#janus kasmir
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aaeeart · 28 days ago
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he asked for no pickles
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tyquu · 1 year ago
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The Kanan comics are SO GOOD! Here’s some panel re-draws from the 4th issue 👌
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kanerallels · 1 month ago
Update time!! Tag list under the cut, enjoy some of the first lines. (also do not be surprised that I'm rewriting the Iron Squadron episode, I actually like that one)
“That sounds like a kid.”
Kanan felt a bolt of shock go through him as he uttered the words. Out of any of the things they’d expected when they came to Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers, a bunch of kids fighting the Empire wasn’t one of them.
“AbsoLUTELY NOT,” Kasmir bellowed from down below where Kanan was situated in the top gunner’s turret, and he rolled his eyes. “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.”
“Will you calm down?” Kanan said. Reaching out, he ignored Kasmir and let the Force flow through him—the Force that showed him what his surroundings were, and showed him the bright specks of life nearby.
Sure enough, the cluster of three that were aboard the YT-2400 were young. There wasn’t a proper way to describe how he could tell—their light was almost…clean. Fresh and new, like the smell of growing plants.He could also sense more beings—the approaching TIEs, dark with violent intentions. Time to do something about it.
Tag list (DM or comment if you want to be added or removed!): @accidental-spice @day-to-day-thots @auroramagpie @heckin-music-dork @opalknight
@seleneisrising @cassie-fanfics @ana-cantskywalker @lothalnyx
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spectre-week · 11 months ago
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Spectre One: Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus
Kanan Jarrus, born Caleb Dume, was a Force-sensitive human male Jedi Knight who survived Order 66 during the Clone Wars. Living on thanks to the sacrifice of his Master, Depa Billaba, on Kaller, he met the smuggler Janus Kasmir, who taught him how to survive as a fugitive. Going into hiding, he forsook the Jedi ways for some time, swapping his blue-bladed lightsaber for a blaster. After working with the Twi'lek rebel operative Hera Syndulla during the Gorse Conflict, Jarrus decided to join her nascent rebel cell. -Wookieepedia
Prior to Star Wars Rebels, some of the tales you could tell about this spectre are from these eras:
Jedi Temple Era
Padawan Era
Janus Kasmir Era
On the Run Era
New Dawn Era
Early Spectre One Era (up until Spark of Rebellion)
At the end of these eras, Kanan is 28 years old. We have the most canon backstory for him of all of the Spectres, but there is still a lot of time and so much you could add to it. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Need more suggestions? Have a question? Just Ask!
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redrikki · 2 years ago
Star Wars: Rebels Fic Masterpost
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Depa stumbled free of the maze, back into the atrium for the Lothal Temple. There was just one problem. The man kneeling between the desiccated bodies of the ancient Jedi was not her master. (Depa Billaba, Kanan Jarrus)
With the Rest of the Miscreants - Boy meets galaxy and learns to live in it. A lost baby Jedi adapts in four 'easy' steps. (Caleb Dume, Janus Kasmir)
Cloak, No Dagger - In light of the intel from Gorse, Hera and Ahsoka rethink mission protocols while putting on a show for the ISB agent watching them. (Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano)
Tag - Sabine and Ketsu, bounty hunters extraordinaire, argue about how to sign their work. (Sabine Wren/Ketsu Onyo)
Swordsmith - Ezra puts his lightsaber together. It's not his life, except in all the ways it is. (Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Wild Blue Yonder - After the events of "The Brotherhood of the Broken Horn," Hera decides its high time for Ezra to learn to fly. (Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger)
Ain't No Fun (Life on the Run) - Ain't no fun living life on the run but, with his Hera and their crew by his side, Kanan finds it isn't always so bad. (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Ghost Crew)
Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul - Four meals Kanan made for his crew and one he made for himself. (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Ghost Crew)
Graffiti on the Walls of the Heartland - Three works of art Sabine made for crew members and one she made for herself. (Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper)
A Distraction - Kanan's been blinded. There's nothing Hera can do to fix it so Chopper gives her something she can. (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Chopper)
Then My Hair's Too Short - Apparently, Ezra had a new hair cut. That’s fine, it’s his head after all. Kanan just wished he had mentioned it. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
The Blind Beggar - When Ezra objects to Kanan taking point on a mission, Kanan decides its time they had a talk. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
Cut to the Heart - Sabine found the stupid thing in a cave, but now the Darksaber is taking over her life. Kanan gives her a little perspective. Tag to 3.13 "Trails of the Darksaber." (Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus)
Second Wind - Ahsoka takes the wrong exit from the world between worlds and ends up with a second chance to save her master. (Ahsoka Tano, Shmi Skywalker)
Rebel Moments - Collection of short Star Wars: Rebels stories based on tumblr prompts. (Ghost Crew, everyone ever)
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ao3feed-techphee · 11 months ago
Feel something again
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PDMGOuX by Hilimi It's time to remove those damned chips and repair the broken relationships, but fixing something is always more complicated than destroying it, especially when you don't know exactly what's wrong or how to make it better. After all, what do clones know about emotions? Words: 1190, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Series: Part 3 of A home without you is incomplete Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Clone Commander Mayday (Star Wars), CT-9904 | Crosshair, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Trooper Tech (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars), Original Characters Relationships: Crosshair & CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & Hunter & Omega & Tech & Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-9904 | Crosshair & Clone Commander Mayday, CT-9904 | Crosshair/Clone Commander Mayday, Feemor & Clone Commander Mayday (Star Wars), Kanan Jarrus & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Kanan Jarrus & Janus Kasmir, Phee Genoa/Clone Trooper Tech Additional Tags: Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Post Barton IV, Clone Commander Mayday Lives (Star Wars), Clone Troopers as Siblings (Star Wars), Hurt, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama, Grief/Mourning, Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips (Star Wars), Autistic Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), brothers being brothers, Protective Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch, Trust Issues, Insecurity, Fear of Abandonment, Touch-Starved, Co-Dependance, Brainwashing is horrible, clone programmation, Kamino horrible place, Communication, beginnings of healthy communication, Protective Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Wrecker’s language of love is food, pre Phee/Tech, Pre-Relationship, OC characters, Protective Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Medical Procedures, References to hypothermia, discussion about Order 66, references to the horrible situation of Padawans as Jedi Commanders, references to the Jedi Code, Mayday does not like The Force, References to Depression, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Angst, Curious Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Young Kanan Jarrus, Protective Kanan Jarrus, smugglers, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, but blink an eye and you’ll miss it, Drinking & Talking, Smut, Drunken Kissing, First Kiss, Groping, Grinding, Non-Explicit Sex, Older Man/Younger Man, Sexual Inexperience read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/PDMGOuX
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accidental-spice · 2 years ago
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laughingphoenixleader · 2 years ago
these titles are probably only gonna get more chaotic from here on out. don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Day One: Alternate Universe
Tag list: @kanerallels @heckin-music-dork @accidental-spice @ladywren7 @auroramagpie @firefoxtessa
Keep reading for a ✨ sneak peek ✨
To the ace pilot from the Outer Rim, the Jedi were living embodiments of peace and hope. Their goal in life was to preserve and protect both of these things, so they fought when necessary to do so. This made them heroes. It was their use of the mystical energy they and the galaxy called the Force that made them legends. So, naturally, the pilot had always sought out information on them, being a bit of a Jedi enthusiast. 
To Depa Billaba’s apprentice, the Jedi were heroes and legends, but somehow also so much more than that. They were family . They were safety. The Jedi Temple was home, but it was the people within it who made it so. It was a place full of stoic Jedi Masters and a shipload of serenity, but it was also home to mischievous Padawans and crate upon crate of absolute chaos. The Jedi were the apprentice’s future and destiny. They were everything the Padawan had ever known.
When the saviors of those in harm’s way were themselves put in harm’s way, there was no one there to save them . It was cruel irony at its worst. They were gone so quickly. Snuffed out in a few moments.
All but one.
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gabriel4sam · 3 years ago
the supernumerary Jedi
This little story is part of my bad habits to ship Obi-Wan with all the characters in Star Wars he hadn't been shiped before ^^
If the jewels had been there, Janus and Caleb would be far away with a lot of money. But the jewels were there to hide something. And someone. And now there is a Jedi in surplus on Janus' ship.
The job had been much bigger than their usual but they had needed a big pay check. Keeping ahead of the clones was becoming complicated. With that much money, the kid and Janus could buy false ID for the ship, a new living module to graft on the Kasmiri to change its shape too….The Empire wouldn’t stop until they had the bodies of every Jedi, but the galaxy was big. With the time it would buy them to disappear, Janus was sure he could take them far away in the Unkown regions to build themselves a new, profitable life. After all, there were scoundrels everywhere and the kid was becoming quite good. They would be unstoppable!
It was a god plan.
If the supposed jewels of the Alderaan’s crown, on loan to a museum in the Outer Rim for the first time ever, hadn’t been a front to smuggle a Jedi holocron the Empire should never ever have, they would be flying in a ship fit for princes right now.
But there had been a holocron. And a bunch of clones finding them at right the worst moment. And just when Janus thought he would die, there had been the sound of a lightsaber igniting.
He had turned his head, thinking he would see Caleb’s last stand and instead….
The man guarding the holocron.
The most wanted man in the galaxy, with a bounty on his head even Janus found scandalous.
Janus lost the plot, and a lot of blood, thinking he would never have bet on dying for someone, especially a baby Jedi with agile fingers, and thinking, and it was a comfort, that Caleb wouldn’t be alone.
Waking up in his bunk was a surprise.
The Kasmiri’s crew had a third member. A red head with Opinions about all that Janus had taught Caleb. But Caleb refused to leave him until Janus’s wounds were totally mended, even to follow a Jedi Master as impressive as Kenobi, even with how long Kalleran’s physiology needed to heal.  
Janus, him, found him more exasperating than impressive and he would have left him stranded, even if Kenobi had saved their lives. Even if Caleb’s nightmares had calmed now that he had an adult Jedi to meditate with.
Even if sometimes, late in the night shift, when they were sure Caleb was deeply asleep, they explored the compatibility of human and kalleran’s bodies. Two beings who didn’t trust the other but had a truce, for Caleb, and would have hated to take the risks of someone other during one of their stopovers, with clones crawling everywhere searching for them.  
Kenobi was exasperating, broken, and would one day leave and take the kid with him, and probably have him killed in teaching him about honour and other idiocies like that. During their couplings, sometimes Janus thought of burying his fangs into the pale flesh of his throat; to keep the kid. He knew Kenobi knew.
Sometimes he thought the Jedi even hoped for it.
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aaeeart · 1 year ago
P l e a s e I need more Kanan and Kasmir
ME TOO, here you go :)
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(commission info)
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pretchatta · 3 years ago
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From my upcoming SWBB fic A Thousand Lives, which will be revealed on 27th April!
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"Repeat, please confirm your departure clearance," came a voice from the comm.
Caleb scrambled to respond. "Uh, I confirm I have clearance to depart."
He tried to empty the pilot's chair for himself as the voice at the other end paused.
"Is this Janus Kasmir?"
Caleb finally sat down and leaned over to hit the transmission switch. "You must have misheard," he replied, kicking the body under the console and out of the way. "This is – uh, this is Kanan Jarrus."
"Clearance is for Janus Kasmir."
"Are you telling me that someone at your end misfiled my paperwork?"
There was a sigh and then static. "Fine. Just go."
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kanerallels · 29 days ago
Links are being weird again, so!! The Steve Miller Au is back again! First lines here, tag list under the cut!
Despite the fact he’d been with Kanan and his crew for almost seven at this point, Ezra had never actually done one of those “undercover at a party” missions. He’d helped with the comms on a few of them, but he’d never been on the actual team—it was usually Kanan, and these days, Hera.
Ezra wouldn’t mind going on these missions, necessarily. Although he didn’t love the idea of getting dressed up, that was something he’d have to get used to eventually. But Kanan and the others claimed he lacked a certain subtlety that was required for these. Including unimportant stuff like manners, and clothing that wasn’t bright orange.
Whatever. At the moment, Ezra was plenty happy where he was—perched on the glass roof of an Imperial senator’s house on the outskirts of a city, watching the tiny specks of color that were the party-goers hundreds of feet below.
“Hey, have you ever been undercover on one of these missions?” he asked Sabine, who was crouched next to him. They were supposed to be the lookouts and emergency backup, but when it had become clear that Kanan and Hera were going to be down there a while—and had no intention of not flirting with the comms on—they’d tuned them out. Ezra was checking his messages on his wrist comm, and Sabine was scrolling a datapad she’d brought with for that very purpose.
Taglist (DM or comment if you want to be added or removed!): @accidental-spice @day-to-day-thots @auroramagpie @heckin-music-dork @opalknight
@seleneisrising @cassie-fanfics @ana-cantskywalker @lothalnyx
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redrikki · 1 year ago
Star Wars Rebels Masterpost
With the Rest of the Miscreants - Boy meets galaxy and learns to live in it. A lost baby Jedi adapts in four ‘easy’ steps. (Caleb Dume, Janus Kasmir)
Cloak, No Dagger - In light of the intel from Gorse, Hera and Ahsoka rethink mission protocols while putting on a show for the ISB agent watching them.  (Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano)
Tag - Sabine and Ketsu, bounty hunters extraordinaire, argue about how to sign their work. (Sabine Wren, Ketsu Onyo)
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Depa stumbled free of the maze, back into the atrium for the Lothal Temple. There was just one problem. The man kneeling between the desiccated bodies of the ancient Jedi was not her master. (Depa Billaba, Kanan Jarrus)
Swordsmith - Ezra makes his lightsaber. It’s not his life, except in all the ways it is. (Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Graffiti on the Walls of the Heartland - Three works of art Sabine made for crew members and one she made for herself. (Sabine Wren, Chopper, Hera Syndulla,Kanan Jarrus)
Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul - Four meals Kanan cooked for his crew and one he made for himself.  (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Ain’t No Fun (Life on the Run) - Ain’t no fun living life on the run but, with his Hera and their crew by his side, Kanan finds it isn’t always so bad. (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Wild Blue Yonder - After the events of “The Brotherhood of the Broken Horn,” Hera decides it’s high time Ezra learn how to fly. (Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Zeb Orrelios)
A Distraction - Kanan’s been blinded. There’s nothing Hera can do to fix it so Chopper gives her something she can. Written as part of the Jedi Fest Rogue Robin challenge as a continuation of A Distraction. (Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper)
Then My Hair’s Too Short - Apparently, Ezra had a new hair cut. That’s fine, it’s his head after all. Kanan just wished he had mentioned it. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
The Blind Beggar - When Ezra objects to Kanan taking point on a mission, Kanan decides its time they had a talk. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Cut to the Heart - Sabine found the stupid thing in a cave, but now the Darksaber is taking over her life. Kanan gives her a little perspective. Tag to 3.13 “Trails of the Darksaber.” (Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus)
Rebel Moments - Collection of short tumblr prompts (Ghost Crew)
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ao3feed-techphee · 11 months ago
Feel something again
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vRpxLVU by Hilimi It's time to remove those damned chips and repair the broken relationships, but fixing something is always more complicated than destroying it, especially when you don't know exactly what's wrong or how to make it better. After all, what do clones know about emotions? Words: 1190, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Series: Part 3 of A home without you is incomplete Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Clone Commander Mayday (Star Wars), CT-9904 | Crosshair, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Trooper Tech (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars), Original Characters Relationships: Crosshair & CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & Hunter & Omega & Tech & Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-9904 | Crosshair & Clone Commander Mayday, CT-9904 | Crosshair/Clone Commander Mayday, Feemor & Clone Commander Mayday (Star Wars), Kanan Jarrus & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Kanan Jarrus & Janus Kasmir, Phee Genoa/Clone Trooper Tech Additional Tags: Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Post Barton IV, Clone Commander Mayday Lives (Star Wars), Clone Troopers as Siblings (Star Wars), Hurt, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama, Grief/Mourning, Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips (Star Wars), Autistic Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), brothers being brothers, Protective Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch, Trust Issues, Insecurity, Fear of Abandonment, Touch-Starved, Co-Dependance, Brainwashing is horrible, clone programmation, Kamino horrible place, Communication, beginnings of healthy communication, Protective Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Wrecker’s language of love is food, pre Phee/Tech, Pre-Relationship, OC characters, Protective Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Medical Procedures, References to hypothermia, discussion about Order 66, references to the horrible situation of Padawans as Jedi Commanders, references to the Jedi Code, Mayday does not like The Force, References to Depression, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Angst, Curious Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Young Kanan Jarrus, Protective Kanan Jarrus, smugglers, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, but blink an eye and you’ll miss it, Drinking & Talking, Smut, Drunken Kissing, First Kiss, Groping, Grinding, Non-Explicit Sex, Older Man/Younger Man, Sexual Inexperience read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vRpxLVU
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casualavocados · 5 years ago
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“Woah, kid, relax. I’m not gonna hurt ya.”
“I’d like to see you try. And don’t call me kid.”
CALEB DUME and JANUS KASMIR in Kanan: The Last Padawan (2015)
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dswcp · 4 years ago
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Happy Clone Wars Friday!
This week's theme: Star Wars moms have it rough!
Depa Billaba brings that mama bear energy in this panel from the Kanan comics. I had gone into this comic expecting it to be about Kanan and Depa’s relationship, and was surprised and disappointed at how little material there was for her. The comic ends up spending more time developing Kanan’s relationship with another parental figure, Janus Kasmir -- a wonderful character, but yet another father figure.
This is similar to my experience with Jedi: Fallen Order. I had expected the core relationship to be between Cal Kestis and Cere Junda. Instead, the game goes further with the relationship between Cal and his former master, Jaro Tapal. I like the bond between Cal and Jaro, and I love the fascinating, psychological way it is portrayed, through theatrical flashbacks and visions. But I felt mislead, since Cere was advertised as a Jedi master, but she doesn’t even get to teach Cal any lessons with the Force (at least, not anything as relevant to the game mechanics as Jaro does).
The optics between the Kanan comic and JFO are, in this regard, weirdly similar: both stories center a boy, who is superficially mentored by a woman of color, but more substantially mentored by an alien man.
Come on, Star Wars, commit to your moms!
I should also note that I think Depa Billaba’s design is white-washed by the artist in this comic.
“Kanan, Volume 2: First Blood,” trade paperback. Marvel. May 31, 2016. Writer: Greg Weisman. Penciller: Pepe Larraz. Colorist: David Curiel. Letterer: Joe Caramagna.
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