#Open Road Ahead
Even Bears Have to Obey the Posted Speed Limit! (Blue Ridge Parkway)
Even Bears Have to Obey the Posted Speed Limit! (Blue Ridge Parkway) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at a roadside pullout along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The setting is looking to the south with a black bear that was meandering down the road. I captured a few images as it moved back-and-forth from one side to the other. This one image I liked most out of the collection as it had the bear seemingly looking at the posted speed limit sign.
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thorsenmark · 4 months
A Dirt Road Leading Me to Distant Mountains by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at a roadside pullout along Donaldson Rd with a view looking south and down the dirt road to more distant snowcapped ridges and peaks of the San Bernardino Mountain. The blues of the skies and whites on the mountainside, I felt, helped to create a color contrast to compliment the more earth-tones in the lower portion of the image. After doing some post-production work with control points in DxO PhotoLab 6 and making some adjustments to bring out the contrast, saturation and brightness I wanted, I cropped a portion of the foreground to create a wide-angle and panoramic feel to the image.
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chromatic-lamina · 9 months
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Episode 1089
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owlsie-hoot · 9 months
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Siegfried Farnon + Audrey Hall (ACGAS s4)
inspired by this - because they are each other's sun and moon, sunrise and sunset
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aliendragondreaming · 2 months
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i wanna go back to the cross stitch mines
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ivankosovan · 2 years
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Open road in the Pacific Northwest!
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bubbiethesaur · 2 days
Hi! hope you're doing well<3
I was wondering if we could possibly have a sneak peek of the new chapter?
No pressure ofc! Feel free to completely ignore this ask👍
Love your writing!! Have a great day/night!!
The second I saw your ask I about exploded because I was traveling home from a trip and didn't have access to my laptop. BUT I'm home now and I would heckin' love to show a sneak peak for LRA chapter 19. (tis unedited, so please forgive any typos)
(Btw I flipping love giving sneak peaks, crumbs, answering questions, etc) Beware ch. 19 spoilers below the cut
You were home. Or close to it, at least.
A familiar dirt road lay under your feet—dusty and full of rocks and hoof prints—a path you’d driven hundreds of times and knew better than your own face. It wound like a clay-crafted snake up and away into the hills, between scrubby oak full of glistening leaves blown gold in the sunshine, pines wider than you were tall and needles longer than your hands stretching up and up into the sky. 
Your gaze lingered on the ditches lining the road and the thick forest beyond, and it took you an embarrassingly long time to realize what was missing from the picture—the fences. As far as you could see, there wasn’t an inch of scruffy white fence to be seen. Not even a bit of tangled chicken wire. Just road and wood and a rich summer blue sky so huge and blue you could almost drown in it.  
Maybe it was the dust or heat of the sun, but there was a haziness to the view. Like it was all just a painted landscape that an artist had smeared with a careless brush of the hand.
As you stared, something stuck between your ribs. It was all so familiar, so beautiful, that it hurt—like a dulled knife between your rib bones—deep and painful. Throbbing. 
Closing your eyes, you inhaled warm air full of dust, spice-tinged pine, the sweet-sourness of undergrowth—and the ache bloomed.
You’d missed this place.
A dull thump-tha-thump caught your ears, bone-dry grass rustling, and your heart skipped. But your shoulders relaxed as a familiar tan and white dappled mare tromping out from under the cool shade of a tree. You popped over the ditch lining the road at once.
“Hi there, Daisy,” you muttered softly. Hot breath puffed over your palms, grassy and thick with heat. She snuffled loudly into your hand, gumming at your skin. “Sorry, old girl. I don’t have any treats on me.”
She snorted and shook her head, faded blonde man flickering like strands of wheat in the sun.
You stroked a hand down her neck, patches of tan and marshmallow white. She felt so warm, big doe-eyes peering at you beneath long lashes.
Sighing, you buried your hand in her thick mane, careful not to pull as coarse strands slipped between your fingers. The sensation didn’t ground you as much as you would have liked. You felt so alone, the bitter taste of dirt and iron dripping between your teeth. 
A branch snapped behind you, the crisp crackle of sun-dried grass—like a tiny bird’s bones crunching underfoot. You froze, your pulse thumping in your ears as the sounds grew nearer—too light for a small animal, too loud for Sun or Moon—
“Hey, squirt.”
You stopped breathing.
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edlucavalden · 3 days
The aftermath of being in a toxic (abusive?idk) relationship is certainly... something!
I guess it just sucks. not only do i have to deal with the feeling of betrayal over someone i cared about hurting me really badly but i also i have with cope the damage the relationship did to me in the first place.
I was bed bound at some point. I didn't eat or take care of myself. I guess im just shell shocked... abused to the point relapsing really hard to self harm and eating disorders, like genuinely suicidal haha. I was literally just dead at that point.... it was. Bad
Like omg lmfao its crazy how even now i still doubt that it was that bad...Irs hard to think rationally and logically when youve been hurt to the point where youre constantly in fight or flight mode. You dont realize it when uour in it... until its too late
.. im only functional now because i have a routine to follow, and even then, im barely doing so haha. Living on only a routine is barely living at all... not to mention that i have trouble maintaining it, i dont really have the desire to soo its a little harder. Then again Its better than literally being catatonic for weeks straight..
It'll... hopefully be ok. After all i ended things a month ago so. (Its crazy how recent it is haha) itll be hard but i know i can do this. Even if its just alone.
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(Have kbms bc why tf not
In hindsight i dont think i should be talking about super personal information like this in my public accs but. I really dont care anymore. Its my blog i can do what i want.
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
In other news guess who got followed by a strange man today 🤩
Everybody say thank you to the random guy who helped me by scaring the creep away by simply being a man and walking with me till I got out from the subbies/underpass thingy area🥰
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braveryhearted · 2 months
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"C'mon, you like doing 'get help'".
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voidfell · 6 months
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I'll be honest now I'm just thinking about how I lowkey--- okay no not lowkey, highkey, I highkey ship Jaime and Khaji Da. They are soulmate coded to me, personally. Any other ship with Jaime is going to have to involve the Scarab on some level anyway, okay?? It's literally attatched to his spine and spits off his neurochemical and physical reactions to people. Jaime literally had a clinical voice in his head at all times telling him when he thinks someone is hot it's so funny.
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thorsenmark · 4 months
Heading off to Explore Shenandoah National Park! by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at a roadside pull off next to the Front Royal park entrance sign to Shenandoah National Park. The view is looking to the east down the Skyline Drive where one Jeep Wrangler was heading and several other park cars off in the distance around the Dickey Ridge Trailhead. My thought in composing this image was to use the road as a leading line and have the trees all around, adding to the setting and view ahead. I did some initial post-processing work making adjustments to contrast, brightness and saturation while playing around as I learned how to work with DxO PhotoLab 7. I then exported a TIFF image to Nik Color Efex Pro 7 where I added a Polarization, Foliage and Pro Contrast filter for that last effect on the image captured.
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schmweed · 1 year
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funnelcloudd · 1 year
When your foreman is obviously desperately trying to get you in trouble but you remember all the times you caught her sitting on her ass talking on the phone and also the time she ranted about how “you can’t say nothing about the lgbtqs or the Jews anymore” and you’re one of the lgbtqs
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scotty-nobody · 1 year
god I love fucking with stupid people in traffic
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Trying to plan a road-trip for yourself when you when a deadline for when you have to be at the end destination but you get to make the entire plan to actually get there is the worst ever actually
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