#star wars big bang
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khiquii · 10 months ago
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He marches into the throne room and tosses his hood back. Immediately an array of blasters are on him, enough to bring him down, but he doesn’t care.
“Where is he?” he barks, glaring right at Boba Fett.
Fett raises his eyebrows. “Most people start with a greeting,” he says tersely.
Wild Mynock Chase
By pixie_rings
I had the great pleasure of collaborating with @materassassino and @fromthemouthofzabe in this year's Star Wars Big Bang! I cannot express how awesome big bang partners they were and just how fun the fic is! I was hooting and hollering the entire time I was reading! If y'all like Dinluke, BobaCobb, and the idea of Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett begrudgingly teaming up, check it out!
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swprequels-big-bang · 11 months ago
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Join the Discord server to participate!
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swbigbang · 1 year ago
Star Wars Big Bang 2024
It's that time of year again! The Star Wars Big Bang is back for another year and we're excited to see everyone's work over the coming months. There are some changes from last year, namely in the shortened schedule, which we'll be posting now to give people time to look over it and decide if that's something they want to commit to! Sign ups will begin the 1st of December, which is a month away, and we hope to see you there!
01-DEC - Author + beta signups open 10-DEC - rolling early beta matching begins (by author opt-in) 05-JAN - artist sign-ups open 10-JAN - 1st author check-in; author sign-ups close 20-JAN - early beta-matching closes; all matched pairs required to submit "keep or new" requests 25-JAN - artist + beta sign-ups close 30-JAN - final story details due 05-FEB - story details go out for claims 15-FEB - beta/artist claims due 20-FEB - author check-in 2; last day for author drop-outs 25-FEB - pairings sent out 30-MAR - author check-in 3 ("finished writing") 05-APR - last day for artist + beta drop-outs; pinch hitting begins 20-APR - collection opens, posting begins 25-APR - last day to send work to event for posting 27-APR - collection revealed 10-MAY - all works 5-10k cat. and their art complete 20-MAY - all works 10-20k cat. and their art complete 10-JUN - all works 20k+ cat. and their art complete
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kanerallels · 7 months ago
My submission for the @swprequels-big-bang! I had a lot of fun writing this and working with the artist, it was so fun!!
First lines under the cut!
Taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @day-to-day-thots @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @opalknight @cassie-fanfics @ana-cantskywalker (DM me if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!)
It was pouring rain over the province of Lothal, and it had been for the past three days. At times, it would slow to a lighter drizzle, but by now the roads were turned to thick troughs of mud, and the skies seemed almost permanently gray. Anyone out in this weather would be soaked through and chilled to the bone in minutes, even with a proper coat.
The citizens of Lothal seemed to recognize this, as there was no one out on the streets. No one, that is, with the exception of one figure, huddled in a doorway, trying to stay out of the wind if not the rain.
Shaking a few droplets of water off of his face, Ezra gritted his teeth, trying to keep them from chattering together. There wasn’t any real way to stay warm—his clothing was thoroughly drenched, clinging to him heavily. Still, he kept his arms wrapped around him, trying to at least preserve some illusion of warmth.
He had a spot to hide from the rain, and had planned on staying there until it stopped. But his tower was miles from town, and he’d been out of food. Perilously so. So Ezra had pocketed his tools, a knife, and a few other essentials, and snuck onto an Imperial transport heading into the nearby town.
That was the first day, before the roads had become impassable. Now, Ezra didn’t have a way home, and he was running out of places to hide. He’d stolen some fruit from a vendor on the first day, and the man running the shop had promptly sent the Empire’s soldiers after him. So Ezra had spent all his time and energy avoiding them—hiding on rooftops and in barns until the owners found him and chased him out, sneaking around and barely finding time to sleep.
He’d almost nodded off in the doorway when he heard the tramp of boots through mud, and shrank back into the shadows, praying he wouldn’t be noticed.
Sure enough, two soldiers appeared around the corner, both wearing heavy cloaks to keep the rain out. “Can’t believe we’re still looking for this thief,” one grumbled in disgust. “If he’s out in this, he’s either long gone or long dead. Good riddance either way.”
“At least we’re not with the patrol near the Dume Library,” the other said. “That place gives me the creeps. They say the guy running went blind fighting a wizard who burned his eyes out with a magic blade.”
The first soldier scoffed. “No such thing as wizards. He’s just a washed up old warrior from a forgotten time.”
“Yeah, well, at least he’s warm. You think Kallus is gonna let up on this thief and let us rest?”
“Not a chance.”
The rest of their conversation was lost to the wind as they carried on, not even glancing Ezra’s way. But he’d heard enough.
The Dume Library. He’d never been—a street rat didn’t really have time or a reason to read, especially not Ezra—but he’d heard the stories, too. The ones about the madman who lived there. But the Imperials avoided it, it would be dry, and it was closer than his tower.Good enough for me. Reluctantly, Ezra stood up, wincing at the chill of the air around him. Glancing back over his shoulder to make sure the soldiers weren’t turning back, he took a deep breath, then darted out into the street.
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happydragon · 11 months ago
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Come join us @swprequels-big-bang !!!
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starlessskys-artblog · 10 months ago
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Art for b1uebear's fanfiction for the 2024 Star Wars Big Bang!
Go check them out!
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 10 months ago
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Stass Allie & CC-8826 | Neyo, Stass Allie & Original Clone Trooper Character(s), Stass Allie & Jedi Characters Characters: Stass Allie, CC-8826 | Neyo, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Jedi Council Members (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Stass Allie-centric, Time Travel, Time Loop, Fix-It of Sorts, Temporary Character Death, not all are temporary, Stass Allie Needs a Hug, Jedi Order Respected, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Order 66 (Star Wars), Operation: Knightfall (Star Wars), Clone Trooper & Jedi Relationships (Star Wars), Trust Issues, Bittersweet Ending, POV Stass Allie Summary:
Stass Allie dies in a single moment.
There is no struggle, no fight to remain.
Death is rarely kind, it has no interest in what should be, only what is.
That should be the end of it.
It is not.
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olives-and-lilies · 11 months ago
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Guess who got to work on another bang~! Over at @swbigbang
I got to illustrate for the Bonds of Beskar Sequel: Dagger’s Dominion by @popjeckdoom
Getting a chance to do a more traditional portrait scene for the third piece was just so much fun, I’ve missed getting to stretch my skills like that. I don’t bring it out very often, but it was SUCH a hilariously cute scene. Read it, you’ll love it. I promise.
Our beta Beth-the-Human recommended doing a metallic wrap instead of just cloth, and an Arabic technique called tulle-bi-telli, so Wolffe got this beautiful but complex Beskar woven fabric that kicked my ass to illustrate, yet was so worth it.
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spell-cleaver · 2 years ago
Biggs was only meant to join the Rebellion for a short while, to be Lord Vader's eyes and ears while the Death Star bore down on them. But now the Death Star is gone - destroyed by Biggs's oldest friend.
Now, Biggs is stranded on the wrong side of the war, while Luke establishes himself with the Rebels and Vader closes in. But even as Biggs is drawn even closer to his friend, his loyalties to Vader are as strong as ever.
Something has to break.
Biggs landed before Luke did. He always had, even when Luke won the races through Beggar's Canyon; Luke was too fond of victory laps. He spent as much time in the sky as possible, and while Biggs loved it up there, after fearing for his life so intently he preferred to be on the ground.
It meant he got the first view of all the cheering, the veritable fireworks that the ground crews were already setting off as he brought his X-wing in to land. Pilots who had been grounded swarmed up to him to clap him on the shoulder, sympathise with his hit—was he injured? How was he feeling?—but he waved them away. It didn't take much effort: one minute and forty-three seconds after he landed, Luke's X-wing swooped in as well, as smooth as a swallow with as much joy in its flight, closely followed by the barbaric heap of scrap metal that had saved him.
It meant Biggs was left alone other than by the ground crew who wheeled up the ladder to his X-wing. Even they seemed impatient to go and greet the hero of the hour, though elation and the sheer relief of being alive had made them charitable. They stood there for a few minutes while Biggs sat in his cockpit, the top still firmly closed, twirling his helmet in his hands. He could hear the sounds of jubilation, but they were muffled through the thick transparisteel. His thoughts were louder.
How had this all gone so wrong?
He hadn't been meant to see any of these people again. They were meant to be dead.
Read the rest on AO3 or on FFN!
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atrafaart · 10 months ago
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spectre83 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/8 Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: A New Dawn - John Jackson Miller, Star Wars: Kanan (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, C1-10P | Chopper, Mentioned Depa Billaba - Character, Mentioned Caleb Dume - Character Additional Tags: Post-Star Wars: A New Dawn, Pre-Star Wars: Rebels, POV Kanan Jarrus, Order 66 Aftermath (Star Wars), Kanan Jarrus Has PTSD, Kanan Jarrus Loves Hera Syndulla, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Nightmares, Star Wars Big Bang Summary:
Some men are not worthy of redemption. Some men are not worth second chances. But Kanan Jarrus? Kanan Jarrus is so beyond broken that he isn’t even worth the effort it would take to repair him and he knows that nobody would ever dare try —that is, until he meets Hera Syndulla and everything changes.
 Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of - U2 “You’ve got to get yourself together You’ve got stuck in a moment And now you can’t get out of it.”
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shobringer · 2 years ago
SWBB 2023 - Anamnesis
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A second chance given to Anakin Skywalker, after his death on the Death Star. A time travel rewrite of Episode 1 | The Phantom Menace, told in holo-recordings/datapad entries/holocrons created by A.S and narrations.
The @swbigbang fics have been revealed! I'm a little late to making this post but yeah, here's mine. The chapters will be published, two at a time, over the course of the next few weeks.
There will be art! It hasn't been released yet, but it will be in the coming weeks! @raven-void for being such a good artist to work with! Go show 'em some love! <3
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swprequels-big-bang · 11 months ago
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I’m editing this because i realize it might be intimidating for some people to have to dm and ask me for the link to the discord server, so I’m just gonna post the link here.
To join the event, just join the server! If you don’t want to join the server, contact me and we’ll figure something out.
Here’s a list of due dates for the event! That post will become the pinned post after the sign up date passes.
Here’s the FAQ list
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swbigbang · 6 months ago
SWBB Event Announcement
With great pain and much discussion, the mod team has come to the decision to pause the Bang for one year, and we will not be running SWBB 2025.
We apologize, as we know a lot of people look forward to the event every year, but we've realized we need to take a break. To be honest, we should have done so last year, and our organization as your mod team suffered for it. We are sorry that we were not up to snuff in 2024.
What does this mean for the event? Well, we will spend the time we would have put toward the 2025 event on writing policy documents and making our internal structure more robust. This means that if any one of us goes down again, the rest of the group will be able to pick up the workload.
Star Wars Big Bang has grown so much bigger than we imagined it would when the event first ran in 2017. Certainly, we didn't expect to run for 8 full years, with bigger numbers each year! By taking a break, we'll be able to wind back up and be all refreshed to take on Year 10 in 2026!
With much fondness and hope, the SWBB mod team
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ravenite-void · 2 years ago
Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Luke Skywalker & Zevulon Veers, Luke Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger & Luke Skywalker, Ezra Bridger & Darth Maul, Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla (background), Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa & Sabine Wren Characters: Luke Skywalker, Zevulon Veers, Ezra Bridger, Ahsoka Tano, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Maximilian Veers, Mon Mothma, Alexsandr Kallus, Leia Organa, Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Naga Sadow (mentioned), CT-7567 | Rex Additional Tags: Sith Luke Skywalker, Dark Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader’s A+ Parenting, Imperial Prince Luke Skywalker, Rebel Luke Skywalker, Planet Yavin 4 (Star Wars), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Planet Balmorra (Star Wars), Sith Tombs, sith history, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Soulmates, space platonic gays, Just half beta we die like half a of a man, (Maul moment), Thank the Force for Wookieepedia, Bugtown, I’ve been researching a millennia old battle of Ballmora for this, swbb2023, Star Wars Big Bang 2023 Summary:
Luke is raised by Vader, trained by Sidious. Until he isn’t. It’s just him and his friend against the galaxy.
Two chapters up! Another one coming out on Friday June 2nd (or Saturday maybe tbh) and then Friday June 9th!
@swbigbang and Lily you did amazing keeping this going 
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elenathehun · 10 months ago
May You Have One Just Like You
Star Wars | ~4.9k | 1/? chapters | Jango Fett & his terrible life choices
Ten years ago, Aurra Sing disappeared on Kohlma, hunting a bounty that was not hers to take. Jango Fett hasn't thought of her in years, too busy burnishing his reputation as the galaxy's greatest bounty hunter and avoiding the dangerous vagaries of Mandalorian politics. But "disappeared" is not the same as "dead", as he learns to his chagrin when Aurra’s last will and testament bestows upon him a most puzzling inheritance: a young girl. Jango is not one to shirk his duties, no matter what other people might say; he will do his best to raise this unexpected daughter to adulthood, come hell or high water. But a difficult task is made even harder by the war, as well as by Jango’s fractious people. After all, it’s often said there are always three sides in every truly memorable pan-galactic war: the right side, the wrong side…and the Mandalorian side.
Read on AO3 | Read the other entries for this year's @swbigbang
The collection for this years big bang has finally been revealed, and I am free to show off my shiny new thing! As usual, the joy of a non-traditional role swap AU was too much for me to ignore...
My thanks to the mods of @swbigbang for facilitating, and @catznetsov for some truly amazing art. As usual, please read and review!
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