darlink-xoxo · 1 year
in which, a boy thinks he's in need of medical attention
but he's really just in love..
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GIF isnt mine
just shoto being blissfully unaware of how whipped he is 💕
read pt2 here
Warnings: Oblivious Shoto, Shoto in Denial, Puppy Love 🫶.. spelling mistakes
❥ · ゚₊ he blinked when a hand waved itself in front of his face. glancing at his surroundings, shoto's brows lightly scrunched together as he tried to remember where he was. oh right, he was in the middle of eating lunch in the cafeteria. turning to look at who waved in his face, he was greeted by his friends looking at him with smug faces.
".. hello?"
"sorry to interrupt you todoroki, but you were spaced out for a few minutes now." izuku spoke with a small smile.
ochako leaned over towards tsu and whispered something, before both started giggling with fox grins. shoto blinked, confusion clear on his face, he looked towards tenya who cleared his throat.
the engine quirk user pointed behind him to a table over with a sly smile on his face. shoto's head tilted as he looked over, his breath seemed to leave him as his eyes landed on a particular someone..
their name was y/n, one of the top students of class 1b. his surroundings left his mind once more, his vision turned tunneled, and it narrowed in on them. just how much time had passed? he couldn't say.
it was like they managed to stop his world from spinning, they kept him grounded, while also making him throw away any rationality he might've had. he felt lightheaded, did he have heartburn? or was he drunk..
wait shoto doesnt even drink
you were happily chatting with your classmates kinoko and tokage. although, it was more like kinoko was listening, while you and the dark green haired girl chatted away. you both knew that kinoko was the shy type, so you didnt forget to include her in your conversations.
as you sipped your drink, you glanced to your side to see tokage whisper something to the mushroom quirk user. it was then that kinoko covered her mouth to hide her giggles, her shoulders shaking with laughter and tokage let out loud laughs.
you flashed them a confused smile as you asked them what was up. they did nothing but laugh harder, before eventually calming down and pointing forward at the next table a couple feet away in front of you guys.
you tilted your head as you turned to face the direction where they pointed at, before being stunned when you made eye contact with a certain ice and fire user. although he seemed to snap out of whatever spell he was under, his face held a similar look of shock as yours.
you quickly glanced around you in case he was looking at someone else instead, when you found no one else you sent a confused wave in his direction. smiling at him before going back to eating your lunch
shoto responded with a wave of his own, although still stuck in a daze, he felt the corners of his lips quirk up. did.. did his quirk suddenly activate? last he remembered y/n didnt have the ability to activate someone else's quirk.. so why did he feel so warm..?
izuku lightly laughed at his love dazed classmate. how could one of class 1a's top students, be so unaware of how spell bound he looked?
"hey.. midoriya.."
"oh! yeah todoroki?"
"am.. am i sick? i feel warm all over, and i think i'm experiencing a heart attack."
the green haired male blanked as shoto was finally able to turn away from his attention capturer, "midoriya.. am i dying??"
.. eh?
"i'm serious, my mind is going blank, i think i'm experiencing cardiac arrest. i couldn't even breathe, and i zone out every time i look at them. i cant even speak.. it's like i've been brainwashed."
"pff," izuku was fighting for his life to keep his laughter in, but ultimately he failed when he heard how the rest of the table burst with laughter. ochako and tsu clutched at each other as they wheezed with giggles, while tenya repeatedly slapped at the table.
"wh- but i mean it! i'm not even sure recovery girl will be able to help with my situation!"
"guys i think i might be allergic to y/n 😨"
you looked over at 1a's table, your eyes narrowing in on a dual quirk user. you sighed happily, finding the escapade that you were watching from afar to be funny.
kinoko nudged tokage's shoulder, and both girls turned to look at you before lightly giggling behind their hands, taking a breath to recollect themselves, kinoko reached over and prepared to wave her hand in your face.
"sorry to interrupt you y/n, but you've been zoned out for a while now." they laughed.
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Tsukki x You Drabbles
Most people probably think Tsukishima would be the cruel and snarky jealous type or give the silent treatment and then get you home and suddenly start to devour you and remind you that you’re his and only his.
But what if he’s a sweet lil insecure baby who just needs to know that you’re there and you love him….
“Oh, hi Makoto! Long time no see!” You shout as you hug the man who called your name across the shop.
You and Kei are out Christmas shopping for your families when you ran into an old friend. You have known Makoto since grade school and haven’t seen him years after graduation. He’s grown up, a lot, you notice. Fitting well into a nice tailored suit under a long tan coat.
“It’s been so long,” he smiles at you, holding your shoulders as he takes in your adult figure. “How have you been?”
“I’m doing well, thanks, how are you? How’s the law firm?” You ask him.
Kei comes around the corner to see another man’s arms on you, glaring at you with pointed eyes from where he stops in his tracks. He’s hard to miss in the small shop and you quietly beckon him over.
“Makoto, this is my boyfriend, Tsu-“ you begin to introduce him as he walks up next to you.
“Tsukishima Kei,” he nods, stiffly to the man who was so comfortable groping you in public, but has now since stiffened at the sight of your, very tall, very muscular, boyfriend.
“N-nice to meet you,” Makoto mumbles as he offers his hand in greeting.
Kei ignores the gesture, feigning turning to browse the items next to him as you apologetically smile at Makoto on his behalf.
“Well,” Makoto recovers himself. “Sorry to have interrupted your evening, you two have a good night.”
“It was so good to see you again,” you nod to him as he leaves you and Kei alone again.
“Kei,” you whisper his name to his back that he has turned on you.
Reaching out for his shoulder to turn him to face you, he huffs and walks down the aisle without you. Biting your lip, you silently follow him, preparing yourself for what you know will be a quiet walk home.
Kei is the jealous type. He hates when men compliment you, look at you, or even breathe near you. And every time you interact with another man, you can see him clenching his jaw, and balling his hands into fists at his sides. He can’t hide it from you. Dating for two years, you’ve seen all sides of him.
He barely looks at you, let alone says a word to you. He lets you know that he’s hurt by keeping his distance. Putting up his walls that you spent so much time breaking down, that it hurts you as well. But you know it’s only temporary. He never stays upset, he just needs to process his emotions in his own way, as you’ve learned.
So you let him, as you both casually walk through the shop three feet apart. Watching him from behind as he scans the items on the shelves, not really paying attention to them, just putting on a front that he’s looking for a gift. When really you can see his mind whirling with his thoughts and insecurities.
Kei doesn’t know that you know he’s insecure. He doesn’t know that Yamaguchi once told you, what Kei thinks of himself and why he’s so jealous. He doesn’t know that you know <em>why</em> he built his walls in the first place. So he wouldn’t get hurt. So he would never again have to feel the way he felt all those years ago.
It pains you to know all this. Pains you that he’s never told you any of this himself before. But you let him know you’re not going anywhere by staying by his side, even if it’s three feet apart. You’re his shadow as he walks along, glancing back at you every so often, just to make sure you’re still there.
When you’re ready to leave the store, you silently take his hand in yours and lead him to the exit, walking down the street back to your shared flat.
While you watch him slip off his coat, and hang in on the rack, you softly run your hands downs his back. Wordlessly telling him, you’re with him.
There’s a few seconds of continued silence that fills the space around you two, then he sighs, deeply. The weight of his insecure thoughts finally lifted as you turn him to face you, your hands sliding up his chest to wrap around the back of his neck. Pulling him down to press a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips.
“I love you, Kei,” you whisper in his ear as his arms hold you close, pulling you into him and breathing in the scent of your shampoo.
“I know,” he sighs, his voice so small in the crook of your neck that you barely hear him. “I love you,” he kisses into your skin.
Relief washes over you as he lets you back in. His walls coming down around you with every kiss you press into his cheeks, jaw and neck.
“Tell me again?” He breathes, running his fingers through your hair as he stares down at you with his sweet, pleading eyes.
“I am yours,” you kiss into his lips, just as you always do when he gets this way. “And you are mine.”
And just as you always do, you gently lead him to the bedroom to show him just how much you love him.
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
Ochako's arc in the FINAL saga has been phenomenal and people love to shit on it!!
Ever since the final act began, Ochako has been one of the major game changers!! It all started with ch 306 when Deku left UA. THIS WAS THE START OF THE FINAL SAGA AND WE ALREADY GOT AN EPIC MONOLOGUE FROM OCHAKO ABOUT HEROES, HEROISM...AND THE HERO SOCIETY!
Heroes were being sifted out. If heroes were defined as those people called for, then the heroes disappeared that day. But even so, there were still those standing up.
When asked about "All for One" Endeavour said "I don't know" in order for no stones to be thrown at Deku and All Might.
But if a hero is a figure that never falters then who is for them when they are in pain?
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It was such an emotional punch on her face, because the person she considered as a true hero was thrown into an open field full of dangerous villains to fight.
And the next time we see her, she has already grown so much as a person and as a hero.
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Despite the odds she convinced the angry civilians to let Deku stay and recover. She understood that even heroes are people and they need help. Her build up as the next All Might starts from here, not in terms of power but in terms of impact she made or she will make on people's hearts.
It gave an answer to her own question, WHO SAVES THE HEROES WHEN THEY ARE IN PAIN?
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Even Principal Nezu acknowledged that "Tolerance, lack of understanding, we are just one step away as humanity struggles to make progress. Taking the first step is always hard, but taking a step at a time like this will lead to the birth of a true hero, one that will surpass All Might"
The story clearly tells us to watch Ochako as she becomes the Hero of Heroes, the 'ultimate' hero that will surpass even All Might and yet people sleep over this plot and call her an underdeveloped character.
I know, she wasn't the main focus of the story for the longest time, but ever since Horikoshi started giving her the attention she deserved, her storyline has been superb!!
Her story starts with the realisation that even heroes are normal people that need help and as the society has fallen into chaos, it will need the support from everyone to fix everything.
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Both heroes and the civilians will have to cooperate for a better future where they can all smile together but in the same speech, she realised that even people like Toga came in that list. She also deserves to smile and that when her arc of understanding/saving the villains starts.
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This arc had been building up in the background for a long time but just in two chapters, Horikoshi actually highlighted the major conflict between the two and I dare say it was done even better than Deku and Shigaraki who had no major build up or tension between them other than their chat at the mall which was like 5 seasons ago.
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Now, in the actual battle she held her own against Toga despite being pushed into a corner again and again by Toga's clones, and managed to get her point across.
Even though Toga stabbed her, even though Toga held Tsuyu hostage, even though everything was falling in chaos, she saw the sadness inside of Toga and made it weightless, just like her quirk.
Also, heroes were literally dying with Twice's clones!!! And they were spread to all battlefields!! If it hadn't been for Ochako, maybe the entire Todoroki family, Iida, Hawks and various other heroes would have died!!
This was literally her "I AM HERE!!" moment!!!
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After her quirk awakening, after her confrontation with Toga, after saving Tsu, Jirou, Hawks and various other heroes at the GUNGA BATTLEFIELD, people calling Ochako an underdeveloped character will never not be funny to me. Horikoshi even stated it word-to-word for people who were reading this manga with their brains closed...
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mir4inotes · 3 months
sigma’s no good very bad day / sigma(tsu) sickfic
originally posted 28 jun 2023
read on ao3! / 3.9k words
A tea-stained skirt.
That is what Sigma would have to wear if they chose to go into work that day.
They clicked their tongue as several drops of tea landed on their outfit. They had attempted pouring themselves some iced tea while failing to take their shaky fingers into account. They placed the carton back on the counter with a sniffle, cursing their congestion to hell and back.
Sigma’s head throbbed as they bent over in an attempt to dry off some of the stains, their nose suddenly feeling much more blocked up than it had a few seconds ago. They stood up again after a moment with a heavy sigh, gripping the counter as they waited out a wave of lightheadedness.
As much as they hated to admit it, Sigma was ill. They’d chosen to ignore it for the better part of the morning so far, but given they could hardly stand straight at this point, they were forced to accept reality.
Sigma grimaced, digging their fingernails into their palm to avoid passing out. They spotted a stray bottle of water from the corner of their eye, and reached out with a trembling arm to grab it.
They brought the water to their chapped lips and took a few sips, shoulders sagging in relief as the dizziness began to fade away after a few moments. For a while the only thing Sigma could hear was their own distorted, ragged breathing, juxtaposed by the sweet sounds of birds chirping outside.
The journey to the couch was an overwhelming thought at that point, so Sigma swallowed their pride and sank to the floor. They sighed as they rested their back against the counter, uneven as it was. They swiped sweat from their forehead with another sniffle.
It hit Sigma, then, that they were burning up.
They unbuttoned their jacket with clammy hands and tossed it aside, not caring for keeping it clean. The effort of keeping their eyes open was suddenly too much, so they slipped shut as Sigma loosened their tie.
The urge to fall asleep here was becoming stronger with each passing second. It would be so easy to just stay here and drift away…
The Agency.
Sigma’s eyes flew open as they remembered they still had responsibilities despite feeling like they were on the verge of death. That being said, the very thought of ringing up Fukuzawa and explaining… well, this to him sent a familiar twinge of anxiety down their back.
Logically, they knew it would be fine. No one would be mad, no one would call them sensitive, or useless. They wouldn’t be kicked out.
Sigma sucked at phone calls in the first place; there was no way in hell they’d manage calling their boss, especially not in this sad state. On top of that, Sigma didn’t think there was anyone at the agency they would particularly enjoy having this discussion with.
…Except for Atsushi, perhaps.
Sigma winced as they rummaged in their discarded coat pocket for their phone, the sudden movement sending a new thunderbolt of pain shooting through their head.
Once upright, having waited for the floating colors to disappear from their vision, Sigma attempted messaging their friend.
Sigma — I’m not coming today
Atsushi :3 — aw… why?
Sigma’s heart sank as they realized they were going to have to spell it out.
Sigma — I’m sick and i don’t want anyone else catching it
Atsushi :3 — oh no :( are you okay? do you need anything? i can hop out rq and bring you something
Sigma — It’s fine, don’t worry about me. I hope you have a good day
Sigma gazed at the screen through lidded eyes, only to reach the conclusion that Atsushi had left them on read.
At that point, it was difficult for Sigma to keep their eyes open. After considering for a moment, they decided to brave the journey to the couch, despite how much their body was screaming at them to stay on the floor.
They hauled themselves upright, wincing as their head spun. The heat they had been feeling earlier seemed to have disintegrated into chills, they realised begrudgingly. After grabbing a blanket from their room, they made their way to the couch and wrapped themselves up.
It seemed like Sigma had no choice but to sleep it off. They’d never been terribly sick before, but it couldn’t last that long, right?
A knock at the door tugged Sigma out of their fitful sleep. Their eyes were heavy and felt puffy, the effort of opening them nearly too much. They still had a headache that rested right behind their eyes; glancing around too quickly sent stabs of pain through their head. Sigma had no idea it was possible for them to feel worse after their nap, but they did anyway.
Another gentle knock rang through the flat. Sigma winced as they sat up, the blanket slipping off their shoulders and falling to the floor. Another round of lightheadedness struck then, leaving them stuck to the sofa until they felt comfortable to stand.
Knock, knock.
Sigma forced their heart to slow as the knocking remained persistent, a soft moan slipping from their lips involuntarily as they prepared to get up.
It was a miracle the distance from the couch to the door was only a few paces, since Sigma really thought they would have collapsed had they not reached it sooner. A trembling, sweaty hand gripped the doorframe as they unlocked and opened the door.
“Oh, my god.” Atsushi almost instantly entered Sigma’s flat without any other word, and, with an arm around Sigma, guided them back to the godforsaken couch.
“No, don’t touch me,” Sigma mumbled, their words slurring together while sounding terribly unconvincing. Their mind screamed at them to push Atsushi away, but their limbs wouldn’t obey. Their entire body felt like jelly, nearly all of their weight slumped against Atsushi. It was a wonder their legs were moving.
Atsushi only sighed and let Sigma sit back down, keeping a hand on their arm. They slumped against the couch arm, letting their eyes slide shut again.
“I’m sorry to be so blunt, but you look half-dead,” Atsushi pointed out. He placed a plastic bag on the coffee table, then knelt in front of Sigma, eyebrows knit in concern. “I’m worried. Have you eaten anything?”
It was only after Atsushi asked that when Sigma realised that no, they hadn’t had anything to eat at all that day. They simply hadn’t had the drive, what with not being able to move around and all. That, and the notable lack of appetite, at least.
Sigma shook their head listlessly. They couldn’t see Atsushi’s expression, but they could hear him click his tongue and stand up. “Sigma, you can’t not eat when you’re sick,” he told them quietly. The plastic bag rustled; Atsushi must have taken something out of it. Sigma quite honestly didn’t have the energy to open their eyes to see what it was; all they could manage was leaning back against the couch and praying for their body to cool down.
As Atsushi was preparing whatever food item he had brought, Sigma found themselves drifting through a feverish limbo between consciousness and sleep. Worrisome thoughts regarding their absence from work, what the others would think. Images of Sigma being teased or judged floated to their mind. They couldn’t hear a single coherent sentence, but the looks on their coworkers’ faces were enough.
Why hadn’t they just sucked it up and gone into work? Surely they could have handled it. Now the only thing Sigma had accomplished today had been worrying Atsushi and increasing the pile of work they needed to do the next day. They should have just gone in, everything would have been fine—
Then Sigma felt a sudden warmth on their forehead. Their already-burning body flinched away instinctively as they blinked their eyes open once again, only to be met with Atsushi standing in front of them.
Atsushi frowned as Sigma jerked away. “I’m just checking your temperature.”
“You’re warm,” Sigma mumbled, looking anywhere but Atsushi. “I feel like I’m burning…” Another round of dizziness struck them then, glueing them to the couch.
“I know,” Atsushi sighed as he turned back towards the kitchen. “I made you instant noodles.”
As much as Sigma disliked being hungry, the thought of food was nothing if not nauseating. They swallowed the feeling down and nodded anyway, reaching for a tissue and blowing their nose miserably.
Atsushi returned with the noodles, chopsticks and some water, setting them on the coffee table before sitting next to Sigma. Under any other circumstance it would have smelled divine, but Sigma needed to force themselves to pick up the bowl and start eating.
The ramen was plain enough, a simple chicken flavor, but it still felt too heavy and rich. Sigma could only manage a few mouthfuls before feeling the need to stop.
Atsushi looked up from where he was reading his book once he noticed Sigma placing the bowl back down. “Is that all?” he asked quietly.
Sigma nodded shakily. “I’m full,” they whispered, wringing their hands. They knew they should be eating more, but they felt like they’d be sick if they had anything else.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sorry,” Sigma murmured, barely audible. “I’m sorry…”
There was a shuffling sound as Atsushi got up after a few more seconds, seemingly taking the dishes back. “It’s alright,” he told him gently. “Can you at least drink the water?” There was a sort of pleading tone to his voice. Sigma despised it.
“…Mhm,” they agreed quietly. The cold glass was a welcome sensation in Sigma’s hands once they picked it up; they were so warm they felt as if the water would become lukewarm in their grip if they held it for long enough.
As they sipped their water and watched Atsushi retreat to the kitchen, they suddenly felt the strong urge to hide. Atsushi shouldn’t be taking care of them like this; what had they done to deserve it? All they’d done was refuse to eat more and complain about how hot they were.
Sigma felt that all-too-familiar lump growing in their throat as they begged themselves not to tear up.
It was all they could do to sit there and focus on drinking their water as they waited for Atsushi to return. They knew they weren’t being rational, and that was the worst part. Atsushi wasn’t upset, he was only concerned. Nothing more to it.
So then why had he sounded so frustrated when Sigma told him he hadn’t eaten? When they couldn’t even finish a small bowl of food?
He’s just worried about me. It’s fine, he’s only worried, he’s only worried, he’s not mad, it’s alright, I’m okay, he’s just—
“Are you cold?”
Sigma nearly leaped out of their skin as they heard Atsushi settling next to them again. They were gripping the glass so hard their fingertips had gone white.
“No, why…?”
Atsushi laid a gentle hand on Sigma’s leg, almost featherlight. “You’re just shaking, that’s all,” he whispered.
Were they?
They set down their glass with trembling fingers. “Oh… no, I’m not cold, um…”
Sigma heard Atsushi about to say something else, so they hurriedly said the first thing that came to mind.
“I’m gonna take a bath,” they muttered abruptly, getting up as slowly as they could.
Atsushi made some sort of confused humming noise. “Um… do you want me to get it ready for you?” He kept a wary gaze on Sigma as he watched them stand up, ready to steady them if needed.
Sigma shook their head wordlessly and made their way to the bathroom, hoping beyond hope they weren’t wobbling as they walked. They didn’t look back once.
As they entered the bathroom, they felt as if their body had been turned up at least ten degrees since they left the couch. Their limbs were incredibly weak; they had to sit on the stool once they undressed, waiting for the bath to fill up. Sigma couldn’t fathom the idea of the water being anything more than lukewarm, so they opted for a cold bath.
Sigma hadn’t bothered looking in the mirror. They knew they looked damp and unkempt, especially after sleeping half the day away. Their stomach cramped painfully in a mix of hunger and nausea, leaving them considering skipping the bath and spending the rest of the evening hunched over the toilet instead.
But Atsushi was here, and that would only make him worry more. A bath would have to do.
Once the water level was high enough, Sigma stood up on shaky legs and entered the bath. They never thought they’d be enjoying a cold bath, but it felt immensely soothing against their warm skin. They relaxed deeper into the water, until their nose was just above the surface.
Maybe they’d be alright, now. They could finish up, dry off and let Atsushi know he could head out. Sigma had never had a fever before; could a cold bath really cure it so easily? They were relieved at the thought of the day’s nightmare finally ending.
But after a few minutes, Sigma began to think that maybe plunging themselves straight into cold water wasn’t the best idea. They had started shivering violently, so much so they could hear their own teeth clacking together.
They tried getting up and out, but their trembling arms and the slippery bath made it difficult. Sigma grit their teeth and strained their legs to stand up, but as soon as they were upright they felt extremely lightheaded.
They quickly stepped out of the bath and immediately lowered themselves to the ground, a little rougher than they would have liked. There was a thud as they landed unceremoniously on their hands and knees, panting from exertion.
Sigma felt as if they were burning and freezing simultaneously. They could hardly hold themselves upright from how bad their limbs were shaking.
This was not good.
Then, as if things couldn’t possibly get worse, Atsushi’s voice floated through the door.
“Sigma? What happened?”
Sigma gasped for breath, beginning to lose the strength in his arms. Not now, Atsushi can’t see them like this…
“I-I’m fine…” they managed between breaths.
“Can I come in?” Atsushi asked, his voice going up at the end like it does when he’s worried.
“…No, It’s okay, I’m…” Sigma’s voice trailed off into a whimper as they sat up and were slammed with more dizziness.
Then the door opened, and Sigma felt a warm arm around them, holding them upright just as they began teetering over.
“What happened to you?” Atsushi asked again, using his other hand to brush Sigma’s hair out of their face. “You’re shaking again.” He spoke quickly, voice wavering.
Sigma found themselves holding back tears for the second time that evening, but they swallowed them down and took in a shaky breath. “Nothing, I just… the bath…” they gasped. Their throat kept constricting, they could hardly breathe.
Atsushi hummed nervously. “Can you get up?”
The very last thing Sigma wanted was to be supported by Atsushi again, letting him guide them through their own flat. Atsushi didn’t deserve this. He should be at home with Kyouka, not helping his pathetic excuse of a coworker.
Even so, Sigma really thought they might collapse if Atsushi left. Then what? Who knows how long they’d be out for? How long would it be before they could get up again?
Sigma didn’t have any choice.
The tears sprang to their eyes again as they nodded weakly. “…Okay.”
Atsushi swiped a towel from the nearby shelf and wrapped it around Sigma. “Here, I’ll go get you some clothes.” He sprang up and swiftly left, assumedly for Sigma’s bedroom.
Sigma was dumbfounded. At Atsushi, for how willing he was to help without Sigma needing to ask, and how gentle he was while doing it. But mostly at themselves, for being so fragile and useless, only able to get themselves in the worst situations, completely unable to take care of themselves properly.
At that point Sigma couldn’t stop themselves from crying.
All of the pent-up frustration they’d been feeling throughout the day had been culminating into one giant ball, and here it was.
Once they started, they couldn’t get themselves to stop. Sigma could only breathe in harsh, rasping gasps that racked their entire body head to toe. Each time they thought they could get some actual air, they entered a hiccuping frenzy, choking on their own saliva.
Sigma really thought they were dying. Their core hurt from how violent their sobs were. They just wanted it to end.
They hugged their towel around their shoulders and attempted to rock themselves from side to side, restraining themselves from tugging on their hair.
Sigma dug their head in between their knees and cried.
Then, of course, Atsushi returned. Sigma felt their frail, trembling body be pressed against Atsushi’s strong, warm arms. They tried speaking, tried shoving him away, but they felt so weak in that moment that nothing happened. They could only sit there as Atsushi held them.
Sigma didn’t register how long it took for them to finally start calming down; it could have been a minute, it could’ve been an hour. Either way, they felt Atsushi gently guiding their head up so he could take a look at them.
Their eyes were all red and puffy, a mixture of tears and snot running down their face. Atsushi dabbed at their skin with the towel, then moved to dry off the rest of Sigma’s hair and body.
Sigma didn’t move; they let Atsushi work quickly and quietly. They still hiccuped and twitched, biting back any sort of sound when the lightheadedness returned, staying quiet when Atsushi got up to drain the bath.
Atsushi handed them the clothes he’d retrieved, then sat back and let them dress themselves. Sigma’s heart sped up as they noticed how wet his clothes were. They knew how much Atsushi disliked being wet, this must be making him uncomfortable.
Sigma held back another onslaught of tears as they pulled a shirt on. Their legs shook as they stood and dressed their bottom half, disregarding Atsushi’s presence at this point.
Sigma balled and released their fist a few times, staring straight at the floor. The intensity of what had just happened hit them like a sledgehammer, nearly knocking them off their feet.
“…Do you wanna go sit down?” Atsushi asked softly, gathering up Sigma’s discarded clothing from earlier. “I can get you something to eat again, if you want…” He was still visibly stressed; he had this one jerky hand movement he did whenever he was anxious.
Sigma would have felt nauseous again if they weren’t utterly exhausted.
“Y-yes,” they rasped, throat rubbed raw from the coughing and sobbing. They still couldn’t look at Atsushi; that lump in their throat returned if they did.
So they simply left the bathroom, mindlessly wandering back towards the couch while Atsushi put away Sigma’s clothes. The area was cleaner than it had been previously, all the plastic bottles, tissues and blankets cleared up. It hardly looked as if it had been Sigma’s refuge for the majority of the day.
They shuddered again as they figured it must have been Atsushi’s doing. Sigma sat themselves down while fighting back another sob. They remembered to breathe deeply as best they could, in and out, in and out.
Soon enough Sigma felt Atsushi sit down next to them again, holding another glass of water and a convenience store rice ball. He set them down on the table, then took a moment to look at Sigma, as if he were deciding what to do next.
Sigma tensed as they felt Atsushi lean up against their shoulder. He was warm, but Sigma had come to accept that that being warm was the reality for the time being.
They were both silent for a few minutes, Sigma using Atsushi’s breathing as a guide for their own. They had stopped shivering, but they were still a little jittery from crying. Their hand trembled as it picked up the glass of water, just as it had earlier in the evening.
And just when Sigma thought they might be safe from needing to talk to Atsushi about it, he spoke.
“…Are you feeling better?”
His voice was reserved and tiny, as if he didn’t want to frighten Sigma.
They nodded. “I didn’t mean to get upset… it wasn’t your fault, I’m sorry…” they mumbled. Sigma shifted slightly, ensuring Atsushi wasn’t jostled too much.
“I’m not upset. I know you aren’t feeling well, I’m just making sure I didn’t like… do anything.” Atsushi sighed, then gasped slightly as he felt Sigma take his hand. Their grip was incredibly weak and shaky.
“You didn’t do anything,” Sigma told him, a desperate edge to their voice. “I was just being pathetic and whiny—“ They broke off into a coughing fit, leaving Atsushi to rub their leg while they spluttered into their elbow.
“Look at me,” Atsushi told them once they had recovered. Sigma paused, not sure they wanted to. They were afraid of what they might see. Of what they might hear.
“Please.” Atsushi spoke quietly, rubbing his thumb up and down the back of Sigma’s hand.
So they did. Atsushi’s mouth turned up into a slight, relieved grin. “God, I was so worried.”
Sigma immediately glanced away again, feeling that guilt spreading through their chest again. Bile rose in the back of their throat. “Why…? You didn’t need to come over.” They sniffled, cursing their congestion to the moon and back.
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I’ve never seen you sick before, I didn’t know whether you’d, uh… be okay?” Atsushi winced as he finished speaking, as if he immediately regretted that entire sentence. Sigma only blinked at him wearily. They were honestly so tired they weren’t taking in half of what Atsushi was saying.
“Anyway!” Atsushi turned abruptly and sat back against the couch. “Um, I brought you more food. The, uh, rest is in the fridge, so…” he trailed off and cleared his throat.
Sigma took another sip of their water and set it down. They were hungry now, but so, so exhausted and drained. They felt bad for leaving the rice ball, but keeping their eyes open was a struggle.
“Can I just sleep?” they whispered.
“Mm?” Atsushi sat up a little. “Oh, yeah, if you’re tired… you would be, huh…?” Sigma saw him scrunch his eyes and shake his head quickly (Sigma’s noticed he does that when he’s embarrassed).
“Thank you,” Sigma mumbled, seconds before laying his head on Atsushi’s lap.
“Oh, you’re sleeping here. Okay, yeah, that’s fine, I was thinking you were going to your room, but…”
Atsushi put a hand on Sigma’s still-damp hair, brushing through it lightly before moving his hand to their shoulder. He rubbed it gently, waiting for Sigma’s sniffling and coughing to die away until he was sure they were asleep.
Then Atsushi fished out his phone (as carefully as possible) and texted Kyouka he’d be coming home late.
But for now, he could afford to stay with Sigma just a little longer.
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aranciafiamma · 1 year
Boy in the Ice pt. 3
1:26 p.m.
"Hail, fair maidens!"
Ochako stops mid-stride, sharing a look with her friends. They turn in sync to take in the stranger approaching them. He has light brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a black blazer paired with jeans. Overall, he looks average save for the touch of foreign in his features. Except the definition of foreign gets more and more abstract these days, with all kinds of folk immigrating to Japan, and all the ways a quirk can mutate someone's looks. So maybe this guy is Japanese. Ochako can't say for sure. But he definitely feels out of place.
"Is he talking to us?" Ochako murmurs to Jiro. She gets a clueless shrug for an answer. Biting her lip, Ochako feels her stomach squeeze, as if she was attempting to levitate a heavy load.
School let out early today and with the long weekend starting tomorrow, they now have a chance to go shopping. Everyone is missing some kind of necessity - shampoo, soy sauce, socks, etc. And with all the craziness lately, they agreed that something normal and boring would be nice.
The plan was to head downtown, snag a few snacks, check out any new stores, maybe even play a couple rounds of dress up. Even if they never bought a single shirt, they always had a good laugh trying on new outfits. Ochako had been looking forward to that. But one look at this stranger and she knew that things are about to go sideways.
They're halfway across campus when this guy calls out to them. So he got past the gates somehow, and sure, he could have been invited in by someone. Except it's after school on the eve of a long weekend. There aren't even any makeup classes or club meetings because of the holiday coming up. The campus is deserted except for the handful of staff to supervise the dorm students (and their new guests). If Ochako was a gambling kinda girl, she would bet good money that their guests have something to do with this random dude walking around their campus.
"How goes the day?" The stranger asks, and wow. He sure sounds like an extra from those ancient samurai movies. Seriously, no one talks like that.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" Good ol' Yaomomo, always on top of things - they would be a wreck and likely dead without her.
"Pardon me, I have been far too forward. I am Basil, at your service."
"Basil who?" Mina pipes up, hands on her hips.
"I am a friend of Lord Sawada. He is currently enjoying your hospitality."
"Sawada?" Ochako echoes, frowning. "So you're friends with Tsuna-san?"
There it is. She totally called it.
"Pray, may I know if you reside on these grounds?"
"Why you asking?" Jiro lifts her chin and pins Basil with a needle-point glare. "And why are you here? Did Tsuna-san call you? Do the teachers know that you're here?"
"Peace. Peace. I mean not to offend." Basil smiles ruefully, holding up his hands. "I am a stranger in your lands, and I call upon your aid to find my way."
"Okay… That didn't really answer Jiro-chan's questions," Tsu-chan points out. "And do you have to talk like that? It's a little hard to take you seriously."
Basil chuckles, eyes pinching in the corners. "Doubt me not, good lady. I only seek to escort Lord Sawada back to his home."
"Boss isn't here."
Ochako flinches. She whips around and finds Chrome standing a few steps away. Her hands clench into fists as she forcefully calms her startled heart. Someone needs to put a bell on Chrome-san before she induces cardiac arrest. Honestly, Ochako is reluctantly impressed. As a hero-in-training, with considerable experience in combat, her senses are keener compared to most of the general public. But somehow, Chrome-san always manages to spook her. This time, Ochako didn't even hear her coming or see her coming - as if Chrome-san appeared out of thin air. Toru-chan could learn a lot from her.
"Lady Chrome! Good fortune blesses me with your presence."
Chrome-san blinks, slow and almost sleepy. She's hard to read as always, as if her mind is out to sea, as if her body is a wisp of smoke. And okay, Ochaka has an invisible girl for a classmate so the absence of facial cues is not new to her. But it's not about what she sees and more about what she believes. The truth is that Chrome-san stands right in front of her and Ochako can't believe that she's there. Something in her brain is telling her that Chrome-san does not exist even with visual and auditory proof. It's tripping her up.
"Boss left."
"Wait, you guys can do that?" Mina cuts in, scratching her head. "Weren't you guys stuck on campus or something?"
Chrome-san shrugs.
"Would you know where he went?" Basil asks, and he sounds earnest. He must have been looking forward to seeing Tsuna-san.
Huh. Well, it has been six months - that's half a year - since Tsuna-san crash landed in their school. If Ochako had disappeared for that long then miraculously returned, her parents would have been a wreck. Nothing would have kept them away from her.
And now that she's thinking about it… Where are Tsuna-san's parents?
A sigh from Basil drags Ochako out of her head. She must have missed Chrome-san's answer or maybe Chrome-san just didn't answer. Either way, Basil looks none too happy, with his head hanging low and his shoulders slumping. An air of absolute exhaustion seems to envelope him. And oof, maybe Ochako's been getting paranoid from all the stuff that happened recently. She had no good reason to be so weird about Basil. Yeah, sure the guy talks funny but apart from the possible trespassing (which okay, that's a pretty big deal actually), Basil seems pretty polite and soft-spoken. He hasn't made threats or demands or anything to show that he's some kind of danger to her or her friends. Ochako should have been more welcoming, especially since he seems to have missed Tsuna-san terribly.
"We can help you find him, if you'd like." Ochako offers a friendly smile. "You don't know the way around, right? And we were just about to go downtown anyway. Maybe you'll find Tsuna-san there."
Basil shakes his head. "I have depended on your patience for long enough. Please excuse me."
"Are you sure?" Tsu-chan chimes in. "Because we really wouldn't mind, kero."
Basil looks them over, pursing his lips. Then his eyes drift up, locking onto Chrome-san behind them. There's a split second of something, Ochako isn't sure what. It's over before she could really think about it, and then Basil is smiling nice and wide with a lot of teeth.
"You have my sincere gratitude, gentle ladies. I am in your care."
"Sheesh," Jiro snorts. "You talk worse than Fumikage. Let's hope you two never meet."
"Chrome-san, would you like to -" Yaomomo's gasp cuts off her question.
Ochako turns and flinches hard. Chrome-san is glaring at them. For once, emotion colors her face, transforming her delicate features into something sharper, more vicious.
"Chrome-san?" Tsu-chan murmurs softly. "Is something wrong?"
Chrome-san squeezes her eyes shut, breathing in deeply. All at once, her expression flattens out, returning to its usual neutral state. She shakes her head once.
"I am not feeling well. I will be heading back to my room." Chrome-san tells them, speaking more words than Ochako has ever heard from her. "Have a good time… Stay safe."
Then she walks away, never looking back. What just happened? Something happened. Ochako considers chasing after Chrome-san, just to make sure that she's really okay. But a hand drops on her shoulder before she could make a move.
"Let's give her some space," Yaomomo whispers, barely loud enough for Ochako to hear. "We can check on her later."
Ochako bites her lip, pinching her brow. Yaomomo is right - of course, she's right. Chrome-san didn't seem to want any company, the exact opposite actually. Ochako should leave her alone. But… The hero-in-training couldn't shake the dread curdling in her gut.
"Shall we hasten to the market?" Basil asks them. "Daylight is fading and I would not like to burden you for too long."
Ochako sucks in a deep, steadying breath. Then she nods at Yaomomo. Together, they face Basil with polite grins.
"You aren't a burden, Basil-san."
"Yep, yep. C'mon now, let's head on out!"
The group makes their way off campus, strolling down the side streets, making idle chatter. They learn that Basil taught himself Japanese, studying the language through classic Samurai films. He tells them that his boss helped somewhat, but only encouraged his archaic way of phrasing. At this point, Basil is fully aware that he sounds funny but in truth, he prefers old-fashioned speech. He feels more distinguished and sophisticated - completely unlike how he speaks in his native tongue.
Of course, this confession prompts all the girls to ask for a demonstration. A blushing Basil obliges them with several phrases in Italian. To their clueless ears, Basil sounds polite and soft-spoken, nothing unusual. But he assures them that if he had said this to a fellow Italian, they would be throwing punches before the last word left his lips.
Their chatter is cut short when they reach downtown. A thick layer of tension blankets the main street as agitated shoppers skirt around a massive crater embedded in the road. Police tape already surrounds the affected area with a few officers nearby, taking statements and offering assurances. Making note of all that, the girls tug Basil towards their favorite café where their familiar faces encourage the waitress to share all the shocking details.
A fireball fell from the sky. Everyone ran. But before a hero could arrive at the scene, the fire died out, revealing a boy without any clothes. Wisps of smoke rose from his bare skin as he kneeled in the crater. No one dared approach except for a loud, angry blond. Mean sparks danced between his fingers as he yelled at everyone to stay back and mind their own business. He had jumped down and crouched next to the boy, exchanging a few words, before he hauled him over his shoulder like a sack of rice. The two didn't wait for a hero or even police to help, simply walked away and out of sight. A few tried to stop them with well-intentioned queries, but the blond had a glare that could cut through metal. As for everyone else, well… they didn't want to buy trouble, not even in a shopping district. The boys were long gone by the time police showed up.
Ochako squeezes her eyes shut. At her side, Tsu-chan lets out a long, belabored sigh. Yaomomo requests for a table.
Once they were all seated, the girls share a look the way only intimate friends could. Jiro lets out a chuckle. Tsu-chan slips out a giggle. Mina barks out a laugh. When Yaomomo and Ochako join in, they're in full blown hysterics.
Of course! Why wouldn't Bakugou be involved? It just had to be someone from their class. Honestly, 1-B does not find half the bullshit that they seem to crash into on a weekly basis. They're all such problem children, ergo problems keep finding them. If Aizawa-sensei survives this year without losing his sanity, he would accomplish a miraculous feat.
"Um, I beg your pardon." Basil raises his hand, like a student asking a question. "I aim not to shorten your mirth. I simply wish to know about this Bakugou fellow."
"He's a crazy tough guy!" Mina tells him.
"His default volume is loud, and he only gets louder," Jiro adds.
"Bakugou Katsuki is one of our classmates," Yaomomo explains. "He is another hero-in-training and one of the best in our class. He does get angry often but he isn't the dangerous sort. Let's just say that he can be difficult at times."
"Well, he has enough goodwill to aid that other boy," Basil replies. "That is to his credit."
Ochako blinks. "Yeah… What's up with that? I mean, I'm not saying that he wouldn't help some random kid. But I'm also not not saying that he wouldn't help some random kid."
"So then… Bakugou musta known the guy." Jiro drums her fingers on the table. "Right? That's why he went through all that trouble."
"Does Bakugou-chan know anyone with a fireball quirk? I mean, not counting Todoroki-chan, of course," Tsu-chan asks with a tilt of her head.
"Who knows…" Ochako sighs.
"Where would this Bakugou fellow take his friend - if we are to presume that the unknown boy is a friend. It seems hasty of him to leave before peace officers could intervene."
"Yeah… But Bakugou does his own thing, yanno?" Mina replies. "Especially when he thinks that he's right. Which is most of the time, bee-tee-dubs. So… huh. Where would he take the guy?"
"If I was gonna guess," Ochako chimes in. "I'd say that Bakugou would take him back to school. But we didn't see him on the way here, unless he took a different route. Except that wouldn't make much sense, since any other route would just be longer and more inconvenient."
"That is strange…" Basil hums, pursing his lips. "And… I may have the explanation."
"Oh, please share your thoughts." Yaomomo nods at him.
"Kindly note that I only have theories and nothing that can be confirmed without additional evidence. With that said, I believe that your peer came to aid Lord Sawada."
"Tsuna-san?" Ochako frowns, folding her brow. "So, wait… You think that… The guy who fell from the sky - the guy on fire - that was Tsuna-san?"
"That dude's makin' a habit out of falling from the sky." Jiro shakes her head. "This would be what? The second time he's done this?"
"It would be imperative to know Sir Bakugou's location, so that we may confirm if Lord Sawada is in his care."
Ochako studies Basil's heavy frown, the hard-set fold of his brow. She pulls out her phone and starts texting Bakugou.
"Are you messaging him?" Mina asks. "Tell him the teachers are gonna freak when they hear about this."
"Like he'd care," Jiro scoffs.
Ochako doesn't get an immediate reply but that doesn't mean anything. Bakugou isn't very responsive usually, unless he's pissed off then he sends a text every second. If he's not in the mood, he could leave someone on "read" for days. Right now, Ochako can't even tell if Bakugou looked at her message yet. Maybe he's just not on his phone. She'll have to wait a little longer to find out for sure if he's with Tsuna-san.
She tells as much to everyone around her. Mina groans. Jiro rolls her eyes. Tsu-chan shakes her head. Yaomomo orders them a round of drinks.
Basil hums a flat note. "Mayhaps, he has simply gone home."
Ochako perks up. "Oh, you're right! He doesn't live too far from here, just a few train stations away. Back when we weren't living on campus, he and Deku-kun never had so much trouble getting to school."
"He lives up north, right?" Jiro asks, crossing her arms. "He and Midoriya live close to each other. That's how they met, I heard."
"Well, I don't know how close. But they both grew up in the Orudera district and went to the same schools. That's what Deku-kun told me, at least."
"Yanno, rumors say that Bakugou's pretty rich. He's got some fancy, modern-looking house. His dad's a designer or something, right?" Mina adds.
"How do you know that?" Jiro furrows her brow.
"Oh, just gossip. Honestly, you guys should keep your ears more open. We have the biggest busybodies in our class." Mina waves her hand.
"Tooru-chan isn't a busybody!" Tsu-chan protests.
"I was talking about Aoyama," Mina cackles.
"Nevermind that now," Yaomomo speaks up. "We should focus on helping Basil-san."
"But that gives me an idea…" Ochako quickly taps her phone, sending a second message. "Maybe Deku-kun can help."
Mina peers over her shoulder. "Hey, why did you star Midoriya's message thread? Hmm?"
Ochako immediately pulls away from Mina, heat flushing her face. "No, I didn't! Shut up!"
Jiro cackles. "You're so red! You look like a tomato, Ochako-cha~an!"
Ochako balls up her napkin and throws it at Jiro. Her so-called friend dodges, continuing to laugh.
"Do you really like-like Deku-kun?" Tsu-chan asks, tilting her head.
"We will stop if you wish," Yaomomo nods. "Admittedly, teasing you is quite enjoyable. You react so cutely. But we will stop at your request."
Ochako pouts. "No, it's fine. I'm not really bothered. As long as Deku-kun doesn't hear about this, then it's fine. And honestly, I'm not that sure about… you know… feelings. We're good friends, and all that."
"Well, I ship it," Mina says. "You would make a great couple. So when you get your stuff figured out, shoot your shot girl! We're in high school! We're at the height of our hormones! We gotta maximize that teenage experience!"
There's a round of giggling agreement as Yaomomo, Jiro, and Tsu-chan express their support. Basil politely keeps quiet, studying his drink as if cola held the universe's secrets.
Ochako groans, dropping her head on the table. "You guuuuys! Somehow, I'm both incredibly embarrassed and super happy? I can't tell if you're the best or the worst!"
"Why not both?" Ochako can't see Jiro's face but a smug smirk was somehow implied in her words.
"Then what about you, Mina-chan? Do you have any crushes, kero?" Tsu-chan, officially Ochako's best friend, turns everyone's attention on someone else.
Mina clicks her tongue. "I wish! Everyone's my bro. No one has swept me off my feet. But I guess that's too much to ask from a high school boy."
"What about a high school girl?" Jiro asks.
"Same difference."
Ochako lifts her head, just in time to see a devious smile curl Jiro's lips.
"Is that a challenge?"
Inherently incapable of backing down, Mina sits up straight and slams her hands on the table. "What? Are you gonna romance me, bro?"
Jiro leans forward. "What if I did, bro?"
"Just name the time and the place, bro!"
"Tomorrow, 4pm, at that new cafe, bro!"
"Oh it's on, bro!"
"Yeah, bro!"
"Good heavens," Yaomomo murmurs. "Once those two get started, there's no stopping them."
Ochako breathes out a laugh when she hears her phone buzz. She taps the screen and finds Deku-kun's response with Bakugou's address. At her side, she notices Basil shift closer. She turns to look at him but his gaze is firmly on his drink. Again, something twists in her gut.
Wincing, Ochako whips around to face Tsu-chan. "Whoops, sorry! Did you say my name?"
Tsu-chan nods. "Did you hear back from Deku-kun?"
"Oh, um, yeah! I got the address right here…" The knot in her guts tighten. "But, you know, maybe Bakugou will reply soon. We haven't ordered any food yet. So why don't we eat first and then make our way to his house? I mean, dropping by without letting them know - that's a little rude, right?"
The words rush out of her with all the urgency of a flood. She can't explain the goosebumps dotting her skin, or the way sparks seem to dance down her spine, like she's in combat or taking a practical exam. But she's not. She's sitting at a cafe, surrounded by her friends. They're all her friends, right? Her eyes shift to the left, where Basil sits next to her.
"That… seems like a fine idea," Yaomomo agrees. "It would be unseemly to…"
"Exactly!" Ochako barely restrains herself from yelling. Honestly, Yaomomo is an angel.
"Mmhmm, and that way, we can walk Basil-kun to Bakugou-kun's place," Tsu-chan adds. Bless her. "He's new in town, so he might get lost if we only give him the address."
"I offer gratitude for your generosity." Basil nods with a serene smile, getting to his feet. "Indeed, I wish not to impede our feasting. Please excuse me as I must visit the lavatory. Kindly request delicious fare on my behalf. This will take but a brief moment."
He slides by Ochako and in that second, she notices a hard shape behind his jacket. Nowadays, with quirks so common, hardly anyone carries weaponry of any sort. But as Basil leaves, she could swear on her great-grandmama's grave that he was hiding a gun in his jacket.
But surely not, right? That's ridiculous! Guns are highly regulated in Japan, even if most people don't use firearms anymore. There's no way a visiting foreigner could come into the country with a gun on hand… No legal way at least…
"Ochako?" Mina grabs her shoulder and shakes her gently. "Hey, you look like you've seen a ghost."
"No… No… I'm just - I was seeing - My eyes were playing tricks on me."
"Wait," Jiro holds up a hand. "Did you actually see a ghost?"
"What? No!" Ochako shakes her head, pasting on a smile. "I'm fine! It's fine! Let's just get our orders going, yeah?"
The girls exchange concerned looks. Ochako ignores them, focusing on the menu. It must have been something else - some other L-shaped thing. She's jumping to drastic conclusions. It could have been a square ruler or some kind of hardware tool or hell, it could have been a boomerang! She doesn't know! She's going crazy!
The waitress stops by. She orders on autopilot - fries or whatever. The girls continue to talk, hushed now, clearly concerned about her. She offers single syllable responses, nodding once in awhile. But everyone can tell that she's not really paying attention, and she should. They're her friends! She wants to have a good time with them! But her eyes spot a wall clock on the cafe wall. And she can't stop watching the minutes tick on by and tick on by.
The food comes. Basil doesn't. They begin to eat. Ochako can see everyone is now equally on edge. They take small bites. They chew slowly with great care. Basil's seat remains empty. Ochako feels the familiar sensation of nausea, as if she tried to lift something far too heavy, far too big, far too much. She stands up.
"I'm gonna ask someone to check on Basil-san. I'll be right back."
She doesn't wait for a response. She runs to the counter, nearly tripping over her feet. She finds someone on the staff and asks if they can check the men's restroom.
"You see - um - that is, I have a friend - he's… you know… new in the country. And I'm worried that he… doesn't know the way… toilets work?" Wow. That sounds beyond stupid but she can't think of anything else to say.
The poor, confused cashier wrinkles her forehead, tilting her head to the side. "Ma'am, our restroom has been out of order since yesterday."
In a single, brutal second, Ochako knows - maybe not fully, maybe not truly - but she knows the same way she knows that gravity pulls everything down and down and down. Something terrible has begun.
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Don't send any flyers near tsuyu while she's in her swamp corner.. She's gotten very good at aiming specially with jiro throwing snacks that need to be grabbed before they hit the water
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"I thought Tsu could use some products to help get her hair back under control... she's gone through a huge growth spurt and it's reaching down her back at this point! I wanted to get her a haircut but she refused, I was just going to leave some soaps, shampoo and a bottle of conditioner for her just incase she wanted to try and clean up but when I flew over to her lily pad she hopped out and bit me!" Nejire whined lifting up her uniform to reveal a bite mark on her gut which had atleast tripled in size and was now sporting a bright blue happy trail of hair and fuzz. "The beauty contest is coming up soon and I look like a big foot!" She cried unaware the swamp would probably be getting a new member...
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fouralignments · 2 years
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It was so simple of things were the most holy or kadosh to Erik. Twigs snapped and the puffs of purplish plumes of Pampas Grass and with their silky hair brushing their legs as they passed through the trail; and mini golden sun daisies intertwined with wild wheat.
They collected some blaze red bunchberry, elderberries, huckleberries, and entire blueberry bush. Even found a black cherry tree and harvest the bark and some of the berries which he would show Pietro later how to make an effective cough syrup. Pine cones not only good for starting fires, but also edible acorns, butternuts (a cousin to the walnut, and the hickory nuts. Erik promised his son and the sun of his world a mix berry pie once they got back to the mansion.
The grounds around the mansion were surprisingly filled with so many forging plants, Charles might have to teach a survival class with all this abundance. What was even more surprisingly to Erik was that Charles came along; it didn't take him for the type. But, then again Charles was just filled with surprises.
A sharp whistle and a jolted nod to his son. Pietro stopped and in a blink he was next to him. Sinking into a squat, point to the purple four petal flower that almost looked like an orchid, "This is a violet both the petals and leaves are eatable," Before asking, "Do you want to pick some?" Pietro nodded so hard, Erik worried that his head might fall off. His little hands pulled at the flower and handed it over to Erik to put in their satchel. Charles snapped a photo.
They had been out for more than a few hours, sweat dripped the canyon of his spine. The dark blacks, blues, and purples and turtlenecks that were associated with him was transformed into billowy and loose sheer white shirt and khaki pants
Charles always followed behind him...that tricky son of bitch! Got tsu dánken! Pietro was chasing monarch butterflies so enraptured by the setting ahead of them that he remained oblivious to their relationship.
Coming to a fallen log, Erik sat down followed by Charles and Pietro was he noticed that his Dadneto was no longer behind him. Unbuckling the leather bag and brought out clear containers of raw hexagonal amber honeycomb and handed them out. opening up Pietro's.
The comb flakily soft and tender, gushing out sweet honey tasted like the first ray's of sunshine and freshly cut hey and wildflowers field. The golden liquid sticky nectar In the corners crystalized all the more sweeter for it. Erik laughed when Pietro with honey smeared all over his face and sticky fingers
This was the life he wanted for Pietro free from Shaw. To that promise land. To that land of milk and honey. zavat halav u‘dvash. To where they could all be free.
Liberation for all of mutantkind.
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ponds-of-ink · 10 months
Very Short Crackpot FNAF One-Shot: “A Conversation Between An Animatronic and An Android”
AKA “What happens when William (as Scrap-Trap) talks it up with a version of Hatsune Miku?”
The only regret I might have is accidentally making Miku OOC.
Scraptrap placed an elbow on the wormwood table. He leaned forward, though the chair opposite him was empty. His one metal ear raised and lowered, if only to keep the servos working. He would have kept an eye on the time, but no clock was present in the nearly-lightless room.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait much longer. A distant whirring sounded from the back of the room. Whitish beams of light shined in from the right corner. These beams, as if by some wondrous force, made a young woman materialize out of thin air. She sat still for a moment, as if waiting for the rest of herself to make the trip. Then, when her appearance stabilized, she simply waved and smiled. “Hello, sir,” she said in a robotic, but friendly tone. “How are you?”
“I’m mystified, quite frankly,” Scraptrap responded, his uneven eyelids raising. “Can.. you see me?”
The woman put a finger on her chin. “I think so, sir,” she answered, her tone flattening a little. “Are you the rabbit in front of me?”
”Yes, I am,” Scraptrap replied with a nod. “And you are—Forgive me if I butcher this—Ha…Hot-zune…?”
“Hatsune Miku,” the woman cut in with that ever-polite tone. She moved her finger to the corner of her mouth, as if to draw attention to it. Then, she drew out each syllable: “Ha.. tsu.. neh.. Mee.. coo”
Scraptrap bobbed his head. “So, you do pronounce the ‘e’ at the end?” he questioned. “Because I understood that the ‘e’ was silent.”
“It goes either way here in your country,” Miku shrugged. “As long as you get ‘Miku’ right, I don’t really mind.”
Scraptrap chuckled in relief. “Seeing as we’re doing introductions, I can help you pronounce my name,” he added as he leaned back in his chair. “Unless you’ve already got it down, of course.”
Miku gave a sign of appreciation. “I have got both names logged into my voice bank,” she explained. “But thank you for your consideration.”
“Of course,” Scraptrap responded casually. “Now that we’ve gotten all of that settled, I suppose I should ask you the obvious: What are you exactly? A musical artist from Japan? An android, given your voice bank system? A synthesizer come to ‘life’? I’ve been scouring the web, and I’ve been seeing conflicting reports.”
Miku straightened herself into a regal posture. “I am many things,” she replied in a proud tone. “A singer in multiple languages, a worldwide superstar, and a fashion model of sorts. But, if you want to know my true function, then I’ll put it this way; I am a tool to help artists find a voice for their song. If they cannot sing,—Or they just want to make their song sound cooler— then I step in. I am, as you said, ‘a synthesizer come to life’.”
“Fascinating!” Scraptrap exclaimed, his hoarse voice nearly cracking from the expressed shock. “I had a similar idea for my own business back in the early nineties, but I used original recordings from voice actors. You sound completely robotic to me— Which is a compliment of high regard, mind you.”
Miku grinned. “Thank you, but I do use recordings too,” she corrected before she pointed to her head. “They are all spliced syllables that my ‘head’ arranges, ranging from ‘A’ to ‘Zee’. But, since I’m from Japan, I don’t think I pronounce some of your words correctly.”
”Ha,” Scraptrap scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Don’t worry about that, Miss Miku. You’re doing very well, given where your native language. Believe me, I’m sure I’d be bungling up yours if I tried to learn it.” Then, as if some phantom voice reminded him of why they’re here, he returned to a more professional posture. “Moving on,” he continued. “Given your previous answer, does this mean that any artist can use your voice?”
“Yes,” Miku answered swiftly. “As long as they have the right software for me.”
“For any genre?”
“Yes, sir. I have even sounded as grungy as you when performing metal.”
Scraptrap raised his ear at the last remark, but pressed on. “So am I to understand that there are countless artists, ranging from multiple genres?”
“There are many ‘producers’, yes,” Miku responded with a firm nod. “That’s what we call ‘artists’ here.”
Scraptrap’s eyes shifted erratically. “I’m going to be honest with you, Miss Miku,” he said with a tremor. “I originally called you here because of general curiosity. My daughter wanted to dress up as you for Halloween, and I had no clue who you were. As we discussed earlier, I did do some research and the frenzy for knowledge grew. Now that we’ve explained some of your background and your purpose, I.. I almost want to try this whole ‘producer’ idea. F-For one song, of course.”
Miku leaned forward. “Do you want to ‘look cool’ for your daughter?” she asked with a hint of smugness.
Scraptrap rubbed the back of his stringy neck with his head. “If it’s even possible,” he admitted with a weak chuckle. “I know she respects me and all, but I feel like I might embarrass her soon enough. Especially with this whole meeting situation.”
The android giggled, putting a hand to her mouth. “Don’t ‘sweat it’, as you say here,” she answered confidently. “I’ll talk it out with my new producer, then let you know if it’s all good. If it is, then just send us the lyrics with that little teddy-bot of yours. We can take it from there.”
“In English or in Japanese?” Scraptrap asked in a daze.
“Whichever works for you. I can handle multiple languages.”
Scraptrap muttered something to the affect of ‘should’ve remembered that’ under his breath, then cleared his throat. “Then I suppose I can give you a rough guitar track, if that would help,” he suggested. “I know I’m.. limited in my ability to play now, but I’m sure it would aid your producer in his work.”
Miku bobbed her head confidently. “Sounds like a deal,” she grinned, stretching out her arm as she stood up. “Welcome to the Vocaloid world, Mister Scraptrap.”
With some effort, Scraptrap ‘shook hands’ with the ghostly figure. Though he was simply interacting with thin air, an absolute rush of joy filled within him. “Before you go, I think there’s one more topic we need to dicuss,” he added. “Am I allowed to remain anonymous for this? Or do I need a brahd new stage name?”
Miku hummed thoughtfully. “If you want credit for the idea, I’d go for the stage name,” she advised at last. “Do you have any in mind?”
Scraptrap’s eyelids raised. “What’s your country’s word for ‘Gold Rabbit’?” he asked in return.
”Gōrudousagi,” Miku replied cheerfully.
The rabbit grinned. “I think, with some alterations, that’d be a fantastic stage name,” he remarked, refraining himself from ‘hugging’ the woman. “They’ll just assume it’s some random soul helping out with the production! It’s perfect! Thank you so much!”
”You are welcome, Mister Gōrudo,” Miku finished, bowing low. “Thank you so much for having me.” Before the elder rabbit could finish, however, Miku vanished into thin air. The projector shut off with a heavy clank. Scraptrap was alone yet again.
The owner of the projector, sitting in a separate room, looked at the extensive collection of open windows on his computer. Miku sat there in the center of her screen, happily relaying one of her idle animations. With a heavy sigh, the man leaned back in his seat and looked up at the celiing. “We’re really going to be in for it now, Meek,” he grumbled with a slight drawl. “I don’t know what he’s got planned, but I’m sure it’s something that would break your little voice bank if I wasn’t in charge. Guess I’ll just wait it out until my old friend’s ready with his ‘demo’.”
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toweroftunes · 2 years
waaaaaay 😭 more than six sentences sunday ☀️
thank you for the tag as always @silluuuu!!! OKAY. as you know, I wanted to get Chapter 2 done by today (and was even writing more of it last night), but I'd rather have it be decent than rushed. that said, I'm including the beginning of this chapter below the cut because Happy New Year's and stuff!!!
anyway, please also enjoy Wes meeting Maka for technically the second time:
Turning around, Wes finally noticed that there was another person in the room. A person who was not his brother. A person who was now privy to the details of his sex life.
Not that Wes actually cared. He merely tilted his sunglasses up to the top of his head and said, “Oh. Hellooo.”
“Hello,” Maka replied.
Wes slid past Soul and sat in the seat next to Maka, extending his hand. “Wes Evans. You’ll have to excuse me, I’m usually ninety six percent less hungover, and twenty two percent more charming.”
Where the hell was he getting those numbers from? Soul briefly buried his face in his right hand. 
“I’ll take your word for it,” she said, shaking his hand. “I’m Maka.”
(Grain of salt, people. This is un-betaed):
Maka’s mouth was dry. Opening her eyes in a bleary state, she reached for the water she normally kept on her nightstand, only to find her arm falling through thin air instead. Oh, right. She wasn’t at home. She was at Soul’s place.
The dull throb of an oncoming headache spread across the left side of her skull. She pulled the blanket she was wrapped in over her face and groaned. Damn. She was supposed to get stuff done today. Ah, well, wouldn’t get to it any faster if she kept on laying there, would she?
So, Maka slowly sat up on the couch and rubbed her eyes. On the coffee table a few feet away sat a small pile of pins and ties she’d made when she let her hair down. Next to it sat her water from the night before, mostly full. She knelt on the ground and inched her way over to it. After tossing back a good portion of the glass, Maka set her elbows on the table, buried her head in her hands, and let out a soft laugh.
It was kinda funny, wasn’t it? How things turn out sometimes?
At one point or another, she texted Star that she was staying at a friend’s. She didn’t bother to see what he texted back. Probably something inappropriate or annoying, but most likely both.
Shit, her phone! Where was…ah, she’d left it in her coat.
Turning her head in the direction of where she remembered the front door to be, she stood up and stretched out. Alright then…phone, phone, phone. She hoped it was still charged. 
Walking over to the coat rack, she took in just how nice Soul’s apartment was.
‘It’s not like, super dirty or anything,’ he’d said last night. ‘But I didn’t clean before I went out tonight, ya know?’ 
Maka remembered saying something she thought was funny, but looking back was probably embarrassing, in response. ‘Are you telling me that a potato flew around your room before I came?’ 
It couldn’t have been all too bad, though, because she remembered him laughing back, fumbling with his keys. ‘Really into your internet jokes, aren’t you?’ 
‘Who isn’t?’ 
‘Yeah, well, all I’m saying is that it usually doesn’t rain, ya know?’
There were smatterings of mess here and there, but living with Star, she’d seen worse. No doubt, when she got home, there’d be a full kitchen sink to still clean up. Lamenting that fact, she admired Soul’s clean enough kitchen and its shiny, matching appliances. 
The exposed brick in the hall made her think the place might be a gut-job. Or maybe it was just meant to look that way for character, or whatever it was people liked so much about exposed brick. Either way, Soul must be paying big bucks for it. Tall ceilings, a snow-dusted balcony, and a living room large enough to comfortably fit a grand effing piano in the corner – all that was definitely more than the six seventy five a month she was paying living with Star and Tsu.
Reaching the entryway and making for her coat, she wondered not for the first time in the last twelve hours, how he actually afforded this place. In her wondering, she shoved her hands a tad too roughly into her pockets, causing the coat to fall to the floor. 
“Come on…” she muttered to herself. Kneeling down to grab the thing, she was met eye-level with a large frame covered in semi-torn bubble wrap, leaning against the wall. Peaking out at the edge of the ripped plastic, was an overly serious version of someone who looked an awful lot like Soul. 
Maka would like to say that no one could accuse her of being nosy, but the fact of the matter was that she’d been accused of such behavior more times than she could count on her fingers and toes combined. She was old enough now to accept it. So she peeled the plastic back.
NIGHT HEIST — Coming to Theaters November 12.
And there he was, face shadowed in the corner, but one hundred percent totally there.
Soul Evans. 
What…the fuck?
Maka’s hand reached back for her phone on the floor and gripped it tight in her fingers, her brain rapidly trying to recall how exactly she’d ended up spending the night with a fucking movie star without noticing she was spending the night with a fucking movie star.
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amyyythestarry · 11 months
Tsumitsu headcanons? Maybe ones where Tsukasa is being protected by Mitsuba?
Can you read minds? I’m convinced.
Because I honestly think about this all the time.
We have never seen Tsukasa at a point of where he’s weak and vulnerable, or just has a slight disadvantage, ever!
So just imagine. Let’s say Mitsuba and Tsukasa are dealing with some supernaturals. Tsukasa is as skillful as usual and Mitsuba the same, maybe trying harder than usual to impress Tsukasa ?
Then, a supernatural creeps up behind Tsukasa, while he’s maybe just analyzing the situation, or taking care of another threat.
Tsukasa feels the supernatural and definitely can act fast enough to offense the threat.
But, oh? Did Mitsuba just react faster than Tsukasa, for once, and stop the supernatural himself, from possibly hurting Tsu?
Such a sweet scenario.
I think Tsukasa would definitely be kinda shocked, to say the least. Not because he didn’t attack the supernatural before it could attack him, but because Mitsuba was the one to look after him? Wow.
For Mitsuba, he’d probably just nervously laugh it off, like he didn’t just body slam the supernatural into the wall with his skeleton-things.
In modern aus, the protection would probably be like, fighting off Tsukasa’s bullies physically and verbally.
Especially in the New Blues au. It’s an au that gives off delinquent vibes, kinda, because of how much violent acts the characters will commit, and just over all being rebellious.
Tsukasa is a bit of an influence for Mitsuba, unknowingly though.
In chapter 18 of ASHK, Kou was cornering Mitsuba and being mean.
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And he ended up getting body slammed.
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A little violent, don’t you think?
He has those tendencies.
Also, the whole cannibal thing..
In one of my other posts, the ‘Mitsuba appreciation post pt 2’, I said that I honestly didn’t sit down and think for a second that Mitsuba was a cannibal, especially since the first time he ate former No.3’s heart. I decided to put that aside.
But then when I actually thought about it, I also was like “Tsukasa definitely influenced this”.
And he actually, canonly did.
Tsukasa’s a person who doesn’t really care about a person’s wrong doings, and right doings, as long as they desire it authentically, it’s ok in his book I guess.
So when it comes to Mitsuba eating supernaturals, he doesn’t see it as a bad thing. Mitsuba desires to eat them, so Tsukasa encourages it.
All apart of the ‘liking to see the look on someone’s face when they stop holding back’ thing.
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Mitsuba obviously doesn’t like being a cannibal, but he can’t help it, and Tsukasa knows that.
But if it wasn’t for feeding him a supernatural heart, I don’t think he’d crave supernaturals as much as he does now.
So yeah, that goes on Tsukasa’s part.
But, just seeing someone you wouldn’t expect to be so… Offensive, and violent, be that and just like you. Tsukasa seeing Mitsuba be that, similar to the way he is, whether he’s aware of that or not. Just kind of shocking.
Imagine Natushiko and Sakura being there too, if possible.
Seeing Mitsuba act like that…
“Omg, look what you did shrimp..” - Natushiko.
Tsukasa would be confused, to say the least.
But it’s sweet to see because people protect the people they care about, even if for a little reason.
That would just prove that Tsukasa has an important value in people’s life, which is the knowledge he’s severely lacking.
If only it would happen in canon. I hope we get some scene like that though, just some scene of someone reminding Tsukasa that he’s valued.
That’d be sweet.
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purplebirdsees · 1 year
Warm-up: Whatever - Part 3
part 1 / part 2
… Wait. Where was the folders section again?
The main isle was a little less crowded compared to the other isles which gave me a second to breathe, but didn’t help much from my ever growing heartbeat. Remember what mom said? If you’re lost, look at the big card boards with numbers. I started to walk, head looking up at the numbers. Four: Markers, pen—five: another pen isle… seven, eight, nine…
My walks started to turn to jogs. Ten: scrapbook, stickers; eleven: glue, tape, fasteners; twelve: notebooks… I gritted my teeth; screw this, at this point I should just go on every isle. I went inside the twelfth isle, looking for something, anything, that resembles my dad. Brown hair, kinda tall… what was he wearing again? Was it green? No, that’s me… White, right? My eyes hopped back and forth with the slightest bit of brown hair. No, too long; too short… that’s a kid…
I went to the next isle. Empty. Next. One girl. Nex—it was that kid again.
I slowed down my walking, careful not to make my face show too much emotion. He glanced at me, looked at me with such a deep frown he looked almost cross-eyed, then rolled his eyes.7
What was that kid’s problem?!
Whatever, I thought, as I grabbed the nearest thing I could find, which was a hard bound notebook cover the part where I could see his face, and went back to the main hallway for the seventh, eighth time. He was probably… having a bad day, right? At least, that’s what my mom would always tell me.
'Unless they punch you or harm your body, just don't mind them, okay, Tsuzuru?' Was what she said, countless of times, which at first felt as if she was trying to dismiss the problem. At the end, though, she'll somehow catch them doing something, like make a face or say an insult. If they're lucky, she'll just give you a nasty glare, which usually resolves most cases, resulting with said kid instantly cowering towards their parents, unable to answer the question why they're upset.
If only she was here…
Then, my stomach suddenly dropped as the worst idea came into mind. What if… what if dad went home already? Maybe he forgot me, or had to go do something… or maybe there was an emergency?
I remember the drive from here to our house was quite far, I even took quite a long nap on the way here. Maybe I can ask for some help, but I barely had any money, which meant I probably had to—
‘… Yeah, I’ll be there tonight, don’t worry. No, it’s fine, you don’t have to take the job, I’ll do it… Promotion? Haha, yeah; we both know how our boss is, come on.’
… Dad?
‘Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. But… thanks for covering for me today… Why do you sound like I’m gonna die soon, you bastard. Okay, okay, I’ll see you later, don’t do anything stupid while I’m out… Yeah, sure, go tell yourself that. Okay, bye.’
I ran towards his voice, bumping on a few people along the way, but I didn’t care. He was here, he didn’t leave me. I don’t have to walk home… he’s… he didn’t…
I clung tightly onto his shirt, the pit on my stomach now going up to my throat as relief washed over me. I could feel burning on my face, my eyes, my throat.
Dad gave me a soft pat on the head. I heard a small chuckle, then he gently pushed my shoulder so that he could have me face him.
'Are you okay?'
I let out a small uhn.
For a second, he looked at me, carefully studying my face. 'Okay, let’s go.'
Dad didn’t ask me to go find the rest of the materials, and instead asked for the list. He asked if I wanted to stay in the car instead, to which I said no. Then, without much of a few words spoken, we picked out the items on the list.
Without my mom’s stories, though, I couldn’t drown out the sound of my ever growing heartbeat. Every time I saw a hint of movement at the corner of my eye, my instinct was to hide, whether it be behind a bookshelf, behind my dad, or simply covering my face.
After a while, though, as we checked out the list to see if we missed anything, the kid was nowhere in sight. Maybe they went home, I thought, as I looked around the area with little movement from my head as I can, just in case he is still here, and he finds me searching for him, god forbid. It seemed clear, I thought, as I sighed,
'Tsuzuru.' Dad beckoned, as we walked towards the cashier, nodding his head towards the notebooks and pens. “Is there something you want?”
On reflex, I shook my head.
Dad then pointed at my hands with a raised eyebrow. 'How about that one?'
Confused, I looked at my hands, then realized I was still holding the notebook I used to hide my face with. I didn’t really think much of it, not with all my anxiety making me focus solely on making myself hidden. Its cover was made out of dark green leather, with a pen attached. My heart hitched in my chest as I saw how pretty it was, and even considered his offer of buying it. I never had anything like this before, I bet it would be so nice to write on it. When I flipped it on its back to look at the price, however, my eyes widened in shock, and instantly placed it on the nearest shelf.
I shook my head again, lowering my gaze to the ground.
I looked up, and instantly felt the blood in my face drain.
The person who was before us on the cashier was the same snooty8 kid. He had the same weirdly big grin, his silver braces glaring back at me as menacing as his eyes. He then turned to his companion, who seemed to not care much about what was happening, as their whole focus was poured onto a conversation that they were having on the phone. The kid rolled his eyes, then looked back at me again with a squint and a smirk.
I looked away instantly, my relief gone. I could feel my resting heart’s steady pace spike up, every beat inching upwards my throat. I covered my mouth, afraid that it might spill out, as I felt something hot and searing rise up from my throat. I clutched my free hand onto whatever I could, which was dad’s coat.
'Hmm?' My dad asks, as he looks at me. 'Is something wrong?'
'Ahahaha, I really like this notebook brand! It’s super expensive, but mother said I can buy anything I want! Ha, ha, ha! I love my mother!'
I replied to dad with a shake of my head.
'Hmmm… I guess, I can do the rest from here.' He then patted my head twice. The snotty kid rolled his eyes. 'Do you want to stay inside the car?'
I nodded. He gave me the car keys, along with a reminder to close it once I’m inside. With one last nod, I started to head out of the store. This was a good thing, I thought at first, because then I wouldn’t need to deal with that kid again. That is, if I survive going through him first, because he was in the middle of the way towards the exit.
To avoid eye contact at all costs, I kept my eyes trained on the ground, pretending to fiddle with dad’s car keys. Every step I took, the more my ears filled with the sound of blood nervously pumping through. As I was two steps away from him, he slid himself off the way.
Was that… a peace offering? I took one, two steps, but as I was about to take my third, my foot seemed to get caught onto something. Good thing I instantly caught myself, but in the process, I had to hold onto the counter of the cashier with a loud bmp! I looked back, only to be greeted with the kid and his muffled ‘ahahahaaaaammmff’, his left foot slightly sticking out.
I stood up and ran.
Out of that place. Out of that stupid kid, and his stupid demeanor, and his stupid way of laughing, with his stupid, stupid big smirk and his stupid leg. Looking back, I wished I tripped harder on his feet, maybe even leave a big, ugly bruise, or stain his shoe. I wanted to yell at him, but all I did was ran. As I arrived near the car, panting, I gave out a frustrated, high-pitched yell, slamming my fist on the car door. The pain shot through my fist to my whole arm in an instant, as I seethed and sat down on the driveway, cradling my ever reddening knuckles.
I couldn’t bare to stand, or even look at the car. I just sat there, helplessly, blowing short breathes onto my knuckles, hoping the throbbing pain goes away. Just like mom would do it.
Pain, pain, go away! She’d say, her gentle breath warm and ticklish on raw, angry skin. As much as he would breathe on it, however, it felt like the searing hot pain got worse and worse, until his vision inevitably got blurry from tears. In a hurry, I raised my head up, willing the tears to go back to my eyes.
But after a few minutes, there was a voice that called my name. The voice got louder and louder the more they called, and as I heard footsteps grew louder, closer, I felt something big and warm wrap around my shoulder. They called out again. I let out a shaky breath. Then, I felt a thumb slowly flick the back of my earlobe.
'Come on, lets go.' The voice urged. A stubborn tear slipped past with a small sniffle, and I felt the hand go from my shoulder to my throbbing, red hand, slowly prying it open to get the keys. They then unlocked the car door, grabbed me by my armpits, lifted me up, and placed me on the seat, strapping a seat belt along with a few pats on the head.
And the tears never stopped. Big, fat droplets trickled down my red face, as the feel of dread and shame and frustration burst in my chest, like an uncontrollable and unstable bomb. Yet, tears were the only way the emotion bomb could seep its remains out, as it dripped from my face, then down, pooling on my closed fists. Well, at least the coolness of the salt water kind of helped sooth my bruising fist.
When the car stopped, dad didn’t say anything. He didn’t move either, as he stared at the driveway, his brows knitted as if he was pondering on what to do.
'… Are you okay now?' He asks, his head tilted slightly towards me with a slightly raised brow.
The question only made my eyes pool with more tears.
He sighed, the kind where it’s low and long, with a pronounced ‘haah’ as he exhaled. 'Come on, let it all out, while you’re still in the car.'
I wiped my eyes, attempting to stop it from tearing up further, but it seemed that every time I wiped the tears grew more and more consistent in quantity.
'Tsuzuru,' He started, as he rested his elbow on my car seat. 'You did the right thing not to be provoked.'
… Huh?
'I saw that kid was trying to provoke you. You didn’t try anything, to—that, you know… you didn’t do anything… aggressive.
I nodded, not really understanding the words provoke and aggressive. Those were… good things, right?
Dad then shifted in his seat, his knitted brows deepening, as if he was struggling in finding the right words. 'But… Next time, just tell me, okay? And stop crying over it.
… I-I’m sorry.
I did… I don’t like that kid.
He let out a small, amused breath, patting my shoulder. 'Don’t worry. Just promise me, once you’re old enough, you’re going to work hard to prove to that kid you’re not weak, okay?'
I nodded, wiping the last of my tears and snot with my hand.
'Now, come on, clean yourself up. Don’t show your brothers you cried okay? You’re their older brother after all; if you come back and show them that you cried over some dumb kid’s words, they’re gonna think their older brother’s weak. Here, some tissue.'
I wiped my eyes and nose, blowing onto it loudly. When I finished, dad held out a small parcel wrapped in paper.
'… You wanted this, right? Here.' I thanked him as I received it. I tore off the paper and saw that it was the same dark green leather notebook I used to hide my face with. My head snapped back at my father, who had a small smile. He patted my shoulder again, then flicked my earlobe, as I shook my head, knowing how expensive the notebook was.
'It’s not everyday I get to treat you, right?' He said. 'Just… remember what I told you, alright? We’re a family; we help each other out. Just work hard, and help your mom with taking care of everyone else. If you do that… then that notebook was worth the investment, alright?'
Mine. I beamed at the notebook, then hugged it tightly to my chest.
8 [tsz]… who added this.
too tangent-y for some reason I kept getting off topic
its ok I guess but I don’t know how to add this in with the rest of the project
too long. i think.
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quirkless-accident · 3 years
I hope you don't mind an Angsty thought but what a Fenton's bad parenting setting where Danny's going to UA and just one day kinda vanishes. He was able to keep the Ghost stuff hidden up to this point using an excuse kinda like Izuku's thats just a late in life emergence of a quirk using only a small fraction of his powers while human to get into UA. His parents find out about his ghost half tho and don't react well. Now its up to his classmates in 1-A to try and track him down.
Danny was a quiet and skittish kid who attached himself to the first people who decided to become friends with him. Which just so happened to be Midoriya, who was the most observant person in the classroom. So it's no wonder that he's the first person to point out Danny's absence come Monday morning in homeroom.
"Mr. Aizawa, do you know where Danny is?" He asks after his teacher finishes taking roll. "Is he sick or something?"
"Don't worry about it, Problem Child," Aizawa said, glancing in the corner where Midoriya knew there was a camera hidden. "I'm sure everything is fine."
Everything was most certainly not fine. All morning Shouta's stomach has been churning, threatening to throw up the jelly pack he had for breakfast.
He hasn't gotten any call or email from the Fenton parents. He texts Hizashi to see if Danny's sister showed up, but no dice. One kid not showing up was one thing, but when both were gone-especially one who made it a point to have perfect attendance-that was a problem.
So the second homeroom ends, Shouta is out the door and marching towards Nezu's office. It opens before he has the chance to knock, allowing him to keep his steady stride all the way up to Nezu's desk.
He was going to have a word with their principal.
"Midoriya, you seem quite close to Danny. Do you know where he is?" Iida asks as they sit down for lunch.
"He went to his parent's over the weekend," Midoriya answers, chewing at his bottom lip until Todoroki nudges him, a gentle reminder to stop.
"Maybe he's sick," Uraraka points out.
"Maybe, but..." Midoriya can't shake the gut feeling that something is wrong. His hero instincts are kicked into overdrive as he glances at the empty space that their missing friend usually occupies. "...I don't think so. I think something happened. I'm going to ask one of the teachers if we can go visit him later to make sure he's doing alight."
"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, Midoriya," Iida says. "We would all like to accompany you."
"That sounds wonderful, Iida."
Tsu in the end, also ends up joining them. In fact, she's the one that places a comforting hand on Midoriya's shoulder as he knocks on the Fenton's front door. Her grip is comforting and grounding, and he focuses on that as the small group waits in anticipation for the door to open.
But it never does.
Izuku strains his ears for any noise that could possibly come from inside. Footsteps, a cabinet closing, maybe some talking. But it's quiet.
Almost too quiet.
Midoriya raises his hand to knock again when they're interrupted by their homeroom teacher, who's looking at them all with a raised eyebrow.
"What are you doing here?" He asks. His face is deadpan and his voice is monotone, but Midoriya can tell by the tension in his shoulders and the way his jaw is clenched that he's just as concerned as they are.
"We're here to make sure Danny is okay," Uraraka tells him.
"We knocked, but nobody answered," Todoroki provides.
There's a long, suffering sigh from their teacher, and he seems to age a few years in a matter of seconds. He looks absolutely haggard, driving himself crazy all day with his worry. "I don't suppose I could get you to leave?" He asks, already knowing the answer. When none of them make any move to leave, he sighs again.
"Stay close to me," he instructs them, going from Mr. Aizawa to Pro Hero Eraserhead in a matter of seconds. The others shift into their own hero modes, letting instincts take over. Midoriya can feel One for All thrumming beneath his skin, begging to be released.
instead of knocking again, Aizawa picks the lock. In a matter of seconds, they're walking through the front door as quietly as they can.
The house is quiet. Too quiet, really. They know that everybody is home because the lights on the ceiling are trembling with the footsteps stomping around upstairs. Aizawa looks to Iida and Uraraka and flicks his head towards the stairs. They nod, understanding the message, before quietly floating themselves up the stairs, leaving Midoriya, Tsu, Todoroki, and Aizawa to go take care of the rest of the house.
Every single room is clear except for the one in the kitchen. Midoriya at first thought it had been some kind of closet, but when he stopped outside of it, he heard...Something. Voices, though he couldn't make them out. Some whimpering.
When he touched the handle to the door, it was ice cold. A stark difference from the rest of the house. He slowly turned the knob and opened the door, thankful that it didn't creak in the slightest.
Aizawa and the others were by his side in seconds as the voices became more clear, and the whimpering turned to muffled screams.
Aizawa pushed his students behind him as he went down the stairs first, keeping his steps light and close to the walls so he caused as little noise as possible. He gestured for Midoriya to follow, but gestured for Tsu and Todoroki to stay just in case.
As soon as Aizawa was able to see clearly into the room, he held a hand up to stop Midoriya from going down any further.
It was a lab of sorts. Sleek tiles, metal tables, and a large octagon on the far wall that was sealed with black and yellow tape. Not too far from that were Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, dressed in their usual jumpsuits with their lab coats thrown over. They were leaning over a table, poking and prodding. There was a zap, and another muffled cry of pain.
Mr. Fenton moved to the side, enough to give Aizawa a view of his student. He was strapped down to a table with a muzzle locked over his face and a collar around his neck. He was shirtless, and he was strapped up to at least half a dozen machines that were all calculating different things.
"I'll fight them," Aizawa whispered to Midoriya. "You get Danny out of here."
Midoriya gave him a determined nod. Green lightning crackled around him with his barely contained rage.
He should send him up. He should make them all leave, but Jack and Maddie Fenton were forces to be reckoned with, and with their arsenal and hostage, he needed an extra pair of hands. It was just unfortunate that those hands belonged to another student.
Aizawa activated his quirk as he leapt from the stairs. He threw his capture weapon around Jack and threw him to the side, using him as an anchor to swing himself forward. He kicked Maddie to the ground, but she rolled and recovered almost immediately.
"What the fuck are you doing to my student?" Aizawa seethed.
"He's not human, Mr. Aizawa," Maddie said condescendingly, as if she was speaking to a child. "Step aside so we ca finish our work."
Aizawa doesn't do that. Instead, he lunges. It becomes very clear very quickly that Maddie Fenton can throw a punch. She's skilled, and definitely knows her stuff when it comes to fighting, but she doesn't have the experience of an underground pro. That is ultimately what her downfall is.
When he turns around, Danny is still strapped to the table, thrashing around madly as Midoriya fights Jack Fenton. He's screaming, but nothing is intelligible because of the muzzle. It is the first thing he takes off as, and he all but smashes it into the ground before working on the other straps.
"I can-I need the collar off," Danny says. Aizawa thinks about it for a split second before complying. Danny knows what the collar does, and knows that it inhibits him in some way. If he's more worried about that than the straps keeping him down, it's probably for good reason.
Aizawa wastes no time in picking the lock on the collar, and for good measure he smashes that too.
As soon as Danny is free, he phases through the straps and makes himself airborne. He grips Midoriya's collar and yanks him out of the way, just as Jack's fists comes down. It cracks the concrete where Midoriya had been standing just moments before.
"Go!" Aizawa yells at them. Midoriya hesitates only for a moment before half dragging, half carrying Danny up the stairs.
His friend is...Not looking good. And really, that's a nice way to say it. Now that the small burst of energy is gone, his body sage against Midoriya. His skin is clammy and pale, and stained with green. There are bruises of all different shapes and sizes littering his body. On his face, there are cuts where the muzzle dug into his face, and his eyes are half-lidded, as if it's taking all of his focus to just stay awake.
When they make it to the top, Todoroki wastes no time. He wraps Danny's other arm around his shoulder and they walk him to the living room where Uraraka, Iida, and Jazz are standing. Jazz gasps, and Midoriya is grateful that she doesn't rush her injured brother. Instead, her hands cover her mouth as tears well up in her eyes.
"We have to get out of here," Uraraka says.
"Take Danny outside and call the police," Midoriya instructs, passing him off to Uraraka, who immediately uses her quirk on Danny to make him lighter. He takes off his shirt and passes it to them so that Danny at least has something to wear, before throwing himself back down the stairs to the basement.
Aizawa is still locked in combat with Jack. He's a hulking brute of a man, and he's pretty sure he's gotten a little bigger in the few minutes between this fight and Midoriya's.
He wastes no time in jumping forward, Full Cowling propelling him to the wall. He kicks Jack in the face while Aizawa erases his strength quirk. Midoriya bounces off the walls and the floor until Jack finally goes down in a large heap. Aizawa restrains him with his capture weapon, panting hard.
"Danny is safe with the others. Police and probably a paramedic are on their way," Midoriya informs his teacher. He gets a nod in response, and they wait in a tense silence until the police filter in and take the Fenton parents away.
When they emerge from the basement, Danny is passed out on Todoroki's shoulder. He's wrapped up in a shock blanket and wearing Midoriya's t-shirt. His dark hair is matted with sweat and ectoplasm.
He helps maneuver Danny onto the bed that sits in the back of the ambulance before stepped off and joining Aizawa and Midoriya.
The next couple hours are kind of a blur for Aizawa. They each give their own statements, and despite the complaints from his students, he escorts them back to the dorms before heading to the hospital himself.
Danny is unconscious still by the time he gets to his room. But that's fine. Aizawa has always been a patient man, and he wanted Danny to have a familiar, comforting face to look at when he woke up.
Besides, he had a lot of questions. And he intended to get answers.
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arlertaddict · 3 years
First Kiss
This is the first of a series of fics I’m writing called ‘A Series of Firsts’, but it can be read alone. The series will consist of the reader experiencing a different first time with different characters, and those firsts will get more intense as the series goes on. This fic is about the readers first kiss with Shouto Todoroki.
If you have any suggestions or requests about what characters, firsts, and scenarios to include, I’d love to hear them!
Summary: You’ve never been kissed. So what? It’ll happen when it happens. It’s not that big a deal. But then you get the chance to have your first kiss, and here’s how that works out.
Warnings: Much talk of kissing, the reader feels a little embarrassed, french kissing, kissing in a lot of detail.
Word count: 2.6k approx.
Characters: fem!reader, Shouto Todoroki, a lot of other characters from Class 1A are included in a conversation at the beginning.
Ao3 link.
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You’ve never been kissed. So what? It’ll happen when it happens. It’s not that big a deal.
At least, that’s what you tell yourself. And you know you’re right. It really is no big deal. But you can’t help feeling like you’re missing out when you see your friends kissing whoever they’re with, and hear about them doing even more.
It’s not like it’s weighing down on you or anything. It would just be nice to take that step so that you don’t feel like you’re falling behind everyone in terms of life experiences. Of course, you know no one would judge you. You were just so curious to find out what it would feel like to have someone’s lips press against yours.
You wanted that intimacy. You wanted that trust. You wanted to really feel that close with someone for the first time.
You assumed all of your friends from class 1A had already had their first kiss. They were definitely all nice and attractive enough. They must have so many people wishing to kiss them. There’s no way that any of them hadn’t found someone willing and worthy enough to share their first kiss with.
Your thoughts about kissing aside, you were sitting in a corner, trying and failing to read a book, but focused more on the conversation a bunch of your friends were having around you. It seemed like they were talking about whatever was on TV.
When you looked up at it, you saw a couple kissing on the sidewalk just as rain started to shower down on them.
“Aww, that’s so romantic!” Hagakure said, with what you imagined was an exaggerated swoon.
Kaminari apparently disagreed, raising his eyebrows and replying “Yeah, maybe if they weren’t in the middle of a rainstorm.”
“It does look like it would be pretty cold.” Kirishima half-heartedly backed him up.
Uraraka jumped in, saying “But wouldn’t it be worth it? That’s like, the optimal first kiss!” She gestured to the TV with a wave of her hand, trying to emphasise her point.
“I don’t know Ochaco,” Tsu began, “It might look romantic but if my first kiss was like that, I’d probably go into hibernation.”
“Nothing says ‘romance’ like basically passing out for your first kiss.” Kaminari said, around a mouthful of food.
Even Shouto’s mouth tilted up into a small smile at that.
“It’s a cute concept, but I don’t know if it would be worth getting a cold for.” Momo’s head was tilted to the side. “Maybe in Spring or Summer, but from the jackets they’re wearing, I would guess it’s Winter.”
“Okay, okay, okay! So it’s not the best first kiss in all circumstances. And it might be a little cliché.” Ashido took her chance to speak up, “but it is romantic. I had my first kiss in the rain. It’s dreamy!” She let out a sigh as she finished.
“Wait…” Kaminari drew out the word. “You told me a car drove past and splashed you with the water from the gutter!”
“Yeah, and what was that water before it ran to the gutter? Rain! So it counts.”
“I’m not entirely sure that’s how it works…” Kirishima said, and in your head, you agreed with him.
Ashido just went on as if she hadn’t heard him. “Ohh, I know! Let’s go around and all say what our first kisses were like! You’ve all already heard about mine.”
Albeit, your friends agreed, though some a bit unwillingly, eventually Ashido got her way.
Uraraka’s face was flushed, her usually pink cheeks a darker shade of red, and even Kirishima brought his arm up to scratch the back of his neck, but even if they felt a little embarrassed, they sat and waited for their turns.
You just sat there and tried to be invisible. If only you could borrow Hagakure’s quirk at a time like this.
Shouto was the only other person who seemed legitimately uncomfortable, though he was just sitting there, unmoving, and that wasn’t exactly unusual for him.
Once Sero was well into his story, you decide to take the chance to leave whilst everyone’s attention was on him.
You tried to look inconspicuous, like you were just casually leaving instead of making it obvious that you were uncomfortable with the conversation and needed out before it was your turn to tell your story.
Unfortunately, there was no way you would ever escape unnoticed. Ashido gave a call of your name and said “Hey, where are you going?”
All you thought to do was turn around and hold up your book with a wave, trying to make it seem like you just wanted to go read somewhere else, and promptly left.
You know Ashido probably just wanted you to have fun and feel included, but you really just wanted to get out of there without any comments about it and without drawing any attention to yourself.
But of course that couldn’t happen.
Maybe you should have just stayed and said that you’ve never been kissed. It kind of seemed more humiliating to be caught trying to escape like that.
Well, at least you were alone, locked in your room now.
Only a little while after, you got a text from Ashido.
‘Hey babe! I’m really sorry if I embarrassed you earlier! I shouldn’t have tried to force you to tell us anything you didn’t want to. I just wanted you to have a good time with us, but I’ll try to dial it back in the future. Let me know if you’re all good, and if you’re not, I can come to yours with some ice cream later. I’m sorry again! And I love you!!! ❤️❤️❤️’
You didn’t want to keep her waiting, so you decided to give her a quick text back.
“I’m okay, really, just heading to bed. Not really in the mood for company. Just going to read until I fall asleep. I love you too 💖’
Just after you hit send, there was knocking on your door. Maybe you took too long to reply and she just came to see you? Yeah, that’s probably it.
So when you opened the door, you were a bit shocked when you didn’t find Ashido on the other side, but Shouto.
He had a blank expression on his face, and when he saw you, his head tilted to the side.
When he didn't move to speak, you said "hey, what's up?"
"May I come in?" Straight to the point as ever.
You opened the door and gestured for him to enter.
This felt… a little odd. It's not like you didn't like Shouto, you did. You just weren't particularly close. He seemed nice, and he was even nicer to look at, but you'd never really spent time with him. He always seemed a bit aloof to you, but it's not like you went out of your way to spend time with him either.
And now he was standing in the middle of your room, glancing around and looking like he wasn't sure what to do with himself.
"Uhh, you can sit," you said, gesturing to the bed. Hopefully sitting down made him more comfortable and he didn't look as lost in your bedroom.
He walked over and sat on the edge of your bed, looking up at you like he couldn't work out what to say.
You stood in the centre of your room, not looking him in the eye, waiting for him to speak.
After a few more moments of silence, you opened your mouth to once again ask what he needed.
It was then that he spoke up. "You've never been kissed, have you?"
Oh. That's what he wanted to talk about.
He didn't seem like he was judging you at all. He asked like he was asking if you could lend him a pencil.
But you still couldn't help groaning and saying "Really? Was I really that easy to read? Everyone could immediately tell?" You couldn't help making what were probably over the top hand gestures at nothing in particular.
Shouto didn't move. He didn't bat an eye at your reaction, only saying, "you looked uncomfortable earlier," as if that explained everything.
You could only let out a long groan again, before stalking over and sitting heavily on your bed next to him. "Great. So now everyone knows I'm a prude. Fantastic." The last word was filled with sarcasm and bite. "I'm really happy about that."
"You don't sound happy." Shouto observed.
All you could do in response was let out a long exhale and close your eyes.
"I only asked because I've never been kissed either."
Opening your eyes, you didn't look at him. "You haven't?"
"Why?" You looked over at him then.
His eyes on the floor, he opened his mouth only to close it again. Then he said, "never really had the chance."
You hummed in response, as if that really answered your question.
It didn't. How could someone like him have never been kissed? He was freaking gorgeous.
"Did you want to?"
You looked at him with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Kiss someone, I mean."
It was your turn to open and close your mouth like a fish out of water. You didn't know what to say.
"Because I do."
After you managed to stop gaping and settled yourself down, you let out a little, "yes."
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. Was this… going where you thought it was?
"Okay." He didn't speak for a long time after that.
Just when you thought that's all he was going to say, he spoke up again.
"Would you want to kiss me?"
Okay, surely you were dreaming. Or your brain was short circuiting. One of the two.
"What do you mean?" You looked in his direction but didn't meet his eyes.
"Would you want to kiss me," he repeated, "because I would like to kiss you."
All you could do in the seconds after his question was blink slowly at nothing.
He… would like to… what?
Yeah, you must be dreaming.
But when you pinched your thigh to make sure, you didn't wake up.
Looking at him, you opened your mouth again, but no noise came out.
He looked at you with that head tilt again. Goddammit, that was cute.
He didn't say anything, just waited for you to answer him.
"You… would like to kiss me?"
"That is what I just said, yes." He blinked at you, still waiting.
God, what were you going to say? Uhh, yes, of course you wanted to kiss him. You wanted to kiss someone anyway, and now Shouto Todoroki was saying he wanted you to be his first kiss.
When you thought about it, you couldn't think of any reason you or any other person wouldn't want to kiss him. He was nice, seemed sweet, had a powerful quirk he'd use to help people in need, and once again, is absolutely gorgeous.
“Are you saying okay because you heard me or because you want to kiss me too?”
“Both.” The word came out breathy when you said it.
You heard him hum quietly and he looked down for a moment before looking back up at you with a small smile.
You were both silent for a moment before he turned his body towards yours on the edge of the bed.
He caught your eye with his and brought his hand up in the air. He slowly moved it towards you, and when you didn’t flinch or move away, he rested it at your collarbone. “May I?” He didn’t specify exactly what he meant, but the way his eyes flicked down to your lips for just a instant told you what his words didn’t.
You turned to face him entirely too before nodding at him. You tried to say "yes" too, but your voice didn't come out and you ended up mouthing it.
He nodded at you in return before leaning into you.
His face hovered against yours for a moment, like he was checking that you weren't going to pull back, and when you just closed your eyes, he brushed his lips against yours.
It was hardly a touch, so light that you could have convinced yourself you'd imagined it.
You didn't kiss him back, not because you didn't want to, but because the touch was gone before you had the chance.
He pulled back just a little to see how you reacted, and when you leaned in more and closed your eyes again, he moved back to kiss you again.
He pressed his lips against yours more firmly this time, and he didn't break the kiss right away.
You got to kiss him back this time. The kiss was chaste, both of your mouths closed, but you still loved the feeling of having someone so close.
When he finally pulled back, he said "Was that alri - mmmh." The question was cut off when you chased his mouth, and he hummed against you when connected yours to his again.
You couldn't help but bring your hand up to hold onto his shoulder.
Pressed together again, your lips opened just a little, and his followed your lead.
Your teeth clacked together just a little before you worked out how to kiss each other just right.
As your mouths moved together, your hand fell to his upper arm and you couldn't help but clutch onto it tighter.
His hand that wasn't rested on your collarbone moved, and he placed it on your face, his thumb brushing over your cheekbone and his palm cupping the side of your head.
He pressed his lips against yours harder, and you returned the favour.
The kiss felt like it was going on forever, but when you broke it to take a breath, you both moved back in right away.
When he spread his hand at the base of your neck, you felt a little bit brave, so you opened your mouth more and let your tongue run over his lips.
He let out a little whine at that, and let his tongue graze yours.
In between kisses, you gasped against his mouth and heard him inhale sharply. You were still clutching at each other, holding each other close.
When your lips met again, you licked at his lips and he opened them for you, letting you lick into his mouth.
You were sure he could feel your heart pounding, and you wondered if his was too.
Your tongue curled up in his mouth and swiped at the back of his teeth. You weren't sure you were doing everything right, but he seemed to like it, and if anything, your first kiss seemed like the perfect time to experiment and see what you liked and what you didn't.
When you had finished invading his mouth with your tongue, he took his turn, doing the same to you.
You could feel his tongue caress yours, and you weren't sure you were meant to like the feeling as much as you did.
You'd always thought the term 'swapping spit' was disgusting, but when your mouth was attached to Shoutos, and you could feel his tongue wet against yours, you understood how someone could find the phrase enticing.
Even though you liked the sensations of your tongues grazing, when he let his return to his mouth, you let yours do the same, going back to both having your mouths only slightly opened.
When you finally, finally, pulled back from each other, he chased your lips just once more, to press his lips against yours in one last kiss.
There was a thin strand of saliva that still connected your lips to his, and it only broke when he licked his lips.
You were both breathing heavily when your eyes caught his again.
You definitely enjoyed your first kiss. You hoped he did too.
“Was that okay?”
He was silent for a moment before the corners of his mouth twitched up into a small smile, eyes focusing on yours. “I think kissing in the rain is overrated.”
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If it's ok could you do the Yugi Twins and Tsuchigomori with a S/o who could easily know if someone is lying? (also I'm sorry I didn't realize you don't do female characters sorry if I put you out of your comfort zone Thank you)
Tsukasa, Hanako, and Tsuchigamori with a s/o who can tell lies❣︎
Warings: Lies lol
A/n: Yes it is definitely okay!
Also you didn’t push me out of my comfort zone, it’s just a I prefer to write for the boys but it’s fine!
Life has been a little busier so requests might come out shorter :(
Sorry if they do
Hope you have a great day!! Enjoy!
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Tsukasa entered the room, bright smile on his face once his eyes landed on you.
“Y/n!! You're here!!” You ran over to you, engulfing you in a big hug.
“Tsukasa…” You looked at him “Did you kill that supernatural that Sakura said not to kill?”
He looked at you shocked then to Sakura. Sakura did act more like a mother to Tsukasa then his assistant.
“Oh course I didn’t!” He pourted “Why would you think so lowly of me Y/n!”
You furrowed your eyes but he only gave you a grin. He was a great liar, but you knew it was all just a lie.
“Don’t lie to me Tsu!” You teased earning a gasp from the boy.
“Did you use your lying powers on me again Y/n?!?”
“I’m sorry Tsukasa… you can’t just kill other supernaturals…”
“What if there are bad supernaturals!?”
“Was this a bad supernatural?”
“Hmp!” He crossed his arms and turned away from you “I’m not telling you!”
You chuckled and patted his hair. He quickly smiled again and hugged you from behind.
What you couldn’t see was that his eyes went dark.
He loved you, he dearly loved you. But he does lie after all.
And some of his lies are better kept that way.
Tsukasa’s screwed
I’m sorry, but he would lie to his s/o
It’s not that he doesn’t love you, he just doesn't want to tell you some things
He would be all shocked
“Y/nnnnnn! Is this like a superpower?!”
He would think it's so cool
He would want you to use it on others all the time
“Are they lying Y/n??? I need to know!!!”
He finds it so fascinating you can do this
But if you ever use it on him
He will need to up his lying game
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“Hanako!” You called out but your smile quickly dropped when you saw him. He looked sad, tears in the corner of his eyes.
“Hanako…?” You called again which he turned to you. His eyes grew wide in shock as he tried to rub his eyes. You placed your hands on his wrist.
“Hey… you can talk to me…” You embraced him in a hug which he reluctantly accepted. 
“Are you crying about your brother?” You asked. He only stayed quiet. He knew you were trying to find out what's going on but he was scared. 
It’s not that he didn’t trust you, he just didn’t know if you would want to be with someone like him.
“Hanako… please…” You gripped his clothes and your own voice was shaky. You wanted your boyfriend to talk to you. You knew he had a bad past but you were willing to accept that.
“I’m sorry Y/n…” His voice was muffled in your shoulder. 
But the thing was, he was telling the truth there.
He was sorry.
Hanako finds this so cool
He would find it so fascinating if you catch someone lying 
He would just mentally think “That’s my girl!” and personally be so proud of you
You are like his little detective!
But when you use it on him
More specifically, when you use it to find out more about his past
He’s a bit shaken up
Because he knows there is no point lying to you
So he… doesn’t say anything
He’s to scared too
But he doesn't know what you are going to think when you know
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The spider teacher sighed as he entered his boundary. He looked exhausted. 
“Tsuchigomori? What’s wrong?” You stood up and approached the supernatural.  
“Nothing Y/n… I’m fine…” He gave you a smile but you knew he was lying.
“Tsuchi, you don’t have to lie to me, you know. Now please tell me what’s wrong.” Your words only made him chuckle. 
“I guess it's a real perk to be able to tell if someone is lying huh?” He smirked.
You brightly smiled and nodded. Even just seeing your smile makes Tsuchigomori happy. 
But that smile turned into a frown.
“It’s kinda hard to be a supernatural and a teacher. It’s stressful sometimes. And there is one boy in my class named Yugi Amane… I read his book and all but I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen to him.” Tsuchigomori looked you in the eye “And cars are scary.”
His last sentence caught you off guard but you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Cars are scary?” You giggle.
“Don’t laugh at me!” He retorted. 
“Well you are doing a great job being a supernatural teacher, I’m impressed. And I’m sure your student, Yugi, was it? I’m sure he will be fine!” You felt like you were lying to yourself with your last sentence. 
“And I won’t let those big scary cars hurt you!” You kissed his forehead. 
“Mhp, fear of cars is a totally normal fear…” He blushed and turned away. 
“But thank you, I really needed to hear that right now.”
He would find it very interesting
He would ask you how you could tell if someone is lying
He finds it so interesting and cool that you can do that
But he would never say or show that
“Hm… that's cool, it's there a reason for this?”
Whether there is or isn’t, he still thinks it’s cool
He thinks its kinda adorable whenever you point out he’s lying
He would never admit that tho! <3
Tsuchigomori and his fear of cars brought to you by the one and only…
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lalaangeldust · 3 years
I didn’t know if you write for Kirishima..? What about him and the reader are crushing on each other and they have to share a bed..please? ☺️
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[ 𝐦𝐲𝐤𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ] : IM SO SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE!!! D: my creative energy has been so drained but FINALLY after MONTHS, i got hit with motivtion and i actually had a lot of fun writing this so thank you!!! i hope you enjoy, lovely :) <3
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𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ] : fluff, fluff, and more fluff
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It was a relaxing night in the UA dorm common room.
The sweet scent of Sato's baked treats trailed delightfully from the kitchen. Denki was sitting criss cross on the floor, snickering about some video he was showing Sero while Bakugo grumped about needing to go to sleep despite doing nothing about it. Ochako, Tsu and Momo were in a braid train, pleasntly talking amongst themselves and all the while, you were curled up comfortably on the couch, enjoying the ambiance and happy to spend time around your dear classmates.
With the busy and intense life the hero course entails, it’s been harder and harder to find a moment to relax and get even the slightest bit of peace. However, the class had collectively decided to have get-together in the common room once a week at the very least to relax together. These nights can range from a movie night, to a goofy slideshow presentation, to just to a night like this. Being together simply to enjoy the others' presence and you honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
Leaning against the arm of the couch, you prop your elbow up to rest your head in the palm of your hand, allowing your eyes to flutter shut and let yourself melt into the cushions, comforted by the noise and chatter of your classmates. Before you could really let yourself slip into sleep, you feel a hand tap your shoulder, to which you open a single eye to peek at who it could be. You see a familiar spiky silhouette and you immediately perk up, lifting your head to be greeted by a bright and toothy grin.
"Hey there, gettin' sleepy?" Kirishima asks brightly.
"Nah, 'm just resting my eyes," you mumble, rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes.
"Well, that's good cus I have two muffins here that I don't wanna go to waste," the red head beamed as he offered the baked good.
You happily accept the boy's gift, your fingertips brushing with the rough surface of his briefly while taking the muffin from Kirishima's hand. A small action that didn't go unnoticed by you. As you peel the wrapping off your muffin, Kiri walks over and plops down next to you a little closer than some might be comfortable with, thighs pressing together and his broad shoulders touching lightly with yours, but you didn’t mind at all. If you’re being completely honest, Kiri’s presence comforts you, makes you feel safe, and nothing makes you more relaxed than being close to him like this.
You hum happily to yourself before taking a hearty bite out of your muffin. The deliciously rich flavor of pumpkin and spice floods your mouth, the pecan and streusel topping melting beautifully in your mouth and you can't help but let out a little noise of delight as you go to take another bite of the treat. Kiri, breaking into his own muffin, glances over at you and chuckles.
"What?" you huff at him with your mouth full, lips adorned with crumbs and he laughs once again.
"Nothing, nothing. You just have a lil' something right here," Kiri grins, pointing at where the crumbs on your cheek were on his own face. You stare at him, furrowing your brow as you try your best to follow where he was pointing but end up missing horribly.
"There..? Did I get it?" you ask and Kirishima chuckles in response.
"No, you missed completely,” he says with his usual dorky grin, “Here- let me get it," he says before leaning in, raising his hand to your face. The heel of his palm rests on your jaw as he swipes his thumb from the corner of your mouth, across your cheek.
The way he was leaning into you caused butterflies to bubble in your stomach and you internally curse yourself for it. Even after he swiped away the stray crumbs, Kirishima’s thumb lingered and warmth radiated from where his touch was. Making eye contact, he suddenly realizes what he was doing and quickly pulls away, clearing his throat as a subtle red dusts the tips of his ears.
“I got it,” he mumbles.
“Thanks,” you reply weakly, peeling off the remaining paper on your muffin, trying your best to ignore the nerves raging in the pit of your stomach.
As you continue to munch on the last bit of your muffin, Mina bursts into the common room, fuming and you'd be lying if you said you didn't appreciate the abrupt entrance to break the awkward silence.
“YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!” Mina roars, catching the attention of everyone in the common room, which was likely her intention.
“Mina-san if you could please not shout in the dorms that would be appreciated!” Iida exclaims in his usual demanding tone to which Mina disregards as she goes on to share her story.
“So this dude I was talking to ended up being a total douchebag!!” she cries out, throwing her arms out in exasperation, pink curls bouncing behind her as she stomps her way in front of the couch you and Kiri were sitting on.
“Ugh, is it horse face from general studies??” Denki interjects. Mina whips around, yellow eyes gleaming as she shoots him an icy glare before she goes on to say:
“He does not have a horse for a face!... but yes- yes it is,” and you can't help but chuckle to yourself, swallowing the last bit of your muffin as you watch the drama unfold.
“Ugh, god I knew it,” Sero scoffs, “I told you he was sketch! But you never believe me,” he huffs and Denki nods in agreement.
This is nothing new. Mina finds a new boy-toy every week now it seems like and every week she storms her way to you and anyone else willing to listen to her rant about how the boy in question happened to break her heart this time.
"I-well ok I admit I totally ignored you but he seemed nice!” Mina exclaims.
As much as you'd like to continue to listen, your eyes start to grow heavy as your muffin to settles happily in your stomach. You still try your best to fend off your sleepiness in support of your friend’s weekly crisis.
“What happened to that girl in the support course? I thought you really liked her,” Kirishima interjects.
The sound of his voice immediately shakes away the drowsy feeling fogging your head as you suddenly gain interest in the conversation again.
“I, um…” Mina’s energy bogs down for a moment as she recalls, “I did but.. Turned out she was straight and she only wanted to ‘experiment’” she says uncharacteristically dreary as she swings her leg, foot dragging on the floor.
“But that’s besides the point!” she bounces back, “You're distracting me from my story!!”
As she goes on dramatically about her texts with this “horse face”, your attention fades in and out, making it harder and harder to keep your consciousness. Eventually, your weighted eyelids win this loosing battle and you slowly close your eyes, leaning into Kirishima as the sound of Mina’s voice fades farther and farther away from you.
Kiri immediately notices and tenses up, not daring to move a muscle as he does his best to look down at you to see what you were doing. Seeing your sleeping face leaning onto his shoulder in the corner of his eye sent his heart soaring. You were leaning on him and sleeping on him. He clenches his sweats in his fist and he starts to panic on what in the hell he's supposed to do in this situation. Lean back? Pat your head? Lay you on his lap?? His mind was spinning. Although you two are arguably one of the closest pair in the class, the way you make Kiri's heart stutter and his throat go dry when you so much as looked at him is undenyable. He's smitten by you and everyone knows it. Everyone but you, rather cliche, huh?
He looks at Denki; a silent cry for help. Denki notices, eyes bouncing between your sleeping frame and Kirishima's panicked face. It takes him a moment to relaize when was going on but when he did, he gave Kiri a mischievous look, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at him. Kiri groans in annoyance, looking now to Sero for any kind of help but all Sero does is signal a thumbs up while mouthing “Good for you,” enthusiastically before going back to razzing Mina.
“Just pick ‘em up and take them to their dorm, dumbass. Not that fuckin’ hard” Bakugo grunts.
Right. Of course! That’s the manly thing to do. Kiri thinks.
Gingerly, Kirishima tucks his hand under your neck, sitting up as he uses his other to pick up the rest of your body. Effortlessly, he stands up with you in his arms, taking a moment to readjust and to his dismay, Mina notices, crying out when she sees him. Kiri whips his head around and if looks could kill, Mina would be sizzling on the floor. She immediately smacks her hands to her mouth, noticing your sleeping face.
“Sorryyy,” she whispers loudly through her fingers and Kiri nods his head in acknowledgement trying his best not to disturb you while he goes to walk out of the common room.
As Kirishima walks to the dorm elevator, careful to keep as steady as possible, he looks down at your sleeping face once again. This time with a much clearer view.
Kirishima is pretty sure this is the first time he’s ever seen you so peaceful. The way the captivating features of your face relax as he carries you in his arms flickers a warm pride in his chest, the thought of you trusting him enough to fall asleep on him only coaxing it to burn brighter. This is just about anything he could ever ask for.
Now at your dorm, Kirishima does his best to open the door, careful not to bump you into any corners as he enters your room. Gently, Kiri lowers himself to place you on your bed with a soft grunt. Afterwards, he grabs your covers without a second thought to tuck you in, adjusting your blankets and pillows to what he thinks would make you most comfortable. When he finishes, he just stands there, unsure of what to do.
What am I doing, Kirishima thinks. He runs his hand through the hairs on the back of his neck, sighing before hesitantly looking down on your sleeping frame. It isn't very manly to stare at you like this, especially when you’re so vulnerable but… how could he not? He takes a deep breath as he turns to leave your dorm but halts when he feels something loosely grip his wrist.
“Kiri..?” You yawn softly, rubbing your eye with your other hand.
“Yeah? What's wrong? Are you ok?” Kirishima questions.
“Mhm..” you mumble, voice thick from sleep, “I was just wondering if you, uh…” you pause, wondering if Kiri might react negatively to your question.
“Yeah..?” he asks earnestly.
“Could you sleep with me?” you mumble, hand slipping into his, squeezing it lightly.
Kirishima’s eyes go blank. Though the lighting in your room was dim, you could see the blood rushing up Kirishima’s face, making him nearly as red as his hair.
“I- I uh, I don't- you don't mean- uh,” the boy stammers, flustered and confused, completely taken aback by what he assumes you are suggesting.
You look at him confused, though you have to admit seeing him so flustered is kinda cute... until you realize. Oh god. You quickly slip your hand away from his, slapping it to your face. Your chest aches in embarrassment as you mentally punch yourself for being so dumb.
“Ah, no! That's not what I meant! I’m sorry I just- I meant like, sleeping in the bed with m- you know what, just forget I said anything,” you sputter out frantically before flipping on your side in shame, facing away from Kirishima.
You shut your eyes tightly wanting to shrivel into your own skin. However, you feel a body crawl over you. Settling in front of you, the weight of Kirishima’s body on the bed makes you lean closer together and you hesitantly open your eyes. Looking up bashfully, you're met with deep, crimson eyes, the reflection of the moon illuminating them beautifully.
“Like this?” he questions softly and you nod your head, heat prickling up your skin.
Kiri couldn't beleive what was happening, he felt like he was floating on a cloud as the comfort of your bed and the fragrence of your room filled his senses. He couldn't help but lean in to take in the sweet scent of your shampoo as he tried his best to settle in next to you.
You could feel his breathing, the steady rise and fall of his chest pressing on your back as he gingerly spooned you. You could tell by how stiff he was that he was nervous, unsure how to touch you and what was okay. You grab his hand and place it on your sternum and left your hand on top of his as a way to invite him in to relax. His breath hitched and you can hear the thrumming of his heart behind your head.
"Are you comfortable..?" Kiri breathed, the softness in his voice sending chills down your neck.
"Mhm," You nod in affirmation, leaning deeper into him, trying to savor this moment the best you could.
He hugged you closer, your entire presence relaxing him completely as he melted into the moment and thanking whatever god was looking down on him for this moment. His heart evened out, matching the tempo of your own. The both of you quickly falling deeply into sleep, the last thought you remember having was your hope that this all wasn't a dream.
𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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rottenshroom · 3 years
character(s): izuku midoriya x f!reader
warnings: drabble, fluff, pining, mention of alcohol use, brief mention of drug use, mostly sfw, yet another college au
word count: 1.5k
a/n: drabble i got carried away with… may or may not elaborate later… hm
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thinking ‘bout meeting izuku midoriya at a college party: he’s the cute engineering major a friend from your physics class – ochaco – introduced you to. she’d been talking him up to you for the better half of the last few weeks now. she knew that the first party of the semester was just around the corner. ochaco was determined to get you laid, and izuku clearly; she had been for months at this point.
you were just so high strung lately, which was unusual for the beginning of the semester. that kind of stress generally didn’t come until the later fall months.
despite how smart she was, ochaco could be kind of air-headed. she wasn’t always so quick to catch a clue.
you were studying in the campus library the last time she mentioned him. in the light of the day’s dying sun, filtering out of the science hall with ochaco on a tuesday evening, the pair of you made the choice to get an early start on the latest assignment you’d been given.
of course, not long into the brief study session, she started talking about him.
“he’s so sweet,” she said, flipping through scientific articles for her research paper, “you’d love him!”
you rolled your eyes at the way she gushed, focusing instead on reviewing the lecture notes in front of you. you were sure this deku – as she often referred to him – guy was all these things, but you were tired of hearing ochaco boast about him like he was some sort of sales pitch. especially when you’d already told her you weren’t really interested in being set up.
she just nodded in agreement to get you to shut up before pressing it further: “he’s really cute, too.”
you huffed in annoyance, tucking your papers into a binder. you shuffled to pack your bag, the pages of a textbook rustling as you work to close it. ochaco whined out from beside you.
“i’m sorry, Y/N,” she sighed, “it’s just– i kind of already told him i’d introduce you at the next party.”
“huh?” you asked, like you didn’t just hear her perfectly. you waited for an answer, nonetheless, and she scrambled to find one under your glare.
“he’s seen us together a few times now around campus and thinks you’re really pretty! he’s convinced you won’t talk to him unless i introduced you, so i sort of… told him i would.” she squeaked, eyes screwed shut. she’s so dramatic, you thought, folding your arms over your chest.
“you could have just said that, ‘chaco.” you said. there was a look of disappointment in your eyes that you didn’t really mean, but she didn’t have to know that.
“i know, i know! and i’m sorry i didn’t!” she said – pleaded.
“i’ll meet him. for you.” you said, sternly. in reality, you were kind of excited about the prospect of meeting someone new. you had met a few of ochaco’s friend’s before – tsu, kyoka, momo – but never izuku. you’d seen pictures on instagram of her beside a number of pretty boys – shoto, denki, tenya – but not that one. you wondered if he was just as easy on the eyes.
you never tell her this though, instead you let her think you’re a saint.
“thank you!” she clasped her hands together in prayer, like you were something to worship for your generosity. the look you spared her was one of pity, she decided, hugging you tight as thanks. you just laughed, you weren’t so sure what you had signed yourself up for but surely, if he was ochaco’s friend, he really couldn’t be that bad.
when you finally do meet him, it’s in momo yaoyorozu’s backyard on a friday night.
the night is young, sun just past the horizon, when you enter the backyard with a pack of hard cider (at mina’s request).
you’re wearing the cute little sundress ochaco let you borrow. you start to think that she might be pushing the idea of this too hard, when she becomes the center of your vision.
“Y/N!” she shouts, waving you down amongst a sea of faces. You let out a sigh of relief at the sight of her amicable smile and let your shoulders drop. standing beside her is an unfamiliar mop of curly green hair.
then your eyes meet his dazzling green ones – two big emeralds on his boyish face.
“finally!” your brunette friend says, animatedly. she stands up from the picnic table she’s sitting at to greet you. shadowing her steps is the man you assume ochaco has been eager for you to meet, though he hesitates before greeting you.
ochaco hugs you in haste before introducing you to the green haired stranger, “this is izuku.”
“nice to meet you,” he says, like that was his cue.
“and you.” you gingerly set your hand in his upturned palm, allowing his rough fingers to gently clasp around yours. he shakes your hand, brief but firm – respectful, you notice. he’s definitely the blushing virgin type, but he’s cute.
he sticks like a keychain at you and ochaco’s side throughout most of the party. during a quick game of soccer on the street out front, however, he’s quick to to join in – teaming up with kirishima against bakugou and tenya.
ochaco waggles her eyebrows at you, handing you another clear shot. she sits beside you on the curb, legs stretched out on the road.
“sooo,” she says, as the pair of you watch them, lit up by the street lamps outside. she circles a finger into your upper arm, drawing lazy figures in your skin.
“so what?” you ask, swatting her arm away, like she’s just a mosquito buzzing around you in the night.
“so what do you think of izuku?” she questions mockingly.
“you were right. he’s sweet.” you say, downing the liquor. you try not to scrunch you your nose at the taste.
“is that it?” she scoffs, as if she’s in disbelief.
“what do you want me to say, ‘chaco?”
“i want you to get laid! c’mon, you know he’s cute.” she says, hushed but still expressive. you can’t help but agree, he’s really cute.
“i need something to drink,” you laugh, avoidant of her stare. she sighs and gets up, happy to oblige.
ochaco had left the two of you alone hours ago, letting mina drag her away with some lame excuse. it was fine, you had been in good company thus far. the two of you traded stories over the bonfire out back, shared a joint with his close friend shinsou, and even exchanged contact information.
and now, you’re drunk, shameless, and barefoot on the front steps of momo’s home. izuku, from beside you, rubs your back and holds a bottle of water to your lips. the party continues inside, but from outside of the large home, the blaring music is nothing more than a muffled sound in the background.
“‘zuku,” you say, pulling away from the mouth of the bottle you’d been nursing, where a thin strand of saliva connects to your plump bottom lip. izuku can’t help but imagine what it would feel like to touch them, if they were as pillowy soft as they looked.
he’s pulled from his thoughts when you lift your left hand to cradle his cheek in your palm.
“hm?” he asks then, eyes averting your stare. he doesn’t think you’d be so forward if not for the state you’re in. you rub your thumb over his mouth and to the other side of his chin. his adam apple bobs in his throat when he swallows hard. his eyes are forced to meet yours when your thumb lands on the other side of his jaw, pinching his chin between your fingers.
“you ever been kissed?” you ask, scanning his face now that you’re in such close proximity. his eyelashes are long and curly, freckles dotted along his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. his pretty green irises glitter under the dim porch light as they settle on your lips.
“n-no,” he stutters out, voice breaking. and that’s when you kiss him, left hand snaking to the back of his neck to pull his face into yours. your tongue digs into the seam of his lips and he opens his mouth for you in compliance. it’s sloppy, but his chapped mouth feels so warm on yours. his hands find purchase on either side of your thighs, digging into the fatty flesh. he licks into your mouth with eagerness, and while it’s messy, it’s endearing. your fingers dig into his veridian curls and he moans.
he pulls away in embarrassment at the sound, a look of horror colors his face and he slaps his hands over his mouth.
“i- i’m sorry,” he apologizes, bowing his head several times in quick succession.
“no,” you giggle, “don’t be.”
then you lean in, shifting your weight from your ass to your knees to meet your lips with the shell of his ear. your breath fans over his skin, blush blooming over his face, “i wanna make you do that again.”
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© rottenshroom
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