randompolykin · 2 months
you know what? I'm gonna ignore my anxiety and post this
been procrastinating making this but "here goes nothing" as they say for some reason
worried this is obvious, or everyone has been subconsciously meaning what I fear they mean
But, it's true so...
Here's to the otherlinkers
Not just the copinglinkers
But the funlinkers
The aeslinkers
The supportlinkers
The otherlinkers who are in-between those labels
The otherlinkers who feel none of those labels can describe why they link/they link for another reason
To ALL the otherlinkers
It seems like (this could just be me, idk) in a lot positivity posts saying that otherlinkers are valid and no lesser then therians, otherkins and fictionkins, there is a switch between using the term copinglink and otherlink, as if they are synonyms. But they aren't. One is a subset of the other, which includes alot more in it's definition. If you only mean copinglink, and are excluding the rest of us linkers, then say so. And if you aren't, then be a bit more careful on your wording, please. I am losing it slightly with this, my anxious brain can't handle the fact I have no idea over where everyone stands on this, yet I want to know
Otherlinkers are extremely valid and awesome, and are no less then voluntary identities. No matter why they link, only the linker gets to decide if they are any less then, with there link types, just how polykins can have kintypes that are more important to them than others, etc.
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alterhuman-culture-is · 2 months
otherlink culture is desperately wishing they would invent shape shifting so you can just be the silly guy your brain has latched onto
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alterhumannerdygoat · 3 months
to BE voluntary or to DO voluntary
I think that otherlinking would be better off being characterised by the action of crafting the link, and not just by it being a "voluntary identity".
First of all, I've come to believe that solely dividing identities by whether or not they're voluntary isn't the best method. (Other members of the community have made excellent points about that already, also just. the quoiluntary label.) It forms an artificial binary whereas in reality, being somewhere in the middle is very common. Also, in and of itself, whether or not it's voluntary doesn't necessarily have a major impact on the actual experience.
In terms of 'linking being an action, (in my experience at least), you don't simply wake up and say "I've decided to be X." You actually have to link first in order for it to really feel like part of your identity. The linking can be simple and quick, but it's still something that you do.
This may not seem like a huge change, but in my opinion it would make a lot more sense for the distinction between otherlinking and other forms of nonhumanity to be framed this way. It seems a lot more accurate to the experiences I see, and personally I prefer the perspective of focusing on the linking.
Isn't the whole point of it being voluntary that you do the voluntary?*
(PLEASEEE if you have an opinion on this share it, this is some random thoughts of mine and I love, love, LOVE talking about 'linking!!!!)
*grammar is for the weak /silly
(also I don't know how common of a perspective this is, the otherlink page on therian fandom wiki kiind of gives of these vibes, but also is quite different from how I use the term lol)
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the-undercity · 1 year
Careful With Otherlinking (May Lead To Thoughtform)
(edited as of 8/20/23 to be a little more concise, hopefully sound Less Aggressive, and revised without links for the sake of brevity)
TL;DR available at the bottom!
I'm not an expert on the subject of otherlinking. I'm simply making this post to inform people who either stumble across the community (like I did), or who may be in the community and are not already aware of the information I will be talking about here. Namely that some guides detailing how to form a linktype have a similar enough process to thoughtform creation that there may be the unintended side effect of accidentally creating a thoughtform if you are not careful with what you're doing.
The guides for forming a linktype that I have seen follow the steps of immersing yourself in things related to the linktype you are trying to work towards, which itself is very innocuous and not at all an issue! However, with communities/practices such as soulbonding, the same steps are present. The difference is whether your focus is placed internally or externally (with things such as asking in your head what your chosen linktype would prefer in certain situations, this line of thinking can particularly easily move into the "external focus" area).
With otherlinking having similar steps to something like soulbonding (the example here, and what originally made me write this post), it's no wonder that there have been reports here on Tumblr of people who ended up experiencing accidental thoughtform creation while trying to form their linktypes. The numbers are slim, but the potential does seem to be there, if their stories are to be believed!
Otherlinking itself is nothing that is any different from another alterhuman community. My intention is not to scare anyone off who is a prospective member of their community or make people in the community question what they've been doing already. My whole goal for this post is to inform people that there is the potential for an unwanted side effect like thoughtform creation. You should be aware of the effects of everything you do in life after all!
Whether or not this is a bad outcome to you, or you believe in thoughtforms at all (for those who doubt things related to the topic), the fact of the matter is that it is a serious outcome for people who otherwise may not fully understand what is going on, or what they're getting into. To put it simply, if you follow a guide to form a linktype, you expect a linktype, not another consciousness in your head!
If you're someone who writes guides for forming a linktype, it would be helpful to add a note about the possibility for this outcome in the guide, or if possible (and if you'd like to), revise any steps that might contribute to the unintended consequence. If you're someone who has linktypes or would like to get into the community, just do your best to be aware and educated! Talk to your peers, get involved, and find out what's the norm and what isn't for your experiences. There's a good chance it'll never happen to you, but do your best to understand the methods you're using and why they work the way they do. If you're someone who HAS experienced what I mentioned in the post, I implore you to reach out and ask questions! Don't hesitate to seek advice or find others who might be able to help you understand your situation better. Finally, if you're anyone else, aside from the above- perhaps even just a curious onlooker who happened to read this all the way to the end (or skipped here)- spread the word if you can! Likes and reblogs help and are greatly appreciated.
Feel free to message me questions, comments, or concerns related to this post. If you think I missed something or should have reworded anything in here, let me know! I wish the best for anyone who reads this. Thank you!
TL;DR : This is a notice about otherlinking's methods of forming a linktype being similar to methods of creating a thoughtform, and that trying to form a linktype may lead to unintentional thoughtform creation.
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linkingbonsai · 11 months
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Drawing my link types:)
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that-dreaming-dragon · 7 months
Q: Pick any animal that's not your kintype
Me: Bird, or maybe fox. What about just bird fox griffin or some sort of hybrid to that nature--*does a quick image search and saw* wait a minute--
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That's basically my linktype lmao!
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Hey, do you have any tips to make someone have shifts to their linktype?
Hi! Sorry about letting you wait so long. I wanted to wait until I can focus on giving you a proper response instead of a half-assed one.
There's a couple of things you can do! And there's a couple of shift types. I won't detail them all here, and I think the biggest ones are mental and phantom shifts. Mental shifts, as the name says, are shifts were you are in your 'type's mindset and thinking patterns. Phantom shifts are when you feel like your body physically looks like your 'type's (extra limbs, different body structure etc.). Phantom shifts, from my experience, can be more easily induced by putting yourself in your linktype's mindset, so being in a mental shift, and being mindful of your experiences.
Engaging with your images and videos of your (in case of fiction) canon or (in case of animals) natural habitat can help remind you of your linktype's mindset and get into it more easily. But be mindful of not falling into daydreams about canon events, because you're trying to make your current body feel like your linktype, and your current body ain't in canon so that causes more of a disconnect than connect (at least in my case).
You can also keep a memorabilia connected to your linktype that works as a physical reminder, like a bracelet, necklace, key charm, or a small item you can carry in your pocket or bag (be careful not to lose it if it's not attached to anything!).
Picking a clothing style that your linktype would wear can make it easier to have shifts - clothes that fit the deal make it easier to believe that you physically are the link.
You can try imitating your link's movement patterns. I mean, for example, stretching out your fingers like a cat stretching its clawed paws, u know? It can help get into the vibe.
That's all I got! Sorry again for taking so long. I hope it helps! 🦑 If someone reading this can think of something else, please add it in replies or reblogs!
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amr-alterhuman · 1 year
I might be supportlink as well as other-hearted because although I am other-hearted, I am choosing to let my kith side flourish at this point of my life “to feel a necessary emotional support which allows them me to enter a specific mindset.” It gives me a sense of wholeness, peace, joy and euphoria. =^w^=
However, this could just very well be me overthinking things and hyperanalyzing myself but right now, this is how I understand myself.
I do have lots of experiences as evidence that proves I have an alterhuman identity, it will unfold in due time. ^-^
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infinitedraconity · 2 years
Hi there, I'm an otherlinker, and I've been considering a dragon linktype, and thus was hoping you might have some advice for being more draconic based on your own experiences? Sorry if this is a weird ask, and feel free to ignore it if you want, I really don't mind, I just want to get some advice since there isn't really any resources about voluntary draconic identities out there.
Oh hey, grey friend with sunglasses!
Unfortunately, my draconity isn't voluntary, but might I point you in the direction of @sarcophobia? It is an otherlinker, and so may be able to give better and help you find resources. @linklocus also has a few resources on otherlinking that you might find helpful!
It's hard to really give catch-all advice, since dragons are so incredibly varied in how they look, act, and think. Are you wanting a western fire-and-fang dragon identity, or would you seek a more eastern-style water-and-wind approach? Or perhaps something in between, or not related to any at all? The things you do to create and connect with that identity will change depending on your answer.
As far as what I do to connect to my dragon kintypes, it depends. Hiking is a big one, as well as art, food, and consuming content related to dragons are all common ones. For my Aether dragon side, I have collections of items I love (books, instruments, crystals, tarot cards, etc.); for my Eastern side, I meditate, and step outside when the weather is inclement.
Feel free to send another ask if you wanted something more specific; otherwise, please check out the other bloggers I linked; they might be able to help you more than I can.
Wind at your back, friend!
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interstellarsystem · 4 months
Nonhuman expressions of affection are great. Purring. Exposing weak points as a show of trust. Head bonks. Preening and chewing. Nuzzling. Biting. Intertwining tails. Feeding each other. Little chuffs, chatters, beeps and squeaks. Fluffing up of feathers, fur or other things. Dancing to impress. Cleaning their fur, scales, feathers or skin. Sharing body heat. Ears pointing toward those you care about to show your full attention is on them. Slow blinking.
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dog-thing-augustus · 3 months
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i was good today but tomorrow is a different story
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banana-dawg · 4 months
✮ Techkin // userboxes :3
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alterhuman-culture-is · 3 months
otherlink culture is forgetting that such a huge part of your identity started bc you were bored and recently learned what otherlinking is
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alterhumannerdygoat · 11 months
it's so fun seeing fan content of caine now, since i have the sense of whether it's in character for me or not XD Also I've heard other fictionfolk say it, but it really is cool seeing fanart of yourself :3
Though the fandom mischaracterises me as evil WAY too much. I'm just a silly guy who doesn't fully understand the humans and does what I'm supposed to! /lh
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“but they know they're not ACTUALLY an animal or a fictional character!!! they know they're actually a human, they just-” I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU
that is an ACTUAL wolf
that is an ACTUAL fairy
that is an ACTUAL doll
and that is ACTUAL hatsune miku
that Being is ACTUALLY the Being they say they are
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linkingbonsai · 11 months
I've had phantom ears and tail almost all day, and it's so much fun:>
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