#BlazBlue Radio Neo
new-fire-chicken · 1 year
Episode List
Blazblue Radio
Zokku Blazblue Radio
Blazblue Radio Wide
Blazblue Radio Hyper
Blazblue Radio Ace
Blazblue Radio Quick
Blazblue Radio Dynamic
Blazblue Radio Neo
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cielsulfur-blog · 6 years
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ブレイブルー公式WEBラジオ「ぶるらじNEO 第4回 ~ワイス登場!優雅に(?)参りますわよ!~  ( BBRadio NEO Episode 4 ~Weiss Appears! Arriving Elegantly(?)!~ )
Cut-ins: Part 1 | Part 2
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krestor · 6 years
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El 4º episodio de Blazblue Radio NEO ya está disponible (próximamente se ñadirán subtítulos en inglés)
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azure-alchemist · 6 years
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...Tweeted from the official account, the upcoming BlazBlue Radio Neo(「ぶるらじNEO」) will have Saori Hayami(Ruby Rose and Orie) as a guest..They are receiving letters till the 29th of July(Sunday, 18:00(6PM (JST)..(tweet)
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BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle crossesover characters from BlazBlue: CentralFiction, Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] and RWBY. Art by Higuchi Konomi. Released for PlayStation 4, Switch and PC via Steam on May 31st in Japan and Asia, Out now in North America and  Europe..As well as having Dual Audio..
(BlazBluePR twitter) (Cross Tag Battle Logo/Promo Art) (Famitsu interview translation) (Dengeki PlayStation Vol.643 Scan) (Cropped Dengeki Scan) (Teaser Screenshots) (Released Character Art) (Released Character Art 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6) (Command List Toushinsai Translations) (Limited Box collaboration Artwork) (Arc System Works Official BBTAG page(US) (DualShockers Screenshots)(Rachel Tapistry Buy Bonus Sample - Samples 2)(Cover Art - High-res) (BBTAG Limited Box(JP)(Lobby Avatar Screenshots)(BB:TAG April 1st) (English Dub Trailer Screenshots) (BBTAG NA - Limited Edition) (Nintendo Switch HORI Controller) (EVO2018 Roster) (BBTAG Famitsu Scans - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5) (BBTAG Artbook Sample Pages)(BBTAG Highlight Trailers)(GamerNeJP BBTAG Beginner Clips)(BBTAG Movelists - UNIST(PS4/NS)(BBTAG PSN Theme)(BBTAG Official Wallpaper)(Countdown Sketches 1-2 - 3 - 4)(BBTAG Yoshihara Seiichi Illustration)(BBTAG Rice Digital CE(UK)(BBTAG Weekly Famitsu Cover)(DLC #2 #3 and Yang Trailer)(Voice of Hyde Plays BBTAG(ENG)(BBTAG Steam Banners)
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
The four RWBY girls alongside Michael Jones and Vic Mignonga had a panel on July 14th at Florida Supercon. 
Panel finally starts after five minutes and a tangent about Titanic. Michael does a runway walk while people queue up for questions, Vic beatboxes for him.
Would the RWBY girls say that their friendship is as close as RWBY’s friendship? A: Basically, yes. Lindsay notes that she’s more like Weiss when talking with Kara and Kara is more like Ruby in that Lindsay constantly dunks on Kara. Arryn notes that Blake never talks to Ruby, so she’s got that over Blake.
Of all the characters in RWBY, which would you like to see development for? Also can I have a hug? A: Hugs are promised at the booth after the panel. Arryn: “I will touch you so hard.. in the most appropriate way possible”. As for the question, Lindsay would like to see more of Neo. Kara says Mama Schnee. Arryn says Zwei. Barbara says that she’d love to see Ruby get some development. “Out of all the main cast, we have yet to learn more about her.” Vic goes with Oscar, partly for the selfish reason of getting to hang out with Arron Dismuke (Oscar’s voice actor). “He’s my little baby brother who’s now 7′4, and he went from ‘brother!’ to ‘BROTHER.’” Michael chooses Neptune.
How is everyone today? A: Great! Q: In between all the voice acting stuff, do you find the personal time to do what you want? A: Lindsay: “I mean, we had a kid, so... yeah.” Barbara notes that recording for RWBY and other RT Animation shows is just something that takes an hour a week. Arryn notes that since acting is her full-time job, she doesn’t exactly like having downtime. “Please give me a job!” Vic stabs the viewer in the heart by saying “I’m doing what I want right now.” 
Does your voice ever get tired out, especially among the people who shift from Achievement Hunter to RWBY? A: Lindsay notes the big difference in going from AH to RWBY in that “Achievement Hunter is... Achievement Hunter and RWBY is family friendly!” She goes on to say that the most exhausting thing is ‘efforts’ or battle sounds. Ruby’s voice is difficult when it comes to crying and yelling. Michael admits he takes horrible care of his voice- other VAs have special teas and honeys to calm their throats down, but when Michael’s not doing VA work he’s usually screaming. Sun is based on Michael’s normal voice and as a consequence, he’s pretty hard to do if Michael is just out of a Let’s Play. Vic notes you can damage your voice from over-usage and that it’s important to know when to stop.
Would you rather ship Jaune with Pyrrha, Weiss (Kara raises her hand) or Ruby? A: Lindsay: “Let’s remove that third one from the equation. Ruby’s in a relationship with herself right now.” Barb: “I would like to see some Jaune/Sun.” Arryn: “Sun’s in love with Blake.” Michael jokingly laments that “volume after volume,” Sun’s been doing his best for Blake. Arryn more seriously says that “Jaune needs to focus on himself. He had his chance with a girl and he screwed it up.” Arryn then notes that Blake also needs to do some introspection. 
If RWBY fought Sun and Qrow, who’d come out on top? A: Lindsay isn’t sure Qrow would go all out against Ruby, even if it was a training match. Arryn and Lindsay both consciously snub Yang. (Lindsay: “Would Qrow really fight his lovely niece?” Arryn: “The one he’s so clearly obsessed with? I’m sorry, who are you again Yang?”) They pretty much all agree that Qrow’s Semblance would sabotage Team Drunken Monkey. Michael says Sun would hang back and let Qrow figure it out.
Vic, how did you come up with Qrow’s voice? The girls do Qrow impressions of varying quality. Vic shares a story of how he got into RWBY; at a panel in Perth back in 2014, Lindsay and Michael shared some footage of RWBY that got Vic hooked. As far as the voice, they sent him some test images of Qrow and some lines that he recorded in LA and sent to them. He did a few different voices, they picked one and the rest is history. Most of the rest of the group used something close to their natural voice. Barbara initially had a higher pitch for Yang but she toned it down. Arryn uses the same voice but changes her speech pattern. Lindsay based Ruby’s squeak on her own self-deprecating jokes about being the chubby kid. Ruby’s Volume 1 voice was because they weren’t sure how innocent Ruby was supposed to be. Michael says Sun’s voice nowadays is based on a surfer bro without the accent. There’s another bit of teasing for the Black Sun fans when Michael laments that Blake keeps shooting Sun down (”He’s trying though!”) and Arryn bemoans how oblivious Blake is. Barbara tries to fit in a Bumblebee joke about her loving Yang. 
Q: Did Ruby have a goth phase? Lindsay notes that Ruby is now sixteen as of Volume 5 (Arryn wonders if this means that Blake’s finally eighteen). Lindsay jokes that Ruby likes going to Fall Out Boy concerts. Arryn once had black hair with red tips like Ruby.
What weapons would the show be able to come up besides what’s already been seen? A: Arryn: “Well the show isn’t capable of ideas.” The question was meant to be “What kind of weapons would you come up with for a new character?” Barbara says a “gun-gun,” a gun that shoots guns. Vic: “I like to keep it simple. What I do is I take a bottle, and I break it. And then I cut you.” Arryn would love to see some kind of fan weapon. Kara: “What about a frisbee?” Michael likes the idea of a game controller that turns into a whip. The fan also has a statement that Blake isn’t the only black cat he knows that’s completely oblivious to love (Adrian from Miraculous Ladybug)
What does RWBY mean to you? Barb: “It means Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang.” Vic: “Can we change it to QRWBY?” Arryn talks about how much RWBY changed her life and let her find her dream job. Kara: “It’s been amazing, I have no words.” 
A Ruby cosplayer made bracelets for RWY. Arryn got hers on-stage. Q: Any advice for anyone who wants to get into voice acting? A: Lindsay says getting into VA work is a little bit of luck, but it comes down to who you know and how you network with people. Fan dubs are a great jumping off point since directors keep up with that. Yuri Lowenthal (Merucry Black) and his wife Tara Platt (Kali) have a three-part series on Youtube that covers how to make a great demo reel as a voice actor. Vic says to take any chance you can to develop your skills. Most of the actors he knows didn’t start as voice actors, they just performed wherever they could. Basically, never say no to any acting gig, get into community theater and go to acting school. “One thing you need more than talent, is a thick skin.” 
If you guys could switch characters with someone here who would it be? A: Michael: “I’M YANG!” Lindsay and Weiss would swap. Arryn would be Sun or Yang. Barb would do Qrow. Vic in his Qrow voice: “I’m Weiss. I drink a lot.” Lindsay: Like mother like daughter! Vic at the end of the question: “I’d like to play Winter so I can lose to myself in a fight!”
How do you guys get into character? Arryn: “Don’t really have to do anything any more.” Kara watches the most recent episodes to get into Weiss’s mindset. She also records in heels since it helps her posture, unless it’s a fight scene. For Chibi/Volume 1-3 Yang, Barbara would cause chaos and build her energy up, but for Volume 4/5, she’d wear a big hoodie like “emo yang.” Lindsay finds a theme song for her characters. For Ruby she uses anime OPs like Lucky Star (Beacon) or Red Like Roses Part 2 (Volume 4-5 Ruby). Michael runs in circles to build up energy for Sun, if he plays Max from Camp Camp he starts swearing up a storm. When he’s driving in he’ll shout along with songs on the radio.
Michael, favorite character that’s not Sun? Winter. 
Who can do the best robot dance? Barbara.
Who do you ship in RWBY? (DAMNIT WE NEARLY MADE IT TO THE END WITHOUT THIS FUCKING QUESTION GAAAAAA) Barb- Bumblebee. Kara- White Knight. Lindsay- Nuts and Dolts. Vic- the USS Enterprise. 
Barbara, how was it to provide your voice for Blazblue? She rapid-fire says “I nearly lost my voice from all the power up sounds.”
Barbara, how can fans support Rooster Teeth beyond just buying First? A: Watch the shows, First is the absolute best way to support them.
Do you believe in destiny? Yes. Favorite OST song? Lindsay- Red Like Roses Part 2. Arryn and Michael- This Will Be The Day. Barb- Gold and Cold. 
Barbara, is Yang gay? Barb: “I don’t know, I kinda hope so though.”
Where are Yang’s puns? A: Watch Chibi. 
Arryn, when is Blake gonna stop being so melodramatic? “I’ve already ended it. Just wait!” 
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amatsumugi89 · 6 years
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The guest for the 2nd episode of BlazBlue Radio Neo will be Koshimizu Ami, who voices Yukiko and Yang.
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Weiss are you ok
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cielsulfur-blog · 6 years
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ブレイブルー公式WEBラジオ「ぶるらじNEO 第4回 ~ワイス登場!優雅に(?)参りますわよ!~  ( BBRadio NEO Episode 4 ~Weiss Appears! Arriving Elegantly(?)!~ )
Cut-ins: Part 1 | Part 2
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cielsulfur-blog · 6 years
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ぶるらじNEO 第3回 ~ルビー登場!見せてやるよ、鎌ーズの力を!~ (BlazBlue Radio NEO Episode 3 ~Ruby Appears! I’ll Show You A Scythe’s Power!~ )
Cut-ins: Part 1 | Part 2
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cielsulfur-blog · 6 years
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ぶるらじNEO 第3回 ~ルビー登場!見せてやるよ、鎌ーズの力を!~ (BlazBlue Radio NEO Episode 3 ~Ruby Appears! I'll Show You A Scythe's Power!~ )
Cut-ins: Part 1 | Part 2
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krestor · 6 years
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