#//making these into capital t Threads for my own bookkeping purposes
inferniso · 2 years
✢⁎. each loop we die through
@ofdusk sent:
In a blip of thought that certainly belongs off of the battlefield, Corrin realizes she is something like giddy. Facing Idunn, being presented with an opportunity to properly see someone like herself in combat...
Not the time.
"I trust you won't go easy on me just because we're friends!" Playful challenge alights in the crimson of the princess' eyes, her fingers twitching eagerly around the hilt of her blade. "You must genuinely try to kill me!"
Corrin (6/6) attacks Idunn with Sunder (Venin Edge). Roll: 18, Hit! -2HP (Critical Damage, Sunder) and Idunn is inflicted with Minor poison! (Idunn 4/6)
She is light on her feet as her body springs forward, dragon's blood thrumming eagerly in her veins. The sword feels right in her hand, a glittering flash in the afternoon sunlight as it is arced downward and upon her opponent. It's hardly her divine blade or the power from which she has come to expect, but that's all for the better in this moment, anyway.
It’s an order it had received many a time before, so,
How could it refuse?
“Corrin, of N-oh...” begins the dragon, its hands fumbling with the satchel around its waist, “Very well. If this is what you wish, then I will fight. Again.”
Perhaps it is for the best that Idunn is struck before having the chance to transform. Corrin’s blade seeps into its skin, slicing through human scales and manakete flesh the mere instant a pair of arms can raise to block the blow. In that swift motion, Idunn produces her dragonstone, but she is still mortal when the string of venom permeates her form.
It hurts. It almost makes it cry.
But the dragon--half-demon, half-divine--stands firm, injuries and all. It has survived much worse, and will again. Backing away a few paces, it prepares to follow Corrin’s orders. You must genuinely try to kill me, she said. Idunn doesn’t quite understand why someone would wish this upon themselves, but can think of only one way to complete this order:
Her stone begins to gleam; sparkling light is its chrysalis.
From Idunn’s body rips and morphs an unsightly beast, with scales the color of ink and feathers dyed by heaven’s embrace. It is an amalgamation of virtue and sin, sporting a tail of mixed design, mismatched wings, the body of a god and head of a demon. It roars, and when it does, vocal chords tuned to neither night nor day know not the kind of sound they should produce. It comes out hoarse and pure, ringing high and dropping low all the same. 
But above all, it is a sign that Idunn is in control. Its crossfade of eyes lock in on Corrin--she who wishes to be killed--and begin an assault.
Idunn (4/6) counterattacks Corrin with Phoenix Claws. Roll: 1, Hit! -1 HP! (Corrin 5/6)
From those lungs it spills flaming breath, fueled by the boughs of paradise and stoked by the heat of inferno. It covers the area around Corrin with the mere turn of Idunn’s neck, instantly transforming their battlefield into a display of divine judgement.
But it does not go much further, for the accumulation of toxins in the dragon’s blood has it recoiling; it hurts to breathe, too.
Idunn (4/6) loses 0.5 HP to Minor Poison! (Idunn 3.5/6)
So instead, it readies its mighty claws. They had once slashed at pegasi and horses, decimating both steed and rider. Today, they seek Nohr, each flying in one long thrust from Idunn.
Idunn (3.5/6) attacks Corrin with Fading Blow (Venin Knuckles). Roll: 16 and 7, Hit and Hit! -1 HP and Corrin is inflicted with Minor Poison, -1 HP and Corrin is inflicted with Toxic Poison! (Corrin 3/6)
When they land, the other of its kind will find that the poison has spread into its claws. Whether as an immune response or byproduct of the sheer volume of corrupted blood now flowing from Idunn, its scratches are laced with the same kind of hurting venom that Corrin sought to use against it.
How ironic.
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