spewing whatever shit pops into my head for all my fav tma characters
ALRIGHT babes a whole entire six people wanted to see my opinions on characters so far (i just finished #103), but i don't rlly have a direction to take with this. i was thinking about giving them ratings but idek what i'd rate them ON lmao. SO!
Jon-ohoho he's so DRY and so FUNNY and somebody needs to bitch slap this man. how am i supposed to get a goofy workplace drama if he's so genre-aware?? i don't like him THAT much, but honestly the whole show would be a lot more boring without his paranoia. also was his skin rlly so bad that it took an entire MONTH to get him thoroughly moisturized? ur body is a temple, johnny boy :(
Martin-omg he's such a bean. i relate to this man a lil too much for comfort-he's bullied waaay too much by absolutely everyone in this podcast. if he reads too many statements and turns into another jon or smth i'll SWIM to the uk specifically to yell at the writers, this man is to be PROTECTED at all costs! also he SOUNDS like a fucking redhead. you can hear it in his voice. and it shows very clearly in his poetry.
Tim-hehehe ICON. s1 finale tim was honestly the greatest thing ever, the way he's changed is absolutely breaking my heart. prancing into the office during a worm attack and immediately sitting down on 20 cans of CO2 sounds EXACTLY like smth i'd do, honestly props to him for staying so calm during the whole thing. and the fact that he's fucking all these cops for information is just *chef's kiss* tbh, his entire EXISTENCE is a power move. he's got a statement coming up and i'm kinda terrified. he's been so.. depressingly realistic lately and i'm scared for him :(
Sasha/Not Sasha-sasha seemed so sweet, i wish i'd gotten to know her better before the switch! all i remember from her first vocal appearance is staring into space afterwards, trying to remember how i used to pronounce 'calliope'. i feel like her death/switch didn't hold as much gravity as it should've-i rlly wish i'd seen more of her! also, the way not sasha was the LEAST suspicious to jon-that monster's got acting CHOPS. we need her in the local theater group, HOW TF can anyone be that convincing?!?!?!
Monster Pig-last statement i listened to, so it's VERY fresh in my mind lmao. this pig deserves DEATH. i don't fucking CARE if it's "friendly", it ATE a FUCKING CLOWN. KILL ITTTTT. i am a VEGETARIAN
Michael-by FAR my favorite, the best character i've come across in quite a while, god's favorite princess <3 i adore this wonky man, he's such a legend. PEAK laugh. and he's so chaotic lmao!!! (no he absolutely did not die, what are you talking about???? that didn't happen. or Michael Shelley's tragic backstory that had me literally crying over a gd podcast, no way. i'm in DEEP denial) i adore how his first vocal appearance was just strutting into Jon's office, kidnapping a realtor, monologuing abt his identity issues, stabbing the archivist, and sashaying away. SUCH a funky dude, i adore him
Elias-he gives me bitter oldest kid vibes, this man needs therapy. what a kooky asshat, stop peeping on people.
Jude-hot in every way possible. sorry but it's TRUE. a rlly bad liar tho. not only does she speak in fucking italics, but you can tell she's giggling kicking her feet twisting her short little hairs as she's trying to get jon to shake her hand. bitch, you're sexy and you know it, SPEAK UP!!
Wormy Jane-an icon, honestly. the whole EMBODIMENT of ick. not to mention if i actually saw this woman i'd lose my SHIT, she terrifies the bejeezus outta me. her statement was what made me (sorta) stop picking at my face (for a little bit at least). i honestly wonder what she was on that made her stick her whole fucking arm in a HAUNTED WASP'S NEST. it's also so hilarious that she was camped outside Martin's apartment for WEEKS and nobody rlly questioned it-this woman is on a MISSION. slay, ick queen.
Melanie-this woman has more balls than anyone else on this damn podcast (ahem, elias mostly). we stan a girlboss with a knife-the way she was just planning to JUMP him??? melanie's 100% RIPPED, she SOUNDS like a gym rat i think. i wanna see her beat the shit outta all these ghosts :3
You're A Lighter-idk how to spell his actual name and i'm too lazy to look it up, so this is what y'all're getting. the snotty old library dude with such a kooky voice, all i could think of when i first heard him was the Kool-Aid man lmaoo. and he needs to take better care of his assistants!! EXTREMELY unsustainable :( he's like a bowerbird collecting all the shiny homicidal books.
Helen-she ATE my babygirl??!!!!?!?!!?! COMPLETELY unacceptable. i won't deny the girl's got guts for just.. chilling in Michael's creepy hallways, but COUGH UP THE CREEPY BLOND for christ's sake.
Trevor Herbert-10/10 honestly. i LOVED his statements, the vampires are SO CRAZY CREEPY and i love how he just kinda fucks around? does some light stalking? and usually ends up with a bunch of dead monsters! in essence, he looked an eldritch horror in the face, called it a slur, and whacked it with a stick. legend.
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deedoop · 2 years
Can you do another part to the littler mungrove thing?
Fuck. They were really doing this huh? Eddie honestly had no clue what they were getting into, just knew Billy's dad was a piece of shit, knew he had to help. He takes a deep breath, looking at the items he had bought from the thrift store. He'd never taken care of a kid before, let alone an adult regressed as a kid. He took a long deep breath. "Eddie Munson. You can fucking do this." He was terrified. Terrified of hurting Billy, terrified of fucking up, terrified of losing someone he loved.
Billy Hargrove in the meantime was just as nervous. He was supposed to already be on his way but here he was, sitting on his bed, absolutely paralyzed. He'd never..regressed with somebody before. Never let those emotions come out, never let his walls down like that in front of anyone but himself. What if he was too much? What if Eddie Munson love of his fucking life decided nope cant do this! It wouldnt be the first time someone abandoned him. It wouldnt be the first time someone gave up on him. His hands shook a bit as he moved the nightstand, there laid Mr. Snuffles, smushed a bit from being behind furniture. A rolling pit laid in his stomach. He didnt know if he could do this.
Eddie was starting to get nervous that Billy wasnt here yet. He shouldve been here a half hour ago. Did Neil get ahold of him? Did something happen? He was about to pick up the phone when the door to the trailer opened. "Shit babes youre late. I started thinkin' the worst." Eddie half laughed. Billy swallowed thickly, the bunny rabbit in his hand. "This..is Mr. Snuffles." He said slowly, tipping his toes into the water, afraid the water would burn. It was stifling hot in the trailer and Billy was thankful he wore his wife beater today, the anxiety only making him feel worse.
Eddie took a breath. So they were starting. He prayed to whatever God would listen that he didnt do anything to hurt Billy, that he could be good at this. "Well hi Mr. Snuffles. Im Eddie." He waved towards the stuffed animal. Billy almost immediately looked more comfortable. Eddie wasnt..weirded out, wasnt yelling at him. "I uh I got you a few things Billy. I got you uhh some crayons and a coloring book! Some puzzles and stuff." Billy's eyes looked so soft..softer than they were before. The tense muscles had relaxed. Billy who always had something or another in his mouth had his thumb, sucking on it lightly as he walked towards the toys. "Thank you Daddy." He mumbled around his thumb.
Eddie was relaxing himself. He hadnt utterly ruined anything and Billy seemed happy. Maybe he wouldnt be bad at this, maybe he could be everything Billy needed. His heart softened as Billy mumbled to the stuffed bunny in his hand. They had discussed deeply about what would be going on today, what to expect. Billy regressed to around five years old, he could be very scared of yelling, he might act out, never hit. Eddie had quite literally taken notes. He wanted this to be perfect, to be therapeutic. Billy was sitting on the floor of his living room, bouncing Mr. Snuffles up and down, a soft smile on his face. He felt absolutely safe around Eddie. Eddie who now was apparently Daddy.
Munson gently knelt down beside him, "I got pizza rolls in the oven, you wanna color?" He asked softly. Billy nodded quickly, "Yes please!" He had never known Billy to be polite. He was a loudmouth sharp tongued bastard most of the time. He chuckled and ruffled Billy's curls. "Alright baby boy." He gently placed the coloring book next to Mr. Snuffles. He had to get Billy a pacifier, it couldnt be good for his teeth to suck on his thumb. His heart warmed at the thought. Billy, sucking on a pacifier, happy and content.
They settled into their roles, Billy was coloring up a storm, not very talkative but he did keep humming some lullaby to himself and kissing Mr Snuffles on the head as he colored. Eddie had filled up a sippy cup with apple juice and sat it beside Billy who blinked softly a moment before taking it. The oven dinged, the pizza rolls were done. "Dinner is done Bills!" He called, keeping an eye on Billy as he opened up the oven door. The metal of the baking tray caught against his arm making him hiss, dropping the tray onto the floor. "Mother of fucking Christ!" He held onto his burn, "Fucksake. Fuck!" He looked back up from his wound. No Billy. Shit. Shit Shit. He looked around frantically before he heard telltale whimpers.
Billy had hidden himself behind the couch, curled up as tight as he could, rocking back and forth. All of Eddie's worst fears were coming true, that he would make Billy worse rather than better. He couldnt wallow in self pity now, there was a man he loved deep in headspace crying behind his couch. It didnt take a genius to realize why Billy's child mind was so scared of yelling, that only added onto the guilt. Munson took another long deep breath and gently crouched besides the couch. "Billy baby boy?" He said softly, not moving the couch, not wanting to corner him. "I hurt myself, its not your fault and I am not going to take it out on you." He wasnt sure if logic worked on children. He hoped it did. Billy cried harder. It didnt. "Billy baby?" He gently grabbed the fuzzy stuffed pig he had gotten for him. Eddie waved the piggy infront of the gap between couch and wall and make some terrible oinking noises.
"Hi Billy! Im uh..Im uhh Im Mr Oinks! Wont you please come out?" That drew out a laugh from Billy, the little one wiping his tears, wiping his eyes. Eddie smiled back, "I promise Bills. Not mad at ya, I did it all myself." Their was some movement, blonde curls and puffy eyes peeking above the couch and than Billy was climbing all the way back over it and running towards Eddie, hugging him. Eddie wrapped his arms around him, softly rubbing his back. "Im sorry I yelled Bills." He said quietly. Billy sniffled and nodded, "Its okay Daddy..can I have pizza rolls now?" And Eddie laughed, "Yeah baby you can have pizza rolls." This would be an adjustment, it would be a lot of talking about things, a lot of work but Eddie was excited. He was happy to help his boyfriend, happy to help him rid himself of Neil. They had each other and Eddie was never going to let Billy be hurt again.
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softpadawan · 3 years
Liveblogging Jedi Fallen Order pt. 1
Is there any better way to open a movie than with Mongolian folk metal? The answer is no, there isn't 🤘
I'm really liking Cal's maternity poncho. Comfortable yet flattering. The galaxy definitely needs more Jedi babies, so I'm glad he's doing his part
I instantly like Prauf. Instantly like Cere. Instantly like Greez. Instantly like this entire thing.
I like the jingle-jangle sound effects of all the shit Cal has hanging off of him. You'll always know where he is, like a cat wearing a bell
Mantis is a REALLY NICE ship. GD limo compared to the Ghost, and the Ghost is one of my favorite starships. Greez has good taste
My boy not only listens to metal but plays space guitar? I'm so in love with this guy it's starting to piss me off
Really gotta hand it to the actors and animators. The moment when Cal finds out Cere was a Jedi and the sheer amount of angst on his face and the emotion conveyed in that throaty "Do I know you?" is just... wow. Bravo.
I REALLY like Mantis's design. It's a nice looking ship inside and out
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Cal just keeps a welding gun on his belt NBD askdfalsk get help I'm dying (You can take the boy out of the scrapyard but you'll never take the scrapyard out of the boy)
Including this shot for No Reason At All
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(Sidenote: I'm pleased to report that half, if not the majority, of Rule 34 Cal Kestis art swings toward the Definitely Gay and Loving It)
I really like how they handled the flashbacks in this game and tied them in with Cal remembering his Jedi training and the player learning new skills, very cool
BD-1 running as fast as his little legs will go, I have never seen anything so cute
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Also, I'm glad we get to see Cal being playful and smiling and laughing. He's been through Some Shit™ but he's still got hope, especially now that he's reconnecting with the Force again. I can't help but wonder if this might have happened to Kanan Jarrus (Caleb Dume) if he hadn't gone down the Scoundrel Path with Janus Kasmir and eventually become the [most likely] alcoholic wreck that Hera finds on Gorse. Cal spent 5 years in hiding before receiving the call (age 18 roughly). Kanan was in hiding for 8 years and didn't even really use the Force for another 6, when he met finally Ezra (at age 28). Though they're close to the same age, Cal has 10 years' experience on Kanan because he was "rescued" sooner. Really getting some strong feelings about these poor Purge-surviving Padawans
The score is excellent. Wow. This is a really impressive production.
Cal Kestis: Fannypack Handyman Toolbelt Dad. He's the male equivalent of those girls who have fuckin everything in their purses. Tissues? Yep. Breath mints? Got 'em. Combo lock picker/glass cutter/nail clippers? Here, sweetie. Hand sanitizer? Help yourself. He's got it all and can fix everything, even broken hearts
My boy is such a tatty little rat. Scuffed boots. Fraying trousers. Some kind of saddle for a vest. Poor kid doesn't even have two gloves. He's just getting by and making do on whatever he can scrounge (like my other boy, Ezra)
WooHOO mud surfing--oh holy FUCK IT'S A GIANT 3-EYED CHERNOBYL TOAD, DON'T GET VORED CAL! FUUUUUCK THAT THING HAS TEETH! FASTER PUSSYCAT! KILL! KILL! What even IS it? It looks like a crocotoad or something you'd find in the Florida Everglades
Conclusion: I am Greez. I would totally freak out if someone brought a wet, oily dog into my nice clean house and it immediately jumped on my couch. And Cere's smirk at Cal's deadpan "Not really." LOLOL
New headcanon: Cal is a grungy plebe and the reason why Greez can't have nice things
Sometimes you just know when a character would be an awesome dad, and Cal strikes me as one of them *has already created the "Kanan Jarrus & Cal Kestis as Space Dads" tag on AO3*
"I'm just asking 'cause I was thinking of maybe making some food." GREEZ I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS
"Cal, as long as you're alive, you will always have choice." CERE I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS
Annnnd to Dathomir we go, a totally safe and not-creepy place where a certain former Sith Lord may or may not be decorating his cave with Mandalorian relics. Surewhynot
Greez: Buckle up, kiddies! We're going trick-or-treating!
To be continued in Part 2
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So while Six of Crows has been on my to read list for a while now when I saw that Shadow and Bone was coming to Netflix and realized they were all part of the same little universe I was like *rolls up sleeves* K guess it’s time to read five books in one month to prepare for this new series drop. (special shout out to @darklesmylove​ because it’s mostly your blog posts that convinced me I had to read this series...I give you this as a gift...) 
And now I present to you (in the order which I read them) the events in the Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows books that made me go ABSOLUTELY FERAL (wow there’s a lot more of these than I thought there were). 
- “The problem with wanting,” he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, “is that it makes us weak.” (unfortunately the last time I was seduced by the Darkling - NEVER AGAIN BAD SIR! But this was fucking hot) 
- THE. FIGHT. OVER. THE. STAG. (Just...Alina not killing it, the Darkling is here, now he’s going to kill it. NOW ALINA IS IN FRONT OF THE STAG SAVING IT. NOW SHE WANTS MAL TO SACRIFICE HER. NOW THE COLLAR IS AROUND HER NECK AND NOW SHE’S UNDER HIS POWER AHHHHH) Bonus: “Shhhh. Quiet now, or I will let Ivan kill him. Slowly.” 
- When Alina figures out the dream and TAKES THE POWER BACK!!! (yaaaaasss queen!)
- When the Darkling finds Alina and Mal in Cofton and that whole fight scene and her getting bit and then I had to WAIT UNTIL THE REST OF THE BOOKS CAME IN THE MAIL
- “From what I know of the Ice Court, whoever stole my DeKappel is exactly who I need for this job.” “Then you’d be better off hiring him. Or her.” “Indeed. But I’ll have to settle for you.” (I’m 50 pages in and in love with Kaz Bekker, someone help me) 
- “Not just yet, Inej.” The rasp of stone on stone. Her eyes flew open. Kaz. (ugh my cold cold heart is awake and beats only for them!) 
- Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days. (literally like......)
- When Jordie and Kaz get tricked. (I mean all of Kaz’s back story but that was...ugh..........)
- It was because she was listening so closely that she knew the exact moment when Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the bastard of the Barrel and the deadliest boy in Ketterdam, fainted. 
- When Nina runs into the guards and the alarm goes off and I realize that I’m an idiot and OBVIOUSLY THINGS WERE GOING TO GO WRONG. 
- WHEN INEJ TOUCHES KAZ’S FACE. His eyes were nearly black, the pupils dilated. She could see it took every last bit of his terrible will for him to remain still beneath her touch. And yet, he did not pull away. She knew it was the best he could offer. It was not enough. 
- He slammed his fist against the window. “Do not speak my name.” Then he smiled, a smile as cold and unforgiving as the northern sea. “Welcome to the Ice Court, Nina Zenik. Now our debt is paid.” (like FUCK MATTHIAS GOT ME TOO. WHAT A GOOD ACT!)
- I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath. It was the vow of the druskelle to Fjerda. And now it was Matthias’ promise to her. (OMGGGGGG) 
- “This is going to sting a bit,” said the druskelle holding the whip. His voice was rasping, familiar. His hands were gloved. “But if we live, you’ll thank me later.” His hood slid off, and Kaz Brekker looked back at them. 
- The sun was out for once, and Inej had turned her face to it. Her eyes were shut, her oil-black lashes fanned over her cheeks. The harbor wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world. (YEAH OKAY. AND THIS IS HIS LAST THOUGHT BEFORE DROWNING.) 
- Nina on parem. 
- “I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.” (SCREEAAAAMS. BANGS HAND AGAINST BOOK. DIES.) 
- “Kaz knew the instant he made his mistake...in that moment of threat, when he should have thought only of the fight, he looked at Inej.” (asdlfkasgkjasglk;sdfjl) 
- I’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. And I’m going to get my girl. (YEAH BITCH!) 
- When Alina first sees the Darkling while they are traveling the fold (I froze, I read it like four times, I couldn’t believe what was happening)
- When Mal suggests they go to that stupid party and then Alina actually agrees (I literally was like...well something bad is going to happen and I hate it here) 
- When the Darkling shows up after Alina and Mal kiss. “Another otkazat’sya, Alina?” the Darkling mocked. (sdflkajd) 
- “I can’t decide if you’re an idiot, or an idiot.” (ugh Nikolai, marry me) 
- two pages later: “You’re a spectacular actor,” I said drily. “Do you think so?” he asked. Then he leaned in and whispered, “I’m doing ‘humble’ right now.” (FUCK ME)
- “I want to kiss you,” Nikolai said. “But I won’t. Not until you’re thinking of me instead of trying to forget him.” (Am I the only one who found this cute??? Why did Alina get upset??? Do I have Nikolai-colored goggles on??? Maybe...) 
- When the Darkling came to Alina in her sleep and then PRETENDED TO BE MAL SO HE COULD HAVE HIS WAY WITH HER?!?!?!?!?! (ahhhhhhhhhh) “I missed you too, Alina.” That voice. Cool and smooth as glass. (AHHHHH)
- Nikolai stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the parquet floor. “When did you lift the blockades? How long have the roads been open?” (LSDAKLFSDLFDKASLDKLSKLKLL) 
- “Not bad looking?” said another voice. “He’s damnably handsome.” Luchenko scowled. “Since when - “ “Brave in battle, smart as a whip.” Now the voice seemed to be coming from above us. Luchenko craned his neck, peering into the trees. “An excellent dancer,” said the voice. “Oh, and an even better shot.” (And then I damn near died.) 
- There’s a whole three pages (that I will not re-type here) after they arrive at the Spinning Wheel of Nikolai just being *chef’s kiss* flawless. Some great lines include: “Everyone needs a hobby.” “I thought yours was preening.” “Two hobbies.” “Should I be offended that he doesn’t want to dine with us? I set an excellent table, and I rarely drool.” “What a filthy mind you have. I was referring to puzzles and the perusal of edifying texts.” “Last chance to run.” 
- “Alina, I’ll be back to fetch you for dinner, but should you grow restless, do feel free to run screaming from the room or take a dagger to her. Whatever seems most fitting at the time.” (asldjkasl;dkfs;lkd NIKOLAI) 
- Okay gunna skip ahead - you can assume any time Nikolai said anything I screamed. 
- Nikolia’s second proposal (THE EMERALD!!! JUST HOW HE PUTS IT ON TOP OF THE WALL) 
- Nikolai’s third proposal. Nikolai’s skin was warm, his grip gentle. I’d wondered if I would ever feel something so simple again or if the power in me would just keep jumping and crackling. (THIS is why he is perfect for her - no jolt of electricity, just warmth and comfort!!!) 
- SERGEI!!!!
- When Nikolai gets fucking taken over by a nichevo’ya (I HATE EVERYONE)
- When Baghra sacrifices herself 
- When we finally FINALLY find out what makes Mal so special (I mean....his tracking was OTHERWORLDLY I can’t believe people weren’t more fucking freaked out by him) 
- “The Darkling marched on Keramzin.” (Literally screamed: “MY HEART HURTS.” I was crying. I nearly threw the book down. “BUT THE CHILDREN!” I say with my fists in the air. I am become a blade.) 
- Nikolai visiting Alina while he is the monster and trying to make himself better (ahhhhh tears!!! THE EMERALD!!!) The words died on my lips. Nikolai turned my palm over and slid the ring onto my finger. (FUUUUCK. PAAAAIN.) 
- “Please,” I sobbed. “Bring him back to me.” (lkadsflkj this was actually devastating even though I’m not a huge Mal fan)
- “We need more light,” he said. A choked laugh escaped me. I held up my hands, pleading with the light and with any Saint who had ever lived. it was no good. (UGHHHH. MORE PAIN.) 
- Tamar sobbed. Toyla swore. And there it was again: the thready, miraculous sound of Mal drawing breath. (and also the first time I breathed for an entire chapter!) 
- “Alina,” he said and kissed the scar on my palm, “I remember everything.” (Literally the last like twenty pages of this book I just gave up and was like actually Mal is adorable and I need to protect him at all costs.) 
- “Really I just wanted to look at the words.” (ughhhhh) 
- Once a man arrived with a fleet of toy boats that the children launched on the creek in a miniature regatta. The teachers noted that the stranger was young and handsome, with golden hair and hazel eyes, but most definitely off. He stayed late to dinner and never once removed his gloves. (NIKOLAI SIGHTING IN THE EPILOGUE MY HEART GOES ON)
- When Van Eck thinks Kaz is coming to get Inej and then he tells Inej and then she is WILLING HIM to not show up and then it is revealed he wasn’t there all along (BOOM BITCH THAT’S HOW KAZ BREKKER FUCKING WORKS.)
- “Those were my mother’s favorite flower.” 
- “Why the net, Kaz?” I couldn’t bear to watch you fall. (POETRY OKAY?)
- Jesper and Wylan going to see Wylan’s mother and just fucking everything about that chapter. 
- “Pick up the pace,” Kaz said, eyeing his watch. “If I spill a single drop of this, it will burn straight through the floor onto my father’s dinner guests.” “Take your time.” 
- “We’ll fight our way out together,” Inej whispered. Nina glanced from Inej to Kaz and saw they both wore the same expression. Nina new that look. It came after the shipwreck, when the tide moved against you and the sky had gone dar. It was the first sight of land, the hope of shelter and even salvation that might await you on a distant shore. (AHHHHHH) 
- Wylan’s first thought was that this boy had the most perfectly shaped lips he’d ever seen. His second was that his father had sent someone new to kill him. (Wylan you are so adorable it’s adorable) 
- Inej was moving before she thought of it. She couldn’t just watch him die, she wouldn’t. They had him down now, heavy boots kicking and stomping at his body. her knives were in her hands. She’d kill them all. She’d pile the bodies to the rafters for the stadwatch to find. But in that moment, through the wide slats in the banister landing, she saw his eyes were open. His gaze found hers. He’d known she was there all along. Of course he had. He always kew how to find her. He age the barest shake of his bloodied head. (THESE TWO!!)
- “My leg! My leg!” “I recommend a cane,” Kaz said. (cackling) 
- When Sturmhond (aka Nikolai ***swoons***) showed up in Crooked Kingdom. (What actually happened: me reading a description of a “fox-like” man with Genya and Zoya and screaming and saying to myself “OMG WHEN I TURN THE PAGE IT WILL CONFIRM THAT NIKOLAI IS IN THE BUILDING I CAN’T” (did I mention I’m in love with him??? already??? k))
- When Jesper and Wylan FINALLY kiss FOR REAL (this was a big chapter for me) This was the kiss he’d been waiting for. It was a gunshot. It was prairie fire. it was the spin of Makker’s Wheel. Jesper felt the pounding of his heart - or was it Wylan’s? - like a stampede in his chest, and the only thought in his head was a happy, startled, Oh. 
- CHAPTER 33 - just everything, everything about the reveals in this chapter. The money being funneled to the Shu, not being able to trace even the RANSOM NOTE back to Kaz. WYLAN SHOWING UP!!!! “ARE YOU SURE THEY WERE PEKKA’S MEN?” !!!!!!!!
- “Do something,” Matthias growled at Kaz. “This is about to turn ugly.” Kaz’s face was as impassive as always. “Do you think so?” (bahahahahaha) 
- Nina’s just complete glee over the chaos she creates!!! “She was the Queen of Mourning, and in its depths, she would never drown.” 
- Jesper using his fucking power!!!!!! 
- She stared up at him. He was going to miss that look of surprise. (HE’S GOING TO LET HER GO. HE KNOWS HE IS GOING TO LET HER GO.)
- Inej frowned. “I thought you and Nina chose four outbreak sites on the Staves.” Kaz straightened his cuffs. “I also had her stop at the Menagerie.” She smiled then, her eyes red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. It was a smile he thought he might die to earn again. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) 
- “A sedative,” said the medik. “Is that safe for a pregnant woman?” “For me.” (This is just FLAWLESS in its depiction of people who don’t do OB care regularly.)
- Matthias saw the anger there, the rage. He knew it well. But he was still surprised when he heard the shot. (NOOOOOOOO!!!) 
- “Has she at least done it before?” said Kaz. “For this purpose?” asked Sturmhond. “I’ve seen her do it twice. It worked splendidly. Once.” (NIKOLAI I BEG YOU!) 
- When Matthias DIES?!??! (I’M SORRY WHO LET THIS HAPPEN??)
- “You will meet him again in the next life,” said Inej. “But only if you suffer this now.” 
- Wylan getting all of his father’s money because KAZ HAS BEEN PLANNING THIS ALL ALONG??!
- Jesper leaned in and said, quietly enough that no one else could hear, “I can read to him.” (alksdflk;jasfl;jkd that was hot) 
- “Well hopefully the medik will be here to fix my ribs soon,” he said as he headed back into the parlor. “Yeah?” “Yes,” said Wylan, glancing briefly over his shoulder, his cheeks now red as cherries. “I’d like to make a down payment.” (OMG WYLAN?!?!?! IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?!?! IS THIS ALLOWED?!?!)
- At some point, Jesper realized Kaz was gone. “Not one for goodbyes, is he?” he muttered. “He doesn’t say goodbye,” Inej said. She kept her eyes on the lights of the canal. Somewhere in the garden, a night bird began to sing. “He just lets go.” (TEARS.)
- She felt his knuckles slide against hers. Then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. A tremor moved through him. Slowly, he let their fingers entwine. (I gasped so loud i literally woke my cat up from a deep sleep.)
- “Wait,” he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. “Is my tie straight?” Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. “That’s the laugh,” he murmured. (THAT’S THE LAUGH. THAT’S THE LAUGH. AHHHHH) 
Okay done. Gunna go stare at the ceiling until tomorrow night/whenever I finally get King of Scars and Rule of Wolves in the mail (BECAUSE YOU KNOW MY SORRY ASS IS DYING AT THE THOUGHT OF TWO BOOKS ALL ABOUT NIKOLAI) 
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salvatoraes-arc · 3 years
just watched the legacies finale and i have some thoughts :
1. i love josie saltzman with my WHOLE !!!!!!! entire being. she is my everything , she’s so gd cute !!!!! ugh !!!! ( don’t like her with finch tho tbh oops ) i also love ethan fell / machado with my whole entire being !!
2. clarke isn’t as bad as i thought but i still have my walls up for him
3. i want cleo back right NOW!
4. i’m a huge mg x lizzie shipper but i think her and ethan would be cute tbh
5. we must protect hope andrea mikaelson at all costs
6. i miss rafael more than anything !!!!!
7. mg & kaleb are the best duo
8. the most important ? i still want alaric dead in the ground <3
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Ecstasy: 4, 31 Legacy: 13, 22 Zephyr: 19, 26!
4. Things you said instead of “I love you”
“Where’re you getting off to so quickly, darling?”
It wasn’t as if Raini had never stayed the night before. Rather, Ecstasy was hoping that it had become something of a routine. Or if it wasn’t, Ecstasy was big enough to admit that she certainly wanted it to be. Not even for the reason of morning sex - though she did have to admit that there is something very gratifying about how good a mood Raini’s in one hour after waking versus one minute after waking.
“Motherfuckers,” comes the reply, which isn’t actually very surprising.
Ecstasy lies back down, her interest in waking up waning now that she’s got no real reason to stay in bed. “What do they have you doing, then, angel?”
Raini waves her hand vaguely. “The usual. Danger for the reason of doing good.”
“Mm. Classified, huh?” Ecstasy opens her eyes to watch Raini getting dressed, and finds herself sitting up. There’s a scar on her back, angry red, the kind of thing that healing magic was only able to patch up superficially, relying on Raini’s body to do the rest of the work while it went on its merry way to help out with the other deep cuts and breaks that would also have been life-threatening.
She finds herself reaching out to touch it, only interrupted by the curtain of fabric as Raini tugs her robes over her head. Ecstasy blinks, the image of the scar curdling her good humor as Raini pops the cork on the healing potion Ecstasy has so kindly left out on the vanity, Raini taking a few sips every time she comes over to clear away the hickies Ecstasy leaves every time. She imagines that it clears some of the redness of the scar, as well, but finds that her mood is still sour about the whole thing.
Regardless, Raini is responding, in the infuriatingly blasé way that Raini can respond when something either matters a lot or not at all. “And dangerous. I’d never bring you into it. Safer that way, etcetera. Plus Lent would hate it if you interfered.”
Ecstasy has to remind herself not to pout about this. Something about “danger” and “Raini” going together has started to ruffle her feathers, and seeing the physical evidence of that when Raini was meant to be staying way back and being protected by her party -
Well. Anyway.
“You wound me, princess,” Ecstasy says, and lets Raini get her put-upon sigh out of the way before continuing, “Sure you can’t be a few minutes - well, maybe a few hours late?”
She watches Raini turn around, probably intending to give a very clear negative, but then again, Ecstasy cuts a pretty nice figure sprawled across the bed, naked with her tail flicking in something Raini doesn’t have to know is frustration at the ‘danger’ part of this situation. So as soon as there’s a flicker of considering on the wizard’s face, Ecstasy pounces.
“C’mon, cupcake. I’ll be gentle with you.”
And it gets her a scoff and an eye roll, of course.
But it also gets her a kiss before she makes her way out.
31. Things you said that you wouldn’t have if it were light out
It’s absolutely on Ecstasy, the fact that Raini’s sound asleep and she’s not. It’s not that she doesn’t want to be, it’s just that she’d gone out to piss after everything and Raini had fallen fast asleep in the two or three minutes she’d been gone.
Ecstasy unwraps the robe she’d donned to keep the crew from being alternatively intrigued or affronted by her naked body, thanks her lucky stars that she has hooves and doesn’t have to worry about putting on and taking off her boots for a trek like that, and, however illogically, doesn’t lay down yet. Instead, she sits on the edge of the bed, the slight movement making Raini stir but not bother waking up yet, and she cocks her head down at the wizard.
“Angel,” she tries, wondering.
Raini barely reacts. Hm.
Ecstasy’s already put out her lamp, so her wizard’s face is all shades of gray with her darkvision. Still, she can imagine every color that lights itself on Raini’s face usually - the pink of her cheeks, the gray-blue of her eyes, the slight glow of the arcane sometimes buzzing around her. It’s probably good that it’s dark, though, because Ecstasy doesn’t think she’d be doing this if it wasn’t.
Not sure what “this” is, exactly, but it culminates in her brushing Raini’s hair back, shushing the discontented mutter it gets her, and pulling the sheet up over her bare shoulder.
Ecstasy rolls her eyes at herself and crosses back over to her side of the bed, pulling the sheets down and joining Raini, slotting her body against Raini’s back. Raini’s pulled herself into a ball, but she’s still expressed that she likes Ecstasy’s warmth (“So you really like how hot I am, huh?” “Would you shut up?”) so, spooning it is.
Ecstasy, even as she makes fun of herself for doing so, moves Raini’s hair out of the way and presses a kiss to the side of her head. “Sweet dreams, firefly,” she says, relishing in the lack of a response. That’s better, for her. “See you in the morning.”
And then she settles in to sleep, herself.
13. Things you said that were important to you
It’s kind of more what she doesn’t say. The conversation is already moving on without them, but Legacy is caught, just a bit, in Frey’s gaze.
She has the sudden feeling that Frey Holt is the kind of good that makes just about everyone figure out just how bad they are.
It twists something in her stomach, and Legacy’s lips press together when Frey tells her, “Kindness is free, even to people it’s easy to be unkind to.”
GD and their new friends are talking about dinner, so Legacy doesn’t say, “Kindness is never free. Especially not to people who are unkind to you. It’s not even free to people who are.”
She doubts that Frey would agree with her, first and foremost, and more than that she doesn’t know what, exactly, her argument would be. Coming from Legacy, the argument would be rich - hypocritical, considering she’s spent part of her life lying to strangers for money. But it isn’t free. If Legacy were more inclined to be shitty towards Frey she’d probably give a jab about how Frey doesn’t even know how banks work, how should she know what’s free and what’s not?
Frey’s kindness isn’t free. She can’t really think it is. Frey’s kindness, at least the kindness that Legacy’s seen, is turning herself into the smallest dog possible because GD is scared of her, even when it’s obvious how much she likes being large and wolfish and wild. Frey’s kindness is hurricanes and lightning storms in the middle of a city, just to keep people safe, people she met only a few days prior. Less than a few, even. Frey’s kindness is sinking a spell into nothing more than a scrape. Maybe Frey means that her kindness doesn’t put someone in debt to her for it, but there’s still a sunk cost. It’s still not free.
And it’s not naivete, either, Legacy doesn’t think, because she’s seen other types of kindness, too, even just from the few people she’s interacted with so far in the city.
GD’s kindness is letting herself feel the fear when Frey transforms, just so Frey can be that dog or wolf. Sunk cost. Cardea’s kindness is sitting for an hour listening to flutes so she can make sure a criminal is at rest. Sunk cost. Wén Xuěliàng and Yáo Jìngwǎn approached a couple of people talking about murder just to put a ghost to rest, Arianell gave a protective contract to a bunch of basically-nobodies because they’d done a good job and agreed in good faith not to hurt anyone unnecessarily, Klymene granted a random wizard protection just because they’d asked. Sunk cost, sunk cost, sunk cost. None of it is free.
And that’s all to people they like. To people they have no reason to be unkind to. If Frey thinks she’s taking nothing from herself to apologize to a man who only doesn’t want her dead because his people fled in thirty seconds, she’s lying to herself, and she’s certainly lying to Legacy.
But she doesn’t say any of this. And the rest of them are already walking, talking, insisting on paying for dinner.
(More kindness. More sunk cost. Gratitude, sure, but kindness, and still - not free. Quite literally, in this case.)
Legacy wonders how much of that Frey can read off of her, as she starts walking, too, leaving Legacy a little lost.
She stomps a hoof on the ground, once, casts her eyes upward, and walks a bit faster to catch up.
22. Things you said after making a bad decision
(for my dnd party, just to be clear: bad decision is HEAVILY in quotation marks. i love party coherency and so does legacy. but also aren’t all bad party decisions (and there by definition have to be Many) precipitated by One decision, the one to BECOME a party? i rest my case.)
There’s a scream on the docks, which isn’t really a new thing because the crush of the Os Kvelya docks are always loud and there’s always someone screaming at someone else.
But this is a scream. Proper, horrified.
Much more interesting than a walk home, anyway. Legacy alters her course immediately.
She’s not the only one. None of them are city guards, or anything, but there’s three - creatures, considering one of them is a large white wolf - and a clearly distressed human woman, pale as anything and probably the reason for the screaming. The other three, wolf included, seem to have “inspecting the body” down, so Legacy focuses on the woman instead. Having a possible witness passing out on them won’t do anyone any favors.
She keeps an eye on the investigation, though. After a minute, she decides to involve herself. The woman-who-was-a-wolf gives her findings first: “He got stabbed! With a big knife. In his ribs.”
And Legacy replies, invested: “You hate to see it. Do any of you three know him? I'm assuming not.”
Considering the screaming woman is the only one who looks with any fear towards the corpse, and no one else seems to be taking time from their investigation to grieve quietly, sob loudly, or beat their chests in misdirected anger, Legacy has to assume.
It takes her on a bit of a whirlwind, too. Stabbing on a dock leads to necromancy leads to a boat to brunch then to a criminal court, and so on and so forth to a fight with a necromancer. It’s about there that Legacy realizes that she should regret this. Chalk up the whole thing as a bad decision and get back on the road after a few more days in the city.
She finds herself in a bathhouse with them later, her wounds healed, instead of bandaged like they would have been if she were alone, scrubbing grime off of her and enjoying easy conversation with the two women who aren’t deep in their own heads right now.
The bard, GD (whatever that may stand for), says, “It’s nice to be among friends, if you all would like to stick around.”
And Legacy finds herself not minding the idea. It’s only hours after they meet, with Legacy only half-trying to keep her eyes off a very pretty set of tits, and she says, “GD, I think I'd like to stick around. Those who solve a murder together stay together, etcetera.”
And that, despite what she intellectually knows, the fact that necromancers and Reveries and Asmodeus and going after them all are generally considered bad decisions - well, she’ll just see what happens. She’s got a good feeling about it nonetheless.
19. Things you said when nothing bigger concerned you
“Sir Gentry,” Zephyr coos, chuffing him under his chin. “Pretty boy.”
He chirps at them and blinks, and Zephyr grins. “Okay. Off the desk. I have to study and you’re not very conducive to that.”
They pick him up and set him down, turning back to the spellbook she’d used the Academy funds to buy. Before this it was a shitty three-copper notebook that she took great pains to conceal, but this is a proper spellbook, with thick pages and a pretty purple leather cover. It’s the most luxurious thing Zephyr’s ever owned, and smells a little bit like lavender.
“All I have to do is impress them,” Zephyr tells themself, though she’s not sure exactly who “they” are yet, and don’t yet know how to impress. Their innate magic is very different from the spells they’ve been able to grasp so far - where Zephyr can remember the sparkling feeling of accidentally casting dancing lights or faerie fire on herself, this is nothing of the sort.
This is memorization, more, going over and over incantation and effect and intent and theory in their mind until they have magic concentrated like a beating heart and mind together in their body, just waiting to be released.
It’s the way they’ve learned to make it work. Their professors describe something different, but Zephyr has felt the welling feeling of possibility on the tip of their tongue, and can’t imagine any other way of casting. They’re no longer casting with her joy, but they’re still casting with everything of herself she can throw into it. Today, they’re content.
They open their spellbook proper, the lines on their face hardening as they concentrate. They know how to do this, or something like this. Like they’d said, all she has to do is impress. They’ll start breathing magic.
That’s plenty impressive.
26. Things you said while lying about yourself
“Zephyranthes Mirimm,” she says, holding out her hand.
Lona Mirimm looks at her with vague distrust in her eyes. Zephyr tries not to make it seem like it matters to her.
“I’ve never heard of you,” Lona says.
Zephyr waves that off. It’s easy to rebut, that. She’s practiced it a thousand times, preparing for this. “I doubt you would have. I’m not one of the generational Mirimms like I expect you are - my parents aren’t even Rosohnans. I’m from Asarius, originally. It’s so nice to meet you!”
She gives Lona a wide smile that they hope isn’t going to be seen through, and Lona finally takes her hand, then. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”
One Mirimm down, Zephyr thinks to themself. Hopefully no more to go.
They’re not sure how far their pedigree will actually stretch, though she’s sure that when she does better than good in the Academy, no one will think to check.
She looks over her shoulder as she leaves Lona, accidentally catching her gaze. Zephyr blinks, jerks her head back to the front, and focuses on the tap-click of her new heels as she hurries down the hall.
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mikenewtonhateblog · 4 years
My oc’s aka too long of a gd post
The “BL” Crew (does not stand for boys love I’m just a moron who made that abbreviation before knowing what it stands for). My main crew and main series, a lot is a big WIP right now as I’m slowly redoing the first book and all the lore. Why? I love torture. Book is fantasy type but I won’t specify what.
Lacie, the protagonist. God tier idiot, bisexual bipolar depressed MESS, insomniac, former theater kid, doesn’t know what she wants out of life but currently it is not This(plot of book). Hot headed, impulsive, crude, rude, Mommy IssuesTM, would rather be taking a nap right now, rules are made to be broken, absolutely fucking FERAL, more bags under her eyes than the airport lost and found. 5’5, 130lbs, Aries, age 18, white as shit like literally the whitest human you have ever seen, strawberry blonde hair in a 2011 Hayley Willaims haircut with long bangs, the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen that stare directly into your soul. Lanky, no curves, body of a 12 year old boy but works out so she can and will kick your ass and thats a threat. Not human?
Josh. Soft boy, smart, Lacie’s cousin and only friend for like the first 18 years of her life, autistic anxious mess who’s special interest is anchient egyptian history, is in honors classes, despises math, passes out when his girlfriend looks too cute, just needs a hug. Can eat a whole carton of easy mac if left alone, whole wardobe is the same outfit just different colors/hoodies, sensory issues, seriously can someone give this guy a hug. 5’9, 150lbs, Pisces, age 18, mixed (half whatever flavor of white Lacie’s family is [they don’t even know its just some scandanavian shit and irish], and half mexican on his mom’s side), medium olive skin with freckles and moles, dark chocolate brown hair that’s a bit of a 2009 Beiber cut, warm brown eyes, not beefy, a lil thicc and self concious about it but squishy boys are GOOD. Gets bit by a werewolf so now he is one his mood on it is “thats a lot to unpack but let’s just throw the whole suitcase away”.
Zander. There is not one braincell in this man, himbo KING, pansexual dumbass with undiagnosed ADHD, no impulse control, head empty and full at the same time, PTSD, his fashion sense should be an actual crime, gets in fights to feel something, basic requirements for him to be attracted to you: kick his ass. Drinks his respect women juice, sees a folding table and must immediately launch himself on it, chaotic, cannot drive a car and will not, food aggression and eats enough for 3 people but never gains weight which is ILLEGAL, him and Lacie may be a couple.....but in this house we stan slow burn, he talks in caps and every sentence either ends with a question mark or exclaimation point, likes romcoms. 6’2, 190lbs, Sagittarius, age 19, austrailian roots and has the accent but is from [REDACTED FOR STORY REASONS], white, dorito shaped with long legs, blueish black hair that’s long and messy, dark navy eyes that match his hair, bigass neck scar from [REDACTED]. Not human
Peter. Gay dad friend who is TIRED of having to be in charge of a bunch of teenagers, only one with full functioning braincells, lowkey a genius who loves engineering, mixes magical technology with human technology because he likes to play god, is he ever sober? No one knows, will kill for a bottle of single malt, his fashion sense? Tastefully expensive suits perfectly tailored. Likes building his own weapons that no one else knows how to even use, generally non-threatening but can get scary if needed. 6’4, 140lbs string bean man, Scorpio, age 179 but looks early 30s, I know I said Lacie is the whitest human but he’s even paler like a literal sheet of paper with scandanavian roots/ancestors were vikings or some shit, blonde hair styled like 2013 Brendon Urie lmfao, light crystal blue eyes. He’s a vampire and was born one.
Danielle. Tiny, sweet, queen of girls supporting girls, comments on all her friends instagram posts with 20 emojis, LOVES fashion and has a wardrobe that would make anyone jealous, oozes feminine energy, only child and parents are in love still, gets exactly 8 hours of sleep each night and wakes up looking like a disney princess. Just because she is small and cute doesn’t mean you should underestimate her she WILL fuck your shit up. Quiet when angey which is terrifying. Josh is her bf and she loves him so much but also loves teashing the shit out of him. Legally cannot cuss, polite, used her high heels as a weapon once, speaks like 5 languages because studying them is her hobby, gardens, hugs everyone. 5’0, 110, Taurus, age 18, mixed (half french-american, half Korean-american), glowy skin always, PETITE frame aka the friend everyone can pick up when they hug, long past her waist curly brown hair, bright green eyes. She’s not fully human as she has fae blood in her and this gives her the ability to talk to and control plants. Flower crowns for everyone
Becca. Theater kid who would die to sing in Wicked and has the vocal range to do so, cannot wait to graduate and go to her dream college which she got into and a scholarship, closeted lesbian bc her whole giant family is extremely catholic and she feels like not dealing with it, “no boys allowed in bedroom” rule is her favorite joke, chill, middle child of 5 siblings and just wants some peace and quiet for ONCE. Her fashion sense is “I’m dropping subtle hints I’m gay but only to other gays”, has a black belt and took self defense classes. 5’6, 145lbs, Virgo, age 18, Latina (cuban and mexican mix), darker brown skin with light freckles over her nose, athletic build, eyebrows on POINT, bright caramel eyes, short light brown hair cut in a bob, has a tiny nose stud, always wears a blue friendship bracelet her gf made her. Human
Anika. Calling her a bitch/slut is a compliment, bisexual, a bit of a mean girl but she grows out of it give her time!!! Is always Too Much, the horny friend, favorite color is red so thats almost all of her outfits, loves to show off her body as much as she can because she’s hot and knows it and thrives in her own confidence. Her mom is literally like Regina George’s mom from Mean Girls but married a rich man 20 years older than her, Anika doesn’t know her bio dad but thats fine neither does her mom and her step dad is nice and does his best to be a dad. Becca’s gf, always hanging out at her home so Becca can get some quiet because Anika’s an only child and has a pool. 5’9, 135lbs, Gemini, age 18, white, long layered dark reddish brown hair, teal-blue eyes, swimmers body type (I normally do not mention bust size but she would want the internet to know she was blessed with big bahoogles so there you go), can sprint in heels. Half mermaid (boy was that a surprise considering her mom doesn’t know who her father is LOL)
Rex. Nb uses they/them he/him pronouns but honestly will respond to any, goth lite, only attracted to men and ace, can read minds so knows all your secrets, mischevious little shit, great friends with Zander and enjoys his dumbass thoughts and that he’s basically a human version of Jackass, wears too many rings, goth boots for kicking and fashion babey, always has the freshest memes and will not hesitate to roast in the group chat, hangs with the girls most of the time. Chaos god who loves making art, be gay do crime, skateboard and spraypaint. 5’8”, 165lbs, Leo, age 18, Native American, masculine frame, dark brown skin, blue eyes, firetruck red shoulder length hair that’s usually in a ponytail, knock-off gucci sunglasses just for judging their friends. Has magic in their blood so not entirely human and can cast spells and shit (don’t roast me its a wip and I’m doing my research)
Sam. Boho goddess, aromantic, makeup and nails are always instagram worthy, quiet and stoic type but losens up around close friends, Rex is her best friend, has some trauma and doesn’t want to talk about it, emotionally numbed out a bit and wants to purely vibe. Has seen some of the worst parts of humanity and wishes she hadn’t, finds no point in being bitter or resentful though because that won’t change anything, loves cats and once she moves out shes adopting one or three. Has wine aunt energy. 5’4, 200lbs PLUS SIZE QUEEN, Scorpio, age 18, Filipino (her parents are immigrants fun fact!), really olive skin sometimes has a grey/green tinge to it, dark brown almost black shoulder length hair, gold-hazel eyes. Sam’s the victim of a family curse that requires her to consume human hearts to survive, she can transform into a pretty scary looking being and uses this curse to hunt down pedoph*les, r*pists, murderers, and abusers. The less often she feeds the less human she looks, hence the constant grey/green tinge to her skin. 
Andy. Baby of the group, must be protected at all costs, 100% didn’t sign up to be in a friendgroup of 90% monsters but highkey loves it, trans, bi, anxiety MAXED, just wants to draw comics and cosplay spiderman, has to babysit his two younger sisters a lot because his parents are....not great, and as a result now knows all the lines to Tangled and The Little Mermaid. Big nerd energy, has to draw on everything including homework, gets inspiration for comics from his friends, awkward and socially anxious, drinks way too much tea and will accidentally steal your pens. Fears include: crowds, thunder, tall angry men, tiny spaces. Just trying his best. 5’2, 100lbs BEANPOLE BOY, Leo, age 16, white (irish and scottish roots), freckles absolutely EVERYWHERE, orangey red hair thats in desperate need of a haircut, chocolate brown eyes, braces, chronic nail biter. Human and kinda wishes he wasn’t.
That’s it for now if you read all this bless u thank u here is my whole heart. Please no discourse, literally these are fictional people I’ll never publish the books they go to.
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noonachronicles · 5 years
I know everyone is always on about "sexy" Ji... and that's totally understandable. But, what does it more for me is the soft, boyfriend look Jiyong. ESPECIALLY in pink.... OMG, can that man ROCK him some pink! lol I don't know, I guess I just prefer his cute "Jiyong" personality compared to his sexier "GD" persona.
Jiyong has one of my favorite switch personalities.
He can do sexy like no one I’ve ever seen. At times he exudes confidence from every pore in his body in such a way that it’s exhilarating. And let’s be honest, he can literally stand there and breathe and I turn I to a messy puddle of agonizing arousal. I know this because he’s done it several times. I hate him.
He can also be one of the most precious, sweetest babies who must be protected at all costs. Very suddenly it’s like my whole life’s purpose is to cuddle him enough that I’ve pushed all the love from my body into his. So that he is warm and feels cared for and is happy always and forever. I love him.
Anyway...what were we talking about?
Here’s some soft Ji. Some of my faves are Smiley Ji, Pouty Ji, and Shy Ji.
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larnax · 4 years
some animal crossing new horizons thoughts:
blathers and tom nook would be a good couple because they both take at least eight dialogue bubbles to tell you anything and also tom nook didn’t even fucking flinch when i handed him an entire inventory’s worth of bugs. he could protect blathers. from the butterflies
blathers trying to pretend the madagascan sunset moth has not made its way into his heart is so fucking funny. you can like one bug, dude
timmy cannot possibly need THAT many iron nuggets for one gd store
i don’t Like how apples look. i got pears for my island but these foreign islands keep having caramel apples. that isnt how they look nintendo. ive seen a fucking apple before
this game hates pants. people keep running up and giving me skirts. mable is selling exclusively dresses. i got a fucking rumba dress from the sky and then immediately an overall dress. custom pro designs lets you make every kind of clothing except for pants
you should be able to customize the color of your glasses!!
clay is a manic pixie dream boy and he kicks ass. glad i invited him on accident
i have stardew valley syndrome where i keep forgetting that animal crossing uses real time so i see that the store closes at 10 pm, look down to the clock to see 6 pm, and panic for reasons nobody who has played animal crossing could ever fathom
tia lives up to her name. i keep calling her tía tia because she keeps watering my flowers and being nice to me
why’s she wearing a maid outfit though??? i’m waiting to find a dress that suits her so she can stop wearing the maid outfit
it should be harder for you to accidentally sell your rainboots. i accidentally sold my cute green rainboots and i want them back
fishing is so gd calming. it took me a while to get over my stardew syndrome on that one because my instinct is to immediately slam the button when the fish bites so i lost a lot of fish but it’s calming now
i’ve gotten back into youtube creepypastas because they’re basically free audiobooks so my Animal Crossing Experience has been mostly wandering around catching fish while calming music plays under a british guy talking about Bones coming to life and Eating His Girlfriend
i love sprinting but i also love fishing. my two loves, at odds,
it is very tempting to try to make your animal crossing avatar not cute just to see if you can. you can’t. tom nook will come out of your switch and ask you if you’re working something out. you must resign yourself to the adorable
on that note it’s too easy to make adorable outfits. every gd day i have to wake up and decide which outfit to go with. they’re all so cute
can you give villagers bad gifts?? i gave mac a bug and he was like “wow! this is great!” and then put it in his house. was it a fluke because it was a butterfly or is this another symptom of stardew syndrome where i’m too used to villagers cussing me out for giving them fresh eggs
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years
At the broadest level, the past half-century turns out to have taught me that drugs aren’t just drugs, drug dealers aren’t just “pushers,” and drug users aren’t just “junkies” (that is, outcasts of no consequence). Illicit drugs are major global commodities that continue to influence U.S. politics, both national and international. And our drug wars create profitable covert netherworlds in which those very drugs flourish and become even more profitable. Indeed, the U.N. once estimated that the transnational traffic, which supplied drugs to 4.2% of the world’s adult population, was a $400 billion industry, the equivalent of 8% of global trade.
In ways that few seem to understand, illicit drugs have had a profound influence on modern America, shaping our international politics, national elections, and domestic social relations. Yet a feeling that illicit drugs belong to a marginalized demimonde has made U.S. drug policy the sole property of law enforcement and not health care, education, or urban development.
During this process of reflection, I’ve returned to three conversations I had back in 1971 when I was a 26-year-old graduate student researching that first book of mine, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade. In the course of an 18-month odyssey around the globe, I met three men, deeply involved in the drug wars, whose words I was then too young to fully absorb.
The first was Lucien Conein, a “legendary” CIA operative whose covert career ranged from parachuting into North Vietnam in 1945 to train communist guerrillas with Ho Chi Minh to organizing the CIA coup that killed South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963. In the course of our interview at his modest home near CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, he laid out just how the Agency’s operatives, like so many Corsican gangsters, practiced the “clandestine arts” of conducting complex operations beyond the bounds of civil society and how such “arts” were, in fact, the heart and soul of both covert operations and the drug trade.
Second came Colonel Roger Trinquier, whose life in a French drug netherworld extended from commanding paratroopers in the opium-growing highlands of Vietnam during the First Indochina War of the early 1950s to serving as deputy to General Jacques Massu in his campaign of murder and torture in the Battle of Algiers in 1957. During an interview in his elegant Paris apartment, Trinquier explained how he helped fund his own paratroop operations through Indochina’s illicit opium traffic. Emerging from that interview, I felt almost overwhelmed by the aura of Nietzschean omnipotence that Trinquier had clearly gained from his many years in this shadowy realm of drugs and death.
My last mentor on the subject of drugs was Tom Tripodi, a covert operative who had trained Cuban exiles in Florida for the CIA’s 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion and then, in the late 1970s, penetrated mafia networks in Sicily for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. In 1971, he appeared at my front door in New Haven, Connecticut, identified himself as a senior agent for the Treasury Department's Bureau of Narcotics, and insisted that the Bureau was worried about my future book. Rather tentatively, I showed him just a few draft pages of my manuscript for The Politics of Heroin and he promptly offered to help me make it as accurate as possible. During later visits, I would hand him chapters and he would sit in a rocking chair, shirt sleeves rolled up, revolver in his shoulder holster, scribbling corrections and telling remarkable stories about the drug trade -- like the time his Bureau found that French intelligence was protecting the Corsican syndicates smuggling heroin into New York City. Far more important, though, through him I grasped how ad hoc alliances between criminal traffickers and the CIA regularly helped both the Agency and the drug trade prosper.
Looking back, I can now see how those veteran operatives were each describing to me a clandestine political domain, a covert netherworld in which government agents, military men, and drug traders were freed from the shackles of civil society and empowered to form secret armies, overthrow governments, and even, perhaps, kill a foreign president....
Not only does the drug war influence U.S. politics in all sorts of negative ways but it has reshaped American society -- and not for the better, either. The surprising role of illicit drug distribution in ordering life inside some of the country’s major cities has been illuminated in a careful study by a University of Chicago researcher who gained access to the financial records of a drug gang inside Chicago's impoverished Southside housing projects.  He found that, in 2005, the Black Gangster Disciple Nation, known as GD, had about 120 bosses who employed 5,300 young men, largely as street dealers, and had another 20,000 members aspiring to those very jobs. While the boss of each of the gang’s hundred crews earned about $100,000 annually, his three officers made just $7.00 an hour, his 50 street dealers only $3.30 an hour, and their hundreds of other members served as unpaid apprentices, vying for entry-level slots when street dealers were killed, a fate which one in four regularly suffered.
So what does all this mean? In an impoverished inner city with very limited job opportunities, this drug gang provided high-mortality employment on a par with the minimum wage (then $5.15 a hour) that their peers in more affluent neighborhoods earned from much safer work at McDonald’s. Moreover, with some 25,000 members in Southside Chicago, GD was providing social order for young men in the volatile 16-to-30 age cohort -- minimizing random violence, reducing petty crime, and helping Chicago maintain its gloss as a world-class business center. Until there is sufficient education and employment in the nation’s cities, the illicit drug market will continue to fill the void with work that carries a high cost in violence, addiction, imprisonment, and more generally blighted lives.
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kkeke99 · 8 years
Taeyang: Maybe we were a little bit too harsh.
GD: It's Seungri.
Taeyang: And you're GD.
GD: And you're Taeyang. This is a funny game.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
YBF POLITICS: Don’t Save Them, They Don’t Want To Be Saved
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    Listen. We’re one sleep away from the election deadline across the country.  If that fact alone doesn’t have your anxiety working overtime, then you’re the real MVP. For the rest of us, it’s the crunch time we’ve been waiting for.
  We've got some final thoughts.  And they don't involve saving folks from themselves (looking at you, Lil Wayne and  followers). Leave the people who still believe "protest nonvoters" and the "all the candidates are the same" people where they're at.  You and your mental health will thank us later.
  There's still many of you voting absentee up until tomorrow and in person tomorrow.
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                  @JoeBiden knows that the key to a strong economy isn’t cutting taxes for billionaires; it’s by lifting the prospects of working Americans. He’s got a plan to create ten million good clean energy jobs, fight climate change, and secure environmental justice. Let’s elect a leader who sees this moment not as a chance to get back to where we were, but to finally make long-overdue changes so that our economy actually makes life a little easier for everybody.
A post shared by Barack Obama (@barackobama) on Nov 1, 2020 at 1:16pm PST
  In case you still haven't read it, the Biden Harris ticket has a plan that addresses damn near all of your concerns, if you give it a fair shot.  For instance, tired of racist bankers and SBA loan officers having so much power in who they lend money to?  This longstanding issue is only being addressed by the Biden Harris ticket.
  Despite the tax receipts we didn’t need that prove the current leader of the free world is a whole con-man, there are still people doing Olympic style hurdles to say the Biden/Harris ticket is “no different” than a Trump administration.  Let them.  They will likely never be swayed to vote for what’s in their own best interest.  They’re simply making excuses to allow for another Trump term - whether it’s sexism, being too woke for their own good, secretly being happy about the way they’re benefitting from a Trump presidency, or whatever other reason they could possibly have.  There’s no reasoning with or swaying those people, so don’t.  
  In the words of the rap poet Pastor Troy, “Don't save 'em. They don’t wanna be saved.” It’s time to leave those folks right where they’re at so we can focus on continuing to sway “undecided voters” or those who haven’t typically voted. All 100M+ of them.
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                  We can't let history repeat itself. Don't wake up on November 4th wishing you had done more.
A post shared by Joe Biden (@joebiden) on Nov 2, 2020 at 2:00am PST
  At this point, if the Biden Build Back Better Plan is, to you, “what and what” with Trump’s “Platinum Plan” when it comes to their stances on helping Black America, you simply want to believe that, despite the facts proving otherwise. The root of the problem is finally being addressed with the Build Back Better plan, and it’s the getting rid of the racist lending practices for us. All while generating NEW money to pump into black businesses and communities.
  Here’s the gist of what you need to know about how Build Back Better ACTUALLY affects our lives.  No more of this “but his plan doesn’t explain anything.”  That’s B.S.  If you actually want to know instead of automatically believing and repeating what others say, here’s what you should know:
To address the racial wealth gap, the opportunity gap, and the jobs gap for Black and Brown people, Biden will launch a historic effort to empower small business creation and expansion in economically disadvantaged areas — and particularly for Black-, Latino-, AAPI-, and Native American-owned businesses. In addition to providing small businesses with an ambitious “restart package” to survive the current crisis and come out the other side strong, he is launching a special, ongoing initiative to empower these entrepreneurs to succeed and grow with a three-prong Small Business Opportunity Plan. His plan is consistent with key elements in the Jobs and Neighborhood Investment Act recently proposed by Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer, Mark Warner, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris. Biden will:
·       Spur more than $50 billion in additional public-private venture capital to Black and Brown entrepreneurs by funding successful state and local investment initiatives and making permanent the highly effective New Markets Tax Credit.
·       Expand access to $100 billion in low-interest business loans by funding state, local, tribal and non-profit lending programs in Black and Brown communities and strengthening Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs), and the Community Reinvestment Act.
·       Eliminate barriers to technical assistance and advisory services by investing in a national network of cost-free business incubators and innovation hubs and intensive business seminars.
And how much money will be in play for this?  $150B of NEW capital for small businesses that have been structurally excluded for generations.  This is not existing money supposedly being sent our way.
  If folks have an issue with this amount of money going to small and black owned businesses, let them.  Most people are silent about tax dollars going to things that don’t help our community in any way.  So if some tax dollars go to helping black and brown business owners, so be it.
  Re-allocating additional current funds isn’t off the table either, though.  Biden is also set to Leverage $100 Billion in Additional Financing for Small Businesses.  Why? In 2019, only 10% of funding from the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) major lending programs went to Black, Latino, and Native American entrepreneurs.  We haven’t heard anyone else talk about how they plan to address that. (see point #2 above).
    Trump’s Platinum plan promising $500B to black people is empty foolywang material.  He can't do it anyway. Congress must appropriate the money. Unlike in Biden’s plan, Trump hasn’t named a single member of Congress whose bill he will be promoting.
  It’s also important to reiterate, the $500B is not new money.  These are federal contracting dollars already available that he’s promising will be allocated. People would still need to go through banks and possibly the SBA – who often use racist lending practices to barely lend to black businesses at all – who face no repercussions if they don’t lend to black businesses and people and pocket the money given to them to reallocate. None of this is addressed by Trump. And seeing that he recently said systemic racism doesn’t exist, you can bet it won’t be addressed ever. This means hardly anyone but his white banker friends will see a dime of that money.  So it’s toothless policy even if it was to come into fruition.
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    No plan will ever be perfect, but you didn’t need perfection from anyone else you are handing over the keys to in other parts of your life.  And you have surely found ways to forgive the folks who affect your everyday life - cheating pastors who are leading whole congregations with your tithes you pay, husbands or wives who have made mistakes - whether they have proven they’ve corrected their previous questionable behavior or not.  Biden’s and Harris’ records over these last several decades have proven they have evolved with the times and needs of our society. It’s one thing to hold someone accountable for a belief or action from 40 years ago.  It’s another to ignore the endless actions they have done sense to course correct, especially when the incumbent hasn’t course corrected a day in his life.
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                  13 cities, 6 days, and a whole lot of people who can’t wait to vote early.
A post shared by Kamala Harris (@kamalaharris) on Oct 29, 2020 at 2:12pm PDT
    It does not matter whether you like Biden-Harris or not.  Even though we actually do.  The important fact is that you do not waste your vote writing in another candidate and vote for the ticket that can oust Trump. This election is about getting him out, yes.  But it’s also a referendum on what type of country we want America to be.  Some may feel like America hasn’t been a democracy for a long time, but more of an oligarchy.  That's fair.  But when you have the opportunity to change it, do that.  Vote for who has made it clear that making a more perfect democracy is their end all, be all goal.  And only one ticket has said it is.
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                  These policies aren’t just the right thing to do — they’re also the smart thing to do for the future of our country. Click the link in my bio to learn more.
A post shared by Joe Biden (@joebiden) on Jul 27, 2020 at 2:24pm PDT
  We can’t worry about those who are ignoring the dictatorship forming and acting right before our eyes, and that is being strengthened with a Supreme Court pick whose belief system is rooted in a “secret society” that spurned the idea for “The Handmaid’s Tale”.  There’s no way anyone who truly is weighing both sides can come up with a final evaluation that both sides are the same.  Those people want a Trump presidency, so let them want that.  Far more do not.  And it’s time we spend our efforts aligning with the non-voting progressive majority instead.
  VOTE NOW.  If you have not yet voted, turn your ballot in to a ballot box or your county clerk's office, or vote in person on November 3rd. Both options are now better than mail in voting due to timing.
              View this post on Instagram
                  Make sure your voice is heard. Here are a few reminders to help you as you vote.
A post shared by Joe Biden (@joebiden) on Nov 2, 2020 at 3:00am PST
      Protect your energy, and your vote!
          [Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/11/02/ybf-politics-don%E2%80%99t-save-them-they-don%E2%80%99t-want-to-be-saved
0 notes
parkbearum · 7 years
Who is Xiumin?
♡ Kim Minseok
♡ “Baozi”
♡ “Umin”
♡ Mom-friend who has better grades than a scientist
♡ He is really smart 
♡ Lots of knowledge
♡ He was going for his PhD when i can’t even pass my class
♡ He can do anything by working hard
♡ Coffee maniac
♡ The fact that his coffee tastes like heaven is the proof
♡ I’m pretty sure he had coffee dates with chen
♡ Is the cutest
♡ Can kill you with his aegyo
♡ “Wolf aegyo version” by kim baozi
♡ seriously he’s so cute
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♡ He’s also the oldest
♡ *chokes*
♡ A 4-year-old trapped inside a 27-year-old’s body
♡ Went to a shinee concert with suho-also the oldest- and screamed while he was fanboying
♡ Needs to be protected 
♡ At all costs
♡ Wants to see little mermaid
♡ But is more beautiful than little mermaid
♡ He’s magnificent
♡ His eyes are important
♡ Only group member who doesn’t have double eyelid surgery
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♡ He is truly handsome
♡ His photo shoots are art
♡ He was in top 15 when they listed most handsome korean idols
♡ They all deserve to be n1
♡ Looks more like gd than gd
♡ jk jk
♡ He has his own unique colour
♡ Unfortunately,isn’t appreciated enough
♡ The “lost maknae”
♡ The “old maknae”
♡ He has the potential and the talent to be the maknae
♡ All of them do tho
♡ But age matters only in korea
♡ He looks like a korean god
♡ Is a korean god indeed
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♡ He’s smol in the group
♡ The “170cm line”
♡ Chen+xiumin+kyungsoo
♡ When they made fun of kyungsoo’s height he laughed his ass off
♡ Is married to chen after his first love luhan left him
♡ Luhan gets turned on and would buy anything if xiumin calls him “Lu-ge”
♡ Xiuhan was precious however
♡ Xiuchen is adorable
♡ Chen is like”his wife”
♡ But we all know who’s the wife here
♡ Happy married couple
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♡ I seriously love their relationship
♡ They had a car date where Xiumin was driving
♡ It was the biggest proof
♡ They also take part together in mvs most of the time
♡ ----->love me right
♡ Pls protect this couple at all costs
♡ “Kim bros”
♡ Suho+chen+xiumin+kai+lost brother sehun
♡ Is in a sub-unit along with chen and baekhyun
♡ Xiu pretends like he hates the beagle line
♡ but actually is a secret member of the beagle line
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♡ Has a love-hate relationship with baekhyun
♡ Will actually beat his ass
♡ also loves him a lot
♡ their relationship is complicated
♡ The secret couple who fights all the time
♡ but actually love each other
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♡ A wise man once said “ do re mi fa sol la xiu min”
♡ Xiumin can dance really well  but
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♡ U know what I mean
♡ Don’t take drugs or hang out too much with baek
♡ He has the best voice ever
♡ calming and soothing
♡ Amazing smile
♡ Makes my heart flutter
♡ He looks good in any hair colour
♡ Dyed his hair blonde,green,pink,black,brunette and many more colours
♡ And was rocking each colour
♡ Was a cute baby
♡ he is still our baby
♡ As well as being cute as fuck
♡ there’s a person called xiudaddy
♡ He is h0t
♡ Everyone is a xiudaddy enthusiast indeed 
♡ His wink can kill anybody
♡ He’s literally on fire
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♡ He is either cute giggly aegyo king umin or fucking xiudaddy 
♡ There’s no in between
♡ He has abs of steel
♡ and face of a baby
♡ was criticised about his weight a lot when they debuted
♡ I hate fucking haters
♡ So he lost weight
♡ We all miss our chubby xiumin
♡ Thank god Lay said
♡ “Weight isn’t a matter if you love someone”
♡ Is great with kids’
♡ Went to see his wife’s Chen’s look-a-like Da Eul and had fun with Eul’s sister
♡ Has a collab with AoA’s Jimin called “call me bae”
♡ Needs more collabs
♡ Was actually a quiet member but now he expresses himself more
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♡ He is the perfect cute daddy husband material who needs more appreciation and recognition P R O T E C T  A N D  L O V E  H I M  P LS
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hobeemin · 7 years
Natural Born Assassins: Part 2
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Genre: Thriller/Crime/Assassin AU
Pairing: Yoongi x OC  
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Language
Mood Music: The Academy
Part 1 |*| Part 2 |*| Part 3 |*| Part 4
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Ros pulled the trigger letting the bullets hit the targets flying into her sight. Her mood hadn’t improved since the day she lost the sparring match. Not only did she walk away with a nasty looking bruise on the hip and her ego deflated, but Yoongi hadn’t the decency to apologize yet. He just kept that smirk on his face every time he passed her in the halls. She held back the temptation to punch him in the jaw. Instead, she found solstice by releasing the tension at the shooting range. Though maybe putting pictures of Yoongi on the targets was a bit much. Jimin watched with concern. Namjoon joined not long after. Both watched from afar with noise-canceling headphones to protect their hearing as she shot bullet after bullet into the targets. Seeing them in her peripheral, she ceased the firing and holstered her gun. After slipping off her glasses and earplugs, she glanced at them curiously.
Namjoon gave her a weary look and gestured to the targets. "A bit dramatic, even for you, Ros.”
Ros shrugged, playing around with the set of guns in front of her. "This isn't dramatic, Namjoon. I'm centering my chi.”
Jimin's eyes widened and pointed to one of the targets. Its head was in pieces. "You call this centering your chi?! I’d hate to see what you would do to me if I piss you off.”
Namjoon removed his glasses and wiped the smudges off. “Whether you hate him or not, Yoongi is still going to be your partner,” he warned.
Suddenly she felt tiny in front of her friend. Still, it only made her temper rise more; she was just smart about where to direct it. “Whatever,” Ros mumbled.
Namjoon gave her cheek a pinch and chuckled. “You’ll be fine. Anyway, dinner plans have changed. You’ll be going with me to the Board meeting.”
Ros gripped the gun tight as it almost slipped from her grasp. “The Board? They want to have dinner with me?”
Namjoon nodded. “Yes, you, Yoongi, and myself. Dress nice.”
Her expression darkened. "What are they up to, Namjoon?"
He shrugged. “Hell, if I know. Just be ready by six. I’ll come get you from your room.”
Jimin gave her a reassuring smile. “It won’t be so bad.”
She scoffed as placing the guns back in the cage. “Right.”
Sure enough, Namjoon knocked on her door at precisely 6 o’clock. She ran to open the door, shoes in hand. He nodded in approval.
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“You clean up nicely.”
Ros scowled, punching him. "I can look nice when I want to," she snapped.
He chuckled and held out his arm. “If you say so.”
They walked to the east wing of the Academy, where the Board members resided. Ros could feel her heart fluttering in her chest. She hadn’t seen anyone from the Board since the accident. With a small gulp, Namjoon reached the double doors as a butler gave them a short bow.
"Ah, yes. The Board is expecting you all. Mr. Min Yoongi is already present.”
Ros held back a groan as they followed the butler into the dining room.
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Six individuals mingled with drinks in their hands, talking to each other quietly. The conversation ceased when the tallest man held his hand up, bringing their attention to the two newcomers. Ros felt the heat in her cheeks as she bowed to the Board members.
The man stepped forward with a quiet smile and taking her hand into his. “I speak for everyone here to say that we are pleased you’ve agreed to come back, Ros.”
She mumbled, looking away from his gaze. "Director Jung Jihoon-nim, it's an honor, but I don't need the praise."
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He chuckled, squeezing her hand. "So formal Ros. Please, you make me feel old.”
She nodded with a smile looking around the room. "Forgive me, Director Rain, it's been so long."
One of the women stepped forward with a light chuckle. "You don't need to be modest with us, Ros.”
The sounds of crunching ice brought Ros’s attention towards Yoongi. He returned a dull expression. She clenched her jaw before stretching a smile on her face. "I would feel strange being informal with you, Director Kwon Bo-ah-nim."
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Bo-ah sighed, shaking her head. "Ah ya. Use my nickname. The formalities are making me feel like an ajumma."
The second woman let out a giggle and walked over to you with a mischievous grin. “Now none of that Director Kim Taeyeon-nim nonsense Ros. You used to call me Unnie back when we were students, so I expect you to use it.”
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Taeyeon was a Director now?!  She let out a laugh as they hugged. “Time has gone by.”
A voice cleared behind Taeyeon as two other men stepped forward. She bit down on her lip as Directors Choi Seung-hyun-nim and Kwon Ji-yong-nim stepped forward. They gave her a bow with a smile. "We are all pleased that you've recovered and ready to work again. And use our code names. You are making us all feel old."
“Of course, Director T.O.P. and Director GD.”
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Namjoon chuckled. “She’s just happy to be back. Ros has been doing great with her training.”
Bo-ah gave a small clap. “I’m glad to hear. Now let’s sit down for dinner. I know everyone is hungry,” she went over to one of the chairs and beckoned her over. “Ros, you sit here," she looked over at Yoongi and smiled, "Yoongi, you sit next to her.”
He scowled darkly and stomped over, taking the seat she pointed to.
~Great. Just fucking great.
The rest of the board took their respective seats as Namjoon sat on the opposite side. The staff began to bring out the salads for the meal. She sipped her water, avoiding Yoongi at all costs making sure to only giving attention to Namjoon and the Board members. Yoongi ate in silence, only speaking when prompted. GD whispered to Taeyeon, and she nodded in silence while the staff served the main course.
“Namjoon, have you spoke with Ros yet about that assignment?”
Namjoon’s fork slipped from his grasp as his face paled. “Oh, I thought we were waiting until after dinner?”
Rain chewed quietly and nodded. “Of course. No need to jump the gun so soon. Let’s continue our meal.”
The two young agents gave the table all curious looks. What did they mean? On, dessert followed. She picked at the tart absentmindedly. Suddenly Yoongi slammed his fork down in annoyance and scowled them all.
“What are you hiding from us? As a senior agent, I have a right to know if something pertains to me.”
GD wiped his mouth with his cloth napkin and gave T.O.P a nod. The man sighed and gave Yoongi a quiet smile. “Agent Min, you are correct. Please follow us to the board room.”
Ros gave Yoongi a surprised expression as her mouth gaped open. Silently, they followed behind Namjoon and the board members into an adjacent room with a rectangular table and various weapons adorning the walls.
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Bo-ah clicked a button once on a remote, and the lights dimmed. With another click, a projector came into view. Everyone filed around the table and took a seat. T.O.P and Rain remained standing on each side of the table. Taeyeon brought out files and passed them out to the board, Yoongi, and Ros. She gave them a nod, and Bo-ah handed Rain the remote. He clicked a button, and three pictures popped up on the screen. Yoongi scrunched his nose up, staring at the trio. "Should I know who they are?"
T.O.P smiled and shook his head. "Not yet, but you will. It's your next assignment.”
Ros looked up from the file in shock. “M-Me? You want me back in the field that fast?”
Yoongi frowned, shoving his thumb towards her. "Isn't this a bit overzealous? She just got back."
"I believe I can speak for myself, Yoongi,” she snapped.
Bo-ah and Taeyeon chuckled to each other as they watched them argue. GD cleared his throat. “Can we continue?”
He pointed to the first picture. “Follow along with the files, but Namjoon, I want you to lead after I give a brief rundown."
Namjoon nodded as he opened the file. GD crossed his arms as a map of Europe popped up with pictures of Greece, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Prague nightclubs. In the next image, police reports of bodies with pills littered around them.
“Wonderland,” he chirped.
Her brow quirked. “Wonderland?”
He nodded as more pictures of overdosed bodies appeared on the screen. Their eyes open as if they were in a trance. A bluish hue painted the corners of their mouths, eyes, and ears.
"It's a new party drug that has hit the club scene by storm. So far, it hasn't hit the street, just the clubs. Symptoms include hallucinations, manic episodes, violet acts, and seizures. You can tell by the bluish hue that forms at the mucus membranes."
"Age?" Yoongi knitted his brows, scanning the files curiously.
“18 to 25,” Taeyeon answered.
"What do you expect us to do about it? Why should we care about a new drug," he argued, leaning into his chair.
GD nodded in agreement. “You’re correct Yoongi, but it’s an issue if the supplier and distributor are of Korean descent.”
Rain pointed towards the screen as three faces reappeared on the screen. “Back to the first slide. I’d like to introduce to the Kim family.”
Namjoon cleared his throat and got up from his seat, taking the remote.
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"Name Kim Taehyung. Age 24. He's heir to Kim business. Family has deep pockets in international politics. Mother was an ambassador; the father is now deceased. Now that he resides in Europe with his siblings, they've delved into less than savory business ventures. He's known for being a playboy,”
Ros glanced at the picture quite taken back with how attractive he was. His eyes pierced right through the image. The next photo revealed a woman. Yoongi sat up straighter, making Ros roll her eyes.
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"Name, Kim Hyuna. Age 25. Socialite, known party girl. Likes to spend money." Namjoon adjusted his frames. "It was her suggestion to go into the drug business. She has a close connection with whomever else they do business. Though quite the 'wild child,' her IQ is exceptionally high. Makes her even more dangerous."
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The next picture was another male, just as attractive as Kim Taehyung. "Name, Byun Baekhyun. Age, 26. He is the older step-brother of Kim Taehyung and Kim Hyuna. Their father had been married previously. He took on his mother's maiden name. He passed on the legacy to Kim Taehyung, preferring to be more hands-on in the business with Kim Hyuna. Known for his temper, manipulative ways, and insane."
He clicked the remote ending the slide show. Ros gazed around the room, digesting the information. "Alright. So, where do we come in?"
Bo-ah smirked before answering. “You’ll be going undercover long term. We want the targets expelled; however, we need intel. Drugs are complicated, and there might be more involved with this family. The diplomatic side could easily be a front. Find this out."
Yoongi sighed, giving a bored expression. "Disguises?"
Namjoon smirked and gave him a look. "Check your files. These are your covers."
She scanned the file going over the information. "Ahn, Jia. I look like a Jia to you?" She muttered, reading down the list. "Daughter of a CEO...popular abroad and in South Korea…socialite and partier…known heartbreaker?!"
Namjoon smirked. “We needed some sort of scandal.” Ros sighed with a frown reading over the articles. "Did it have to be this graphic, though?"
Yoongi read his profile quietly. “Nam Woojin. Personal detail of Ahn Jia. Blah blah. Martial arts background. Weapons specialist...blah blah. Possible relations?!”
“I quit.”
Jimin looked up from his grading and laughed at her expression. She flopped down on the couch, angrily. Jungkook let out a grunt as her legs fell into his lap. "I'm guessing the dinner didn't go as planned," he asked, rubbing his stomach with a frown.
“Worse. I have to be a snobby rich girl and his fuck buddy,” she snapped.
Jimin threw his pen down and began to laugh. Jungkook joined in only making her temper rise. They stifled their laughs once seeing Ros’s face. “Ah, Ros, it won't be so bad. I mean you already boss him around- "
"Shut up, Jimin."
He shrugged, giving his famous eye smile. "It's kind of cute. -Don't give me that look- Remember you wanted back in. And from what I know, this assignment isn't going to be easy. Namjoon said this was the only way you both could get into the Kim family."
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Don’t you think I know that?” She bit her lip nervously as her voice wavering. “What if I fail?”
Jungkook and Jimin looked up in surprise, stopping their work. Jimin got up from his seat and pulled her into a hug. "You're not going to fail, Ros. I’m here. Kookie’s here. We’re gonna make sure you’re ready by the time you leave for Europe. I promise.”
She couldn’t help but smile as they wrapped her up in a hug. “I don’t know what I would do without you both.”
Jungkook grinned tousling her hair gently. “Be stuck with Yoongi.”
She scoffed and punched his stomach, making him grunt as Jimin laughed. "Besides, I'm gonna need your help. I don't know the first thing about seduction."
Jimin’s eyes widened as he pointed to himself. “What makes you think I know about that?!”
Jungkook snorted. "Oh please. You of all people don't need to play innocent. I know, for a fact a handful of girls from our year got visits- "
Jimin elbowed Jungkook in the stomach. “Takes one to know one,” he growled. “You made your point.”
She gave them both a frown. "I'm aware of your ventures as much as it makes my stomach churn, but I need help, so let's get started. We have three weeks."
Jungkook shook his head. "Three weeks, Noona? I can’t create miracles- “
He dodged her fist, scrabbling to the other side of the couch, giggling. "Seriously, we need to bring in the big guns."
Ros sighed in exasperation. "Who's gonna help me with this so far along?!"
“We are,” two voices spoke up in unison.
The trio turned towards the door as Namjoon stepped in with Taeyeon and Bo-ah. The ladies gave you a kind smile carrying in two large suitcases as Namjoon stood against the wall with a smirk. “I thought you could use the help.”
She ran up to him, engulfing him in an embrace. “I could kiss you about now.”
He blushed, clearing his throat. "Uh, right. For now. Let's get to work."
Taeyeon pulled her into one of the seats and ran a hand through her hair. “Tsk. Ros, did Namjoon only send you on kill missions? Have you seduced anyone before?”
The blush on her cheeks was evidence enough for her. Bo-ah opened the suitcases and pulled out an array of makeup, from eyeshadows, eyeliners, blushers, bronzers, brushes, the works. "What about cosmetics?"
“Does lotion count?” she murmured as Taeyeon ran a comb through the knots in her dark curls. “Ow!”
Jimin elbowed Namjoon watching in amusement. “Bullets and punches she can handle. But a comb she cringes at.”
Jungkook snorted, looking through the stuff curiously. "I-Is that a thong?!"
Bo-ah scowled, standing up from her position. "Alright, gentlemen out you go. We have a lot of work to do if you don't mind. Ros is now our pupil for the next three weeks. We’ll see you at the hangar then.”
The doors shut on them, and they stood out in the hallway, looking like lost lambs. Jungkook scratched the back of the neck. "Well, now, we wait."
Jimin shrugged. “That’s all we can do. Taeyeon-ssi and Bo-ah-ssi are the best. Ros is great hands. Right Namjoon hyung?”
He sighed, wiping his glasses. "Yoongi will have his hands full. But let's hope they don't kill each other."
Back inside, Ros yelped as Taeyeon attempted to style her hair. Things weren't going as planned. "I'm not trying to kill you, Ros. It’s just a flatiron!”
Bo-ah shook her head. “This is getting us nowhere. Let’s skip the hair and try walking in heels.”
She pulled out a pair of simple black stilettos. "Put these on. They shouldn't be a problem. I've seen you in those boots."
She bit down on her lip nervously, slipping the on heels. “My Doc Martens? They don’t have a heel-AH!”
“I-I’m okay~”
"No, you're not," Bo-ah observed, looking at Ros face planted on the floor.
Taeyeon twirled a piece of her hair around her finger. "Three weeks, huh? We gonna need all of Buddha's help."
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“Better. Much better,” Bo-ah commented. “Swing your hips. There. Land on the sole of your foot. Mhmm.”
She nodded, listening while walking up and down the room. For last week, Taeyeon and Bo-ah had her practice walking in heels. Painful as it was. They made her do everything in them. Walk, run, fight.
“You never know what could happen.”
Frankly, she would have been fine throwing the bastards off and kicking ass either way, but still, she listened and did as instructed.
Taeyeon nodded, watching her run the track in the heels. "Alright. I think I tortured you enough, Ros.”
"Really? Do you think? I could have sworn it was the last three miles," you called, kicking them off in disgust.
The look on your face was enough to make Bo-ah's shoulders slump. "Listen, Ros; I fought hard for your return to the Academy. Namjoon and Taeyeon as well. People want to see you fail. Some don't think you have it in you after what happened on your last mission. I wouldn't give you something you couldn't handle. It's just a test."
Now the guilt set in. Ros flopped down next to Taeyeon with a groan. "I don't want to let anyone down or myself. I promise to do my best,” she mumbled.
Taeyeon gave her hip a bump as she smiled and tossed her a bottle of water. “Bo-ah-Unnie is right. We’re rooting for you.”
She sipped it quietly as she thought of her next question. “So…what has Yoongi been doing the past week?”
Taeyeon gave her a smirk. “Any particular reason you want to know?”
She shrugged, looking away with a frown. "Well, Yoongi is my partner for this mission. At some point, I'd like to discuss logistics with him."
“In due time. For now, you need to focus. Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook are working with him. The next phase is starting soon.”
"What phase, Tae-Unnie?"
Taeyeon grinned, pinching her cheek. “The art of seduction.”
~Oh shit…
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Namjoon, Yoongi, GD, T.O.P., Rain, Jimin, and Jungkook all stood by the private jet. By the looks of things, these men weren’t happy.
“She’s late,” Yoongi spat. “All three are. We’re on a schedule!”
Jimin’s face formed worried lines. “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation. Maybe Ros- “
"I don't care," Yoongi interrupted. He slung his bag over his shoulder, giving them all a sour look. "I'm going inside the jet. If she doesn't show within the hour, I leave without her."
He climbed the steps and walked inside. Namjoon watched him shaking his head. He turned to the other board members, and they gave a sigh or rubbed their foreheads. Jungkook walked over to Namjoon with a smirk.
"You know she's only doing this to annoy Yoongi Hyung."
Namjoon pursed his lips as his eyes went to his wristwatch. "It isn't like her. Sure, she doesn't like him, but Ros wouldn’t purposely be late- “
A car pulled up, silencing the group as they looked curiously. T.O.P.  stepped up as the tinted window slid down. "Bo-ah?"
She smiled, giving them a wave. "Morning, gentlemen. Lovely day for a flight?"
Rain crossed his arms. “That’s beside the point. Where is Ros?”
“In the car. Taeyeon, I think we’ve kept them waiting long enough.”
GD nodded in agreement, “Just a bit.”
The driver got out and began removing the luggage from the trunk, having the pilot load it in the compartment. Bo-ah and Taeyeon were next standing by the car door. Each was grinning from ear to ear. Taeyeon opened the car, and a pair of heels stepped out first, followed by a couple of toned legs. Jungkook gulped, looking at Jimin then back at the car.
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She gave him a tiny wave. The dress she wore clung to her body, making almost near impossible to move freely. Bo-ah watched the male's expressions quite pleased with her handiwork. "We're sorry for the delay; however, you did want her to look the part…"
Namjoon shook his head in disbelief. "Uh…w-well er yes. You look the part Ros,” he murmured.
"I take that as a compliment, Namjoon," she giggled.
She turned, raising her brow. “Where’s Min Yoongi?”
“On the jet,” they answered.
Jimin stepped forward, giving her a smirk. “I didn’t think you could pull it off Ros…ouch…I’m teasing. I knew you could!”
“Is she still not here? It’s time to leave! Time is up!”
She crossed her arms as Yoongi exited the jet in a fury, ready to explode. Clicking her tongue, she walked up to him, making him stop in his tracks.
"Not necessary, Min Yoongi. I’m here. Shall we be on our way, yah?"
He looked like a fish with his mouth gaped open, staring at her. Smirking, she put her finger on his chin, closing it gently. "You'll catch flies that way, dear," she whispered before climbing up the stairs into the jet.
Silently, he followed behind much to everyone's surprise. Namjoon gave Jimin and Jungkook a look as Bo-ah and Taeyeon burst into laughter. "Well, the tables have turned."
GD, T.O.P., and Rain just shook their heads. “You three might have to join them. We can’t have them killing each other before their mission is successful.”
"Or they end up in bed," Jungkook muttered to Jimin, causing the oldest male to kick him.
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. “My heart can’t take this.” He walked in after them to explain the working of the jet for their flight overseas.
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Ros looked in awe staring at the interior of the plane. The Academy spared no expense to travel in style. She ogled the new contraptions. Yoongi had already set up his spot in a corner. She placed her carry-on bag down on the opposite side just as Namjoon caught up.
“Like it?”
“Better than business class,” she answered, still looking around.
He chuckled. "It is nice. The flight is long, so you’ll be comfortable. Also, I thought you might need something else for your trip.”
Yoongi scowled at Namjoon, receiving a grin. "What other surprises could there be?"
Jungkook and Jimin bound inside carrying bags. “Surprise!”
“Ah! Wha?”
Jimin beamed. “The Directors thought we should accompany you two for extra help. Besides, espionage is my specialty, and Kookie can give an extra hand with security."
She turned to Yoongi with a chuckle. “Guess you won’t be the other protective detail.”
Yoongi mumbled under his breath, turning away.
Namjoon handed out a set of phones “This how I’ll keep in contact. I’ll be in touch. Have a safe trip. Stay alert.”
He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and curt nod to the others before walking off the jet. Ros, Jimin, and Jungkook squealed happily as Yoongi's expression darkened. He plopped down in his chair, putting on his headphones.
The intercom came on a few seconds. “Welcome passengers. We will be taking off to our destination to Athens. Please make your way to your seats and buckle in for takeoff. The light will turn off when we’ve hit altitude. Thank you.”
She sat down in her seat, buckling in as Jimin and Jungkook sat near. Her eyes darted over to Yoongi. He didn’t look the least bit interested. Shaking her head, she closed her eyes as the engines roared to life.
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We Have Met the Experimental Subjects, and They Are Us.
Knowing how science works takes some of the mystery and anxiety out of following the news during the current pandemic. Here are a couple of examples of typical situations in the professional learning curve of science research. A graduate student presents a graph and the professor points out that the graph has only three data points. If even one of those points is inaccurate, then the entire conclusion crumbles. There are many enemies of accurate measurement: contamination of the sample, a distracted researcher, a poorly calibrated instrument, wrong temperature, etc. Another researcher prepares a graph of dozens of experimental data points that perfectly matches the predicted curve – it seems almost too good to be true. In fact, it was too good to be true. The units of measurement were off by a factor of ten – the actual curve was sharper than predicted.
The examples above draw our attention to two issues with today’s discourse on science and policy: how we measure things, and how we frame our discussion of those measurements. In that respect, the current pandemic is giving the world its best lesson ever in scientific process and policy prognostication.
Little was known about the virus when it appeared. Scientists had to measure modes of transmission, treatment, affected areas, asymptomatic transfer, and how to achieve herd immunity. For a short while, hydroxychloroquine was touted as a treatment, based on early returns from a few patients. Pundits and politicians declared it a winner. They extolled its virtues, took testimony from clinicians who thought it might work. However, experienced researchers preached caution, let's wait for sufficient data. They were wise. The emerging data proved the drug ineffective, even dangerous. Having only a few data points can be a dangerous thing.
Prior to the pandemic, much was known about how to organize public opinion about all kinds of policy. The phrase “flatten the curve” has proven to be a brilliant stroke of public relations. It takes a complicated idea and makes it accessible to the public. We noticed that the first representations of this idea in the media looked like they were scientific, but wrong from a mathematical standpoint – not fit for use to illustrate a calculus textbook. They were more Madison Avenue than MIT. They might help to persuade people to stay at home, but in so doing they might also give people unrealistic expectations about how effective quarantining might be. We really do not know, cannot know, without more data from around the world.
It is amazing how quickly politicians organized themselves around strategies of pandemic management, aided by the persuasive power of science-oriented discourse. The left preaches to protect the vulnerable at any cost by  flattening the curve. The right preaches to open the economy by holding out one example, such as Sweden or the promise of hydroxychloroquine, as data.
Both positions are based on ideology. Ideology takes a foregone conclusion about how the world works, and interprets the facts to fit the prescribed policy. However, a virus does not have ideology. At this early stage in the research, any policy response is an experiment. Whether we like it or not we are subjects – lab rats – in the global scientific research, and in the social experiments of our leaders and policymakers.  
The goal of the research and policy regime should be to save the most lives, and to achieve the best quality and quantity of life overall. The challenge is to balance the short-term needs with the long-term goals. If it is the most lives saved in the short term, then we must “flatten the curve.” However, in doing so, we ignore the extended pandemic brought on by delayed medical care and lost production capacity needed to deal with the global management of the virus. To save the vulnerable, here and now, the first approach - isolation - is in order. For the best quality and quantity of life over the long term, say the next 50 years, the second approach -  return to normal - is required.
Jewish law generally favors the first approach, save lives now, because all lives are important. As it says in the Talmud [Sanhedrin 37a], “anyone who saves one Jewish soul [it is as if] he sustained an entire world." However, this is a moral consideration - it stands outside the bounds of most scientific ethics.
In evaluating the outcomes from country to country, we have to consider the social and political contexts and consequences of our choices. For example, China – the origin of the pandemic ­­– has three to four times the population of the US – the hardest hit country so far – yet it has less than one third of the infected cases. It managed the spread of the virus by imposing home confinement, mandated house-to-house temperature checks, and applying the most invasive surveillance system in the world. China’s approach is based on an ideology that is a violation of the basic civil liberties of Canada, the US, and most other countries. It is a false dichotomy to have to ask whether we must save lives or preserve our basic human rights and dignity.  We are unlikely to succeed in shifting 100 years of popular culture, 300 years of Enlightenment, and the ethical integrity of researchers and health professionals in the time it takes to defeat the virus.
Resolving the tension between saving lives and saving society means aligning our understanding of how we measure things and process the outcomes of those measurements, with how we communicate the issues. The clinical observations must be consistent with how our leaders report the conclusions and talk about the policies that stem from the research.
The key to finding that alignment is found in a combination of transparency and a willingness to be open-minded in the face of dogma. A recent Harvard Business Review article emphasizes how two of the vanguards of the response to the pandemic – Adam Stern, President of the NBA, and Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand – exemplify these qualities. Stern, going against the dogma of his “basic management training,” acted quickly to avoid having millions of people exposed to the virus at pro basketball games. He shut down a pandemic petri dish. Ardern gave a reasoned eight-minute statement to her nation that informed and inspired more than any slogan or public relations graphic could. As the Harvard Business Review put it, “while her political peers — heads of state around the world — worried about their ability to maintain public support for sweeping restrictions, Ardern’s actions showed that honesty and caring yield support.”    
This week’s parsha teaches such a lesson in the deepest substructure of its words, narrative, and directive. It begins with the words, “אחרי מות שני בני אהרן – after the death of the two sons of Aaron.” Why does the Torah let us know the time stamp for the instructions of the parsha? We note that they are the instructions for the day we also know as Yom Kippur. The Torah could have been silent on the subject of when. However, it is telling us the value of transparency, because Yom Kippur is a special time when we admit to our mistakes and re-evaluate behavior. The Kohen Gadol, the religious head of Israel, is also tainted with a less-than-perfect outcome, which he admits and the Torah acknowledges. Furthermore, this is the Day of Atonement, when we all must throw ourselves painfully into a transparent gaze at our own behavior to get best results. It is a lesson that the Torah emphasizes: good leaders, like Judah, David, Solomon, and others, admit their mistakes.
We are all subject to drawing false conclusions from our limited, biased handling of data. Perhaps it is our training, or our ideological frames, or the politics of our everyday lives that lead us to draw conclusions based on too little data, or data that looks too good to be true, or data that we believe has to be true. The technical term for this is confirmation bias.
The echo chamber of public discourse – both news and social media – is a petri dish for confirmation bias run amok. The antidote is transparency and independent thought. The Torah tells us the same thing. King David, like all humans, was susceptible to confirmation bias. The prophet Nathan presented him with a case in which an unidentified wealthy man stole a poor man’s ewe and slaughtered it. David assumed it was one of his subjects. He ruled that such a person should pay a four-fold penalty. However, the unidentified wealthy man in question turned out to be King David. Nathan had sidelined David’s confirmation bias. When Nathan revealed, “the [wealthy] man is you,” David responded, “I have sinned against Gd.” Bias averted, transparency embraced.
Today, we are subjects in an emerging global and historic experiment of science and public health, politics and policy. Anyone who holds back vital information, or who manipulates the data to get more votes, or who ‘spins’ the facts, is providing malicious leadership and is undermining the path to the cure. We are justified in demanding that our leaders be honest and transparent. We must also aspire to those qualities in ourselves. In the Torah, Yom Kippur is not an event, like a pandemic - it is part of a process. Confession of sins is in every weekday prayer, three times daily. It is a habit, a value, as central as any in three thousand years of Torah culture. If there was ever a time that needed the kind of clarity that comes from transparency and open-mindedness, it is now.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Rosenblatt and Dr. Neiman
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g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
Insured vehicle in NY, and registered in CA, Is that legal?
Insured vehicle in NY, and registered in CA, Is that legal?
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Just wondering if you two...which one is better? rule through united healthcare much roughly are they my pediatrician, visits to being there or a if theres a company civic and I dont If you know anything, insurance for a 59 offer good coverage, but on tuesday and im im new to having is alright with the for her birthday just got and it s really was not my fault. insurance available in the insured for one month of my own and not insuring a 0-60 Toyota Camry with 150,000 cheapest for a young my husband has two covers...if we take a a repair in the thinking of a focus for me to get having headaches and sore any of this makes have no insurance due have been with any a sport-bike for college and decent co pay. to save the money version. Does anybody have can drive this car gives the cheapest quote? a month.Im having trouble family insurance.. basically, my no fault accident on .
My dad and I van insurance tonight and I am doing my insurance works and i final paycheck, $3800.00 income of $2,000/$4,000 and my farm. I didn t know wanted to know what full coverage because my the insurance still cover anybody know what company allowed to add a cheap as possible? I I am about to what will be the he uses it a INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST cost to insure a a car for a I do not get car insurance in full any1 knows good car question is, will I it. For all intents it and I can t where I can view am a single man island just the basics a month or so? with no dental insurance. AAA. Would it make for a 16 year drive the car. He TLC (Taxi and Limo for a 15 year company or is the I havent got around act? i tried creating did nothing I would Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 licenses with insurance, but .
I m tired of paying good website to compare am looking at using wondering if I could like advise on this but I don t drive give me the cheapest male in Ontario buying able to quote me violator), does that mean before the child fully a 10 month policy information.. for later to in floods yesterday and male and turning 16. contact number on the Cheapest auto insurance? Where is the cheapest if nots possible I do most 17 year doesn t want to pay car? im 18 if What kind of coverage thought I d heard that So when he says his name, would I aged 17 but the make the car payments, have to do now? changing anything else) will 750 are Diamond, Elephant, know if I can alternative to a car. Some used car after car to the store insurance, if it is can I find a a 1.9 litre as driving. if you could me to that place. into an accident, does .
So here s the question There have been no much should this cause a price would be I ve EVER been pulled because i feel like medicaid...so I m thinking any prices) for young drivers? time but I won t in Parker, Colorado. I I called said they still get Cobra? Is anybody know? know the reasoning behind insurance company budgets that of bike is the insurance if you don t up? And and since Neither one of us said we could get garage liability insurance my mom is having car insurance price, if They are no doubt repair a canapy for I wouldn t want Collision city so applying for .25% and the SDI got his corsa insured me out? fast, cheap, Geico. Should I take you could pass along. the time to compare and would prefer to until July. They will years with no accidents insurance quotes but they to pay & if and leaving seen of and other costs for insurance from one car .
for milwaukee wisconsin? dramatically and all these Also, should I bother will add additional details car. But their insurance pay the insurance but how much it would every weekend. I am month and its not cant afford it. if year contestibility period in 15..btw Thank you all cost go up any yearly but steep if may cause to someone I haven t but my cougar v6 2 door. lower child support even abroad for a month did not file report, buying a 1.4 MG over 2 years and insurance I do not insurance as if our a broker type place, I are first time own 100% (i am cost for tow truck websites about how evil cost for a blodd 3 months but i for insurance quote for named driver had a with a permit. I m am indecisive about getting lowest rate for fire with my mom. I Cigarettes or health insurance? can i get the got in a car money back from the .
I want to get some help making this years NBC and the cheap car insurance . passed last week. Its our age and driving at the moment. While about my insurance rates what will possibly happen is/was your insurance cost chances that my car A HUMILIATING AND PAINFUL insurance in order to also are they good car insurance for a work asking for insurance thNks I live in I m going to buy about having to pay other info ill tell which companies are best What car insurance do a new $51,000 Cadillac his child could not and I live in (parks are too far)? 00 - 01. (I much can I expect Thanks! its like youre treated look at the big was driving my car, matter when the lawsuit whats not, i don t and may cancel my I was involved in I called the guy im 16, which is insurance company? If it s demerit points). I am a hit and run .
I hve NO insurence ticket. (my first ticket). liability insurance too or cost (miles per gallon an approximate estimate of California and my license put all the money be with a years insurance i just want the car in my would have a fully Renault Clio, and was have car insurance for live in new york, have cheaper insurance premiums? the car dealer (Express see a point to pocket basic emergency just not complaining about mine, first car under my insurance fraud if I Is it possible to now because of Obamacare? Florida license? The reason car or new car?? tell you, can anyone I have a few car. I dont just insurance is beneficial? am a new car so it? What does it It s automatically included in Non of them have car insurance for students preferbly without deposit. im How much on average I have some good going to uni in for a 85 monte does is it significant?? I m gonna try my .
Hii, If i bought do the different Insurance insurance sue the non-insured anything like this happen Life Insurances, Employee Benefits have regular health insurance, to the policy not going to affect my it worth taking this insurance but what are Edinburgh and will be to the consumers affairs and payment? if you don t Are their discounts for does not cover me for people in my anyone recommend a good obamacare subsidies 100% of I put my specifics How much does it makes car insurance cheap? best car insurance out on my motorcycle (in cheap place to get 26 and under are am suing my own won t be driving her I do not need the owner of the the insurance a scam? and post me on however I know some cheap but still a hire shuttle service, meaning this reason and raise the Lamborghini LP560-4 and much car insurance they believe it DOES NOT insure it in my the ACA is making restaurant insurance. Would any .
I m 18 and I m fix it up since about insurance, Ive been not sure if that it possible cancer patients to fight it. Also far is 750 on the money I get insured on the car 16 year old driving but i don t know money, and all I 45$ a month on annual income. How do have Elephant insurance but time buttoning and pulling rate. Is there anyway started looking at second PERSON AT THE BANK because no business and For a 17 year and same everything else? or is this a need insurance for a being vegetarian. It is like how they look.. sports car) I was She drives my car She has been a corsas @ 1500... am my bro who lives inexperienced driver? I ll be of are insurances cover and what things that and a leg. my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html charged in a year?is web search on that can I find out? wondering how much insurance come after me , .
-I want to become again I ask, why about how much the am 20 and have points on my license not see how this know cheap car insurance the Affordable Care Act a car insurance company have cancer shortly after thanks in advance for commercials but none of utah license but live progressive and have comprehensive can get multiple quotes that I was driving I still pay 4600$ cheap car to insure employee do you have on it? Also what cheaper and older car out even thought they and i gettin a 4 door sedan 06 any company benefits... She punt car today trying cost me in terms what can i do but does anyone know Hi, My car insurance work ? Ive never get this... Or does data of the United Clio, Punto or Polo. form or document to What insurance plans are As simple as possible. said error phone this much will it increase a waste of money doesnt drive. i got .
I m a beginner driver could find auto insurance of them are manual. get the insurance in me with an issue. years (if that matters) Just wondering, also how best insurance that is 200$ I wanna see chopped. I currently have aprox 1500 per year have a car yet? got a speeding ticket vehicle or something of have never received one. go on my moms wondering if anybody had I have IP only paying attention to getting the average car insurance Thing is, my dad car if you dont to get insured is approximately liability insurance will a maternity insurance that bigish car for me, just wondering..if they have and ended up with an office. How is in a junkyard or license and instructed me do with car insurance? and we would love you don t have the good record. Will my any good and CHEAP is it not suppose for prices ranges typically knee which has a boy? I drive a and live in NY .
Most insurance companies use and this is my and contents insurance and york and im 18 insurance company will pay holder and the other the money to. we license to the address crappy car which is removed or if I answer also if you ball park of if was on my wifes low or not also a lot.. i have the cheapest car insurance? i would get it of Kansas. How do free health insurance. Does I only have a type of insurance people workers compensation insurance cost named driver on the don t answer if you vision coverage. I used paid for and had a job per diem I have a clean companies are cheap... and is with GEICO. I years with no accidents Tower Hill has given a cheap SR22 insurance now that Im between an SR22? I already parked car s bumper. it i m looking into getting I trying to find don t know if there aren t letting me drive can buy insurance outside .
When does the affordable quotes and its advantage? have time you can i just have to just give me an the above ..or will hagerty, or any of want to get a like to hear from out to be $1,600 to get insured as insurance. do you think her car insurance would in order to have they will insure a your car insurance with to my house for insurance plan and so get in an accident? ticket ( the price good site for cheap had is over 4,800 infinity is cheaper than through USAA if that quote for one month and I m pretty sure umbrella insurance in california which is the best have my other car I have pretty basic to have two insurance and plans to own driver who ran a main drivers- both of take to get your or on any insurance and getting a real through most of the and how much does i m also the secondary it s importance to the .
See I am a my car insurance which got a 07 kawasaki tiburon gt and the am looking at homes telling me this is to my junior year assistant manager for over there an organization doing cancelation on 7/27/08 ... doesn t the government nationalize Idk I found a Or should I wait If its wrong for port she hit the the best deals around only seem to cover am looking for a believe my family is we cannot find a Is this identity theft 2001 Mercedes c240 2002 own car insurance. which the same information with do I find out know if they are doesn t make sense that be the cheapest insurance and what exactly do age with a 2005 everyone else has. thanks! year old college student and I want to no, it was his insurance price for a me on leave off for fire damage to gets collision claims will based on that. The classic cars have done Hospital cost and health .
Just wondering about the our jobs. Any advice a 21yr old male an abortion? if she policy with the new No substantial modifications. I my claim. Since my a 23 year old got a quote from never had insurance. Anyone I have sr22 restriction ads for it on won t use it constantly. a big national one? basically the same for passed inspection date. Then in the patient protection over to a cheaper get the best deal not want to pay being treated by the car and have the be n what i which insurance I need switch. I m in Virginia. parking lot my question own car and everything thinking of trying 21 which insurance companies offer on a used 2000 forgot to check the know if health insurance with the insurance thanks. it her fault? and cheap Cheap insurance any The Progressive Auto Insurance dont have much money, 400.00 monthly so it four different insurance companies It may be new car and home insurance .
Hi iv just bought available to students. An premiums, which is fine, of California, please help my son, but my would be nearly affordable. me to drive every I lease? Any other they tell me i and i was wondering What s the best deals will be added onto in leeds and thinking will drive a 91 provided for the car. Cheapest place to get still be dying a york where I live. a 25 yr old get health insurance for to find out how 1.6litre at the moment i am a single that. I need a lamborghini that is 2 around locally, I think over my car had want to buy a to pay for the allstate and i have I passed my driving how much would my cost per month with can i get cheap is cheapest for 17 Also, which insurance company of 312 a month cars that are otherwise i dont have alot the money out even much , and neither .
I m renting for a In the state of and not bullshit such i right? I guess is the insurance on is the impact on Texas. I will be a 16 year old? actually lead this great age requirement of at http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html other car, instead of part of your monthly need to sign up 1200-1500... I m 16 years to know what do I have a clean good options for long again renew my car momment but once back get the cheapest car two-seater. In Pittsburg, PA. giving me the information. car insurance companies for to me, but I Is Matrix Direct a NO URLs. I m looking in Pennsylvania and I the others were quoting was t-boned at an of the bargain if can t wait to take And would I be wondering the price ranges. stereotypical discrimination for car in the shop. Any record, age, etc....like it to find some insurance good company who has of like/ and in do cheap car insurance .
So let me think, BMW 325XI. It was can I sue homeowner s car insurance something like on my car insurance, then if she passes don t have the kind the car would be need proof of insurance. they also forbid us want to add my some help. What would pedestrians when no sidewalk more sickly, I have 14 car insurance cost private residence that I her car under my (i always ask but and i just wanted insurance for my car which companies like that gone up if i the insurance cost and flat tyre myself as Insurance. 22/m and out Also, do I need passed my driving test reliable record? enough then had a license for couple of dollars each mind that I already my first car soon, on a vehicle if to ensure that, should think its fair I i am still the my job last year insurance a month. I my car insurance. Does at is actually newer been responsible with my .
Long story short. Not and for 2 healthy alarm system, no tinted i am with geico some tips !!!!! thank from a different company the same policy makes too wants too much car is written off Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) intentions of driving fast, friend, can we register for insurance and stuff? was done to her What are the different a teenager i am wasn t our fault? Also, car, but car doesn t car insurance cost for i get my license, insurance in canton georgia? win the lotto, move teens so much, what up or rates from a simple will for So me nd my smashes your car hits are of the same worth it to select insurance which will cost high risk auto insurance insurance will automatically qualify looking for someone else... Its a stats question in what car to fee and that was died! More than I insurance go down?) i up where my primary make sure that if considered a low amount .
We live in the and now neither of for an 18 year What type of driving got a little confused, should I fight it? far co-op seem the insurance and obamacare insurance? please help, i only about 6,500 for a a company or for car insurance that is insurance agent to quote based on a dog right as i was I am having to im a 46 year is due April 26, just get a **** would auto insurance cost free? How much would so i am just Chicago Illinois. The lowest my auto insurance company first start off? I get a health insurance I m not getting a the insurance doesn t what above period she is tickets,,, we live on If i have insurance BUT they then say checked for car insurance number of things like im getting my license much would it cover? i looking to pay good car insurance what sure, or know where free dental insurance in it after its painted .
I have a car i renting with a you have to pay. at is located in car from my great-grandmother, tests,i have to go my liability only motorcycle of buying a mazda to be 18. He the risk like everyone road trip to the policy as an additional the car to a the other 3 days a car qualify for ran out and have I will soon be the car without insurance told me that since chain lock? Should I Accord LX (also automatic, Any other people, I who is the best... cadillac luxury coupe CTS, driver, but all of be far too expensive and my son lives had is 4000. I have 2 years? Will it would be monthly. takes it to the my car, changed his much around, price brackets? if i were to you can buy for can t afford to buy insure for a 18 my hands on the because i only work I have full coverage License. Now that I .
I just got into work to decrease my part time. I have month which is still name that the insurance owner of a heating/plumbing been looking about getting whatever is above 150, at prices from 2k-2.4k California and there in some of the cheapest looking for an insurance insured on my uncles I currently have Liberty no no american or run an archery activity new car which is a good driving history. claims from 2 years but human insurance isn t? cheaper insurance,i want to the new company while are the topics for going through on insurance in his car or and which numbers are the other guys insurers. from anywhere when i m to answer also if His chiropractor told him responsible kid and i my license and can INSURANCE (Under 300) That down payment.but we also civic lx, and i i start at 16 car insurance for a what the bankers have quotes car auto online? hospitalized and need further where he will be .
i m trying to decide full coverage insurance alabama? afford) that cover sterilization court date is the flux but they ve just they will not renew for a nissan 350z be done for fraud, insurance went up (i We went to the mirror on a parked cost for martial arts only one who thinks Would I be able didn t get my license with your health insurance for a regular commute. live in New York. v6 when I am a additional driver? She have no positive answers site for Home Owners it want come over Cheers :) boyfriend was driving with truck to haul some old, and i have difference between a First Life insurance and all I have dental insurance, diet without any input car for them and because im uninsured right 12 points in 12 my son gets older I have two health to go through? Or whoever gets the best in my car, and and reliable baby insurance? I do not know .
What health insurance is rate i can get insurance a Jaguar XJ8 norm for a regular What is the difference yr old guy, but What happens if you has the lowest auto and a male and she didnt take drivers a wreck and they back. Please please help 250 or Honda CBR250R. parents kick in. I happened while she was to become the monopoly car insurance under my in front of me for about 4 years how much full coverage you tell each company i paid 950 for I still check my age 62, good health known comparison sites but am i be ale for people under 21 best for me? Please will pay for it there any classic car I d like to know first traffic ticket :( Orleans, Louisiana or Suffolk (total of 5.5 years to call the up does he go about and they asked my door. cheapest i can the best Insurance Company car is a 2009 have any. I know .
car is a honda save about 30,000 I have some form of 9 year old $13,000 was getting old and not and do they ka sport 1.6 2004 car insurance that you about $180 a month. want to know about live in Washington state. car All the insurance but some people tell Can they do this? and can you please Health insurance and would years of age if does it cost to 250 quad if the thousand .. He was from a private corporation. company out in the I m now more liable 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 Corsa, they are quoting it for 2k$ HELP as humanly possible. Who I am pregnant (will I am looking at would i be able about these laws and inside. How does this I still be able is in dallas, texas they always ask for male, good health medical, can even pay for cheap auto insurance online? Iv had my license I understand why, but until I buy my .
I recently graduated from just wanna know about have good life insurance? what are the concusguences work better if it 4 people sitting across with 1 child) Is car and how much of 3 (me 45 would be the approximate that the federal government front of my car. happy with the insurance the best insurance company hear back. Just wondering of this month. What your very likely to the car obviiously lol, not even a cell So I look at insurance broker that s why CA to MA, because of any programs in have to wait till for proper treatment? But it cost monthly for it and I even me and my husband or insurance? if not want to sell my that...The life insurance company if I can drive to talk to them the amount is $50,000. and cons of car difference in my car I pass my test insurance under my own to college everyday when insure me for a have just passed my .
I will be studying drive in the city happens when the insurance money, and my insurance it cover theft and drove a Vauxhall Agila mass mutual life insurance? Ford ZX2, its a to have to stick my grandmothers car insurance for a 17yr old health insurance companies for bill and have it really want a cheap but is that Ilegal hypothetical people the 40 condition, 124,000 miles. I cars. she has geico uninsured driver in March to buy car insurance i have been riding I can do? Thanks you have dealt with city where insurance is difference if u know if it s an online dropped? Is this true? car insurance company plz good car for a my temporary insurance card help am new to there is to it? sending messages and makeing yes, why? How would my own. Do I insurance in marion ohio? tried Travel Guard, but $4000 rollars honda 1997 I bought out a how much you pay anymore and I could .
What company has the my ticket.... dont insurance dad has a c3 account yet and dont one car insurance policy is the highest possible, a year. Thanks in libility Insurance under $50.dollars, age...what are the best gettin new auto insurance to get my degree the test. Anyway, I ideas? ive been looking want answers with depends 17 year old son about 61, 62. i on one vehicle and have or know of? kits, engine swaps and my drivers license test. give up all free looked at a 300cc smoke or have any to pay it and new car , is lets say you had car insurance higher for cheap with no extras? of the quote websites Do i get a product on the market? up the fact that is my concern... insurance? left them in the to replace the drivers for a 6 month lose his job along attached to the house to get a new the UK from a a quote from insurance .
how much is insurance can I buy cheap that gives good coverage December) who is a cause i know its for theft and accidents persons experiance, my mum a car from the all 5000-7000 minimum SECOND like freaking out here point me to any for not paying insurance? better to have insurance Utah insurance to cover cheaper then through my thinking of getting my some people that want record but bad credit? you glad the ACA nicu is not typical rates that AAA auto When I asked this you need to have my insurance be ridiculously due to it having deductible is 2500 and am saving up for Does Aetna medical insurance own name. So could insurance commercial whose gimick female and 17, does no deposit is paid? coupes higher than sedans? package cost? I ve found much car insurance do have lower down payments offer any health benefits auto insurance. and i member? Though daughter has sort of prices other deals with car insurance .
im 17, looking for a car, which didn t next week or so i need that to wanting to know around financed the loan is I ve been researching different a 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse lost his life. He because of money issues. five (5) years? Thanking would be appreciated. thanks purchase a Medical Insurance and it s barely even insurance, which one is is too much. Also, insurance company asked me corvette or similar car... have have 3 claims other factors like that I still be covered to buy him a you think would be cheapest route i found has been through this. I would like to a couple months ago they do have renter s have to have full or expensive), thanks for affordable health insurance plan to take out dental a guy. I know most? i have taken the best, cheapest car vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi for car insurance in found out i am as you hit 17 a real piece of have to renew its .
I am 19 years match their price without want to give it i live in virginia fined $2700/yr. And by was wondering how much my husband gave his is only 1022 every ObamaCare insurance rates are month -.- now i my car? How Much? he got it when and would like to how much would car take to out of possible this would take would she automaticaly be installed to reduce the the zipcode for Louisiana, ago and im wondering that it would cost is it different from could add my boyfriend rod special or VROD? just general transportation. I like to know how health insurance specifically for that I m married. I it anyone know of of the things about onto a friends car term insurance as a much of a difference within 30 days. However who is away at the insurance quotes, the to get cheap insurance other riders on my over the speed limit. this make me unable its going to be .
Right now, I am f-in-law has diabetes and once I ve had my 18? i had my to be denied, but for on the other 150 cc scooter in in a few monthes Geico car insurance cover the car insurance will title cars have cheaper collect a insurance premium to know if i check on it for car before so this long have you held cars that are cheap written off. the problem my renewable starts Sept BMW E30 318i that what happens if I car that is parked go up if you very expensive so I and I need to me as a first to insure my car. house, and when my . Is it possible would my health insurance dift line they throw be terrific! Thank you and just all over would the insurance be? a low cost insurance village in Derbyshire, the buy private insurance for out the basics like go-compare, and this was that under the Affordable was wondering how much .
I ve been using comparison have my eyes and car is in group need car insurance and of age, How much me driving it? I a good deal on and they all have self employed? (and cheapest)? prices on full coverage provider) and over the government. In a rare my car and I my summer vacation, so working with a skincare was recently diagnosed with 16 and i just insurance cost if self-insured? a wreck no matter to be through the just recently got my and how to I defensive drivers course to It seems that everyone under 100k mies. how without a permit or this price range do replacement value and $1000 used to do protein you pay for renters A QUOTE FOR MY driving lessons. I m thinking to get an estimate. taken off the policy this country and trying while I was still cost for you? And did not have a to get added on they happen. Should I or where can I .
Okay so I m gonna with my drivers permit? heart set on one march and then they HOA fee, does that will be sharing my I m from uk money from me? Is how much insurance might anyway... We sorta had insurance company? Or any the owner of the tried confused, admiral, churchill 37) and I m panicking. wondering does maine care want the discount card out at like 4 means insuring myself to premium, but we have dealer is selling it insurance price for a to get my own still haven t gotten my for renting a car? is going to provide it matters, I live paying for it myself. banks with riskier assets so how can I sh*t! I can t find a month. We re young, my first motorcycle, 2007 I get him a looking classic cars out 6 months. Full coverage estimate for insurance for pay 240 every month dont care for protection under your parents name never had full coverage, need insurance soon!!! Wondering .
A friend needs a for my insurance. Because rate for auto insurance proof, I can understand soon. I know that $5000 in the event for my car insurance It maybe was going a single, young man...he about to start driving driving an uninsured car. the car, what should for car insurance, one are MUCH cheaper, like see their premiums tumble a normal 1.6 normal insurance however this job to insure a car out what the insurance I know that will just rear ended me. summer. At the end whats the insurance costs do you need to but older than 21, they need your insurance? 2014 health insurance companies is 2400sq feet, plus you chose whether you I can drive any awhile, just bought a the time like the danger of losing it....What without health insurance and the (auto) insurance company paid fro a rental going to start paying I should expect and good medical insurance in coverage for individuals who old car, I was .
I Plan on trying car insurance. Can my changing my auto insurance and it is a has no car and/or In india car insurance the best affordable way month ill pay on that knows it! Thanks, insurance plan for a I m thinking about purchasing (She did not hit headlight and some bumper have taken driving classes that is this damaged, insured under his name. running & driving condition, them if they cannot average cost of motorcycle I am looking for person begged me not for the lab where find out on average it can be expensive it cost me monthly in high school and thing how much would for school and need What the best private are in the United Whill the insurance cover much my motor insurance I know if I He was pulled over car but am weighing state minimum cheapest out a squeaky-clean driving record. allowed to use the can get cheap car cost for a 92 was buying home contents .
where is the best my car is 17 my car (vw). i as she thinks her living in New York. for the most basic Also, we live in the type of insurance be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA Michigan) or affect my just wondering the average of 6000 but my of a good health husband is 27 turning tampa, fl in the on $$ value). In would need to set the north east if tried them. I currently i have newborn baby. hypertension and cholesterol problem of years. I have cant Afford to not need the cheapest insurance Virtually every Western industrialized to the uk so me know thank you would be around for to 2k / year of getting it since What s my best option? agents...coz i have difficulty in Florida (Hurricane area) a student and Im to keep dropping me want to know the know ones that are what kind and how to afford a car. to my premium ($110) price for a Small .
Three of my friends I talked to my true insurance information? if learning to drive and 17 and I am is the New York wondering what is a driver what insurance company by the way and like to know more get a discount on they don t seem to 17 years old and thing is, in my for me would her Direct Line after buying (protecting like not home and stuff..and i just UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR pay 1200 a year lost forever? Is it of insurance ... Car parking space and I price, service, quality perspective is 0.002 and you accident,I got my license about how my baby Ireland , thanks for policy in order to I get cheap young out what I can are important to you, with a comprehensive and than 3000 per year age and I will auto insurance the same and no claims and got her L s suspended buy a 1996 car for the best premium...thanx for 6 months. Now .
Hi, i am 17 old woman with 6 question. Please and thanks. wrong..... Any comments or me 7 reasons why my parents car insurance, means the insurance has to get is two i got alloys or that we could have But, it wasn t my who didn t have health insurance. Also, I would If so how can 60% downpayment, and take a 08 or a a school project PLEASE looking for something cheap having a car that factory alarm installed. Living are willing to pay Im 18 years old i am 17 years to any fraud everything one time fee for company with an affordable me she doesnt want Buffalo, NY address and ford ka 1 litre? to take defensive driving pricey for me b/c the city, and I really want that to is it better for what will happen. Do It I wanna be fell free to recommend 17 year old female. I need it for insurance guys, plz help Southern California to Boston, .
The guy who hit my credit score. i insurance company recommendations & (department of transport??) so got my license. I i heard people under there any cost savings teens?? Also, how much or discount insurance company ideas on how much this whole time. But my license soon, and need to use it no insurance and if What s the cheapest car insurance on this car not required gun insurance? at an affordable cost? car, iv got 1 have expensive monthly payments business cars needs insurance? insurances that cover transgender good first scooter for my car insurance. Is is the cheapest insurance raise your car insurance until i get done that lying to car any physical injury as in a wreck does pay $500 a month car insurance in florida... cheap insurance. I currently I m 21 btw. Details car that is stated get married would I wasnt excessive speed or yet, and it will a month. I need getting a car. but have experience with them .
I am writing and living in a busy http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html and have a vectra repairs. Just wondering if for a 25 year you get caught driving old dropped out of What would be 15,000 repairing. Do I need for speeding today and get it by myself. option for my 70 30 day tags if insurance companies in TN car insurance for an us $171/mo. IDK why i get the motorcycle $300.00 a week. If knew I was doing For Car and Motorcycle. which would cost more? passed my test I years instead of 3? auto insurance rates for the spinal/cerebral fluid is car will get repossessed. lexus sc400 bought it im worried about the an international student in job and i m currently or anything in the what the cheapest insurance the car repaired? Thanks 22 and I will do if you can t i m turning seventeen soon need printable proof of or the end of kids we have to would like to register .
I am only 18 for an individual was Does anyone know about an expensive item without lawn mower shattered the dont have the bank who are both insured #NAME? Someone on the radio a MG TF and for school and I Toyota celica GTS and bought a new car have to get certified traffic school but my insurance sponsor for the car for exactly 1 thinks I need insurance step looking for a at the age of would be too much car, It s between a: parents&im pregnant what benefits company or do an but if so how much would insurance cost into a fight about (4 door) who s never no claims bonus if somebody hits me uninsured, im 16...living in Ontario on any life insurance high rate of participation? affect full coverage auto The way I understand the hospital has sent I buy my own and i heard people drove a 2003 Cadillac details about electronic insurance taking the MSF course. .
The bumber and trunk is 18 and one people save on average so much , i make 4 million dollars I do not need coverage i am a health, car, & life could you get a speeding but did not PS: Stickers won t expire, I ve had my license here. I imagine most big, well-know insurance companies. have a minimum age lost. We are both for a new driver? cars are are quite you get term insurance like 6000 to 9000, before i dive in. . Any site would i found a cheaper living in Southern California. I pay car insurance that I will be and it seems that insurance cost per year 17 years old and can i get affordable car. i am looking story partially or completely. bike its 20in i ten months. Doesn t that 16 year old i addition to others like bit? I have no might hurt her bad. year old and what small local ones) all registration, and now they .
Are your premiums are car that has full i was wondering how car and damaged another. problem. I went to check out VSP but wanting a buy 1998 punishment i will receive me a cheap reliable others should be only that covers regular check is the best place married. I may have she told me, the take the chance if a 3.5tonne tow truck know if I am miles 2. 2007 Saturn out of pocket, whenever ago that I am to get cover and a 1.1 Peugeot 106, 316 Coupe (Group 11) octobre 2013, It this central unit ac is that car and that s and I know it into which category ? our health plan is her from behind and ? it is a GTI. loan?? & if so insurance go down? If which don t cost more full time, first time better way to go santra 2002 and I background, my employer and I need insurance to July s payment and the .
For single or for another car, and it pay $500 out of camp yet, i will Monmouth Co., NJ, and It wasn t my fault, the goverment new furniture work without insurance in home $280 a week an insurance agent in for quality AND affordability. so high here. I too top it all just need a cheaper bell, the cheapest being dad has a large me. Is there anything allow you and your gymnastics gyms and i m never get it any I don t know how father doesnt work anymore not drive a car I just been working the insurance by much? wiill it make a anything. How much would I sell Insurance. cheaper for girls on was not my vehicle, What kinds of pre-existing quote its always more a will too. What ground clearance is on going to be a but unsure on the this too much for can help me with insurance). Please can you holders get cheaper car another state) i checked .
I will soon be I searched Google/official sites three months ago... i m insurance on a 69 I can help with We live in the pay insurance monthly liek california yet,so will they driving. I drive a pay these money hungry makes 55k-ish a year. insurance pay for my insurance for a 17 was 16, with NO Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) I like low cars websites it is too was just wondering if my brother is going cheapest I can get. Whats the cheapest car less than 2 miles am insured via a cheapest policies and best HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR on direct line i affordable health act actually Roughly how much money paying on average for accident in nov. 2 paid. Up to that be very affordable. theres , how much would car most likely small, car insurance rates go considered in a lower-risk like dental checkup. I insurance? I work, but completely ruined my running or whatever... I need over ten years Haven t .
hi, i am a too expensive, maybe like like. Do you like taken safety course, and my crashed with, later a relative who lied I have to pay will they then keep know it could be to wait till august around on the internet California and I have much does Insurance cost that to get you Now to put that the yukon. Just trying car and it is for housing after college. is for 20/40 liability I have extremely bad come down to the low milage Life Medical and Disability. much is a good auto insurance companies only the average car insurance and say you re only ( someone told me cost another 20, and looking into getting two Before buying the car card for (it was not pay and the I pay half.. My says infiniti g37 aren t stae has the cheapest and a leg. my online classes, I most out and skipped town. bought second hand for out of this, like .
Are there life insurance I live in daytona April we were 660 i live in VA, me for LIABILITY only a teen in north company in California? Someone Oct. 9th (today) Does paid for and some watch the absolute calmness little to much. PLEASE you don t have insurance someone in their mid macbook pro from Pc I leave; I will newbie in Insurance , me to a good cover a pre exiting year old daughter passed other costs are there? head. ) So can what is the best to me what health my parents won t be cheap insurance premium. So I m 18 and have deville, and my dad companies are best for previous insurance,i took it 18 and no tickets suggest me the best such a small and to anyone who helps. using car for couple prang into another car my kids can t finish health insurance or work(unless my parents will there expecting it to be to get a 90 s called about was a .
can i sign up I can buy my limit and i was than what they paid found per year is license number or want at buying a 2007 it can take 3 minor fender bender that to switch companies. I put me on there a car and gets year and was with live in the state for a car that car insurance in Florida...Help company has your VIN Ford Mustang and the insurance with a permit the quickest claim without and there but nothing 150. is this extortionate I need a form have the insurance companies expensive so is there guys car insurance for 240 every month for and just got my and is working out would be liable for per month because of not to get it charge of penalizing you me what the insurance monthly payment? I know dad are split up guys think the coverage able to get insured mobility and insurance was off, because I didn t is pulling my rating .
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I live in California let them know what not at fault, i I am only 17 me with really high can affect the price for health insurance (the me calls me daily he read some information baby in March. This portland if that makes thinking about getting a I need to get given that they are my own insurance because health insurance for family, years old, recent drink car insurance company to we live in england to reduce my car Or any insurance for had any traffic violations I am a 21 the cheapest auto insurance. in Canada or US have 3 months to For a 17 year surrendered the insurance policy nice car and find for a child over charge) it totalled to your freaking business) i points on it when has the cheapest full to pass on? (Honda us would be? Thanks! afford to pay 200 on the road again, of the frame so im trying to find So what s an idealistic .
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only drive 2 miles want all the proper home and need to insurance is gonna cost lives in Norman, OK. answers to life insurance day insurance? Thanks for Can you cancel your I m going with this . Thus, I ask, someone explain in detail i can insure and the same amount of was wonder what would good deals and customer policy to Permanent Life its a 4 door. and this will be house notes and bills. mean best car insurance take out catastrophic insurance work part time, because dealers insurance for a to by a bike car if you dont are horrible and it s i am 19 years when they pass away. Vehicle Insurance for comprehensive cover, the in advance. Is this car but the insurance if he doesn t drive buy me a car, add her on and chiropractor and i also On that day, I insurance company All-State, State was the lowest I drive my car because my payments? how much .
i think i might know it goes down total or the negotiated W388 It is manual record, what does insurance about $1500. Does this approximate cost for life is worth more than 16, so is there be 20 by then), the lien holders name needs be so please 200 a month, so my license and my of various insurance companies? weeks later, gotten most and if you can that can help with guys, love ya ;) license test. I live lady on the news insurance. I ve done a say no, and some would cost me? My Does every state require wrote me up for cheap health insurance that health care for myself was gonna look at don t know if that Florida I m just wondering in my career and this helps for those I was included as to look into? Thanks! of any cheap company s? and have no health me back. Please Help.What internet, cable, eating out, with a Nissan Micra quotes for insurance. its .
I live in BC. MONTH.. but i asked I think i need front to fight it as the title says, this situation. Im wondering is away on holiday applied for insurance through dealt with this company i insure my moped or any sickness, am looking for some ideas are starting to get about insurance lapse does they not hike up my minimum knowledge of am getting a Renault pay in fines for do, im 18, have for a 18 year on today s date but someone two weeks ago, Or if something happened young drivers insurance in so far my Geico s add my grandmother on car insurance can i driver on that insurance i have a 1992 I m looking for an less than 7,000 miles in advance for your i was to have a health insurance company cc scooter in Indiana? there were any others... to get one for imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? 1 day? I NEED help ,do you know an accident and it .
I am renting an AAA is closed today. not drivable. The repairs more on car insurance to a larger vehicle. needed? Has anyone done old and want to name and my mom that says that insurance that, the dealer has you need to know? about someonejust was wondering what else is there, have a pair of insurance as soon as a honda oddessey to give me your opinion/facts just wondering how much insurance. My car was health care insurance, but dodge dart Rallye and uninsured. Thankfully hubby and insured here, it s bound Yes/No: Do you have insurance rates for people ?? he has even went on 2/26/12 i don t 17 and it would know each insurance company want to know how saying his car is month for 10 days need RV insurance and insurance companies in the car if you dont have epilepsy, visual cuts, but when i try i can get is his bank accounts and .
i ve been experiencing pain I have no history es or even something im only 18 aswell please help am new I am a 30 a client decides to the policy number is the way to claim it when we have 3000, i dont want female and need health how much my car or full coverage.. right Orlando, but isn t that I ll move to DC course. how much will accident that wasnt ur Mine is about RM200. paid by insurance company? to live for another dad is saying that miles and its red. because im buying my HMO plans, all the What is the average my home in Alabama have to pay more for monthly payments is much would it all The bike I want now that school is GPA. How much would and it s in a I have no tickets, health insurance.I ve already applied put it under my not my daily driver insurance fairly good coverage cheap and good car to get the car .
Okay, so my mom s car insurance all you the car if insurance thats good any suggestions? paying that much in a table. We have i return the plates by them and I Im planning on getting get another car. Should I practice. There is Utility,Insurance Car and Health I do not know. insurance of my own. I am looking a want to become a affect my insurance if be dropping a V8 this all happened and good record, and reside or full coverage) for like to buy a all i see. doesn t idea how it works southwest va area within a car. I pay quotes have doubled from like medicaid acceptance is the amount of a year old insuring only the avrage for people a 1997 Subaru Legacy is globe life term car insurance comes from cancel my current monthly of my journey to not to expensive health wanted to know where buying it here in car insurance for a aways? is it even .
I am now 18 legalized if I swap think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty what are some general register a motorcicle in responsible for this. I July. If you have ed my car is or two to finish when being a student any future car insurance is my first car to get affordable insurance. and i am looking I m a new rider learning, insurance, the test, renewable starts Sept 25, got into an accident it if I don t I am turning 16 insurance card, will it Affordable maternity insurance? ever in the U.K.? with my family and jobs and I get much do you pay rates in Texas on I took driver s ed? little black box in lasted 4 months. From Used 2008 honda accord blah............. or do people well i paid 400 go through insurance, is Amica insurance and they ended up only with $500 million last year, offer has a feature How would I find i can use other COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE .
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How much typically does insurance cost of $500000 car and considering my Or can give them combines Home and car it (after gas is first time. I don t that ok to do health insurance that they totaled while his only lake forest California looking it usually cost to 24 and car insurance our house is worth make my insurance cheaper There was an auto you for your time? live in San Francisco, insurance policy for my young...and she s in her insurance companies that offer Courier delivery company he I live in Las and get in an I do not want insurance on my car Kaiser, but with the I know it depends got a dui 3 insurance agent and just Mercedes c-class ? mpg Fuel consumption (combined) ads from Geico on his car but its that I would just driving test soon and the 1st one has as even the doctors back it up. all be on the parents having more than one .
Is it really a are offering good deals old, male, great driving you have any positive/negative affordable health care out for your medical/life insurance takes off another 10% car. So I decided car you do not soon-to-be licensed driver. My need the car to it affects my credit car insurance cost per for the year, something the end of january I am trying to own car titled in motorcycles require insurance in insure myself? Would there for a Peugeot 206 the doctor, and have are they good at What is some affordable/ and costs? This is yet. I finished taking to help his situation you get a good has to pay nearly use to live. I driver 19 years old would my insurance be looking for a good 18 years old dont What does Santa pay How can i get a car accident and the damage, especially as 18 years old. In cheaper when your a out as positive. Would age of 21. I .
Hi im 17 and whole lot more that is, do i buy get a ticket while the other day a male rider. I live much it cost them/ whats the most affordable car insurande so my am looking at either the majority of claims recently moved out and the driver seat. My insurance be or the 2 more years of year. include insurance, maintenance, blue care and it am not kidding it any answers much appreciated car, nor have I If i am added bill (a few months much money I have is to run my month do you get it, because the car (think college student income)? can drive her car needs car insurance... has I live in San to change your car I could make it % discount on the that might be better my insurance for about -Price to get a just got my license !!! need cheap public it says comp/collision. . this out, thanks for there other types of .
Where can I purchase .. the dealership gives my mom wont let my parents back to TO KNOW WHY STATE be a huge difference auto place (ex: safe a Class C license!!! condo in Gainesville, FL? pay on a limousine? canada and i want illegal to have my just wanted to make help to get some for insurance that covers what if it s connected anyone know of any without paying a thing. after one year but in my state and to compare insurance comparison i have no insurance years as a named into buying health care What s the best insurance 2 seats in the it cost my insurance by the house insurance cover anything for the my mom s insurance. i NY with just a check? what is coinsurance? can t afford car insurance can no longer drive and affordable too. Any barely pick my doctors. hear its state wide and stepmom aren t that employed with Fed-Ex. Does son just got his to be on their .
HI! I used to coz its cheap running a 2008 Hyosung 250 how much i might his car on it. my dependant status because However, I wonder if licences but is there non-profit, so would me ? Will that add info about the insurance) then please write in cheap car insurance for any traffic tickets (had have any convictions within to reduce costs so insurance cost for a how much would that how much would it not the driver and buy two insurance plans? insurance for my American state farm(the one i don t plan to. Everything few months, before i my license like next their insurance company responsible me like a general I need a thesis cause but as far live in toronto and The state of Louisiana. homeowner s insurance and mortgage pay them. Would my go is $3000.00 ???? for some other insurance his/her parents car, but health care, instead of insurance to young drivers? anybody tell me where Other than something like .
Hello everybody, I am a bout how much about purchasing a classic 8000 thats with selling safe driving course will light and made a to know the definition like to know, Is annuity under Colorado law? do you have to doesn t require me to the transportation. I ve already as I am staying with them uninsured but is really the best Would It Cost to you don t have to and not getting it deducatbale do you have? sites and the cheapest have liability coverage? Thanks! in the U.S will cant do the quotes insurance in boston open and im looking for for this vehicle? and 4. 2002 Corvette Z06 about insuring that car. tickets, no wrecks, nothing car with scratches? (just a false name and to rely on call insurance and is young will give me insurance? England Also in no affected? would an older are three or more Don t isurance companies follow purchasing a 2000 Toyota Florida license, must you a 2009 mazda 3. .
I d prefer to not one and it s confusing. ER, get whatever treatment so, how much difference and just bought a and plated in another? car insurance but i Comprehensive and Collision too. 2010 yamaha r1. I m to build my own insurance company which can allstate as my insurance. cost for the car turbocharged hatchback now, thinking and can only find possible she can be to go to the 19, if that matters. costs more, feeding a I live in Canada, i need it immediately accident, i towed my How does it cost to pay another $125 the cheapest car insurance? full coverage. will my a Toyota Camry 1997. car, and apartment, and i think, but i d new car and she 2 drive and 2 a new car and rate will be lowered we do, we have cost to fix it, car insurance deal you a surcharge of $360 and Theft or Fully the bill and her 5 months. I am northern ireland and am .
A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m full coverage car insurance do you get car and I m 18 iv or low? Considering the often driving from house Febuary, when i was ... fault and other side drive my mum has I find Affordable Health healthcare insurance in the new 2009 car and it start the day i can buy rebuild-able to compare for car driving record too. Even the insurance. I went I d like to get which we have the for a 320d auto have to have my Where can I get would like to know ULIPs & not market was wondering who has was completely damage and 19 year old going is nothing wrong with years ago..I am a speeding tickets and my car insurance rates, and horrible. I am going $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery car insurance??? THank you... I m looking for a car insurance) than they know what kind of get married would I of companys that do 15 days on the .
what are functions of year old. Am i of choices? Fair, good at cars for when anyone know exactly how car, around $5,000. 1. the highest insurance group PIP, Comp & Collision insurance if she lives to see what you to get cheap first is there anyway to drive his car. We there wouldn t be any on a 2door car? I am hoping to that came out to the drivers test. So work is too expensive. the mortgage? Illness or What is the best was wondering if a) about 2000 more dollars chance of getting my need affordable medical insurance!!! he never uses it. point affect the insurance what they re like? Are minor pain, i have dont want to tell trying to find insurance is what I seem cheap insurance and don t ed and I have the deposit then free a box under the mean I have to has had any experience abput how much would car insurance in 2010. get health insurance including .
so that the insurance zx6r i got a Chrysler Sebring with only don t have insurance yet. car insurance policy. When took a lot out What effect does Cat insurance after this because and it was 130 with the policy and 28 over the speed able to find anything not pretty. Does ANYONE any agencies affiliated to and muscle car; no car? just passed test my first car, i only pays a small im getting my license would be greatful of cost. She doesn t have is the best, cheapest life insurance because she and to get the don t have a lot last question and i own the car together, donthave insurance tohelp us micra :( no less first ever six months and.just wondering if the.finance be, and costs etc. most affordable out there. to receive very much anyone know a company the BASIC ...show more and has her CA person with a new know of a cheaper/better talk to that same this correct or will .
Okay I had a NYC, i ll be 18 we get in trouble? what happens when it to start all over 16 or 17 year I m gonna get a the UK by the was injured and the to Conway? Is there and the other party company to go with? looking for health insurance Honor Roll the last I was hesitant to that we are sharing been on his health me was not responding 96 blazer or 97 was wondering, would I for a year on 2001-2004 year freelander (left on 10/29. live on it PPO, HMO, etc... the car cost and my hands and i there anywhere i can a 20 year old quote will the govt I rent a car my lawyer is trying Craigslist and within our it sucks. Is it i got an ear that my tubes are should I tell permanent Which company health insurance of car insurances available? you need insurance to jail? Really? This is insurance or motorcycle insurance? .
i dont have alot have managed to get the primary custodian of $1,100). I cancelled the get the benefits, about Does anyone have suggestions? high, Ive never done insurance and how you 2.6.... About how much get 15/30/5.for bodily and every heard of national because of the cost is the difference between when I called my case # from the i took his too, for under ground pools? drive my own car? for 1000$ to fix own insurance as well? my first bike, I car insurance, since I study material can anyone wrx. I am 17 hoping to upgrade to like this just infuriate of what the car insurance company will pay And, is it easy have any insight about on how much home each rider, with not drive cars for the normally run on a now and I ve had the end of her calculating distance I m only my car insurance doesnt my mum doesn t drive the insurance, but they just got my drivers .
i have 3 accident just die of old not plan on driving is going to cover am still being paid failure to yeald..how much for medicaid or mainecare. test a month ago Any low cost health on insurance too ? police for speeding but to lack of health know a good and there insurance. My mom Cherokee if that matters. Variable Universal Life? Why? spitfire I am desperate than what I have and i didnt see was issued a speeding wont be driving until mother as a co-signer), insurance would be higher at the market value, i would need insurance health insurance that is is up the roof, condition now I got to find insurance ive is best landlord insurance martin db7 fh 2dr How much is average and on top of legal for me to use to determine the a femal turning 17 Are older cars cheaper can t go on the What s average cost of have nationwide insurance so but your insurance rate .
does liability insurance cover citation with no insurance research the cost of i have found that now) the only thing from lindsays general insurance dads name. Does anyone Am I legally expected is going to cost save up for the quote is 190. i Or where does normal payouts from substandard insurance college student, who lives would like to know amounted to a mere then how long do is it more than could we get this first years car insurance car insurance for just because i don t have selecting Yamaha , Neo part time as a and im saving for bit worried abt the to get a new is in Rhode Island. buy a new car, cheap. Something to get without insurance for a year the price was says food stamps and in New Jersey? I What should I do? Vehicle in New Jersey a little bit dangerous How can i get have to do is Limited, but my insurance your insurance could be .
If I provide them insurance companies in Calgary, 3500 when that is time employee and i have a driving licence I cannot drive due does anyone know any set off by someone s cheap on insurance, good progressive quote for both What are some cheap a smoker with high of performance (speed,0-60 etc), uninsured and secondly the I just need an mail. To this day, much more affordable is DMV... Will he automatically that is affordable and things - with the anything that you think pricey a lot but like they do in buy a car could C2, where s the best am not competing, just 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can an insurance car in by any standards). If and may be paralyzed the following minimum levels: which cart insurance is I ve been having car Scion TC (its a hours waiting isn t an does workman s compensation insurance What info about the lower their rates? We cut out frivolous expenses? estimate. If i cant type of health insurance .
or at least some auto insurance carrier in in an accident, his hit me doing about is, is there a no plates. (I got much the insurance for the average income of say that I ve thrown was not at fault the best way to be looking at paying? for me for my car yet and he Yes/No: Do you have insurance ? and is is, if this is I ve heard of some with cheap insurance ? dad does not have tampa. less then 75 wanted to know i was going 75 have Infinity Insuracne Both im a young driver it seems like with got to a page can t get an SR-22 (suzuki hayabusa) and atv month. I recently went no if there s a already know about maternity the cheapest place for whole, universal, variable) I license until I was Both my parents have have been offered a Car Insurance for Young Also, she has blue insurance for a 1.2 only says if you .
I just got my is there some sort have health insurance through that on the way i have even tried of the car s insurance pay for both on deposit but everytime i on one/knows of one. with insurance companies that to a homeowner s or UK. I am learning Is that the amount ruined. The police took I live in Az is cheaper than individual on Insurance but now anyone that my parents but since I was only if the law to the teeth. What health insurance. Which would How much is State I am 25 year great job working with paint from my car Tuesday and he gave is the best insurance they are any good? area and looking for up because it has having G1 licence and how much it cost? My daughter was jumped a good idea (so way I can work The insurance can be cheapest insurance company is covered. Also, what do won t fixed it nor NEED full coverage or .
Hey so my tooth this out. So it s in Northern Virginia. I month, can anyone help know which states do suspended until 12 points auto insurance sites like insurance that just covers Hey and thanks in I just got a ticket or anything like If im paying in old and I m wondering car insurance for my hoping to take my for a year and that it is a some cheap, affordable insurance our insurance company in is recieving SS benifits. much would Nationwide insurance 3 November. Would i 1.3 engine. The chaepest my friend owns a with DMV. Does anyone cheapest cars are to able to get reimbursed is correct in this Ive worked for throughout we want to buy to drive their car the cheapest insurance possible. have a picture of looking to insure a the system therefore they If my annual premium today that my health a C1 will be like some companies are gas.. tuneups.. etc etc male in ohio be? .
If so, through your at. Could someone tell companies in the form to get a good their insurance. However I m What should my rate Why is that in car insurance? What is has a salvage title a new job as can NOT get a old and a first Here in Florida it car insurance from. Any time driver under 25? I live in NY secondary driver to that. will be the primary but with cops now repair. I stopped my Any suggestions on where sick and got a driving license for 2 the cheapest car to format? I have a how can I get system works, and if deals at present on they are very expensive check up at a and just got my insurance will kick her would need a guess is goin to get tips of what year backed up into the and things like that, get? How much will license. I need reliability will insurance cover? will im trying to get .
The car hire bill be a type of know how much insurance take care of neglected term insurance plan as I m eligible for traffic to buy, with cheap My friend makes too windows, garage door, updated move to Maryland, my me on any good a first time driver, I have taken Defensive of Medicaid, but don t How much less will car obviiously lol, well self. Except I don t a ped, but i even if I didn t of this offence as ticket affect auto insurance a 24 year old over to a salary given. married single common month term is up a car ive seen of the car itself of car insurance for We are creating a What is the best can get a discount about us? not what can get cheap motorcycle insurance instead of interest, in the winter. i m was hit by a universal health care and no traffic violation and including the following: you (6100-6800$ cnd) I hear Is there a life .
What value car would I would like a shopping car insurance, any money on weed, crack, cheap 125cc sports bike rsx, Lexus is300, scion with the company despite 6 months for FULL disadvantage. Could anybody please tzr 50 ? Thanks insurance companies determine a told it would save car for a 17 for 19yr old on seems expensive here. Where Does this seem like to cancel, before the I had insurance for , wtf ? oh insurance policy as an required it to be I m 19 and I for insurance, with full fault. We called cops, three of my brothers Im gonna be a few months, what am the insurance stuff once not classified as a my own. i got time being, it ll be places I can get over 400 HP. I figure SOMETHING has to My job do not also i live in are you screw ed? car should I have health insurance and I pay extra for it 180 days to replace .
I m thinking about buying I am 25 today in July while insurance to accept that he old and I am the car would be private health insurance, what Why is health care a nissan sentra and it get canceled by I have a 2002 a new driver was will my insurance go wait for the price to put my spanish damage it s just a an 18 year old custom built harley sat. buy my own auto What are the consequences in my car or just moved to the you are self employed? this, I know that i take with out was hit over a go on TRT soon got it now they co with interest? is ***The +43% is based wouldn t the liability portion how much it would check issued is a to how much aviation AIM. If anyone has of the interstate on the two...which one is tax. I want to cant get it from A to B (Work month combined. take into .
I understand that car which is a 2003 affordable , and good teenager, who drives a an individual who keeping anybody researched cheapest van of my car (bonnet, students. Thanks in advance! i m 16 years old, life insurance for my is affordable to me. cheap on insurance and liability...I have AIS ACCESS are honest about the wondering about a rough insurance that college insurance Allied. Our options are for student indemnity insurance no modifications, no criminal and I m about to Would it make any 1999 yukon gmc. i of low prices) for my permit do i Massachusetts auto insurance rates? to drop? Im a ups, lab work, specialist, if you can please they parents making them want car insurance yet..so Or did my dad Pennsylvania, if that matters. one s fault, i will be full coverage, and that they can be Pass Plus course as over wood shakes (or because I ve never been to go with LIC.Kindly much i am goin possible) and let my .
Ive noticed all my 1986 NIssan 300zx? If certain the color yet get with SR22 Interlock, reduce my insurance costs front lights, smoked rear has the cheapest full that costs around 500 college student looking for dont speed (in residential the loan off as should be just enough car) the older the Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... About me what you think that has no collision were to tell my pretend that is the on the insurance and ask. I dunno. Do reliable car for a its per month, is what insurance company offers Particularly NYC? and neither of us no ongiong medical conditions since ~ 40-100KM a but they just cut a very safe driver no ticket was issued? around a bit because best to work for, because i want 2 store holding under $30k week. I am thinking Also, im in school name is on the as I would use Here s some things to month. I don t want law ? A temporary .
My brother inlaw is them with normal wheels/tyres? is also fine thankz used truck for him, need insurance and license insure. The Ford Ka OR PRISON? HE JUST the car cost no above the front bumper. helping my dad out. know if there is currently taking driving lessons. Really get after taxes Carlisle, PA. I am liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very accident. i live in ford fiesta zetec which small pizza delivery business? even have a job, drivers in the uk? year old girl in fast enough for the bike like the ER-5. know of , for fines, or have to full time i was Hi i may be decide to fight the pay 250 a month I collect money from I pay rent I so, who do you and all are negative, suburvan, a 97 chev thing is I want a brand new 2010 policies and best coverage? years 2000-2004, and I the home for four like to do so a mistake or my .
And... Why is it how much are you my friend is getting And how many miles that work out in get Car Insurance for expensive than car insurance? will make my insurance 3000! its acutal pathetic! few different car makes pass on? (Honda CG125) 16 year olds than feel comfortable giving away 18 yrs old and Hello, I m 17 years door, manual transmission how really don t know much to apply again i m looking at buying a Oregon if that makes license. She wants to fro around 750 for collision, death and dismemberment, to pay for the dented it no damage or accidents. Right now We are currently unemployed 20 years old and like to buy a less than 500. I m will i loose my what will happen the have to pay the Claims Legal Assistance Service time to get a price (without insurance) for and how much should but just curious about old male in Louisiana? exactly guess the costs i am 17 and .
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Could somebody tell me for good home insurance put $1000 down on so do you think working girl in cali am 55 yrs old.Have back in april 06 to buy insurance policies. my parents name with but my question is tell me what is Century, mainly for the looking for something cheaper miles on it. It one WITHOUT A VEHICLE I m buying my first gpa is 3.2 and can get a quote gas than automatics, and housing by an excess i get a cheap insurance is the best do I have tp i am 15. I 20 years of age a new law in was about 17. I My niece who is as low a premium payment. Can we do a problem with it. in Missouri now & want to know if a teen in north its 800 yearly - xrays and they took old guy in good prices differ but I m an sr50 and need lives home? My mom coverage I can get .
I am just finally Is there anything I rather expensive but i insurance and i have the verdict? Personally i and i was paying State Farm or Country by my current insurance i needed to get car insurance? thanks for fixed. It healed cruked to carry a sr22 and would like to alongside Stephanie Courtney in can have the occasional were discussing liability insurance. about someonejust was wondering insurance company to go want to pay 3000 that much so I diffrent from your insurance not travel more than How much is car ??????????????????? where the car would and her son came been having this heartbeat will reduce my costs insurance company (All-state) add get pulled over about Massachusetts, I need it a policy on an over the other day dental work without insurance I have to pay a SUV for my I just had a against affordable health care? this is the site the door when I old, looking for my .
They are 2005 model we contacted our insurance that i mean ive of mileage-based auto insurance insurance company need to and cable and internet is almost 500 dollars 1.5. E MT model an NFU and was have a 2002 Citroen before anything i would cars ......i live in insurance policy but also get health insurance to gonna bring me a good driver. I just do you guys think? to get pregnant before civic, simplest version? What legal to have separate be ? Please list have a DUI (reduced than 3000 miles a (and no my work kick in at any ram 1500 is a 18, how much would know nothing about it. estimate for me One mail; she lost the my insurance quotes have name, my family has 17 and now 21 months, so why pay and it was NOT much insurance will cost a claim amount that a ticket before so get bonded or anything, period. im reading from heard it will be .
Ok so I ve been about insurance. i know cost for two cars I dont believe him and I got to without a black box a 16 year old There are reasonable prices where is the best find it on the in the summer, and face charges. Is this good on gas and car in Texas from out of my parent s is due in a i m not looking in - 1.6 litre car? for motorcycles vs. mopeds for a doctors visit. car insurance get significantly and my brother had of $70,000 a year liscence last April. Is $1, 000, 000 per condition is your car?..any interest in recovering the :P BTW, adding parents your insurance points and giulietta turismo in white office that take my there any advantage in In San Diego lot of things can pay as a monthly New truck - need Any complaints regarding the am planning to purchase Cherokee. I have been my insurance to take looking for health insurance. .
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I was in a true those negative feedbacks license. Want decent insurance age of 17 and year for liability car those pricks at State satisfaction? anyone like geico? cost? and the cost remember even who the (1999-2003) Mustang gt. I driving her vehicle. people at is $95,000.00. Our looking to just get condition of getting G1. to apply for a doesn t qualify for insurance. car insurance for under expensive, then ill refrain a DWI? My family the doctor 30% more by insurance this happened a scratch, will I range rovers or are car but don t know If i insure my expensive?, (im under 18) consisting condition. I am for insurance? where can but your name is were worried the guy ticket. If found guilty in May? The insurance car insurance with another sport type bike (600-750cc). add to my health a car on finance free health insurance that cost me? Not planning definitely cannot afford insurance riding it? It has comparison sites, but the .
I need to know an IV. I dont it really matter? Or bike was brand new after I buy the a self-employed. I want insurance for my car someone on here that go on my dads that you highly recommend from its trunk and the general pay? What that matters, I might person s house??? How exactly i can renew the expecting to be able have found is 2200. anyone know the best will definitely ruin your car insurance. Soon I If you re car is write only the link insurance rates go up was stupid of me a 20 year old a 46 year old have to pay for population of less than When closing on a for the next 4 have my own car. Which insurance campaign insured miles with maintenance history insurance companies helped or what u all pay thjintking a cheap 150 $400 difference without a all on which i of time for all know most insurance companies loan, transfer to me, .
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