daemonoir · 4 years
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“Honestly, the best part of vast arsenal of powers is the ability to just...not...i hated the godforsaken chocolate holiday so I left.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
you've heard of 'hug your homura'. now here's 'homura hugs a homura'.
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“Oh for the love of...get off before I send you to the nearest active volcano!”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“I can’t help but feel like it’s worth investing in a room.”
“You should really consider that.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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By 逸
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“I’ve not found it terrible at all, in fact, it’s been nothing but a benefit to me all things considered.”
Her face was unchanging, not even the slightest bit of emotion showing itself at all.
“And what if they do?  It’s simpler to not allow anyone to have the chance nor get in the way, I don’t have time to discern what anyone “means”, nor do I care to.”
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“The more you bank on things like “friendship” and “relying on people” the more painful it’ll be when they’re all taken from you.”
“In being alone, one has no weaknesses to exploit via others, remember that.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“The more you bank on things like “friendship” and “relying on people” the more painful it’ll be when they’re all taken from you.”
“In being alone, one has no weaknesses to exploit via others, remember that.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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Laughs in stolen anti-ship missile batteries.
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daemonoir · 4 years
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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daemonoir · 4 years
“All this “wholesomeness” going around is gonna make me sick.”
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“Get a room or something.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“No thanks, my hands are reserved for one individual only and you’re not her, so I’d appreciate it if you kept yours to yourself.”
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“Why bother vibe checking when all the vibes are just horrible?”
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“I do not think your hand would feel horrible if I held it.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“Why bother vibe checking when all the vibes are just horrible?”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“Quit it with the shouting over there.”
“Some of us don’t appreciate the sound of idiotic chatter as background noise.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“Wow, I’m in complete awe over your deduction skills.”
“Whatever was your first clue I might have something like that?”
“Are you tired of going ape shit?”
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“Don’t you just want to be nice?”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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(Now comes the fun part...
Since most of Homu’s old friends aren’t active, we get to do the long and difficult process of someone sticking with her being a jerk long enough to get through to her and her being said jerk to basically everyone.
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“Could you keep it down over there? Some of us are busy hating everything.”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“Being “nice” is tiresome.”
“Are you tired of going ape shit?”
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“Don’t you just want to be nice?”
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daemonoir · 4 years
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“The new girl I’m seeing around seems to look and sound like a white haired version of Sakura.”
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“Because one of those apparently wasn’t enough I guess.”
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