#Our Waltz
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backpackingspace · 8 months ago
Consider young odysseus and Penelope courting by going on adventures together (committing crimes)
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ratatatastic · 2 months ago
there is nothing funnier than jameson bringing up the way mackie's dad tried to get him with tate mcrae (to which his dad subsequently deleted the tweet soon thereafter) but the damage was done and yes mackie was chirped hard for it both by fellow kitties and his other friends alike but its okay he thought it was funny either way
shame it didnt work though or so he wishes...
BMW Teammate of the Month | 1.14.25 (x)
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krems-chair · 4 months ago
Did Someone Say Running Back to Fiction to Cope??
It's probably safe to call this Me Losing My Mind over Veilguard 5/??
One of the things upsetting me the absolute most is no mention from the Inquisitor about Varric's death. Perhaps the most integral storytelling mechanism and all around champion of reluctant heroes has been taken away from us, and one of the people he was closest to doesn't feel even a little compelled to discuss him with his apprentice?
I'm still a little dumbfounded, clearly.
Even if we as fans didn't deserve better, Varric deserved better. I've always believed that the better the character, the better a death they deserve when it's their time to go.
So anyways. In my smooth pea brain, I can't reconcile a world in which Lavellan shows up with her unconditional love blazing without first confronting and resolving the fact that her love has led to the death of one of her closest friends. So it's back to the drawing (writing?) board to soothe my disappointed soul.
I saw a version of Varric's letter to a Solas-mancing Lavellan that was datamined and ran with it.
One: All the Words Unwritten
Yes, the trail went cold, but we haven’t entirely lost it. Solas left us a little farewell note. So I’m not giving up just yet. Maybe it’s gullible of me, but I know the Inquisitor feels the same: Solas isn’t too far gone to save. And she’d never forgive me if I didn’t try. But I don’t think I’m wrong here. Solas didn’t have to warn me and Harding off the chase when he could’ve killed us like the others who came after him. I don’t think he wants to do this. So, I’m taking the chance. Tell the Inquisitor…tell her I’ll bring him back.
Her first tear spatters onto the parchment. The final sentence becomes an ink-stained massacre, and she throws it far away before she can lose any more of the handwriting she’ll never again see waiting for her above the seal representing his best friend’s house. Her palms bite into the unsanded wood, welcoming the bite of pain as she shoves back from the recovered tree stump she’s been using as a desk.
Morrigan’s voice doesn’t register, hardly rises over the sound of blood rushing through her ears like an open wound. Gods, wrong comparison . But there it is, playing out against the darkness of her eyelids every time she blinks to try and stem the flow of more tears. The wound in Varric’s chest, gushing with no one to hold pressure over it, to ensure the rise and fall of his sternum until help could arrive, no one to watch his back because the woman who did it best is no longer able to. This too, is her fault, and there has hardly been a conversation in the years that followed where she hasn’t looked into Varric’s quieter, sadder eyes and wanted to beg him for a forgiveness she knows he’d have frowned at her for needing. 
It had been her job to keep him safe now, her promise to Hawke that the choice to become another martyred hero in Ferelden’s bloody history wasn’t in vain. And here was the proof at last that she was every inch the fantasy-addled fool bards wrote about when inspiration ran dry. Here was the proof that her hope was a mantle, weighing down everyone around her until there was nothing left but blurred ink and bloodstained pages in the famed Inquisitor Lavellan’s wake. 
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steelycunt · 5 months ago
a female singer will wear a floaty dress and dance a little weird when performing and people will start comparing her to kate bush meanwhile average kate bush performance was her doing some shit like this
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dollypopup · 2 months ago
Not a question per say but I thought this was an interesting Reddit post and I know you've said similar stuff in the past (https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonRants/comments/1ibjy0z/do_some_polins_even_like_colin_bridgerton/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)
Oh man, I was sick of the 'make Colin grovel/beg/suffer' nonsense all the way back in SEASON 2!!!!! It's a shame it continues to be all too prominent of a theme in Polin in general. (honestly, this is why I stopped reading and writing fics) but whoever the person who made that rant is, I wanna be friends with them! I feel like a lot of Colin fans have been outspoken about how unfairly he's treated in what should be his fandom, but because we're a minority in the fandom, we get pushed out by polin fans who just. . .don't like him? (Why they gravitate to this ship I will NEVER know) And the people talking about how 'Oh, they're not *really* Polin fans, they're Pen stans!' like. . .they're still the ones that went on Polin fics (including my own?) and talked about how Colin didn't deserve her? They still wrote so called 'Polin' fics with no pushback at all of Penelope abusing him and it being totally fine? They were all too happy to see Colin pushed to the wayside time and time again? Can't lay down with dogs and be surprised you have fleas in the morning, you know?
Like it's genuinely no surprise to me that Pen stans who hated Colin but still shipped Polin for the sake of Pen getting her prize became Nicola stans who hate Luke because they're mad that they didn't get together.
I miss the Polin that were *both* ride or die for each other in fandom. Since S2 I feel like it's just Pen being an OOC girlboss queen and Colin being her footstool in way too much of this fanbase. God forbid he have any emotion other than full fawning over her. smh
I think we go through cycles in the fandom. Maybe we're in a new era of people recognizing how toxic Polin is/was/can be and people are calling out how weird it is that the fanbase seemingly hates half the ship. But idk, I feel like this is just another person who will be pushed off to the side because though what they said was true, people just don't wanna hear it. I will always ALWAYS stand by the fact that people can write whatever they want and deserve respect in fandom. I avoid any of those fics because I try not to say negative things to or about creators. But sometimes I so badly want to be like 'if you read this from his perspective, is it a love story, or is it a tragedy?' and like. . .most of the time, from his POV in these stories, it's a tragedy. And there's really not a lot of variety (most of the stories that countered the typical 'colin begs and suffers and grovels and is called an idiot' narrative have left) so it's all there is. And you just can't help but come to the conclusion that this fandom just. . .doesn't like him.
Which sucks, he's fantastic. Polin deserves love stories where they're both treated well.
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staiyn · 6 months ago
Surprise Drawing
Firstly wanted to do the edge of the bed meme (@hands-landa), but I couldn't do it, couldn't get the poses right, so I pinpointed to pin-up girl Hans so i guess here is it.
So before, I guess this art piece is NSFW.
POV: Dieter survived the shooting and after the hospital found Hans at the Ritz, waiting for him for a reward for his loyality.
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michyeosseo · 1 year ago
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I am always indebted to you.   – It will cost quite a lot.
Honey Lee and Yoon Sa Bong as JO YEO-HWA & JANG SO-WOON
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volatile95 · 3 months ago
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Our @marshalllir original characters Alex (Lesha) and Bernard Reed (Björn)
Here is post on my wife’s telegram channel - our thoughts about another first time meeting of them in modern!AU
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heretherebedork · 2 years ago
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2023 is the year that Thai BLS waltzed and I have never been so grateful for a sudden trope emergence in my life.
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eugenedebs1920 · 6 months ago
Yes yes… We’ve all been told ‘this is the most important election blah blah’. Yet, it’s definitely up there 😬 Scientists created a grouping of planetary thresholds in order to sustain life on Earth. It is 6 out of the 9 thresholds have been breached. The ocean soaks up so much of our waste & is reaching a tipping point. The article is real informative but shocking. This year it shouldn’t be about taxes and “kitchen table” politics. This election is about the future. This election is about SCOTUS allowing the poisoning of our planet, and frankly our society. It’s about moving forward with remedying decades of neglect & polluting. KamalaHarris will address these issues. Do you think DonaldTrump, a man who thins climate change is fake, will do the same?
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thebasementgirl · 1 year ago
You came back / We never left
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helstuck · 11 months ago
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Happy 4/13! It's been a while because of work and school but we both thought we should give some LORE for the big day! So why not show off the main four humans classpects? HelsKnight - Knight of Hope EX - Mage of Void Waltz (Hels Tango) - Seer of Blood Kelp (Hels Keralis) - Page of Mind The way these four come to godtier is a very crazy story that hopefully we'll get to share, and over time we'll post the trolls classpects as well, so for now i'll leave you with a teaser on one trolls classpects! Grian - Maid of Rage
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syrinq · 9 months ago
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aka sy has to sit there for 5 minutes thinking about story-gameplay disparity related to warframe jade shadows moment
you're telling me stalker's wife (warframe, pregnant) fucking died and all he got left was a warframe baby. hence the ''can warframes get pregnant?'' was met with an ''uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe maybe not'' 6 months ago on a devstream
and now we can just go off and collect parts to rebuild a copy of his dead wife to control in battle and fight space enemies. HUH. WAIT HOLD UP THAT'S FUCKED UP CAN WE AT LEAST SUPPORT HIM IN HIS FATHERLY TROUBLES
i know some people were hoping for something lgbt-related due to its june release eg. stalker becoming transjade. but man. the second you see a polar opposite to someone else they're either 1) sworn enemies or 2) opposites attract lovers. that's How It Goes with that trope. either way what the fuck warframe pregnancy canon & ballas continues to be the worst scum in existence (unsurprising)
anyway semi-related anecdote years ago (~2018) i wanted to make an oc out of my trinity prime. right. and incorporate that into my oc worldbuilding shit, completely separated lore-wise from warframe. i end up redesigning this oc into some angel-esque themed space alien & eventually it gets to a point she's the first to ever shit out biological offspring with her regular humanoid magic-wielding husband knight. husband dies in essentially a series of unfortunate events & at present in my oc world she is a widow with fresh baby twins.
i came up with this shit in like 2018-19 that went far far off from og warframe lore. and then the fiasco of ''angel-themed space warrior shits out the first biological offspring ever and this shit insane'' hits me in the fucking ass in 2024. WARFRAME PREGNANCY CANON
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vampeliska · 1 year ago
sharing some of my max gifs because i love this movie so much HAHA
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also hello people of the christoph waltz fandom i want to be more active now does anyone care??… umm
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hang-on-lil-tomato · 11 months ago
you’ll have to go to YouTube to witness this debacle
I can’t believe it’s the same people!
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staiyn · 6 months ago
Should I post?
after i got my new phone, I thought all my old fanfics were gone, but I found them back again. Should I post on Ao3 the freaky Landstorm fic I wrote?
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Been a dead-beat parent to my Ao3 account
Or yall want it on here...I would probably embarass myself posting it on here though
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