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hargo-news · 1 year ago
Mulai Diterima Penambang, Progress Program Tali Asih PGP Berjalan Lancar
Mulai Diterima Penambang, Progress Program Tali Asih PGP Berjalan Lancar #ProgramTaliAsih #PTPETS #PaniGoldProject
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Program tali asih bagi penambang oleh Pani Gold Project kian menunjukkan hasil positif, hal ini ditandai dengan adanya penambang yang mulai menerima nominal yang disepakati lewat proses negosiasi di hari pertama, Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2023. Program tali asih bagi penambang ini mendapat perhatian khusus dari Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Pohuwato. Pada…
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himpunid · 1 year ago
Demo Soal Tambang di Pohuwato, Rein : Tidak Ada Guna Lagi DPRD dan Bupati
HIMPUN.ID – Ratusan Masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Penambang Lokal (APL) melakukan aksi demo di Gedung DPRD Pohuwato, Kamis 14 September 2023. Aliansi Penambang Lokal (APL) ini mengeluhkan kejelasan pembayaran lokasi para penambang oleh perusahaan PT PETS. Aksi unjuk rasa tersebut diterima langsung oleh ketua DPRD Pohuwato Nasir Giasi di ruang sidang DPRD. Ketua DPRD Nasir Giasi…
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spookygibberish · 2 months ago
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Taking liberties
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sweeneydino · 9 months ago
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Yknow, I think he just hates teenagers who aren't Cody, guys.
Experimenting with different art styles cause I'm inconsistent ✨️✨️✨️ plus I was inspired but you already knew that
I was gonna make this more show accurate but I don't think my hand can take it.
I love Serling and I love torturing him.
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Might add metalhead in a possible follow up..
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radaverse · 1 year ago
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I had to
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ncthandrake · 1 year ago
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synkverv · 10 months ago
some headcanons i have about feyd-rautha's pets, the cannibal hoes, the harpies, the babes with the power
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group headcanons:
from left to right, their names are lera, magdalina, & uko
none of them were ever slaves; magdalina and lera are giedi prime socialites (the daughters of non-harkonnen highborns) while uko is originally from off-world
they were cannibals BEFORE becoming feyd's harpies
everything they eat is raw
they are not allowed to have sex with anyone besides feyd and each other
feyd usually has sex with all three at the same time; he likes to feel "ganged up on" by them
lera and uko will have sex with each other when feyd's away to pass the time
they are not allowed to sleep in feyd's bed with him except for special circumstances
they are loyal to feyd-rautha and nobody else, they listen to and obey feyd-rautha and nobody else
uko is killed by falling debris during paul's coup while lera and magdalina are imprisoned with the rest of the harkonnens on arrakis and are later sent back to giedi prime (following feyd's death)
individual headcanons:
lera is female, aromantic, and pansexual
the mark on her forehead indicates that she is feyd's favorite and the one who would carry his children as his concubine
she is the newest and youngest harpy
she can throat sing and feyd often has her perform for him while he watches magdalina and uko have sex
lera is the only one feyd allows to initiate sex with (uko and magdalina must wait until feyd wants to have sex)
she prefers to eat men's organs
magdalina is female and heterosexual (although she is not opposed to having sex with lera and uko when feyd desires it)
she was the first to become one of his harpies
she is the oldest harpy
although lera is his favorite, magdalina is the most skilled at sexually pleasing feyd
she is the most dominant of the harpies in bed
magdalina is bitterly jealous of anyone feyd is attracted to or has slept with (lera, uko, margot fenring, paul atreides, vladimir harkonnen)
she would be a threat to any children feyd fathers with other people
uko is non-binary and bisexual
they were feyd's second harpy
they are the most violent and barbaric of the three; slaves know to keep their distance from uko to the best of their ability
uko isn't particularly loquacious and enjoys growling, hissing, and spitting at anybody (who isn't glossu rabban or vladimir, feyd's direct family members are off limits and they know this)
uko loves to bite feyd and lera; they also intend to sharpen their teeth to points in the future
they like to be on a leash
uko is the most likely to cannibalize one of the other harpies and not necessarily out of desperation to eat
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beanghostprincess · 1 year ago
Sanji meets a little mouse that has made his way into the ship and he befriends the lil guy. To the point where he speaks to him all the time and Sanji ends up confessing all of his feelings for Usopp to the mouse thinking he won't say a thing because- Because he is a mouse.
But it turns out the lil guy is also a little shit and he's a gossiper at heart. So he tells Chopper. Chopper is so nervous about this new information he ends up telling Robin. Robin mentions this to Franky because she finds it amusing and Franky is pretty much one of the closest to the sniper. He makes a comment about it to both Jinbe and Brook even if he tries to keep the secret because he is too dramatic and it's an accident. And since Brook loves to gossip too and has no filter either he talks about it with Nami. And if Nami finds out about a gossip, Zoro will too. And Zoro tells Luffy everything because they are basically married.
So now everybody knows Sanji has the biggest crush on Usopp because his pet mouse likes to see the world burn.
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hargo-news · 1 year ago
Pemerintah Komit Kawal Penyelesaian Tali Asih PGP untuk Penambang Rakyat
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo dan Kabupaten Pohuwato berkomitmen untuk mendukung terselenggaranya program tali asih bagi penambang rakyat yang bersedia melakukan relokasi dari area konsesi Pani Gold Project (PGP) di Gunung Pani, Desa Hulawa, Kabupaten Pohuwato. Komitmen ini disampaikan dalam sosialisasi program pemberian tali asih bagi penambang rakyat yang…
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cycoekiller119 · 1 year ago
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buttercup 🌼 lps 2612 x fluttershy
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urannos · 19 days ago
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Hoje é meu aniversário 🎂
E a Laika foi o melhor presente para mim! Por isso, uma enxurrada de fotos da caramelinha mais fotogênica desse país!
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wenbllk · 11 months ago
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I ended up deep cleaning my bathroom so I was too tired to finish anything yesterday lol Here are some wips I managed to sketch
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animationmoments · 1 month ago
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Rank 1 - Despicable Me
Rank 2 - Despicable Me 2
Rank 3 - The Secret Life of Pets
Rank 4 - Sing
Rank 5 - Sing 2
Popular illumination films according to Rotten Tomatoes. | x
Part 1
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redhairedanswers · 2 months ago
The kitten leans in and sniffs Shanks
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Then it lays down and starts chilling
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He tilted his head in amusement, watching as the kitten relaxed "Really adorable..." he mumbled, before lightly reaching out for the cat's little head. Maybe he could, well actually he had to see whether the cat would scratch him or not.
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moveslikekeithrichards · 2 years ago
its so hard to talk about how traumatic it is to watch somebody be claimed by dementia without going "well i cant complain because at least i wasnt the one losing my mind (for now)" but that shit fucks you up so much. that ghost is going to haunt me for the rest of my life and all i can do is hope it Stays a ghost
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groundpear · 2 months ago
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🌟 2024 carrd | ☕️ Ko-fi 🌟
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