#One of my best friends is the teenage son of the mayor and no one knows or gives a shit
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rooolt · 1 year ago
most unrealistic part about npmd is that 1) all of these teenagers know the name of the mayor of their town and 2) him being the mayor brings his daughter any amount of notoriety or popularity
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storm-angel989 · 8 months ago
Master List Valentino
See the below for all stories starring Valentino!
Dad Valentino x Daughter Reader:
Valentino x Toddler Reader (Vox, I need a hand)
Valentino x Teenager Daughter (Papi! I need you!)
Valentino x Toddler Reader (Fix it, Vox)
Valentino x Toddler Reader (Butterflies)
Valentino x Elementary Age Daughter (Eye doctors Appointment)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Daddy, I like girls)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Papi, I didn't mean it)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Introducing Vox)
Valentino x Seventeen Year Old Daughter (Introducing Vox 2)
Valentino x First Grade Daughter (Bullied)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Welcome to Hell)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Running Away from Home)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (A cut too deep)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (Beach Day)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Sneaking Out, Sneaking In)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (Yeah, She Thinks She's Slick)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (It Gets Better, Mi Amore)
Valentino x Younger Reader (Tummy Bugs)
Valentino x Daughter (The Mayor)
Valentino x Daughter (Always Throw The Last Punch)
Valentino x Early Adult Daughter (We'll take care of it, right guys?)
Valentino x Daughter (I told you to stay inside!)
Valentino x Daughter (Extermination Day)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (No, My Kitty!)
Valentino x Y. Daughter (She's Hardheaded, Just Like Her Daddy)
Valentino x Teenage Daughter (You Did What Now?)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (Thunderstorms)
Valentino x Daughter (How Did I Forget Her Birthday?)
Valentino x Teen Daughter (You Hurt My Daughter, I'll Hurt You)
Valentino x Trans Teen Daughter (I Love You For Who You Are)
Valentino x Younger Daughter (OTO: Lucifer's Party)
Valentino x Daughter (Diet Pills, Are You Fucking Serious?)
Valentino x Daughter (My best friend, Ana) Part One
Valentino x Daughter ( My best friend, Ana) Part Two
Valentino x Daughter (A motorcycle? Haha. You're Grounded.)
Valentino x Daughter (Insecurities Part One)
Valentino x Daughter (Insecurities Part Two)
Valentino x Daughter (Highs and Lows)
Valentino x Daughter (The fastest way to be grounded)
Valentino x Daughter (Aroace, there is a name for who I am)
Valentino x Daughter (Angel, if you tell anyone I'll kill you)
Valentino x Daughter (Sleep Depravation, part one)
Valentino x Daughter (Your body is perfect)
Valentino x Autistic Daughter (Negative Stims)
Valentino x Vox's Daughter:
Eres jodidamente estúpida, niñita? (Part One)
Eres jodidamente estupida, ninita? (Part Two)
Eres jodidamente estupida, ninita? (Part Three)
Eres jodidamente estupida, ninita? (Part Four)
Drugs n Memories
Valentino x Son
Valentino x Teenage Son (Angel Dust)
Valentino x Teenage Son (It wasn't your fault)
Valentino x Female SO:
Period Pains
That Time Of The Month, Goddamn It
He always keeps his promises
Body Changes Post Baby
Surgery? Like hell. (OTO Fluff)
Valentino's Sick Day (OTO Fluff)
Why yes, there is a kink for that.
Fuck off, Charlie
Love Your Body, Because I Do
Throw away the scale, mi amore
Girl's Night (OTO Fluff)
Tests Don't Lie, But Sometimes I Do
How does a moth even get a migraine? (OTO Fluff)
Fucking Angel Dust (OTO)
We're in this together (OTO Fluff)
What do you mean, ADHD?
Valentino x Employee:
Fighting For Control
On Valentino's Stage
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flamingpudding · 2 years ago
DPxDC Family Week June 21 (Day 4)
Prompt: Friends | Surprise
A/N: I hope this is not a hit and miss on the prompts but this came out when I thought about Danny and his friends. Also... I really wanted to get the Joker souped :D
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
Bruce found himself with a rather particular problem as he faced the newest addition to the Wayne Family in the bat cave. Daniel James Fenton-Wayne, stood before him sandwiched between his more than obvious to best friends. The boy wasn't looking up but staring at the ground, shoulders hunched and drawn into himself, hair ash white, dressed in a hazmat suit and glowing green eyes that reminded him too much of his second eldest certain issue. His two friends on the other hand were standing protectively next to him clearly openly glaring at him well at Batman but that wasn't important.
He was pretty sure that Danny was supposed to be at the Manor the entire time getting used to his new room with the addition of his two friends that had accompanied him to Gotham to help him getting settled. Not come flying at the joker out of a vertical Lazarus Pit with his friends in tow. Behind him he knew that at least one of his other sons were fretting. They had yet to tell Danny about the family secret and this development was definitely a surprise to everyone as the three teenagers before him had mentioned that they know his identity at least.
A little earlier that day.
"Come on Danny let's explore the Manor a little. There is bound to be something hidden. Every big shot has their secret."
"Think we will find proof that Batman and Bruce Wayne have a thing for each other?"
"Sam! No!" The halfa groaned into the pillow of his oversized bed, Sam sitting at the edge while Tucker was curiously going along the walls, knocking against it every couple of meters to see if there was something hidden.
"Well what do you want us to do? The lab blew up and you got adopted by a rich guy, while Jazz got spared but she can't take you in at the moment."
"Yeah man, we are lucky it wasn't Vlad but I am not sure if Wayne is better given his public image."
"You know that could be a front right?" Danny muttered his chin resting on the pillow as he stared at his friends.
"Like Vald, he acts like a nice Mayor but is a total fruitloop."
"So you're saying Bruce's image is like that and he is in reality completely different?" Sam concluded crossing her arms as she mulled over that thought. "So the secret is he bangs Batman?"
"Aha! Secret wiring!" Tucker cut in before, removing a piece of the wall to get to a wire, his PDA in hand and checking if he could connect the wire to it.
Danny's eye twitched. He loves his friends he really does but their conspiracies were not something he could get behind on right now. "Tuck you probably got the power cable of the lights there. Drop it."
"That, my friend, is a cable to a heat sensor."
"So what? Floor heating, we established already that Amity was way's behind in technology."
"Danny, if there is one thing I know about being rich, it's that nothing is as simple as it seems in old manors. Bruce Wayne is suspicious and we should-"
"Look what we have here, camera wiring! Let's see what video feats I can get into…"
"No-Wait what?!"
"Told you that man is suspicious."
Danny glared at Sam's smug face while Tucker was completely engrossed in getting into the Manors network system. In the end he let out a sigh and let him get dragged along by his friends' antics with a fond smile. Ancients couldn't they just live with him here too? They wouldn't need to go back to Amity right? Better maybe he could just go back with them, but he knew he couldn't.
There was no longer a home to return to.
"Danny, hey Danny."
Blinking out of his thoughts he found both his friends by his room door urging him to come along. In a fluid motion he jumped off the bed and followed them. Tucker was the one leading them, having apparently gotten into the video feat and was now trying to find something specifically. Whatever his best friend had found, it had him convinced that there was a secret cave below the manor.
"I found a blind spot!" He suddenly declared making them stop by a corner of the hallway.
"Your turn, Danny. Phase us through the floor." Sam more told him than asked, eyes gleaming with mischievousness. With a sigh, followed by a head shake and a fond smile, he placed a hand on each shoulder. Taking them with him through the floor, still not believing his friends.
Only for them to really end up in a cave, a bat themed cave. They were standing in the goddamn bat cave!
Both Sam and Tucker started cheering about how they were right and how it was so badass to have a cave like that under your home and also that Bruce had to be Batman now. Completely forgetting that Danny used to have a lab below his previous home.
"Okay I give it to you guys. You were right but wha-" A breath of cold air left his lips and Danny whipped his head around. How had he not noticed a pool of corrupted ectoplasm? Ancients now that he was so close to it he could feel the stinking icky feeling power it radiated. Fuck did he end up trading a destroyed portal to the Ghost Zone for ectoplasmic waste dump of said realm?
"Guys!" Before he could say anything more a fucking hand, that was very familiar to him, reached out of the green pool of yuck and Danny of course being the closest got grabbed by it. His friends, ever so loyal, heard his yell grab him by the arms to pull him back only to get dragged with him through it.
The Joker was on the loose again and Batman was in pursuit. Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin were attempting to cut off the escape route while Robin was with him.
Signal, Orphan and Spoiler were taking out some goons before they could join up with the rest of them.
The situation was getting dangerous. Whatever that mad man had planned it involved something that looked like a Lazarus Pit but it was in a Vertical position.
It was definitely grading on Red Hood's nerves.
They needed to do something and that fast. He couldn't let that mad man run loose any longer.
If everyone was additionally a little bitter and aggressive with the Joker because the rouge was preventing the entire family from spending time with their newest addition then that was not his problem to deal with.
Dodging the beams as best as he could while holding on to his friends Danny, in his ghost form, did everything he could to lose Walker while also trying but currently failing at not getting lost in the GZ. Maneuvering this place like this was definitely not easy. He recognised a way to Far Frozen but he couldn't take his friends there like this, so he took another sharp turn. Maybe if they could come across someone like Wulf, they could find an easy way to get back to earth.
Making another turn he barely avoided a floating rumble as well as another blast from behind them.
"Guys we need a way out!" He all but screamed in desperation holding onto his two friends for dear life. All they did was explore the manor to find Bruce's secrets, they hadn't signed up for getting dragged into the Ghost Zone let alone get stuck without a clear way back.
"Over there is a natural portal!" Tucker suddenly pointed out and Danny took another sharp turn rounding more floating rock.
"Nu-hu! I am not taking my chances with that! What if we end up in Acients Egypt or Medieval Europe?"
"It's a natural portal, not a clockwork portal." Danny argued back, taking another turn. The portal was getting smaller.
"Sam! Come once we are out we can figure out the rest like always!"
"Okay, fine!" With a U-turn like stunt Danny course corrected and with an iron grip on his friends, rushing towards the natural portal that was closing.
Luckily they made it through before it could close on them, successfully losing Walker on the other side. But with the speed they had been going as well as the sudden return of normal gravity to his friends the three were not able to stop in time and once through the portal they ended up slamming into the body of someone, knocking them to the ground with them.
The Lazarus pit thing was closing but right before it closed three teenagers flew right through it tackling the Joker to the ground.
"Are those teenagers?!"
"More importantly, aren't those Danny's friends?!"
One of his children screamed into the coms. This was not good at all. How did Danny's friends even end up here, what about Danny? If his friends were here, where was he?
Just as he was going to give the signal to move in to remove the three teenagers, the white haired one slowly got up and looked at who he had landed on and screamed bloody murder, alerting the other two teenagers.
"Not now, soup the clown!"
Stunned, the bat clan watched how the three teenagers stumbled off the Joker and pointed a thermos at the dazed clown. A light beam later and the clown disappeared from sight. The three teenagers slumped down leaning against each other.
"That's it, we are never going exploring in a billionaire's manor ever again." The white haired teen grumbled tiredly leaning against his two friends.
"Danny, you know we will do that again anyway." The boy countered, who Bruce recognised as Tucker. "Also you need serious therapy with that clown problem of yours."
"You can't scream 'Freakshow' everytime you see one." Looking at the girl between the three once again he recognised Sam. These were definitely his newest son's friends. And considering they called the white haired between them Danny, it could only mean that he was said, newest family addition.
Back to the current situation…
Danny's two friends were still glaring at him.
"What are you planning to do with Danny now?"
"Bull, we know you don't like Metas!"
It was good that Danny had such protective friends but Bruce was definitely out of his depths in this situation. He suppressed a sigh and held up a hand to placidate them for the moment. It already had been difficult enough to get the three back to the bat cave. When the three had realized their audience, Danny had looked ready to run while his friends and become very visibly protective. Overhearing the two friends whispering that a billionaire could never be trusted after all. It left him no choice but to drag them to the cave and get a somewhat unbelievable but apparently real, considering he saw the Joker get 'souped', statement from the three.
They had figured out his identity, Danny was a Meta with 'ghost' powers and apparently the Joker had died and gotten dipped into a Lazarus Pit often enough to be 'souped' in a specially made thermos.
"Since when?"
"Since when what?" Sam, apparently a very stubborn young girl, huffed back her arms crossed and holding herself like she was ready to throw a punch if needed.
"Since we know your Bruce? Dude, you left as alone in the Manor. We were bound to find some secrets." The boy, Tucker added now more relaxed and focusing on something on his PDA, Bruce wanted to confiscate just to make sure the teenager wasn't giving out his secret but was refraining from doing so.
Nightwing snickered behind him and he refused to look over his shoulder to glare at his oldest instead he let out a heavy sigh.
"Daniel James Fentom-Wayne." He felt a little bad at how the white haired boy flinched. "You and your friends got dragged by a ghost through the Lazarus Pit-" He ignored the boy muttering something about a garbage disposal leak. "-into what you called the 'Ghost Zone' also known as the Infinit Realms."
The three nodded, two still glaring at him. "The three of you then got stranded and hunted by the same ghost in the ghost zone. Only to finally escape through a natural portal to slam into the Joker."
Again they nodded. "You then proceeded to 'soup' him." He eyed the thermos Danny was still holding and had not yet handed over to him. "And it worked because he died as well as got thrown often enough into a Pit to count as 'ghost'."
"Well actually it's part ecto-entity -ow- Sam!"
"Ghost, yes he means ghost." The girl had just elbowed his son while the other boy took over talking. He could hear Sam hissing something along the lines of 'you don't do the talking we do'.
Bruce cleared his throat. "So the Joker is in this thermos now." It was a statement rather than a question. His second oldest whistled and he chose to ignore that.
"We can let him out, but I kinda want to give him over to Walk-ow-"
"He can be let out anytime." Once again one of his son's friends elbowed him while the other answered in his stead. They were very trying to protect something here and for now Bruce would let them.
"Since when were you a Meta, Danny?" He let out a sigh as he decided to change the topic. Clearly Danny's friends were stopping him from sharing certain information. He would have to try again later.
"Since-" Once again Danny was stopped from talking by his friends but this time he was giving them a light glare and whined. A second later two rings of light appeared around his middle and he changed back to the boy he knew.
"Magical girl transformation." One of his other kids snickered and once again Bruce choose to ignore.
"Since his accident." Tucker answered and as if reading his mind the boy continued. "Also the start of Danny's hero stick. Feel free to look up Phantom but I doubt you will get much without having ecto-infused equipment."
"If you plan on hurting Danny, Batman or not we will find a way to destroy you." Sam added glaring at him.
"Want me to lend you my tire bar?" This time he did look over his shoulder staring disapprovingly at his second oldest.
Turning back to the teenagers, he let out a suffering sigh, mentally noting down that he will have to look up what they mentioned later as well as probably contact Constantine. The three apparently took that as the sign that his questioning was over and started to talk among themselves again.
"So Danny, how does it feel knowing Batman is your new Dad?"
"At least we know now that he doesn't bang billionaires. So Superman?"
Bruce's eye twitched as he cleared his throat, gaining their attention again.
"Daniel, you're grounded." And after a moment of consideration in regards to the information he got from them and the conclusion he could draw from that. "You are also benched from any form of vigilante work you do until we had a talk about that."
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wanderingmind867 · 25 days ago
A story idea I had recently:
Professor Hugo Strange is testing a new machine, designed to put his brain inside of Batman's body. But just at that crucial moment, The Joker breaks in (the reasons aren't really important right now). Meanwhile (high in the distant night sky), the demoness Tala spies Hugo Strange and Batman, and she decides to use them as pawns in a new competition against the Phantom Stranger.
She uses her magic to make the machine backfire, and she helps it rewrite reality to match her vision. She also surrounds gotham with a magical barrier, so their "game" wouldn't disturb all the other mortals. The Joker and Batman have swapped identities. Only Tala and The Phantom Stranger seem aware of what's going on, as Tala tries to use this game to prove (once and for all) that darkness can triumph over the light!
So…now I need to explain how things changed regarding Bruce Wayne and Jack Napier on this earth. So let me try my best to explain all of that. I'll go through each of the two of them, and I'll explain how their lives changed and diverged on this world here.
The Joker (Bruce Wayne): In this altered reality, Bruce Wayne lost everyone that night in Crime Alley. Alfred and his parents were all shot, and then the Falcones had his Uncle Phillip snuffed out too. With no remaining living family, Carmine Falcone adopts Bruce Wayne. And under Carmine's tutelage, the Waynes are kept firmly within the corrupt family business.
But Bruce Wayne can't be corrupted that easily. By the time that he's a teenager, he's realized what the Falcones and Hills do for a living. He wants no part in it. He starts making friends with reformist public figures, like Harvey Dent and James Gordon. Angry that he's betraying the family, Carmine Falcone drugs his adopted son with sleeping pills, and then leaves his men to dispose of Bruce's body.
In the end, Bruce's body is thrown into the abandoned chemical vats at Ace Chemicals. He's left for dead, seen as a lost cause. But he lives. The chemicals completely break his sanity, but he lives. In the time he's recovering, Falcone and Hill ruin Dent and Gordon's careers, so in retaliation, "Joker" kills Falcone and Hill, setting himself up as the boss Mayor and head of Gotham City. And from here onwards, we pretty much just have a world where Bruce Wayne is The Joker. But what happened to the real joker, one Jack Napier? Well…
Batman (Jack Napier): Jack Napier was a down on his luck comedian, currently writing for a brand new sitcom starring actor Basil Karlo. Jack was one of the lower level writers on the show, but at least he always had a home to come back to. His wife Jean and his son Mark were the pride and joy of his life. As Gotham went to ruins at the hands of the Falcones and Hills, the Napier family was getting by. And Jack Napier was even beginning to slowly make a name for himself.
In Season Two of the show, ratings were beginning to dip. Turns out Karlo wasn't as good at comedy as he was hoping he'd be, so they need a new comedic character. So Jack comes up with the idea of a weird relative of the family, who comes to stay and live with them. Jack is given a chance to play the character as the show gets retooled, and people love it. He slowly begins overtaking Basil Karlo in popularity, but Mr. Karlo doesn't mind (especially since it means he gets to go back to dramatic acting). The Basil Karlo show does Four seasons, and then it gets a spin-off all about "Jeffery Cesar Richardson" and his family.
The Richardsons becomes a hit tv sitcom, written and created by Jack Napier himself. He finally has total freedom. His wife and son finally get the life that they deserve. But one night (shortly after filming the premiere episode of season 2), the studio is held hostage by burglars. Nobody wants to stand up to them, but Jack manages to think of an idea. He sneaks away to his dressing room, works out a stunningly haphazard costume, and then tries to intimidate the burglars into leaving. Through pure coincidence, he manages to defeat them all bare handed. Now being billed as "Batman", Gotham has a new masked man of mystery to protect them.
So now the pieces are all in place. Tala has her Joker, a rich and ruthless madman with all the cunning and trickery of the original universe's Batman. Meanwhile, Jack Napier is a clumsy fool who stumbled into superheroics by accident, and would really much rather be a TV star. Can good and light triumph over darkness and evil, even in this world where the odds are stacked against them? With The Phantom Stranger's aid, anything is possible.
In the end, The Phantom Stranger and Jack Napier win the bet. Tala bitterly undoes her magic spell, turning everything in Gotham back to the way it was. The only thing left for anyone to remember anything by is a photo The Phantom Stranger managed to hold onto underneath his hat, a photo of Jack Napier smiling with his wife and child. He gives it to the Joker, then fades back into the mist to which he always returns. The Joker keeps the picture, though. He doesn't know why, but he does.
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dandylion240 · 2 months ago
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“Congratulations,” Temperance said, setting her champagne glass on the coffee table before leaning back on the sofa.
Giggling Aubrey shook her head “you’re just as cute now as you were back in high school.”
“We are not,” Temperance protested even as her husband wrapped an arm around, pulling her to his side right. 
Will’s deep chuckle rumbled in his chest “I have to agree with her, honey. We are pretty cute.”
“You’re outnumbered,” Kaia said from where she sat beside her wife. 
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“Fine,” Temperance sighed, throwing her hands in the air “you win.”
“Don’t sound so disappointed,” Will said, lifting one of her hands to his lips.
Rolling her eyes “maybe I was hoping for romantic or something…I don’t know … mature.”
Will leaned his head back, filling the room his deep laughter. “Honey, you’re married to me. Be thankful to get cute.”
Elbowing him in the side she smiled “I am but one can dream.”
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Aubrey smiled over at one of her oldest friends “we should get together more often.” 
Her wife nodded in agreement. “I’ll even make room in the mayor’s schedule.”
Will raised an eyebrow “that should be pretty easy considering you are the mayor.”
Kaia gave her wife a rueful glance “you’d think so but there’s always something that needs my attention.”
Patting her hand Aubrey sighed “I’ve gotten used to it but it’s our son who really misses his mother.”
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Huffing a little Kaia said “Basil saw more of me than you. The little trouble maker.”
Temperance smiled politely knowing the reputation their son had. She caught her husband’s eye and smiled, thankful their children had not caused them so much trouble.
“He’ll settle down soon,” Will said, trying to sound positive “must boys do at his age.”
“If you ask me he’s overdue,” Kaia huffed, “he’s almost twenty-four.”
“Maybe he just needs the right motivation,” Aubrey said, turning to her friends. “You have kids. Are they single?”
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“Oh no,” Will shook his head “we’re not setting our kids up.”
“Well it was just a thought,” Aubrey sighed but the glint in her eyes didn’t fool anyone.
“Don’t meddle,” Temperance said, although in her mind she had been transported back in time. She could still hear her teenage self mapping out the lives of her children and how one of them would fall helplessly in love with one of Unity’s children tying their two families together. Of course that hadn’t happened, Unity had died from a rare form of cancer when they were teenagers. She still missed her best friend even though she’d been gone for almost thirty years.
Leaning in close Will asked “are you alright?”
Blinking fast, she nodded “I’m fine. Just thinking.”
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Will squeezed her tight. She didn’t need to explain. He understood she still ached for her childhood friend and moments such as these sometimes brought back the past and what might have been. “It’s getting late,” he said to his hosts “congratulations again and hopefully the next four years as mayor will be less hectic than the last.”
“Don’t worry,” Aubrey said “Kaia thrives on solving problems. It’s why she makes such a good mayor.”
“Maybe she should run for governor next,” Temperance said.
“Oh no,” Kaia shook her head. “Being mayor of a small country town is all the thrill I need.”
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taletheoldcrowtold · 9 months ago
Pride 2024 - Day 21
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Movie: My Own Private Idaho
Made in: 1991 – Set in: 1991
Starring: River Phoenix, Keanu Reeves, William Richert, Chiara Caselli, Udo Kier
Rated R for: drug use, strong sexual content, violence, nudity (boobies and lots of buns)
Loosely based on Shakespeare’s Henry IV, the movie follows Mike Waters, a narcoleptic, and Scott Favor, the rebellious son of a mayor, as they make money being sex hustlers and travel to Idaho and Italy looking for Mike’s estranged mother.
It’s a character driven story that doesn’t really dive into the characters, as you don’t really get a deep understanding of Mike or Scott and why they do what they do. Though it is easy to relate to Mike and his desire for a normal life, Scott just seems to be someone there and his actual desires are never really addressed.
Spoilers under Keep Reading Line
The two main characters don’t die or get together but the ending doesn’t make it clear what happens to Mike.
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about this movie. I feel like it really shows the struggles of narcolepsy and the hardships of being a street hustler but at times it felt a bit slow and just out there? The occasional Shakespearean dialog was a little jarring when it was mixed with modern speaking. Bob felt like a Shakespeare character in a modern world, always speaking Shakespeare-like but you never know why (He doesn’t talk with “thy” and “Thou” but still). And it takes a while into the movie before Scott and Mike decide to go to Idaho, with everything before that mostly showing the poverty Mike and Scott, mostly Mike, live in. I imagine Mike had type one Narcolepsy with cataplexy, as his symptoms fit that the most. I think River Phoenix acted that out very well and was a good actor in the movie over all. The movie also shows the pains of unrequited love, as Mike loves his best friend, Scott and has to go through the shitty situation of Scott falling in love with a girl and leaving him. I felt bad for Mike and hoped for him to at least find what he was looking for, which was a normal life, and was a bit disappointed that the movie ended before giving him that. I suppose that’s my biggest problem with it. If it showed Mike getting what he wanted in the end, then I probably would have liked the movie okay but it ends with uncertainty and thus leaves me feeling like ‘what was the point?’
Mom’s Thoughts: I knew nothing about this movie before I watched it. It started fairly slow with Mike standing by a highway in Idaho staring in the distance and thinking. Then he has a narcoleptic attack and falls onto the asphalt asleep. The movie then cuts to Portland, Oregon and we get a hard peek into the life of a male prostitute who “lives” in an abandoned apartment building with other homeless street kids, most of them also prostitutes. At one point the kids are jumping around and spouting lines like they’re in a Shakespearean play, which seemed out of character for them as they seemed to be teenagers who had dropped out of high school. (Learning later that it is based on Shakespeare’s play and that it contained actual lines from one of his plays was an ah-ha moment.) Still, this scene looked like it was inserted from another movie somehow and really made no sense. At one point Mike and Scott go to see Mike’s brother in Idaho and then decide to look for Mike’s mother who had abandoned him, going all the way to Italy and never finding her. Scott, however, found a young lady he fell in love with and married, bringing her back to Portland. Scott’s wealthy father dies about the same time a street mentor also dies and the two men are buried in the same cemetery. Mike and the other street kids are at the street mentor’s burial and Scott and his wife are at his father’s. Scott inherits money and no longer associates with Mike and the others. The movie ends as it began with Mike at the same spot on the highway, having a narcoleptic attack and falling asleep. While he lies there, two men in a truck steal his duffel bag and shoes. Later a car comes by, picks up Mike and drives on with him. The audience never sees who it is, but after watching the movie I learned a scene was deleted showing Mike was picked up by his brother. I would have liked it better if there was a closeup of his brother picking him up. Then we would know he was safe. It would also add closure to the film rather than leave us hanging as to what happens to Mike. I’m not sure I would ever want to watch this movie again, as it left a lot of things unsaid—did Mike ever find his Mom? Did he ever find the normal life he sought? Was he safe in the end? However, it did give a fairly good depiction of life as a young street hustler, not that I personally know what that’s like, ha ha. I read a lot.
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fox756 · 1 year ago
Family Guy
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Fans are really excited to see the new and improve Family Guy coming next month as the the animated sitcom gets rewritten on May 8th 2024. Family Guy seasons 1-22 and beyond will focus on friends and family, my favorite characters are Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Meg Griffin, Chris Griffin, Lois Griffin, Peter Griffin, Joe Swanson, Cleveland Brown, Glenn Quagmire, Olivia Fuller, Jillian Russell, Patty Patterson, Ruth Rutherford, Esther Esthederm, Beth Bethany, Neil Goldman, Connie D'amico, Tom Tucker, Diane Simmons and Bonnie Swanson. This show needs to be about family and friends working together and never giving up. Of course Olivia Fuller's character name will change to Penelope Thomson and Jillian Russell's character name will change to Britney Wilcox. the 18 main characters and the 2 recurring characters will be treated as outcasts in the show. Fans will be overjoy see Diane Simmons, Olivia Fuller, Jillian Russell, Patty Patterson, Ruth Rutherford, Neil Goldman, Beth Bethany and Connie D'amico returning to Family Guy the other recurring characters such as Pouncey the talking cat, Ollie Williams, Tricia Takanawa, Evil Monkey, Ernie the Giant Chicken, Stan Thomson, Carol West-Thomson, Mort Goldman, Muriel Goldman, Donna Tubbs Brown, Joyce Kinney, Miss Tammy, Mayor Wild West, Bert, Sheila, Dr. Hartman, Principal Shepherd, Angela Everwood, Ellie, Carter Pewterschimidt and Babs Pewterschimidt will only appear as guest star recurring characters in 3 to 5 episodes on Family Guy in random episodes, the recurring guest star characters will also appear in cameo appearances.
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The Main Characters include:
Stewie Griffin: Stewie is the youngest member of the Griffin family. He is a highly intelligent and diabolical baby with a British accent who constantly devises elaborate schemes and plans for world domination.
Brian Griffin: Brian is the anthropomorphic family dog and the most intelligent member of the Griffin household. He often serves as the voice of reason and offers witty commentary on the events happening around him. Brian is also known for his intellectual pursuits and struggles with his romantic relationships.
Meg Griffin: Meg is the teenage daughter of the Griffin family. She is often portrayed as socially awkward, unpopular, and the target of ridicule both at school and within her own family. Despite her struggles, Meg occasionally displays moments of strength and resilience.
Chris Griffin: Chris is the teenage son of the Griffin family. He is depicted as overweight, not particularly bright, and often the butt of jokes. Chris is known for his simple-mindedness and his love for food.
Peter Griffin: Peter is the bumbling, overweight, and often clueless father of the Griffin family. He frequently gets into outlandish and ridiculous situations and is known for his distinctive laugh. Peter works at a toy factory and has a love for beer, TV, and unhealthy food.
Lois Griffin: Lois is the patient and level-headed mother of the Griffin family. She serves as a voice of reason and tries to keep the family in check. Lois is a stay-at-home mom but occasionally takes on various jobs throughout the series.
Joe Swanson: Joe is one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a paraplegic police officer who uses a wheelchair. Joe often participates in Peter's misadventures and provides the group with law enforcement knowledge and skills.
Cleveland Brown: Cleveland is another one of Peter's best friends and a neighbor. He is a mild-mannered and good-natured character who often finds himself caught up in Peter's shenanigans. Cleveland later got his own spin-off series called "The Cleveland Show."
Glenn Quagmire: Quagmire is Peter's perverted and sex-obsessed neighbor. He is known for his catchphrase "Giggity giggity goo!" and is constantly on the lookout for sexual opportunities. Quagmire works as an airline pilot.
Patty Patterson: Patty is one of Meg's teenage friends. She is often seen hanging out with Meg and the other girls.
Ruth Rutherford: Ruth is another one of Meg's teenage friends, often seen in the group.
Esther Esthederm: Esther is a teenage friend of Meg's.
Olivia Fuller: Stewie's love interest and a baby. She is often portrayed as sweet and highly intelligent
Jillian Russell: Jillian is a human girl and Brian's love interest. She is portrayed as attractive and somewhat dim-witted but good-hearted
Neil Goldman: Neil is a teenage boy who has a crush on Meg and often appears as a socially awkward character.
Tom Tucker: Tom is a male news anchor in the fictional town of Quahog. He often provides exaggerated and sensationalized news reports. Tom is known for his smooth voice and occasional romantic interests.
Diane Simmons: Diane is a female news anchor and Tom Tucker's love interest. She is often involved in outrageous and scandalous situations.
Connie D'amico: Connie is a popular and manipulative teenage girl who often antagonizes Meg.
The Recurring Characters Include:
Beth Bethany: Beth is another one of Meg's friends. She is occasionally featured in the series and shares some of Meg's struggles with popularity and social acceptance.
Bonnie Swanson: Bonnie is Joe Swanson's wife and a friend of the Griffin family. She is often portrayed as a caring and supportive character.
The Guest Star Characters Include:
Principal Shepherd
Carter Pewterschmidt
Babs Pewterschmidt
Angela Everwood
Evil Monkey
Ernie the Giant Chicken
Tricia Takanawa
Mayor Wild West
Mort Goldman
Miss Tammy
Jerome Cool J
Pouncy The Talking Cat
Bert and Sheila
Carol West-Thomson
Stan Thomson
Muriel Goldman
The Main Plot is in a wacky Rhode Island town, a dysfunctional family strives to cope with everyday life as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
Sick, twisted, and politically incorrect, the animated series features the adventures of the Griffin family. Endearingly ignorant Peter hangs with his friends Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown and Joe Swanson, goes on crazy adventures. Homemaker wife Lois reside in Quahog, Rhode Island with their three kids. teenage Chris their eldest, is a social outcast; Meg Griffin a smart teenage girl, cry baby, hangs out with her friends, Patty, Ruth and Esther goes on adventures, Stewie, is a genius baby bent on killing his mother, destroying the world, and in love with Olivia Fuller vows to marry her someday, Their talking dog Brian keeps Stewie in check, book writer, in love with Jillian Russell vows to marry her someday and sipping martinis and sorting through his own life issues. Connie being popular girl at the High School. Tom and Diane work as news anchors at the Quahog 5 News Station.
Stewie, Brian, Meg, Chris, Lois, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Connie, Neil, Tom and Diane are Outcasts, family, hero and main characters of the show.
The 18 main characters go on crazy adventures. The 2 recurring characters will also go on adventures with the 18 main characters.
Stewie gives up being evil after season 6 and starts being with his girlfriend Olivia and his family.
Connie gives up being bully after season 9 and begins being nice, taking things seriously being with her friends and the Griffin family.
Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Chris Griffin, Meg Griffin, Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Olivia Fuller, Jillian Russell, Cleveland Brown, Glenn Quagmire, Joe Swanson, Connie D’amico, Patty Patterson, Ruth Rutherford, Esther Esthederm, Neil Goldman, Tom Tucker and Diane Simmons will enjoy family dinners in all 23 seasons in the animated sitcom.
Family Guy is a feel good show.
The animated sitcom is about friends and family working together and never giving up, above all they’re family.
Stewie, Brian, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Connie and Diane keeps Chris in check to prevent him from causing trouble.
Olivia Fuller lives with her mom and dad Stan and Carol Thomson. Penelope Thomson is Olivia’s real name. Stan looks like Patrick Pewtershmidt Lois’s brother, the only difference is his hair is black. Britney Wilcox is Jillian Russell’s real name. Patty lives with her obese Mom Ellie. Ruth lives with her mom Peter Griffin's Boss Angela Everwood. Esther is living with her Dad Jerome Cool J
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther keeps Beth in check and preventing her from causing so much trouble.
Meg, Patty, Ruth and Esther working at the Sub-Hub.
Stewie, Brian, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Connie and Diane keeps Chris in check to prevent him from causing trouble.
Stewie, Brian, Meg, Chris, Lois, Peter, Joe, Cleveland, Quagmire, Olivia, Jillian, Patty, Ruth, Esther, Neil, Connie, Connie, Tom and Diane represents friendship and family working together and never giving up. Family Guy is going to be a family-friendly show even the cutaways are funny.
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dwellordream · 10 months ago
Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley. YA mystery/thriller. Raised by both her white mother and her deceased father’s Ojibwe family, Daunis has always been caught between two different traditions and cultures. As she prepares for her first semester of college and struggles to come to grips with the shocking murder of her best friend, she is caught up in a federal investigation into an exceptionally lethal strain of meth, and a disturbing connection with an undercover agent.
Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin. Realistic fiction/drama. An upper middle class Jewish family in Boca Raton, Florida, finds themselves torn apart by the media when their daughter is embroiled in a sex scandal involving a prominent local senator. Fourteen years later, a precocious middle schooler attempts to investigate her mother’s mysterious past- in the midst of her running for mayor. Who is Jane Young, and what is she really guilty of?
Prophet Song by Paul Lynch. Dystopian/thriller. Two years after an alt-right government is elected into power, an Irish family struggles to stay together in the face of rising unrest and government tyranny. Eilish Stack, a microbiologist recently returned from maternity leave, is left isolated and bereft when her trade unionist husband is arrested and imprisoned without trial, and her eldest son absconds from mandatory military service by joining a rebel group. Urged by some to flee the country, and by others to stay and defend the values she's always held true, Eilish finds herself willing to do anything and everything to defend her dwindling family.
The Guest by Emma Cline. Realistic drama/thriller. An escort struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism, Alex knows her livelihood depends on her latest client- a wealthy older man holed up on Long Island for the summer. But the summer is ending, and Alex has been kicked out after offending her customer. Unwilling to return to the city (and the drug dealer she owes money to), Alex decides to win her client back- she just has to house surf for a few nights. As Labor Day weekend unfolds, Alex flits through various personalities, wealthy households, and increasingly amoral decisions, determined to take things one tense day at a time.
Everything's Fine by Cecilia Rabess. Realistic drama/romance. Jess and Josh have loathed one another since college, when their opposing political beliefs made them sparring partners in every class. When they are reunited years later while working for Goldman Sachs, both have changed- Jess has relinquished many of her progressive ideals to take a high-paying job that will satisfy her ambitions, while Josh now sees himself as more of a liberal moderate than a conservative agitator. While Jess has no intention of forgiving Josh's shitty politics, he proves to be an unfailing, caring support against the tightknit white 'bro' culture at the hedge fund, and soon the two begin to fall for one another. But now it's 2016, and cultural ideas about race, politics, and class are drastically shifting. Can you love someone who might ask you to compromise your beliefs? And can someone whose values deny your rights to life and liberty actually love you?
My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent. Realistic fiction/drama. Turtle Alveston is not a typical 14-year-old girl. Raised in virtual isolation by her charming, ruthless survivalist father, the two share an obsessive, violent, incestuous bond- Martin is Turtle's dad, god, and monster. Turtle has no need for anyone else- until she meets Jacob, an eccentric but kind boy who shares her passion for the wilderness of northern California. Suddenly Turtle is confronted with very real, normal teenage feelings and needs- for friends, school dances, and first dates. But Martin will not relinquish his 'absolute darling' without a fight.
Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler. Romance/drama. Adelaide's personal life has always been emotionally intense- epic highs, epic lows. Yet everything changes when she meets Rory. Rory is handsome, witty, and romantic- and he is also unreliable, distant, and sometimes even cruel. He showers Adelaide with compliments, treats her to dinner, dances with her in the rain- and he ignores her texts, ghosts her after they make plans, and forces her to sleep on the floor or leave his apartment at 2 in the morning after sex. Adelaide was taught you have to fight for a happy ending- but the more time she spends with Rory, and the more she burns her own life down to keep him warm- she begins to wonder when the happy ending is supposed to begin.
Meant to Be Mine by Hannah Orenstein. Romance. Everyone in Edie Myer's family has a soulmate. Her beloved grandmother, Gloria, has accurately predicted the day each of her children and grandchildren will meet their true love. On June 24th, 2022, Edie prepares to meet her soulmate, and she does!- a handsome, confident guitarist named Theo, who is determined to take his band to the next level. Though Edie seems to have little in common with Theo, the chemistry is there, and isn't that enough? After all, he's her soulmate, her destined match. But as time goes by, Edie begins to wonder whether her obsession with 'fated' love is twisting her notion of what happiness looks like- and who she should find it with.
Books Recs of 2024
The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett. Mystery/fantasy centered around Din, a young assistant investigator assigned to help an eccentric and infamous detective, Ana Dolabra, solve a series of murders. Din is an engraver, his brain altered so he has a photographic memory. However, no one is quite sure how he got his current position, since he failed every single one of his final exams except the combat portion. Ana is an exceedingly odd woman who refuses to go to any crime scene in person and often performs mad science experiments in her spare time. As Din struggles to keep up with the case, which revolves around a bioweapon being unleashed on a series of the empire's best engineers, he also worries what will happen when Ana finally uncovers his secrets.
Highfire by Eoin Colfer. Urban fantasy (very comedic fantasy) about a dragon called Vern (short for Wyvern), who teams up with a juvenile delinquent named Squib (real name Everett Moreau) to take down a corrupt sheriff who is plaguing the Lousiana bayou. Vern is a very small (seven feet long) dragon who is the last of his kind (as far as he knows). When he is spotted by a local troubled teen, his first instinct is to hunt Squib down and kill him, but he quickly realizes the two of them have a common enemy- the murderous sheriff who is running drugs through their territory.
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi. Magical realism about a romantic-minded art historian who is swept off his feet by a mysterious and charming heiress. After a whirlwind courtship, the happy couple return to her childhood home; a Gothic manor on a lonely island. The more time our narrator spends around his wife's past, the more questions are raised- increasingly sinister ones about who she is and what exactly she is capable of. Once upon a time, she was best friends with an equally odd and dreamy little girl named Indigo. But no one has seen Indigo for many years now- and the Flower Bride may be behind her disappearance.
Chlorine by Jade Song. Horror/magical realism. Since childhood, Ren's entire identity has been wrapped up in swimming. If she can be strong enough, fast enough, special enough, success is sure to come her way. As the end of high school approaches, Ren's passion for swimming becomes less about her future, and more about past legends of mermaids and sirens dragging sailors into the deep. School, friends, and her parents' expectations all fall away- Ren will make her home in the water, no matter what she has to do.
We Are Not Like Them by Christine Pride & Jo Piazza. Realistic fiction. Jen and Riley have been best friends for as long as they can remember, despite their vastly different childhoods. Riley is from a middle class Black family; Jen was raised by an impoverished white single mother. After twenty years of doing almost everything together, their lives are at a crossroads- Riley is a news anchor about to take Philadelphia by storm, while Jen is expecting her first child with her police officer husband. When Jen's husband is involved in the murder of a Black teenage boy by a fellow officer, Riley finds herself expected to cover the story- and Jen finds herself expected to answer for her husband's actions- and her own beliefs about what racism looks like.
Queenpin by Megan Abbott. Crime thriller/noir. Our nameless heroine lives a mousy existence working as a bookkeeper for a rundown local night club, but her life is turned upside down when the infamous Gloria Denton, a gun moll and smuggler, takes her under her wing. Gloria transforms her young protege from a timid girl to a sophisticated, cunning woman capable of handling gangsters, conmen, thieves, and bookies, but when she falls for the wrong man, her relationship with Gloria is strained, and they must decide just how far they can trust one another.
Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch by Rivka Galchen. Historical fiction. Based on the real life trial of Katharina Kepler, mother of the famed Johannes Kepler, Imperial Mathematician to the Holy Roman Empire. Katharina is a busybody, a domineering and devilishly clever woman with a particular talent for healing. She is also a fiercely loyal mother to her adult children, but when an old neighborhood grudge flares into accusations of poison and witchcraft, Katharina is determined not to meekly confess and beg pardon. The more she lashes out at her neighbors and the authorities, the more charges begin to pile up against her- despite her son's desperate attempts to save her from torture and execution.
Bury Me Deep by Megan Abbott. Crime thriller/noir. Based on a real life murder case in 1931 Phoenix Arizona. Naive and sheltered Marion Seeley is deposited in Phoenix by her disgraced doctor husband, who is forced to take a job with a mining company in South America after his medical license is revoked. Marion befriends the vivacious Louise and Ginny, two fellow nurses, who introduce her to the underground party scene in Phoenix. Politicians and businessmen flock to the secret parties held by them, and it's a quick way to make money on the side. Drawn in by the luxury and thrills, Marion falls in love with Joe Lanigan, a powerful local politician, but as their affair intensifies, her friendship with the other women fractures, culminating in a gruesome crime.
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mysteriesmuse · 2 years ago
StrictLake Wedding: The Oldest Couple
A/N: ok so there’s a ton of people out there redoing ROT and giving us the Strictlake wedding that we were ROBBED of!! But ok imagine they do the first dance of the bride and groom and they do that thing were they call all the married couples onto the floor and they start counting up until there’s one couple left on the floor, and it’s always the one that’s been married the longest! Can u imagine seeing some goth wizard guy who’s looks like he’s in his 20s dancing there with his equally young wife and like most of the crowd is like ???
anywho here it goes bc I need some mega fluff and I’m dying of boredom on my college break (it’s been only like 5 days and I’ve got weeks to go lol)
P.S. IM SO INCREDIBLY HYPE AND PROUD ABOUT THIS ONE. Thank y’all so much for reading it and enjoying it like I did!! 💕
Arcadia Oaks was finally boasting a lovely sunny California Day with no more random life-threatening or world-ending surprises - quite the rare weather, indeed.
It just made the ceremony all that much more dazzling. . .
Barbara Lake and Walter Strictler were tying the knot.
And they truly out did themselves with their lovely outdoor wedding. They had these huge sprawling canopy tents to cast some shade along the isle and over the many rows of plastic folding chairs. There were lovely white roses in bouquets all over the place. Twinkling fairy lights wound across the tents. A giant table filled with all manners of letters and gifts. Fizzing champagne in ice buckets alongside the long buffet table which boasted a gorgeous 5-tiered cake baked by none other than son, and best man, Jim Lake Jr. himself. His girlfriend Clair Nunez stood as a bridesmaid and over-sought the job of doing Barabara’s hair and makeup for the wedding. His best-friend Toby insisted on being the videotaper and photographer, on the promise that he didn’t add any additional commenting or special effects. Which he swore to, of course, afterall this was for Dr. L. Not-Enrique was the obvious and unanimous choice as ring bearer, after all he had been integral in their life’s since the trollhunters struck out for New Jersey and the Nunez’s all agreed that the real Enrique would likely swallow the rings at best. They had DJ Kleb running the DJ Booth and they had asked Douxie to play some classy live music for the procession. Lastly, the whole affair was being co-officiated by Blinky and Mayor Nunez and the place was filled with dozen of close friends with ample amounts of safe seating for all of their guests.
“Ahem,” Blinky started, spitting on the microphone and clapping his bottom two hands together, “now that the floor is cleared the Bride and Groom would like to invite all the other married couples onto the floor.”
A crowd of humans and creatures alike slowly began rising from their seats.
Barbara’s gleefully shouted, hanging off her new husbands arm, “Don’t be shy, come on!
“Indeed I’d love to see who can beat the Prismarxs,” Walter retorted chuckling as a doting elderly pair of trolls rose from their seats onto the canopied dance floor. Mayor Nunez glided past them making her way to her husband with a grin, “Sounds like you’re proposing a beat there Walter.”
Strictler cackled, “100 dollars to the Prismarxs being the oldest married couple then. DJ Kleb get your songs ready!”
Next to you Hisirdoux began to shift in his seat as he got onto his feet, “What do you say we get up there and show-off a bit, love?” He cooed with a secret wink in your direction. You giggled and shook your head, curls bouncing around your shoulders as you took Douxies hand and he pulled you to your feet.
The two of you made your way across the grass and over to the improvised plywood dance floor. A bunch of chattering teenage friends and single people left in your wake; a whole crowd of married couples surrounded you at present.
“Look at Douxie and his little bride how sweet!”
“You think they’d been married long?” “I dunno’ it’s kinda hard to tell with wizards huh.” “Remember when we were that young?”
It was a whole new setting for most of them this evening, but you gracefully smiled and draped your free hand around Douxie’s neck fiddling with the chain looped back there.
“I can’t even count how many weddings we’ve been to anymore.” He held your hip and lead with his right foot, “Well darling I think this will be one for the history books. Troll, aliens, and humans alike in attendance; seems rather fantastical to me.” “Yes, well I’m sure you’re right,” you added, “but that wasn’t the point-“
He spun you around. “What was it then?” You repositioned your hand on his shoulder, “well, just that every one reminds me of our wedding.” sliding your hand up and then across the front of his lazily buttoned down shirt and vest where the chain ended and hung right above his chest.
Douxie chuckled turned his head to apologize to the couple who’s shoulders they’d just bumped into as they existed the dance floor, “I don’t think any of them have been much like ours.”
At the sudden surge of memory you threw your head back with a snort.
“No, I don’t think any of them have,” you admitted breathlessly before settling your gaze back onto Douxie’s necklace and fiddling around with the ring hanging from it. Douxie noticed, “Like what you see?” Blinking you noticed his smirk as he eyed your facial expression and gestured his chin down to his low neckline. He deserved the light smack to his chest that you gave him. “Why yes. Otherwise I wouldn’t have married it Mr. ��Top-button” what happened to that anyway. When I meet you that summer you’d barely take your shirt off for a dip in the creek. Now you’re almost always coming out of our bedroom with the top few buttons left undone.” “Now, on some occasions it’s not always me.” He defended, “Sometimes someone’s being a little cheeky keen on me, love.” “Oh Hisirdoux!” “Fuzzbuckets, that’s just what I feel in love with!” He deserved the second smack too. “Just say the word Douxie!”
Except it really came out much more light hearted than you intended. And, the notion probably went limp as Douxie pulled you to his chest and threw his arms around you waddling to the tune of the music. A tactic with its saving grace, as your cheeks still felt the heated tinge of that embarrassing chastisement. Gratefully you settled in resting your forehead against his collarbone. A gentle lub of his heartbeat pulsing under your ear. the same one that agreed to put this ring on his finger all those years ago, or rather this ring around his neck. Your chest huffed with a snicker. At least he wears it everywhere you thought pridefully gazing down at your matching engagement where it rested in its traditional placing.
“Casperans. Hello? Earth to the Casperans?” Blinkus huffed. “You can calm down mate we’re still waiting for you to reach our number.” “Whatever do you mean Douxie we already passed the Prismarxs 504 and you’re still on the dance floor?!” You piped up, “Actually you’re only at 520. We still got a few more decades to be called until we tap out. We’re 551 going on 552 years this winter.” “You heard the lady. We’re wizards people! Now DJ Kleb,” Douxie dramatically pointed over to his friend behind the tables, “our song please and I promise we’ll make this the last Mr. and Mrs. Strictler, but ladies if you can suffer through this last dance in your heels then I do believe we’ve won a bet.” “What do you say Barbara? One more?” The beautiful bride looked at her new loving husband. Then gazed over at her young (appearing) friend and his wife. “Why not? We moved through a couple centuries pretty fast last song. Come on everybody! I’ll throw the bouquet after this!” ———— “And I can’t wait to give them all our tips on conjugal bliss over that free dinner because that bet will practically pay for it!”
“Um, you know it was always gonna be free right, Douxie? It’s at the Lakes house and Jim’s making it.” “Ah I see.” “Oh, we could purchase tickets for those dance classes we’ve been looking at.” “No, correction, you’ve been looking at. Plus look at us,” he grinned, dazzlingly, pulling you towards him as the dance floor filled with bodies of happy people, “we’re already fantastic at it darling.”
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renegades-garbage · 3 years ago
Twenty Bucks
Is this another fic about how Adrian’s dads found out Nova was asleep in the basement? Yes, yes it is.
I think we all felt robbed robbed of this scene, and there are already some fics where adrian tells his dad she’s there(which are great btw) so I decided to write one about what would have happened if his dads had found them sleeping in the Jungle.
Pls enjoy this fic that was originally supposed to be mostly about Nodrian but turned into a whole lot of Humon fluff. I think this is my fav fic ive written so pls like it lol.
Hugh let out a sigh the second the door to the mayor's mansion shut behind him. Finally able to transition from famous superhero/esteemed government leader to just a regular man, husband, and father. He looked over to Simon and saw the same sense of relief coupled with exhaustion that he knew covered his own face. 
“I am so happy to be home,” he told his husband, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and giving him a quick kiss on the forehead as they walked into their home. 
“Me too” 
Simon returned the embrace by wrapping his arm around Hugh’s waist. They had had a very long day at headquarters. The Sentinel for whom Hugh and the rest of the council had no warm feelings had captured Hawthorn, tortured, and killed her. A probable revenge killing by a prodigy who was most certainly letting his feelings get the best of him. Not to mention it didn’t exactly look good that he did this to a prodigy who the Renegades had tried and failed to catch.
“Stop thinking about work hun.” Simon’s words tore Hugh out of his thoughts and he glanced over to his smirking husband who was currently taking off his cape and hanging it in the closet that they kept meaning to convert into the pantry. They were both still in their superhero garb from work.
“How do you always know what I'm thinking?” Hugh asked somewhat rhetorically. Simon could always guess what was on his mind, and only shrugged and smiled at the question. 
Hugh walked over to the staircase that led to Adrian's bedroom in the basement. “Adrian we’re home” he yelled. He frowned when he got no response. He usually got at least an “okay” or a “hello” when he told Adrian they were home.
“You think he’s asleep?” he asked as his husband approached. Simon wrapped his arms around Hugh from behind him, pulling him into a hug. He looked ready to fall asleep himself as he rested his forehead against Hugh’s back.
“I doubt it. He’s been sleeping less and less.” his tone was laced with worry but when he spoke again Hugh could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “Maybe Insomnia’s rubbing off on him.”
Hugh pulled away from the embrace a little reluctantly and turned smiling while shaking his head at his husband. Simon had been suggesting that Nova and their son’s relationship would develop further than friendship since the trials. “Si he told us they were just friends.”
“And you believed him?” he replied incredulously. 
“Yes, because I trust our son,” Hugh said, his voice playful.
Simon shook his head. “Nooo way have you seen them together?”
“Okay. Maybe he likes her,” Hugh said unable to deny that. “but Nova’s not exactly what I would call an open book so we can’t be sure of anything.”
“Twenty bucks says they're dating,” Simon says smirking and seeming pretty confident about this bet. 
“Fine. I still think Adrian would tell us if something was going on.”
“Hun, he may be Adrian but he's still a teenage boy.”
Hugh shook his head smiling and remembering how they had hidden their relationship and snuck around when they were teenagers. “I'm going to go check on him. Maybe he's working on that mural he mentioned wanting to paint.” 
“Okay,” Simon said giving Hugh a quick kiss before heading back into the kitchen, probably to get a snack as neither of them had eaten dinner yet.
Hugh made his way down the stairs into the basement that was Adrian’s space. Hugh and Simon didn't go down there much as they wanted Adrian to have privacy, not to mention they never really had a reason to. 
Hugh saw a few things Adrian had added or changed since the last time he had been down there. Hugh was pretty proud of what a nice room Adrian had made this basement into.
He didn't see Adrian in his bed, or anywhere else in the room so he walked over to the door of what Adrian had referred to as his art studio and knocked. No answer. Maybe he had spent the night at Oscar’s? They didn't really mind if their son went out without telling them, he was 17 which was old enough to know how to stay out of trouble and they trusted him, but usually, he would message them if he was spending the night somewhere. A confused frown covered Hugh’s face and he began walking away from the door deciding that he would go upstairs and message Adrian asking where he was.
When he was about halfway across the room, he stopped. Adrian had been pretty distant lately and didn't tell them much when he had asked to paint the mural, leaving his dads pretty curious. 
Though Hugh felt a little guilty he was too curious not to at least take a peak at Adrian's progress. Hugh was always supportive and usually impressed by Adrian’s artistic endeavors, and he couldn’t pass up this opportunity.
Hugh walked back over to the door and slowly pulled it open. His mouth opened slightly in amazement. Adrian had painted a jungle in what looked to be the ruins of a fallen city, and he had brought it to life, creating something absolutely beautiful, and amazing. If Hugh had been proud of Adrian’s nice room he didn't even know how to feel about this. 
Hugh looked around some more, still not daring to move from the safety of the doorway. There was a statue that he could only see the back of from this angle. There seemed to be a soft glow coming from the other side, and he wanted to see what it was, but he couldn’t risk messing up something that would give away his visit. 
As Hugh's gaze fell to the ground a surprised expression overtook his features. 
Nova Mclain sleeping soundly in the arms of his also sleeping son was just about the last thing he expected to see. A soft smile warmed his features at the sight. I guess she does have the ability to sleep he thought, remembering her saying she wasn’t sure she could if she wanted to at the trials. 
He saw that she was wearing a pair of what looked like noise-canceling headphones. Possibly what helped her sleep? Though with the way Nova and Adrian's arms were wrapped around each other and the content expression that he never thought he would see on her face, Hugh suspected the headphones didn’t have much to do with it at all.
He was planning to keep this peak into Adrian’s life a secret, but Hugh couldn’t not show this to his husband. Right?
Hugh walked back up the stairs and into the kitchen, his eyes falling on Simon who was just finishing a bowl of cereal. “Was he down there?”
“Yeah. And I think I owe you twenty bucks.”
A confused frown covered Simon's face “What.”
“Come on,” Hugh said holding out his hand. Simon took it still looking confused and let Hugh lead him into the basement and towards an open door.
When they got to the studio turned jungled Hugh watched the same awe and amazement he had felt dawn on Simon. After a few seconds, Hugh pointed to the sleeping teens and Simon’s expression turned from amazed to know. He smiled and shook his head looking back at his husband.
“Told you so,” Simon whispered. Hugh only smiled. They quietly shut the door and tiptoed out of the basement.
Later that night they were laying in bed after having showered and eaten.
“Hey,” Simon said. “I never got my twenty bucks.”
Hugh pretended to pat his pockets though he wasn’t actually wearing anything that had pockets. “Oh no,” he said with mock sheepishness. “I don’t have any cash on me. I guess I'll have to offer another form of payment.” He said suggestively.
Simon smiled. “I guess that would be okay,” he said teasingly right before his husband pulled him in for a kiss. 
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octaviasdread · 4 years ago
any girls! dark academia movie recs? i really struggle to find anything not about a group of boys (as much as I love them)
SO MANY!!! This is probably a far more detailed answer than you were expecting but this is a popular question and I want to keep a list for myself and others.
Feel free to add to it/give opinions. I've tried to give a tw for anything I can remember
Girls! Dark Academia Movies/TV Shows
Mona Lisa Smile (2003)
1950s Women’s college
Art professor! Julia Roberts
She’s legit the female Mr Keating of the art & college world
Feminism vs. Tradition
Maggie Gyllenhall x Ginnifer Goodwin; their characters were more than friends. Fight me.
Does not end how you expect
Strike!/All I Wanna Do/The Hairy Bird (1998)
Free on YouTube under one of its various names
1960s all girls boarding school
Young Kirsten Dunst
Group of girls plot to sabotage a merger with a boys school less prestigious than their own
Secret attic clubhouse meetings of the D.A.R aka Daughters of the American Ravioli (eaten cold, ew)
girls get political & advocate for their rights using ANY elaborate and chaotic scheme
TW: eating disorder, vomiting & creepy male teacher but the girls plot against him too
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)
based on a short book I read for uni by Muriel Spark
1930s girls school in Edinburgh
Scottish teacher! Maggie Smith, controversial with a focus on romantic ideals
Spoiler alert, the liberal teacher is actually a fascist
Her group of fave students has cult- vibes and it’s fascinating
Picnic at Hanging Rock
1970s movie or 2018 mini series
Never watched either but I plan to
Wild Child (2008)
00s romcom every UK teen girl loves
Emma Roberts as the spoiled rich American teenager sent to a strict English boarding school
Plots to get herself expelled but oh no she’s making friends with the girls who help her
And the headmistress has a hot son, and he’s nice??? Double oh no
Everything! Goes! Wrong!
omg she burns the school down
Feel good, comfort, nostalgia
St Trinians (2007)
English girls boarding school
The kids are all criminals, no joke
So are the teachers
gay awakening for british girls
Art heist pulled off by school girls
Government tries to shut them down but oh no, the education minister & the headmistress are ex-lovers
Colin Firth x Rupert Everett in drag
Superior cast: Jodie Whittaker, Gemma Arterton, Juno Temple, Stephen Fry, Colin Firth, etc...
embodies the phrase 'problematic fave'
St Trinians 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009)
Mystery, pirate ancestors, hidden treasure
omg Shakespeare was a woman
girls disguised as boys to infiltrate and rob the posh boys school
Villain! David Tennant in that ICONIC boat scene
Teen girls vs. ancient misogynist brotherhood
like the first film but MORE chaotic and BETTER!???
The Falling (2014)
1960s all girls school
best friends! but its unrequited love
Agoraphobic + distant mother aka mommy issues
Sudden death and the school suppresses/ignores the students grief, sparking mass hysteria & a fainting epidemic in the girls
Cast: Maisie Williams (GoT) & Florence Pugh (Little Women) & Joe Cole (Peaky Blinders)
TW: teen pregnancy, death, vomiting, underage sex, sibling incest, past sexual assault
The Book Thief (2013)
Based on an amazing book by Markus Zusak
set in 1940s Nazi Germany
Daughter of a communist whose family were taken by the Nazis/died is fostered by an older couple who teach her to read & she paints a dictionary on the basement walls
Coming of age story about a compulsive book thief. No joke, this kid steals books from banned book burnings and breaks into the mayor's library through the window
Family hides the Jewish son of an old friend in their basement and he helps her to start writing about her experiences in the war
TW: death, bombings, WW2 anti-semitism
Mary Shelley (2017)
Overall good & roughly biographical
Pretty costumes and aesthetic
Modern feminist take on Mary Shelly in her own time period
So many INACCURACIES for the drama so don’t take it as truth
Percy Shelley slander and not all of it is justified
Cast: Elle Fanning, Douglas Booth, and Maisie Williams
The Secret Garden (1993)
Based on a fave childhood book
1901 colonial India & Yorkshire, England
Orphaned, spoilt & neglected girl sent to live with her reclusive Uncle in the English countryside
Gothic elements, mysteries, secret doors/passages/locked gardens
local boy with a flock of animals, magic, kids chanting around a fire and all around immaculate vibes
Happy ending!!!
Hidden Figures (2016)
African-American women as mathematicians for NASA
1960s space project
Women balancing a career and family obligations
Deals with racial & gender discrimination
Loosely based on the lives of Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, and Dorothy Vaughan who worked for NASA as engineers & mathematicians
Anne of Green Gables (1985) & sequel (1987)
Adaptation L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
Canada (late 1890s/early 1900s)
Highly imaginative & bookworm orphan is adopted by a reclusive elderly brother and sister duo
Small town & school years comedic drama
Unrequited Enemies -> Friends -> lovers
Inspiring new woman teacher
Girls re-enact Tennyson’s poem and nearly drown for the aesthetic™
Dramatic poetry reading with INTENSE 👀eye contact👀
Writer! Anne & English teacher! Anne dealing with unruly girls school antics
Collette (2018)
biographical drama on french writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Collette
Victorian & Edwardian era France
More talented than her husband so she ghostwrites for him
Fight for creative ownership of her wildly successful novels
Affairs with a woman called Georgie and also with Missy, born female but masculine presenting
Cast: Keira Knightly, Dominic West, Eleanor Tomlinson (Poldark)
Enola Holmes (2020)
Netflix book adaptation
Younger sister of Sherlock Holmes
Victorian era! feminism/suffragettes
Mother-daughter focus
Mystery, adventure, secret codes, teens running away & escaping from (and eventually fighting) assassins
Cast: Helena Bonham Carter, Henry Cavill, Sam Claflin, Fiona Shaw, Millie Bobby Brown
Ginger & Rosa (2012)
1960s England
best friends since literal birth navigating troubled teen years
poet & anti-nuclear activist! Ginger
off the rails but also catholic! Rosa
Shout out to Mark & Mark the gay godfathers we all want
family troubles 
TW: older man has an affair with a 17 yr old
Testament of Youth (2014)
based on WW1 memoir by Vera Brittain
young woman (writer & poetry lover) escapes traditional family & goes to study at Oxford University
abandons to become a war nurse
romance, tragedy and war trauma
Cast: Alicia Vikander, Kit Harrington (GoT), Taron Edgerton (Rocketman), Colin Morgan (Merlin)
Little Women (2019)
Writer! Jo & Artist! Amy
Mother/daughter focus and sister dynamics
the March sisters’ theatre club is *chefs kiss*
champagne problems edits of Jo x Laurie are a mood
Ambivalent ending perfectly captures Louisa May Alcott’s dilemma with the book the movie is based on
set in 1860s America
ALL STAR CAST and a Greta Gerwig masterpeice
Lady Bird (2017)
coming of age in early 2002/2003 Sacramento, California
all girls catholic school
writer! Christine aka Lady Bird wants to get outta town and start her life again at college 'in a city with culture'
Mother/daughter dynamics - so realistic!
I live for that Jesus car stunt & the nun's reaction
school theatre program
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Timothee Chalamet, Beanie Feldstein
Another Greta Gerwig gem
Beguiled (2017)
Virginia, civil war era
Girls school with only five students and two teachers left
Find an injured Union army soldier & bring him inside
Women & teenagers want his attention (v. problematic) before uniting against him
(tbh you'll either love it, hate it, or watch once & forget it)
Sofia Coppola film so its very feminine gaze
TW: violence, death, underage
Legally Blonde (2001)
No questions will be taken
Elle Woods was the blue print
TV series:
House of Anubis (2011-2013)
I know it’s a kids/young teen show but I still unironically love it
Modern day with Victorian era links to treasure hunters & Egyptian research expeditions (stealing from tombs)
Chosen one plot lines, curses, kidnapping, mysteries, secret tunnels under the school, elixir of life
Teens have investigate & protect themselves cus oh no the TEACHERS are involved in some shady stuff
new American kid at British boarding school is the actual premise not just a fanfic au
Nostalgic, light-hearted, funny, and kinda cheesy but I will accept no criticism
The Alienist (2018 -now)
Mid 1890s, New York
Woman’s private detective agency (Season 2)
Serial killer mystery
Woman secretary turns detective and teams up with a criminal psychiatrist and a newspaper editor to solve crime
TW: violence, child pr*stit*tion
Cast: Dakota Fanning, Luke Evans, Daniel Bruhl
The Queen’s Gambit (2020)
Woman chess prodigy
1950s & 1960s
TW: drug & alcohol abuse
Gentleman Jack (2019 - now)
Based on the diaries of Anne Lister
Victorian Yorkshire, England
Upper-class lesbians
Confident, suit wearing! Anne Lister x shy! Ann Walker
Business woman! Anne running the family mines
Cast: Suranne Jones (Doctor Foster) & Sophie Rundle (Peaky Blinders)
TW: violence
Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)
bubbly/ambitious single mom + intelligent daughter
bookworm! Rory Gilmore gets into a prestigious private school and then an Ivy League college
Small town drama is comedic gold
Fast dialogue packed with pop culture and literary references
Comforting & nostalgic
Anne with an E (2017-2019)
Loose adaptation of L.M. Montgomery’s ‘Anne of Green Gables’ books
they completely change the plot lines but it’s still very good content!
Orphan girl with trauma and a love of books/poetry is adopted by an elderly brother & sister duo, bringing light and fresh ideas to a rural community
Feminism, girls writing club, lgbtq safe spaces, girls eduction, black/indigenous representation
Miss Stacy as THAT inspiring teacher
Aunt Josephine’s lavish gay parties have my heart
TW: creepy male teacher tries to marry a student, racial discrimination, indigenous assimilation school
Victoria (2016-2019)
Adaption of Queen Victoria’s life
Victoria navigating her political, royal, and personal life
Albert’s involvement with The Great Exhibition, 1851 (on cultural + industrial innovations)
Alfred Paget x Edward Drummond is exquisite
Gorgeous costumes and aesthetics
TW: bury your gays trope
Derry Girls (2018-now)
1990s Northern Ireland during the troubles
Comedy, episodes 20-25 mins long
English boy sent to an all girls Catholic school with his cousin
✨Dead Poets Society parody episode ✨with a free-spirited female teacher
Sister Michael, the sarcastic nun who hates her job & reads the exorcist for giggles
Wee anxious lesbian! Clare Devlin (plus her friends wearing rainbow pins)
Badass with bad ideas! Michelle Mallon
Main Character! Erin Quinn
Lovable weirdo who would fight a polar bear! Orla McCool
Wee English fella & honorary Derry girl! James Maguire
Dickinson (2019-now)
Loose adaption of the poet Emily Dickinson’s life
Set in 19th century Massachusetts, US
Historical drama with modern dialogue & music that works SEAMLESSLY
gives a great understanding of Emily Dickinson’s poems
💕Vintage gays! Emily x Sue💕
Theatre club, writing, poetry, dressing as men to sneak into lectures, love letters, teen drama, feminism, and an underground abolitionist journal as a brief side plot in season 2
Wiz Khalifa plays death in a horse drawn carriage
TW: opium use
A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
Based on great childhood books
Bookworm! brother, Inventor! sister, and baby sister with sharp teeth
Mystery, secret organisations, orphaned siblings figuring things out & fending for themselves against the villain after their fortune
Adults either cartoon evil, comedically incompetent, or SPIES
Boarding school, library owner, scientific researcher, and theatre episodes
Ambiguous time period which is really fun to try and pin point
Killing Eve (2018-now)
Classic detective who has homoerotic tension with the assassin she is tracking down
British Detective! Eve Polastri figures out the notorious assassin MI5 are investigating is a woman, is fired & then put on a secret MI6 case with a small team
Assassin! Villanelle, a psychopath with a tragic past and a mastery of both accents & fashion
Woman MI6 boss! Carolyn Martens, head of Russian section
Travel Europe following Villanelle’s killings and escaping the assassins sent by Villanelle’s organisation
‘You’re supposed to be my enemy and moral opposite but omg you’re the only one smart enough to get me and why am I obsessed with you????'
Cable Girls/Las chicas del cable (2017-2020)
Spanish drama set in 1920s Madrid
Four young women at a telecommunications company form a group of friends and help navigate the difficult situations they are all in
Secret identities, dangerous pasts, murder, crime, lgbtq couple & throuple, trans man character, feminism/suffragists
girls commit crimes for humanitarian reasons and cover! it! up!
Gorgeous costumes and set
Haven’t finished it yet and I’m catching up
TW: abuse, violence, death
Outlander (2014 - now)
haven’t watched yet but plan to
Woman time travels to Scotland, 1743
Rebel highlanders, pirates, British colonies, American revolutionary war
Time jumps between 18th & 20th Cent.
trigger warnings for everything
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 2 years ago
Have any family headcanons for Ms.Mendeleiev’s class and The Austins?
Marc's moms like to tease him whenever he mentions Nathaniel, and when they're not around, Kiran teases him
Penny is an interior designer and Alyssa is a teacher
Kiran would spill any secret he has on Marc to his friends and his boyfriend
Kiran: Marc says he likes your hair and you have a cute butt
Marc: KIRAN!
Nathaniel: He likes my hair?
Marc usually babysit Kiran when his moms are busy and one night he watching a horror movie and Kiran took a look at it
Kiran: Why’s he cutting her head off?
Marc: Because he likes to eat humans and chop their heads off
And that how sandboy got akumatized
And Marc can't help but blame himself for that
Marc a usually a protective big brother to the point where he wrapping him in bubble wrap
Kiran usually a shy child and Chris who Nino’s little brother bullies him for it
Penny is Tom’s cousin and talk occasionally so Marc and Marinette usually hangout when they were very little
Before she got her first mannequin, she'd have Marc try on her outfits
And Marc usually styles her hair
She gets her risk-taking genes from her grandmother
Her parents died in a car crash, and she spent weeks consoling her brothers
When their grandparents heard about the accident, they took the kids in
Grandfather- Agrican: Cautious and sweet malewife
Agrican: Eleanor, Lacey, get down from the roof!
Eleanor: Come on, Agrican! Have some fun! Every teenager needs some excitement in their life!
Evan and Jeremy are Kiran’s friends and are trouble makers, especially to their sister
Evan and Jeremy are always begging Lacey to take them with her when she's going to do something dangerous
Lacey: Guys no I can’t take you!
Evan/Jeremy: BUT WHY?!
Lacey: Because neither of you can’t climb the side of the Eiffel That!
Evan and Jeremy are devious little shits but can be nice when they want to… For candy
Lacey is type of sister who loves her brothers but will mess with them if ever get the chance
Jean's dad is just as eccentric as him and supports him no matter what
Jean’s dad is a comedian that loves making his son laugh
Whenever Jean's upset, he will immediately make sundaes and put on a video from their secret musical bootlegs playlist
And when Jean got hurt he gets little overprotective and will punch someone in face who ever hurt his son
He was a little wary of Austin T when Jean started dating him because's he's heard all of Jean's ranting about the Austins
What won him over is Austin comforting Jean when he wasn’t there
Now he cannot get over how cute they look together. But still a little protective of Jean dating him
Jean never met his mom because his parents are divorced
His name is Dejah
“Dejah the Eccentric” is his stage name
He goes to every single play Jean is in. Dejah helps Jean practice. He’s been giving him acting lessons ever since Jean was little
Reshma has a pretty good relationship with her parents. They love to spoil her
They were very supportive when she came out as a lesbian
Reshma’s mom taught her how to sew and loves being her model
Her mom’s name is Aabha (Which means Radiant, glorious) and her dad’s name is Dayalan (Charitable, compassionate)
Dayalan really hates mayor bourgeois and Aabha hates Audrey bourgeois
And they’re very affectionate on a Morticia and Gomez level
Although they’re usually calm people, they will hurt anyone who hurts their daughter
Their parents are very busy with their business running a Cuban theme restaurant
They sort of overwork Denise in a very young age
Their parents names are Pilar and Flavio
Because Denise is the strongest in the family, they have them do a ton of heavy-lifting
Pilar and Flavio are very confused with Denise’s sexuality and gender but still supportive of their child
Flavio’s attempt to give Simon the shovel talk when he and Denise started dating wasn’t his best work
Pilar taught Denise how to do their hair
Denise is very protective of their twin
Denise’s room has a small balcony with a telescope
And they have glow in the dark stars on the ceiling
Simon’s aunt is one of the nicest person in Paris
Her name is Aerinn. She was tempted to smack Simon’s parents upside the head after hearing that they’ve been neglecting him
So she takes full guardianship of Simon
Pansexual. Simon helps her with online dating
Aerinn got him glasses after she saw him having trouble from far places
She ADORES Denise and is already planning their wedding
Aerinn owns a bookstore which is why Simon knows a lot of obscure history
Her parents put too much pressure on her
Brigitte her mom name and Armel her dad name
An older brother in college and a ten year old sister
Aurore and her sister Catherine get along with each other
Catherine sings while Aurore plays the violin with her because Aurore can’t sing
Her brother, Rafael is protective of them and has a bit of hatred for their parents
Rafael helps Aurore to relax because he knows she has a lot anxiety and stressed in her
Her parents put less pressure on her after hearing what their expectations were doing to her
Though, it takes some time
When she came out as a lesbian, it took them a long time to accept her
They sort of don’t like Mireille at first because they heard Mireille “stole” her job but comes to like her
Alec’s always pushing her to be in the spotlight and considers her brother Theo a failure
Mireille tries to talk to her father but Alec doesn’t listen to her and keeps pushing her to be center stage even she really doesn’t want to
He’s not above bribing science fair judges. Or any judges for any contest he pushes Mireille to enter
And Theo and Ari (Mireille’s mother) hates him for it
Ari is soft-spoken like Mireille, artistic like Theo. But she is not afraid to raise her voice at Alec and when she does, it makes Hawkmoth look like a kitten
If the butterfly miraculous was found by her, Ari would totally use it for her kids
When the two divorced, Ari took the kids with her and works a art gallery
Alec doesn’t approve of Mireille liking Aurore (not cuz he’s homophobic) he just doesn’t want to see them acting friendly with each other due to ratings or something like that
He gets better when he comes out being a drag queen, but still not there yet
Ari married Sabine’s sister so Mireille, Marinette, and Marc are cousins now
This person has received child neglect and an inferiority complex by their parents and siblings
And to outsiders they’re known as the black sheep
Not once have any of the kids heard a compliment on their achievements or gotten a little congratulatory pat on the back
So Yvette and Jordyn took their frustrations out on Cosette and make them feel worthless
Jordyn sometimes cries himself to sleep while Yvette masks her tears by reading angsty novels
It takes a while for their parents to support their relationship with Zoé, but Yvette and Jordyn are nothing but supportive
Dad: Valentin- Works as a chef at a five-star restaurant
Mom: (Forgot her name, let’s call her Amarachi)- Petty Officer Second Class Coast Guard
Audrey had an affair
Dad: Morgan
Audrey bleached Zoé hair when she was little and told her she doesn’t want her to be herself since people won’t like her with her personality and, pretend to be someone else
Zoé used to have Red hair just like her dad
Audrey forced her to compete in pageants
Audrey also encouraged her to make rich friends and be the queen bee of her school. Obviously didn’t work
Every interaction between Mirabel and Abuela right before Casita falling apart is Zoe and Audrey’s relationship in a nutshell
Morgan loves his daughter to death and encourage her to be herself a lot more
If her dad had any servants around the house, they would hide her from Audrey when she was in one of her moods
When Zoé learn she has sister she was excited and decided to go see her in Paris
Andre and Zoé have a weird relationship since Andre doesn’t really consider her as his family and Zoé wants to try to have some connection with him
The hotel staff is always there for her when her new “family” isn’t. Especially Jean the butler
When Zoé came out as gay, her family reacted in several different ways
Andre was a little startled by this, but tries his best to support her
Audrey is disgusted by it but use it for her company and fashion
Chloe’s surrounded by lesbians, bisexuals, asexuals, and Pansexuals in her class, so she’s just “Whatever”
Morgan supports her and proud that she came out to him
And when Zoé introduce Cosette as her girlfriend they all took it in different ways
Andre was very awkward, trying too hard to be supportive
Audrey uses the girls for market and Zoé hates her for it
Chloe is jealous that Zoé got a date before her
Think of Max from Camp Camp
Ismael’s mom name is Alaya and Ismael’s dad name is Fazli
His parents are divorced
And parents switch who get to keep him every week
Ismael’s dad really wants him to be happy and be himself
His mom though…? she’s less than accepting
She really strict and will gaslight Ismael to make him see her way
Fazli is trying to gain full custody of Ismael
But Alaya is always one step head of him
Fazli does get full custody of him soon and barely let Alaya see him
Austin Tomassian
His parents are Karan and Camille, two successful lawyers
He’s also got a cousin on his dad’s side in American named Ashley whose friends are also named Ashley
And get this… They’re the Austins cousins
The estate’s staff ADORE Austin and dote on him constantly
Karan and Camille are kinda overprotective. He started coming home with cuts and bruises when he was nine, only getting them more worried
And he’s gotten more quiet
When they heard what the Austins had been doing to him, they were tempted to take action, but Austin convinced them not to
They were very supportive when he came out as gay
Although, they weren’t too happy he was following his so-called friends, they understood his reasons for staying with them is because they’re the only friends he has
Camille immediately LOVED Jean when Austin announced they were dating (She’s kind of a Broadway Geek when she’s not getting assholes put away)
Karan is still overprotective and made sure to give Jean the shovel talk
Austin Armbruster
Austin A’s mom, Angelique has never been around since she owns a beauty company so he tries to look as best he can to make her notice
So that is why he is so focused on he looks and appearances (He will go through unorthodox beauty treatments just to get his mom to say he looks nice)
It’s also made him very judgmental of others and their own appearances
Dad: Mathis (Important CEO, so he’s always traveling and hardly ever sees Austin)
Mathis loves his son and wishes he could be there more since Angelique hardly ever is
That leaves him with the estate’s staff, but it’s not the same
Secretly, he wishes he had Tomassian’s family
When they go over to Austin T’s house, it takes all his willpower to not call Camille ‘mom’
His cousin, Ashley Armbruster? LOVES her! He takes her out shopping whenever she’s in the city
After all, he wants her to show up every student at school with her clothes from France
Austin Quinlan
Mom: Arlene (Owns numerous luxury item businesses) Dad: Julien (Own a very successful construction company)
Austin Q has an older brother named Félice and he is jealous of him. They don't have the best relationship but Félice tries to make quality time with his brother like Olga does with Helga from “Hey Arnold!”.
Austin Q’s parents forgets he exists since they are always focused on his brother who is more successful than he is. So they just give him money whenever he asks to spend time with them
Surely, that won’t end badly… Yeah, no
As a result, Austin has some anger issues and takes it out on anyone “weaker” (Austin T)
Any attempt Félice tries to hang out with his brother is met with a door to his face, but he’s not giving up that easily
The only person who actually treated him like a parent was his nanny… I won’t get into the angst, I’ll just leave it at that
His cousin on his dad’s side, Ashley Quinlan, is just mean as him, but more on a fifth grade mean girl level (Because she is in the fifth grade)
He may or may not give her ideas on how to mess with some of the kids in her class
Austin Boulet
Austin B’s dad, Benoit, has very messed up secrets that he accidentally found out about so his dad makes him keep these secrets until he allows it
His mom, Genevieve, kind woman, loves her son, might be having an affair, has Austin promise not to tell
So, if Austin notices something he thinks is wrong, he doesn’t say anything
He’s a little insecure of his eyes since his parents both have brown eyes
Next to Tomassian, he’s the main source of gossip for the Austins
He’s close to his little cousin, Ashley Boulet since she and her family are originally from Paris and they visit a lot
He dotes on her constantly and treats her as his little sister
He’s close to a lot of the staff members since they can see his parents aren’t exactly perfect
@nerd-chocolate and @aganyan helped me come up with these
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marauderundercover · 4 years ago
Taking Chances Chapter Five: Paris Revealed (Stories/Memories)
Marinette flinches back as the room erupts in shouting. The younger boy, who was definitely younger than her and yet almost (if not definitely) taller than her, was fiercely glaring while he screamed at Mr. Wayne in….was that Arabic? The man that walked in with him was waving around the knife in his hand while Dick yelled at Mr. Wayne, his face filled with confusion instead of fury. Glancing around for a way out, Marinette makes eye contact with Alfred who nods behind him. Sneaking away from the group of angry men, Marinette follows Alfred into the kitchen and instantly feels at home. And much calmer.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbles, breathing deeply to avoid spiraling again. Alfred simply hands her a cookie before turning around and putting water in a kettle.
“There is no need to apologize, Miss Marinette. It seems Master Bruce has forgotten all sense today and is instead insistent on acting like a fool. It was wrong of him to announce you like that, without preparing you or the boys beforehand. I do hope that his atrocious display of proper manners doesn’t make you want to leave.” Alfred says, and Marinette’s eyebrows shoot upwards. Was he? Was Alfred actually blaming this situation on Mr. Wayne? Was it Mr. Wayne’s fault? Did he not actually hate her? Did he just make a mistake?
“I- what?” Marinette says, unsure of herself.
“You, my dear, are not at fault. Your father didn’t tell any of his sons that you were coming to the manor today, or that you existed in general. And judging by your face, you weren’t prepared for the boys to be here either.” Alfred clarifies.
“Oh. No, I wasn’t. Mr. Wayne just said that he wanted to get to know me, and he knew I wanted to get to know him. I- my birth mother passed away. But my Maman knew her, so I can find out from her how I’m similar to Bridgette. But neither of my parents knew Mr. Wayne, and I just wanted to know if I was like him, I guess. I didn’t even know who he was until two days ago.” Marinette admits.
“As in you found out Bruce Wayne was your birth father two days ago or-” Alfred trails off, waiting for her to clarify.
“Oh no. I found out the name of my birth father awhile ago. It’s just- I really don’t pay attention to celebrities. The only ones I really know are designers. So I didn’t put two and two together, and I didn’t even know about Bruce Wayne and Wayne Enterprises until a few days ago. My friend Adrien made me google him and that’s when I found out about...the boys.” She says, stopping herself from saying her brothers as she was still unsure if Mr. Wayne actually wanted her like he wanted the others.
“Well I’m certain that things will start to calm down shortly. In the meantime, would you care for some tea?” Alfred asks, holding up the kettle. Marinette nods gratefully, trying hard to stop her inner spiral from drowning her.
“What do you mean daughter?” Damian snarls, finally switching to English. Bruce blinks at the boy before sighing.
“I mean, you have a biological sister.” He says, tired and wishing he had been able to convince Marinette to go somewhere else. Not that he didn’t want her to meet her siblings. But it definitely wasn’t the laid back first meeting that he wanted.
“You mean half-sister.” Damian spits out, crossing his arms and sticking his nose into the air.
“Shut up, Demon Spawn. She’s our sister, get over it. Where’d the kid come from? Her mom drop her off?” Jason asks, obviously trying to actually understand the situation.
“No. I first met her at the Museum and had my suspicions. She’s in Gotham on a class trip, and before you ask, yes. We had a DNA test done and yes, I am her father.” Bruce says, frowning when he sees Dick’s hurt expression morph into one of excitement.
“Wait, wait, wait! Was she the girl who was sassing the Joker?” He asks quietly, practically buzzing with excitement. When Bruce nods, Dick cheers and runs from the room. Okay then.
“Wait, she met the Joker?” Jason asks, his expression turning dark. Bruce watches his son’s face morph into one of disgust when he puts it together. “She’s the French kid he had at gunpoint, isn’t she?”
“Yes. Which is one of the reasons why we both thought the manor would be a more appropriate meeting place rather than somewhere public.” Bruce says, sighing as Damian once again starts screaming. This was not what he had planned.
After just a few minutes with Alfred, Marinette already felt calmer. Calm enough to giggle at another story about something that one of the boys- one of her brothers- did. Calm enough to let her guard down. And mess up.
“If you wanna see something ridiculous, you should look up the 26th time Monsieur Ramier was akumatized into Monsieur Pigeon. He made all the buildings turn into bird cages and all the food turned into bird seed. Luckily it didn’t last long, but seeing the Mayor of Paris stuck inside a giant bird cage was kind of hilarious.” Marinette rambles, giggling at the memory. It was definitely a needed akuma, situated right between two super destructive akumas. Monsieur Pigeon was, while a nuisance, always a breath of fresh air. His akumatized form was brought on by his fierce protectiveness of the pigeons, which luckily never led to death for civilians.
“Pardon me, Miss Marinette, but could I ask what you mean by ‘akumatized’?” Alfred asks, his posture suddenly stiff. Marinette’s eyes widen as she realizes what she just did. She told someone outside of Paris about the situation happening in Paris. Well crap. Normal Parisians didn’t know about the media block that she had set up with the help of the Mayor and Max. But after her calls to the Justice League were ignored, and she realized how disastrous it would be for a member of the League to be akumatized, the media block was the best choice. Time to act clueless.
“Akumatized, as in, a person is possessed by an akuma? Surely you’ve heard of it. It’s been happening in Paris for almost two years.” She says, hoping he doesn’t ask to see any evidence. This isn’t good, this is awful, this-
“And what is an akuma?” Alfred asks. Okay, this isn’t too bad.
“It’s an evil butterfly sent out by the villain, Hawkmoth.” Marinette says, giving out more information than she’s really comfortable with. Okay, time to change the subject, no more questions about heroes or villains or-
“Marinette!” A new voice calls, sliding into the kitchen, almost immediately falling over.
“Master Dick, have you forgotten about your ban on the kitchen?” Alfred asks, his lips quirking up in amusement.
“Awww, Alfred, I just wanted to talk to Marinette. I feel bad for all of us overwhelming her back there.” Dick says with a pout that somehow doesn’t look ridiculous on him. Despite obviously being at least ten years older than her.
“Don’t feel bad. It was just...a lot all at once.” Marinette says with a small smile.
“So I have to ask, are you the one who sassed the Joker at the Museum the other day?” He asks, a wide grin on his face as he sits on one of the stools. Marinette’s eyes widen and she blinks. How?
“Oh, uh, yeah, I guess. It wasn’t a big deal though. He thought I was a Wayne- well, I guess he figured it out before I did- but I think he just wanted to scare my class.” She says, waving her hand to brush off the topic. She really didn’t want to talk about the Joker. Because she was sure it would turn into-
“I apologize for asking, but have you been caught up in the villain attacks in Paris before?” Alfred asks, Marinette instantly panicking. Sure, she’d been caught up in almost every single akuma battle as Ladybug. But there were a few on record where she was targeted as Marinette, and even a few battles that she assisted as Marinette. And then there was Kwami Buster…
“Well, a few. But basically everyone in Paris has dealt with it at some point. That’s just what happens when there’s an attack so often, you know? And my school seems to be a hotspot but that makes sense because teenagers are full of negative emotions and-” Marinette cuts off her rambling, cursing herself on the inside. Great job, Mari. Now they’re going to be worried or they’re going to think you’re a freak or-
“What do you mean negative emotions? Why would that matter?” Dick asks, his previous cheerful smile replaced with a look that clearly meant business.
“That’s how the villain chooses his targets. Negative emotion. If someone is having a bad enough day, he can take control of them and give them powers and basically destroy the city trying to get to Ladybug and Chat Noir, who are our heroes. I only know what’s been posted on official sites like the Ladyblog or miraculousparis.org.” Marinette says, smiling apologetically and hoping that this conversation can be over.
“Have you ever been akumatized?” Dick asks, tension suddenly filling the room.
“No, thankfully. I’ve found ways to manage my negative emotions so that they can’t take me over. I don’t blame anyone who has been akumatized, it’s hard not to be. But, I also don’t think I’d be able to forgive myself if I was akumatized.” Because then her family would be a target. Because Hawkmoth would know her identity. And if Hawkmoth’s insistence on her being akumatized was anything to go on, she’d be a devastating akuma. And if Ladybug wasn’t fighting in the battle….would the cure even work?
“That is a lot of pressure, Miss Marinette.” Alfred says softly after a moment of tense silence. Marinette grins brightly.
“I can handle it, don’t worry!” She says, hoping no one can tell how hard it actually is. How hard it is constantly being strong. Never truly feeling a negative emotion.
Bruce winces at the faux cheerfulness in his daughter’s voice. He had only found out about the Paris situation a few days ago, but he was determined to fix it. Find a solution. Do something to help the city and by extension, his daughter. She’d be going back there soon. Back to a city that was being held hostage by an emotional terrorist. Bruce would fix this. He had to.
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @imarivers8 @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks 
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writer-panda · 4 years ago
Ruin and Rebirth - Chapter 1
Ruin and Rebirth
Chapter 2
Inspired by @jumpingjoy82 on Tumblr. Thank you for the amazing prologue.
I don’t own the characters, only the plot. Miraculous and Justice League belong to their respective creators
"It's okay Marinette. Everything is going to be fine. You’re too young to understand, but it was for the greater good."
To young.
It was all the Justice League's fault. If they kept their incompetent asses out of Paris, none of this would have happened.
Apparently, they just spontaneously decided to go through the Watchtower’s recycling bin, and what they found astonished them. Years upon years worth of pleas for help from Paris.
They decide to finally investigate, and it just so happens that it was during an Akuma Attack, and they threw everything the Parisian heroes were telling them out of the window, wanting to do things their own way.
Superman was one of the ones there.
And they learned just how far the Miracle Cure could go.
He decided to use his super strength and threw a car at the akumatized victim, who moved out of the way at the last minute, so the car sailed right through the Tom & Sabine Bakery, promptly, catching on fire, giving no time for the people inside to get out. No one got out alive.
Ladybug froze for a moment, before fighting with more determination than before, knowing that the Miracle Cure would bring them back.
She was wrong, which brings us back to this point.
"I don't give a damn about you so-called 'greater good' and now you’re telling me, that I'm too young to understand, but am I too young to experience it? Too young to actually see everything and everyone I love torn from me because of these heroes?! Why the hell are they here now? Where were they when this first started? What changed? And now, because of them, my entire family is dead!"
After that everything was hazy, but she knew, she hated superheroes.
They never knew when to stop, and just like Chat Noir, they expected to be praised for whatever happens, no matter if there were casualties or not.
The world would be better off without them.
The sun has long since set over Paris. The fires were still burning in some parts of town. For the first time since Ladybug first appeared, the citizens of Paris felt true fear. It was ironic. They didn’t fear the akuma. They feared the heroes that came to their rescue. For the first time in four years, the casualties were piling up. And the akuma was responsible for none.
True, many of them initially asked for it. With each fight, Ladybug and Chat Noir were taking longer. It’s been obvious for some time that they were slowly being worn out. Some media started to criticize the duo, question their skills, age, their right to act in Paris. They weren’t part of the UN Justice League Charter. Their only real authority came from the trust of the citizens themselves. And that trust was lost. The civilian pleas to the Justice League increased in number and frequency. Under public pressure, the mayor had no choice but to issue an official plea for help.
But then, then… the heroes came. 
In retrospection, almost everyone would agree that it was a mistake. Justice League was not used to fighting magical threats. They weren’t practiced in dealing with possessed villains. They didn’t understand. And they treated Ladybug and Chat Noir worse than sidekicks. 
That flying chicken even dared to wrap Chat Noir in a metal bar so he wouldn’t get in the way. 
Ladybug… tried her best. She allowed herself to trust the new heroes. She stopped saving every civilian from the rubble. She focused on the akuma. If heroes didn’t bother with the lives, it must’ve meant they trusted her cure, right?
They were like a tank, riding through the city with a singular goal in mind. 
It didn’t help that they deemed the akuma a “world-level threat”. Yeah, right. Stormy Weather was powerful, but the damage could’ve been repaired. 
Or so she thought.
The volcanos, the tsunami, the tornadoes, the earthquakes? Those were fixed. The rubble caused by them was put back in place and those who suffered under them were better than new. 
But not the damage caused by the heroes. 
Not the bakery.
There was no magic in what happened. There was nothing to reverse. Those were human actions. For the first time perhaps, the people could see how much of the damage caused by the fight was the fault of heroes. How many deaths they caused. That is if they admitted, before themselves at least, that it was their fault. 
And yet, the so-called ‘heroes’ dared to lecture her about responsibility. About the sacrifice of few for the lives of many. About the innocence of young. 
She ran away. She managed to dodge them and vanish. Meld with the crowd when there were no cameras in sight and she was sure they couldn’t track her. 
Now, Ladybug stood alone on the top of the Eiffel tower, with her yo-yo communicator in her hand. She sent the message fifteen minutes ago. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but at this point, she no longer cared. There was nothing more for her. 
“He thought this was a trap.” A voice spoke from behind her. Ladybug twisted immediately, taking a guarded stance. She was still avoiding the Justice League after all. Before her stood… someone. She suspected it was an Akuma. The woman had pale skin and wore a black dress, black gloves, and a black veil over her face. 
“It isn’t. I’m alone. The city suffered enough as it is today. I suffered enough.” Ladybug’s voice cracked slightly.
“I see…” The akuma pursed her lips. For a moment, a purple butterfly appeared over her face before the woman nodded. “Fine. Give me your miraculous and I will take you to him.” 
“That isn’t going to work and you know it. You would just leave me stuck here. I’m willing to offer a token of goodwill though.” With that, Ladybug pulled a necklace and dangled it before the akuma. 
“Is that…?” 
“The miraculous of the fox? Yes. No tricks. I want to negotiate. In-person.” She made sure to emphasize the last part. 
The outline of the butterfly appeared in front of the Akuma’s face for a moment before she silently nodded. “I can lead you to him, but not before you reveal your face.”
“Fine.” Ladybug didn’t hesitate. She was past that point long ago. There was no hesitation, no doubt… no regret. Not for her actions anyway. No more.
In the flash of light, instead of Ladybug, Marinette stood before the akuma. 
“You’re…” the woman’s voice was stuck in her throat.
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
Tikki, floating nearby gasped in fear. The Kwami didn’t get a chance to explain before Marinette resumed her transformation. 
“Fine. Let’s go.”
The two leaped from the tower and started to zoom over the city. At first, they remained silent. Neither wanted to speak. It was tense anyway. It was, of course, Marinette who broke the silence first. 
“Your… your look. Have you lost someone today?”
The woman didn’t answer immediately. She appeared to be mulling over the question at first. Or wondering if she should answer.
“A… colleague; coworker. He was… a friend of mine you could say. We’ve been working side-by-side for at least a decade.”
“I see…” Marinette pursed her lips into a thin line. “I’m sorry.” She spoke up after a moment. “I imagine you blame me now?”
“No.” The akuma snapped. “You’re just a child. I put the blame where it belongs. With heroes. And with people who chose to invite them.” 
“Not hawkmoth?” Escaped ladybug’s mouth before she realized it. 
“He… he never wanted this either. He isn’t a villain you believe him to be.” The akuma hesitated for a moment, but Marinette could sense it was her own opinion. She filed it in her brain under interesting. 
When they arrived at Agreste manor, Marinette was surprised.
When they entered the study, she was baffled.
When they went down the secret elevator, she was angry. 
When she stood before Hawkmoth, she was furious. And it wasn’t because he was her mortal enemy. 
“So that’s why you neglect your only son?!” She screamed at him as soon as he turned to see her. His mouth moved, probably to give some excuse. “I don’t care if you want to rule the world or be a god or whatever. No matter what little sick excuse your brain found to justify your actions. You are not allowed to just ignore Adrien like that! He needs a father. He is a teenager and he needs you!” 
“Madmoiselle Dupain-Cheng.” His voice was cold, but in a different way than she ever heard Gabriel Agreste or Hawkmoth speak. 
“Gabriel Agreste. And I assume you akumatized your Assistant, Nathalie?” She pointed to the woman next to her. 
“Astute observation, Ladybug. You risked a lot coming here to speak with me. I could take your miraculous now, or any other time. You gave me your most precious protection: your secret identity. So… what was that important?”
“I want to know. What is so important to you that you’re willing to go any length to get it?”
“That’s it?” Hawkmoth raised an eyebrow. “That’s all? You’re ready to risk everything over that little piece of knowledge?”
“Yes.” Once more, there was no hesitation. There was no doubt. Her heart had no place for doubts anymore. Her heart was still stuck under three levels worth of rubble. 
“And what, pray tell, would you do if I told you?” He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. 
“That depends.” She could see he was now intrigued, so she started to explain. “On whether I like the goal or not. And on whether you understand fully the implications. If you pass, you will get my miraculous and I will deliver you Chat Noir’s miraculous too. If you fail, you still get my miraculous. But you will never get the ring. I made sure that if something happens tonight, he will retire. He will leave Paris and toss the ring into the ocean in a concrete box. You would be left to torture the city all you wish until the League found you, but the ring’s power would forever remain out of your reach. You would be left with nothing but a criminal record. And your son would sooner than later be left without both parents. Of course, you could abandon your crusade, but then I would’ve won. I’m not a naive girl without a plan. Not anymore.” She spat the last part angrily, but her gaze was not focused on Hawkmoth, but far in the distance. 
“I… see. Clever. You’re right. This will probably end tonight.” He looked her over top to bottom. It was the first time he stood so close face to face with Ladybug. His nemesis. 
Gabriel wasn’t sure if he was impressed with her, or infuriated. Scratch that, he was sure he was both. She outsmarted him. She was willing to make an ultimate sacrifice for the sake of ending the fight. In that very moment, in her determined expression, he saw a reflection of another headstrong woman he knew. It was as if Emilie’s spirit stood before him. 
“So? How will it be?” she asked impatiently.
“Follow me.” He simply motioned for her and started walking. 
Soon, the group entered a large chamber, lit by several lights. In the center of a platform in the far end stood a glass coffin. Even from the distance, Marinette easily saw there was a woman inside. She was quick to pass Hawkmoth and get there, even as he was trying to grab her.
When the akuma and Gabriel arrived, they watched as Marinette was carefully pacing around the coffin and muttering under her breath. 
“She overused the damaged miraculous.” It wasn’t a question, but Hawkmoth answered anyway.
“Yes. Only the wish can bring her back.”
“You’re one of the biggest idiots in this whole city!” The girl screamed. “She is not dead, you moron. There are literally five different ways listed in the book which, may I remind you, you possess!” She continued to yell at him. “Hell! You could akumatize someone and give him healing power. You know… use the butterfly miraculous like it was meant to be used!” She scolded. “But nooo! You’ve got to be an idiot and immediately go for the most dangerous, imprecise, reckless, chaotic, risky solution there was! I’m sure she would’ve been ashamed.” 
Gabriel was at a loss for words. Was it really that easy? It couldn’t have been. He checked several times. He would’ve known. The akuma left Nathalie, who collapsed onto the ground. Some tear stains were now visible on her face. “I… I was just… I did what she told me. Only the wish can bring back the dead.” He stammered. 
“She. Is. Not. Dead.” Marinette made sure to punctuate each word. “She is in a coma. She is alive you moron. Tikki! Spots off!” The flash of light signaled the end of her transformation. “Be silent, little one.” She said in a caring voice. She couldn’t bring herself to take her anger on Kwami, but she couldn’t doubt now. “Akumatize me. Give me the power to heal her.”
The corruption left the akuma that was floating in the air, only for Hawkmoth to get his hands around the white butterfly and pour a new dose of power into it. It flew the short distance between them and sunk into Marinette’s purse. She smirked as the corrupted energy passed through her, turning her into an akuma. That is until she could see how she looked. 
“I’m not sure how you can call yourself a designer and yet dress me in this!” she complained. Her skin was now deep red, the color of blood, and her clothes turned into a white nurse uniform. Still, she walked to the coffin and easily opened the top. From her purse (now medic’s bag) she pulled a needle and injected the content into Emilie.
When the beautiful woman started to move, letting out an exhausted groan, Marinette sighed in relief. 
“Wha… what’s going on… the last thing I… Gabriel!” She bolted upright and immediately moaned in pain. Her hand instinctively flew to her back. “Gabriel Agreste! Did you keep me in this coffin for a whole week!?” She yelled at her husband. “And who’re those two?” She pointed at Marinette, who was smiling next to her, and Nathalie, still exhausted on the floor. “You were supposed to only reveal this to Adrien if anything happened to me. There was no talk about your assistant and… um, who’re you?” The woman turned to the akuma, who sighed and tore a strap of her bag. The butterfly left the item and Marinette reverted back to her normal form. 
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m… was… used to be Ladybug.” 
“But you’re just a kid. And why was Ladybug active… Gabriel!” She roared and her husband took a step back. 
Marinette was… surprised. She didn’t expect Emilie to be like that. From what Adrien told her, she was supposed to be the kindest, nicest person in the world. Then again, he might’ve been looking at it through tinted glasses.
“Yup.” The bluenette couldn’t stop herself from commenting. “He decided that the best way to wake you up was to get the miraculi of Ladybug and Black Cat.”
“You nincompoop. That plan was only for when I was dead.” She glared heatedly at her husband and Marinette couldn’t help but be a bit smug. “And you couldn’t get the items from a kid? How many other heroes are there?” 
“Only Chat Noir. He’s my age. And I sometimes call in some help from others.” Marinette supplied quickly. She was having entirely too much fun from watching Emilie tear Hawkmoth a new one. 
“Two kids! You couldn’t defeat two kids! I leave for just one second and you start getting your rear kicked by kids!”
“He also neglected Adrien for the last two years.” Marinette decided to have as much fun as she could while it lasted.
“Gabriel Agreste. You’re officially grounded until I sort this mess. Now take your secretary and leave. I will sort the mess with you later,” she ordered. Her husband could only nod and leave as quickly as possible. 
Marinette was now holding her sides laughing. ”That was amazing. Merci Madame Agreste. I didn’t think I would get to laugh tonight… But this was too good.” 
“Oh sunshine, don’t worry. I will get him in line for you. Whoever decided to let kids fight for them was clearly sick or senile.” 
“Master Fu was… he made some mistakes. I… maybe if I wasn’t so young…”
“It’s not your fault. Whatever you blame yourself for. You shouldn’t have been responsible for Paris. Or whatever else my husband did. I think some time on the couch will do him great.” The woman got up and walked over to pull Marinette into a hug. She then led the girl back to the (now half-open) coffin and seated them both on the edge. “Why don’t you tell me what ails you? I’m sure I can help.” 
For a moment, Marinette looked the woman in the eyes. Then, she started talking. She told her everything.
About a class full of idiots who believed every lie and actively fought against her.
About Lila, who manipulated everyone and did everything to turn her life into a personal version of hell. 
About the teachers, who preferred to let her be walked on then do their jobs.
About her partner, the dorky cat who couldn’t take life seriously and at times was immature. She came to like his antics, but he infuriated her as much as he kept her sane. 
About the so-called heroes, who came into the city and ruined her life.
About the destroyed bakery. The four bodies inside.
“It was her birthday. Today my nonna had her sixtieth birthday. We were celebrating when the Akuma happened. Except the Justice League came. Funny thing. The cure can return anyone killed by magic. It can’t return those killed by aliens tossing cars around.” 
“Do you have any other family?” Emilie asked, worried about the girl. She walked through so much pain in her short life. 
“My uncle… but he lives in Shanghai now. Papa was the only child and Maman moved here from Asia… I’m not sure what will happen next.” The girl revealed. 
“Next? Next, you will come live with us. No strings attached. I have no need for your earrings or other miraculous and I can keep my husband in check. I owe you that much.”
“I… you don’t owe me anything, Madame.” The girl quickly protested. “You’re not responsible for what happened. I don’t blame your family. Those were the American heroes who killed my parents. They were the ones that destroyed half the city. They are the ones to blame,” Marinette informed the woman in a solemn tone. 
“And that’s why I want you to stay with me. With us. I can protect you. Teach you. You can have your vengeance on those who wronged you. I can make you a queen. They will regret the day they wronged you.”
“I… I accept.” Marinette bowed her head.
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royallyjoon · 4 years ago
nephilim (un)
Tumblr media
you know where the cred goes 💙
cult au, supernatural au
yandere! ot7 x f! reader
warnings: yandere themes, violent behavior
the mysterious, age old town of ichabod. within it rests a history hidden from its inhabitants, who are forced to remain there out of fear. you simply wish to live in this town with the people you love without facing its wrath for as long as you can. unfortunately for you, there are great powers on your side who are willing to do whatever it takes to get you. whether you come willingly or not. after all, it only takes a little hellfire
“Come along now, (Y/N).” Your mother’s grip on your wrist tightened as she all but threw you in front of her. You nearly twisted your ankle on the twigs and tree roots that outlined the forest floor. “We are late enough as it is.” 
You huffed and tore your wrist from your mother’s hand to hike up the long, white dress you wore. “Good. I wish we didn’t have to trek out here in the middle of the night every month. Maybe we’ll miss the gathering entirely.”
She smacked your arm harshly. “Not another word from you, smart mouth.” Your mother dressed similarly, the only difference being that her ivory dress paled considerably compared to yours in the moonlight. “We’ve been attending for years. I highly doubt that such a change would be allowed, much less appreciated.”
You shivered at the thought. No matter how much you resented these meetings, you wouldn’t dare miss a summoning.
You stayed quiet for ten more minutes, taking in the rustling of the forest and focusing your efforts on avoiding sharp rocks underfoot. 
Trees rested on either side of you, lining your path and blocking out any natural light with their twisting, sneaking branches. It took all of your effort to ignore the oppressive silence, broken every so often by the snapping of a trig or the movement of some animal, cloaked by shadows in the dark.
Soon enough, you and your mother reached the clearing.
She pulled you back just as you were about to step into the moonlight, throwing a dark cloak in your face. “Are you mad? Put it on!”
You smiled abashedly and threw the material on. The hood was so long it cast a shadow over the lower half of your face but was wide enough for you to see.
Your mother finished arranging her hood and the two of you stepped into the clearing, joining with the last of the circle of cloaked shadows.
The moon shone brightly without the cover of the forest giving your surroundings an ethereal facade. A wooden stage lay at the very middle of the clearing, upon which stood your small town’s resident royalty.
The Kims. 
They were the ruling force of the town, the husband being the mayor, the wife a successful actress. They both settled down in Ichabod twenty-five years ago with their children. What had once been a town amuck with violence and chaos was transformed into a prosperous, well-functioning borough.
How the Kims managed to transform the area nearly overnight, few knew. They have run your city for nearly three decades. And everyone in it is terrified to cross their path.
Directly behind them stood their seven adopted sons, faces shrouded by hoods and masks. You didn’t know too much about them besides their names and faces; five of them currently attended your school and you made sure to give them a wide berth, being as polite as possible.
Kim Moonsik raised his left arm, twisting his wrist in a full circle. He then pointed his hand at the sky, gently lowering his pinky and middle fingers. “Greetings to the moon from her earthly servants.”
You lifted your forearm with everyone else, copied the gesture, and repeated the phrase quietly with disinterest.
“I thank you all for coming on such short notice.” He continued. “As another month commences, we have the pleasure of standing before you all. The moon has graced us with her everlasting beauty and prosperity rains down upon our small town, just as it has for decades before.”
This is usually the part where you would start drifting off. Kim Moonsik could drove on with his speech about the moon for far too long.
About what felt like an hour but was approximately fifteen minutes later, Mr. Kim trailed off and the forest became so silent, you hushed your thoughts in fear of thinking too loud.
The oppressive feeling in the air returned full force and you shivered underneath the warmth of your cloak as Mr. Kim eyed each and every person attending. He was not able to directly see your face, but you felt like the man was staring into your soul.
“Regrettably,” He said, clasping his hands together, “we are not able to part tonight without the moon’s divine punishment.”
Ah, you thought. There it is.
The reason your heart pounds at every one of these meetings. 
All you wanted to do was be that half-asleep little girl again, clutched in your mother’s arms as she trudged her way here every month. 
“Wylynne has decreed that there are sinners in our midst.” Mr. Kim says it quietly, but the gravity in his words travel.
And with a mighty roar, the pyre behind the wooden stage was lit with orange flames. 
The crowd stood in silence, waiting for the dreadful sound. You quaked in the dirt. Would it be you this time? 
But by the grace of the moon, no. 
The telltale, piercing shriek came from the right side of the crowd. Citizens rushed to get away from the teenager cradled in her parents’ arms. The mother could not let go of her daughter, heavily sobbing as the child clutched her head and continued to scream. Her hood had fallen off and your eyes widened as you recognized her.
Natalia Pierre. The two of you had had some awful confrontation a few months ago. Nevertheless, the resident embers of anger could not stop the overwhelming pity you felt as the Kims’ men ripped her away from her parents.
“Please!” She cried as they forced her to her knees before the mayor. Not that she wasn’t already bent over, riddled with pain. “Knives-the knives won’t stop, please get them out!”
Kim Moonsik lay his hand on her shoulder. “Do not worry, my child. You will soon join Wylynne’s heavenly army. May your failures be a lesson, victories a reward, and may your soul live on with the moon forever.”
“May your soul live on with the moon forever.” You whispered the last phrase with everyone else, ignoring the tear that made its way down your cheek. 
Before Natalia could say another word, her screams were cut short as her body was engulfed in purple fire.
It only took a second. Within minutes, her cloak, dress, bones, and ashes were gone. She hadn’t even scorched the grass. You could almost believe you’d dreamed it if her father wasn’t kneeling next to her writhing mother in the dirt.
Mr. Kim smiled gracefully, a sight that reminded you of the grim reaper with the shadow on his face. “To her heavenly grace, the moon, may she travel. To my fellow citizens of Ichabod, I bid goodnight.”
The orange flame behind the stage was doused. You, your mother, and the crowd bowed your heads as you wished goodnight to the Kims. It was only when the last son had left the clearing did anyone else begin moving.
You clutched your mother’s hand all the way home.
Since before you could remember, your mother had been dragging you to Ichabod monthly town meetings. It was the Kims’ way of ensuring the people that the moon continued to bless and favor them and would send prosperity their way in return for a sacrifice. 
In short, they were trapped here and if they wished to keep their lives, they would know better than to cross the Kims.
The people that had tried to run away all failed. They would either, depending on the “grace of the moon,” show up alive right back where they started, or their bodies were placed on the front doors of relatives or neighbors.
Now, you weren’t stupid. You did not believe that it was the actions of Wylynne or whomever Mr. Kim spends his nights singing praises to. The fatal injuries were always exterior, therefore it must have been nothing other than the work of man.
Nevertheless, you were too afraid to risk leaving Ichabod. You preferred to live your life quietly, holding on to your closest friends and family. And it has been successful for the past years.
The next morning as your mom drove you to school, you used your phone’s camera to check your appearance. There were bags under your eyes, so heavy that makeup would not be enough to cover it.
As she drove, you sighed heavily and thought back to last night, wondering how Natalia could have possibly angered the Kims. She never tried to escape--at least, to your knowledge--and she never talked to them at school either...
Your mother pulled up to the curb and you stuffed your phone into your uniform pocket, kissed her on the cheek in goodbye, and closed the car door.
Ichabod Academy, the resident school for all children born and raised inside of this town. It ran from first to twelfth grade, in several different buildings, and made for quite the large campus for the size of your town. The buildings looked quite dreary from the outside with its gray walls and glass doors, most of the lights inside still off.
 It was comparable to the size of a small, inner-city university. Everyone knew everyone, for the better or worse. 
You walked to the upperclassmen building, entered your first class, and lay your head on the desk. 
Usually, you would be able to get at least four hours of sleep the night after a summoning, but last night you barely managed to achieve two. 
Natalia...she wasn’t a bad person. She made mistakes, yes, but she was human above all. 
“(Y/N)?” You heard someone gently ask. You pried your eyes open to see your best friend.
“Hey, Mana.” You yawned. “How did you sleep?”
“Better than you, clearly.” They snorted and dropped themselves into the seat in front of you. “I couldn’t believe...”
You watched them tiredly as they failed to speak their words. “I know.” You finally whispered back.
The teacher walked into the room with a student trailing behind her and you immediately sat up, warily eyeing them both. “Good morning, class. Today we have a new student, transferring from another section. Please introduce yourself.” She motioned.
As if he needed an introduction.
“Good morning, everyone. My name is Kim Jimin. I hope that we can get along and have a great year. Please take care of me.” He bowed slightly.
Your class chorused greetings and you balked slightly as you realized that the only empty seat was...
“You can take the seat next to Ms. (L/N). (Y/N), please raise your hand.”
You put your hand up and Jimin waltzed over to you with the biggest smile. He placed his bag on the floor next to the metal leg of the table. “Hello, seat mate. I hope we can get along.”
You sent a small smile his way--though it may have looked more like a grimace. “Yeah, me too.”
The bell rang for the break and you immediately slammed your notebook shut and dropped your head onto the desk.
Jimin giggled at your side. “Did you not sleep well last night, (Y/N)?”
You groaned out a “no”.
Mana turned around slowly and gently poked at you. “It was emotionally taxing for both of us, I think.” They said and smiled at Jimin. “I’m Mana, (Y/N)’s close friend.” 
“It’s nice to meet you.” He stated. “Emotionally taxing you say...may I ask why?” 
You lifted your head. “Mana, and I used to be good friends with the tribu--girl who was chosen last night.” You quickly corrected yourself. “Then she got involved with this guy...”
“We told Natalia he was no good news, from the very beginning.” Mana interrupted. “But she insisted that he was different with her and kind to her. Then a couple of months into their relationship he has her smoking, drinking, sneaking out to have sex-”
“And it’s not that these things are bad,” you continued. “Like it was her life and she could do what she wanted as long as she was safe, you know? But she wasn’t like that at all before. To see such a drastic change...”
“Next thing you know, he’s spreading her private pictures across the entire campus.” Mana’s fist clenched and you put your hand on theirs to relieve the anger. “We tried to talk to him about her and he was always rude to us, dismissing us off-hand and insulting Natalia behind her back. (Y/N) tried to confront her about his behavior and Natalia fought her, saying she was just jealous of them.”
“After that, we lost touch with her.” You said. “But I would give anything to go back and speak to her, or just apologize.”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Mana fumed. 
“The power of Wylynne is divine and just.” Jimin commented as he stared at you and your friend, unblinking. “She must have taken Ms. Pierre into her celestial army to spare her from facing the punishment of her earthly crimes for the rest of her life. She always has a reason, after all.” 
Mana looked at the table awkwardly. “Yes,” they said, “praise Wylynne.”
You nodded.
“(Y/N)?” Jimin looked at you expectedly. You weren’t familiar with the weight of his gaze, but you quickly learned it wasn’t something you were trying to get accustomed to.
“Praise Wylynne.” You said, flashing another grimace-smile.
Jimin’s eyes disappeared as he smiled and the bell rang, signaling the end of break. 
As the bell rang for lunch, Mana practically yanked your joint out of the socket with how quickly they wanted to leave the classroom. “Come on, we should try and get some food in is before next period.” On the way out, however, you couldn’t help but notice Jimin pulling out a plastic bag that contained a series of containers. There was one large plastic container that had what looked like a main meal, accompanied by four smaller containers that held side dishes.
Jimin sighed forlornly at the pile and you felt a touch of pity for him. Before Mana could drag you out the room completely, you tapped them, gesturing with your head at Jimin and making puppy dog eyes.
They sent you a look that clearly questioning your sanity, but you rolled your eyes in return, gesturing once more to Jimin. A couple of seconds of staring later, Mana allowed you to drag them back over to his desk. 
“Hey Jimin,” you gently approached him, “why are you eating lunch in the classroom?”
“Oh...” his face drooped even more. “...My little brothers and I would always stay behind while everyone else left to go to the cafeteria. We found it uncomfortable to enter that place when everyone would just go quiet and speak around us in whispers....I guess it was just a force of habit.”
You nodded in sad understanding on the outside but sighed in the back of your head. Of course people would avoid them. The Kim children were abandoned out of fear and respect rather than any overt effort to ostracize them.
Before, Jimin was probably accustomed to eating with his brothers Taehyung and Jungkook, but this morning’s schedule and class adjustment ripped the three apart.
You put a hand on his desk, wanting to show comfort without crossing borders. “Well, Mana and I would love to get to know you better as a classmate, or friend... you’re welcome to sit with us if you want?”
Jimin’s eyes widened, glistening with moisture. He snapped his head up, cheeks rosy with a hopeful blush. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude...”
“You’re not intruding! Come on, I’ll grab your bag for you.” Jimin rushed to pack up the containers. He took his bag from you with a smile. “Thank you both,” he whispered.
Walking through the relatively empty school halls with a Kim gave you a sense of confidence you didn’t need. You walked in a line, with you betwixt Mana and Jimin. All the students that saw you widened their eyes and bolted to the side to make way. It wasn’t because of you or Mana--you knew this--but the feeling made you uncomfortable.
It was powerful.
When you all arrived at the cafeteria, you tried to enter inconspicuously by piggybacking behind some tall classmates but it failed miserably. The moment Jimin was spotted, people indeed stopped talking and the room was engulfed in whispers. 
You gently took Jimin by the elbow, smiling at him assuredly, and directed him towards your and Mana’s usual table. It was thankfully empty, so you put your bags down and took your wallets out. 
“We’ll be right back, we’re just gonna go buy some food,” you stated, hearing chatter pick back up. Your best friend must have shot everyone their “mind your business” glare. Jimin nodded, neatly unpacking his lunch. Mana all but dragged you off.
“‘We’d love to get to know you better’? Seriously, (Y/N)! There’s a reason why people avoid the Kims! And you just openly invite one to our lunch table? Are you trying to become the next sacrifice?!” They harshly stage whispered.
“Come on, Mana,” you scoffed as you arrived at the lunch bar. “He’s been separated from his only brother in his class and trapped with a bunch of strangers. The least we could do is eat lunch with him. Don’t transfer the sins, or fear, of the parent to the child.”
Mana glared at you for a long while but eventually huffed out their agreement. “Fine.”
You payed for your food and walked back to the table where your new classmate was politely waiting. “Aw, you didn’t have to wait for us, but thanks!”
“Of course I had to! I should be the ones thanking you for being willing to sit and eat with me...” Jimin spoke ever so softly, looking down at the lunch table.
In this moment, it was easy to forget the fear that lingered from yesterday’s cold, dark night. It was easy to take the hand of the cherubic boy that sat before you and give it a reassuring squeeze. “Think nothing of it. We’re going to be doing this a lot more often, so please look forward to it!”
It was easy to forget the curve of his lip as he quickly hid an arrogant smirk, morphing it into his trademark angelic smile. “Yes, please take care of me!”
Lunch was quite awkward, as it was the first time the three of you had spent a meal together. You and Mana were used to speaking about anything and everything during lunch. You both especially tackled controversial opinions concerning the Kims and their vice-like grip on the minds of those in this town.
Clearly, in this case, that would not have made for clever conversation.
Jimin saved the discussion by turning it towards school, questioning you both on your favorite classes and teachers. If he was able to tell how religiously liberal you were, he was excellent at hiding it. 
He shared funny anecdotes of shenanigans he accomplished with his brothers, stories that had the three of you holding your stomachs in laughter. 
For the most part, you and your friend were relieved. Jimin was not nearly as terrifying as some of his siblings.
Time passed swiftly and before you knew it, the warning bell sounded, prompting people to throw out the rest of their lunch and swarm through the doors. 
You grabbed your and Mana’s tray, throwing the waste away as necessary and placing the trays on the counter, thanking the lunch lady that took them. Then you headed back towards the table, where the two awaited you.
Unlike the passageway that was fairly empty on your way towards the cafeteria, the halls were now teeming with students. They whispered non discreetly, taking glances at the three of you as you walked.
Mana grabbed your arm, letting Jimin go slightly in front as they pulled you back to whisper in your ear. “I could get used to the attention.”
They started snickered but yelped when you slapped their arm. “You wouldn’t be saying that for long. Think of how annoying the constant whispers would get. The Kims have to suffocate underneath all that attention.” You muttered back. Mana considered your words, eventually nodding their head in agreement.
Your best friend did not often have a gentle temperament. They would blow up at students fairly quickly--especially if they were whispering in their face.
The two of you reached the classroom, thanking Jimin as he held the door. Your classmates’ voices hushed and you internally sighed. If you hadn’t noticed their explicit cautiousness before, you definitely did now.
The teacher for the next lesson, Mrs. Hargrove, came in quickly after you, placing stacks of papers on their desk and shutting down conversation.  
“Good afternoon, students. I hope everyone had a great lunch.” Mrs. Hargrove’s appearance looked a little more frazzled than usual as she pushed her frizzy hair behind her ears and smoothed down her skirt, but no one made a comment on it. “Today, we’re going to be making an adjustment to our syllabus. Rather than have you all complete individual projects and two tests for semester, I will be placing you in pairs where you will complete a much larger research project with only one test.”
Some of your classmates sighed in relief while others groaned, and you all erupted into conversations. You didn’t mind completing an individual project, but the stress of research and choosing the topic would weigh on you for a while.
Mana turned to you, dread written all over their face. “We’re going to have to research? Kill me now. What topic do you think we should choose?”
You giggle at their dramatic antics but are swiftly interrupted by the teacher. “Actually, Ms. Waye, Ms. (L/N) will be working with Mr. Kim here...as they are seat mates after all.” Mrs. Hargrove glanced over to Jimin, almost as if she were looking for something in his expression. 
His face gave away nothing and he disregarded her with a stare. 
Mana sneered at the teacher’s blatant disregard for their pronouns, but Mrs. Hargrove paid them no mind, eyes blown wide open as if she’d seen the devil himself. She turned away, stuttering.
“You w-will all be working with your seat mates. I don’t want you taking up any class time to fight over who will be your partner. Now that we have an even amount of students in our class, it settles everything quite nicely. As for the chosen topic, I want each pair to research and present on a certain mythological creature.”
You smiled apologetically at Mana, who pouted and turned around to talk to their partner.
Mrs. Hargrove walked back up to the front of the class, handing out the stacks of papers with the required information for the assignment.
“So, (Y/N),” Jimin calling your name broke your attention from the teacher and you looked over at him. “What creature do you think we should research?”
“I’m not sure...but I kind of wanted to talk about a more obscure creature. We could choose one that isn’t as highly discussed.” You said excitedly.
“That’s a good idea! I’m pretty sure my parents have some old books of lore in our library at home...we’d easily be able to find a creature that people don’t know about there. Would you want to come over and check them out?” Jimin offered.
You stared at him, grin slightly slipping. Going to the Kim household? Without your mother’s hand to hold, or reprimanding to keep you from doing something foolish? This would be completely different from meeting them in the woods and escaping to the safety of your home afterwards.
You’d be walking into the lions’ den of your own volition.
Jimin saw your hesitation and his face crumpled. “It’s fine if you don’t want to...I’d understand,” he muttered.
But seeing his crestfallen expression, you shook all the bad thoughts from your head. “No! It’s fine. I would love to come over...I just have to let my mom know.”
What is she going to do--say no? You thought to yourself, grimacing.
Jimin’s face broke out into the biggest smile you’d seen today. “Really? That’s great!” His cheeks were full in happiness and you felt immensely better. 
You raised your hand, bringing Mrs. Hargrove over. “May I go make a quick phone call to my mother?”
She nods, glancing again at your partner. You wanted to extricate yourself from the strange atmosphere as soon as possible, so you shoved your phone in your pocket and trekked out into the hall.
You fully weren’t expecting your mother to answer, but she picked up after only a few rings. “Hello?”
“Hey Mom,” you said. “How’s everything at work?”
“Fine,” she said. “I can’t be on the phone for long--what’s up?”
“Would it be okay for me to go over to a classmate’s house for a school project? We were just assigned it and we need to do research. It’s a really big part of our grade this semester.”
She was silent for a moment. “Who is this classmate?”
“...Kim Jimin.”
You pulled the phone away from your ear and scanned your eyes up and down the hallway as your mother’s volume increased by multiple decibals.
“Yes, I know...He invited me to his house, he said his parents have books we can look into...yes, it’s necessary, unless you want my grades to drop!”
In your determination to placate your mother, you didn’t notice the classroom door opening, nor did you notice the shadow that lurked around the corner.
“Mom, we can’t exactly refuse...it’s just a school project, I’ll be fine!” 
You sighed in exasperation as your mother launched off a series of directions, ordering you to text her every hour and watch your behavior around the Kims in her absence. After a string of “yes”, “I know”, and “I will”s, you hung up the phone, shaking your head.
You shoved the device in your pocket and hightailed it to the nearest bathroom, wanting to splash some water on your face before returning to class.
Jimin smirked at your retreating figure, taking his own phone out and tapping out a message. Once he received the response he was looking for, he tucked his phone away, brightened his facial expression, and opened the door to the classroom.
The moment had finally arrived: the end of the school day.
Mana watched on pitifully as you packed your books away, Jimin standing patiently above you.
Perhaps it was a bit dramatic to feel so scared, but as far as you or Mana knew, this was the first time someone was (willingly) going over to the Kim’s house. And for something as simple as a school project, no less.
“Alright then...we’re off!” you told your best friend, swinging your bag over your shoulder and tugging them into a hug. 
“Good luck on your project! Hope you guys find what you’re looking for,” Mana said, squeezing your midsection painfully tight. “See you tomorrow morning.” They smiled at Jimin, who acknowledged them with a small grin.
You nodded, stepping out from behind the desk and followed Jimin out the classroom. 
As soon as he had one toe out the door, however, he was tackled by a blurry figure with neck length, curly, dark hair. Jimin, whose surprise quickly turned into glee, wrapped his arms around the figure. “Taehyungie!”
The sudden motion made you pause in the doorway, one breath away from knocking your head into Jimin’s back. 
“I missed you today! I hate the fact that Mr. Burham made you switch classes--we always stick together!” Kim Taehyung pressed his face into Jimin’s neck, but you managed to hear the words he spoke. Jimin chuckled.
“We live together, Taehyung ah, we’d see each other regardless!” 
Taehyung lifted his face from his brother’s neck, brittle brown eyes glancing up to meet yours. You felt intimidated by the loss of the sparkle they’d held, but raised a hand to smile and wave at him regardless. “Hi...”
“Oh, Tae! Let me introduce you two.” Jimin hauled his little brother off of him and pulled the two of you by the hand out the doorway so that other students could leave. “(Y/N), this is Taehyung, one of my younger brothers. Tae, this is (Y/N). Mrs. Hargrove assigned us a project on a mythological creature and she’s my partner, so she’ll be coming home with us today to start research.”
You stood against the wall, a polite smile on your face. Taehyung was staring at you with a deadpan expression on his face, assessing you. You didn’t know much about the qualifications of this test, but you assumed it was crucial that you passed it.
All too quickly, his face broke out into a large grin and he swept you into his arms. You grunted at the force with which he pressed you into his chest. “Nice to meet you, (Y/N)!” 
“Um, nice to meet you too...”
“Tae, you can’t just touch her without her permission!” Jimin pulled Taehyung off of you, smiling apologetically. You waved it off, gaping at both of them as they rehashed their day for the other.
The two brothers chatted happily, arms around each other’s shoulders as they ambled through the halls and out the front door of the school. Students sent you scandalized glances as you trailed behind them, but you were too busy updating your mother to pay attention. When you finally looked up, you saw Jimin and Taehyung leading you to a large, sleek, black van. 
Is this what getting abducted in broad daylight feels like?
 But you recognized this car. This was the Kim’s family car, driven by a hired professional to take their five children to school and back. You’d seen it many a times in the morning with your mother.
Students whispered as the three juniors approached the vehicle while you cautiously eyed the three figures that stood in front of it.
Kim Jungkook, the school’s most talented freshman. He’d already made high marks in all of the clubs he’d joined, with special attention to the music and sports club. He was so talented in boxing that the Kims, already large beneficiaries of the school, had given the director the money to start and finance the new boxing club. 
Kim Hoseok, the captain of the dance team with an academic prowess that was second to only one person in the whole school. He’d taken your school dance team to nationals and, although very kind to the general student body, it was not lost on everyone how exhausted the members of his team would be in competition season. No one in after school activities could forget the sound of him sounding out beats or barking orders through the halls during rehearsals.
And finally, Kim Namjoon. The president of the Association for the Student Body and resident academic genius. He’d held the top scores for every class he’d been in since freshman year. The school trophy case was jokingly nicknamed “Namjoon’s Bureau” after the amount of awards that had his name on them. 
Never would you have guessed that you would be meeting not one, but all five of the Kim siblings--on the same day, no less.
“Oh ho, Jiminie,” Hoseok teased as you approached, ruffling his little brother’s hair. “Who’s this?”
Be still, my beating heart--
“Hello! I’m (Y/N), a classmate of Jimin’s. It’s nice to meet you all.” You greeted them with a sharp, but quick bow.
“We were assigned a project to research a mythological creature.”Jimin clung to Namjoon by the arm while he and Jungkook were busy staring at you. “Namjoon hyung, would you help us find the books Dad once showed us in the library? The ones with all the lore and stories?” 
On the outside, this felt like a normal day of being introduced to an acquaintance’s family members. 
On the inside, however, you were reminded of the purple flames that stole Natalia’s existence from this mortal plane in mere seconds every time you looked one of the older Kim siblings in the eyes.
Jungkook merely looked curious, doe eyes wide in surprise. But Namjoon...
Even though they were adopted, Namjoon held the same crazed, righteous look in his eyes that Kim Moonsik would have whenever he announced the next tribute for Wylynne’s army.
“I’d be happy to find them for you guys,” Namjoon grinned at you.
You “smiled” back.
That was a grimace...that was a definitely a grimace. You seriously needed to work on your facial expressions around them.
Hoseok opened the car door, sliding into the very back with Jungkook and Taehyung while Jimin leapt for the window seat. This left you between him and his older brother, and you fought the urge to groan aloud.
Once inside the car, Namjoon alerted the driver that everyone was present and the man took off without another word. While he was distracted, you lowered your phone brightness and updated your mother again on your location.
“So, (Y/N), how was your day?” You jerk your head up and turn towards the voice, Hoseok questioning you while still wearing that ear-splitting grin. 
“It was alright! I met Jimin this morning and then we attended classes and lunch...” you said, fiddling with the power button on your phone. 
Hoseok and Taehyung continued to ask you a few more questions, like your favorite color and artists, about your classes and any future career plans. Jimin would cut in every so often with a statement or question of his own, and Jungkook and Namjoon simply watched on quietly as the conversation took place.
You leaned your head on the space between the headrests of the seats, tilting it to the right. You thought this morning’s fatigue had been chased away by the excitement of the day, but it was actually resting, lying in wait for the moment where you would put your guard down.
As much as you wanted to avoid it, the rumbling of the AC and comfort provided by the plush, leather seats caused the background noise in the car to fade before disappearing completely.
Jungkook seemed to be the only one to notice your breathing slow. “She’s asleep.”
Any and all conversation that had been taking place shut down immediately as they all gazed at your figure. 
At some point in your sleep, you started to shiver from the temperature of the AC. Jungkook quickly peeled off his school sweater and handed it to Jimin, who pouted slightly as he draped it over your form. 
They watched the slow rise and fall of your chest and listened to the soft breathing noises you let out in your sleep. The world outside was forgotten, and for a few, precious moments it was only you and them.
And if all went according to plan, soon it would be much, much longer than a few precious moments. Their world would only consist of you and them, all of them, for the rest of time.
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vanilla-sky01 · 3 years ago
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The Flame and The Moth
Chapter 1
Stepping out of the Rolls-Royce, the first thing that caught Taehyung s attention was the huge oak tree , lit up with fairy lights for the occasion. The last time he was here, he had been tied to that very tree while your father and his thugs spent the night beating the life out of him.
And yet, here he was.. ten years later, as a honorary special guest in the same house.
Taehyung smirked and turned towards the house and buttoned up his Tom Ford suit and displayed his most famous smile which never reached his eyes to the host who approached him with an equally insincere grin on his face.
Taehyung was not the naive sixteen year old anymore. He knew that he had paid a heavy price to be where he was and one of the driving forces that kept him motivated through all the tough times was the humiliation he had gone through at this very house.
"Aigoo... how handsome you look, Taehyung shi.. if only your grandparents were still around to see you so successful and famous now," Kown Jinyoung, a formidable man, even in his sixties , took Taehyung s hand and greeted him.
Taehyung grinned his teeth together and kept the smile on his face, already enraged at his father for making him do this. Taehyung hated visiting his grandparents village after their death as it only reminded him of how much he missed them and how lonely they must have been during their last years without their favourite grandson with them.
But his father had been adamant. The Mayor of the place had visited your parents place personally and invited Taehyung and his parents for his grandson s engagement party.
Taehyung s parents couldn't attend the party as his own sister was pregnant and was due soon so they had to stay with her at her place in Seoul. Since BTS was on a break, they felt it appropriate for their eldest son to attend the party on their behalf.
Taehyung seyes wandered around the huge mansion ,taking in all the grandiose decor put up for the occasion. He had never been inside the mansion before and even now, when he owned one of the most costliest apartment in Seoul and has stayed in the best of hotels around the world, the mansion intrigued him.
"You know my grandson, Kwon Sangwoo. I believe you both attended the same high school. This is his friend, Choi Minho, his friend and the bride s brother. I will leave you here to catch up with them. I heard the Minister of Health and Welfare has just arrived," Kwon Jinyoung scurried away, leaving the three men to stand awkwardly.
"So.. Taehyung.. its been a long time. I am sure y/n will be very surprised to see you today. You both were pretty close back then," Choi Minho tried innocently to break the tension in the air.
Sangwoo stiffened beside Minho, dare not to make eye contact with the world star, snatching a flute of champagne from a waiter passing by.
"Why, think of the devil... y/n, look who is here," Minho looked at someone behind Taehying s back and waved.
Your cheeks hurt from how long you were smiling and greeting the hundred plus visitors to your brother s engagement party that when your boyfriend waved at you and beckoned you, you were relieved.
You strode towards him, politely making small bows and nods towards people you hardly knew. You were desperately waiting for thr day to end so that you could get out of your metallic Vera Wong dress and into a comfortable cashmere pajamas with a glass of wine.
It took you a minute to register the face the man standing next to Minho. It was the face of the adorable boy you grew playing chase in the garden with. It was the face of the broody teenager who suddenly realised the vast distance between his and your social status and distanced himself from you. It was also the face of the boy you gave your virginity to....
You stopped midstride causing a passing waited to bump into you, spilling a tray full of drinks on and around you.
People around you gasped in surprise and were distracted by the unfortunate event, including Minho, that nobody noticed the way Taehyung was intensely staring at you from across the room.
"Y/N, omg..your dress is completely ruined. Come on , let's go get you changed," your best friend and soon to be sister in law broke you out of your trance.
As you followed Dami out of the room, you hoped that you had just imagined the person there but you knew from the way your hair on your neck stood on its end, that you were wrong. He was here. Now. Staring at your back even as you walk away...
"Y/N, breathe... you look you just saw a ghost," Dami s concern shows on her face as she pats tissues on your wet dress.
"Dami.. I.. I saw Taehyung..." Your voice comes out as a whisper.
"Which Taehyung?" Dami responds oblivious to the turmoil inside you, rummaging through your closet for something to replace your wet dress.
Not hearing a reply, she turns around and it finally dawn on her.
"Kim Taehyung? The one you..." she stopped herself just in time .
Dami walked out of your closet and sat beside you and took your hands in hers.
"Y/N, if you don't want to come down, it's ok. Abeoji is too busy with the Minister, I will handle your brother and mine. Come down when you are feeling better , ok?"
You sat still as a statue as Dami found another Dior Haute Couture gown for you to change into incase you changed your mind.
You don't know how long you sat there like that. The boisterous laughters and cheers you heard downstairs reached your igloo of despair.
Just as you got up to change your dress, you heard scrapping sounds in the attached balcony of your bedroom.
Scooping the wet gown, you opened the balcony door slowly to find the man you most dreaded dusting his suit and straightening.
"Tae...Tae.." your voice stuck to the back of your throat and refused to come out.
"Thank god! I thought you forgot me! " Taehyung gave you his usual boxy smile and walked forward.
That smile on that face. You could almost cheat yourself into thinking nothing had changed in the ten years. That he was here to spend time with you just because he was lonely or you were.
You swallowed and continued staring at him. His brows furrowed in confusion as he walked past you into your room and whistled.
"Why are you here, Taehyung shi?" You walked inside , leaving the door behind you open.
" Taehyung shi? Seriously? Y/N, we have known each other since we were in diapers!! Aren't you glad to see me? Don't you have anything else to say?"
Taehyung removed his jacked and dropped it on the floor unceremoniously.
Guilt got the better of you. You indeed had a lot to say to him. Apologies to him for...
Your eyes automatically went to the oak tree draped in fairy lights and when you returned your eyes to him, you found him staring at the tree too.
" I almost died that day, y/n... I... "
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you sobbed openly.
"I am so sorry, Tae... I didn't know... I was ..."
"I was ready to die for you... I was ready to leave all the people I loved for you... but you didn't come, y/n... "
"Tae.. I couldn't... my dad.." You pleaded , hoping that after years you would finally get the chance to apologise to your hearts content.
"I loved you so much.. " Taehyung s eyes glittered with unshed tears.
Seeing him broken like this, you rushed to him and took his face in your hands..
"Tae, look at me. I came for you. As soon as I could. I promise... I begged your grandparents to tell me where they took you.. I visited the agency you got am offer from for months enquiring about you.. "
Taehyung placed a finger on your lips, stopping your rant and placed his forehead on yours. Gulping and hiccuping sobs filled the room and gradually died down.
Taehyung slowly bent down and his lips softly and delicately, like butterfly wings brushed against yours. Gently he sucked your lips between his and moved his hands to your waist.
You gently place your hands on his chest and push him.
"Tae.. I.. we can't," you whispered.
Taehyung stepped back and looked at you with an unreadable look on his face.
"Why not? I am no longer a farmer s grandson. There are millions of girls who would kill to be in your place," his baritone voice clearly conveyed the anger and hurt.
"I know... so you should find one of them, Tae. We were never meant to be. I am engaged to be married to Minho oppa soon. We both should.. we should forget the past and move on.." your voice choked.
"Do you love him then? I thought you didn't want to be a trophy wife like your mother? I thought you wanted to marry for love?" He challenged you.
"I do.. I am marrying for love.. I love ..."
A knock on your door stopped the heated bickering and your eyes widened in fear.
No.. no.. no.. they can't catch you and Taehying alone again...
Taehyung had a different idea in mind.. He strode towards the door and swung it open to the shocked face of your brother and Dami.
Taehyung smirked at your brother.
"Sangwoo ah.. you have the most annoying habit of interrupting y/n and me always. Atleast this time, you came when we were both still decently dressed," he taunted your brother.
Sangwoo had been fuming mad ever since he saw Taehyung enter the house and he took this moment to go on a rampage.
But years of dance training and exercise , had made Taehyung nimble on his feet as he dodged Sangwoo s hands and picked up the jacket he had dropped.
Taehyung gave you a two finger and walked towards towards balcony and effortlessly dropped himself to the ground level.
"See you around, y/n," his deep voice echoed across the lawn as he grinned from ear to ear at all the shocked spectators and jogged towards his car.
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