#Ori Saori
wild-icarus · 4 months
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Ensemble/ダンサー Returning Cast, Romeo et Juliette Jp 2017 + 2019 (5/7)
Row 1-2 (L->R): FUMI, 織 里織/Ori Saori, 大場陽介/Oba Yousuke
Row 3-4 (L->R): 鮫島拓馬/Samejima Takuma, 小南竜平/Kominami Ryuhei,  鈴木凌平/Suzuki Ryōhei
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
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soulsxng · 2 years
@arcxnumvitae replied to your post:
Woo hoo, prize time! She’s hyped
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"Yeah, you should be getting hyped! We're going to the best dessert spot I know, and you're going to love it, I promise. Seriously, how I manage to not end up there every day is beyond me. It takes some willpower!"
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sla-tvt · 2 years
Ficha Pokémon
Nome completo: Saori Hyni. seu nome Saori significa árvore de cerejeira
Apelidos: Ori, muitos chamam ela assim, não se incomoda em ser chamada assim ,Flor, poucos a chamam assim como família e amigos próximos, não se importa de ser chamada assim contanto que tenha intimidade com a pessoa e Tubarina, apenas os amigos muito íntimos a chamam assim
Idade: 15 anos
Aniversário: 24 de fevereiro
Cidade natal: Cidade de Vermilion
Gênero: Feminino
Sexualidade: Bissexual, assumida, descobriu quando sentiu atração por uma amiga
Cidade/Região: Cidade de Vermilion, Kanto
Aparência: Saori é uma garota de pele escura, cabelos castanhos escuros com mechas rosas e amarelas neons, olhos roxos meio rosado e dentes serrilhados
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Photoplayer: Não tem
Estilo: gosta de roupas um pouco largas, não usa muito saia e adora uma jaqueta ou moletom que tenha capuz
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Roupa de verão:
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Roupa de inverno:
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Roupa de festa:
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Personalidade: É meio calada porém com amigos as vezes fala até demais, mesmo não sendo tímida algumas vezes fica com vergonha de algo nada haver (tipo, alguém ver algum desenho que ela fez ou algo do tipo), é bem animada com as pessoas próximas e irônica quando a irritam (o que não tão difícil), é bem desligada e se distrai muito fácil, basta apenas uma borboleta aparecer para ela perder totalmente a atenção, é extremamente grossa com pessoas que não gosta e não é muito boa em fazer amigos já que não sabe como iniciar uma conversa
Gostos: Gosta de dormir para procrastinar para não fazer algo, gosta de desenhar, porém tem vergonha de mostrar pros outros, gosta da Lua pois a acalma ficar olhando para ela, gosta de pirulito, gosta de ouvir música, por isso quase sempre esta de fones e adora brincar e treinar com seus pokémons
Desgostos: Não gosta de lugares muito lotados, não gosta de usar saia ou vestido, pois diz que não da para se mover direito e a deixa desconfortável, não gosta de barulhos autos, pois diz que machucam os ouvidos, pessoas grossas, não gosta quando a acordam gritando e detesta quando a interrompem
Habilidades: É boa em ginástica, é inteligente, é boa dançando, é boa em batalhas, cozinha bem e sabe jiu-jitsu
Inabilidades: Lavar louça, dar concelhos, é lerda e quando vai falar com alguém desconhecido trava
Hobbies: desenhar, treinar, estudar, fazer yoga, cantar e cuidar de seus pokémons
Hábitos/Manias: quando sente vergonha se esconde atrás de qualquer coisa que esteja na mão, quando se assusta grita e fica toda encolhida e gosta de ficar mordendo o palito de pirulito quando ele acaba
História: Mora com seus pais e irmãos em uma casa comum na sua cidade, sempre faz as mesmas coisas acorda, come, é incomodada pelos irmãos, estuda, dorme, acorda, come, é incomodada pelos irmãos, e assim vai, poucos são os dias que são diferentes e ela detesta isso, essa vida monótona e sem nada de diferente
Medos/Fobias/Traumas: tem medo de lugares lotados e barulhos altos
Sonhos e objetivos: espera se tornar uma das melhores performers pokémon e ter uma vida mais interessante
Inspirações: Ela se inspira em seu primeiro pokémon, pois viu o quanto ele se esforçava para conseguir o que queria
Saúde: Esta bem em saúde porém qualquer friozinho e já fica resfriada
Memórias importantes: uma coisa que a marcou foi quando seu irmãos nasceram, pois em um dia ela tinha atenção só para si e de repente tem que dividir essa atenção entre outras duas pessoas, isso a deixou extremamente carente com os amigos, por não querer perder a atenção de pessoas que gosta de novo
Nome: Marcio Hyni
idade: 47 anos
Personalidade: É uma pessoa descontraída e bem humorada, quando irritado do medo mas são poucas as vezes que isso acontece
Parentesco: Pai
Relacionamento: Tem um ótimo relacionamento com todos, é difícil achar alguém que não goste dele
Profissão: Professor
Pokémons: Apena um charmeleon
Nome: Juliana Hyni
Idade: 45 anos
Personalidade: É uma pessoa meiga e gentil que sempre trata todos bem e tem muita paciência, porém quando tratam mal sua família ela vira um dragão
Parentesco: Mãe
Relacionamento: Tem um bom relacionamento com quase todos, mas tem uma certa antipatia com algumas pessoas
Profissão: Médica
Pokémons: Ponita e Gengar
Nome: Noah e Artur Hyni (são gêmeos)
Idade: 8 anos
Personalidade: São muito animados e gostam de fazer pegadinhas, piadas, mágicas, etc
Parentesco: Irmãos
Profissâo: Estudante
Pokémons: Litten (Noah) e Yamper (Artur)
( ) Gladíolo
(x) Azaléia
( ) Íris
Performance escolar: É boa nas aulas, porém muitas vezes dorme nas aulas teóricas, mas sempre indo bem em seus testes, nas aulas práticas fica um pouco nervosa, mas nada que atrapalhe seu desempenho
Motivo para entrar na Rêveuse: quer ser uma boa performer, deixar sua vida pacata para trás e principalmente orgulhar sua família
Espécie: Sylveon
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Apelido: Lila
Gênero: Feminino
Habilidade: Charme, Explosão Lunar, Último Recurso e Clarão Deslumbrante
Personalidade: Alegre, companheira, ciumenta, gosta de ficar fora de sua pokebola as vezes até se negando a entrar nela
História: foi achada sozinha por Saori e sua mãe, que logo a levaram para casa, lá ela se apegou bastante à Saori e ficava a seguindo e protegendo ela de tudo que conseguia
Obs: essa foi a primeira pokémon de Saori que foi comentada lá trás
Espécie: Zorua
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Apelido: Simon
Gênero: Masculino
Habilidade: Arranhão, Bola sombria, Confusão Noturna e Ilusão
Evolução: Zoroark
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Personalidade: Temperamental, bipolar e prefere ficar na dele
Espécie: Rockruff
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Apelido: Mike
Gênero: Masculino
Habilidade: Investida, Rugido, Lançamento de Rocha e Chute sem Pontaria
Evolução: Lycanroc (forma do dia)
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Personalidade: Muito enérgico, carente e pidão
Espécie: Rowlet
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Apelido: Zoe
Gênero: Feminino
Habilidades: Folha Navalha, Bomba de Semente, Fúria dos Pássaros e Folhagem
Evolução: Dartrix e Decidueye
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Personalidade: Introvertida, motivada e gosta de treinar
História: Saori a achou machucada enquanto voltava da escola e levou-a para casa para cuidar, desde então ela se sentiu grata á Saori e elas viraram parceiras
Espécie: Psyduck
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Apelido: Eric
Gênero: Masculino
Evolução: Não vai evoluir
Personalidade: Apressado, fofoqueiro e muito irritável (única pessoa que o acalma é a Saori e sua mãe)
Como age com:
Desconhecidos: Muitas vezes nem age já que não sabe iniciar uma conversa, só fala com estranho se for obrigada ou eles que iniciarem uma conversa, porém é sempre gentil e respeitosa
Amigos: Animada, gentil, as vezes irônica, sempre tentando prestar atenção no que eles falam
Rivais: gosta de os desafiar pra qualquer competição, e sempre tenta aprender com seus rivais
Inimigos: Trata eles bem na frente dos outros e rudemente e grosseiramente quando está apenas ela e a pessoa
Colegas de classe: os trata bem, mas prefere não conversar com quem não tem intimidade
Professores: Sempre os trata com gentileza e extremo respeito com seus professores, mesmo se não gostar de algum
Sachiko Yukimori: Se da bem, porém quase nunca se falam, já que nenhuma delas são muito de conversar
Cadell Rhydderch: Saori prefere nem falar com ele para não arranjar briga já que se ele fosse implicante com ela, ela com certeza faria um escândalo e xingaria toda a família dele
Quanto a par:
(x) Sim, eu quero par para o meu personagem, mas prefiro deixar nas mãos da autora
( ) Sim, eu quero um par para o meu personagem, mas eu quero escolher
( ) Eu deixo isso nas mãos da autora
( ) Não, eu não desejo par para meu personagem
Relacionamento com o par: Acho que minha personagem que ia se apaixonar ter que tentar fazer esse par se apaixonar por ela
Como se comporta perto do seu par?: sempre tentando demonstrar que gosta do par, já que tem vergonha de falar para ele, e tenta ganhar atenção e carinho do par
Qual o tipo do seu personagem?: Não tem tipo
Que tipo de romance você quer para seu personagem?: Um romance onde ambos se esforçam ao máximo para cuidar um do outro
Curiosidade sobre seu personagem: Adora pokémons que parecem raposas
Coisas que combinam com seu personagem: cores mais neon, músicas animadas e borboletas
Algum pedido de cena?: ela na janela ou em um gramado observando a lua com seus pokémons
Qual a coisa mais importante para seu personagem: Sua família e amigos (pokémons inclusos)
Sua resposta?: Rosa azul, pois, a rosa azul tradicionalmente significa mistério ou a busca ou o alcance do impossível, combina com Saori já que ela está sempre buscando seu sonho por mais difícil que ele seja
Como no futuro vão ter coisas complicadas acontecendo, eu preciso perguntar, eu teria a permissão de matar o seu personagem caso fosse preciso? Lembrando que você NÃO é obrigado a responder um sim a isso:
Prefiro que não, mas caso quiser não vejo problema
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caeboa · 5 years
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A warm-up doodle that I finished of a new character for an RP thing, meet Saori “Ori” Nestor, bird watcher~!
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azure-alchemist · 6 years
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…Originally posted on the Official Portal site, Orie(Under Night In-Birth) Birthday art by Yoshihara Seiichi(Creator/Character Designer)Featured on the original post is a flash button that plays a message by Orie’s seiyuu, Saori Hayami(早見 沙織)in character..
(Image Source) (Osawa’s Art)
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Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] update is out in North America and Europe (Released, February 9, 2018) for PS4(Physical/Digital) and PS3/PS Vita(Digital only)..
..UNIST is available now on Steam.. (Steam Page)
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..Now available(restock) in the Rice Digital store..Under Night In-Birth End of Dawn Edition is up for £39.99..(Source)
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(Shoryuken Interview with Kamone) (UNIST Rice Digital Collector’s Editon(UK) (UNIST Standard Edition(UK)(Leaked Londrekia Art)(BBTAG UNIST movelists(PS4/NS)(Voice of Hyde Plays BBTAG(ENG)(UNIST Korean Play Guide Book and PS4 case sample)(UNI early PV)(UNIST OST + Soundtrack on Spotify)(BBTAG Lobby Fun - Hyde)(OVER THE WORLD -successively- tournament stream(Finals)(UNI Portal Site Update(9/7/2018)
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twsted-princess · 3 years
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"I wonder....what if there is more to the universe? What if somewhere there is a planet just like ours?"
(picrew linked here)
Name: Orion Terranova
Nicknames: Miss Exploratrice, (Rook) Ori (most classmates)
Voice Actor: Saori Hayami
Gender: Demi-female (She/They)
Age: Appears to be 18.
Sexuality: Aroace
Height: 6'0
Race: Android
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Birthday: 7/7
Starsign: Leo
Family: Father
Occupation: Student
Based off: Original Character (Based off the space rover Opportunity)
Professional Status
Dorm: Mélancosmos (@the27th)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-D
Best Subject: Astrology
Club: Leader of the Robotics club
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Food: Astronaut ice cream
Hated Food: Very hard food (like jawbreakers)
Likes: Stars, Learning, New discoveries, Planets, Photography
Dislikes: Needing new batteries at the worst time, When people think she needs oil to drink
Hobbies: Tinkering, Stargazing, Polishing things, Going over the photos she took
Talents: Having photogenic memory
Unique Magic: A New Frontier
Gravity based, it allows her to walk on walls and any terrain no matter how difficult is might be.
A newly created being with eyes that stare into the great beyond of space. She's a curious one, always excited for learning and seeing new things. Being an android everything is brand new to them, but it's beautiful. She loves all that Twisted Wonderland has to offer, all of it's people and things. But outside of this world is a vast unexplored cosmos that's screaming at her to find them. Seek them out and learn all that she can. But until then she'll stay here, with the ones she loves while exploring every single inch of this wonderful planet.
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] 地球ゴージャス25周年祝祭公演「星の大地に降る涙 THE MUSICAL」(chikyuu gorgeous 25 shuunen shukusai kouen ~ hoshi no daichi ni kudaru namida the musical)
the show will be running from March 10th, 2020 to April 13th, 2020 (Chiba) @ 舞浜アンフィシアター (Maihama Amphitheater) & May 3rd, 2020 to May 14th, 2020 (Osaka) @ フェスティバルホール (Festival Hall)
Arata Makkenyuu Sasamoto Rena  Matsumoto Toshio   Kozuki Wataru Manaka Ayu Shima Yuika Izuka Kenta Matsuuchi Tsukasa Oohira Shunya Oomine Takumi Usui Nao Harada Osamu Kamiya Naoki Ogose Ikuko Taguchi Ena Sunazuka Kento Katou Mao Ooto Tomomi Sakura Suzuki Momoka Ori Saori Takagi Yuzukijirou Sarry Sugiyama Marika Aoyama Erika Kouda Asaka Naiki Katsuhiro Tanabe Hirohito Takagi Aki Chikushi Shuraku Satou Shiori Mori Kumiko Kishitani Gorou Terawaki Yasufumi
homepage twitter natalie
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ashitomarisu · 6 years
PRECURE: Favorite Vocals
The 15th anniversary is just around the corner (a few months away). Over the past four years of listening to precure vocal albums, I start to become fond of certain seiyuus’ singing voices. That being said, I decided to focus this post on my favorite vocals in Precure. (This will be done by category of color, since this is easiest for me; plus, there were four albums released during the 10th anniversary relating to color).
Lovely Pink
With every new pink (leader) cure comes a new round of image songs for that person. To be frank, I am not big on the pink cures’ songs, either because the lyrics or arrangement don’t pair well with the vocals. However, there is one leader whose vocals still leave an impact every time I listen to her.
Cure Bloom.
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Dream may have had a unique singing voice, but Bloom takes this by a hair. Although all the seiyuus of each leader have great singing voices, I admire Orie Kimoto’s singing more than the others.
Happy Red and White
Let’s start with the white cures, since they were the default partner color for the first two teams. I’ll make this short. YUKANA.
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I enjoy each of Honoka’s image songs for different reasons. As I mentioned before, Thank You ~I’m Glad I Met You~ is my favorite of the four. Therefore, this was no contest, although Fumiko Orikasa is dead second. (Enomoto is underrated, on the other hand, because no one gives enough support to SplashStar).
Moving on, what about the red cures? Quick question: Does Sunny count as a red cure? She seems orange, but is classified with the other red cures. Why am I asking? This makes or breaks who my favorite is.
You see, between the few red cures we have, only Scarlet and Sunny have vocals I’m deeply into. Among the two, you have a seiyuu who can literally SING (Miyuki Sawashiro), and one who was a former idol in a band (Asami Tano). For me, I’d consider both for different reasons, but I like the fact Akane’s image songs were written in Kansai dialect and Tano, who is a Hyogo native, belting her songs in native Kansai. Enough said.
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Twinkle Blue
eheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehheeh OH FU---- ME!!!!
*sigh* Time for honorable mentions, starting with the blue cure seiyuus:
Chinami Nishimura
Tomo Muranaka
Masumi Asano
Minako Kotobuki
As for purple cure seiyuus in HM:
Kanako Miyamoto
Haruka Tomatsu
Yui Horie
Now with those out the way, what about favorites?
It’s obvious, so damn obvious who these two are.
A veteran who worked in the industry for 30 years whom released multiple albums in the 90s and a voice actress who released one album but renowned for her EDs in a particular anime. Though these two NEVER did a duet (although someone claimed they did and I can never find the source), I WISH THEY DID. Thus, I call them ”双子の月”.
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Kirakira Citrus
Out of all the yellow cures in the bunch, it’s hard to choose, considering most have a high range. In terms of image songs, though, I give it to Rie Tanaka.
Shiny Luminous does have a strong set and stellar vocals. Haruka Fukuhara would be second, for her unique character range.
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As for green cures...I’m so sorry. Ai Nagano may have a high vocal range (one that would be somewhat falsetto), but it’s a dead stalemate between Saori Hayami and Inori Minase.
I love Sorairo and Rainbow Colored Espoir to the point these two could duke it out for my all-time favorite song. Surprisingly, Parfait would have my heart, because YUMESORA∞ is equally just as great. ALTHOUGH, Hayami has a WIDE range, as heard between Sparkle! and Words of an Emerald.
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To recap, here are my favorites:
Orie Kimoto (Cure Bloom)
Yukana (Cure White)
Asami Tano (Cure Sunny)
Aya Hisakawa (Cure Moonlight)
Ai Maeda (Cure Aqua)
Rie Tanaka (Shiny Luminous)
Inori Minase (Cure Parfait)
This concludes my opinions on favorite vocals in Precure. Let me know which voices you enjoy the most via reblog or reply. Note these are based on singing from image songs, not acting. An updated version of my favorite Precure songs will be posted later this month.
Until next time, here’s hoping senpai notices you!
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shinichameleon · 6 years
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Seiyuu Connection: Hayami Saori Trio by Mako Gai.
Ruby Rose (RWBY) / Orie Ballardiae (Under Night In-Birth) / Mai Natsume (Blazblue)
※Permission to upload this was given by artist. Do not repost and edit without artist’s permission. Please support the artist by favoriting and retweeting the artwork.
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wild-icarus · 4 months
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Ensemble, Navy Revolution Costume (清水美紗子/Shimizu Misa, 織 里織/Ori Saori) 1789 Les Amants de la Bastille Jp Toho 2016-18 (8/15)
The third row center and right is Shimizu in 2016. The rest is Ori from 2018.
Costume Notes: Shimizu did not return for her role in 2018, thus Ori who joined for the 2018 production inherited Shimizu's costume.
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
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gear-project · 2 years
Since you've played the demo, what are your personal impressions on the new Valkyrie character compared to Lenneth?
I'm sure a lot of first-timers have been listening to the English Dub, but I IMMEDIATELY switched to the Japanese Dub for several reasons:
Maria Valkyrie/Akari Kito: voices Nezuko in Kimetsu no Yaiba, Shoka in NEO: The World Ends with You, Barbara in Genshin Impact…
Eygon/Tetsu Inada: voices Leo Whitefang in Guilty Gear obviously.
Cypher/Akira Ishida: Amane Nishiki in BlazBlue~
Odin/Kenjiro Tsuda: Vlov Arkhangel in Melty Blood Type Lumina Also he's the voice of JACK in Stranger of Paradise/among other famous fantasy voices (and Kaiba in YuGiOh). I fondly remember him most as the voice of the Warrior in Dragon's Crown!
Fenrir/Ryusei Nakao: Frieza/Cooler in Dragonball FighterZ
Kristoffer/Maaya Uchida: Zero in Drakengard 3
Taika/Saori Hayami: Orie/Ruby/Mai in BlazBlue Crosstag Battle~
Hilde/Yui Ishikawa: 2B/2P in Nier: Automata/Soul Calibur 6, also Mina Majikina in Samurai Shodown~
And well, you wouldn't notice it if you focused solely on the English dub, but actually the opening Story NARRATOR is Lenneth Valkyrie's Japanese voice actress Yumi Tōma… nice little easter egg there.
Anyway, to give my overall impressions of the voice work and characters so far…
Maria Valkyrie is very confident in her abilities (and respectful of Odin-Sama), though she's pretty brutal towards the Undead (which is ironic since Valkyrie Profile 2 paints the Undead in a different political stroke).
She says a lot of famous and familiar one-liners if you've been playing the VP games all this while (they're easier to notice in the Japanese dubs compared to English).
"By the Holy Laws you shall be Obliterated!" etc etc.
If you compared Valkyries to Sailor Moon, it's that kind of corndog-superheroine Sentai dialogue… but it's also part of what makes them so appealing.
I would say that, just like with Lenneth, she's dealing with a lot of background drama and baggage from Odin-sama's previous conflict among the lesser deities and beasts of the world below him.
He makes it seem like it's her task to Purify all that is Unclean, but if you read between the lines, that's not the whole story going on… just as before.
The progression starts with a brief jog through an "illusion" that Odin created to boost Maria's confidence as a warrior, but then you're sent on a mission to learn what happened in Be'elz Castle (ironically a play on the name Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies).
Eventually you come across some rather nasty Undead, and the music turns rather dark (which I'd compare to music like Dipan Castle), and eventually once you kill the boss of the area a "certain person" appears that Maria Valkyrie says "she saw before".
In other words, the whole mission is suspicious, and Odin is the main suspect… but he's not the only tricky Politician in this game of Gods and Mortals… there's lots to this mythology to discover, and you'll find out a ton as you dig up flowers that tell the true story (flowers, by the way symbolize people who have died tragically in the conflicts and incidents that happen in this story), as well as talk to everyone involved (including a certain Valkyrie named Hilde, who may not necessarily support your endeavors).
Anyway, so far, there's a lot of mystery and Drama (and that's actually a Hallmark of VP games, so it's good to be back in the thick of a good story here).
Expect lots of sad tragedy and chaos, among other bits of drama, but also you'll come across some cool moments too, guaranteed, especially when your weapons (and Valkyrie) get powered up.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
55 PreCure Girls Set to Appear in New PreCure Crossover Film with Voices in October 2018
On the day Cure Macherie and Cure Amour joined the ongoing 15th TV series Hugtto! PreCure, Toei Animation introduces the official title and poster visual for the upcoming new PreCure crossover film to be released on October 27, 2018. In addition to the previously-announced Cure Black and Cure White from the first series Futari wa PreCure, the new visual for Eiga Hugtto! PreCure♡Futari wa PreCure All Stars Memories reveals that a total of 55 PreCure girls will appear in the 25th feature film.
  And the happiest news for the fans is that all of the 55 original voice cast are confirmed to voice their characters. The last time all PreCure girls appeared with their voices in a crossover film was PreCure All Stars DX3 released in March 2011. While crossover films have been made every spring even after that, some PreCure girls from the past series were on the screen without their voices.   
  映画最新情報 10月27日(土)公開 映画HUGっとプリキュア♡ふたりはプリキュア オールスターズメモリーズ』 で2年半ぶりにオールスターズが帰ってくる! 15周年を記念して歴代プリキュア55人が総出演! ポスタービジュアルも到着しました#映画プリキュア #precure pic.twitter.com/dacA350ugG
— 映画HUGっと!プリキュア♡ふたりはプリキュア オールスターズメモリーズ』 (@precure_movie) 2018年6月17日
  The 55 PreCure girls who are confirmed to appear in the PreCure franchise's 15th anniversary film are:
  From "Futari wa PreCure" (2004-2005), "Futari wa PreCure Max Heart" (2005-2006)
  1. Cure Black (Yoko Honna)
  2. Cure White (Yukana)
  From "Futari wa PreCure Max Heart" (2005-2006)
  3. Shiny Luminous (Rie Tanaka)
  From "Furtari wa PreCure Splash Star" (2006-2007)
  4. Cure Bloom/Cure Bright (Orie Kimoto)
  5. Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Atsuko Enomoto)
  From "Yes! PreCure 5" (2007-2008), "Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo!" (2008-2009)
  6. Cure Dream (Yuko Sanpei)
  7. Cure Rouge (Junko Takeuchi)
  8. Cure Lemonade (Mariya Ise)
  9. Cure Mint (Ai Nagano)
  10. Cure Aqua (Ai Maeda)
  From "Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo!" (2008-2009)
  11. Milky Rose (Eri Sendai)
  From "Fresh PreCure!" (2009-2010)
  12. Cure Peach (Kanae Oki)
  13. Cure Berry (Eri Kitamura)
  14. Cure Pine (Akiko Nakagawa)
  15. Cure Passion (Yuka Komatsu)
  From "HeartCatch PreCure!" (2010-2011)
  16. Cure Blossom (Nana Mizuki)
  17. Cure Marine (Fumie Mizusawa)
  18. Cure Sunshine (Houko Kuwashima)
  19. Cure Moonlight (Aya Hisakawa)
  From "Suite Pretty Cure♪" (2012-2012)
  20. Cure Melody (Ami Koshimizu)
  21. Cure Rhythm (Fumiko Orikasa)
  22. Cure Beat (Megumi Toyoguchi)
  23. Cure Muse (Rumi Ohkubo)
  From "Smile PreCure!" (2012-2013)
  24. Cure Happy (Misato Fukuen)
  25. Cure Sunny (Asami Tano)
  26. Cure Peace (Hisako Kanemoto)
  27. Cure March (Marina Inoue)
  28. Cure Beauty (Chinami Nishimura)
  From "Dokidoki! PreCure" (2013-2014)
  29. Cure Heart (Hitomi Nabatame)
  30. Cure Diamond (Minako Kotobuki)
  31. Cure Rosetta (Mai Fuchigami)
  32. Cure Sword (Kanako Miyamoto)
  33. Cure Ace (Rie Kugimiya)
  From "HappinessCharge PreCure!" (2014-2015)
  34. Cure Lovely (Megumi Nakajima)
  35. Cure Princess (Megumi Han)
  36. Cure Honey (Rina Kitagawa)
  37. Cure Fortune (Haruka Tomatsu)
  From "Go! Princess PreCure" (2105-2016)
  38. Cure Flora (Yu Shimamura)
  39. Cure Mermaid (Masumi Asano)
  40. Cure Twinkle (Hibiku Yamamura)
  41. Cure Scarlet (Miyuki Sawashiro)
  From "Maho Girls PreCure!" (2016-2017)
  42. Cure Miracle (Rie Takahashi)
  43. Cure Magical (Yui Horie)
  44. Cure Felice (Saori Hayami)
  From "Kirakira PreCure a la Mode" (2017-2018)
  45. Cure Whip (Karen Miyama)
  46. Cure Custard (Haruka Fukuhara)
  47. Cure Gelato (Tomo Muranaka)
  48. Cure Macaron (Saki Fujita)
  49. Cure Chocolat (Nanako Mori)
  50. Cure Parfait (Inori Minase)
  From "Hugtto! PreCure" (2018-)
  51. Cure Yell (Rie Hikisaka)
  52. Cure Ange (Rina Hon'izumi)
  53. Cure Etoile (Yui Ogura)
  54. Cure Macherie (Nao Tamura)
  55. Cure Amour (Yukari Tamura)
    Toei Animation Digital Division's 32-year-old Hiroshi Miyamoto serves as diretor. He made his directorial
debut with a 3DCG short PreCure to Refi no Wonder Night! (PreCure and Refi's Wonder Night!), one of
the three films in Go! Princess PreCure the Movie: Go! Go!! Splendid Triple Feature!!! released in October
2015, then directed his first feature film PreCure Dream Stars! in March 2017. 
   40,000-lomited advance tickets with two-type "Baby PreCure" sticker sheet will go on sale at theaters 
from July 13. 
プレゼントつき前売券 7月13日(金)から劇場窓口にて発売開始! 「いっしょにあそぼう♡ベビープリキュアシール」をプレゼント! ひみつのお部屋にプリキュアのシールを貼ってはがして何度でも遊んじゃおう☆ 数に限りがあるので、劇場へ急げ#映画プリキュア #precure pic.twitter.com/YTz8NMiFBg
— 映画HUGっと!プリキュア♡ふたりはプリキュア オールスターズメモリーズ』 (@precure_movie) 2018年6月17日
  Source: "Eiga Hugtto! PreCure♡Futari wa PreCure All Stars Memories" official Twitter 
  (C)2018 Movie Hugtto! PreCure Production Committee
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caeboa · 5 years
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A warm-up doodle featuring Ori~!
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dailyjidols · 7 years
M - Idols
[WIP] List of jpop girl groups and soloists with names that begin with the letter M. Information concerning disbandment is accurate as of January 2018.
Maboroshi Karen GeNE
Machikado Keiki (Alice Project Sub Group)
Maeda Atsuko
Maison book girl
Makino Yui
Malcom Mask McLaren
Maneki Kecak
Mano Erina
The Margerines
Maria (disbanded)
Mary Angel
marimomi (disbanded)
Matsuda Seiko
Matsui Rena
Matsumoto Iyo
Matsushita Yui
MAX (inactive)
May'n/ Nakabayashi May
maybe (disbanded)
Mellowquad (disbanded, Hello Project temporary group)
Melody (disbanded)
Melon Kinenbi (disbanded)
Meltia (disbanded)
Meri Coco (unsure of status)
Merry Merli (disbanded)
Michinoku Sendai Ori Himetai
Migma Shelter
Mika Rika
Mikazuki Maria
MIKINORME (disbanded)
Mi-Ke (disbanded)
Milk (disbanded)
MilkyWay (disbanded, Hello Project temporary group)
Milky Berry / Milberry
Milky Holmes
mimimemeMIMI (disbanded)
minAmin (unsure of status)
Minami Aoyama Shoujo Kagekidan / MSK (inactive)
Minami Saori (retired)
Miniature Garden (disbanded)
Mini Skirt (disbanded, AKB48 subgroup)
Mini Sukapan (disbanded)
Mini-Patissier / Minipati (Sakura Gakuin subgroup)
Minimoni (disbanded, Morning Musume subgroup)
Minna no Kodomo-chan
Mirai Skirt
Mita Gotochi Idol
Mizuki Nana
MMJ (disbanded)
Moecore Gakuen
Moles and the Sun (unsure of status)
Momoiro Clover Z
momonaki (disbanded)
Mon Soleil 415
Mori Masako
Morning Musume
Morning Musume Otomegumi (MMsubunit disbanded)
Morning Musume Sakuragumi (MM subunit disbanded)
Morning Musume Tanjo 10nen Kinentai (MM subunit disbanded)
Moso Calibration
M Three (disbanded, Fairies subgroup)
mtopi (disbanded)
mugen Regina (on hiatus)
Musubizm (disbanded)
Musukko Club (Onyako CLub spin off disbanded)
My Rabbits
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tdcjpn · 6 years
TDCJ 1結果発表
TDCJ 1の各カテゴリー受賞者は下記の通りです。 競技性の高い本大会に出場された皆様が真のチャレンジャーです!
Thank you!
Te Hiva Nui No Manumere / 393pt *TDCJ RECORD
TamureTamureTahiti / 381pt *TDCJ RECORD
Gold Medal Manohiva Japan / Saori Bando / 497pt  *TDCJ RECORD
Silver Medal TamureTamureTahiti / Akiko Imai / 440pt
Bronze Medal TamureTamureTahiti / Shiho Otsuka / 434pt 
Winner Te Hiva Nui No Manumere / 393pt *TDCJ RECORD
Kamalei Polynesian Dance School / 296pt
Winner TIAREAPETAHI Tamahine no Ori Heirea / 330pt
Winner TamureTamureTahiti / 381pt *TDCJ RECORD
Winner Kamalei Polynesian Dance School / 341pt
1 / PONI ALOHA HULA STUDIO / 大森 羽珠 2 / TAHITI HANA / 新井梨花 3 / ゆりフラタヒチアンダンススタジオ / 島田 柚奈 
1 / TIAREAPETAHI Tamahine no Ori Heirea / 玻座眞 優羽 2 / TIAREAPETAHI Tamahine no Ori Heirea / 鈴木 空海 3 / ゆりフラタヒチアンダンススタジオ / 西澤 夢羽
1 / Te Hiva Nui No Manumere / 廣瀬絵未里 2 / ゆりフラタヒチアンダンススタジオ / 島田 世梨奈 3 / PONI ALOHA HULA STUDIO / 渡辺美優
1 / Manohiva Japan / 板東彩織 2 / 吉永フラ・タヒチアンダンススクール / 田崎蒼衣
1 / Te Ori Tahiti Here Tokyo / 小出 かれん 2 / Rahau / 堤紗希
1 / TamureTamureTahiti / 今井 彰子 2 / Ori Manu / YUKO / 3 / Te Ori Tahiti Here Tokyo / 森口 夕紀
1 / TAHITI HANA / オリアタ八ツ木 2 / Mateono Ori Tahiti / Kyoko 3 / TamureTamureTahiti / 太田 雪絵
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azure-alchemist · 6 years
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...Tweeted from the official account, the upcoming BlazBlue Radio Neo(「ぶるらじNEO」) will have Saori Hayami(Ruby Rose and Orie) as a guest..They are receiving letters till the 29th of July(Sunday, 18:00(6PM (JST)..(tweet)
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BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle crossesover characters from BlazBlue: CentralFiction, Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] and RWBY. Art by Higuchi Konomi. Released for PlayStation 4, Switch and PC via Steam on May 31st in Japan and Asia, Out now in North America and  Europe..As well as having Dual Audio..
(BlazBluePR twitter) (Cross Tag Battle Logo/Promo Art) (Famitsu interview translation) (Dengeki PlayStation Vol.643 Scan) (Cropped Dengeki Scan) (Teaser Screenshots) (Released Character Art) (Released Character Art 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6) (Command List Toushinsai Translations) (Limited Box collaboration Artwork) (Arc System Works Official BBTAG page(US) (DualShockers Screenshots)(Rachel Tapistry Buy Bonus Sample - Samples 2)(Cover Art - High-res) (BBTAG Limited Box(JP)(Lobby Avatar Screenshots)(BB:TAG April 1st) (English Dub Trailer Screenshots) (BBTAG NA - Limited Edition) (Nintendo Switch HORI Controller) (EVO2018 Roster) (BBTAG Famitsu Scans - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5) (BBTAG Artbook Sample Pages)(BBTAG Highlight Trailers)(GamerNeJP BBTAG Beginner Clips)(BBTAG Movelists - UNIST(PS4/NS)(BBTAG PSN Theme)(BBTAG Official Wallpaper)(Countdown Sketches 1-2 - 3 - 4)(BBTAG Yoshihara Seiichi Illustration)(BBTAG Rice Digital CE(UK)(BBTAG Weekly Famitsu Cover)(DLC #2 #3 and Yang Trailer)(Voice of Hyde Plays BBTAG(ENG)(BBTAG Steam Banners)
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