ttc-our-miracle · 1 year
Honestly I think that’s the hardest thing about infertility. We’re always told as teenagers how easy it is to “end up” pregnant, but no one talks about how difficult it is. And when months turn into years, and no one knows what to say to you anymore, and no one has any advice or help to offer, it’s so difficult to not give up hope.
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ttc-our-miracle · 1 year
Well Tumblr. It’s been a hot minute.
The last time I used Tumblr, I was an angsty, angry teenager. I didn’t know who I was, or how life would turn out for me. I was selfish, and scared, and alone. I was struggling in school. I was struggling with my sexuality. I was struggling with my weight. I wish 17 year old me could see me now. I wish she could see all we’ve accomplished, and all we’ve lost along the way.
But anyway…
Hello! I’m A, and I’m 26. I’m married. I’m orphaned. I have PCOS. And I’m trying to concieve my first child. If your reading this, I can only assume you and I share some kind of background, something that made the algorithm think you’d enjoy my content. And for that, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with something right now. But perhaps together, we can lighten the load.
Thank you for coming along for the ride.
I’ll talk to you soon!
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