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Camille Desmoulins/カミーユ デムーラン and Lucille/リュシル (渡辺大輔/Watanabe Daisuke, 則松亜海/Norimatsu Ami) 1789 Les Amants de la Bastille Jp Toho 2018 (3/3, 4/4)
Desmoulins: 1, 2
Lucille: 1, 2, 3
#渡辺大輔#カミーユ デムーラン#camille desmoulins#daisuke watanabe#watanabe daisuke#則松亜海#Norimatsu Ami#ami norimatsu#1789 toho#1789バスティーユの恋人たち#1789 バスティーユの恋人たち#1789 les amants de la bastille#costume reference#lucille#リュシル
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Hi! I have loved Toho Elisabeth since May, and I want to find other musicals they’ve adapted and done but I have no idea where to find them, aside from a version of Phantom I found on Bilibili. Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
So, first of all, my apologies for the length of time to reply -- I've been busy dealing with professional things the whole month and can only now be a human being. In relation to that...for the last three or so years, I haven't been able to follow Toho musicals like I wish I could. It's a shame, but. Well. Grad student. (As well as various developments in terms of my personal life and Toho that have made me a little less likely to follow it.)
I'll take this in three parts -- First of all, the adaptations I personally recommend, second, how to keep up to date on announcements (which I'm woefully behind on, do as I say, not as I do), and third, how to get ahold of them once you've found the musical of your dreams.
(Some) Recommendations
Romeo and Juliet (ミュージカル 「ロミオとジュリエット」)
The myth, the legend. One of the most legendary French original musicals, translated to Japanese for the purposes of the wildly successful Takarazuka production (which has had like. A *ton* of productions. I'm not inclined to do the research on how many, because this is the Quick and Dirty Guide, not the research paper, but there have been a Lot) and then totally reinterpreted for the Toho stage, including staging it in a post-apocalyptic setting and updating and expanding the libretto to fit that setting. (#1 way to piss off a Toho Romeo and Juliet fan? Say that it's just like the Zuka.) I personally recommend the 2019 production, specifically Black Cast with Furukawa Yuta, but you can form your own preferences.
Lady Bess (ミュージカル「レディ・ベス」)
If you came for Kunze and Levay, there's nothing better than...MORE Kunze and Levay. This was my very first Toho musical, I got the DVD back in....2018, God, that was five years ago. ANYWAY. It tells the story of a Young Elizabeth I of England and her struggle to survive under her sister's rule while contending with her mother's complex legacy while embarking on a youthful romance with the spirited poet, Robin Blake. While I do have some issues with the libretto, the music is strong and the production is gorgeous. If you can only get one, get the Star Cast with Aya Hirano and Kazuki Kato.
1789, Les Amants de La Bastille (ミュージカル 「1789 - バスティーユの恋人たち」)
If you know me, this musical doesn't need an introduction. It's changed my life. The Toho production in particular. It's quite bittersweet from where I'm standing now, for various reasons, including the tragic death of Sayaka Kanda, who was the lead actress for one of the casts, which...God, we're almost approaching the anniversary...but the fact remains that it was a gorgeous production, the music is gorgeous, and, plot-wise, it probably did the best job of exploring the characters and the nuances of the plot of any of the productions, including the French, and it perfectly suited the darker style usually associated with Toho musicals. I love both casts and recommend them, but of the two, I personally recommend the d'Espoir cast, which had Teppei Koike and Sayaka Kanda, not just out of pity, but because they were were both exceptional in the roles.)
Marie Antoinette (ミュージカル 「マリー・アントワネット」)
While I would say that Lady Bess introduced me to Toho and 1789 cemented my love for it, Marie Antoinette...defines it for me. It's probably my favorite Toho musical of all time. It would require a long, long rant to discuss everything I love about it, but to put it simply: It's a gorgeous production, you got some of the best actors currently working on the Japanese stage together to give some of the best acting of their careers, and the music is great. The dynamics between the various characters -- Margrid and Antoinette, Margrid and Orléans, Orléans and Antoinette, Antoinette and Fersen, Antoinette and Louis -- are some of my favorite in any musical I've seen, not just limited to Toho musicals, and the little bit of sexism that usually seems to follow Kunze and Levay's stuff...I don't want to say it's GONE, but I think that the fact that the female characters behave like people -- sometimes flawed people -- bumps it up a couple of notches, so if you like Elisabeth and you like its style...it's not a guarantee, since MA doesn't lean on the gothic tradition as much as Elisabeth, but you will PROBABLY like it. I personally recommend the A Cast with Sonim, Furukawa Yuta, and Rena Sasamoto.
This is, imo, a good starter pack -- there are other Toho musicals out there, but these are the ones that I recommend to capture some of the range of what Toho can do as a company and to introduce you to some of the best of the best on stage.
Now, Part 2:
2. R's Quick and Dirty Guide to Toho Musicals and How To Get Into Them (if you need links, let me know):
First of all: Follow the official Toho Channel on Youtube + Twitter. This is your best guide for keeping up to date on which projects they're working on. Also follow Umeda Arts while you're at it, and since there's a not-insignificant overlap between Horipro's business and Toho's, follow THEM as well. This will also keep you up to date on things like DVD + BluRay releases, since they tend to announce them on Twitter + Youtube.
Follow some of the stars on Instagram! Japanese celebrities tend to be very much into Instagram (okay, so are American celebrities) -- this is your best bet at following which projects they're working on. Since you mentioned Elisabeth, for example, Furukawa Yuta maintains an active Instagram presence *and* is an immensely bankable star. Likewise for Manaki Reika, Hanafusa Mari, etc., and they often will take pictures of musicals they're attending, or stars they're working with, so you can hopefully get a web of stars constantly posting updates about new projects.
And for the grand finale....
3. Getting ahold of them.
I recommend using a proxy if you're not in Japan. Do NOT, for the LOVE OF GOD, go for Ebay prices -- with how low the yen currently is, just about anything you pick up on Ebay is either going to be highway robbery or something you could get for the same price using a proxy. I use two services -- Buyee for when I want to do a broad search of everything on the Japanese market for something I can buy myself, MyFavoriteThingsJapan for when the thing that I want requires a little bit more...negotiation. (I am very aware that the way I just phrased that makes it sound like I have a personal hitman I use to get ahold of Japanese theatre merch.) (Not yet.) Sometimes, you will find items, DVDs, BluRays, CDs, etc. that Buyee doesn't cover. And, in those instances, if you don't speak Japanese, it's to your benefit to have someone who can negotiate on your behalf with the buyer. It's a little bit more costly, but worth it. Japanese theatre is frustrating to be in, because, unlike, say, VBW for German language musicals, the Japanese industry has never seen the need to overly cater to its international fans (though this has been improving with, say, Takarazuka.) Western...or even non-Japanese Toho fans are an exception, not a rule. So, we have to be a little bit more creative. That being SAID, there are so many proxy services available now VS even five years ago, and the price of the yen is still so low compared to where it was, that it has never been easier to buy these things. (And, in some ways, it's easier than, say, getting ahold of specialized French merchandise. Or, God help us all, Hungarian.)
You'll notice I'm not making any suggestions of websites to find these things -- due to how oppressively underpaid Japanese theatre stars often are (with a couple of exceptions at the very top of the industry), there is, traditionally, a very strong taboo around sharing websites that you can get ahold of these things for free. Japanese theatre fans are often stereotyped as being incredibly parasocial with their stars of choice -- there's absolutely truth to this and there are a number of cultural factors why this is the case, even among western fans (though, frankly, as someone who survived the Tveitpocalypse, I wonder whether we really want to argue that that's unique to Japanese or Korean theatre), but at least part of it is that, frankly, the fans often protect the stars better than their own companies do (the Japanese theatre industry is...an industry. Mix some of the worst of Japanese work culture with already-crushing expectations of the theatre industry and BANG you have the Japanese musical theatre industry in a nutshell, at least among the major companies). There's a feeling of protectiveness, in other words. My relationship with that taboo is a long and complicated one that's gone through many phases over the years -- at the moment, I'm, frankly, too tired to actively scold anyone for it, especially given how much hypocrisy often surrounds that taboo, but I'm still not willing to publicly share that information or to share my own personal links. You know one that you can find material on -- I also know that you can find things on archive.org and VK. I won't point you to them directly, but they exist, even if there are, in general, fewer Toho musicals posted to both than, say, Takarazuka, and I know that @emptymasks has compiled a list of both Takarazuka and Toho Elisabeth productions here. Beyond that, I can also stream any of the aforementioned musicals, so long as you give me a little time to plan since my schedule is really, thoroughly, not what it used to be.
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(星組 宝塚大劇場公演『1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち-』千秋楽 LIVE配信 | ライブ配信(LIVE)| 楽天TVから)
三井住友VISAカード シアター スペクタクル・ミュージカル『1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち-』 Le Spectacle Musical ≪1789 - Les Amants de la Bastille≫ Produced by NTCA PRODUCTIONS, Dove Attia and Albert Cohen International Licensing & Booking, G.L.O, Guillaume Lagorce 潤色・演出/小池 修一郎
2023/07/02 ライブ配信にて観劇
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三連休の中日の昨日、宝塚を観てきました。演目は『1789 バスティーユの恋人たち』。タイトルから推測できるようにフランス革命の頃のお話です。


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Miura Ryosuke as Robespierre in 1789: バスティーユの恋人たち (Act One).
#miura ryosuke#1789 musical#1789 les amants de la bastille#1789バスティーユの恋人たち#robespierre 1789#1789 robespierre#toho 1789#gifs
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hey, if anyone is still alive in the 1789 fandom ...
what would you say to a film adaptation script of the stage show? I'm a screenwriter and been kinda fiddling around with the notion ...
#1789 les amants de la bastille#1789バスティーユの恋人たち#1789 bastille no koibitotachi#ronan mazurier#olympe de puget#dove attia#lovers of the bastille
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My personal favourite moments of Kacha as Camille Desmoulins in 1789: The Lovers of the Bastille by Moon Troupe 2015
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It was the best day ever <3 Thank you my dear Fersen <3
Characters: Marie Antoinette ~ Me Hans Axel von Fersen ~ @jomnixde
#1789バスティーユの恋人たち#1789 les amants de la bastille#1789#musical#marie antoinette#axel von fersen#queen of france#france#Theater#cosplay#makeup#wig
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Le comte de Peyrol a rangé son arme ! 谢谢 / Merci Yingzhi Kuang 匡颖之 pour ce dessin qui m'a fait beaucoup rire.😀 See you in Shanghai 🇨🇳 @mattcarnot1789 @yingzhi_kuang #sauvesparlekong #1789바스티유의연인들 #mattcarnot1789 #1789バスティーユの恋人たち #1789 #1789lesamantsdelabastille (à Stanley Bay, Hong Kong)
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slipped and fell on 『1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち-』 again for a second
The show in 2016 with Watanabe Daisuke, Kato Kazuki and Furukawa Yuta was just so amazing 🔥
#Watanabe Daisuke#Kato Kazuki#Furukawa Yuta#1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち-#1789 les amants de la bastille#Musical
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1789 Les amants de la Bastille | Ronan Mazurier, Olympe Du Pujet, Camille Desmoulins
#1789 les amants de la bastille#1789 the musical#louis delort#camille lou#Rod Janois#Ryuu Masaki#Saotome Wakaba#Nagina Ruumi#Koike Teppei#Sayaka Kanda#Watanabe Daisuke#gif#gif:1789#takarazuka#1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち-
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Marie-Antoinette/マリー・アントワネット, "Je Mise Tout/全てを賭ける" Costume (花總まり/Hanafusa Mari) 1789 Les Amants de la Bastille Jp Toho 2016 (1/13)
Costume Notes: For this production the "Je Mise Tout" has a flower and insect motif more specifically butterfly, thus all the butterfly and flower incorporated in decorating her dress. It is also interesting to note that her wig is blonde unlike Kaname the other Marie-Antoinette 2016 actor who has a white wig base.
Parts: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
#marie antoinette#1789 toho#1789バスティーユの恋人たち#1789 バスティーユの恋人たち#1789 les amants de la bastille#je mise tout#全てを賭ける#マリーアントワネット#花總まり#mari hanafusa#Hanafusa Mari#costume reference#1789 costume
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 1789 - バスティーユの恋人たち | 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille - Takarazuka Revue, 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille - Various Composers/Attia & Chouquet Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ronan Mazurier/Lazare de Peyrol, Anne de Griffeuil (OC) & Lazare de Peyrol Characters: Lazare de Peyrol, Ronan Mazurier, Camille Desmoulins, Lucile Desmoulins, Anne de Griffeuil (OC) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ronan Mazurier Lives, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Period-Typical Homophobia, Lazare is Still an 18th Century Aristocrat, Mother-Son Relationship, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Lazare's Grandfather's A+ Parenting, No Lazare Really Is A Bit of an Ass Here But He Is Trying In His Own Way, Okay Maybe Angst With A Bittersweet Ending, (The Boys Are Okay) Series: Part 3 of The Abomination Verse Summary:
Camille's wedding stirs up tensions between Ronan and Lazare, as they both have to decide what they really want: The life that society wants for them or a life of freedom together.
Why the fuck couldn’t things be different? Why couldn’t two men be married, if they wanted to be? Who would it harm? Why couldn’t he marry the man he loved in a church with his friends and his family? Why couldn’t his friends tell him how proud they were of him, how happy he looked? Why couldn’t he hold his husband’s hand on the street, or peck him on the mouth? Why couldn’t they promise forever to one another? They’d been together a year and a half, that was longer than Lucille and Camille had been engaged, but he couldn’t tell anyone that. One of the biggest parts of his life, and he couldn’t tell anyone about it. It had to be treated like…like something filthy. He loved Lazare. As much as anyone had ever loved someone else. What was so wrong with that?
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(星組 東京宝塚劇場公演『1789 -バスティーユの恋人たち-』千秋楽 LIVE配信 | ライブ配信(LIVE)| 楽天TVから)
2023/08/27 ライブ配信にて観劇 礼真琴さん復帰よかったです。今日からしばらくゆっくりおやすみください!
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French Musical Recommendations/review (Part 2)
I should have mentioned in part 1 but I don't speak French (well a bit but not enough to understand the lyrics unless I’m reading it or something) so if the lyrics aren’t that good my bad I honestly wouldn’t know,
Also this is in no particular order, I don't think all the shows mentioned in part 1 are better than the ones mentioned here, there will be a part 3 at some point
1789 Les amantes de la Bastille: I think this may be my second or third (ties with Mozart) favourite French musical based solely on soundtrack, it’s about the siege of the Bastille and the days leading up to it with a focus on two lovers Ronan a revolutionary and Olympe Marie Antoinette’s children’s governess (the actress who played Olympe was also Guinevere in roi Arthur musical), my favourite songs are “Sur ma peau” and “La rue nous apparent” it is available in full on YouTube, IMPORTANT: This show has two endings, I don’t want to spoil so perhaps skip what I’m about to write though I will try to be vague: the scene before the song ��fixe” at the end, the two characters switch place mattering on which version your watching, one version was done towards the start of the run and late 2013 they seemed to have made the change, the full version uploaded and the dvd have the original ending (I personally prefer the original but the other is not bad as well). also in 2012 when the show was staring with the showcase costumes are really different and you’ll find Ronan is played by Matthieu Carnot who plays Lazare in the full production later on instead because he had vocal issues resulting in getting replaced and given a more minor role (I think he’s great in his new role though, “Maniaque” is a bop)
Non-music: I have yet to see it in full but from clips the lighting is great and really adds to the songs and emotions, the story is pretty straightforward but nice, and the choreography is good from what I’ve seen, also for a “historical” show the costumes aren’t that bad, I would assume not accurate but a good balance of inaccurate and historical looking enough
Japanese Toho ver. (1789 バスティーユの恋人たち) 2016 clips are available on YouTube, the costumes in this version is fun, it’s non-replica but they really went off on Olympe’s costume, I will be honest a little bit sad about Ronan’s yellow jacket being replaced with a dark blue, also one of the Ronan actors (Olympe, Ronan and Marie-Antoinette are double casted) looks too old, especially compared to other Ronan actor who really has the young energetic vibe about him (though if memory serves me correctly his sur ma peau was strangely annoying to listen to)
Takarazuka ver. 2015, clips are available on YouTube if Japanese title along with “宝塚“ is added in search
Notre-Dame de Paris: a musical based on Victor Hugo’s novel of the same name, it is different from the Disney musical, this is another popular French show, if you like Romeo et Juliette you’ll probably like this, it can found in full on YouTube along with different translations/adaptions, I won’t go to in depth on different version on here like I did for R+J but if your interested the Wikipedia page is quite detailed and can tell you about all the casts and cast recording available, I have yet to watch it in full but so far I think Belle and Le temps des cathédrales are my favourite songs (quite basic I know), it’s one of those shows you can’t go wrong with, from the parts I’ve watched and listened I think it could become one of my favourite shows
Non music: From the bits I’ve seen the wall backdrop is really cool, It has nooks and platforms that appear and disappear and it’s just really cool looking, WARNING, this is a bit of the spoiler so maybe don't read what I’m about to write but if you’ve read the book its not that much of a spoiler but there is a hanging scene at the end so if that imagery is something your sensitive to please be wary, it’s at the end (on the YouTube video of the full original show its from 2:03:42-2:03:54)
Don Juan: I love this show (I strangely found parts funny and a bit cheesy which is why I liked it), It’s pretty much about a man Don Juan who is a know heartbreaker who is only into sex drinking and having fun but no love, he then falls in love with a woman, shocker, and conflicts arise from there, honestly I don’t see a lot of content for this show but I think it’s fun, the dancing is primarily flamenco (music is heavily inspired by the dance as well) and it’s impressive, the singing is great, the full show is available on YouTube, my favourite songs are probably “Les fleurs du mal” and “Jalousie,” It opened in Montreal originally then went to Paris, the full show is available on YouTube (I think the Paris version) and there is also a full 3 and half hour behind the scenes video of the Paris production online, from what I can tell up till the symphony version of 2019 Don Juan and his love Maria has been consistently played by Jean-François Breau and Marie-Ève Janvier (obviously there were understudies and such) the actors are also married/were dating during the show which adds to it when you see them perform together
Non-Music: a character described with black hair in the song chorus is blonde/brunette and I thought that was hilarious, some strange choreography with Don Juan especially in Jalousie, he walks up and down stage and it’s awkward, aside from weird parts in general the costumes are ok (gets better in later productions), the set is plain but with some fun props, I think the dancing is probably one of the highlights along with the live band present on stage for certain songs (photo from Quebec 2013 production)
Don Juan (Théâtre St-Denis) 2004 Montreal, also had Canada tour after its Montreal premier in Feb.
France Tour 2005 Palais des Congrès à Paris performance recording and behind the scenes is available on YouTube
Korean Tour 2006, the French cast touring, non-costume concert versions and actual performance clips are available on Youtube
Korean Cast, 2009 (March~) (뮤지컬 돈 주앙) separate from the tour which was the French cast touring this is an all Korean cast, act 1 and 2 can be found on YouTube (video called “돈쥬앙 1막“ and “돈쥬앙 2막“) though it seems to cut around so It’s like a pieced together version of the acts, other clips are also available, it is a replica production
2012 revival Montreal, from what I read it only had 10 performances? and with it released a cd with new recordings, “nous on veut de l'amour“ and “L'amour Est Plus Fort“
Grand Théâtre de Québec 2013 (August 9-18), you could call this a continuation to the revival in Montreal
Takarazuka ver. 2016 (June+July) (ドン・ジュアン) the page is still up on the takarazuka website for this production, there’s a ad with clips from the show available on niconico (should come up if you search the title in jp and add takarazuka in jp) also this version Don Juan is strangely more touchy with his friend, not mad guess it adds a new tension to the plot, non replica production though it is quite similar to the French one, they don’t stray too far
Don Juan Symphonique 2019 (Feb 12-16): At the Montreal Symphony House they had a concert version with the original cast (or at least the original Don Juan and Maria), along with the OSM (Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal)
Japanese ver. 2019 (August/September + December) it’s non-replica, there’s a trailer for it online but it only features Don Juan, I found blog posts about it but currently while I write this it’s late so perhaps I’ll update with more info later, maybe not
Moscow Concert 2020 (March 17-22) (Дон Жуан or Don Juan) This is still in French with a French cast but this time the leads are no longer the original, Laurent Ban is now Don Juan, supposedly according to a Russian video it was meant to go on tour after Moscow (State Kremlin Palace) but I’m assuming the issue with the virus changed plans, I’m surprised they were going to go on world tour I honestly think it’s not true, the interview with cast can be found on YouTube with bits of songs, however the Russian concert advertisement is only a recording from the 2005 French, from what I can tell it is a replica, I believe it was cancelled before the premier due to Covid-19
The research for this show took me all day, maybe if I was fluent in French it would have been faster, if I’m wrong in parts feel free to comment and correct me and I’ll edit it
Les Trois Mousquetaires: Not to be mistaken with the Broadway/Westend show of the same name and base material from 1928 with the revival in the 80′s or the other three musketeer musical at the North Shore theatre in 2007 (the one with Aaron Tveit and Kevyn Morrow), or the other musical by George Stiles and Paul Leigh, this is an entirely separate 2016-2017 musical that follows the general plot of the literature it’s based on though simplified, it’s ok, not great but not the worst, I probably would rank it lower than roi Arthur, I will admit I haven’t listened to the full show, it’s quite catchy, my favourite song so far is probably “Je t’aime c’est tout,” there is a showcase concert in full, music videos and official soundtracks available on YouTube but I would advise checking out the live versions, the ensemble backing parts are really great and they get cut out in the recording versions which really cheapens the songs for me, In general ok show, really not the best but has its highlights (like the four lads relationship is fun to watch, dancing is great, singing is good),
Non-Music: Athos the oldest of the 3 musketeers is actually the youngest actor though he is a few year older than the D’Artagnan actor, It’s minor I guess but I didn’t realise who Athos was until looking up the cast list and was shocked, Also Athos really doesn’t sing because Brahim Zaibat who plays him is a dancer, despite this his dancing skills really add to the fight sequences making them very impressive and fun to watch, it’s more concerty in style and a bit interactive with the audience, from what I can tell the sets seem plain and the costumes are really awful (in my opinion) like Athos’ shirt is so revealing to the point he might as well not wear a shirt, also Constance’s outfit is just a no for me
#1789 les amants de la bastille#notre dame de paris#les trois mousquetaires#the three musketeers#Don juan#musical theatre#French musicals#takarazuka#musicals#theatre#rambling
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Miura Ryosuke as Robespierre in 1789:バスティーユの恋人たち (Act 2).
Bonus gifs that didn’t fit in the “images” section:
#miura ryosuke#1789 robespierre#robespierre 1789#1789 musical#toho 1789#1789 les amants de la bastille#1789:バスティーユの恋人たち#gifs
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