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featherboabear · 2 years ago
me in the most excruciating abdominal pain known to humanity: They Call Me Doctor Worm. Good Morning How Are You I'm Doctor Worm. I'm Not A Real Doctor But I Am. A Real. Worm. I Am An Actual. Worm.
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orbital-junktion · 11 months ago
Hello! I'm looking for people with diagnosed PCOS to answer my anonymous survey. I'm diagnosed with PCOS and for my Biomedical Science course I'm doing my BI project on PCOS and medication. I need active participants please! Thank you :]
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rudegyaltune · 1 year ago
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Page from my PCOS Survival Guide
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bcospcos · 2 years ago
"Why on earth did they name this blog 'bcos PCOS'? What's the deal with that?”
Picture this: It's a sunny afternoon, and I'm sitting there, trying to make sense of why my hormones are staging a never-ending Broadway show. And then, it hits me: every time I try to explain why I do what I do or feel what I feel, the answer is always... "Because... PCOS."
Why did I devour that chocolate cake at 2 AM? Because... PCOS. Why do I suddenly need a nap after five minutes of adulting? Because... PCOS. Why is my hair having a dance party on the bathroom floor? You guessed it, because... PCOS!
But here's the twist, my fellow PCOS adventurers: Instead of letting our hormonal misadventures get us down, we're turning the tables. We're embracing the quirks, the curves, and the mysterious ways of PCOS with open arms (and maybe a glass of red wine).
So, whether you're here for the PCOS hacks, the hilarious anecdotes, or simply a safe space to say, "Hey, me too!" – "bcos PCOS" is where we celebrate the everyday craziness that comes with this syndrome, one blog post at a time.
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ttc-our-miracle · 2 years ago
Well Tumblr. It’s been a hot minute.
The last time I used Tumblr, I was an angsty, angry teenager. I didn’t know who I was, or how life would turn out for me. I was selfish, and scared, and alone. I was struggling in school. I was struggling with my sexuality. I was struggling with my weight. I wish 17 year old me could see me now. I wish she could see all we’ve accomplished, and all we’ve lost along the way.
But anyway…
Hello! I’m A, and I’m 26. I’m married. I’m orphaned. I have PCOS. And I’m trying to concieve my first child. If your reading this, I can only assume you and I share some kind of background, something that made the algorithm think you’d enjoy my content. And for that, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with something right now. But perhaps together, we can lighten the load.
Thank you for coming along for the ride.
I’ll talk to you soon!
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ahdaky · 2 years ago
Berdampingan Dengan PCOS
Sejak 5 bulan menikah, aku dan suami sudah cari dokter untuk tanya kenapa belum hamil-hamil. Dokter pertama bilang kalau belum setahun masih wajar dan disuruh makan-makanan bergizi aja. Jawaban yang kurang memuaskan buatku karena dia bahkan gak melakukan pemeriksaan apapun. Walaupun pulang sambil misuh-misuh karena konsultasi yang gak sampai 15 menit itu bayarnya 500ribu, kita ikutin tunggu satu tahun untuk cek ulang (tapi gamaooooo di dokter yang sama 😛).
Tahun pertama lewat, bukan dengan makan-makanan bergizi seperti yang disarankan, aku justru melewati tahun pertama dengan kenaikan berat badan sebanyak 10kg. Sepuluh kiloooo dalam setahun!!!! Selama itu pula jadwal haid jadi berantakan.
Singkat cerita tahun kedua ganti-ganti dokter, suami dicek pula kondisi spermanya (ada masalah tapi ceritanya bukan tentang itu jadi skip dulu aja). Aku juga cari-cari informasi dari siapa lagi kalau bukan dari dokter segala umat; Mbah Google. Dari sana aku self diagnose bahwa aku PCOS, tapi sekian dokter belum ada yang mendiagnosa kalau aku PCOS.
Tahun ketiga siklus haid berantakannya luar biasa. Aku bisa gak haid dalam jangka waktu 3 bulan. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk periksa ke rumah sakit besar, Mitra Keluarga. And finally menemukan dokter yang detail, saat itu aku dicek dengan USG Transvaginal, cek darah, dan suami dirujuk untuk cek pula ke dokter spesialis andrologi. Hasilnya seperti dugaanku sebelumnya; PCOS. Sel telurku buanyaaak, tapi kecil-kecil dan tidak berkembang. Dokter bilang itu bisa terjadi mungkin karena keturunan atau lonjakan berat badan yang terlalu drastis sehingga hormon-hormonnya berantakan, kerja insulin juga jadi berat, dll.
Tahun ini pernikahanku sudah 5 tahun, hampir 6. Hampir 3 tahun diagnosa PCOS itu berlalu. Saat pertama di diagnosa, aku diresepkan obat yang sama dengan penderita diabetes dan pil KB untuk menstabilkan hormon selama 3 bulan. Dokter juga menyarankan untuk turun berat badan 5-10% dari berat badan yang sekarang, olahraga, dan lagi-lagi makan makanan yang bergizi.
Obat yang dokter kasih ini cukup membantu untuk mengembalikan siklus haid jadi on track tapi sayangnya selama minum obat ini efek sampingnya lumayan menggangu. Setiap habis minum obat ini rasanya mual parah bahkan ya sampai muntah. Tiga bulan muntah-muntah tapi sambil tau kalau bukan hamil penyebabnya (karena dikasih pil KB) rasanya berat di badan berat di hati.
Sejujurnya sindrom ini cukup mengganggu terutama dari hal-hal yang terlihat secara fisik. Rambut selain di kepala tumbuh subur, terutama bulu kaki, tangan, dan ketiak. Tapi rambut di kepala rontoknya luar biasaaa. Asli, ogut takut botaaak wkwk.
Selain itu, PCOS ini bikin aku terlihat pemalas. Aku gak tau ini alasan atau bukan, tapi setelah baca beberapa testimoni penderita PCOS lainnya, ternyata kemalasanku selama ini beralasan. HAHA. PCOS ini bikin aku cepet capek, ngantukan, gampang laper, gampang cemas, stress dll. Padahal dokter menyarankan untuk turunin berat badan, tapi si hormon justru bikin kita terus bertambah gemuk.
PCOS bukan sindrom yang bisa disembuhkan, hanya saja bisa dikontrol gejala-gejalanya. PCOS bikin kita sulit hamil tapi tidak menghilangkan kemungkinannya 100%. PCOS bisa juga membuat kehamilan beresiko memiliki komplikasi seperti tekanan darah tinggi, diabetes gestasional, preeklamsia, dan keguguran dini. Terdengar menakutkan bukan?
I was dealing with this syndrome, hidup berdampingan dengan semua gejala-gejalanya, sekarang sedang berusaha berdamai dengan diri sendiri untuk menerima, juga berusaha mengontrol gejala-gejala ini. Tentu saja dengan misuh-misuh. 👋
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mosscaller · 2 years ago
Just learned that I'm apparently "intersex" due to having poly-cystic ovary syndrome.
It's under the Intersex umbrella.
I don't have a problem with it. But it's interesting.
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pureangelic69 · 2 years ago
I just wanted to add - at my age (which I’m not saying) your kids are supposed to be in high school or college.
No one tells you the difficulty of getting pregnant or the medication that you take for IVF or to help with conception.
No one tells you the heartbreak that you go through every single day, or when your period shows up and you just feel so broken.
I’ve miscarried when I was younger and I honestly thought when I was slightly older it would be easier to fall pregnant. Little did I know how wrong I would be.
Also, no one tells you about the pain you’ll experience when other people announce their pregnancy. You are just meant to smile and say congratulations.
The whole thing about you not being able to fall pregnant is total BS and it’s total BS that people ask you when you are going to start having kids.
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livefitforever · 27 days ago
🌸 Problems Women May Face Due to PCOS | Live Fit Forever 🌸
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects millions of women, leading to various health challenges. Some common issues include:
🔹 Irregular periods or no periods at all
🔹 Unwanted weight gain & difficulty losing weight
🔹 Excess facial & body hair (hirsutism)
🔹 Acne & oily skin
🔹 Hair thinning or hair loss
🔹 Fertility issues & difficulty conceiving
🔹 Mood swings, anxiety, or depression
🔹 Increased risk of diabetes & heart disease
PCOS is manageable with the right care! Consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance. 💙✨
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forumfunctionalhealth · 2 months ago
Top PCOS Treatment Options for Women in Texas
Explore top PCOS treatment options, symptoms, and medications to manage signs of PCOS and improve health effectively. Forum Functional Health in Texas.
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healthrcornersg · 3 months ago
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Lifestyle Tips for Managing PCOS - Infographic
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting many women of reproductive age, often causing symptoms like irregular periods, acne, weight gain, and infertility. Despite its prevalence, PCOS often goes undiagnosed for years. Early treatment is crucial, not just to manage symptoms but to reduce the risk of complications like diabetes, heart disease, or endometrial cancer.
Managing PCOS starts with proper medical guidance. Visit a recommended gynae in Singapore who specializes in PCOS to explore personalized treatments and lifestyle changes that can help improve your health.
Read more: https://www.drlawweiseng.com.sg/blog/managing-pcos-through-lifestyle-changes-tips-for-a-balanced-life/
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keepdiettips · 5 months ago
Learn how a tailored PCOS diet can support weight loss and help manage symptoms naturally and effectively.
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victoriaraff · 6 months ago
The PCOS Puzzle: How Ovarian Cysts Affect Insulin and Weight
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Polycystic Ovarian Condition (PCOS) influences an expected 1 of every 10 ladies of childbearing age. In spite of its commonness, many individuals are as yet uninformed about what it means for the body's usefulness, particularly concerning insulin creation and weight guideline. Here, we will be bringing a profound jump into this PCOS puzzle, unwinding the mind boggling ties that tight spot ovarian sores, insulin, and weight.
Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Condition, or PCOS as it's all the more usually known, is a hormonal problem that can influence ladies in their childbearing years. This intricate condition is set apart by the overproduction of androgens - chemicals ordinarily connected with male attributes. However, what happens when a lady's body begins creating such a large number of these chemicals? Little blisters start to frame on the ovaries. While these blisters are not unsafe essentially, they can lose the hormonal equilibrium and trigger a large group of side effects.
From sporadic feminine cycles and tireless skin inflammation to overabundance hair development, PCOS has a huge range of signs. A few ladies may likewise encounter weight gain, one more exemplary side effect of this condition. Curiously, every lady with PCOS may not display this large number of side effects. Some may just have a couple, and others might have none by any means, making it a confounding and frequently undiscovered issue.
As you keep perusing this blog, you will find out about the perplexing connection between PCOS, insulin, and weight. Understanding these relationships can give you a more clear image of this complicated problem and how to successfully oversee it.
PCOS and Its Impact on Insulin Production
Insulin, a key chemical that holds our glucose levels under control, turns into a fundamental player in the plot of PCOS. A typical curve tossed by PCOS's named as insulin obstruction. However, what precisely does that mean? Indeed, consider insulin a key. In a well-working framework, it opens our body's cells to let glucose (sugar) in, which is then utilized for energy. In any case, in the round of PCOS, insulin can't exactly open the cells as effectively as it ought to - maybe the locks are stuck.
This sticking is the thing we call insulin opposition, and it implies that glucose isn't getting into the phones as proficiently as it ought to. Thus, the pancreas, which produces insulin, is like, "Goodness! The keys are not working! I better make more." subsequently, your body winds up with an overabundance of insulin, similar to a janitor with a clanking keyring loaded with additional keys.
Presently, this would be fine if these additional keys would open the locked cells, yet they can't, tragically. All things considered, they meander around in your circulation system, causing a wide range of wickedness. This overabundance insulin doesn't simply sit inactive; it sets off a cascading type of influence, prompting further hormonal irregular characteristics that can demolish the side effects of PCOS.
Generally, the account of PCOS, insulin, and insulin opposition turns into a complex subplot in the bigger story of your body's wellbeing, adding one more layer to the generally muddled puzzle that is PCOS.
The Correlation Between PCOS and Weight Gain
At any point can't help thinking about why PCOS frequently brings along weight gain as an unwanted friend? The chemical hijinks brought about by PCOS straightforwardly influence weight the board. The insulin opposition connected to PCOS as often as possible outcomes in elevated insulin levels. Furthermore, here's where the difficulty starts - these raised insulin levels are famous for advancing fat stockpiling, in this manner bumping the scales upwards.
We should separate it further. High insulin levels have one more stunt at their disposal - they can spike your appetite levels. In this way, while you're managing a chemical party turned out badly, you could likewise end up striking the cooler more habitually than previously. Furthermore, while you're eating more, you're adding more calories and, thusly, more weight.
Be that as it may, stand by, there's something else! This grouping of occasions launches an endless loop. As you put on more weight, your body's insulin obstruction goes up an indent, prompting significantly more weight gain and further demolishing PCOS side effects. It resembles a ceaseless round of dominos, where each piece wrecks the following one in a steady chain response.
Thus, as may be obvious, the connection among PCOS and weight gain isn't simply a co-occurrence yet a mind boggling interchange of hormonal vacillations, insulin opposition, and your body's response to these changes. It's all important for a similar riddle, each piece interlocking with the other in a way that could appear to be tumultuous from the get go however checks out when considered an entirety.
Managing PCOS, Insulin, and Weight Gain
Now that we've laid out the connection between PCOS, insulin, and weight gain, the inquiry that remains is, "How would we tackle it?" While it might appear to be an overwhelming undertaking, dread not, my companions! With the right methodology and understanding, we can deal with these interlaced issues really.
Embracing a solid way of life, first and foremost, is a fabulous spot to begin. Normal actual work helps consume off additional calories as well as further develops insulin awareness, making our bodies more productive at utilizing this chemical. This double advantage can assist with holding both your weight and insulin levels in line.
Diet likewise assumes a pivotal part. Picking healthy food varieties over handled ones, keeping up with segment control, and selecting a reasonable dinner plan can fundamentally assist with directing your weight. Plus, an eating routine wealthy in fiber and lean proteins likewise keeps you satisfied for longer, in this way forestalling those craving spikes brought about by high insulin levels.
Yet, consider the possibility that way of life changes alone aren't cutting it. All things considered, that is where clinical mediations come in. Metformin, generally used to treat diabetes, has shown promising outcomes in overseeing PCOS-related insulin obstruction. This medicine helps lower insulin levels and improve the body's aversion to this chemical, overseeing weight and PCOS side effects all the more actually.
And afterward there's hormonal medicines, pointed explicitly at controlling the side effects of PCOS. These can offer help from the uneasiness brought about by hormonal uneven characters, making the excursion of overseeing PCOS a smidgen more sensible.
Thus, while the snare of PCOS, insulin, and weight could appear to be perplexing, we can unravel it one small step at a time, utilizing way of life changes, dietary changes, and clinical mediations. With an exhaustive methodology, it isn't simply imaginable, however totally feasible to deal with these perspectives.
Simply recollect, each little step you take towards a better way of life is a stage away from the grasp of PCOS, insulin opposition, and weight gain. Thus, whether it's trading out that midday nibble for a better other option or adding an energetic stroll to your day to day daily schedule, each change counts and carries you one bit nearer to effectively dealing with this intricate condition.
The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment
Getting PCOS in its beginning phases is a piece like nailing the initial not many moves in a complicated dance routine - it can fundamentally smoothen the remainder of your presentation. The equivalent goes for dealing with the side effects of PCOS and the connected weight and insulin issues. Standard clinical registrations and sharp consideration regarding any strange side effects can prompt early conclusion, permitting you to kick off your administration plan.
Early discovery of PCOS doesn't simply assist you with relieving side effects and manage your monthly cycle, it can likewise be a redeeming quality in upgrading your possibilities of ripeness. As a matter of fact, it resembles having an early advantage in a race - an opportunity to remain in front of likely barriers on your wellbeing process.
Yet, that is not where the advantages stop. Opportune recognizable proof and treatment of PCOS can likewise assist you with avoiding potential long haul unexpected issues. Recollect those additional insulin keys we talked about before? All things considered, assuming they stick around in your circulation system for a really long time, they can prompt circumstances like sort 2 diabetes and coronary illness, which are intently attached to insulin opposition and corpulence.
Hence, early location can assist you with evading these wellbeing obstacles. It resembles getting a brief look at an intricate jigsaw puzzle before every one of the pieces are dispersed. Understanding what you're managing forthright can make collecting the remainder of the riddle a ton simpler.
Basically, remaining careful about your wellbeing, focusing on normal check-ups, and treating PCOS in its underlying stages can fundamentally help your opportunities to actually deal with this condition. It's tied in with assuming responsibility for your wellbeing story, each section in turn, and guaranteeing it's a story of solidarity, flexibility, and win over PCOS. Thus, pay attention to your body, watch out for the signs, and recall - early recognition can be your best partner in this excursion.
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addonhealthcare · 9 months ago
4️⃣ Easy Tips to Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey with PCOS
1️⃣. Diet 🍽️
Know Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Use bmrcalculator.net to check. Aim for 200 calories less than your BMR for sustainable weight loss.
Protein First: Start your day with a high-protein meal. Your body needs at least 60% of your body weight in protein. ( Put pictures of protein rich breakfast with calories mentioned)
Fibre Rich Fruits & Salads: Eat them half an hour before major meals to stay full and curb cravings. Not after your meal!
Early Dinner: Finish your last meal by 7 PM. Intermittent fasting for over 14 hours helps shed fat.
2️⃣. Water 💧
Hydrate Well: Drink at least 8 glasses (150 ml each) daily. Set water alarms if you tend to forget. Remember your kidneys can only absorb 180 ml per hour rest is lost in urine.
3️⃣. Workout 🏋️‍♀️
Stay Active: Tough to hit the gym with work schedule? Do 25-30 minutes of simple cardio, 6 days a week to boost metabolism and burn fat. (Some easy to do cardio with pictures haaku)
4️⃣. Sleep 😴
Rest is Key: 6-7 hours of good sleep cuts cravings and regulates hunger hormones. Night Shifts: Avoid blue light an hour before sleep and maintain a consistent sleep schedule to set your rhythm.
Strengthen these 4 pillars and embrace a healthy lifestyle 💪✨
Pro Tip: Consult your health expert for a PCOS diagnosis at add-on Scans & Labs to manage symptoms and improve overall health.
Book an appointment for Consultation : +91 990081118. Take charge today!
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journey-of-a-shadow · 1 year ago
one thing i’ve learned ever since i started my wellness journey is appreciating the small victories.
the small victory i want to talk about is the fact i started eating breakfast every morning. there was a point in time where i’d say, “i’m just not a breakfast person”, as my excuse not to have anything in the morning. even though i was always told it is the most important meal of the day. as i got older, i’d only drink coffee for breakfast. i started preparing breakfast for myself in the mornings, and i feel so many benefits from starting this simple habit. i’m not as exhausted throughout the day. i’m not as hungry or snacking as much during the day. i don’t find myself hungry right after eating a meal. (i will credit having protein with every meal). for the first time in my life, i enjoy having breakfast in the morning.
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thehealthquora · 1 year ago
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