magpod-confessions · 6 months
fandom martin rep is incorrect!!! ON SO MANY LEVELS!!!!!!!!! he is a flawed character in so many interesting ways and people fail to see his more manipulative side WHICH IS WHAT MAKES HIM SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER
(not saying they’re totally wrong, just in the general way he’s though/spoken about)
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epiphainie · 1 month
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tattoorue · 2 years
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protect-namine · 5 months
I was thinking the other day that man, kokuto neji is such a character and I haven't liked a writer character like this since... shang qinghua?
which naturally led me to this thought: jj fic with svsss-style au where neji transmigrates/gets isekai'd into the world of havenna. as domina, of course.
it's extra fucked up imo because at least when sqh transmigrated in his book, he made up all of those characters and they mostly stayed in the realm of fantasy. like, sure, lbh was kinda based on himself in some ways and mbj was his ideal fantasy, but they still mostly stayed fictional, you know? sqq (sy) had to fix his plots because the characters sqh wrote strayed too far from their original plotlines
but theater makes a fictional world a bit too real and personal, especially when you use real people as inspirations for your writing. with neji, he'd be looking at rukiora and see three different people (mitsuki acting as rukiora; rukiora who was written based on a younger version of neji; rukiora who is her own person in this weirdly real world of havenna). neji would see fugio and to him that is both sou acting as fugio and the fugio who grew up with poison flowers. miguel is both fumi and the guy who ran away from his neshiromi fields. the only constant would probably be chicchi. she is too much like kisa in that... well. neji didn't really have a backstory for chicchi. chicchi is a blank canvas just like kisa is as an actor.
anyway. yeah, very sv-style character arc where neji, much like shen yuan in sv, is forced to humanize the villain. except this villain was his creation and is also tied to a bunch of personal issues for neji that he Doesn't Want To Think About and also he doesn't? really understand the character he wrote tbh?
isn't art supposed to process your emotions for you!! why must he process these himself!!
can you imagine neji, who always casts himself as a seer of some sort (fortune teller, ushinoko) or someone who generally has some control over his future or his "creation" (who is mary if not just another side of neji anyway; she's takihime redux, and takihime is also. neji). imagine this dude being transported inside the play he wrote but he doesn't understand it and he has no control over it and everyone's acting both in character and out of character. he both knows and doesn't know these people. they're fictional but also... real? does he treat them as real people? is domina real? he wanted his actors to imbue parts of themselves into his characters. are these people really just characters from a script? are they his quartz classmates? is he allowed to even hope that that's the case?
it's both THE improv exercise of his dreams and also. a nightmare
#mine musings#liveblogging jj#jack jeanne#i do kinda want to write this eventually. like separate from a njmtsks fic#oh god. not me wanting to write a fic about a story within another story. oh rama havenna...#we can even throw in the whole prayer theme. like yes the priest preaches in a godless town and he carries a bible but hear me out#what if the god he's preaching about is himehiko instead#like. prayers and confession as offerings to a theater god. said theater god put you in your own play to “help” you fix it bc you#as the scriptwriter don't even understand anything about your own play#i kinda envision this as a neji & kai fic#though neji mostly struggles with rukiora and chicchi and the way domina prevents him from reacting authentically#neji knows everyone's backstories and inspiration but them BAM he has to face chicchi and he doesn't know anything about her#bc he was banking on kisa making chicchi her own character and being the 'transparent vessel' that helps everyone improve#and also he just had zero notes about chicchi lmao#neji every night at pontartia: is she being ooc right now or is this how chicchi was supposed to be all this time#like remember that time when he said to sou that he only realized what mukai's character was about after kisa got her act together#it's happening agaaainnnnn with chicchi#meanwhile rukiora hates him soooo much and neji is sad that he can't even confess about this to the priest bc it would be ooc for domina#mikki hates him!! except that's not mikki. but she looks and sounds and acts like mikki!! and also like a younger version of neji!!#he'll look to jire and he's all sad and mopey and neji is like. suzu having nuance is GREAT but also suzu not being cheery feels so bad man#where's my moodmaker? hachipochi missing hours :(#he tries to talk to sou but that's not sou that's fugio and also. fugio only cares about chicchi#domina barely even interacts with miguel so neji has to devise ways for domina to talk to him while being in character#but the minute he gets close rukiora is there and miguel would never talk to someone that makes rukiora upset. go away madame!!#neji is left to commiserate with otori/facchio and himehiko is laughing in the background
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unforth · 1 year
Y'all (general) really really need to exercise the block buttons more.
An opinion you don't agree with? Someone makes you uncomfortable? Something you don't like? Even just a person whose way of presenting information makes you uncomfortable (even if you agree with them)?
Look, I get it. I used to think seeing opinions I didn't agree with was important, that exposing myself was a way of staying informed. But finally, I hit a breaking point - I already knew the viewpoints I disagreed with, and seeing them every day was making me miserable.
I've blocked liberally since then.
And the most remarkable thing happened: I routinely see posts where lots of people are disagreeing with the same person...and I already have that person blocked.
Because the most insidious thing about letting myself see the negativity and things that made me unhappy all the time is that leaving it all there gave me the impression that there were a LOT of vocally awful people saying things that hurt me.
But there aren't.
There's actually a surprisingly small number of people who get off on trolling or are so marinated in hate that they have to spew it all around them, and when you block those people, the world gets much more peaceful.
You're not growing as a person by exposing yourself to rhetoric that hurts you. You're just hurting, which is exactly how those people want you to feel: they want you to be in as much agony as they are.
Don't give them the satisfaction.
(tbh I've hit the point that I think people who willfully, deliberately, loudly, intentionally don't block are engaging in a form of self-harm. seriously, you're not taking a noble stand, no one cares if you don't block except the people hurting you.)
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feralnumberfive · 1 year
Y'all I have a lovely coworker who has become a friend and I love talking to her and working with her and she's extremely religious (which I have nothing wrong with!) while I have told her that I'm not religious and she respected that. We were just texting and I suddenly got this
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What the fuck.
I get it if you feel this way, which is completely fine I don't care what religion you follow or to what degree, you do you and live your life, but this just rattled me I'm not even kidding.
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sammypog · 7 months
“don’t restrict yourself!! gender and sexuality are fluid!” you guys couldn’t even handle he/him lesbians
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sometimes you think tumblr fandom is bad and then you open twitter
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I wanna relisten to the magnus archives because I love Jonny's writing very much but at the same time I have deep personal vendetta against Alex, and the fact that I now know JonDaisy won't be end game AT ALL despite me holding out for it for irl years lmao.
And the ending being a unaware metaphor for never finding personal autonomy because the manipulative societal expectations of "romantic love" are more important then overcoming addiction and being yourself I guess, and it makes me sad. Also I still hate Alex
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
Random, but. It’s fascinating how “Valjean and Javert written by someone who thinks cops are Good” is so radically different from “Valjean and Javert written by someone who thinks cops are Bad.”
Like, for me the number one Thing that will determine whether I enjoy someone’s take on Valjean and Javert are whether they realize that the police/prison as an institution destroyed both of their lives, and is the villain of both of their stories XD.
But yeah it’s really fascinating! Both in adaptations and in fanfiction, the tone/interpretation with which the plot beats are handled can change so much about the characterization. All the adaptations/fic start off with the same basic plot beats but so much can be changed and colored (for better or worse) by the way the author chooses to interpret them
#i do want to say that I always think more people in the fandom is fun!#and fanfic is supposed to be whatever self indulgent stuff scratches your id and can’t be held to the same standards as published stuff#I will never tell people what to write!#also I’ve got cringe fanfic on ao3 too (let he who is without cringe cast the first stone etc etc)#so I’d be the WORST person to preach about that XD#(the next part in the tags is a joke don’t come at me)#but— as a lighthearted joke— sometimes to me personally the Les mis fandom feels like#imagine if you’re in the fandom for the new she ra show#and the show’s about the Evil Horde and how it destroys the lives of the two main characters in different ways#but then like? half the fandom insisted on referring to it as the Morally Okay Reformable Horde#and then like. all the catra/adora fanfic ended with Catra realizing she needs to be a Nicer horde soldier#and maybe adora rejoins the horde to and they go off to fight for Justice (which is what the horde does)#and then you were like ‘huh that’s a bit odd’#‘I thought the point was that the horde poisoned both of their lives and ripped them away from their friends/family’#‘like I thought the evil horde was evil and stuff’#and people responded to you ‘why do you hate catra and catradora?’#and you were like ‘no I love catra! but I thought the whole point was that yknow. she kinda had to leave the evil horde and all’#‘like her upbringing in the horde had left her with a violent self-destructive authoritarian worldview and all’#‘and her obsession with being a good horde soldier was not indeed a good admirable thing but sorta pathetic and sad’#‘and adora was right to leave and hate the horde for what it did to her’#‘and her flaw was that (like catra) she still internalized a lot of the way it taught her to view herself’#‘and the whole fun of catradora is the idea of the two of them sorta finally figuring out who they are outside of that abusive system’#anyway in this metaphor catra is javert adora is Valjean the horde is the police catradora Is valvert XD#this is a goofy metaphor made after hours of homework and is not to be taken too seriously
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femininomen0n · 1 year
x reader fics being put in the karengraham tag will be my thirteen reason
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fizziigoth · 2 years
Tumblr post:
"JKR is transphobic"
Users called summet like "TerfyRadFemHatesTrans" or "IHateTransPeople_BigOleTERF" in the reblogs:
"UhM ACtuALLY JKR saID sHe IsN'T tRainSPhobic WhIcH MeANS shE IsNT TraNsPhoBIC"
"OhHhh sO yoU just HATE wOmbEn then??????"
"WoWWwwW OP is ThREAtEnInG our TERF QUEEN???"
[And then all the posts on their blog are just them agreeing with genociding trans people or some shit.]
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pumpkinrootbeer · 3 months
sometimes I think about how the game that completely changed how the general public viewed pixel rpgs, has a breathtaking soundtrack that has completely escaped it's original circle, has lines like "It's you!" "Despite everything it's still you", changed so many people's mind about empathy in video games, was damn near revolutionary in how it used game mechanics as part of the story and literally fucked with the code of your computer, uses the game code as a means of storytelling, has secrets people still are trying to unravel to this day, and has a boss fight so mind-blowing people still talk about it and for so many people it's ongoing legacy is Kanye West likes...., selfcest, and that time it killed the queen of England. And I love that. good job team
#undertale#I will forever gas up undertale are you kidding#also if you weren't there in 2015 you might not get how like. jaw dropping sans' boss fight was.#just because how it became a meme#all the endings were secret!! For every one except a very very specific one that you have to grind for Sans does not fight you#you can't get him to fight you#he's the true fucking pacifist for better or worse!!#and it's not just his own nihilism he genuinely believes violence#and taking a life especially is this just insanely cruel thing#so you listen to him preach on and on about not hurting others#about not killing#about how it's wrong to kill#and then just completely decimates you when you first encounter him in the worst ending#'his boss fight isn't that hard!!'#YEAH NOW!#after people have had the better part of a decade to dissect it down to the millisecond#the reason it caught people so odd guard it because randomly the game changes the rules!!!#the character you're fighting changed the rules#you can the first move every encounter? no not this time#boss fights work up to their stronger moves to let you adjust? not here he hits you hard right out of the gate#the game gives you hints how to beat enemies? no. good luck babe#he opens the fight with a bit of dialogue the same bit of dialogue every time like every other fight? Not this time now he just goes#every fight gives you the chance to back out and finish the game like normal? no you're out of options#You have to restart the game if you want to start fresh#Again this is a character who never fights you! his fight isn't an option except in the worst time line!#and now he's just put every card on the table and is wildly considered the hardest fight in the game#AND! he fucking counts out your death#sans undertale is that dude.#He's always a character that breaks the rules everyone else follows and now he's breaking the rules YOU follow get dunked on idiot#This doesn't even get into how the game treats you the player as the villain in that route
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izupie · 2 years
It really bothers me to see fanfiction writers discussing how to/how not to write certain characters. because I'm like, my dudes. we are on tumblr dot com. we are writing stories about our favourite characters like they're dolls in the dollhouses of our mind.
you can't be sitting there on some kind of fanfiction high horse preaching out that everyone "can't" write this certain character in the way you've decided that you, personally, don't like.
i don't care how many hits your fics have got - like that makes you valid?
filter out the tags you don't enjoy on ao3 by all means, but you can't turn around and say that the way you dislike them being written is 'wrong' - that's your opinion and that's great but it doesn't affect how someone else writes them.
who are you that your opinion matters more? who are you to be the judge and jury on what is in or out of character when you didn't even create them in the first place? sound confident and condescending all you want, doesn't make your opinion any more or less valid than any other fan in the fandom.
Write characters any way you want to. fanfiction is supposed to be fun. if another fan tries to police you about the way you've portrayed a certain character tell them that you hope their toast always burns. and that they need a new hobby.
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sansxfuckyou · 9 months
i both regret and am thankful for the fact i know how to post stuff anonymously
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2many-fandomz · 1 year
Religious queer people are valid. They don't owe you an explanation for their choices. Their choices and journeys are their own and go the fuck away.
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