#Ordering cannabis oil
onlinecannabisoil · 2 years
Buying THC Cannabis Oil Online From a Pharmacy Therefore Actually Means Buying CBD Oil
Buying THC Cannabis Oil Online From a Pharmacy Therefore Actually Means Buying CBD Oil
The endocannabinoid system regulates your memory, blood pressure and the transmission of signals, among other things. Products with CBD oil are ideal for supporting your body’s own system and are legally available in the pharmacies. THC also interacts with our endocannabinoid system. In order to purchase THC cannabis oil online, the oil variety should contain a lot of THC and have and offer the…
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Buy Blackberry Kush Cannabis Oil Online
Blackberry Kush Cannabis Oil is premium quality oil derived from the Blackberry Kush strain. It is used to provide physical and mental relaxation. To buy Blackberry Kush Cannabis Oil online, you can use our website californiapressureexoticz.com.
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insanemoe · 2 years
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💝 Get $50 off your first order at The Compassion Club!* ⇨ Coupon Code: REFXGWU4Q3YCG https://thecompassionclub.biz
*This promotion isn't administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Tumblr. For adults only
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cedarspiced · 4 months
PSA for THC and CBD users:
you can, in fact, overdose on THC or CBD, contrary to popular belief. it's especially easy to do if you're already on a medication that messes with your serotonin levels (SSRIs, SNRIs, etc.). it's even easier to do if you're on an SNRI and also have bad chronic pain that you're trying to manage via CBD and edibles (hi, that's me!).
i found this out the hard way last weekend by using too much of a CBD tincture in combination with having an edible, and had to be rushed to the hospital with serotonin syndrome.
how did it feel? well, not great. i genuinely felt like i was actively dying and needed to get my affairs in order.
i'm going to talk in detail about my experience below the cut. if you don't wanna read all that, i do ask that you please at least look through this link if you use cannabis products.
before i go on, i want to be very clear that the symptoms of serotonin syndrome are different for everyone. the link above has a more complete list of symptoms. i'm going to be describing my own personal experience with it.
the first signs that something was very wrong were the severe anxiety and confusion (both of which i chalked up to just being high at first).
then came the tremors and rapid heartbeat. i couldn't stop trembling. i spilled my tea everywhere when i tried to pick it up because i was shaking so badly.
by the time i got to the ER, i was fighting hard not to pass out, because i felt like if i did, i wasn't going to wake up. my skin was so hot it felt like i was on fire, and my heart felt like it was going to explode from how fast it was beating.
they wheeled me into a bare, grey room with nothing in it aside from a window with blinds, a black plastic chair, and a single bed. they asked me to put on scrubs and grippy socks. they gave me an anti-anxiety medication. and then all they could do for the next 6 hours was monitor me.
once the edible and CBD oil wore off about 4 hours in, i began to feel less like i was on my deathbed. definitely, absolutely not back to normal, but better.
i'm used to full body pain, but this was something else. if you've ever wondered what it would be like to be put through a meat grinder full of salt and lemon juice while staying alive through the whole thing, i'd imagine that was pretty damn close. i'm not sure if that's caused by the serotonin syndrome itself, or if that was just my body making sure i was still alive, but by god it was not fun.
i'm ok now, but i've decided that i'm not ever going to use any cannabis products while i'm still on my current medication.
if you made it this far, thank you for reading. i do want to be clear that this is not a 'don't ever use weed!!!1!' post. this is an 'if you do use weed, please please PLEASE be aware of how it might interact with any other medication you're on, lest you end up like me' post.
so please, do NOT end up like me. be smart. do your research. it's a lot cheaper and less stressful than a visit to the ER, i promise.
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stalkerofthegods · 8 months
Athena Pallas/Minerva Deep dive
To the wisest of the wise, to the goddess that tells us the wisdom, may we all cheer for her, like how men and women and all equal in war would cheer after victory.
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Herbs • Olive tree, Tiger lilies, geranium, oak, cypress, Hellebore (Christmas and Lenten rose), and citrus tree, walnuts, pears
Animals• owl, snake, rooster, griffins, horses (she taught men how to tame horses), female lambs, doves (as a symbol of victory), rams, eagles, tigers, leopards, and other cats (could not find why but many were in agreement.)
Zodiac • She was mostly celebrated in June/July so I would say, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo.
Colors • gold, orange, yellow, emerald green, and royal blue
Crystal• bronze, metal, gold, silver, Azurite, Iolite, ruby, star sapphire, turquoise, lapis lazuli, ivory, Amazonite, Iolite, Bloodstone, Clear Quarterrtz, onyx.
Symbols• owls, olive trees, snakes, the Gorgoneion, golden shield, and helmet, serpents 
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• you can veil in their honor
Diety of • knowledge, knowledge in war, crafting, inspiration, strategy 
Patron of• Military, justice, skills, close combat, good counsel, prudent restrain and practical insight, weaving, and spinning, crocheting, the defense of towns, heroic endeavor, and protection agriculture, she is known in the arts as well with Hephaestus, protectress of the phratries and houses, authority of the law, the order in the courts and the assembly of the people, mathematics, strength, asexuality, librarians, peace, judges, protests, metalwork, birds (called the goddess of the birds), teachers
Offerings• She was sacrificed bulls, rams cows, all female except a lamb, it must be a male lamb, Locrian maidens or children are said to have been sacrificed to her every year as an atonement for the crime committed by the Locrian Ajax upon Cassandra (do not do, just here for historic offerings.), Olives, Bread, Grains, Olive oil, Cakes, Olive tree branches, Owl figurines or imagery, Silver jewelry, Honey, Milk, Books, Strategy games, Quality chess boards, Snake figurines or imagery, Fountain pens, Handmade objects, Clay items ( ex- plates, bowls, vases), Yellow and/or white candles, Yoghurt, Daggers, Swords (including small decorative versions), Devotional poems, Studying, Learning something new, Using what you learn as a way of growing and developing as a person, Standing up for yourself, Improving yourself, Owl pellets, Owl decoys for gardens,Work out clothes/gear, Fidget toys for when you’re working, Brain imagery, Spider imagery, Crafts you have made, Certificates/degrees/awards for achievements, Favorite books/books on mythos or Greece, Knitting/crocheting/crafting materials, Needles, Your glasses, Coffee/tea, Nice pens/pencils, Journals/notebooks, Voting stickers/cards, Spears/swords/daggers/helmets, Protest signs, pears, walnuts, Garlic bread, Start a small side business.
Devotional• Read a book, become a librarian as a summer job, or simply check out or return a book, join a book club, host a book club, learn Battle strategies, learn Wars and how they were won, learn What led to wars being lost, read The Art of War by Sun Tzu, learn about Politics,  Democracy in Ancient Greece, learn about Armor and weapons, Catch and release spiders in your home, do Pottery, learn about Cross stitching and knitting, Tutor someone/get tutoring for areas you need help in, Watch TED talks/listen to educational podcasts, Plan out your day/keep a planner, Thinking before taking action, controlling our anger,  Learn new vocab words, Make your notes pretty, Learn study techniques, Take appropriate study breaks, Do projects for Her, Challenge yourself, Learn grounding techniques, Do your homework, Give up things that are unhealthy for your brain (ex-  smoking cannabis, drinking.), work out, Learn basic first aid, take CPR classes, Take care of your body, Go to protests/advocate
Ephithets• will post later, postponed due to motivational issues, will come soon. 
Equivalents (alike but not the same)• neith (Egyptian), thrud (Norse), Minerva (roman), Athena (Greek) 
Alter• I would not put her alter near Heaphestus, be tried to violate her in a myth, I would not put her alter near Aphrodite because they are known to not get along in myths, but things could have changed. She does work well with heroes, so if you worship Hercules or Perseus I would put her alter near them, I would not put her near Arachne and keep her alter away from spider areas, etc. Keep her altar clean and orderly. She does not like the giant Pallas, he tried to ruin her chastity.
Signs they are reaching out• Encounters with owls, olive trees, or feelings of wisdom and inspiration, seeing owls in the day, going to the library more often, staying after school. 
Vows/omans• to stay a virgin forever, and to change her name 
Number• 6 or 7 and 5 (I couldn't find a website that could agree.)
Morals• Morally lawful
Personality• Strong, endearing, respected, smart, confident, practical, clever, a master of disguises, and a great warrior. Brings Harvard teachers to shame. 
Home• Mount Olympus 
Mortal or immortal • Immortal 
Fact• Some say she invented the flute, she invented the plow, and the rake, borrows tools from Zeus to do war saves people when fate counts on it, she repels Ares, some say Athena’s full name is Pallas Athena, but they say she added the name Pallas to hers after she accidentally mortally injured her friend Pallas during a practice session in her youth.  Athena was seen naked bathing, she felt bad for the man, she covered his eyes and made him blind, making him an oracle.
Curses• blindness, more spiders, spilling tea, dyslexia getting harder, losing ur glasses, no one knowing who you're dressed as during Halloween, getting into fights, unjust detentions, no one showing up to class, getting fired as a teacher or librarian (unjustly), dropping books and learning stuff all of the sudden, forgetting materials that you learned on your test, your quizzes and tests get lost.
Blessings• remembering test materials, witty replies in arguments, detentions all of the sudden going away, getting into your dream college, getting into a book club, finding ur books, getting a librarian or teacher or tutor job.
Roots• Greek, near the river Triton born after or in the Titanomachy era.
Friends• Pallas (her friend growing up)
Parentage• Some say Poseidon then she went to Zeus after a dispute and became his daughter, and some say metis and Zeus, some say Hepeastus.
Siblings• Artemis, Aphrodite, the Muses, the Graces, Ares, Apollo, Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Minos, Perseus, and Porus.
Children• She does not have any romantic lovers, but she has adopted children, who are, Erikhthonios/Erichthonius.
Pet• one white and three dark horse and an owl, (she shares a chariot with Artemis) 
Appearance in astral or gen•  a stately woman armed with a shield and spear, and wearing a long robe, crested helm, and the famed aigis with the the Gorgon Medusa on a shield
Festivals • The cleansing Festival/Plynteria and Kallynteria Festival, the threshing festival/Skira Festival, the festival of Minerva/Minor Quinquatrus, The panatheanaea/Athena Festival, The Vintage festivalOschophoria Festival, the artisans Festival/Chalkeia Festival.
Day • she does not have any day of the week, the 23 of each month, and the first day. 
Sacred places• The Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens is dedicated to her, and Athens.
Status• Wisdom goddess, One of the major theoi and goddesses in Greek mythology 
What angers her • If you stop worshiping her, I would clean up and part respectfully and know she understands, she does not like the sudden removal of an alter and the trashing of one.
The music she likes• classical and lo-fi study music.
Planet• Pallas Athene (minor planet) and the Asteroids 93 Minerva and 2 Pallas
Her Tarot cards• queen of swords, queen of wands, justice card, balance card
Remind me of• the saying “hitting the books” and someone actually throwing books, twilight from My Little Pony, Dead Trees (books)
Scents/Inscene • Patchouli, dragon’s blood, musk, indigo, orange blossom, cinnamon, and cedarwood
My opinion • She's cool.
Prayer To Athena by Liz “Morning Dove” La Posta
Oh, wise Athena with your spear and shield, protect me and my family from injustice and harm. Council me with your wisdom so that I may make the best decisions. Grant me success in my endeavors, but keep me humble so that I might not become condescending to others. I thank you for the many times you have guided me on my Path. Share with me your mysteries and I will do my best to follow. Athena my Goddess, I pray this in your sacred name, and I vow to always be your faithful dedicant.
Prayer to Athena for Wisdom
Clear-eyed Athena, unrivaled in wisdom, daughter of Zeus and Metis whose craft and wit excelled among the mighty Titans: Athena, I pray to you. Wise in all things you are, goddess; your cunning and guile are well known. In time of war you have no equal in tactics or in strategy; many armies have you guided to victory. In time of peace your blessings fall on those whose work is of the mind–friend of the philosopher, the scientist, the student. Advisor of kings, patron of clever heroes and bold-hearted adventurers, defender of the thinker, mistress of reason and understanding, goddess to whom a strong arm and a sharp sword are nothing without the sense to wield them well and the insight to know when words are worth more than weapons. Athena, grant me a sound mind and steady temper, bless me with good judgment, show me the long view.
Links/websites/sources •seleniangnosis https://www.theoi.com/Cult/AthenaTitles.htmlhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/Athena-Greek-mythology https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athenahttps://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/athena.html https://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Athena.html
https://www.worldhistory.org/athena/#google_vignettehttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/athena/https://olympioi.com/greek-gods/athenahttps://ilfiorello.com/athena-the-importance-of-the-name/https://www.theoi.com/Cult/AthenaTitles.htmlhttp://www.goddess-athena.org/Encyclopedia/Rituals/Festivals/index.htm ATHENA'S BIRTH ON THE NIGHT OF THE DARK MOON - JSTOR 881 Athene - Wikipedia Athena | Olympian Goddess of Wisdom | Born from Zeus SkullGoddess Gift https://www.crystalvaults.com/goddess-athena/#:~:text=Crystals%20such%20as%20Azurite%2C%20Iolite,Athena%20can%20bring%20to%20you.Athena: Greek Goddess Of Wisdom And Craftsmanshiphttps://www.museandmoonstone.com/blogs/blog/crystals-goddess-athenaThoughtCohttps://www.thoughtco.com › what...What Are the Symbols of the Greek Goddess Athena?numeralgame.64g.ruhttp://www.numeralgame.64g.ru › ...Numerology and ancient Greek myths. Pythagorean numerological number 5. Goddess Gifthttps://goddessgift.com › goddessesAthena: Greek Goddess Of Wisdom And Craftsmanship Number Seven Facts, Symbolism & Meaning - Study.com Holy And Unholy Numbers - Street Directory Athena: Greek Goddess Of Wisdom And Craftsmanshipseleniangnosis travelingthief Titanomachy Definition, Myth & Impact - Study.com Athena Siblings - 1379 Words | Internet Public Library - IPL.org Athena Justice, Mythology Tarot Enamel Pin - LitJoy Crate Inner Goddess Tarothttps://innergoddesstarot.com › go...Goddesses in Tarot: Athenahttps://www.hellenion.org/athena/prayer-to-athena/https://www.tumblr.com/tarotbee
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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kintsug1kitsune · 1 year
"Circuit, brace for combat."
"Received and deploying, handler."
The circuit, the pilot of their mech, was nestled in the wires of its heartmount; cables hooked into their neural ports, wrapping around their brainstem and invading their nervous system. They hadn't synched yet, but they were prepared.
Fifty meters of white-gold eschatalium, sharp and pseudo-organic in design, artfully painted black to intersperse with the gold, colors of the Empyrean. Two legs on heel-mount feet, stiletto-like greaves for agility; two arms, long and spiked with clawed hands and packed full of the best weaponry humanity could produce. An armored torso with a head atop, sleek and like a knight's helm, massive sharp-toothed jaws that could snap steel girders in half; four camera eyes, diagonally-spaced, with a wreath of decorative red feathers signifying its position: solo work, sovereign from any squadron.
A Mechanical Eden, one of the finest and greatest weapons of the Empyrean. And within, its circuit, a pilot called Killy, short for Killer. They looked over the hardlight screens before them, ensured all systems were green, and hit the button to synch: all at once, a flood of chemicals surged through the wires and into their body. The lovechild of opium, methamphetamine, cannabis, and psilocybin, derived from human spinal fluid and currently smashing a hole in Killy's consciousness.
Their spirit expanded out through their body and into the soul matrix of their Eden; they meshed together, an amalgamate machine consciousness and its pilot, a beautiful union of identity put to one purpose--war.
Hey, pretty. Hello, circuit. Good to be back. Good to have you back.
Through the Eden's eyes--their own eyes, now--they surveyed the beach. They had been dropped down from orbit onto this small island to await orders in case a battle some kilometers away went badly. Through their body's eyes, now just another part in the war machine, they received signals on-screen from the Athame, the Arbiter-class doll overseeing battle on this, the moon of Illulia.
"Witch summoning imminent. Eliminate or contain threat."
Killy didn't hesitate, and their body--as well as their Eden--broke out into a manic grin. It was time for battle.
Massive golden wings unfurled from the Eden's back, spell circles humming to life as ether coursed through them, and Killy was off: maneuvering thrusters ignited and glassed sand underneath as the wings lofted them over the ocean at mach speeds, coming in low over the waves.
Soon the objective was in sight: an island with smoke curling off it, palm trees and underbrush devastated by the fires of war, with a towering metal building up on a mountain at its center.
"Killy," their handler's voice came into their mind through neural connection, "Your target is the Witch of Scripts. It's a master strategist that uses spells to manipulate the mind and body. Any second, it's going to breach and come into reality. Full force permitted. Destroy it."
Killy licked their lips, drooling in anticipation, already wetting their crotch tubes with cum due to the chems. "Received. Affirmative, handler."
It took no seconds for the island in front of Killy to explode.
The corporate tower on the mountain shattered apart in a spray of molten steel and rubble; the Empyrean forces that had been surrounding it were crushed and scattered. Killy could feel Athame sending orders to gather and retreat to the beachhead, and could see combat dolls and infantry fleeing and trying their best to follow the command.
As they kept closing the distance, cresting the ocean, and now flying over the island's beach, they could also see… A swathe of death. Doll parts, drone parts, human corpses still clad in advanced armor, blood and oil everywhere… Killy came to a stop over the ashy, ruined ground and the mountain of bodies.
And there was a girl there. In the middle of it all, far below, there was a girl.
The Eden looked down on her, and she looked far, far up to the Eden. She was wearing some kind of battle-dress, shimmering brilliantly and beautifully in the eternal night.
"Oh, an Eden? Really? My Witch is that big of a deal?" The Innocence smiled up at the mech and pointed her halberd at it. "Well! Not like it matters, it's already here!"
That was true; the Eden looked up and around at the scene. Steel raining from the sky, and a towering cloud of nightmarish, stained glass darkness was erupting from where the corporate building once stood.
Killy looked back down at the Innocence, and opened the Eden's jaw to let a grinding, destructive voice boom from it, "I am going to kill it. Don't get in the way."
"Oh…?" The Innocence pursed her lips. "No you aren't. I'll stop you right here and now!" Suddenly--she jumped up, far up, flying into the air on glittering magical wings, twirling her halberd and drawing seals in the air with witchfire--
The Eden rose an arm to swat her, but she danced aside--the battle began.
Rays of witchfire shot from the Innocence's seals, splashing off the Eden's heavy armor, as Killy swung levers in their cockpit and danced their legs in their sheathes; their eyes dilated, and they grinned fiercely.
The Innocence flew around, arcing through the air while raining beams down on the Eden; the Eden leaped back, gaining distance, and released the support assault guns from its arms. Hardlight bullets rained out of them, pelting the Innocence as she ducked around, whirled through the air, bounced shells off magical barriers and parried them with her weapon.
"I bet you weren't expecting this!" She flew straight at the Eden and drew a seal with her halberd in shining witchfire--the spell resolved, and suddenly, it staggered and stumbled.
In its heartmount, Killy screamed as the connection between themself and their Eden was scrambled, the mesh forcefully torn-at and damaged.
The Innocence plunged in, spear wreathed in flames, and dove at the mech's leg--and exploded through it, a dart of molten force, laughing triumphantly.
Killy screamed again, in further pain, and the Eden shot towards the Innocence to pursue, wheeling a kick at her.
It was fast, unexpected--her eyes got wide as the incoming leg, a tower of hard metal, careened into her and flung her to the ground, scraping across its ashes and rocks and bloodying her form.
At last she came to a stop and looked up, frantic--but Killy wasn't paying attention to her. The Eden was looking towards the column of emanation coming from the mountaintop, where the Witch of Scripts was entering the world.
Killy felt their entire world focus to a single point, and a euphoria surged through them, not only at beating the Innocence but in anticipation of the next step.
They unfurled their wings and took to the sky, up to where the Witch awaited…
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bookofjin · 7 months
Growing foxtial millet, QMYS Section 3, Part 1
Continuing the Qimin yaoshu齊民要術 (“Essential Techniques for the Common People) by Jia Sixie (fl. c. 540). Advice for growing foxtail millet. Due to the length of this section, the translation will be divided into several posts. This post covers the introductionary dictionary definitions and Jia Sixie's own advice. Subsequent posts will cover the extensive quotations from earlier works.
[Translator's preface]
After opening the book with two general sections on tilling the fields and selecting seed grain, sections 3-54 cover the cultivation of specific plants (field crops, vegetables, fruit- and timber-trees, dye plants). The first, and lengthiest, of these is dedicated to the foxtail millet (Setaria italica). Known under many names, in Jia Sixie's home region it was often simply referred to as gu穀, “grain”. I suppose you could draw parallel to calling maize “corn” in English. Foxtail millet was first domesticated in North China during the Neolithic and remained the main staple crop there during the Early Medieval North China, . As such, by the time QMYS was written, Jia Sixie could draw on several millennia of experience with foxtail millet farming.
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[Other plants mentioned]
Certain other plants are mentioned more incidental in this section.
Plants more or less suited to precede foxtail millet in a crop rotation system:
Mung beans or green gram (Vigna radiata), lüdou緑豆 (lit. "green beans"), used as green manure in crop rotation with millet.
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Adzuki beans (Vigna angularis), xiaodou小豆 (lit. "small beans") served a similar function.
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Hemp (Cannabis sativa), ma麻, grown both for textiles and oil
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Broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), shu黍, popular for brewing millet beer
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Sesame (Sesamum indicum), huma胡麻 (lit. “foreign hemp”), considered the best oilseed crop
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Turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa),wujin蕪菁, leaves and roots are edible, and the seeds can be pressed for oil.
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Soybean (Glycine max) dadou大豆 (lit. “large beans”), used as fodder or famine crop, but also fermented into sauces, etc.
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Gua底 is a general term for gourds and melons
Trees whose leaves and flowers can be used to predict the best time for sowing foxtail millet:
Beiyang菩楊 appear to refer to some kind of willow (Salix) or poplar (Populus)
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Peach (Prunus persica), tao 桃
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Jujube (Ziziphus jujube), zao棗
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Mulberry (Morus alba), sang桑
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The illustrations below are taken from Wang Zhen's王禎 (1271-1333) Nongshu農書, who of course wrote several centuries after Jia Shixie. While many tools were essentially timeless and in continuous use up to the modern age, developments did happen, and also terminology could change.
The preferred tool for sowing was the seed drill, lou耬
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(Wang Zhen's louche耬車).
The “beater”, ta撻, (for a lack of a better translation) was pulled over the furrows after sowing to compact them. Wang Zhen describes this tool as a bunch of branches weighed down by stones.
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The arrowhead hoe, zuchuo鏃鋤 was a small, pointed hoe. According to Wang Zhen, arrowhead hoeing was one of four methods for hoeing with the youchu耰鋤.
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QMYS is the oldest text to refer to the iron-tine rake, tiechi loucou鐵齒𨫒楱
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QMYS quite often refer to the spear-harrow, feng鋒. Wang Zhen notes that by his time it was no longer in use, his description of it as a cross between a plough and a spade may therefore not be very accurate.
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The sickle, yi刈, was the main tool for reaping field crops.
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(Wang Zhen's yidao刈刀)
[Books quoted by QMYS in Section 3, in order of appearance]
The Erya爾雅 (“Approaching the Correct”) is the oldest surviving Chinese glossary. Modern scholarship dates the book to the late Warring States and/or early Western Han periods. It is quoted numerous times in QMYS. This is the second QMYS section to quote from the Erya. The last previous was Section 1 (“Tilling the Fields”).
The Shuowen 說文 (“Explaining Graphs”) by Xu Shen許慎 (c. 58 – c. 147) analyses the composition and reasoning behind the different characters. It is quoted numerous times in QMYS. This is the second QMYS section to quote from the Shuowen. The last previous was Section 1 (“Tilling the Fields”).
The Guangzhi廣志 (“Wide Treatise”) by Guo Yigong郭義恭 (Western Jin) is now lost, but it is quoted numerous times in QMYS and other books. This is the first QMYS section to quote from the Guangzhi.
Guo Pu郭璞(276 – 324) was a Daoist wizard, poet and writer. His surviving writings include the oldest extant commentary on the Erya and a commentary on the Shanhaijing. This is the first QMYS section to quote Guo Pu, from his Erya commentary.
Sun Yan孫炎 lived during Wei and was disciple of Zheng Xuan. He wrote (a now lost) commentary on the Erya where he pioneered the use of the fanqie system to indicate pronunciation. This is the first QMYS section to quote Sun Yan.
Liu Zhang 劉章(200 – 176) was a grandson of the Han founder. According to the Shiji he recited the Gengtian ge 耕田歌 (“Song of Ploughing the Fields”)at a banquet during the regency of Empress Dowager Lü, to show his opposition to the Lü clan's power, and he later became one of the main actors in their downfall.
The Guanzi管子 (“Master Guan”) is a collection of treatises on statecraft traditionally attributed to Guan Zhong管子 (d. 645 BC9), an influential minister in Qi during the Spring and Autumn era. Section 3 contains the third quote from the Guanzi in QMYS, the first two are in the preface (which I have impudently skipped).
[The original text is a mix of large and small characters. I have collected the small text sections together as indented notes within {} brackets.]
[Translation starts here]
Section 3, Growing Foxtail millet
Growing foxtail millet [gu穀]:
{“Grain” gu穀 and “foxtail millet” ji稷 are names for setaria millet [su粟]. Grain is the collective name for the Five Grains, and does not mean setaria millet. However, today people solely consider foxtail millet to be “grain”, and [I] look to the customary name for it, and that is all.} [For the remainder, gu穀 will be translated as “foxtail millet” in the sections written by Jia Sixie, ji稷 will generally be rendered also as “foxtail millet”, and su粟 as “setaria millet” (or just “foxtail” and “setaria”).] {The Approaching the Correctsays: “Zi粢 is foxtail millet [ji稷].”} {The Explaining Graphs says: “Setaria millet [su粟] is the fruit of excellent grain [gu穀].”} {Guo Yigong's Broad Treatise says: “The names of the kinds are Red Setaria and White Stem, Black-Patterned Sparrow Setaria, Duke Zhang's Mottled, Enclosed Yellow-Iron-green, Dark-green Foxtail, Snow-White Millet – likewise named White Stem, also White-Indigo Short, Bamboo Head-Stem Dark-green, White Wheat-Catching, Stone-Pulling Purest, Earth-black Dog-Paw.”} {Guo Pu's Annotations to the Approaching the Correct says: “Today in Jiangdong they call foxtail millet zi粢.”} {Sun Yan says: “Foxtail [ji稷] is setaria [su粟]”} {Note that the present age's names for setaria, many uses a person's family and courtesy names as the label name. There are likewise those where look and form established the names, and likewise those where what happened to be appropriate became the designation, [I] rely on them then to set them out, and that is all:} {Vermillion Foxtail, Highland Yellow, Liu Zhuxie, Daomin Yellow, Whittled-Grain Yellow, Sparrow's Regret Yellow, Continued Life Yellow, Hundred Days Grain, Upright Wife Yellow, Unworthy-of-Rice Grain, Slave Child Yellow, Jiazhi Foxtail, Schorced Gold Yellow, Quail's Slipper Iron-green which is also named Wheat's Floor-Fighter: These fourteen types ripen early and endure drought, early ripening avoids insects. The Whittled-Grain Yellow and Unworthy-of-Rice Grain types have a pleasing taste.} {Now-Fell-off-the-Chariot, Short Horse-Carer, Hundred Flock Sheep, Hanging Snake Red-Tail, Bear-Tiger Yellow, Sparrow's and People's Benefit, Horse Reins, Liu Pig Red, Li Yu Yellow, Amba Grain, Donghai Yellow, Rocky lesuo䮑歲, Dark-green-Stalked Dark-green, Dark Excellent Yellow, South-of-the-Paths Crop, Nook-and-Dike Yellow, Song Ji's Idiocy, Point Out Yellow, Rabbit Foot Dark-green, Kind Sun Yellow, Shifting Wind Red, Single Sunlight Yellow, Mountain Saline, Dundang Yellow: These twenty-four types all have spikes with bristles, endure wind, and avoid harassment from sparrows. The Single Sunlight Yellow type is easy to hull.}
{Precious Pearls Yellow, Popular Gain White, Zhang Lin Yellow, White Salt Foxtail, Thousand Hooks Yellow, Zhang Yi Yellow, Gleaming Tiger Yellow, Chief Slave Red, Reed-Stalk Yellow, Xun Pig Red, Wei Shuang Yellow, White-Stalked Dark-green, Bamboo-Rooted Yellow, Attuned Mother Large-grained millet, Rock-Pile Yellow, Liu Sand-White, Seng Long-lasting Yellow, Red Large-grained Foxtail, Auspicous Swift Yellow, Otter-Tail Dark-green, Continued Potency Yellow, Concave-Straw Yellow, Sun Long-lasting Yellow, Pig-Shit Dark-green, Smoking Yellow, Happy Slave-girl Dark-green, Level Long-life Yellow, Deer Stubble White, Salt for Breaking Baskets, Yellow dianshan, Hilly Place Yellow, Red Ba Large-grained millet, Deer Hoof Yellow, Famished Dog Iron-green, Can-be-Pitied Yellow, Hulled Foxtail, Deer Stubble Dark-green, Aluoluo: These thirty-eight types are the single stems great foxtails? [the received QMYS text is defective at this point]. The White Salt Foxtail and Attuned Mother Large-grained millet types have a pleasing taste. The three Concave-Straw Yellow, Hilly Place Yellow and Pig-Shit Dark-green types are bad tasting. The Yellow dianshan and Happy Slave-girl Dark-green types are easy to hull.} {Bamboo-Leaf Dark-green and Rocky Yichu, Bamboo-Leaf Dark-green is also named Hu Foxtail, Water Black Foxtail, Swift Mud Dark-green, Charging Heaven Cudgels, Pheasant Chick Dark-green, Owl-Foot Foxtail, Goose-Head Dark-green, Hold-Piles Yellow, Dark-green Hawk-cuckoo: These ten types ripen late and endure floods. If there is a calamity of insects, they are consumed.}
In general there is foxtail which is fully ripened early or late, which sprouts and straw are tall or low, which harvest results are large or small, which natural quality is strong or weak, which hulled grain taste good or bad, which grain results in gains or losses{A}. The conditions of the land can be good or poor{B}, and mountains and marshes differ in what is suitable{C}. Obey Heaven's seasons, and evaluate the land's advantages, then [you] will employ little strength yet achieve success many times. Rely on feelings and go against the Way, [you] will toil and yet get nothing.{D}
{A: Those that ripen early have short sprouts and the harvest is large. Those that ripen late have long sprouts and the harvest is small. Those which strong sprouts are short, and belong to the yellow foxtail. Those which weak sprouts are long, and are dark-green, white, or black. Those with small harvests are good but make losses. Those with large harvests are bad but make gains.} {B: Good fields are suitable for late types, poor fields are suitable for early types. Good land is not solely suitable for late types, early types are also not harmful. Poor land is suitable for early types, late types will certainly not give successful result.} {C: For mountain fields, types with strong sprouts, to avoid wind and frost. For marsh fields, types with weak sprouts, to aspire to splendid results.} {D: Enter a spring to chop wood and climb a mountain to look for fish, and the hand will surely be empty. To face the wind when sprinkling water, or to go against the slope when moving a pellet, these conditions are difficult.}
In general for foxtail fields, mung beans or adzuki beans as the previous crop is the best; hemp, broomcorn millet, and sesame are next; turnip and soy beans are last.
{It is common to see gourds as the previous crop, they are no less than mung beans. Originally they were not discussed, for the moment then keep it in mind.} [This note may be a later addition.]
For 1 mu of good land, use 5 sheng of seeds, and for poor land 3 sheng.{A} Foxtail fields certainly must be changed annually.{B} Those sown in the 2nd Month or the 3rd Month are the early-planted grain. Those sown in the 4th or 5th Month are the late-planted grain. From 2nd Month, First Ten-day, until the hemp and beiyang willow sprout seeds is the best time. 3rd Month, First Ten-day, until the Pure and Clear [qingming] Period and the peach tree first flower is the middle time. 4th Month, First Ten-day until the jujube leaves sprout and the mulberry flowers fall is the worst time. For those which the yearly Way ought to be late, the beginning of the Fifth Month or Sixth Month are also possible.
{A: This is for early-planted foxtail, for late fields increase the number of plants.} {B: If twice sowing the seeds, the weeds will be many, and the harvest poor.}
In general spring sowing wish to be deep, and ought to be dragged with a heavy “beater”. Summer spring wish to be shallow, and just sprout from itself.
{Spring air is cold, and sprouting is slow. If not dragged with a “beater”, they will set root in hollows, and even if they sprout, they will immediately die. Summer air is hot, and they sprout quickly. [If] dragged with the “beater” and there happens to be rain, [the ground] will surely be hard and dry. Those in the spring that are very moist sometimes also are not necessary to beat. To be certain they want beating, [you] ought necessarily to wait for [the ground] to turn white. Wet beating will cause the ground to be hard and tough is the reason.}
In general when sowing foxtail, after rain is good. If there is a little rain, [you] ought accept the wetness and sow. If there is great rain, wait for the weeds to sprout.{A} During spring, if there is drought, on the land of the autumn tilling [you] might open the mounds and wait for rain.{B} During summer, if there are open mounds, not only will it sweep away and wash out that which does not grow, [but] in addition it and the grassy weeds will set forth together.
{A: [If] there is a little rain and [you] do not accept the wetness, there is nothing to give birth to the stalks sprouting. [If] there is great rain and [you] do not wait for [the ground] to turn white, wet rolling then will cause the sprouts to be frail. If weeds are abundant, to first hoe one time everywhere and afterwards accept sowing then will be good.} {B: On the spring-tilled, it does not hit the mark.}
In general the fields that want early or late are mixed together.{A} In years that are intercalary, after the solar periods draw close, [you] ought to have late fields. However for the most part [you] want early, early fields yield more than late.{B}
{A: Prepare for what is proper in the Way of the year.} {B: Early fields are clean and easy to manage. The late ones overgrow with weeds and are difficult to manage. Their harvest, regardless of large or small, follows from is proper for the year, and is not connected to early or late. However, early foxtail have thin husks, the hulled grains are solid and many. Late foxtail have thick husks, the hulled grain are small and empty.}
When the sprouts have grown similar to horse ears, then arrowhead hoe.{A} At places with gaps and holes, hoe and patch them.{B} In general for the Five Grains, only the small hoe is good.{C} For good fields, usually for each chi [foot], keep one hole.{D} For poor land, seek out mounds and tread on them.{E}
{A: The proverb says: “Want to get foxtail, at horse ears the arrowhead.” } {B: The work done might not be overstated. The profit gained this way is a hundred times.} {C: The small hoe not only saves strength, the grain is also twice as good. With a large hoe, the grass and their roots will be profuse and thick, a lot of work will be done yet the harvest will grow smaller.} {D: Liu Zhang's Song of Tilling the Fields says: “Plough deeply and sow thickly, the standing sprouts want to be spread out. For those not of their kind, hoe and get rid of them. The proverb which states: “[When you can] turn around the chariot and reverse the horse, [or] throw away the clothes [and they] do not fall down, both give ten shi when harvested” tells that harvest for [fields that are] very sparse or very thick are all equal and even.} {E: Not tilling is the reason.}
When the sprouts spring forth from the mounds, hoe deeply. When hoeing, do not get bored with the frequency. Once done, start again. [You] must not stop though there is no grass.{A} Spring hoeing is to lift up the earth, and summer to remove grass. For that reason, spring hoeing is not done when facing wetness. By the 6th Month and after, even if wet, in this case is not disliked.{B}
{A: Hoe not just to remove the grass, then the land will ripen and the fruit will be many, the chaff will be weak, and the hulled grain will grow. When hoeing is done ten times everywhere, [you] will then obtain “Eight [parts of ten?] Hulled grain”.} {B: During spring, as the sprouts are just then slight and their shade are not yet covering the ground, if wet hoeing, the ground will become hard. During summer, the sprouts cast a solid shade and the ground does not see the sun. For that reason, even if wet, in this case there is no harm. Master Guan says: “To make a state, cause the farmers to till when cold and weed [yun芸] when hot.” To weed is to remove grass.}
When the sprouts have sprung from the mounds, each time [you] have gone through rain, in the time [the ground] turns white, immediately use the iron-tine rake across and athwart to rake and harrow them.
{Method for raking: Make a person sit down on top, and frequently use their hands to tear off and get rid of grass, if grass block up the tines it will harm the sprouts. Like this [you] will make the ground ripe and soft, easy to hoe and save strength. When hitting the spear-harrow, stop.}
When the sprouts are one chi high, spear-harrow them.{A} Tillage is not about not embedding the root sprouts deeply, it kills the grass and increase the results, however it will make the ground hard and tough, lacking in moisture and difficult to till. Hoe five times everywhere or more, and it will not be bothersome to till.{B}
{A: Three times everywhere is always good.} {B: When for sure [you] want to till, after you have reaped the foxtail, if you promptly spear-harrow below the roots to burst them up, it will be soft and moist, and easy to till.}
In general when sowing, [you] want the ox to move slow and leisurely. The sower makes hurried steps to tread the mound base with his feet.
{If the ox is slow, the seeds will be evenly placed. If trod with the feet, the sprouts will thrive. When the footsteps connect with each other, it is possible to not bother with beating.}
When ripe, reap quickly. When dry, store quickly.
{If reaped early, the sickle-use will be excessive. If reaped late, the spikes will break. If there is wind, the harvest will diminish. If stored wet, the stalks will rot. If stored late, there is loss and waste. If continuous rain, they will grow ears.}
In general for the Five Grains, for the most part those sown in the first ten-day will give a full harvest, those in the middle ten-day a middle harvest, and those in the last ten-day a lesser harvest.
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honeyweaselcandles · 1 year
Candle Catalogue
Here you can find a list of all the candles I have on offer, with a link to the page to buy them and a description of the scent of said candle. It will also contain my commission information, all under the read more.
Linked above is my commission form, once submitted I will look it over and contact you when I am ready to begin discussing it with you. Depending on other orders/commissions/my own schedule, I may not get back to you right away. Commissioned candles are, of course, more customizable than my premade variety. If you want a specific kind of vessel for your candle, for example, provided you have the funds I can make something different than my usual metal tins.
Commissioned candles do not have to be fandom related. You're welcome to commission a candle with a specific scent you like and can't find elsewhere, for religious purposes, or just about any reason you can think of. You could also commission a candle I make already, with modifications, in a different container or subbing out a scent. You could make your own blend for a character I already offer, anything at all is on the table.
If you do get a commission in my standard 4 oz tin as many people do, however, here are my prices:
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To clarify: if I already own the scents necessary for what you want, there will be no extra charge. If I need to purchase new ones because I don't own them yet, that is what would cost extra.
Pre-made Candles
Here I will list all of my currently available candles and their scents, with links attached.
Egbert: Fresh air, light florals, white musk, coconut, zingy lime, bright blue razzberry gushers. (Tealight Link)
Julian Devorak: Orchid, rosemary, seasalt, black coffee, and a hint of leather. (Tealight Link)
Asra Alnazar: A mix of bright citruses, green tea, sage, with a pop of blue raspberry. (Tealight Link)
Rose Lalonde: Roses, lilac, fresh rain, and old books. (Tealight Link)
Jade Harley: Green leaves, fresh fallen snow, turned earth, and light musk. (Tealight Link)
Dave Strider: Juicy apple, thyme, sandalwood, jasmine, and vinyl. (Tealight Link)
Jane Crocker: French vanilla, almond cupcakes, and tobacco smoke. (Tealight Link)
Roxy Lalonde: Sweet cotton candy, orchids, and sea spray. (Tealight Link)
Jake English: Caramel popcorn, pine, cut wood, cedar, and woodsmoke. (Tealight Link)
Dirk Strider: Orange soda, teakwood, amber, hints of motor oil and steel. (Tealight link)
Aradia Megido: Graveyard dirt, black cherry, and petrichor. (Tealight Link)
Tavros Nitram: Worn playing cards, rock sea cliffs, warm caramel, and coconut. (Tealight Link)
Sollux Captor: Honey, apple, sage, lemon and citrus. (Tealight Link)
Karkat Vantas: Warm cotton sweaters, coffee, and maraschino cherry. (Tealight Link)
Nepeta Leijon: Dry leaves, dirt, chamo-meow-ile, mint, and a touch of patchouli. (Tealight Link)
Kanaya Mayram: Rosemary, blackberries, pepper, clean linens, and steel. (Tealight Link)
Terezi Pyrope: Dragon's blood and fruity red kool-aid. (Tealight Link)
Vriska Serket: Blood orange, grapefruit, lemon, ginger, and steel. (Tealight Link)
Gamzee Makara: Baked goods, lime, cannabis, and sea salt. (Tealight Link)
Eridan Ampora: Violets, cashmere scarves, crackling ozone, and sea spray. (Tealight Link)
Feferi Peixes: Ocean air, teakwood, fresh strawberries, and sakura blossoms. (Tealight Link)
Calliope: Brown sugar, linen, books, and lime. (Tealight Link)
Pink Frog: Bubble gum
Frog Candles
Bi Pride Frog: Rose, cashmere, black cherry, firewood, and amber.
Green Frog: Vetiver, green moss, rain water, and violets.
Gay Pride Frog: Fruity grapefruit, lemon, and raspberry.
Trans Pride Frog: Daisy, cotton candy, and honey.
Nonbinary Pride Frog: Honey, frankincense and myrrh, turned earth, and a drop of motor oil.
Lesbian Pride Frog: Cinnamon, honeysuckle blossoms, and strawberry.
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onlinecannabisoil · 6 months
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insanemoe · 2 years
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Get $50 off your first order at The Compassion Club!* ⇨ Coupon Code: REFWV6D6AUZ4Y https://thecompassionclub.biz
*This promotion isn't administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Tumblr. For adults only
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for Siv, Jay, Cassandra, and Hailey 𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻, 𝗽𝗶ñ𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗮, 𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱, 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿, 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗶, 𝘁𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲, 𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗶𝗶, and 𝗰𝘂𝗯𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗲 :)
Blue Lagoon: what does your oc wear to sleep? Do they have a dedicated set of pajamas or do they just wear whatever?
Siv: Usually wears a camisole and a pair of shorts, that's about it.
Jay: Sleeps in his boxers.
Cassandra: Has pajamas that Jay bought her.
Hailey: Wears pajamas to bed every night, no exceptions.
Pina Colada: if your oc has a bag or a purse, what are five things that'd be inside?
Siv: Keys, cellphone, dagger, assorted snacks, pendant with GIna's ashes
Jay: Pain meds, cellphone, pulse gauntlet, CIA pager, keys
Cassandra: Assorted witchcraft paraphernalia, gun, keys, cellphone, CIA pager
Hailey: CIA pager, keys, cellphone, cigarettes, red lipstick
Jungle Bird: has your oc ever made any choices they regret?
Siv: Sweetie, her life choices are all one big regret.
Jay: Regrets temporarily breaking up with Cassandra after his injuries
Cassandra: Regrets letting Jay come along on the mission to take back CCPD
Hailey: Regrets joining the Marines
Harvey Wallbanger: post some images or a moodboard that fit your oc's aesthetic.
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Daiquiri: is your oc a smoker? (tobacco, cannabis, etc.) if so, do they plan on quitting?
Siv: Doesn't smoke
Jay: Smokes weed.
Cassandra: Doesn't smoke
Hailey: Smokes occasionally, because with her being a ghost it makes her feel alive.
Tequila Sunrise: what kind of hobbies does your oc enjoy? Is there anything they've always wanted to do but never had the time/resources to try?
Siv: Plays guitar and works out. Wants to pick up oil painting but doesn't have time.
Jay: Enjoys coding and fiddling around with tech, also training/playing with his old dog at his parents' place.
Cassandra: Cooking and pottery, and while this is less of a hobby than something that basically consumes her entire life, witchcraft.
Hailey: Enjoys cooking and Samba dancing, wants to get into media analysis but doesn't have time.
Blue Hawaii: does your oc speak any other language(s)? If they didnt learn to speak the language(s) when they were growing up, when and why did they learn it?
Siv: Speaks English, French, and Klingon fluently. They learned Klingon from Cisco during Summer Break in 8th grade, and she's been taking French classes since she was in preschool (rich people French Immersion preschool). They also leaned conversational Spanish in order to better communicate with Gina back when they were first getting to know each other.
Jay: Speaks English, Spanish, Mandarin, and German fluently, which he picked up because of important missions.
Cassandra: Speaks English, is also fluent in Spanish, which she took in High School and College, French, and Mandarin (from missions), and is learning Danish and Japanese (for future missions).
Hailey: Speaks English, learned French and Russian as a child in order to communicate during her family's frequent missions trips around the EU. Learned conversational Greek and Arabic for missions, and is currently learning Vietnamese in order to connect with her birth culture.
Cuba Libre: if your oc wears any perfume/cologne, whats their favorite?
Siv: CK One by Calvin Klein
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Hailey: Alien by Thierry Mugler
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Jay: Eros by Versace
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Cassandra: Coco Noir by Chanel
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
MOSCOW (Reuters) -The United States has told its citizens to leave Russia immediately due to the war in Ukraine and the risk of arbitrary arrest or harassment by Russian law enforcement agencies.
"U.S. citizens residing or travelling in Russia should depart immediately," the U.S. embassy in Moscow said. "Exercise increased caution due to the risk of wrongful detentions."
"Do not travel to Russia," it added.
"Russian security services have arrested U.S. citizens on spurious charges, singled out U.S. citizens in Russia for detention and harassment, denied them fair and transparent treatment, and convicted them in secret trials or without presenting credible evidence," the embassy said.
"Russian authorities arbitrarily enforce local laws against U.S. citizen religious workers and have opened questionable criminal investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activity."
The Kremlin said it was not the first time U.S. citizens had been asked to leave Russia. The last such public warning was in September after President Vladimir Putin ordered a partial mobilisation.
"They (warnings) have been voiced by the State Department many times in the last period, so this is not a new thing," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.
The Federal Security Service(FSB) said in January that prosecutors had opened a criminal case against a United States citizen on suspicion of espionage.
Last December, U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner was released in a prisoner swap, having been sentenced to nine years in a penal colony for possessing vape cartridges containing cannabis oil - which is banned in Russia - after a judicial process labelled a sham by Washington.
Paul Whelan, a former U.S. Marine, is serving a 16-year sentence in a Russian penal colony after being convicted of espionage charges that Washington also says are a sham.
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potsmart · 1 year
Distillate: For Those Who Crave Consistency
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Weed is weird. Think of beer if you will. Every time you buy a certain brand of beer, it’s the same. You may end up with a can or a glass bottle or even a pint, but a Heineken tastes like a Heineken and a Miller Light tastes like a Miller Light every time. This is because making beer is really not all that different than baking. A set of inputs are added with specific ratios and measured out the same each time making a homogenous end product. Cannabis however is very different.
The humidity of the room that weed is grown in changes the quality of the end product. One cut grown from seed of Banana Punch will vary wildly from another growers cut grown from the same seed pack of Banana Punch. The differences come down to everything from natural genetic variations present in plants to environmental factors in the growing process that change the terpene or cannabinoid output or profile.
For those that crave consistency, the solutions are few. Sure you can find some hometown favourites and consistently support those vendors. But if you’re traveling or just want something different, distillate is a good option for folks who want a consistent and reliably similar experience every time.
Producing cannabis distillate involves utilizing a specialized apparatus to heat a solution to a precise temperature, enabling the vaporization of a particular compound within the solution without causing its degradation. Subsequently, the vaporized compound is efficiently condensed back into a liquid state, effectively segregating it from the other ‘undesirable’ compounds present in the original solution.
A straightforward illustration of distillation can be seen in the purification process of water. Elevating the temperature of water to 100°C (212°F) leads to the vaporization of the H2O molecules, while any unwanted impurities are left behind. Swiftly cooling the water vapour then results in the re-condensation of pure, distilled water.
Just like distilled water, distilled cannabis oil is stripped off impurities and terpenes or flavours are added back later if at all. Because of this, most distillate is pretty much the same. There are levels of quality for sure, but good distillate is good distillate.
Distillate can be used in cartridges or dabbed, but one of the best uses is baking. Not only does distillate not leave a weedy taste, but it is very potent per gram. If you’re baking with distillate and you know the THC percentage you can even figure out roughly how much THC will be in each treat you make…roughly. Be careful with at home baking math and trusting lab tests on cannabis labels.
However, it’s true that baking is one of the best uses for distillate. It also save a lot of time over making weed butter. Weed butter, while it works, is a pain in the butt to make and everyone knows how dank a pot brownie or cookie can taste when it’s made with weed butter. In addition, it can be pretty expensive to buy ounces to dump into pounds of butter. Cannabis distillate is shelf stable and lasts forever seemingly if stored correctly. All these reasons are great examples of why distillate is better than weed butter for at home cooking. The downsides are that it’s pretty sticky. Because of that it can be a bit difficult to work with. If using a bulk jar or syringe, submerging the base of the vessel in warm water can help loosen up the product for easier use. For cleanup expect to use isopropyl alcohol.
Here are some Distillate products available for mail order in Canada:
1g Vape Cartridges by Elevated Extracts come in a variety of strains. Each cartridge contains 1g of premium HTFSE. With strains like Trainwreck and Durban Poison these are sure to be tasty and hit nice. What’s so convenient about distillate is that it can be packed up in cartridges. That means the consistent flavour and strength consumers love can be brought with them discreetly wherever they go. Most cartridge stans swear by them for their lack of heavy, lingering smoke smell as well.
You can also buy larger amounts in a jar for dabbing or cooking here through Chronic Farms. Their distillate is produced in BC, Canada, using high-quality starting materials that are free of pesticides and heavy metals, resulting in an exceptional final product. All the products undergo laboratory analysis to maintain both potency and consistency. In marijuana, the primary psychoactive component is Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), along with Delta-8-THC. The distillate exclusively contains Delta-9-THC, ensuring consumers receive a potent experience.
Lastly, Vape Cartridges from Straight Goods Supply Co. a newer cannabis company based out of beautiful British Columbia, Canada. These are 95% distillate and 5% organic terpenes. This is another vape cartridge that will hit hard and deliver the same experience ever single time.
If that’s your thing, distillate is the way to go. Check out the deals above. As always Potsmart gives customers 15% off on all of them.
By Rico Suave, for Potsmart
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scrollofthoth · 1 year
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Those who have watched my last video and others who have figured out my not-so-subtle-clues, yes, I will be selling a version of Abramelin Oil starting on 4/20 what contains CBD flower instead of galangal. I opened it up today to filter it and was pleasantly surprised. The cannabis order does not overwhelm it. In fact, it’s very subtle, with the cinnamon dominant as it should be. For those of you worried it would just smell like weed, I assure you it does not.
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honeyweaselcandles · 2 years
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That's right, you heard it here first!
Homestuck Candles now for Sale!
Purchase here, list of current stock and their scents below the read more. Tealights now available!
Aradia Megido: Black cherry, graveyard dirt, and petrichor
Sollux Captor: Honey, sage, citrus, and apple.
Karkat Vantas: Black coffee, maraschino cherries, and warm cotton sweaters
John/June Egbert: Blue razzberry gushers, fresh air, coconut, and bright lime.
Eridan Ampora: Sea salt, violets, ozone, and damp scarves.
Nepeta Lejion: Fallen leaves, fresh dirt, chamo-meow-ile, mint, and a bit of patchouli.
Gamzee Makara: Lime, baked goods, cannabis, and sea salt.
Vriska Serket: Blood orange, grapefruit, lemon, and ginger.
Roxy Lalonde: Cotton candy, orchids, and sea spray.
Jake English: Pine, cedar, cut wood, woodsmoke, and caramel popcorn.
Jade Harley: Fresh snow, tomato leaf, dirt, and light musk.
Rose Lalonde: Roses, lilacs, clean rain, and old books.
Dirk Strider: Teakwood, orange soda, amber, with a hint of steel, motor oil, and sea salt.
Jane Crocker: Cupcakes, vanilla, and tobacco smoke.
Calliope: Old books, brown sugar, lime, and fresh linens.
All currently $11 each with a minimum of $6 shipping per order. If you don't see your favorite character, I have a suggestion form here, and a commission form here if you just can't wait. I can do just about any fandom or character as long as you're willing work with me!
Dave Strider: Crisp apple, thyme, sandalwood, jasmine, and a hint of vinyl.
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