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Canon Malik Ishtar Blog | 18+
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scarsofra · 2 months ago
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Yeah. Former villain or not. He was going to murder Kaiba for that.
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scarsofra · 2 months ago
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Malik's eyes widened slightly. Wait... that worked?!
He moved in the direction of the kitchen. Honestly, he was indifferent if his former other personality killed other people. It wasn't like he was above murder. He just didn't wanna deal with the headache right now.
"I'm not cooking meat," he announced. "I don't even have any here."
"You have a preference for anything else? Savory or sweet?"
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He was enjoying this torment. "You are right. I can see things but also kill others around the world", he admitted.
"I simply enjoy destruction", he reminded. "If you cooked something, I could leave you for a while", he said.
"I can go find other victims too."
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scarsofra · 2 months ago
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Malik tensed for a moment when Rima walked in. This time of year made him more on edge than usual. It wasn't until he heard her voice that his shoulders relaxed.
"Hey, Rima," he greeted, trying and failing not to sound as depressed as he looked. The comment she made about his birthday made him frown a bit. "I don't really celebrate it..."
He shifted in his seat, placing his feet down onto the carpet when she began listing off the food. "You made all of that for us?" he gasped before pushing himself to his feet. He was glad for the wine. Alcohol was good on a day like this.
"You really didn't have to do all of this for me, but... thank you." He managed a half-smile and walked over to kiss Rima on the cheek. "You need any help?"
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Rima Wanders in with a cardboard box in her hands. She takes a look around and frowns.
"Well, This is NOT very birthday festive now is it." She carefully sets the box down, and begins slowly unpacking the contents.
"SO I wasn't really sure WHAT to make. I wandered by my campus's culinary club for some ideas, and they set me up with a bunch of goodies."
"Pistachio cookies, A Baklava cheese cake made with Lactose free ingredients, Tofu, and Veggie Kababs with fish, Crab, and Shrip, I also made some chicken and beef ones." She looks at the food taking note of how much there was.
"OH and WINE, because you cannot have birthday without wine."
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scarsofra · 2 months ago
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"Well, fuckin' goodie for me I guess," Malik growled back sarcastically. "Don't you have other fuckin' hobbies aside from killing people?"
"Like, you can go travel the world, and try all types of shit you never got to have when we shared my body..." He huffed. "I dunno why you're so hellbent on doing the same shit over and over."
"Like, fuck--If I cooked you something, would that make you piss off?"
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It was the exact reaction he had expected. He knew full well how anxious his former surface personality was at this time of the year and the barian enjoyed making it worse.
"Trust me there are others too", he told. "But today you are special."
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scarsofra · 2 months ago
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Malik tensed up in an instant. This was the last person he wanted to deal with right now. The bastard was right up there with the Pharaoh. Given how easily prone he was to panic attacks during this time of year... well, it was no surprise that his heartrate was already accelerating.
He threw the blanket off of himself and stood up. "Would you piss off?! Can't you go find some one else to murder today?!"
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The rogue barian knew his former other self didn't like his birthday. He however did. And the former evil side wasn't going to make their birthday anymore pleasnt. Quite opposite. He was going to make the day worse.
He appeared to the other's appartment via his portal like usual. "Happy birthday to us", he said, sarcastically and with a predatory grin.
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scarsofra · 2 months ago
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Malik sighed, bringing his knees up to his chest from under his blanket. He was on the couch, having no plans to leave his apartment until his birthday was over. His TV was on, but he was barely focused on what shitty drama was currently playing.
His siblings sent him their annual "you should try and do something good for yourself" messages that he typically brushed off. He knew that they were right, but it was much easier said than done.
He rested his chin against his knees and let out a frustrated groan. "Dammit--!"
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scarsofra · 2 months ago
Annual B-Day Event for Malik
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"Oh, great... it's my birthday..." Malik just sounded exhausted saying those words out loud.
OOC: I'm a terrible mun. I completely forgot about his b-day today. Feel free to send him things or messages, but know that Malik still hates his birthday and would rather pretend that it doesn't exist. His birthday is a day of mourning for many reasons.
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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Anonymous said: Mun, the fact you think Malik is a top……… you’re the only valid Malik fan, actually. May both sides of your pillow be cool and I hope every usb you use goes in on the first try
I've made so many vent posts about the "hikari-uke-ification" of Malik in fandom spaces. I honestly hate that for him. It makes no sense to me, considering his character in the manga.
Yami Malik is supposed to be the "top" by "default" because he's the darker half or something, so fandom collectively decided that to compensate, 'normal/dominant half' Malik must be the 'bottom' type. To me, Malik fought him every step of the way and eventually did defeat him.
A main facet of Malik's entire story is about the struggle of control. He'd have to trust a person a whole hell of a lot to willingly give up his control to them. If he's the top, then all of the control is his. It's that simple.
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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"Well the cards you wanted me to find for you might be where I'm headed..." Malik replied. "I might've ran into a bit of trouble while collecting them for you..."
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"That depends, what would I gain from helping you with this?"
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
Ask Malik questions... fill the inbox
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"I'm totally gonna regret this later..." Malik sighed. "But I'm bored, so ask me shit if you want."
OOC Note: If you ask directly from your rp blog, I will assume it's from your muse. Otherwise, please ask under anon.
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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"Hmm..." Malik had to think about this. "Not sure if you'd be the best person to bring along then. I might need back up."
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"If it's entertaining, sure", he said. "I just rather not waste venom", he explained.
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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Now that he was sure he had Bakura's undivided attention, Malik continued. "So, I need to tie up a few loose ends..."
"Turns out you can't dismantle a criminal organization overnight, and some of the criminals you hire decide to backstab or blackmail you." He gave a shrug as if the weak attempts on his life was a mere inconvenience. "A particular cell of the Rare Hunters decided to form their own group and want revenge on me. I need to go snuff it out."
He raised an eyebrow. "Should be fun?"
Oh how much he hated this moment. He had a point. He did show up. He hated how that made him appear. But they decided to reveal why they called him in the first place.
"...I'm listening."
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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Malik raised an eyebrow. "Not even just to watch?" he asked. Color him disappointed.
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"I'm a thief, not an assassin. I kill those that come to my way", he responded.
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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Malik leaned forward slightly. "I was wondering if you were up for some fun?" He smirked. "It's of the murder variety."
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"I wasn't expecting you to understand", he said. "It has to do with a new summoning method. Granted it's also what I can use for traveling", he explained.
"So what do you want?"
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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t h e    b a s i c s . (Note: Answering this as mostly peri-canon and not post-canon)
name.  Malik Ishtar || مالك بن أكرم بن ميرزا عشتار (Full: Malik ibn Ikram ibn Mirza Ishtar) nickname(s). Namu, Lord Malik, Malik-sama age.  17 (post canon, he’s 23) species. Human
p e r s o n a l .
morality. chaotic good - lawful evil religious belief. Believes in the Egyptian Gods but is not obedient to them sins.  lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath virtues.  chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice primary goals in life. to get revenge on the pharaoh for the murder of his father and become the “new pharaoh” in his place languages known. Egyptian Arabic (spoken, written), Egyptian (spoken, demotic, heretic), Japanese (written, spoken), French (spoken, written), English (spoken, written), Greek (for purposes of translating Egyptian), and German (some spoken and written). He’s in the process of learning other languages - he studies them for fun because he loves traveling. secrets. His confidence and arrogance is a lot of bluster. He’s surprisingly vulnerable and secretly has low confidence in his appearance because of his scars. quirks. very alert, tendency to pace, fusses with hair a lot when anxious savvies.  theft, lying, mental and emotional manipulation, intimidation
p h y s i c a l .
build. slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other: height.  5′11″ scars/birthmarks. the scars on his back created via a scarification ritual handed down for several millennia to preserve the pharaoh’s secrets abilities/powers. shadow magic, via item - primarily mind control restrictions. shadow magic costs souls, and can be unpredictable, mind control can wear off if someone has a strong enough will to fight it
f a v o u r i t e s .
favourite food.  koshary, vegetarian dishes favourite drink.  Turkish coffee favourite pizza topping. None. He doesn’t eat pizza given his lactose intolerance. favourite colour. Violet favourite music genre.  Pop? Anything upbeat favourite book genre.  none favourite movie genre.  thriller, paranormal favourite season.  summer favourite curse word.  fuck favourite scent.  morning dew and lilacs
f u n  s t u f f .
bottom or top.  Top loud burper or soft burper. Soft sings in the shower.  yes / no likes bad puns. yes / no
their opinion on the mun.  ❝They have good taste.❞
tagged by: @ghostofthering​ tagging: @bariankura​ @penandswords @game-weaver​ @crimsonandgoldthieves​ @divinityunleashed​ and whoever else wants to do this.
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
Bakura: Stop criticizing my dueling skills like you know more than me. Have a little faith in my strategy, won't you? Malik: Believe me, I have as little faith in your strategy as possible.
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scarsofra · 3 months ago
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"You say that like I'd know what that means," Malik replied with a snort. He wasn't exactly surprised when Bakura swiped the gold from his hand. He had plenty more where that came from.
"I haven't dueled in years, remember?"
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The thief had been sneaking around when he saw a familiar face. But why would the other want to see him? He quickly appeared and grabbed the bracelet off is hand.
"Next time, try creating an Overlay Network", he joked as a reference to XYZ Summoning he had become familiar with in order to hunt Numbers.
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