#PRINCESS OF DRAGONSTONE     [ . . . ]     arc.
deaneyrs · 3 months
@vydmak : from atop the dias, the queen watches and waits as the figure strides through the great hall toward her seat. the journey now must be far easier than fairing the churning sea that had been his companion for a night, but it was long regardless. still several hundred yard away, the figure is not close enough for her to make out his features, only the shape of him and the color of his hair. odd, she thinks, that it is as silver as my own.
for a few moments, there is the only the sound of footsteps and sir jorah's breathing lapping against obsidian stone. the girl inclines her head towards the woman to her left dressed in simple but official garments of black and red, who promptly nods, and begins to speak her rehearsed lines: you are standing in the presence of daenerys stormborn of house targaryen, queen of the andals and the rhoynar and the first men, khaleesi of the great grass sea, princess of dragonstone, rightful heir to the iron throne, protector of the realm, breaker of chains, the mother of dragons.
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as misanndei voice quiets, as the man stops short of the steps to her throne, daenerys can hear the beating of wings far above dragonstone and smiles. her children, home at last. " which lord or lady has sent you to bend the knee on their behalf? " when she speaks, the room falls silent, the air thick with the weight of her words & for a moment, sir jorah swears the great hall is a cold as the land beyond the wall. " or, are you a lord yourself, come to disavow the usurpers and swear fealty to house targaryen? "
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strangesmallbard · 3 months
pondering an asoiaf war of the five kings au where ned decides to tell robert about cersei/jaime (maybe his death was less imminent or ned believes he’s honor-bound to tell him before he signs that document about joffrey), and in response, robert pulls an aegon 4 and legitimizes all his bastards right before kicking it. he tasks ned with finding and protecting his heir, conveniently not mentioning who that heir is.
of course, much would stay the same after that. for example: joffrey still executes ned, sansa is imprisoned, arya flees the red keep, etc. i think cersei still orders robert’s now trueborn kids killed, but with more urgency; news of the legitimization travels fast (varys helps spread it to destabilize the lannisters even more in preparation for young griff), so cersei and co have to work double time to refute the rumors and bury the evidence (the kids).
beyond robert’s kids, the biggest story change would be stannis’ arc. i think he’d also send people to find robert’s kids; he specifically wants to find robert’s eldest trueborn son, but instructs all newly baratheon kids sent to dragonstone. however, i think it’d be interesting if renly, rather than making his own claim, decides to throw his support behind edric storm. after all, a noble bastard could be more readily accepted and he’d have five years as his regent. to bolster edric’s claim, renly begins searching for the kids as well.
as a result, you have Many People looking for kids with black hair and blue eyes. i think gendry (+arya, hot pie, weasel, and lommy) wind up at dragonstone. lysa immediately sends mya there as well, not wanting the war on her doorstep, but she’s intercepted by renly’s team, who promptly take her to storm’s end. (mya’s pov chapter is vivid in my head; as she’s very comfortable in her role and responsibilities at the vale + she’s technically the eldest sibling overall, her perspective on Suddenly Being a Princess could be really interesting).
i’m unsure where bella rivers ends up; maybe she’s the only bastard found by cersei’s guards? i can’t think of a reason cersei would keep her alive except to psychologically torment her like she does sansa, but sansa already has that arc. OH maybe she’s the one who winds up with the brotherhood without banners instead of gendry? (i think gendry ends up there either way; him and arya sneak out of dragonstone at some point).
anyway, aside from plot points i haven’t quite worked out the “why” factor. why change these events? what is the overall purpose? which themes could be illuminated with this change? does this change affect jon’s story at the wall or dany’s story in meereen at all? and so on. but if this au has inspired any ideas (even lore corrections LMAO), i’d love to hear them!
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
How do you personally think they massacred his potential? I fully agree, by the way. He could have and should have been a fan favourite. He's one of the most tragic characters I've seen, honestly. He's interesting and definitely the most complex character of the season, but the lack of catharsis the writers gave him for his issues is anger inducing.
the concept is just so good to me. the prince with no sense for duty or responsibility, who did not want the throne but feels forced to take it anyways. he takes the throne to save his family and yet, he watches all of them die anyways.
At first, the prince refused to be a part of his mother’s plans. “My sister is the heir, not me,” he said. “What sort of brother steals his sister’s birthright?” Only when Ser Criston convinced him that the princess must surely execute him and his brothers should she don the crown did Aegon waver.
that's just amazing. i cannot stress this enough; it's so profoundly tragic and sad. i don't hate everything they did with him in the show; they have many good ideas actually. him rejecting his valyrian heritage, him being kind of a failure at everything, him being desperate to my accepted/loved... this is all profound and good stuff! but i feel like his tragedy has been squandered by how the writers decided to frame the story. i could go on about how rhaenyra and alicent are potrayed so blandly in this show in order to make their embarrassing gender essentialism theme going but this is about aegon so i won't go into that.
aegon reminds me so much of theon greyjoy. maybe it's just me, but in my head theon and aegon start the story in similar places. they're spoilt, vain and indulgent. then they get their "calling", for aegon it's the crown. it's the first time in his life that he has a reason to get out of bed, to actually do something good for once. also, him believing his father actually wanted him to take the crown and it hurting him when otto scoffed at him for believing it? AMAZING stuff. I love s02xe02 to bits.
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because [my father] didn't like me
theon's calling is to finally get his father's approval. balon, obviously, has no fatherly affection towards him and theon kind of knows it, he still betrays the only person he ever truly loved. and what happens to theon? he loses everything, absolutely everything; he is stripped of his pride, his dignity, of his entire identity. i've never seen a character go through something theon went through.
and i see parallels to aegon here! aegon is quite literally made and broken by the weight of a crown he never wanted. his story is more tragic than theon actually; the thing that destroyed him was quite literally forced on him. it actually kills me to think about it. he rushes into rook's rest because he feels powerless; because everybody around him shows him not even one ounce of empathy. his baby is dead and no one seems to care!
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and he fails; of course he does. he is BETRAYED by his own brother, the brother he thought was loyal to him. this is just such good stuff my head hurts. his arc after the fall of KL is so amazing too, i'm desperate to see him go on his adventure to dragonstone and actually grow into the type of man that can turn rhaenyra's own people against her.
now, what could've been done to make his arc better in the show? well. let's start with not making him a rapist. i cannot stress this enough. the single worst choice was to introduce him as a rapist. it's actually crazy to me. it's so easy too... just make him like theon; make him promiscuous, make him vain, make him spoilt! they should've introduce his adult version with a drunk sex scene actually. set the tone for his character from the beginning.
he is not suited for the throne; he seeks pleasures, doesn't care for his valyrian lessons (based!), he drinks all day... like, what was the POINT of making him a rapist? what was it? -> the answer is obvious.... they didn't want us sympathizing with him. they were scared of people liking the villain. why is this hbo show scared you might have people sympathizing and pitying the "villain"? are you okay? YOU HAD ONE JOB. DEAR GOD.....
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so with that said; make his motivations clearer. have him scream at aemond after jaehaerys dies, change up the godawful brothel scene to actually drive the point home; he is still grieving and his way of grieving is lashing out and drinking himself half to death! focus on his alcoholism and his rashness. I actually rewrote the brothel scene here
make us understand him bettter; there are moments like the "do you love me?" or all of ep 1 and 2 of season 2, but it's too little, too late. the writers in general have such a hard time with writing characters with actual qualities. all of them are so empty and act like robots. only aegon, criston, daemon and rhaenyra (in episodes 1 and 2 at least... then we went right back to robot mode lmao) show moments of actually being a character with rich inner workings. i hate it so much.
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 5 days
hiii! so i’m sorry if i’m being annoying but there is any chance that you will continue the dance of dragons? i love rhaenyra and rhaegar so much 😩 and i can’t wait to read the relationship with her and jaime, i know it would be chef kiss
Hi hi!! Not annoying at all! I pinky promise tdod is not abandoned or anything! I’ve been slowly writing the next chapters because I’ve been so consumed by glbh lol and outside writings! But there is a chapter written for it, and I just need to add some more stuff. I hit a block with my timeline and spent so long trying to fix it, and just wasn’t happy with the draft, so I restarted, and now it’s indeed alive but need to post! Especially cause these next chapters at Dragonstone will have spoilers for GLBH KSKSKSKS!
But here’s a snippet cause I’ve kept y’all waiting for so long!
(Arthur accepted his role. He did. He accepted that his love could only exist in his dedication to his princess.
But he wanted to ask.
He wanted to ask her if she loved Rhaegar. If she kissed her brother for the first time on their wedding day, or if she had known the prince’s lips long before as he assumed was the case. If she never loved him as much as she loved Rhaegar.
He wanted to ask Rhaegar if he knew how much Arthur yearned for Rhaenyra Targaryen, and still pursued her despite it all.
Surely Rhaegar would never do such a thing?)
It’s not much but it’s something hehehe ;)
And ahhh yes the Jaime arc is gonna be so delicious!! IT WILL BE WELL WORTH THE WAIT I PROMISE!!
thanks again anon!!
- mint🤍
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
What r ur thoughts on daemon x rhaenyra relationship
Daemyra nation, rise up! For how much I shit on these two, you wouldn't realise I actually like them. I am not immune to Tik Tok edits with Unholy in the background. The chemistry between the actors draws you in, that's a given.
[I am not going to get into a heavy-handed disclaimer about this not being a healthy relationship, because that's just been dissected to death by now.]
I have to admit that Ryan Condal's declaration that Daemon was maybe in love with Viserys and wanted to be intricately connected to him explains so much about his character. But, at the same, it's so jarring to see how the majority of the audience insisted on perceiving him; the lady asking the question is a perfect example, she felt "betrayed" by the scene of Daemon choking Rhaenyra because she really wanted Daemon to have a heroic arc. But that's just not who he is a character and that's reflected both in his fucked-up relationship with Rhaenyra and in the way the audience insists on ascribing them a dynamic of wholesome domestic fluff that just isn't there.
I really find it very interesting how many genderbending questions this show indirectly poses about the characters. Would Rhaenyra have been much happier had she been born a boy and could have, therefore, married Alicent herself? Would Daemon have been happier born a girl and married to Viserys? It makes a lot of sense for someone so intent on cannibalizing Viserys to move on to the closest person with whom he could possibly recreate that, i.e. Viserys' own daughter.
In many ways, Rhaenyra truly is the wife Daemon always wanted - a perfect Targaryen princess with Targaryen parents & Valyrian looks, who could give him unmistakably Targaryen sons, place him in close proximity to the throne & forever connect him to Viserys. And, in many ways, Daemon is the husband Rhaenyra always wanted - a provocative, intoxicating bad boy that is such an arsehole to anyone BUT HER. He's a teenage fantasy. *cue Katy Perry's Teenage Dream playing in the background* I have no doubt that they're sexually attracted to each other. That they even get along fine on a day-by-day basis.
But I would like to challenge Daemyra citizens on the following points. Overall, I think Rhaenyra is a much better partner to Daemon than he is to her, because Daemon invariably seems to bail out on her whenever things get tough:
He abandons her in the brothel. I mean, kudos for deciding not to take her maidenhead after all, I suppose, but how in the world is she supposed to get back to the Red Keep? Does she even know the way? She could get both discovered and/or assaulted. Does Daemon think this a thrilling possibility somehow - of something happening to Rhaenyra, but him not being directly responsible? Or does he only think of himself in that moment and of his need to get away?
He abandons her at the wedding brawl. She was just challenging him to abscond with her to Dragonstone and marry her. Wouldn't a commotion like this be the perfect opportunity to slip away? Why ditch her immediately and not even try to protect her at least? Isn't she the reason he came back from his exile in the first place?
He abandons her during the eye-gouging trial. Rhaenyra could have been in big trouble here and Daemon doesn't lift a finger to help her in any way. Even though he is one of the few people who could have actually had some input, considering his girls were also hurt. He could have diffused the situation or even backed her up a little - anything. I would have been terribly pissed with him if he simply materialized by my side after I'd have been cut with a knife & he just stood there smirking by the door. Even Matt Smith added that Daemon would have been happy just to see them all implode. The only explanation I can think of is that it's in Daemon's interest as well for the Strong boys to be called bastards, since he gets closer in the line of succession if they're disinherited.
He abandons her during her difficult labour and miscarriage. I understand he may have been triggered and I'm even willing to consider the deleted scenes with him mourning on the beach as proof that he was genuinely saddened by all this, but come on. Rhaenyra is crying out for him and he ignores her. He can hear her through the castle walls; it's cruel. At some point, you've got to man up and go to your screaming (and possibly dying) wife. Even Jace & Luke go and see her & they're teenagers! Even Viserys has the decency to stay in the birthing room with Aemma.*
The choking scene has been debated to death already.
There is, nevertheless, more to this. I'm not going to deny that he respects Rhaenyra, as much as he can respect anyone anyway. He gives her back the egg. He begrudgingly follows her lead on the bridge when they're facing Otto in the final episode. He moves to stop Ser Criston when he rushes to aid knifed-up Alicent. He crowns her. He cuts Vaemond's head in half - but is this just because he insulted Rhaenyra or was he just itching for violence and saw an opportunity?
I do feel like Rhaenyra has some terrible blind spots in relation to Daemon. The appeal of their relationship is that it's exciting and enticing and taboo, but, ultimately, it will break down because both of them have this idealized image of the other that neither lives up to. Rhaenyra thinks of herself as the perpetual exception for Daemon and, while I don't believe Daemon would ever truly give her up, he does seem the most comfortable recreating a dynamic in which he is the senior, worldly partner that can impress a young, guileless girl and be somewhat of a mentor to her (young!Rhaenyra, Nettles, even Mysaria was in an inferior social role). I don't think he knows how to handle a relationship of equals. He seems to struggle a lot with the idea of Rhaenyra topping the hierarchy.
*So many parallels with Viserys, actually. He stays with Aemma, holds her hand and even tries to comfort her, but decides to kill her for the baby anyway. Whereas Daemon doesn't go to Laena, but refuses to allow the surgeons to perform a cesarean on her. I feel like he would refuse it for Rhaenyra as well, but, then again, he prefers to keep away and not offer her any support.
I also wonder if Viserys doesn't mirror Daemon in his choice of bride, too. Daemon wants Rhaenyra as a way to always keep close to Viserys, but what if Viserys chose Alicent because she was Otto's daughter, as well? As a way of keeping close to his dear friend whom he cherished and respected. Isn't Viserys' fondness for his Hand another reason why Daemon has a bone to pick with Otto?
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
"Dany is nothing like her ancestors and she is going to break the pattern by going to be a good queen."- Dany stans. Only they don't acknowledge that she is repeating her ancestors mistakes. Basically her whole arc is why Targs sucked.
“Däny is nothing like her ancestors…” Better not tell her that:
I am blood of the dragon, she told herself. I am Dænerys Stormborn, Princess of Dragonstone, of the blood and seed of Aegon the Conqueror. —AGOT Dâny II
I am Dænerys Stormborn, Dænerys of House Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you, these men will die screaming. Now bring me to Khal Drogo." —AGOT Dâny IX
Remind your Good Master of who I am. Remind him that I am Dænerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt, trueborn queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. My blood is the blood of Aegon the Conqueror, and of old Valyria before him." —ASOS Dâny II
Mother of dragons, Dænerys thought. Mother of monsters. What have I unleashed upon the world? A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. Without dragons, how could she hope to hold Meereen, much less win back Westeros? I am the blood of the dragon, she thought. If they are monsters, so am I. —ADWD Dâny II
No. You are the blood of the dragon. The whispering was growing fainter, as if Ser Jorah were falling farther behind. Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words. "Fire and Blood," Dænerys told the swaying grass. —ADWD Dâny X
Dæny constantly invokes her ancestors/bloodline as well as her dragons to keep herself brave, to impress others, to remind herself of who she is. Her last chapter has her embracing that Tárg legacy (specifically the one that plants no trees aka destruction), not turning away from it for a lasting peace. The Tárg legacy (or at least her idea of it) is a huge part of her character; you can’t say she’s nothing like her ancestors when she keeps invoking their memory and refuses to listen about any of the ill they (not even Aerys II) did.
“She’s going to break the pattern by being a good queen” there’s certain Tárg kings who are considered good rulers, such as Jæhaerys I and Viserys II. GRRM went out of his way in Fire&Blood to show how awful J1 was (to the dismay of a few fans), hanging small folk by their entrails and mistreating his wife/daughters; and he made sure in ASOS that Oberyn Martell accused V2 of poisoning his nephew. Then there’s Dâron 2 and Aègon V, who fandom considers good, but both caused massive rebellions and A5’s obsession with dragons led him to an early grave. Basically every time there’s a Tàrg that’s supposed to be a good ruler, GRRM ends up showing they’re either violent/murderous, abusive, paranoid, prophecy-obsessed, and kinslayers, not unlike the other Tárgs.
“Basically her whole arc is why the Tárgs suck” you’re right that the Tárg legacy is destructive and holds itself up as superior to the exclusion of others. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t like GRRM’s supplemental books on them (other than being a massive downgrade in characters/plot), because their point was already proven with Dâny, and trying to make sorta competent kings confuses the issue (J1 planted trees/built roads, so there’s still a way for D to honor her family but be a good ruler, when it ignores the context of how the Iron Throne was founded). Basically Dâny has a good arc using the Tárg legacy and dragons to give her the courage she lacked growing up, and struggling to balance her wishes for peace with her reality of trying to take the Throne she views as birthright by conquest, all on her own. But I guess GRRM needs more money and HBO needs more to milk out of the franchise.
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lya-dustin · 8 months
Idea @toms-cherry-trees suggested last year where Aemma says that line Mary Tudor tells Anne Boleyn on the Tudors (the I know no queen but my mother)
Takes place in the Someone will remember us universe.
Sorry Alicent/team green stans, in this universe the greens (sans Helaena and Daeron and Aemond post redemption arc) are all awful
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There is a strange thrill of knowing her darling goodfamily cannot harm her.
Aemma may be a hostage, but rules and traditions dictate that as an honoured guest and kinswoman she must never come into harm by them.
Especially by those who claim to be obedient little slaves to the gods like her infernal goodmother.
Alicent has never liked her, always finding fault with her since she can remember. These acts of defiance irritate her more than the puppet rulers she installed into place.
Aemma chooses not to address Helaena as Queen nor does she curtsy as she passes by as etiquette dictates.
After all, Aemma has been named Princess of Dragonstone by her mother despite being Aemond’s wife and hostage to Alicent and outranks Helaena.
“You disrespect your queen at every turn, did your Septa not teach you better?” Alicent, really sets herself up for these, the princess inwardly smirks.
“My Septa taught me well, she taught me the will of a king cannot be broken even by his wife.” Aemma answered in a falsely sweet tone she knows grates her darling goodmother. “I know no queen save for my mother, Lady Alicent.”
If she didn’t love Aemond she would have never attached herself to this family no matter how good Aemma gets along with Helaena and little Daeron.
“Your impertinence will cost you, child.” The auburn haired widow schools her face into a serene mask as she comes to kneel at the feet of the Mother, made in the likeness of the Queen Aemma was named for.
This Aemma cannot see anything but the vindictive bitch who had her maids hold her down while she and the maester inspected her maidenhead.
She hates her like she’s never hated anyone before. Aemma will dance on her grave and cast her bones to the dogs when she finally dies.
“It gained me your favourite son, didn’t it?”
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
So I know a lot of us are confused about that portion of fans that claim to love Rhaenyra yet think Dany is a mAd KwEeN, but I think I know why it is. Because if you look any deeper into them, most of them are also Sansa stans. And it makes me think that they're people who read Fire & Blood (poorly) or the wikis BEFORE HotD came out and gave us "perfect victims" Alicent and Helaena, and so with no other "perfect victims" as an option, they settled for Sansa-fying Rhaenyra with the most "passive" interpretation they could manage and now they're locked into it.
But it does make me wonder... the way these people weirdly see Rhaenyra as a Westerosi princess and Dany as the foreign invader, when 'realistically,' Rhaenyra would probably be more connected to "Valyrian" culture than Dany... how much of the "Dany is an evil foreign colonizer" mentality for these people comes less from her coming from dragon-Atlantis and being a supposed "white savior," and more from her association with the scary brown cultures they claim to be concerned for.
This has a lot of merit. I really need to observe how the asoiaf fandom moves more often.
Rhaenyra would probably be more connected to "Valyrian" culture than Dany
Because Rhaenrya was at least brought up in the height of Targ power and luxury, having had grown up with Targ family members and access to relics from the Conquerors and even before then, with her having ruled Dragonstone. This is important for the next part.
how much of the "Dany is an evil foreign colonizer" mentality for these people comes less from her coming from dragon-Atlantis and being a supposed "white savior," and more from her association with the scary brown cultures they claim to be concerned for.
If they were really so concerned for these "scary brown" folk, they'd observe how:
a) many of them are "white" or pale skinned... slavery is not race based in Essos, but class based. GoT fucked that up.
b) it is slavery that which Dany is trying to destroy, that ultimately debases and endangers every single enslaved person in Essos, not her. Dany has rescued many enslaved or raped or otherwise broken and oppressed people by destroying/tricking their enslavers or rapists or killers. Thus, Dany is a force of good.
So there has been a collective campaign (yes, I'm not exaggerating) to make as if all she does she does for ego or to betray her own people and make them her perfect soldiers/slaves once she de-establishes slavery in Essos. they hate to see a woman win, even when you pull up quotes and draw connections and show the arc that negates their stupid takes.
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inferniso · 2 years
✢⁎. each loop we die through
@ofdusk sent:
In a blip of thought that certainly belongs off of the battlefield, Corrin realizes she is something like giddy. Facing Idunn, being presented with an opportunity to properly see someone like herself in combat...
Not the time.
"I trust you won't go easy on me just because we're friends!" Playful challenge alights in the crimson of the princess' eyes, her fingers twitching eagerly around the hilt of her blade. "You must genuinely try to kill me!"
Corrin (6/6) attacks Idunn with Sunder (Venin Edge). Roll: 18, Hit! -2HP (Critical Damage, Sunder) and Idunn is inflicted with Minor poison! (Idunn 4/6)
She is light on her feet as her body springs forward, dragon's blood thrumming eagerly in her veins. The sword feels right in her hand, a glittering flash in the afternoon sunlight as it is arced downward and upon her opponent. It's hardly her divine blade or the power from which she has come to expect, but that's all for the better in this moment, anyway.
It’s an order it had received many a time before, so,
How could it refuse?
“Corrin, of N-oh...” begins the dragon, its hands fumbling with the satchel around its waist, “Very well. If this is what you wish, then I will fight. Again.”
Perhaps it is for the best that Idunn is struck before having the chance to transform. Corrin’s blade seeps into its skin, slicing through human scales and manakete flesh the mere instant a pair of arms can raise to block the blow. In that swift motion, Idunn produces her dragonstone, but she is still mortal when the string of venom permeates her form.
It hurts. It almost makes it cry.
But the dragon--half-demon, half-divine--stands firm, injuries and all. It has survived much worse, and will again. Backing away a few paces, it prepares to follow Corrin’s orders. You must genuinely try to kill me, she said. Idunn doesn’t quite understand why someone would wish this upon themselves, but can think of only one way to complete this order:
Her stone begins to gleam; sparkling light is its chrysalis.
From Idunn’s body rips and morphs an unsightly beast, with scales the color of ink and feathers dyed by heaven’s embrace. It is an amalgamation of virtue and sin, sporting a tail of mixed design, mismatched wings, the body of a god and head of a demon. It roars, and when it does, vocal chords tuned to neither night nor day know not the kind of sound they should produce. It comes out hoarse and pure, ringing high and dropping low all the same. 
But above all, it is a sign that Idunn is in control. Its crossfade of eyes lock in on Corrin--she who wishes to be killed--and begin an assault.
Idunn (4/6) counterattacks Corrin with Phoenix Claws. Roll: 1, Hit! -1 HP! (Corrin 5/6)
From those lungs it spills flaming breath, fueled by the boughs of paradise and stoked by the heat of inferno. It covers the area around Corrin with the mere turn of Idunn’s neck, instantly transforming their battlefield into a display of divine judgement.
But it does not go much further, for the accumulation of toxins in the dragon’s blood has it recoiling; it hurts to breathe, too.
Idunn (4/6) loses 0.5 HP to Minor Poison! (Idunn 3.5/6)
So instead, it readies its mighty claws. They had once slashed at pegasi and horses, decimating both steed and rider. Today, they seek Nohr, each flying in one long thrust from Idunn.
Idunn (3.5/6) attacks Corrin with Fading Blow (Venin Knuckles). Roll: 16 and 7, Hit and Hit! -1 HP and Corrin is inflicted with Minor Poison, -1 HP and Corrin is inflicted with Toxic Poison! (Corrin 3/6)
When they land, the other of its kind will find that the poison has spread into its claws. Whether as an immune response or byproduct of the sheer volume of corrupted blood now flowing from Idunn, its scratches are laced with the same kind of hurting venom that Corrin sought to use against it.
How ironic.
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deaneyrs · 3 months
@wintefell : snow falls in the north, thick and dry, and the older queen shivers in the great hall. she is a creature of fire and blood, not built for the cold. a fact made apparent by the many furs that wrap themselves around her, layer upon layer heaped upon her frame until she is more fur than queen. still, she holds herself aloft, a queen in her own right, even if she has yet to take the iron throne.
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" i am honored to be your guest at winterfell, your grace. " her voice rises just enough to carry over the chatter of northmen in the hall. from her seat, she can see them for what they are: rough and full of life. " i hope it will bring about a strong union between the north and the realm. "
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zoyazenik · 2 years
bitch u can’t just post u got a new fucking oc aND NOT TELL ME ?!?! I NEED DETAILS FUCKING STAT
so basically the idea is that she was a cousin of queen aemma and was taken in when her parents died as a ward, but when aemma died she went from being rhaenyra’s lady in waiting/viserys’s ward to being rhaenyra’s personal handmaiden.
and i’m going to be exploring darker topics, as well as rhaenyra’s darker side. SO rhaenyra has an obsession with her, she loves her, but doesn’t fully realize what that love is, so their friendship is borderline toxic. and rhaenyra knows that she loves criston and is jealous, so she sleeps with criston and when she finds out??? absolute heartbreak. so the ten years pass, and the friendship she had with criston has fizzled out as he becomes the queen’s protector (though she still loves him), and she spends her days hidden away from princess rhaenyra in fear of her breaking her heart again.
rhaenyra tries to take her with her to dragonstone, but the queen announces her as her own handmaiden. sometime in episode six, criston and her run into each other again (she’ll be crying, likely having just seen rhaenyra who subconsciously reminded her of her heartache) and criston sees a kindred soul in this girl he completely forgot about. and so he feels this insane protectiveness over her, possessiveness. and it goes from there (she’s team green, and yes, there will be a corruption arc)
and who's the face claim, you ask???
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darilarcs · 2 years
⟨  daniela  nieves.  cis  female.  she/her.  twenty-seven.  ⟩  we  welcome  deirassi  to  king’s  landing  ,  the  singer  from  naath.  keep  an  eye  out  for  their  distrustful  nature,  they  tend  to  cover  it  up  by  acting  intelligent.  rumor  has  it  they  are  neutral  to  the  peace  treaty,  and  their  loyalties  lie  with  the  realm.  you’ll  know  it’s  them  when  you  get  flashes  of  a  delicate  voice  luring  you  in  like  a  siren  song,  the  whispers  of  a  language  unknown,  and  deep  violet  eyes  studying  those  around  them  cautiously.  
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tw: death mention, abuse, slavery
though her memories of her early years are vague, deirassi remembers nothing but love and joy from her youth.  it had long been heard that the naathi were a peaceful people, something she remembered to be true.  both parents were lovers of art, fueling deira’s love for music and acting.  but everything good in her life was cut short when slavers came too naath.
the people of naath had always been easy to pick off, no fighters naturally born and appealing to the eyes of others.  her parents didn’t stand a chance and were dead before they could protect their only child.  
life in essos was not a joyous one.  despite wishing to give up accept her new fate, deira continued on, finding happiness in anything she possibly could.  on a rare occasion, she got to view the acting troupes that passed through, helping to cling to any memories of her time back home.  it was a small thing to hold onto in a world full of pain but all that could get her through.
luck seemed to be on her side for once when hearing the actors planning to move onto the next place.  with nothing to lose and everything to gain, she escaped the distracted slavers and his in the caravan of the actors until they found her the next day.  but they were kind people who allowed her to work with them and earn her keep, to which she quickly agreed and began her travel with them.  
king’s landing was not so different from many of the places she’d been but the coin was better.  it was for that reason they stayed there longer, even getting the chance to perform at an event for the royal family of the south.  it was how she knew what princess visenya looked like when she saw her about the city on her own.  sure, she had covered up her silver targaryen hair and wore clothing more suited for commoners, but deirassi never forgot a face and could not forget hers.  
though she approached, she kept visenya’s secret, acting as guide to the city she had quickly learned but it was saving the princess that changed things for them and deira was asked to be in her service.  
since, she has been serving the princess well, but does not serve all targaryens.  seeing all that she has over the years, deira’s true loyalty lies with the people and the realm.  she only hopes that, once again, the slavers could be removed from essos so that people everywhere could have the peace they deserved.
deira has a very sweet and caring nature about her.  some would give the credit to her soothing voice, which she uses often to seem more meek than she is.
though initially a pacifist, she is now very skilled in various forms of fighting.  she hates it but knows if her people could have defended themselves, her life may have been different.
life had proved that some people were just horrible people and she does not trust others easily.  she can even be suspicious of those close to her loved ones, knowing that the westerosi have their own motives and hunger for names and titles.
she speaks various essosi languages, including valyrian and it’s various dialects.
though she no longer stays with the acting troupe, they are the only family she knows and she still keeps in contact with them, even performing with them whenever they are in the capital.
knowing visenya will be safe at dragonstone with her dragon, deirassi stayed in king’s landing for a bit to spend time with victario and old friends & family.  from there, she meets visenya at summerhall before they head north together for arc two.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 3 months
rly liked the new chapter! What was your ideas behind it? The title was interesting. Yorick and Shireen are so cute and the kids were AMAZING
Ah, thank you so much!
Lmao, the title is just a little meta-textual thing about all the heirs & succession dramas going around currently in the fic
Borros is the heir to Storm’s End, but he isn't super qualified because he's impatient & indulgent
Yorick has his heir, toddler though he may be
Viserys has 2 sons, but he's not naming either heir
Rhaenyra is still the Princess Of Dragonstone, but she doesn't have kids & there's whispers at court about this
And the chapter ends with word that Ella just had a son, which is muddying the Tyrell succession even more than it already is
As for ideas, I just wanted to have a chill chapter. We've entered the "time skip arc" that's just me filling in the time between episodes 5 & 6 of season 1. We're steadily moving towards big plot things, & we're touching on politics & the fallouts of events from earlier in the story, but we aren't going & doing. We're just vibing at Storm’s End with Yorick & his family & The Baratheons, & we're having some breathing room before big stuff picks up again. The next chapter is gonna be pretty similar in terms of tone: an Aemon POV at New Castle that covers the family visit for his 11th name day. Having chapters that are less heavy feels important, especially after such a big stretch of super emotional events. Gotta take rests for them to have an impact still, y'know?
Also, ghanfjajs, yes Yoreen are adorable & I am giggling & kicking my feet about them. That's the MILF & DILF of Runestone & they're so in love. And their babies are precious & it was honestly really fun to bring little kids into the mix again, they make for great levity.
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elder-sister · 3 months
I had multiple times where these fans tries to outright murder the FE characters. An entire arc where they just...cursed the Swords of everyone in that realm. The intent was to kill them but they did something wrong and it caused a morality switch instead.
There was also an episode where characters were feeling depressed due to the toxic fans treating them bad and Mario tore them a new one.
And the Mii Gunner Sans episode. Oh boy
So basically, Mii Gunner's Sans costume gets announced. And people are loving it and it let's undertale characters into the realm. And then...um...well they start being toxic but not in the Smash fan way. In the Undertale fan way. And Mii Gunner isn't happy. Ness gets involved and someone brings up the Sans is Ness theory. And Frisk suggests the two fight to prove this false and it's insanely close, but Ness redirects a fatal blow (or rather his only blow) at the last minute, dies, forcing Frisk to reset, and for once the toxic Smash fans prove useful by kicking the toxic undertale fans out.
Then there was when they deliberately fanned the flames of the Corrin's feud to get them to fight, paid Wario to steal their dragonstones, causing them to lose control and go feral, and then telling Heroes who don't know better about the lose dragon (male Corrin) and since all female did was grab her two younger siblings who got onto the battlefield and leave a tale was spun of a sorcerer with a dragon having captured a princess, so that heroes would end up killing both Corrins
And it's this convoluted because their straightforward attempt to get rid of the Byleths failed miserably when they faced the wrath of two pissed off armies so manipulation it was!
Sounds about right for smash fans
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stxrfclls · 2 years
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characters updates + summaries going into arc iii  . ( posting now to get it out of my drafts )
abraxas travels to the vale to wed his bride, sharra, and after a hefty amount of celebrating there they travel to sunspear for a smaller celebration prior to ryon + nyse’s wedding. he spends the remainder of his time there.
achara travels on the sea with her triplets + regnar, but eventually returns to sky reach to see her family and spend time with just them before dorne. fair to assume if you saw regnar at the beginning of the skip achara and 3 demons were there too.
alexia remains in winterfell under the guise of helping her good sister and the newly born wolf, but in truth is too fearful to visit casterly rock. but it all quickly becomes easy to stay in winterfell when harrion offers to break her betrothal, and after speaking to loras, lex agrees to do so. she gets to see her sister betrothed to the man who has taken her heart, and forces her help at wedding planning. lex also celebrates a name day over the skip.
astris travels home to spend some time with her family before they rejoin kaelys and attach to wherever the kraken goes. likely to pyke. just assume if you saw kae in the latter half of the skip that astris was there.
cedrick writes to his family to have them meet him half way as ravella having her child keeps him bound to winterfell. he leaves for two days to meet them, then rides back with his children and the mother of his youngest in tow. he remains in winterfell helping with as much as he can so harry can focus on fatherhood, and relishes in his children being there finally.
daegon returns to pyke for a short time before taking the mothers of his children and the three little pykes on a sailing trip. it’s not the cleanest, but he’s trying. the kids and their mothers are on a different ship and do not see the drunk ravings of the rest of his crew.
eirelia stays in winterfell for the entire break, traveling with the starks to dorne when the call comes. she focuses on her work, and ignoring her brother who sends incessant ravens about the possibility of her being wed.
hugo bids his family farewell and remains in winterfell by choice. he does some light traveling to visit friends in the north, but never stays too far as he wishes to be there for harry and the new babe.
lucerys travels to summerhall to remain, inviting all family to come whenever they’d like. he’s visited by visera, daeron, and who knows who else. writes letters to his son often, is v obviously happy when daeron does finally visit.
reila travels to king’s landing with her husband but when labor grows near begs to go to dragonstone where she ultimately gives birth to princess rhaelle targaryen. she spends a good few weeks resting and mothering, visited by her brother and rhaegar’s siblings, before traveling to dorne by ship.
sarisa travels back to storm’s end for all of two weeks before traveling to braavos. she only sails to dorne when a raven comes from her brother, but does travel immediately and arrives on time.
tharon returns to the vale to watch sharra wed, remains for a few weeks after she and her new husband part, then drags his wife off to his clan to spend some weeks with them before traveling back to the eyrie and then to dorne with the arryns.
vareena travels to highgarden where she remains the entire time with elif. she spends time truly grieving her father, visiting a few different houses in the reach to check on them, including old town to visit mel, and ensuring the relations between houses and great house remain strong.
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hereyesblueasice · 2 years
Arya has acceptance symbolism? What does that even mean? i.e people accept her? But I can make this argument for all the characters including Sansa? 😭😭 Also Sansa isn't only one with Tully looks ffs. Robb the young wolf looked like Edmure Tully, not Eddard Stark. What sort of role reversal will Arya and Sansa have? Will Sansa pick up a sword and start fighting?🧐🧐 Since this is the logical outcome of Arya taking Sansa's place as the lady/queen? Sorry Arya fans she will still not die or be umimportant if this happens. Or is the role reversal is about being an "outcast"? Among whom? Northerners? Or her family? ARYA? JON? BRAN? RICKON? Believing Sansa's family will shun her (lmao imagine Bran and Rickon kicking Sansa out of the family because she looks like ... them 😂😂 or Arya doing so because Lady died in place of Nymeria... So who remains? Jon? Yeah brother himself has more chances of being kicked to Dragonstone for being a Targaryen so his chances of purifying the Stark family from evil Sansa's clutches are looking grim) this is ... certainly a choice, and has as much chance of happening as Dany ruling Westeros. So northerners have no authority to "outcast" their princess sorry.
Exactly, like.. Arya has never been not accepted by Northerners, especially not even by her own family. She’s always been accepted and loved. Her arc has a heavy theme of her feeling like an outsider, not of the North, but just in her family circle. So I’m not sure where this “acceptance symbolism” is coming from.
I think what irritated me the most was “Sansa finding her true happiness” which is apparently settling for being shunned by her own people and being the lady of the Vale. The same place she couldn’t be herself in. Also the same place where he aunt tried to murder her, and her “guardian” tried to groom her and mess with her head. Sansa wants exactly what the rest of her siblings want. She wants to be reunited with them in their own home. She wants to be safe.
They know GRRM is setting her up for a return to Winterfell, but they’re playing dumb I guess. She will be there to help rebuild Winterfell, and she’s much much closer to home than Arya is. But either way, the North will accept all the Stark children. And like you said, the Stark kids aren’t just gonna let Sansa be ostracized. (Even Arya)
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