fingers bullied her cunt.
She had never pictured herself to be such a person but as Paul slid yet another finger into her, she tried to grasp at sides of the cot to keep herself grounded.
"Your cunt is so greedy, she just swallows my fingers."
It was then Paul brought his other hand and pressed down where her womb was and she cried out, he moved back to sucking on her clit in a harsh manner. The pleasure seemed to increase and her toes curled tightly, tears streaming as her cunt seized, squeezing his fingers as she felt her orgasm wash over her like a tidal waves.
Her legs slightly shook as Paul lapped at her clit, his fingers beginning to slowly slow in sped before he pulled them out.
She panted as she opened her eyes, watching as he stood and looked at the mess she had made on his fingers. He brought his fingers to his mouth, licking at it and he moaned at the taste.
"You taste so sweet."
"Paul, please. I need you." Y/N could see that Paul's cock seem to be leaking so much and looked so red at the tip.
It seemed her wish finally came true as Paul between her legs, she grasped his face and brought their lips together in a moaning mess before they both cried out as Paul slid home into her.
Their arms wrapped around one another as their hips began to rock, Paul's cock bullying her womb practically as they breathed the same air, their bodies so intertwined it was hard to tell where she began and where Paul ended.
Her nipples rubbed so deliciously against Paul's slick skin that it only fueled her lust.
"Ah, I-I... love you, Paul!" Paul's hips seemed to rock even faster, the slapping of their flesh could surely been heard in the camp.
"I-I love you too", Paul grunted before he pulled out and left her whining as her cunt throbbed. "Turn over, I want to try something different."
She panted but curiousity filled her as she went onto her hands and knees, hearing Paul shuffle behind her before she gasped as Paul slid into her.
It felt so much deeper like this as Paul once again began to move.
Sex was forbidden among the Jedi Order and she could understand why as Paul had her soon drooling like a whore, letting all of the Fremen in this camp hear how she was begging for it all.
Her elbows soon enough gave out under it all, letting her top half fall to the cot as she bounced in time to Paul's thrusts.
She felt that familiar clenching as Paul brought a hand to her clit, rubbing it as he mouthed at her back.
Her second orgasm had her feeling like she was floating and shivering that she missed the warm sensation of Paul's cum filling her up, but once she did feel it, she moaned at the full feeling.
Collapsing soon from it all, they found themselves in a sweaty, lovers' embrace as their hearts tried to calm down and their lungs try to get more air back in them.
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@cloudlst @khlaeesihavilliard @colors-for-the-world-please @senhoritaapple @dark1paradise @chalametabingbong @aoi-targaryen @star-maker-rain-dancer @nj452896
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miss-holloday · 1 year ago
Some little canon tidbits from the 8 hour Nerdy Prudes Must Die livestream that y’all missed/ forgot about:
1. Jane Perkins’ was Linda Monroe’s friend and therapist
2. Jane, Gerald, and Linda all went to U of M
3. Matt Lang refers to himself as the God of the Universe and says Tom and Becky are meant to be together
5. Becky Barnes grew up with a THICK Scottish? Accent.
6. CCRP (Paul, Bill, Ted, and Charlotte’s company) are experimenting on them in order to harness the power of the Lords in Black. They don’t need a tech department… especially not one full of people who are very bad at technology. (For example, Paul 23 and Android Emma in Forever & Always)
7. Paul and Emma will always find each other, even if they’re an identical copy like a robot or a clone.
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ledesaid · 4 months ago
Four times when Conner finds a father...
Conner is upset, the school has lost hundreds of student records and they ask him to send a copy of his application again, including a copy of his birth certificate. He is not upset about the paperwork, he knows everyone will have to do it, but Megan and the Martian detective are on Mars on personal business and can't help. He asks Red Tornado for a copy and it's a surprise for Conner, a name that proudly appears on the protagonist, only one.
1. Bruce Wayne, it's interesting in retrospect... Conner's never met the man in his life, but the genemorphs showed him what he looked like, but what's a Gotham City billionaire's name elegantly spelled after his father doing on his certificate?
Conner definitely didn't have the urge to go knock on his door and ask what was going on, because he first asked Batman who awkwardly explained that he was a good friend who was willing to help if the situation warranted it... yeah, it was definitely because of that answer that he crossed the country and knocked on his door. The fact that he ended up running across the rooftops of Gotham a couple of months later was a curious and happy ending.
2. Clarence Charles Batson, more than confused by a totally strange name Conner feels the need to use the central computer of Mount Justice and the results disturb him, missing, they don't help him too much... Married archaeologist, two children, lost five years ago... the photo speaks for itself, he's practically Captain Marvel but with a terrible disguise. When he asks about the certificate the captain only manages to smile, begins to tell him an interesting story about a magician and a moral about not following unknown voices to abandoned subway stations. After an afternoon of flying he ends up adding that he shouldn't worry since they have the same chin. Conner doesn't feel the urge to wear tights yet, but he stamps a lightning bolt on his favorite jacket and is learning some magic from his magical father.
3. Lex Luthor, yes, is in front of Conner signing his birth certificate... Conner takes it as soon as he finishes and leaves his office with the same energy and good humor that characterizes him. He is certainly not upset because Clark has just spit in his face that he is not his father, it was not because he tore up the certificate where his name was written, a paper he had not seen before, or because he was not allowed to explain himself... He is upset because I sent him to find the person who sent him to clone. And from there he left, he intended to get the signature of PAUL WESTFIELD, CEO of Cadmus, but he discovered that he had another biological father who he did not hesitate to visit in the heat of the moment... the latter, blessed by the clone's situation and his motivation, did not take long to make it official. Conner never uses the certificate, but keeps it in his room waiting for the day when Clark resumes this one-sided discussion.
4.Guy Gardner, Conner has to ask Robin to hack into him to find out who he is because his information is encoded in the systems. He turns out to be the last Green Lantern to join the Justice League and someone very difficult to locate for a simple chat. A mini alien invasion and an attack in Brussels are necessary for Conner to be able to talk to him. Surprisingly, the Lantern recognizes him and greets him, asking him how he's been doing at school. A totally inappropriate image of the man for those who knew him or read reports about him. He easily manages to clarify that he was present the day they discussed who would sign the paper, he spit out that he knew gang members or imbeciles with more balls to sign for a baby that they weren't even sure if it was theirs. He becomes Conner's favorite superhero when he asks him - Do you want to go hit something boy? - Conner surprisingly does. Guy leaves again for space shortly after, but not before giving him an interspace communicator to keep in touch and a six pack of beer. Conner can't drink, legally and biologically his body can't get drunk, his gift is unbecoming, but the gesture of spoiling a super-powered teenager makes him feel pretty good. Conner ends up keeping them in his room with some appreciation. He gets a lantern tattoo a year later.
(Sorry if I don't understand well, English is not my first language.)
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months ago
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Paul White & Marie Bryant [scrungly unit] (Bli Blip)—tell me these guys aren't charming and silly?? Paul is so sweet and goofy here and Marie Bryant—an accomplished dancer and choreographer in her own right who assisted Gene Kelly and trained Vera-Ellen—also getsin to the scrungly action!
Eric Blore (Shall We Dance, The Lady Eve)—fucking hilarious character actor and weird little guy par excellence, with a prolific career and exquisite comic timing, who specialized in playing butlers and valets (usually eccentric, dryly ironic, or subtly contemptuous ones). he provided memorable comic relief in five of fred and ginger's movies, often alongside the inimitable edward everett horton, and appeared in the preston sturges classics the lady eve and sullivan's travels. he also voiced mr. toad in disney's adaptation of the wind in the willows. it's hard to know what to say about this goofy lil guy besides he's so fucking funny...watch him in action! [videos under the cut]
This is round 2 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Paul White & Marie Bryant:
Bonus Marie Bryant with Scatman Crothers:
Eric Blore:
ok i just have to say some more about my weird friend eric blore. like any truly great character actor, he's a master of sketching out a fully fleshed unhinged little character in an extremely brief amount of screen time. and look at his scrungly little grins, do they not have a distinct possumlike quality?? wouldn't he seem fully in his element popping up from behind a dumpster as you walked through a random alley and saying something like "oh exCUSE me sir but have you any camembert"? or maybe taking the seat directly next to you in a near-empty subway car and telling you about the scale model of budapest he's building out of toothpaste? i want him to follow me around and do strange comedy bits. i want to study him in a lab. i want to clone him and flood the world with eric blores.
The yin to Edward Everett Horton's yang. He doesn't think of himself as a scrungly little guy he sees himself as the perfect butler, or waiter, or dance teacher. But fate destined him to be the scrungly little guy to Fred Astaire's effortlessly smooth charmer. If he doesn't win this, he should go to be butler in chief to the shadow realm, probably slipping on the stairs as he goes.
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 6 months ago
Remember these guys?
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Well, you also might remember that they are from a TF2 AU called "Medic Clones."
Well! Today, I am gonna explain things about the AU.
It all started with Goth Cashier Medic!!! When I tell you when he was created... He just said, "Nope! I am working in a grocery store." And he took off his doctor's uniform and left the cloning machine. Meanwhile, he was leaving the workers of the cloning machine who were trying to stop him and convince him to stay. But bro said, "Do I look like I want my insanity break?! F××k NEIN!" So he just left and worked at a store.
And after that! Many other Medic Clones decided to work at different types of jobs. But Saxton Hale didn't complain as much because one of the Medics decided to work for him as a male security member who was "Herr Paule."
Also, the Medic Clones work near each other. Not all of them. Some of them moved to different places in the world.
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TF2 Fandom, the brainworms have garnered an angstful scenario for your consideration
So in the final comic, which is set in 1979, Scout is shown to be a single father of 4 children (Tommy, Tanya, and 2 unnamed kids) from his 3 past marriages.
Assuming that he fell into a relationship not too long after he gave up on Ms. Pauling, and given that all of his kids are walking and talking and swimming, I'd estimate that the kids ages range between 2-6 in 1979.
Now, people will also remember that Scout has a specific death date as told to him by god: December 4th, 1987...so like 8 years after the final comic.
by then his kids ages would range around...10-14...so yeah, Scout's gonna be leaving 4 young orphans behind when he dies. Upsetting.
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