#Oshi no Ko Mother & Children
oratokyosaigunda · 4 months
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Oshi no Ko: Mother and Children illustrations
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oshi no ko ep 4 spoilers under the cut!!
ohhhhh my fucking god this scene this scene this fucking scene this will never leave my brain it’ll rot there until every star in the sky has faded what the FUCK were they thinking (affectionate)
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HE’S :((((((( A BABY. HE’S JUST A BABY. he acts so cold and detached but he loves his friends, he loves his sister, he has trouble thinking of happy moments at first but then it all just comes flowing into him!!! and it breaks my heart because i didn’t even know he could smile like this but of course he can because he’s a kid. he’s not gorou anymore. he’s his own person and that person is a high school boy who enjoys his new life even though he thinks he’s not allowed to. even though his past self literally manifests as a stern voice over his shoulder telling him he’s not allowed to.
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GODDDDDDD . god. gorou is literally a fucking GHOST telling aqua not to be happy, never to be happy, just keep obsessing over ai and hating yourself for not being able to save her in the same way gorou must’ve hated himself for not being able to save sarina. just keep living for revenge and nothing else. don’t enjoy yourself. don’t enjoy yourself. don’t enjoy yourself. the relationship between these two makes me so ill because they’re literally the same person but also not. it’s like gorou’s bitter soul was born into a body not made to hold it. aqua is his own person but he’s also haunted by a guilt and an obsession that isn’t his own. he’s haunted by the death of his mother but more than anything he’s haunted by himself. ai would have wanted him to be happy. gorou doesn’t. gorou wants them both miserable and guilty.
and don’t even get me STARTED on akane??????????????????? mimicking ai to make aqua feel better??????????????????????????????? it’s all so twisted and it’ll all just make his obsession grow stronger and stronger. aqua is chasing a ghost. ai is dead and gorou is dead and sarina is dead. he isn’t. but if he doesn’t let himself be happy, if he doesn’t let himself move on, then he might as well be.
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natsuki208 · 7 months
It’s nearly Mother’s Day (UK) so here are some of my favourite anime moms!
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Yes, thanks a lot to my friend and the BB fandom in general, I cannot stop thinking about Hannah being a mom. Demon mom ftw! 😊💕💕
Bonus: I almost forgot to put her in!
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someawesomeamvs · 30 days
Warning: Potential spoilers
Title: The Entertainment Industry
Editor: Maitê 002
Song: Mother and Children
Artist: 伊賀拓郎
Anime: Oshi no Ko
Category: Drama
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popflythesky · 1 year
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im dying laughing that’s too fucking sad
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genkinahito · 2 years
My Happy Marriage, Downfall, Inu Kaitenshite Nigeru, Playing Dead, Yokai no Mago, Yokohama F. Marinos Club 30th Anniversary Documentary Beyond Together, Oshi no Ko Mother and Children, Japanese Film Trailers
Happy Weekend There are more than ten films released this weekend so that means a two-part trailer post. I’m covering the Osaka Asian Film Festival 2023 so I’ll still be posting reviews on the weekend. I’ve kept up a good pace so far, I think. What are the first bunch of films released this weekend? (more…) “”
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my-anime-goods · 3 months
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Oshi no Ko - 1/8 Ai, Aqua & Ruby - Mother and Children Figure by Kadokawa. Release: February 2025
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sattosugu · 1 year
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my favorite onk characters -  ai hoshino ღ
oshi no ko 1.01 - “mother & children” ღ
dedicated to: @nakamatoo
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
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Oshi no Ko- Mother and Children
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aihoshiino · 16 days
chapter 159 thoughts!
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 16
Aqua Hoshigan Status: White
Surprise! As predicted by literally everyone in the fandom, the stab was a fakeout! To the shock of perhaps three people, no, one of the titular Kos of Oshi No fame was not, in fact, dying in an unceremonious cliffhanger stabbing - the only real question was exactly what sort of fakeout it was going to be. I did see quite a few folks suggest 'Akane in a wig and a stabproof vest' even in jest so congrats on calling it! Admittedly this is kind of silly but I would take 'silly' over the character assassination massacre that last chapter's apparent twist would've been any day of the week.
I guess if anything about this reveal surprised me it's that Kana wasn't involved at all…? Unless this is a double fakeout and something's going to happen at her graduation (which is not impossible for reasons we'll get into). Whereas all the buildup for Ruby (seemingly) getting stabbed basically only came in the same chapter it happened in, we've been getting some pretty heavy handed hints that something might happen to Kana for over 60 chapters now if my mental math is right - her parallels to not just Ai and Yura (i.e, our two on-screen victims), language associating her with the "type" we see targeted and that huge "Kana Arima will always protect Ruby Hoshino" red flag dropped by Gotanda, among other things. Kana is also the character who has the most actual direct parallels with Ai, where Ruby is defined mostly in how she differs from Ai… Or at least she does when the story makes sense lol. But I guess we'll see.
Either way, I personally have mixed feelings on Akane's involvement here, in this moment. On the one hand, I like what it represents about Aqua's development - the reason he and Akane broke up was over her 'endangering herself' but really it was because of Aqua's mortal terror over the people he loves being hurt in association with him. Letting Akane get involved here is an expression of growth and trust on his part and I do like that.
On the other… this is super Akane just being treated like a convenient device for the plot, as has happened to her before. It really feels like Akasaka has realized he made her way too competent as a character so he only busts her out to use as a blunt force tool to patch up his story. Hate that shit! Akane deserves better.
THAT SAID… Ichigo's involvement here is something I do straightforwardly like even if the execution isn't perfect. Now we're past the fakeout, I can say that my worst case scenario for The Stabbening was the "Aqua uses his 1337 surg30n ski11z to save the stabbing victim and make up for not saving Ai" because people have been predicting that Literally since volume 2 and I'm gonna be real with you, I've fucking hated it no matter the configuration of characters or events involved lol. It would, even if only subtextually, frame Aqua's self-loathing and suicidal ideation in relation to the incident as justified and that he somehow needs to 'redeem' himself for his failure of not stopping a grown man with a knife from stabbing his mother to death when he was literally four years old.
Ichigo, by contrast, actually is at least partially responsible for Ai's death. He is a literal agent of the system that abused and exploited her, he failed to support her properly as both her manager and her father and it's ultimately his commodification of Ai and B-Komachi as a whole that created the kind of fan attitude that gives birth to a person like Ryosuke. He's the person who actually needs to make up for failing Ai, so having him literally reenact that failing and getting able to do it right this time for the purposes of protecting Ai's beloved children is a direction for his character that I really like.
^_^ However! I do not feel anywhere near as positively about this retcon to Ryosuke and Nino's characters!!!!
like. come on, man. do i even need to explain why this is bad. even outside of how utterly transparent a retcon this is, these kinds of 'everyone is connected!!!' surprise twists are really not suited to a story like Oshi no Ko. They make the world of the story feel much smaller
In addition… it really feels like lately, Akasaka has this problem where he tries to make things more dramatic and complex by adding twists and reveals about Secret Additional Context like this to a character's behaviour but ends up just flattening them by way of making them more cartoonish as a result. Ironically, Nino and Ryosuke are both victims of this with this new retconned in connection and it cheapens not only their own arcs but their relationships with Ai (and how her own arc is informed by her relationship with them in turn) as a result. It's a cascade failure that wrenches everything else down along with it.
The other big reason this retcon frustrates me as much as it does is not just because it entirely shatters the logic of Ryosuke as a character but because one additional picrosecond of thought put into his could not only have prevented it, but even added to the story in some really meaningful and interesting ways. As other people are surely going to point out, this is an insane level of hypocrisy, so - lean into it! Make that hypocrisy explicit and textual!
Parasociality is already inherently illogical and the types of misogynistic hostile masculinity Ryosuke expresses towards Ai are already internally contradictory ideologies. Idol fan culture, too, is built on hypocrisy, especially in a gachikoi group like gen 1 B-Komachi. The girls are expected to roleplay as being romantically (and implicitly, sexually) available to their fans while also being pure and virginal to the point of farce. None of this shit makes sense! So leaning into that by explicitly acknowledging Ryosuke as a hypocrite and acknowledging these contradictory expectations could only have done the story well.
As it stands, this retcon just doesn't work. Like, look at the Ryosuke we see in those flashbacks - happy, healthy and functional enough to be close to at least two B-Komachi members. Are we really expected to believe that Ai rizzed him so hard she mindbroke him into being a Phantom of the Opera tier basement dwelling incel? Or are we supposed to believe Ryosuke was Like That simultaneously with him dating Nino? Literally no direction you come at this from makes any sense whatsoever lol
Ichigo supposedly knowing about them dating at the time also raises approximately one hundred billion questions. Primarily: DID NO ONE THINK TO TELL THE COPS AT THE TIME??? The guy who brutally murdered Ai in her own home just happened to be banging one of her coworkers who was known to have a bad relationship with her and this just… never came up?? Even though the news report on the incident explicitly says the police were investigating the possibility of an accomplice being involved?? AGAIN, NO MATTER HOW YOU APPROACH THIS TWIST IT JUST DOESN'T WORK…
I will say. For all my complaints, that final exchange between Akane and Nino, about how badly Ai and Nino ultimately just wanted to be regular friends… that really hit. It felt like a little flash of the messed up but deeply, achingly human Nino from 45510 I'd been missing so much every since she was turned into this weird caricature of herself. I'm still incredibly dissatisfied with the majority of her handling after the Movie Arc but if this is the note she gets to go out on, I'll take that W.
Concert time! Congrats to AkaMengo for creating a concert scene that annoyed me even more than the last one!
This is the sort of thing I mean when I talk about the ways in which the narrative has excessively favoured Ruby makes her come off as excessively self-centered in a way that is clearly not intentional. Not only does the story frame her as seemingly taking over the concert but she's also portrayed as the center every time she's on panel - even though that's Kana's position, that she only took in the first place because Ruby pressured her into it. This isn't something that happens by accident - in-universe, this can only have happened because the Strawberry Productions staff pushed Ruby into the center AT KANA'S GRADUATION CONCERT and instead of saying "hey, this is KANA'S GRADUATION CONCERT maybe she should be center", Ruby just went along with it. This is not my girl!!! This is not the Ruby of the First Concert arc!!!
No wonder there are in-universe fans getting pissed off. B-Komachi isn't even real and I'm getting pissed off. Like, can you imagine going to your favourite idol's graduation and her nepo baby coworker who's already constantly upstaging her is hogging the spotlight at her last ever idol performance? I would be physically incapable of not starting to throw rocks.
To make matters worse, the story is continuing to try and push what it flopped out last chapter of Ruby supposedly surpassing Ai as an idol. Like I said last chapter, I didn't buy it then and I extra don't buy it now!
Not only is the story still failing to do the work necessary to believably sell this, but the only way it seems to be able to try is to lean so heavily on Ai associated imagery that the whole thing is at risk of buckling under the weight - the double hoshigans, her outfit and even her popping Ai's iconic volume 1 pose. Not only does this feel generally unearned, it also falls flat as a moment where Ruby is supposed to be strutting her stuff as an idol because she is literally, explicitly, just imitating her mom.
Like… Remember when Aqua and Ruby had that big moment of Aqua telling Ruby not to try and be like Ai anymore and to get out of her shadow? Remember when Ruby and Kana had that heart to heart where Ruby said she'd be a star in her own way and she wouldn't be like Ai? How does that remotely cohere with the story relying so heavily on these callbacks? How am I supposed to believe Ruby has surpassed Ai and is shining in her own way when the seemingly only measure of success in this regard is how much she resembles Ai in the process of doing so?
Ruby has been catching strays left and right pretty much the entire time I've been doing these chapter reviews so let me be clear: I think this sucks because I think this sucks for Ruby. It completely undermines everything the story has previously set up regarding Ruby finding her own way of being an idol and it also cheapens the relationship she previously had with Ai's memory. Instead of the love and reverence she once had for her mother's legacy and efforts, now it feels like Ai has been used as a stepping stone to prop up Ruby's success story. The narrative is fighting for its fucking life to sell us on the idea that Ruby has surpassed Ai, but the execution is so ham-fisted that it ends up doing the opposite. By relying so heavily the imagery of Ai's radiance and her idolhood, it’s clear that the story doesn’t trust Ruby to stand on her own merits.
Like… fuck, man. Maybe this is a lot to read into four splash pages with no dialogue and maybe there's more to come from this concert - Kamiki is watching a live broadcast, after all, so the show is still ongoing. Maybe there'll be something in the concert to come that resolves some of my frustrations here. But this is all so consistent with the way the story has framed B-Komachi for almost 100 chapters now that it's hard for me to imagine it even recognizing that this is an issue, let alone taking the steps necessary to fix it.
And speaking of Hikaru………. man, what even is there to say about that ending lol
Much like last chapter, anything I could say about it necessarily relies on context and info we don't have yet. This is such an obviously deliberately provocative cliffhanger like last chapters that I don't see the point in trying to speculate too much about what it could all mean when Aka has historically gone hard on fakeouts. All I'll say is that like with last chapter's apparent twist, if the story is straightforwardly going to follow through on what is being presented right now with no additional twist, it will be much worse off for it.
At leas we'll find out next week whether or not that's the case. I ain't gonna lie I fully expected us to be on break again…
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oratokyosaigunda · 4 months
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🌟【推しの子】劇場復活上映🌟 【#推しの子】Mother and Children 6/7より〈2週間限定〉復活上映 🌟1週目&2週目入場者プレゼント解禁 🌟復活上映御礼舞台挨拶実施決定! 全国同時生中継も実施 🌟劇場先行販売商品解禁 ▼詳細▼ https://ichigoproduction.com/Season2/theater/ ▼本予告▼ https://youtube.com/watch?v=O623T5
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akane-kurokawa · 9 months
“Does Oshi no Ko NEED the reincarnation aspect to work” is a sentiment I’ve seen a lot lately, especially on the subreddit (which I still check regularly despite what it’s devolved into) Personally, I think that’s the wrong question, you should be asking “WHY is the reincarnation aspect present.”
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First, let’s talk about parasocial relationships. The idol industry is built upon them, more-so than any other industry. Idols are supposed to be the ideal -yet unattainable- partner to fantasize about, to the point where they’re forbidden from having those kinds of connections in real life without facing scrutiny.
Ai Hoshino is the “Ultimate” idol. She doesn’t have ANYONE she has those genuine connections with, even her fellow group members hold her at the same untouchable distance that her fans do. She became an idol in hopes of loving others, and recreated the motions so perfectly that her lie became all anyone wanted from her. To the point where her true humanity was rejected, like by Nino in 45510.
Enter our protagonists (Layer One)
Sarina Tendouji is a hospital bound fan of all of B Komachi, but especially Ai. She idolizes her for being a girl her own age with a pretty face and incredible singing and dancing skills. This especially resonates with Sarina who’s studied B Komachi’s choreography non stop, but was tragically not able to dance herself due to her condition.
Goro Amamiya is an OBGYN in a small town that became a diehard fan of Ai after Sarina’s passing, superimposing the two in his head as he described it. When he met Ai in real life and became her doctor during her pregnancy, he found her off camera personality charming and internalized her philosophy about lies.
Then of course, after his death they were reincarnated as her twin children. During that time they saw her in a much more human way, worrying about money and providing for her family, harboring insecurities, being the best mom that she could be despite her circumstances.
They saw the way she gets treated by the industry and public she came up in as well, her parts cut out of her first drama due to corporate politics, her being speculated on and called a whore for just talking to an old classmate, and especially how her death was received. By this point, their relationship with her is much closer than the parasocial place it began.
But has it?
Enter our protagonists (Layer Two)
Sarina Tendouji was a girl rejected by her mother as her condition got worse. She loved her mother deeply and wanted to be just like her when she got older.
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In the last few years of life she never even saw her mom, that void filled with the presence of a doctor loitering in her room to slack off work, and the idol she watched. What she wanted more than anything though was for her mother to come see her again.
Goro Amamiya was a boy born from a woman who hid her pregnancy and died in childbirth. That death painted the entirety of his life going forward.
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Even then he’s haunted by his feelings of helplessness when he loses the child patient he had befriended early into his residency. He’s become a passive person, following the whims of others because of his perceived helplessness.
Both of them take these complicated feelings into their next life, and it paints their relationships with Ai after her death.
Ruby wants to follow in her moms footsteps once again and be just like Ai, to the point of naming her idol group B Komachi. Ultimately, I think she mostly takes positively from her time as Ai’s daughter, and looks more to Ai’s life rather than her death.
Aqua on the other hand, witnessed his mother bleed out in front of him in almost a metaphorical recreation of his first mother’s death, and this has shaped him irreversibly. Except this time there’s an object for his hatred other than himself. This time, his mother was murdered. He could do more than follow in the motions of preventing it from happening to others. This time he could get revenge.
Now “Why is the reincarnation aspect present.”
Ai Hoshino was never understood by anyone, her parents, her idol group, even her trusted adults. But two people, born with traumas and biases that paint their perspectives, were both brought into this world with their goal to try.
Aqua more investigatipvely, tracking down loose ends from her past, holding onto people with the ability to profile her from videos and images. Whereas Ruby is on a more personal journey of understanding her, recreating the steps of her journey more directly and coming to her own conclusions about it.
This leads us to the 15 Year Lie, the potential climax of the series as a whole, and the event referenced from the prologue chapters. The movie that began as a documentary meant to tell the true unfiltered life of Ai Hoshino as she always wanted. It had even made some headway prior to her death, but it’s hard to say how much.
This movie finds itself as the roadmap of both twins journey in understanding. Aqua now has the resources and connections to speak to anyone from Ai’s past, her mother, her fellow idol members, and likely more. But by this point, Aqua also knows the name of the man his tunnel vision hatred is focused on. And hatred is seeping into this story down to the script itself
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Ruby is also now in the position of very literally playing Ai, the arguably highest point on her journey to walk in her mother’s shoes. Compared to Aqua, I think she’s getting much closer to her goal.
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Of course, it’s still too soon to say how that will go for her, I expect her journey of understanding will continue for the entirety of of the movie filming process. There’s still the entirety of Ai’s relationship with Hikaru and her children as well as her death to be covered and I’m sure Ruby will have plenty of challenges and breakthroughs with those too.
In conclusion, not only is the reincarnation aspect needed, I think it’s crucial to what the story is trying to say thematically. If they were just children who lost their mom young and tried to understand her it would be compelling, but thematically it wouldn’t carry nearly the same weight as fans pulled across the parasocial line with their own projected baggage.
Remember, being ‘reborn as an idols child’ is inherently a parasocial fantasy.
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animefeminist · 1 month
Show Time!: Mixing erotica, sex positivity, and TV idols
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Spoilers for Show Time!
Shows like Oshi no Ko and The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radioexpose some of the dark underbelly of the Japanese entertainment industry—I hadn’t expected a goofy desire to earn the title of Hentai Master to lead me into finding a series with similarly hard-hitting themes. Declaring Show Time! as part of an entertainment criticism pantheon may overstate its importance in the anime sphere. However, this hentai uses its erotic elements to explore issues and humanize actresses in a way those other shows for general audiences cannot. Its surprisingly progressive critiques of idol and purity culture dished out alongside a rich course of fantasy has caused it to quickly become a personal problematic favorite.
Show Time! is based on the manga Even Miss Minami Wants to Have Sex whose title explains the basics of where its plot, in both a literal and memetic sense, comes from. The series begins with widower Shouji and his daughter Kana struggling emotionally after the death of his wife, her mother. Then “The Sing Along! Show” comes on the air and the adorable antics of Miss Minami and Pao helps brighten up both Kana and her father’s life. An unlikely set of circumstances revolving around a canceled live performance and Shouji trying to soothe a reasonably upset Kana by getting her a parfait in a crowded restaurant, leads the duo to meet the woman behind the TV character, Takasaki Minami. Then in an unsurprising hentai twist, the two protagonists end up boinking like bunny rabbits.
There’s far more than a surface level fantasy of horizontally tangoing with a famous TV actress occurring here though. The anime discusses the difficult obligations Minami faces as a children's television performer. She’s forbidden from having romantic relationships. Her dreams of making children happy compelled her to pursue a career where she is forced to perform for happy families while being unable to pursue the kind of relationships necessary to have a family of her own.
Even just having a boyfriend has destroyed idol’s careers and these bans have been enforced in Japanese courts as legally binding. In the United States, all it takes is being in a video satirizing abstinence only sex education to get fired as a TV host for kids. So just imagine the kind of media storm getting caught having actual sex would cause, in either country! 
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months
I actually had send this ask before I think it didn't reach you... So, I'm going to resend it. Hope you don't mind! And I hope you are alright with me using a few of your ideas.. basically this is how it goes.
Do you know the anime Oshi No Ko? I was planning to make a fanfiction based on it, and Arsenic Blue. It still in the process, but basically I plan to make that Percy had somehow returned to her universe, lost her memories like how you tell us she will, and then continues to live her life, not remembering the ror universe or the Yanderes. She somehow become a singer or an idol not long after and the same time the ror gods finally gain access to view PJO universe only to see Percy singing and dancing on a huge stage with a huge crowds cheering her on.
I imagine Zeus will be the one cheering on Percy (and he will probably plan to have her perform on his parties when they got her back) and Adamas probably will buy all her merch.
The Yanderes;
I imagine they either proud, or shocked and felt jealous of the attention Percy gave her fans or downright just plan to make her only sing and dance for them once they got her.
I plan to make Percy like Ai Hoshino from Oshi No Ko. Which meant that when she was returned to pjo universe, she was actually pregnant with one of the yanderes children (still unsure to make who her baby daddy is) but you can rest assure the yandere baby daddy will be extremely proud to see his children while the other Yanderes felt even more jealous. Just like Oshi No Ko, Percy take a hiatus from becoming an idol to raise her children and was later on stabbed by a fanatic fan of hers at her own home, infront of her twin children (yes, her curse has been removed or the one stabbed her is someone who knows her from the Half-blood Camp). I imagine the horror and shock the ror Gods went through, especially the Yanderes and her uncles (Zeus and Adamas-especially Adamas because he love his niece like a daughter) when they saw this through the magical mirror they were using to watch over Percy. And the moment she hugged her twins and said she loved them with all her heart, and her only regret is not watching them grow up? The baby daddy are going to be so furious, as their twin hugged and cries for their mother, Percy, while Percy is about to take her last breath.
This is how far I have written and I might published it sometime along next week.
(and also, what site are you gonna publish it on???)
and this just came to me, but you know what would really fit with the idol thing she's got going on?? the fact that she's a mermaid/siren, so = good voice :D
(i don't plan on giving percy any singing scenes in arsenic blues, so the whole "siren voice" thing won't be explored since the main reason i put "siren percy jackson" tag in ao3 was because ppl use mermaid and siren interchangeably. so if you wanna use the siren voice thing, then go on ahead!!)
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gofigureee · 1 month
Oshi no Ko | Ai, Aqua, and Ruby (Mother and Children Ver.) | 1/8 Scale Figure (KDcolle)
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greatwyrmgold · 10 months
Starry-Eyed Ruby
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I love these two panels.
Uniquely among Oshi no Ko's cast, the Hoshino family has literal stars in their eyes. Ruby has a star in her left eye, Aquamarine in his right, and Ai has stars in both. The significance of this is not explicit, but it's clearly intentional. I think it means, in part, that the children each inherited part of their mother's worldview.
Fast-forward to chapter 134. Ruby has an epiphany about her mother, and these two panels communicate that beautifully. Panel 1, Ai with her right eye exposed. Panel 2, Ruby with stars in both eyes.
At last, Ruby sees the other side of her mom. And that changes how she looks at the world.
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