scarsofra · 4 hours
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Malik felt his eye twitch a few times. Now he was just irritated. "At least take off your shoes when you come into someone's place, asshole," he growled, pointing to the shoes still on Bakura's feet. "You'll get scuff marks all over the marble..."
Of course, he had marble flooring.
As annoyed as he was, he hadn't yet kicked the bastard out. He didn't really know why he didn't, but maybe he didn't hate Bakura's company as much as he acted like he did.
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"I have my ways.." He smiled innocently. "I'm a thief you know? It's really easy to find a way in.." Turning away with a shrug as he looked around. "I thought you would like the surprise visit~."
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scarsofra · 4 hours
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Malik wasn't at all put off by Rima's sharp shift in mood. If anything, it intrigued him even more. "Well, if he couldn't take 'no' for an answer, sounds like he definitely deserved it," he hummed. "Should've kicked him in the balls for good measure."
He took a sip from his cocktail. "Not exactly surprised to hear that some pro heroes are dicks in real life," he added with a feigned sigh. "They let the fame and money go to their heads, and then suddenly they think they're above the rest of us..."
She kept up the smile, and friendly face while he introduced himself. Really. In most situations Rima was NOT all that aggressive. When Malik brought up what he had heard. Her eye twitched ever so slightly.
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In an instant her smile dropped.
"Pft, Yeah I already know it got recorded. That Jackass deserved it. The only thing I regret is not hitting him harder. Maybe he'll think twice next time he tries to follow after someone who decided to leave." There was a slight hiss in her voice as she talked, this time rushing to take a much larger and needed sip from her drink. The bruise on her knuckles still very visible.
"Prick." She snarled under her breath and set the glass down.
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scarsofra · 4 hours
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Malik's smile brightened for a moment before he took his seat beside Rima. "...my name's Malik," he replied. He was hesitant to give out his full name for obvious reasons.
"...Couldn't help but overhear," he added before taking another sip of his drink. "...sounds like you had a really shitty date."
The corner of his lip quirked up in an amused smirk. "You know... someone filmed you punching that guy, right? It's all over the internet."
Hazel eyes shifted to the stranger when she noticed him approached. It was instinctive to be a little apprehensive, as her bad luck had a tendency to strike at the PERFECT timing.
She could even feel the bartenders watchful gaze burning into her. Far to aware of the sort of antics Rima found herself in.
Please Universe don't kick her when she's already been kicked.
His warm smile, allowed her to relax just a little. She was just on edge because of one jackass. It wouldn't be fair to take her aggravation out on a stranger. With a small breath she shoved down the her anger, and offered Malik a soft smile. "Of course." She said it sweetly, and even gave a small nod. "MY names Rima, It's nice to meet you."
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scarsofra · 5 hours
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Malik blushed for a brief moment at the comment. "Fuck off!" he snapped. He resisted the overwhelming urge to flip Bakura off. It was damn hard.
"Better question: How the hell did you get into my apartment? I don't remember giving you a key." Not to mention, they were on the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper.
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"Long enough to hear you talking?" He stepped closer. "I didn't know you squawked..did i scare you that badly?"
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scarsofra · 5 hours
//continued from here.
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Malik shrugged. "It's the least I could do, after you know... everything..." he murmured, purposefully keeping the statement vague.
When he heard Yugi's question, he snorted. Without missing a beat, he replied, "Well, it helps fluency when you were forced to study Egyptian since birth."
He gestured down at the book Yugi was using. "Which one are you struggling with?"
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scarsofra · 5 hours
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Annnnd Malik jumped about five feet into the air.
"The fuck?!" he squawked, pivoting sharply just to glare at Bakura. "How long have you been standing there?!"
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"Or me I could be the bad vibes you're sensing..." He did just appear out of know where to startle Malik. This was his new fun past time now-
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scarsofra · 5 hours
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"So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress..."
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scarsofra · 5 hours
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Malik had a penchant for visiting bars and nightclubs whenever he had free time. Which, honestly, he didn't get much of these days. Apparently, villain life required taking a lot of useless "jobs." He didn't even get paid for his hard labor.
It was a good thing he had coffers to fall back on.
He sighed to himself as he sipped on a million dollar cocktail. There wasn't even anyone here that looked remotely interesting to talk to.
Well, that was until he turned his head and noticed her.
His eyebrow raised when he heard the woman's comment. Sounded like a date gone wrong.
Then he blinked and realization hit him like a brick. Wait a second...
Wasn't she the one in that video he was sent...?
Suddenly, a smirk of amusement crossed his lips. Well, he just had to talk to her now. With his drink in hand, he got up from his stool and ventured over closer to her side of the bar counter. "Hey," he greeted with a warmer smile. "Mind if I take this seat?" He gestured to the one beside her.
@scarsofra | Starter | Post Punch
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Rima quietly replayed the video on her phone, as she sipped the mango flavored cocktail. The coldness of the glass, helped soothe her aching hand. Knuckles still bruised from the impact from the connection to Kaiba's face.
Part of her was still seething from the encounter. Replaying the conversation and all the ways that date went wrong.
Occasionally the bartender would wander to her spot at the counter. Just to ensure she was fine. And she was. With the taste of her drink, and buzzing of the liquored, she was in a much better state. Than how she was earlier.
"I really should just give up the internet dating..." She spoke it out loud. Not really directing it to anyone specific. More just herself.
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scarsofra · 5 hours
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home - ask - rules - about - art credit
✖ independent manga canon Malik Ishtar ✖ 15 years+ rp experience, mun 25+ ✖ multifandom, multiship, multiverse ✖ discord for mutuals
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scarsofra · 6 hours
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Anonymous sent: -Sends Malik, A video of Rima, sucker punching Kaiba in the face-
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Annnnd Malik's immediately laughing. "H-holy fuck!" he exclaimed. "This is the most hilarious shit I've seen in years!"
He'd been sitting at the bar counter when his phone pinged loudly in his pocket. He wasn't sure who the hell managed to get a hold of his number, but he was glad he was able to see this gem of a video.
Served that pompous asshole right.
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scarsofra · 8 hours
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scarsofra · 8 hours
Uh...hello?? Is anyone here still alive?
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OOC: Hiii.... I decided to give this blog try number... I don't know at this point. Try as I might, I can never shake this muse. I love Malik to pieces. Even if I mostly linger in the My Hero Academia fandom, I keep coming back to him.
That said, I did finally break down and make a My Hero AU verse for him. Read about it on my about page. I honestly don't know who is left in the Yu-Gi-Oh! DM rp community, so branching out is probably the only way I can keep this blog active.
If we started a thread a year ago (or earlier), and you're interested in a thread, I'm willing to start something fresh and drop whatever we had. If you want to keep a thread we started way back when and it's still in my drafts, we can do that too.
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scarsofra · 2 years
“Oh you know I will.” Atem promised. “In more ways than one if you’re lucky.”
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“Looking forward to it~”
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scarsofra · 2 years
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“If it’s someone i would  find attractive then sure i agree with you on that..” He glances away this was awkward because one person he found attractive was no one, nope.
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Malik raised an eyebrow, noticing how flustered Bakura was suddenly getting. Did Bakura have someone in mind? He couldn’t help but be curious. 
He’d never seen Bakura like this before. It was kinda... cute? 
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scarsofra · 2 years
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“Multiple? Damn yuh steal ‘em or are yuh jus that loaded?”
The curiosity was almost enough to distract him. Almost.
“Wait, yuh ride more than bikes? Huh, kinda surprised, thought you’d be too controlling for that.”
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“I’m loaded and I like building customs,” Malik explained like it was no big deal. “It’s a hobby.”
He nearly blushed at Joey’s next accusation. “...Don’t get me wrong...I do love control...” he murmured. “I have my preferences, but maybe if I meet the right person... I’d take a ride.” 
“I mean... there is such a thing as a power bottom?” 
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scarsofra · 2 years
“Mmmmm. I’m not going to tell you when.” Atem said with a sly grin. “It’s just going to happen. Spontaneity is much more fun isn’t it?”
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Malik grinned back. “Hmm, you have a damn good point there~” he agreed. “Surprise me then~” 
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scarsofra · 2 years
“Malik, how do you think I know what this stuff means?”
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Malik shrugged. “Just a feeling I have.”
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