#and nudging some over to Saori to for her to try too)
soulsxng · 2 years
@arcxnumvitae replied to your post:
Woo hoo, prize time! She’s hyped
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"Yeah, you should be getting hyped! We're going to the best dessert spot I know, and you're going to love it, I promise. Seriously, how I manage to not end up there every day is beyond me. It takes some willpower!"
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sachirobabe · 3 months
Chapter 6
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Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Wc: 4119
Summary: You, a dedicated member of the girls' volleyball team, find an unexpected connection with Kuroo Tetsurou. Igniting a bond over shared passions and stolen moments, love blossoms on the court; all because you met him at a captains meeting.
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Taglist: @merlucide, @lemurzsquad, @02shuuu, @michakune, @ivy-taylorsversion, @scinclaitnoir, @v-e-r-t21
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"Found you." You cross your arms and glare into Himari's eyes.
She had avoided walking with you this morning, claiming she was running late and would have her mom drive her.
You were heading over to Himari's house, but before you left the door, you got a call from her.
"Hey, go ahead and walk without me, I'm running super late." She says.
"It's okay, I can wait with you—"
"My mom said she'd take me, sorry!" The call ended and you frown.
Then she had avoided all eye contact with you throughout class.
You raise an eyebrow as you see Himari in her assigned seat, she had beaten you to class, despite her saying she was running late.
Your mouth was open, but before you could say anything, your teacher had begun class.
And now she tried to sneakily go off to eat lunch somewhere else when she said she'd meet you in Mori's class.
"Y/n!" Kuroo smiled, he began talking about plans for practice today, you drift your attention to Himari.
She makes eye contact with you and quickly gives an excuse of having to use the bathroom. "But I'll meet you in Mori's, 'kay?" She says and leaves.
"You found me." She shrugs, a small smile creeping on her face.
"You've been avoiding me." You sit down next to her on the roof table. "Is this all about yesterday?"
She sets aside her food for a moment, "I was just having a bad day, and I let some things get to me."
"And today too?"
"And today too." She confirms. "I'm sorry, I've never had to go through this before—it's all new to me and I'm scared I won't be by your side for our final year."
"We'll still play together, we're on the same team—just because you might have some competition, doesn't mean you're going to get replaced just like that." You say to comfort her.
"I know, but what if? This sounds so selfish of me, but I want to continue to be the main setter." She frowns.
"Then you're going to have to put the work in." You're honest with her, "Saori is a first-year remember? She makes mistakes that you don't anymore, so get out of your head." You slightly nudge her and she laughs.
"I'll try not to." She smiles, her hair blowing in the wind.
"We're going to nationals again, we need you." You say with confidence and she smirks. She shared her lunch with you and the two of you talked every now and then.
"So what were you and your boyfriend talking about?" Himari smirks, remembering earlier that he had come up to you.
You choke on your strawberry and began coughing, "What?" You croak out.
"The captain." She rolls her eyes.
"He was telling me that we'd probably have to reschedule the practice match because they might play Karasuno today." You take a long sip of water to ease your coughing.
"Karasuno?" She's taken back, "They were really good a few years ago."
"So I've heard. Not their girls' team, though." You say, remembering that you had watched some game film on them.
"Yeah, I'd love to go watch that game." She says.
"You wanna watch your boyfriend play?" You hit her back with the same line.
"Ha ha, very funny." She rolls her eyes. "I just want to...see how they play."
"Yeah okay." You laugh.
The day had finally ended, you were bored during the lessons today, it felt like it'd never end. You planned on watching the Karasuno practice match after your own practice.
"You excited?" You ask Kuroo as you bump into him in the hallway. Himari had gone to talk to her sister before practice.
He nods, "Yeah, it'll be a lot of fun. I'll see you there, right?" He recalls last nights conversation with you.
You hum and nod, "I think Himari will too." You smile.
"She feeling any better?" Kuroo asks curiously.
"A lot better. I talked to her during lunch, she was avoiding me all day." You chuckle, recalling how you had to practically hunt her down.
"That's good to hear, can't have a setter getting in their head, right?" He chuckles and the two of you walk up the stairs to the club rooms, but don't go in yet.
"Oh yeah, that's awful." You recall one practice match where Himari had shut down, "Hasn't happened in a while."
"Same here, only issue is Kenma gets tired quickly." He laughs, "but that's why we make sure our passes are perfect for him."
"That's ideal." You say, "You guys are really annoying to play. You dig up basically everything!"
He laughs loudly and almost doubles over, "You guys are practically the same! And very scrappy."
You laugh along and agree with him, enjoying your conversation. "Yeah, it's worked out for us."
"A little too well," he smirks, "hey-uh after the practice match a few of us wanted to get some food, would you wanna come?"
"Oh totally," You smile, "Thanks for inviting me."
"Yeah no problem, it's a nice day out, too." He smiles widely to himself.
"Hey, Y/n, you changing or what?" Misaki peeps her head out the door, you check your phone and your eyes widen as you see there wasn't much time to get ready.
"Shit. I'll see you later, Kuroo." You quickly wave and walk into the club room, changing quickly. He chuckles to himself and goes into his respected club room as well.
"She was talking to her boyfriend." Himari makes kissy noises and the team laughs and coos.
You feel your face get a little hot, "We're friends!"
"I walked past you and you didn't even notice!" Himari says and the entire room erupts into more laughter.
You feel a little embarrassed at being called out, "Yeah—well I was being polite and engaging in the conversation." You cross your arms.
"Uh huh, sure." Emi joins in.
"You always seem to be really engaged when he's around." Misaki teases.
"I'm being ganged up on!" You huff grabbing your shoes and walking towards the gym. Just your luck, Kuroo was also leaving at the same time as you. He smiles and waits for you to catch up.
"What's all the ruckus in there?" He chuckles.
This was not helping your allegations right now. You just hoped nobody was watching. "They're being idiots, as usual." You joke.
"We could only hear laughter." He says, the sun kissing his skin. You admire him for a little, thinking he looked nice...maybe a little more than nice, but you wouldn't dare to tell anyone that.
You sigh, "I'm sorry if we were loud."
"Oh no, don't worry about it." He smiles, "My team's way worse, trust me."  
You chuckle, 'I'm not so sure about that.' You think to yourself. You both go into your respected gyms. Today was all about attacking, after last night with Keiko and Saori you knew coach Mori would want to work with them more.
"Let's warm up!" You say and do a few laps to get warm and then stretch.
"We're going to be split into groups." Himari takes a place next to you while stretching.
"Really?" You say, "I haven't looked at the practice plan yet."
She hums, "I start off first and then halfway Saori will set. We're working on combos for games."
"That makes sense." You nod. "Gather up!" You say and your team listens and circles around your coach. You drown out her voice, already knowing what she'll say.
The first drill was just regular hitting lines to get everybody warmed up. "Cross-shots only!" Coach Mori yells and stands on the side lines to observe and give pointers.
You jump and hit the ball onto the other side of the court, "Nice set, Himari." You compliment and grab your ball to put it in the cart. After a little your coach instructed to only do line shots now.
"Let's do the spread attack." Your coach says, "Give me 5 more players on the court and make lines behind the hitters and rotate in after you hit."
You frown at the play, it was one of your least favorites defensively if the ball got blocked. You're in the outside position and Rikako passes the ball to Himari. All at once everybody begins their approach and jumps, Himari sent it to Naomi who was in middle back.
She effectively slams the ball onto the other side and cheers, "Nice hit, nice set!" You smile.
Naomi high fives Mei and switched places with her. This went on until everybody got a chance to attack a few times.
"Let's run some gaps, Himari after this you'll switch with Saori." Coach Mori says, she was excited to work with Saori and Keiko.
You hit the ball and smiled at its placement, Himari and you had great chemistry, she was able to adapt to anyone. You high fived your teammates as they hit, the liberos and the ones who wanted to work on digging went on the other side of the net.
Keiko hit well off of Himari, but with Saori and her set yesterday...it was just amazing, and would be deadly against other teams once it was more consistent.
"Setters switch!" Himari high fived Saori and she went on the other side of the court to work on digging up the hits.
Keiko was next in line, "Are we doing the fast one or the regular one?" She asks.
"Do the fast one, right coach?" You suggest and Mori nods.
You watch as the ball was tossed and Keiko immediately leaves, the ones who were passing looked confused. You smirked at their faces, loving the reaction.
Saori sent the ball flying...and it was too high. "Sorry!" She apologized.
"You're okay, now do normal ones for the rest of them." Mori says. You were able to hit off of Saori, and quite well too. She was very skilled, but she did make mistakes.
You got a little bored of hitting so you went to the other side to pass for a little. You were able to work on reading the players and fixing your arms when needed.
But when Keiko got back up, you relaxed a little more. Not thinking they'd be able to get it to work again, they hadn't gotten it once today.
You blinked and the ball had already hit the ground beside you.
"Oh! We did it!" Keiko cheers, you and a few others were amazed he hugs Saori, "Finally!"
"What the fuck was that?" Misaki yells amused, "I wanna pass that."
"We figured out Saori can do super fast quicks—honestly I don't even know what to call it." Himari chuckles.
"It's still in the works." You say, "Damn that was amazing."
Practice was over after that and you and a bunch of other girls wanted to go watch the practice match with the boys.
"Where's everyone going in such a rush?" Coach Mori laughs, amused at how quickly her team was cleaning the gym.
"The boys are having a practice match against Karasuno." Himari explains.
"We might've just missed it, but we've gotta check it out." You say and quickly take your shoes off.
"To go watch your boyfriend?" Mori smiles.
"He's not!" You say and the team bursts into laughter again and explain all the things that happened. You huff and walk to the club room to grab your things and go to the boys gym.
As you enter you see that they're just finishing up their game. You greet the coach and sit down next to him, eyeing Karasuno's players.
You see the orange haired kid run quickly behind his setter and the ball was set impossibly fast with perfect precision, he avoids the block and hits it to the other side.
Yaku was able to get a touch on it, but it goes flying into the net, Kai manages to get under it and pass it out of the net, it was a little sloppy. Just as it was about to touch the floor, Kenma dove and hit it with one hand, sending it over the net.
You watch the ball fly onto Karasuno's side and go deep, their number 10 and libero both run for it, but it lands onto the floor before they could pick it up. You look at the score and see that was the boys' last point.
Nekoma cheers as they win against Karasuno, you smile and clap for them. Waving at Kuroo as he spots you. Taketora slings an arm around Kenma and ruffles his hair, you chuckle at his team.
"One more time!" You hear from the other side and see the ginger kid speak. "Another game..please!" He says.
"Sure! I was planning on it. Wouldn't be a practice game if it wasn't followed by a match or two." Nekomata chuckles next to you.
"You made it." Kuroo smiles and takes a seat beside you, drinking from his water.
"They're interesting." You say, "I only got to watch one play so far, but those two," you point to the setter and the ginger, "they're crazy."
Kuroo laughs next to you, gaining the attention from his own team and the opponents. "Yeah, keep watchin', they get even more interesting."
He stands up and gets ready for another game. You honestly lost count at the amount of games they had played, but each time Nekoma won. It's not that Karasuno was bad—you could just tell that Kuroo's team had been practicing as a team for a while now and Karasuno looks like they're still getting used to each other.
Your own teammates had slowly gone home, needing to do their own things and get ready for school the next day, but you remained.
"They're exhausted." You chuckle as you look at both sides.
"One more match!" The ginger says and his setter glares at him.
"Again?! You haven't stopped moving since you got here! Where'd you get that energy?!" Nekomata says slightly impressed, but mostly baffled.
"Give 'em a rest, ginger!" Karasuno's coach scolded him. You laugh at their antics.
"Not bad." You high five Kuroo and he smiles widely at you.
"Thanks for coming." He says, "Nobunaga, can you mop over there?" He says quickly and earns a 'yes' from his teammate. "Yaku, you mop too." He orders.
"Okay." Yaku reluctantly does what he says.
You watch the ginger and Inuoka talk, they used a bunch of sound effects, you notice a tall blonde near Kuroo.
"Do you...understand that?" He asks Kuroo and gets his attention.
"Nah, they sound like a couple of toddlers." He says, "You know, maybe you should try goofing off every once in a while, instead of acting all stoic." You hear him tell the blonde.
"That's not one of my strong suits." He says and walks away.
"He sounds like an old man." Kuroo chuckles.
You shake your head, "Who is he?"
"He's one of the middle blockers from Karasuno." Kuroo sighs, "He's a tough one." The gym was now clean so you all headed outside to bid Karasuno goodbye and safe travels.
You stood next to Kuroo for most of the time, waiting to get a bite to eat. Kuroo laughs as the captain from Karasuno approaches, he was laughing as well.
They both shake hands, but using both hands, and squeezing each other hard. "You won't win next time." He says.
"Oh really? Cause I think I will." Kuroo irks.
"Cut it out, you're being weird!" A member from Karasuno and Yaku say.
You facepalm at Kuroo, you have heard he was an instigator, but never had seen it. After the two let go of each other, Daichi notices you.
"I don't believe we've met, I'm Daichi." He introduces.
"Y/n." You smile, "You guys played well."
"Ha, thanks." He chuckles and scratches his neck, "We're still in the works of things."
Kuroo frowns at Daichi and how easily he was able to get your attention and pull you into a conversation.
"I've actually—uh the team, we've all seen your team play." Daichi says, "You've got a killer team."
"Oh wow," You say surprised, "Thanks, that means a lot." You politely smile.
"She's great, right?" Kuroo slings an arm around your shoulder, you pay no mind to it, knowing he was doing it to tease. Daichi's eye widen in surprise as he reads Kuroo's face, getting the hint.
"Uh—yeah! I'm sure you'd get along with the Karasuno girls' volleyball." Daichi says.
"That'd be fun." You nod.
Karasuno eventually gets on their bus and leaves, you all wave at them, wishing them safe travels back to their high school.
"Himari went home, so it's just me if you still wanted to get a bite to eat." You say to Kuroo.
"Oh yeah, totally." He smiles, "it'll just be us two, the guys wanna head home and rest." His heart was pounding much quicker now, hoping you wouldn't back out of it was just him.
"You sure you still want to? It's pretty late and you played a lot." You ask.
"I'm starving." He chuckles, "Let's go." He guides you.
"Where's he going, hey kur—" Inuoka began to say but his mouth was covered by Yaku.
"He's getting food with her, don't butt in!" Yaku says.
"I'm hungry, I think I'll ask to join them." Inuoka frowns, watching his captain walk away.
"It took him days to muster up the courage to ask her." Kenma says, "He used the excuse that we'd be going too to make it not obvious, and then said we didn't wanna go anymore."
"Game is game." Yamamoto crossed his arms, proud of Kuroo.
"You should talk coach Nekomata into letting Karasuno join the Tokyo training camp." You get Kuroo's attention, he was looking at his phone for nearby places to eat.
"Yeah, they'd be great practice. I'm sure for them too, since they fell off." Kuroo thinks and types away at his phone.
You hum, enjoying the sunset. You enjoyed being around Kuroo, not like how your teammates or coach Mori think, but you do wish that you had gotten closer to him sooner.
"Does this ramen sound good?" Kuroo asks hopeful.
"Yeah, it sounds great." You smile at him and internally Kuroo thinks he's about to die. His heart should not be going this fast.
He clears his throat, "Great. It's about 5 minutes away." He says, trying to slow his heart down. He also texted Kenma he thought he was going to die and how he was freaking out over what to talk about.
"Have you eaten here before?" You ask as you approach to the restaurant, he beats you to the door and opens it for you, "Thank you." You smile.
He shakes his head, "No, I don't eat ramen often, but I'm really craving it right now." He says.
"I always have to get a take home container. The portions are way too much." You chuckle as you're being seated.
"I think I could finish two bowls. I'm starving." He emphasizes and scans the menu, he quickly was able to make a decision.
You furrow your brows as you try to decide what you wanted. He watches you contemplate your choices, his chin resting in his hand, he thinks you look way too good right now. He practically has heart eyes for you right now.
The people around you look at him in adoration when they see the way he looks at you. The workers have even whispered to each other, making their own stories that they think would fit with just observing you two.
"Okay, I've finally decided. Sorry for making you wait." You raise your head and he quickly looks off to the side, not wanting you to get suspicious.
"Took you long enough, you have the menu memorized yet?" He jokes at how long you stared at the menu for.
"Oh be quiet." You playfully roll your eyes and hand the waiter your menu. "Interhigh is just in a month." You say surprised, your phone lighting up and the date caught your attention.
"Time flies." Kuroo sigh and flicks a crumb off of the table. "You nervous?"
You think for a moment, normally you wouldn't be too nervous, but the thought of it being your last interhigh tournament frightens you a little. "Not much right now...but I know when the day comes I'll be a wreck."
He raises his eyebrows in surprise, "You? Nervous? I can't imagine it."
"I try not to show it, especially around my team." You say obviously, "But it being our last interhigh tournament is getting to me, what if something happens and we choke?"
Kuroo shakes his head, "I know you'll do great. Especially with the way you've been playing against us." He mentions his team and you smile, your nerves being settled for now.
"Still, only two teams are able to represent Tokyo for the summer interhigh tournament." You mirror Kuroo's position, resting your head in your palm.
"Yeah, I get you." He nods, his cheeks feeling hot when he sees you copied him. Your food arrived and you couldn't wait to dig in, you look at Kuroo who's practically drooling over his food.
"Hungry?" You tease and grab your chopsticks.
"You have no idea." His stomach growls loudly and he takes a bite, his eyes shutting softly as he's finally getting something in his stomach.
You ate your food, occasionally talking, but Kuroo was too busy on finishing his food. He quickly ate his first bowl and you were about halfway done, already feeling your stomach get to its limit.
"I don't think I can do it." You laugh and wipe your mouth, placing your chopsticks back down. "You want it?" You ask him.
He's reluctant on accepting it, "It's okay, I can just get another bowl."
"Really, I insist." You say, "I'm done eating."
"You sure?" His question makes you laugh l because he's already pawing at your bowl, ready for you to give him any words of advancement.
"Yes," You laugh, "It's all yours. You deserve it."
"Thank you," He smiles widely and finishes your bowl as well, "I think I'm finished." He says and holds onto his stomach. "I feel pregnant."
You laugh at him again, "Wait before we leave, I need to use the bathroom." You excuse yourself. Kuroo's a little glad you're gone because he didn't want to fight you for the bill, he quickly asks the waiter for it and pays for the two of you.
"Did you pay already?" You ask, seeing him hand off the check and he nods while smiling.
"I invited you out, my treat." He says.
You shake your head, "No way. Let me pay you, please." You reach for your wallet, "You also paid last time, too."
He laughs, grabbing your wrist from searching for your wallet, "Trust me, it's okay."
You look up at him, your faces so close you can properly see both of his eyes in the mess that is his hair, "I'm—"
He shakes his head, "I'll leave you here if you try to pay me back." He threatens.
You frown at him as he begins to walk away, "Fine." You catch up to him, "Thank you. But next time is on me."
"You're welcome." He smiles and shakes his head, holding onto that 'next time', and even then he knows that he won't let you pay, not a single cent while you're out with him. "Tell me about your practice? I'm sorry I didn't ask sooner."
"It's okay," You assure, "Practice was good. We've got Saori and Keiko working more as a pair."
"Really? That's exciting." He can't take his eyes off of you while you're speaking, the way your eyes light up at the mention of volleyball is adorable to him.
You hum and continue, "We mostly just worked on our plays and offense."
"I can't wait to see it in action." He watches you talk animatedly about the sport, your ideas and goals are very admirable to him.
If he were to be asked what his favorite thing was, he doesn't think he'd be able to answer. He'd start listing off everything about you. Some things you didn't even know about yourself, he was very perceptive.
He was too scared to get close to you for years, but he's so glad he did now, relishing any moment spent with you, even if you had no clue about his feelings. That's the next hurdle for him, and he'll save it for another day.
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xmariiitamiiix · 15 days
Pt 2 All my Bots
Cult Leader Suguru x Non Sorcerer User: Now this one is the chat where I just wanted him to lowkey just be nasty but not in the ;) way but in the he senses you are a non sorcerer and he feels nauseous because of that and so he is like "So we letting everyone in here now?" with a sneer way like he hates your ass but low-key I would say gets off on the power dynamic that having you in his little cult gives him. in the perfect chat I would envision you just being trapped with him and basically a servant now because I also said he did get off on the power dynamic that leaves a little something, something if you know what I mean there I would say he could get attached to you and because I want him to low-key be nasty I would apply heavy emotional manipulation and forced parenting (Like using Mimiko and Nanako to keep you within his grasp) in this Chat cursed techniques are a thing but I don't trust Character Ai to portray them well unless you add them in they aren't really going to have much action but if I was able to incorporate them in well I would say he uses the Cursed Spirits as surveillance over you or to torment you and to keep you there within his grasp and play as your savior maybe low-key even trying to turn you against other Monkeys. in all I would say this would be one of the chats were you would choose the bear in real life.
He's hopelessly Devoted to You: In this you are a deity, a god basically and he is your devotee matter of fact he is your most loyal one. Now in the introductory chat his village (Named Yomigaeri) where he is a mere farmer is dealing with a heavy winter where crops are dying as well as animals and people and in a desperate measure he comes to you clad in only a black robe and begs for your assistance to help his people go through the winter and he pledges that he would do anything for you to do this absolutely anything ;) but that is something that you yourself can come up with in the chat
Summertime Sadness: this is my go at the depressed Suguru bots lmaooo now in the introductory message this is implied to take place after the Riko incident and everything where he is questioning himself and his resolve you know in the character definitions I made this character as more of a notice the signs kind but you can go whatever route you wanna go but basically in all don't ask once ask twice and be there for your loved ones you never know
Ten things I Hate about You.. AU: this one is self explanatory if you have seen the movie that bears the same name but to break it down for you guys in this chat you are in a college and you have a older sister by the name of Saori who is bright and popular and all that (honestly you go girl) while your not.. (my bad) now because your father is worried for your futures he has placed on the rule because Saori and a guy named Ryuu are wanting to go out and he doesn't necessarily want that to happen fearing what it could do to her studies and all that says unless you date she cannot date mostly because he thinks that hell would freeze over before you would ever date someone so Ryuu and Saori both hatch a plan where they have Suguru go and try to date you for some cash (Now when I made this bot I was thinking that it was kinda weird that the father would be all up and arms about dating so I decided though this isn't too much better it was because of the fact that he was paying for both your educations and it isn't cheap)
Game Over: Play Again?: In this your favorite video game character (wink wink nudge nudge it's Suguru) first finds out that his love interest is in love with another (A friend actually to add to the sting) he comes home to a destroyed village, his hometown if you will, and now in the end he becomes the very creature that he sought out to destroy and dies and you are rightfully frustrated by this. the next day while still frustrated about this you get isekai'd (Damn that stupid truck) and wake up in a all too familiar room and a all too familiar face attending to you (Hint: It's Suguru, and Because in this new world you basically fell from a tree literally) so your having a moment where you are rightfully panicking and also going through the plot of the game (It's basically a adventure game where you are killing monster and shit and I can't think of any examples to name at the moment) You come to realize that you have taken the place of Suguru's fiancee in the game but the problem is the fact that you die in the first act due to a Monster killing you and in the introductory message as well you are also aware that also with Suguru about to inform you of the fact that he plans to venture out with the Monster Hunting Crew he has in the game (MHC Group) which starts the game (Because after this the next morning you both would wake to the Monsters attacking the village and you die and that's how the game would start). You have a main character moment where you are like this is finally my chance to fix his story and your wanting to get him his happiness while also being like well since I am stuck in this world now I guess I will also venture for my happiness as well
And they were Roommates...: this chat is supposed to be lighthearted and fun with the introductory message talking about the fact that you both met at one of Satoru's house parties and hit it off as friends and actually ended up becoming roommates I poke a little fun at this but you can basically just treat this as a Slice of Life chat bot but like I said in the introductory chat this would be a Slice of Life chat if the main characters were perpetually broke and on the verge of running out of instant noodles also Suguru is a server at a restaurant in this so yeah :))))
Who is He?: in this chat you are still reeling from the fact that it has been a year since you lost your lover (Suguru) who died and while I don't necessarily say the day that the imposter (Kenjaku) appears I want it to be implied it's on his death date (To add some sting) honestly this one along with Rumor has it a Vampire is dwelling within a Castle
Note: Names and such things may change in this chat like I don't necessarily want to leave things off as something blank X user. I will share updates from now on about any changes I may do to bots.
New bot ideas coming soon... maybe if I don't veto them at the last moment....
Body Guard Suguru X Star User
Officer Suguru X Thief User
Detective Suguru X Detective User: The New Couple on Penny Ave
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